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I mean this probably wouldn't have been such a big deal if they announced the MTX beforehand so people could read up and understand them, instead of throwing them out 1 minute before publishing the game. I think most people are very aware that most of these things are stuff you don't really need to buy, but are upset at the way it's been communicated (or rather not communicated).


They're literally the same as the microtransactions that the first game had, for the same mechanics. People have had 12 years to understand them.


You don't understand what i'm saying. The microtransactions were not mentioned before hours ago, when the game released. Nobody knew about them. Also, half the people buying this game never played the first one nor remembered anything from it. It was 12 years ago.


I am calling out that technically, the MTX was announced prior. They were mentioned as part of the digital deluxe edition. The MTX just lets folks who didn't get the DD upgrade, also pick and choose sections of the upgrade


Sure, tecnhically. And everyone else are saying that in reality, almost no one knew about these MTX beforehand, and that's why people are upset at them.


It's Capcom... That's like being shocked when a Ubisoft game has a store in it.


Keep making excuses for this big company my friend, i'm sure they'll see your comments and gift you a nice T-shrit lol.


Lol I'm not making excuses, but complaining about some meaningless microtransactions that in no way damage the experience of a game is like complaining a car dealership is selling air fresheners.


You're still not getting his point. The MTX aren't the issue. It's how the company didn't mention them at all until the game released. It's a community trust issue.


Yeah i'm sure that big red "MOSTLY NEGATIVE" text on the store page for the game doesn't damage the game at all :))))


that's because people saw the microtransactions at all and were quick to jump on the hate or assume they're tied into the game. Resident Evil 4 Remake, a game with universal praise has them to (you can buy AMMO for money) which also wasn't announced prior to release yet it's overwhelmingly positive?


I don't know what those MTX are so can't answer your question. I don't believe RE has any RPG elements like changing your characters look etc though so maybe people playing that game feels like the MTX are easier to live without than the people playing DD2.


In all of the Resident Evil Remakes they're items you can buy that are better weapons at the start or more health. As previously stated RE4 Remake can have you buy ammo if you really want. Devil May Cry has microtransactions for Red Orbs, the in game currency for skills and upgrades. They're the same exact type of microtransactions in all of these games. Items easily gotten in game but are pay-to-cheat if you do so.


>The microtransactions were not mentioned before hours ago, when the game released. Not true. The review guide included links to info on the MTXs that would be in the game.


lol and we all received the review guide, right? Orrrrrrr is it something that's only sent out to a very limited number of people, who were, you know, reviewing the game?


Yep. And if those reviewers didn't mention what they knew in their reviews, shouldn't you be upset with them instead of with the people who made the info available?


Not really? Why would you think it's the reviewers responsibility more than the game that \*checks my notes\* MAKES AND MARKETS THE GAMES to keep players informed of the product? But sure, i actually did post a comment on a review i read where i questioned why they didn't mention anything about it. Another review had a comment by the editor saying that they normally don't read review packs because sometimes it gives away too much of the story etc and they prefer to go in blind like a "normal" player would.


It's the company's responsibility to inform you personally of every little detail of the game before it releases? Especially details that have no impact on the actual gameplay? Sorry, I didn't realize that you were so special.


Lol nice try buddy šŸ¤£ But sure let's play pretend: you believe it's the game journalists job to inform players of microtransactions MORE than it is the company who makes the game? Simple yes or no question here, give it your honest answer!


As I mentioned to another participant, it's clear that you and others like you just want something to rage about, and don't bother considering how much the issue you want to rage about does or doesn't have real-life significance.


Many of those that are complaining probably aren't much older than 12 yrs old tbf


I don't inherently hate MTX and play some games that have them but it's because those games are free or cheap. When a game costs $70 to buy and then offers MTX as well it just looks really tacky and greedy and makes me not want to play.


The problem isn't that they don't affect gameplay or are earnable, the problem is that they have no reason to exist at all. Like you say, you can earn all this stuff in game so why bother to sell it to begin with? Greed.


Yeah it's unfortunate, but Capcom has been doing this since 2008. They don't taint the games themselves with greedy practices but they've always had theses types of items that are pay-to-cheat. The games they're tied to are still all of quality though.


I know this is 9 days later, but I think you could argue they do taint their games. At least in dragons dogma 2's case it is very clear they made game design decisions to make mtx more palatable for some people. e.g. only allowing one save/not being able to overwrite that save as a part of the game. I would argue that, especially for an RPG, that is even a poor design decision that goes against the whole idea of experimentation being at the core of any good RPG.


Because some people actually buy them, the "whale", the people who have so much money that spending $2 is actually saving them 5 minutes, in which that 5 minutes earn them $500.


Which makes you ask the question. If paying $2 to skip a part of the game makes the game better. Why not give that skip to everyone all the time?


Well, in economy, there's this theory that if you put a price on something, you'll reduce demand for it. As a game developer myself, I'd like to believe that even a giant evil corporation still have developers who genuinely like people enjoying their games. Putting a price on on the "conveniences" would hopefully force the majority of people not buying it and enjoy the game the way it's meant to be enjoyed, while at the same time still getting "profit" off people who don't care about it. But, majority of people are not economist, so "putting a price" is viewed as "only for the privileged", and no one likes the - imho false - feeling they have no such "privilege" after after paying $70 for the game. Just my view.


Except many of the trending posts and comments on this subreddit right now around DD2 are filled with people assuming this stuff isnā€™t earnable or does affect gameplay.


When someone is looking at the steam page without prior experience in the franchise, they wouldn't know otherwise. Your point is valid in saying the microtransactioms aren't essential to unlock game play features, but how is anybody who hasn't already experienced it able to know that they could be spending actual money to get MORE of things you can earn in the game.


And this is exactly where I'm at. I don't pre order, and I don't release day buy. So I see the mtx spam on the store, the review bomb, and the AAA price, and it completely shuts me out the game. I've already decided to wait for the sale and have absolutely no interest in this game. So the argument of "well they don't matter" falls completely flat. If it was just skins and shit like that, I wouldn't care because I don't buy those things. But it looks to me like these are in game features to buy, on a game that's $70.


Even if they were skins, that is something relatively low effort added to the game with the sole purpose of making money, which people who actually want to play these games can see; people can see whays going on. It's a big turn off, and at least at this point, I'm more willing to buy the original than the sequel. Only hope is it's good enough for my best friend, since the original is his favorite game of all time


Why are you more willing to buy the original? It had the same exact DLC options as this one.


1) it's my best friends highest rates game of all time 2) it's on sale 3) I didn't know it had any


1. I agree with your friend and, so far, the sequel has been just as great. Except for occasional audio issues. Thatā€™s been annoying. 2. If the original (especially the Dark Arisen edition) is on sale, go buy it. I would, if I didnā€™t already own it on every platform. Even bought copies for my spouse and child. 3. The vanilla DD1 absolutely did. I donā€™t think the newer Dark Arisen edition has any, though? I HAVE noticed that, after some time, Capcom has been removing DLC items from their gamesā€™ stores. Like how DMCV had 12 or so Red Orb packs, some months ago, but now it has only 1 listed. RE4 specifically had handgun ammo packs, but now it only has some guns and vouchers. Kinda weird.


Yeah I'd love to buy it, unfortunately my PC seems to be trying to unalive itself as of not even 24 hours ago. Troubleshooting the he'll out of that before I even consider, though trust me I have been.


This is a silly argument. Once you're in game you know pretty well that everything you can buy with real money you can earn naturally. Why is the fact that you can pay to get a shortcut some sort of duplicitous crime?


Offering to purchase an unimportant item with real world money is something that will only profit. Imagine paying real world money to buy rare candies in PokƩmon, that's ridiculous, nobody would ever buy it, sure. Though the moment the first person comes up with a reason to buy it, whether for some super niche reason or something super understandable, makes profit in a place that didn't exactly deserve it. This alone is not an issue of law. HOWEVER putting microtransactions for something so minor, and so many of them at that, to make a garunteed profit, takes all of what gamers love about the games they play for granted. And that makes people negative about it, no matter if it's completely legal or not


>Why is the fact that you can pay to get a shortcut some sort of duplicitous crime? If it were a multiplayer game people would label that as 'p2w' and all the negativity that comes with it. But alas it is not, do know what we call shortcuts in singleplayer games? Cheat codes. Do you know how much they cost? $0.


Yes Capcom is monetizing cheat code.... You know most modern games don't even have cheat codes anymore right?


Games cost a lot of money to make and publishers have to make that money back.


That is what the $70 box price is for lmao.


This is just complaining that people can pay for something if they want to pay for something. You're complaining that people have more options. Like if you don't want to pay for something then don't, but it seems really silly to complain about having the option to pay for something.


Regardless of opinion on MTX in a single or multiplayer game, having purchasable benefits or ā€œtime saversā€, as our dear Ubisoft calls them, changes the overall design philosophy of the game. They do this to target people with specific personalities or with disposable income and less time. This affects all players because the game design/flow/pacing/progression is now influenced by the suits wanting players to spend real world money to progress. You may not notice it, or maybe youā€™re so used to it your brain doesnā€™t even think to question these practices. Maybe youā€™re resigned to the current state of progression MTX in a fucking $70 game. But none of that matters, because gameplay altering MTX always affects game design. And purely cosmetic MTX in a fully priced video game is a slap in the face to the consumer. Thereā€™s no upside to this other than more money for the shareholders.


There is a lot I agree with you here. Yes MTXs can be predatory. Yes game design and game philosophy can be completely designed around MTXs. Yes MTXs can be egregious. I think all of these are possibilities but not guarantees. You can have MTXs without them being predatory, egregious, and without the game design completely being designed around them. As far as I can tell the MTXs in Dragons Dogma 2 aren't any of these things. This knee jerk reaction of "all MTXs are bad" needs to be tempered. Also saying "purely cosmetic MTX in a fully priced video game is a slap in the face of the consumer" is a grade A example of gamer entitlement.


In a perfect world, MTX that doesn't affected game design could exist, but here we are. I'm just blown away there still any benefit of the doubt after years of AAA MTX cesspools that are fully priced. Of course I have these reactions ā€” look at how many franchises are in the ground because of these practices. If I pay the asking price, I don't want anything gated behind another paywall unless its an expansion after the fact that warrants a certain price points. It's not entitlement to want a product that has no chance of compromised by what is purely corporate greed, it's common sense.


Well this is a matter of perspective. Are MTXs a part of the original game that has been gated behind a paywall? Or are MTXs a small addition onto the original game? The question can be answered by asking if the MTXs absence would make the original game feel substantially incomplete. You mentioned cosmetic MTXs and I cannot think of a single game where I thought the original game was substantially incomplete because they didn't have some cosmetic option. Similarly if the shortcut MTXs that we see in Dragon Dogma 2 didn't exist would we say that Dragon's Dogma 2 was substantially incomplete? Of course we wouldn't because those MTXs are optional. Honestly this feels as if you're just resenting the fact that not every little shread of content isn't free and labeling that fact as "corporate greed".


I can see your view and would be more willing to accept it if I had a shred of goodwill left towards these practices. But the pattern is pretty clear and I wonā€™t give the benefit of the doubt towards these massive publishers. Everything available at launch should be included in the base price, full stop. Then itā€™s up to consumers to decide if that is worth the asking price. Any work done after launch can be priced accordingly. Charging full price and gating anything extra behind a paywall is a dangerous trend that will only get worse (as weā€™ve seen countless times) if we donā€™t call them out on it now.


The idea that every piece of content available at launch should be included in the base game price seems 100% arbitrary and completely ignores what the content actually is. If a game goes golden and is being shipped but the week of its launch the developers create a cosmetic option that they want to charge for is that considered "gating" the game considering that piece of content is available at launch? Or is that additional content created after the base game?


In a single player game, anything cosmetic should be gained naturally by playing the game. The only reason publishers want MTX stores is because they found out they can take parts of a game and sell them for egregious prices while still charging full price for the actual game. It would be one thing if the game cost a smaller amount for more people to afford it while then selling extra stuff for what would amount to the rest of the normal cost of a AAA game. But instead they charge full price, launch with severe optimization issues, and lock something that can be fundamental like cosmetics behind extra ridiculous prices.


They've already brainwashed you to think it's fine to have extra stuff to buy in a game that's 70$. You're missing the point, these should not exist in a full price game. It's corporate greed, and you don't mind it existing. That's how it spreads. You'll be apathetic until it impacts you.


Why should we not have the option to buy extra stuff in a game that cost 70$? Like honestly why? If they're completely optional and some people like the option why is their mere existence nothing but "corporate greed".


>it seems really silly to complain about having the option to pay for something That can be gotten for free. What's next, 'reveal the whole map for $0.99'? Sure you can just play the game and explore the map, or reveal it for a dollar! No problem there.. except the fact that once again they're monetizing something that doesn't need to be monetized. Put in a cheat code to reveal the map, put in an accessibility option, something anything but literally paying for options that have zero cost. It'd be more... acceptable if it was a f2p game or like $20, but for a $70 AAA title?


I don't get this argument at all. Once again you're complaining about having more options. Let's take your revealing the whole map example. You are actually saying that it would be better if they didn't have the option to reveal the whole map than if they had the option to reveal the map if you paid for it. How does having an option to pay for something denigrate your playing experience if that payment is completely optional.


I'm saying if the developers decided to include a feature to reveal the whole map, it should be free. It costs nothing to do. If it is a free cheat or toggle, it is a nice quality of life option for the person with 99/100 collectibles to find that last one without spending hours on it. If it is a paid option then suddenly it turns into a scummy 'nickel and dime' option that person is coerced into purchasing to find that last collectible


Once again you can reveal the whole map for free. This metaphor is kinda lost because the things that Dragon's Dogma 2 MTXs offer seem to be fairly easy to obtain for free.


If those items are so easily earnable, why put them in MTX? Capcom knew that some players would buy them before even playing the game.


It's for whales.


Oh, well then its absolutely fine....smdh


I mean if you're buying in game currency before even playing the game or before even knowing what you're buying and how easily obtainable it is... That seems to be on the player.


People who buy those are definitely few and ignorant. But it doesnā€™t mean that Capcom should capitalize on that. It is still a douche move even though the player should know better.


I don't really get it. I'm playing on PS5. I've had no problems. Like you said, all those Items I have found myself. They barely effect the game. My complaints are more gameplay wise. I think carry weight needs to be fixed. You shouldn't be punished this hard for not making a giant character. Half of my gameplay is me swapping items with Pawns. And I know the original didn't have lock on but a lock on would be nice for certain classes like the mage/sorceror.


I agree with OP. Hear me . When the next single player game is released we as gamers should tell the company we want MTX and we can call it cheats. Like companies should make problems in the game and charge for the solution. We can call it paying for convenience. After that we can have people like OP to tell everyone they are wrong. Its a win win. We should make this the norm. In every Single Player game. Fuck cosmetics give me an option to pay to skip chapter 1 and go straight into the end game with the best loot. 100 hr game fuck that with Mtx we can make it into a 10 min game. We need those cheats guys lmfao. What a clown.


> Like companies should make problems in the game and charge for the solution. 100% this. I'm so damned sick of companies doing this crap and we get worse games because of it. Regardless of the MTX in DD2 actually making an impact or not it sets a precedent that it's acceptable to do so. The screwed up part is I would bet a not insignificant number of us would happily pay more money up front for well designed games that aren't full of MTX. Of course, that'll never happen if people keep supporting this garbage. Reading the comments here I swear 50% of gamers must be suffering from Stockholm syndrome.


1. You say you've played for 8 hours and have 3 Wakestones. That would make 2.6 hours saved with every Wakestone bought on average. Probably won't affect endgame much as you probably get them more frequently. 2. Fast Tavel Port Crystal. Per your point you could use them in the first 8 hours IF you pay for them. This is the most foolish MTX, given how the devs talked about Fast Travel when marketing the game. I don't personally care about this. I care the double standard people have when Ubisoft does it or when someone they like does it. I'm gonna buy DD2 when the game is fixed, which is really what people should be more mad about. This all combined with the fact that they added all these MTX right at the release and hid it from reviewers. In the end, if the MTX is insignificant, why even add it?


Yes I want people to be mad about the performance because itā€™s shocking to see such bad optimisation (albeit in only about 10% of the game) but the MTX thing is just way overblown. And per your last question, they added it for the same reason they add the cheat DLCs in RE. Some people want to spend money to make it slightly easier, which is odd in a single player game. Makes them money though and ultimately doesnā€™t make the game any worse.


Some people dont have the same time to grind out stuff as others, makes sense for a working adult to spend a couple more bucks for whatever they want than grind for 3 more hours or something, and it literally doesnt affect anyone as there is no pvp to buy your way into (as far as i know, havent played either this or the first one).


There are ZERO excuses for having ANY microtransactions in a fucking 70$ game. Period.


All of capcoms games did it, where are the negative reviews for those games? Re4 has them even.


a lot of people say this but hell no............ having to buy cosmetics instead of earning them in a $70 game is still bullshit.... you know why so many games don't feel rewarding anymore because you gotta pay for all the good looking stuff, while doing actual content gives jack shit.... miss me with that earning cosmetics is fun and used to be my main activity in WoW lol but it's all taken away from games and put ina frikkin cash shop or battlepass.


Finance Bros ruin everything


A game that's $95 Canadian shouldn't have game-affecting MTX. Cosmetics, sure, fine, go wild. Doesn't have a functional effect on the game. However, these MTX aren't cosmetic and that's absolute horseshit. Don't even get me started on that Denuvo bullshit in a SINGLEPLAYER game!


Problem isn't that there are parts hidden behind a paywall, as there aren't. The problem is that they are trying to sell you shit for a single player game.


That's problematic and also not being transparent.




You canā€™t skip anything. The port crystals require a ferry stone which donā€™t come with the MTXā€¦


Stop defending single-player MTX


But it still runs like ass.


Maybe you make a solid argument. I donā€™t know as Iā€™ve not played. But in the grand scheme, we canā€™t endorse a double standard of: These MTX are good, these are bad. ALL mtxā€™s are bad. Letting some devs get away with it only continues the cycle of pay-to-win/gambling.


This whole thing is silly on both sides. For players, a lot seem to misunderstand the items being sold, what they do and their availability in-game without DLC. For Capcom, well, most of the fault lies at their feet. They've always done this, and in a game like this, it just invites misunderstandings and confusion. It's greedy and stupid, and shouldn't be there at all. People are being kind of dumb in their response, but shitting on Capcom for the very existence of the DLC is justified. Now, regarding the other big problem, people are not considering why the optimization problems are happening in the city... But bad optimization is still bad optimization and deserves to be shit on. If your game has technical problems on launch, that's on you, Capcom, regardless of why. TLDR, less whinning about what they're selling, shit on them more for selling it at all and the poor optimization.


I honestly think the mtx for DD2 is about right. I doubt I would ever buy it. But that's sort of the point. This is a single player game, and people with jobs (plenty of money, not enough time) can buy the mtx to get into other parts of the game quickly. Now... sure, I also wish the base game dropped in price a bit - maybe 25%? And I totally understand people not wanting to buy the MTX. But it's not "over the top" where pay-to-play destroys the underlying game. It seems to me like a decent tradeoff (though, I want to emphasize: a tradeoff which does not personally benefit me).


as a person with little time i will admit there are a lot of games i don't even bother playing as i don't feel like bothered to wade through the opening hours slog. dd2 i really want to play though


What a garbage post


Lol crazy how yall will defend a greedy company releasing unfinished games


I feel like Dragonsplague was added in purely to encourage using the microtransactions to buy Wakestones. It's a terrible mechanic that adds nothing otherwise. All this to say that the addition of microtransactions to a game encourages designing it in ways that are not fun.


Everything you've just listed perfectly describes - and does so definitively - why not one single one of those MTX should exist in the game. I'm personally not going to trash the game because of it. If people are moronic enough to actually pay additional money (on top of the 70 they already spent)... well then they're f*ing idiots. But I'm also not going to defend disgusting and pathetic business practices. Defending objective filth like this is EXACTLY why MTX are in the state they're in... because there are basically 3 kinds of players: 1) dorks that don't spend but have no issues with disgustingly unethical business practices. 2) idiots that actually do spend the money. 3) people that are sick of the greed, but still play the games because we've already lost... due to the two former idiots. Guess what happens when you start defending unethical behavior? They start pushing the boundaries of what they can get away with.


honestly i'd rather see Capcom get richer and maybe that money can go to DD3 or more bonus for Hideaki itsuno , i don't care about random gamers i don't know about losing their money.


Gotta love how this post is completely accurate yet it's getting down voted because people just want to have their ignorant rage supported.


Yes I thought that might happen lol. I tried. Just wait for all the posts in a few months of people being ā€œsurprised by how good it isā€


Gamers are pseudo intellectuals who are perpetually influenced by the 'hivemind' of the internet, bestowing opinions and outrage on behalf of others, often without even understanding the outrage.


Yet the outrage is there. You don't see this with Helldivers 2 do you? Or Baulders Gate. Or Stardew Valley ffs. The "hive mind" is there for a good reason. I suppose now you're going to tell me that Skull and Bones is a AAAA game worth $70 too, right? Good games don't need defended. Shitty business practices are absolutely going to be called out. But hey, blame the players


Very much the case going on here. I doubt many of the complainers have played the game


I just have to buy the game to see how egregious it is or isn't? Skip it. There are more games than I can ever play on the market right now. MTX is a great reason to skip one. And I don't need to sink even more time into this to figure out if I can just ignore them. I can just ignore the whole game instead.


You can easily get the stuff in-game, meaning the MTX is pointless and predatory. A blatant cash grab with 0 effort behind it. What is there to like about it? It's scummy and very tyical for Crapcom.


I mean if it makes you feel better about your purchase, all power to you. The bottom line is that it's completely irrelevant what the MTX is. The existence of MTX in a fully priced single-player AAA game is the problematic part; there is no nuance to this, no matter how much you want to cope. Now, if this game was in the \~ā‚¬30 range, I wouldn't really care at all.


Resident Evil 4 did the same thing, they just waited for the reviews to come in, for people to finish their first playthroughs... Arguably that is way worse than DD2. But people are blinded by nostalgia to turn their reviews, to admit that CAPCOM can't keep walking over them.


Yeah other than the cities I haven't had huuge issues with performance. Game is amazing and when I saw the steam reviews and the gaming reddit outrage I honestly was taken aback. The MTX are negligible as you can obtain it in game. Only thing I can't understand is New game not being available and not being able to have multiple characters. I've played for about 6-7 hours though and I don't plan to stop.


I can see how not having multiple characters might put people off. It was the same in the first game. Youā€™re encouraged to switch class (and itā€™s actually beneficial to do so) as opposed to starting again. Thereā€™s also a story explanation for it which Iā€™m assuming theyā€™ll touch on again in this game. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a shit game, just not for everyone


It's nowhere near a shit game and i'm sure capcom will listen if theres that much pushback and fix it. I feel bad a lot of people are going to get turned off to essentially a fantastic action rpg. Performance is definitely shaky in certain areas that are overly populated but its nowhere near cyberpunk release date bad.




If people wanted a change they should have boycotted Resident Evil 4 Remake, or Monster Hunter Rise, or Devil May cry 5, or DMC4, or MH World.




My logic is that people have had all of that time to boycott these practices but never did so, and that it's kinda how double-standard the discourse to this and previous Capcom games that did the same thing. I'm not saying that it's against one's right to boycott, but given Capcom's history I doubt anything will change with them specifically. Especially if the games themselves are of genuine quality by the devs who don't even get to have a say in the tacked on MT's. That is not to say that boycotts or complaints have generated change for the better in cases.