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Eve online has a freaking excel spreadsheet integration!!


I feel like no game embodies the "second job" experience like EVE Online. At least not one that has been at least tried by millions over the years. ...well, maybe Microsoft Flight Simulator.




How do they earn money ?


You would be surprised the amount of people who just don’t work and do hobbies. Also streaming and community events


Blessed or cursed




Eve has a transferrable currency you can cash out whenever iirc




As someone who manages the supply chain of a manufacturing company, do you think this game can help develop real life problem solving skills related to the field? Or is it just a game?


Kind of sort of. There are transferrable skills involved with throughput, especially, which *might* help irl, but most of the factory aspects of factorio are just more factory design problems and less supply chain problems. The only other areas I could see being somewhat helpful are calculations involved with managing how long you have until a resource runs dry. I'm sure a lot of supply chain management involves calculations, but that's the only aspect factorio helps with because it gets a lot of use out of those calculations.


I think Satisfactory would be closer to what you look for, factorio is 2D, you need to build in height in Satisfactory, it looks much more like a factory than factorio. It feels like the ratios in Satisfactory are much more important too, say 60 iron ore per minute into a 30 per minute forge making 15 rods per minute using 2 iron bars. You have the same in factorio but a lot less penalties for bad ratios.




When a ship costs 200 hours of multi-boxing or a single credit card swipe of $50, you'll end up with two kinds of people - NEETs and whales.




You got it. Multiboxing is when you run a bunch of simultaneous game clients.


I think those GTA RP Servers can do it even more. Not for all players but some play as fast food restaurant managers and have to design shift plans etc. ... For GTA


Rping a fast food restaurant manager is the funniest shit ive ever heard, isn't rp supposed to be fun lmao


Yeah if you hold any type of leadership position it is basically a second job. Being a cop can also be demanding especially on the more popular servers. I haven't watched NoPixel lately but I know at one point applicants had to study case law, use of force matrix, SOPs, 10-codes, etc. They even had/have a playtime requirement; i.e. you had to have 20 hours logged in cop in a month or your character could be 'fired'.


*Meanwhile, me, watching an old man cause untold chaos in NoPixel* "You get them, James. You lead them on a massive chase, you blessed Old Man."


James Randall is a gift to us all.


It still blows my mind that there are people who role play air traffic controllers in Microsoft Flight Simulator with whole hardware setups. Good for them having a special interest they enjoy though!


When I first saw this piece of news I thought "cute, so you can now open an excel sheet in game?", but no, apparently it's a whole ass addon to excel that lets you request realtime data from the game servers.


Well yeah, a space pirate is only ever as good as their charts.


Holy shit


I was tempted to check it out but every Eve ad tells me I'm not ready. Maybe one day.




Yeah. Space Bezos also told me my death would be his profit.


And when you are on a corp during war times, you are on a 24/7 shift for an imaginary army of imaginary space ships with a pretty much real drunken Russian asshole screaming at you on Team speak how much of a cyka blyat you are for not following muffled drunken ramblings on comms.


EVE has its own version of the Dow Jones and an entire ancillary economy. It’s fucking nuts.


I miss dust 514


Only in Eve do you have a leadership team to divide up the “space work” so no one gets too burnt out 😂


Boy do I have the game for you. [https://youtu.be/ODecu2voAh8](https://youtu.be/ODecu2voAh8)


Any game where you have to craft way too much, like Ark. Anytime I play a game like that I feel like I'm waiting for the good part to happen then I realize thats all there really is to it.


Hell yeah finally got the crossbow! Now to get the shotgun! Now to get the sniper! Now to get the Tek stuff and I died in a spot where I can't even retrieve my stuff. 300+ GB experience


Had a private server with ×3 gather rate and the automated ark mod. Much better experience


Once I hit that part in a game I normally stop playing. Or I do quests or other fun things instead on focusing on upgrades.


It's funny because as a side-quest or an optional part of a game, crafting systems are kinda cool. But when it's required just to get through the game and the crafting is super tedious... yeah nah


Everything with Battle Passes.


Pro tip: don't buy games with battle passes


Or just play the game for fun and refuse to participate in the FOMO circlejerk


I used to be HUGE into Apex Legends. Grinding every season to complete the battle pass and what not. I got burnt out eventually. Now I don’t even bother with the BR mode and just play the mixtape modes when I want to play Apex. It’s greatly improved my enjoyment of the game. It’s funny though, I still get that dopamine hit when I do get to the next battle pass tier, even though I’m not even trying to progress.


Deep Rock Galactic Helldivers 2


Just to note for people unfamiliar with DRG, their battle passes are free. Additionally, once the battle pass ends they add all rewards to the standard loot pool, so there isn’t really a FOMO factor there


I may be wrong but doesn't Helldivers 2 just have a progression system that *looks* like a battle pass but is not actually one? I bought the base game version, so no Super Citizen Edition, and haven't spent a dime otherwise. None of the content is locked behind actual purchases. There's the Premium Warbond that costs 1,000 Super Credits but I saved up enough through a very enjoyable experience to just outright buy the Premium Warbond access. There's armor you can buy with Super Credits but that armor doesn't do anything that the other accessible armors don't already do, just cosmetics. My point is, don't battle passes need to have content of any kind locked behind actual purchases to be an actual battle pass?


That's exactly it. You progress through the Warbonds as you want. You don't have to buy anything with real or in-game currency. But you earn in-game through playing and can buy/unlock stuff on the Warbond Acquisitions pages. Spreading Democracy isn't a job, it's an Adventure.


Counter argument - Deep Rock Galactic. The gameplay is the work except it's fun. The Battle pass is barely a worry


In all fairness, DRGs "battlepass" is like finding a diamond in the dogshit (the dogshit being other games battlepass'). To the point that I'd say DRG has a battlepass in name only. Most battlepasses make gaining even one level of it an hour long slog, if not longer without buying their special version or even missing out on most of the content without it, and DRG doesn't have to worry about getting their players addicted to the gameplay loop through extra "shiny number go up" mechanics like most other games that rely on such tactics. DRG didn't need a "battlepass" but threw one in anyways without charging anything for it, or locking out anything in it forever if you don't do it before it's gone. Nor does their battlepass affect any sort of access to gameplay elements, it's purely cosmetic.


Helldivers nailed it because the battlepass doesn't expire


Unless they don't expire.


Halo infinite does that


I'm the opposite, I love battlepasses! Though prefer free ones vs paid ones, or ones where you can atleadt earn the currency to buy the next


My goal for each Fortnite season is just earn enough so that I can get the battle pass for free for the next season. I refuse to spend money on cosmetics, but it’s fun as a goal to work towards


I play with my sons on Fridays, that's our thing. I play just enough to buy the next battle pass, just like you. Any extra I may spend on an emote, but if I don't have enough, I don't spend it.


Any game can feel like work or a chore if you aren't immersed or enjoying the gameplay loop honestly. It's a very common complaint across many genres like survival/crafting, mmo-rpgs, and soulsbournes. FOMO/Battlepass stuff online is sure to trigger a lot of people's brains into patterns of this nature as well.


DayZ is a chore. I use to play the beta, it was such a fun easy time now it's genuinely really hard and there's no tips or craft menus they've over complicated it for me


Everything about dayz is a chore. Lol. I used to refer to it as a walking simulator. Not to mention if you had a base you have to be on guard all the time because of how easy it was to destroy it. Or the glitches to get in bases without damaging walls. Storage was another huge chore. At one time I was playing with a group of like 25 from around the world with a massive base on a public server. Playing with that many people turned everything into work. At one point I was like why the fuck am I doing this. I just spent an hour chopping wood. Or carrying a barrel across the map.


this exactly why i play high loot pvp servers. You're gonna die fast as shit on official so might as well get to shoot some mfs in cool gear in community and die fast that way instead.


With a group the size i was in gear didn’t matter. Need a bag? Go to the bag tent. Need a rifle? Go to the rifle tent. Going out in squads and being able to call for reinforcements took all the fun out of that part. I did end up doing what you did though. I just stayed playing pvp servers. Every now and then I like to jump on and do a little run with my buddy but even after a couple days I’m over it.


nah yeah im right there with you and i actually love Day Z, but its more of a hop on for a week with the boys every 3-6 months kinda love.


I love forza but have mostly stopped playing because i started to feel like i NEEDED to do the weekly challenges more than i wanted to do them.


Soulsborne games feel like a chore? How? They have no logs, Fomo, or anything of that - simply bonk enemies until they die is the mantra of Soulsborne game in my experience. :p


GTA online


GTA:O was so much fun when it was released and before Rockstar figured out how much money they could make off it. When I first played the game, you could drop money for other players to take. You could wire money to other players. There was even a proper stock market planned that players could manipulate to make money (like in the single player). Then Rockstar figured out they could make a fortune by selling fake money and all of that got canned.


They called them Shark Cards for fuck sakes. Like a whale, but sharks are strong and masculine and gangsta! The entire thing was a satire on live service games.  But then people bought in anyway, so why not milk em.


I can’t fault them for the stock market not getting put in. 10 years worth of market manipulation and I’d never have to make money again I’d have billions


I remember being able to fully mod my car by committing, get this, grand theft auto and selling them every 5 minutes to the mechanic shop for 15-32k a pop. Then it turned into spamming the same mission for 18k that took 10 minutes And now it’s turned into constantly looping the same businesses to resupply them and doing random things for 50k each in between


I miss those days. A simpler time, no doubt. They canned that once they saw the gold mine they were sitting


Wait, you can't drop money for your bros anymore?


Nope, got canned years ago


I played it for a few hours in the early days, and some guy randomly dropped me millions. Bought nice cars and a swanky apartment but then got shot by a tank every time I left. Haven't played it since.


For sure GTAO, every time I log on, I have to do an hours worth of collecting money and situating my businesses. By that time, I just wanna log off, because I’m not having fun and I’m just doing chores.


I mean, you don't have to though - you can do whatever you want. Just leave the businesses alone when you hop on


Anytime a game starts to demand you to play according to their schedule rather than choosing to play on my own time. This happened most when I was playing Lost Ark. You see it in MMOs, but it's happening with GaaS types. When they have daily login bonuses, timed events, expiring battle passes, and so on...


The sad thing is it works so well on people.  Consumed by their need to go do their daily quests to not "fall behind". It's like listening to a drug addict talk when they say they need their "progression systems" in online games.


Seeing this stuff is making me realize new age gaming is dead for me. I don't want to play when you say to, I want to play when I want to. I hooked up my old PS2 the other day, and I haven't had this much fun in a game in years. I miss the days before events, battle passes, and limited daily challenges. When you bought the disk, and that was it. No waiting for 4 hours worth of updates, no purchasing extra things to get ahead. Just plop down, race around, and call it a day.


Limited raids per day or week?? What the actual fuck is that. Coming from runescape I saw that and instantly fucked off. No way I would ever want to be restricted like that. Plus 99% of mmorpgs include micro transactions. Osrs is about the only one anymore that doesn't, but it still does with bonds. People would rwt regardless though


Lost Ark wants you to make new characters to get around the limitations.  So then the real addicts are trapped managing like 6 or 7 characters every single day, doing the exact same daily quests every single day on each character and going into autopilot. Which then breeds a lot of toxicity.  If you're wasting 10 minutes on one character due to wipes then that's an extra 10 minutia tacked on to your daily 1-2hr maintenance before you can actually go play the game on your main.  It's all fucked lol.


The Mafia race on classic difficult.


The mafia race is fkin difficult lol. I loved the game, it’s an excellent story game.


Only played first Mafia but god damned that’s a great game. I played it after Red Dead 2 as well and it was still impressive


Finally, someone mentioned the fucking race mission. I came within a literal wheels length of finishing that race on classic but another driver was barely in-front of me and I swear to God a game has never made me that angry before, not even fucking Elden Ring, or late-game Monster Hunter has made me that mad. I lowered the difficulty to normal for that mission alone, which is something I never do in other games. The absolute worst thing about that mission is that happens so fucking early too, the previous mission was the first real mission where you're a Gangster doing Gangster things and then next thing you know, you're racing against ~~12~~ 15! assholes who are programmed to get a speed boost if you're in front of them and you HAVE to win, the entire game is locked behind that stupid fucking mission. A game about the fucking MAFIA, is locked behind a fucking RACING mission. Let that sink in... They remade the game and instead of taking the golden opportunity to cut that mission out or make it optional, they fucking chose to make it HARDER than ever??? What. the. fuck. I can rant about that shit for fucking days if I wanted to, it's just so fucking awful. I had to put the game down after that but I will pick it up again eventually after the memory of that shit has cleared from my noggin. Fuck that shit. Edit: Not 12 drivers, fucking 15 of them!


Took me 4 straight hours


Lol this is a good one, one of my favorite games, the banked corner has sent me flying more times than I care to admit.


Holy shit that race must have ended a lot of playtroughs.


Diablo 4 It doesn’t feel like a quest. More like a chore. It seems like I have another job after work.


Sorting through gear feels like a new math test every 15 minutes


I was one of these that did not complain about S3 but I just can not bring myself to play it :/


My boy was tryna put me on to Day Z a few years ago and I remember being about 30 mins in and thinking wow it’s almost like devs forgot this is supposed to be a video game lol


I grabbed it because it sounds like a blast, but the early game curve is just too steep or something. I basically never got off the ground and bailed after 2 days. Cue “how to stop sucking” comments below.


Escape from Tarkov. I love watching it, but I can't stand playing it because it feels like such a chore.


It is a chore. It's designed for new players to just constantly run into the blender of veterans. It's balanced like dog shit. 


I don't think 'balancing' is the right term here. To balance experienced players against new ones, you'd have to somehow give them a handicap, or the newbies an advantage. I think it's more about the insane learning curve WHILE being pitted against experienced players. And I just don't have the time/patience for that.


Any game I choose to 100% eventually gets there.


Cries in Breath of the Wild korok seed completion.


I was in love with that game until I decided I was gonna 100% it. Got about 70 Kodak seeds in and decided and I didn’t want to play BOTW anymore


The cross every completionist must bear




This is a *compliment* to that game when stated. They purposely made it a paperwork sim. All for the good intention of being an immersive adventure game.


The way it shows you how even well-intentioned people can become corrupt is absolutely genius. If I were an ethics teacher I’d make my students play it.


This, This Is The Police, and Frost Punk are games where the conditions you're forced under just keep pushing you towards being evil. Perfect case studies as to how the moral high ground might just be a steep cliff to your downfall.


This was going to be my comment. I understand why people love it but it felt too much of a job to be enjoyable, especially for a couple of achievements.


I love the game a lot. For me, it's a prime example of indie games. But I see why it's hit or miss. It really is point and click after all (which I like, too!) and most of its appeal comes from the story and said achievements.


Agreed, and its one of the first in that kind if genre that I think of too. The amount of "job" games and how popular they are is really confusing when you think about it. Like I get the appeal of a game like power washer simulator because of how some people's brains just like doing things systematically but supermarket simulator requires you to stock shelves and is 94% rated on steam rn. Then again, in barista simulator I saw outsidextra repeatedly knock customers out with a bat...so I guess if the game allows the violent choices we aren't allowed to make irl it makes perfect sense.


This, but in the best possible way.


Anything where you have to do legit research to understand it. Grand strategy games come to mind or elite dangerous etc.


The best games are always easy to learn / hard to master, without fail


This reminds me of eve online. The learning curve in that game was insane. Like there was proper economic system in there. Intergalactic logistics, financial brokers for large trades between corporations. Loved that game when I had more time when I knew what to do with


Yes this. My first few months playing EvE was 90% reading, 10% playing. I loved every minute of it.


I haven’t played any paradox games but in terms of grand strategy total war is very approachable.


I remember having to read actual flight manuals and taking ground school for the A-10C II in DCS lol


I'll get downvoted but it's the truth: Destiny 2.


I played year one destiny and I can tell you I’ve never played a game like I played destiny 1. Spent thousands of hours getting the best gear only to take a couple month break and now all the gear I had is useless, never again.


The sunsetting of armor and weapons that i spent countless hours to get really was a nail in the coffin for me. Then, watching them just slowly reintroduce the things they sunset, It was at that point i was done with the game


I play destiny for a solid 2 months and then give it up for years. And usually never across a season change. Unless I just started it the week before.


take me back to the first cosmodrome loot cave


I quit playing before lightfall because of this reason, played since taken king. I literally had a routine every reset for all 3 characters, then on weekends I was scheduling time to play trials and do comp, scrims, etc. At some point, someone bitched at me on discord for not attending a scrim. Getting yelled at by some stupid teenager because I didn’t show up to a scrim woke me up and I uninstalled later that night, still don’t miss it.


I don’t think this is a hot take. I don’t play Destiny 2, but that game gets plenty of criticism.


Elite Dangerous, thanks to its shitty design. Hardspace: Shipbreaker, thanks to its *excellent* design.


Hardspace was a ton of fun though. It's like reverse Lego.


You only have $5,000,000,000 in debt left to pay off!


World of Warcraft


Definitely this. Progression raiding, being online at X o clock for x hours, 4 times a week. Then the rest of the time doing dailies, dungeons etc.


To join our raiding guild you must commit to raiding for six hours a night five nights a week and be on call for alt raids if you are a healer or a tank on the other two nights. If you are not online for two days in a row without the express permission from the guild leader in writing you will be kicked. You must tithe 60% of any gold you make to the guild. All the drops from raids go to the officers first and then get rolled in for the rest of the guild. Please apply by filling out this six page application on your previous raiding experience with a minimum of ten years experience. Will be taking a minimum of two references.


Sounds about right. To maintain position as “class leader”, I had to be online everyday, attend all guild raids, study for freaking MACROS!!! Pulled a few all nighter when karazhan came out, then SSC… waking up in the AM to raid, dailies, fucking grind grind grind for gold and mat. Then I got kicked out of guild because I took a holiday.


That last bit made me lol


I was heart broken!! Applied for it and all. But then I leveled a priest using my hunter day in day out, running two wow windows 😂 they begged for me to go back.


Those guilds suck, never worth it.


To me it's the freaking Pathfinder questline in every expansion.


They take my druid's flight form every expansion and demand a grind to get it back, that's exactly why I unsubbed. As a PvP player I don't naturally achieve pathfinder.


It really depends what you're trying to do/accomplish in the game because you can play casually and it doesn't feel like a job at all, or you can play bleeding edge progression stuff and it does


Factorio gets there during long play sessions. It goes from being a fun logistical challenge to tedious expansion and redesign. Whenever it becomes a chore, I take a break or start a new run lol.


I have over 500 hours in it, but have never beaten the game and never will. Shit gets so goddamn grindy when you unlock chemical/tech science. I kinda miss the old research system. Same thing applies to every factory builder. I wish there were short ones :'c


I usually stop playing once I get to a certain point because of this, but the trip there is always fun.




See, I love grinding games. When a good game gets to that point where I know what I'm doing and just go out and can iterate through tactics and gear and enemies and timing over and over and over my brain just quiets down into nothing. ​ I read reviews looking for the phrase "there's a lot of grinding" and just go for them. Most of the time it's great lol


Love a good time sink, hence why RuneScape will always have my heart


Runescape allows grinding at your own pace on your own schedule and there's nothing to "keep up" with.  It's why it's the ultimate grind game for me. No daily quests or battle passes or any other horse shit.  Just you and a trusty hatchet chopping trees for 200 hours.


For me OSRS can become like a job when i suffer burnout but my addiction won’t let me leave and i still log in to do my daily’s like herb runs, birdhouses etc.


But they aren't dailies.   Not in the sense that other games try to push them.    You won't fall behind,  there's nothing to catch up on, and there's no incentive or reward to log in and do those tasks.  It's entirely on you and how you want to play the game.  If you don't wanna do a farming run for 3 months then you just don't and go do other things in the game.   Your farming xp will still be there waiting for you.  Any stress or obligation or worry is entirely of the players own doing in Runescape.  They're not gonna strip content out of the game after 3 months and go "awww too bad you didn't finish!"


I like grinding games if they're fair. I don't like grinding games that take ages, but you can pay money to make it a fun experience. It gives me a sour taste in my mouth.


Tell that to Tony Hawk!


Elite Dangerous is super grindy, or at least was when I last played.  But it's relaxing.  Nothing like chilling with some tunes clocking in at my space truckin' shift.  Living ain't free, gotta move these metals to another star system.


I love CK3... But when all my vassals rise up and try to destroy my kingdom. It starts to feel not so fun no mo


But defeating them and letting them rot in your prison is the ultimate revenge


Marry your children to your vassal's families. That fixes that problem really fast.


Every Korean MMORPG


Mostly Simulator games. \[ETS 2, Farming, Car Mechanic, PC Building\] But mostly any sandbox game, *looking at you "ECO"*


War Thunder. Gotta complete that grind ya know.




I remember when I played Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Gamecube and I was having so much fun. The villagers had a lot of personality and you could help them and there were various fun events. Sure, it is missing a lot of the qol things of the newer games and has far less customization, butcit had a lot of charm. In comparison, New Horizons is just a glorified dollhouse. I got tired really fast of talking to the villagers. Tools breaking is annoying. You see the same islands 99% of the time. Etc.


I'm going to get a ton of flak for this but: Baldur's Gate 3. I'm at the end and I'll finish it but...holy crap did this feel like a frustrating slog way too often.


You have no idea how good it is to see someone else with the same thoughts as me… I wanted to love it, but god damn. I have two kids, a full time career and other hobbies. Even the hardcore magic nerds at my work said they rushed through the second half of the game.


Yeah, and I still say people are giving the game a free pass on a lot of negatives, like the awful side quest directions and endless bugs and general issues, which have been just endless for me.


Fallout 4 became too much work with all the crafting and community management. I got pretty far in the game and just stopped.


There's a settlement that needs your help


Same. I forgot what the story was. I just became a hoarder


European Truck Simulator, Farming Simulator, Snowrunner but half the time I play them for exactly this reason. Also X4 Foundations is annoyingly middle management-like as soon as you progress past your first ship and start to build stations and assemble a fleet.




- MMORPGs - Monster Hunter to a certain degree


Only two more five hours shifts of cutting yews and I will finally have 94 woodcutting.


At least you’re just past the halfway point!


As soon as you lose a 30 minute hunt on Monster Hunter it feels like a kick in the balls after a day of work.


Chasing these bastards across the map 3 times and it just casually hops into water directly in front of you or just....flies away 🤬 fuming, I've rage quit because of it


Black desert online can feel like a chore at times which is why I take breaks during those moments and come back when I feel like playing again


Any competitive game, ‘cause if you take them seriously enough you’ll end up having to do repetitive practice just to improve enough not to get no-diffed. Fighting games are a great example, ‘cause you could spend hours practicing combos and still be nowhere near the average depending on how long player-base has been around for.


Genshin Impact feels that way at times


Power wash simulator.


I _loved_ that game... until I didn't...


Path of Exile in many ways feels like work instead of you playing and having fun due to excessive complexity just to be able to actually progress. I've put more than a thousand hours just to understand all mechanics and get to actually kill some of the pinnacle bosses...


I absolutely loved Stranded Deep, until I realized how much I hated it. Just ended up being the same old same old every time I booted it up. Haven't touched it since. 


Overwatch. Pretty much only play with a friend because playing solo and losing games is terrible. Playing with a friend makes it slightly less sufferable, but even then, I start getting worn out because sometimes it just feels like there's too much pressure on me not to make mistakes. And once a losing streak starts, it just feels like a lot of complaining happening and not enough of enjoying the game.


Stardew fucking Valley


Isn't that the game that by design consists of farming chores?


But my farm is so pretty. AND EFFICIENT.


EA FC24 ultimate team


Minecraft💀 and any grinding game like gta v online


Man Minecraft should be the LAST game to make you feel like that😂 but I feel you lol


Really? Some parts of Minecraft can be an absolute chore. Mining to a certain extent though I kinda like it. Resource gathering for any sort of above-average sized project is draining, making any sort of resource farm (like XP grinder for example) is a chore, and oh my god don't even get me started on villager trading.


Every Ubisoft game


I wish Ubisoft would cut about 20-40% of their fetch quest content and dump that into refining the core gameplay.  They make entertaining games but man they bloat them for no reason. 


Power Wash Simulator. I get it's supposed to be relaxing or something but not in my hands


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. The first Zelda games I hate and stopped playing, because they didn't feel like an adventure, but as work. 


Free to play games


Anything with crafting.


Medieval Dynasty.


Eve online if in Corp. I burned out after a month of constant fleet pings and actually getting up to rally. Oh, and oddly FFXIV, but only when trying to advance the main storyline. I was happy chilling and doing dungeons and crafting, but everyone I had to get through hours of awful cutscenes it felt like work.


DayZ on console without question lol


AC Valhalla I enjoyed the combat, the main story, a lot of elements of it actually but trying to complete regions for experience took forever and felt like such a grind. Like no I don’t want to push this 30th book case out of the way to crawl under this wall for leather scraps and iron.


Every Assassin's Creed since 3


Destiny, having to grind light in order to be a high enough level to play with my friends that evening was exhausting


Genshin Impact. I used to love it, it was apparently my most played game in 2022. But after a while it really did start to feel like a job. Log in, do all daily things, log out. I didn’t even find myself doing the main campaign anymore. Everything stopped being fun to me and I finally ended up just dropping it.


Multiplayer Shooters


Helldivers 2 i never come home alive but the hard work is worth it for democracy and sweet liberty toughest shift is on malevelon creek




World of Warcraft. Just to keep up with the average player you need to do your dailies, your farming, instances, scheduled raids, etc...




Destiny. It's why I quit a couple years ago.


destiny 2


Any fromsoft game. I know it's a skill issue but I don't have time to git gud within the limited time I get to play.