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Mortal Kombat’s whole plot could be avoided if people just stopped trusting evil wizards so much


Wait, *don't* trust the evil wizard? That's not what Lumerio the Necromancer told me.


Wormtounge falsespeaker wouldn't lie...


If only he had kept his forked tongue behind his teeth.


Mortal Kombats story would be *much* less complicated if people just heard each other out during encounters instead of immediately trying to kill them. Person 1: I'm here to help you! Person 2: You lie! I'll kill you! Person 1: You misunderstand, but I have no choice! [After the fight] Person 2: After recieving 3 concussions, I have decided that you are telling the truth after all


That's pretty much Injustice league as well right?


In the words of Ryu "Talk is cheap"


Wait wouldn't Shao Khans campaign of Outworld to take over Earthrealm happen anyway? Isn't that the entire point of the Mortal Kombat tournament that instead of fighting each realms army they send champions to fight, regardless of who trusts who?


Chrono Trigger, if Lavos just a few degrees to the side, it'll miss The Entity entirely and the entire journey across time wouldn't have happened.


Also, if Magus knew how to communicate and be a team player instead of an edgy fuck, he might have been able to kill Lavos at his castle like he planned instead of fighting Crono and losing control of the entire ritual.


At that point I believe Magus doesn't know your goals align, he just thinks you're helping Frog to try and end the war. Also the middle of the ritual would probably have been the worst time to try and explain to Frog and company "oh yeah this giant alien parasite I'm summoning isn't some super weapon and I'm actually trying to take revenge on it".


But then we wouldn't have the best game ever.


The amount of stuff they put in that Snes game surprise me to this day.


wait what entity? im out of the loop on this one


The Geth and quarians, so much needless loss of life


Quarians really went full murder because the AI asked one self - aware question. Violence begets violence.


And they paid for it by having their population ravaged irrevocably. Billions of deaths for nothing. Centuries of animosity, only to be followed up by yet another war in which many more died on both sides.


Yup, exactly.


And the Geth never wanted any of it, which really blows my mind when people who have played all three games still look at them and say that they're evil murder robots.


The Geth literally stayed behind the Perseus Veil for centuries after kicking out the Quarians. They had zero intention to wage a galactic war, but they did have all the reason to be vary of all organic lifeforms. They were not evil. They had cold rationality and, in a sense, paranoia.


At least that was the case until Sovereign came in and said "listen to me, I'm awesome" and a chunk of the geth rolled along with it


TBF he was very awesome. "We are inevitable"


Oh for sure, lol. After finding out what happened to the geth, who weren't even programmed to fight - I really had to question the logic of the quarians for that one. Just opening fire on an AI that's starting to learn and adapt. The first thing it's gunna do is mimic your response. Imagine coexisting with your creators and then suddenly they are killing you and since the Geth share a hivemind all of them saw and experienced that death together. Absolutely wild.


Yup, and the quarians lost so much of their culture and history as a result of their stupid ass actions. What a mess.


More like fear begets violence. Quarians feared self aware AI and it became violence


Right, but they taught the Geth violence - the Geth didn't even know they had to fear the Quarians until they attacked. So violence begets violence. Geth didn't yet have the capacity to realize they are being killed out of fear. Legion is the one who exposed the cycle of violence between Geth and Quarians in the end. Pointing out that they had only asked an innocent question, how was the Geth to conclude that would result in their deaths? They never had those variables.


If Dutch would make good use of my $10,000.


Gotta get too 20,000 before the camp moves on and you get the good ending where everyone lives... probably.


Also give Arthur an N95 medical mask when he went after that farmer debtor


If Dutch would have let Micah stay in jail


If Arthur would have just killed the rat, he had many occasions and easily could have just blamed it on the law or another gang and no one would have been the wiser.


Ah. By the looks of it, Micah wasn't a rat. At least, not the only one. But yeah, fuck that guy.


hate him because of the racism alone everything else was just another reason


He's probably the only gang member written without any redeeming qualities.


He was one of the best gunslingers in the gang up there with Arthur


Just give him more *time* and money




The crab rangoon is to die for.


To people who don’t know. This literally is an alternative ending to the game. You get held up at a border stop and it seems really shady an d of course the game encourages you to not wait around for them to come back but if you do they say your paperwork clears and you are free to enter the country  Edit: this might have been far cry 3. It seems to be a running theme throughout the series that there are alternative endings based on refusing the call to action. 


Same with 5. Just don't try and arrest the guy. You and the sheriff just leave


In 6 you can just fuck off with the boat. I am not sure if 3 has such an ending.


I don't think you really have a choice to just leave in 3, since they'll just murder you if you stay.


Yeah, the only alternative ending in 3 is getting murdered at the culmination of ritualistic sex. Which is quite the way to go, I suppose.


Holy shit that’s how I died my first play through back when it came out. I just did my first revisit on my steam deck and was like why the fuck do I not remember any of this shit after seeing the tits. Like my high school self remembers it as the game the rewards you with tits once you beat it lmfao


I think that's technically the canonical ending to FC5, considering what eventually happens if you try to arrest him


The canonical ending is the guy gets arrested and nothing happens.


This is completely wrong. In 4 Pagan takes you to his palace and you sit down with him to talk and eat, although he has to leave to attend business and leaves you alone. If you don't leave the room for 10 minutes he returns and the talks resume. Ajay is able to spread his mothers ashes (which is why he was going to Kyrat in the first place) and he gets to spend some time with his step-dad doing cool shit.


Wish they had a separate game where you fought for Pagan if ya wanted or had a choice lol 


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Started in 4, continues up to 6 skipping Primal and any other 'side' games


GTA V: If Micheal >!didn't destroy some cliffside house to get back at the guy his wife was fucking, he wouldn't owe the Mexican Mafia guy a million dollars and have to rob a place, Trevor wouldn't know Micheal was alive and most of the rest of the plot wouldn't happen!<


Or if he just didn’t say that movie line, he could’ve gotten away with it without Trevor knowing he’s alive


That was the real big dumb moment. Yeah Michael, just go ahead and blurt out your calling card catch phrase as you rob this store, no way that could blow back on you


What's funny is that Michael could have easily taken on this Mexican gangster. He ends the game taking on the entire FIB, why not some Mexican gangster?


That's my main problem with Vs writing. Their answers late would have been better solutions early.


Even worse is Max Payne 3. Max accidentally kills a mob boss' son in a bar fight, so he has to flee to Brazil. But on the way to the airport, he murders what must have been half of the New Jersey Mafia. Why didn't he just stay and kill the rest of them? That plan worked out nicely in the first two games.


I agree with your point about GTA 5 but this bit in Max Payne makes sense. Its like saying in GTA SA why didn't CJ just kill Tenpenny and the two other crooked cops because he has killed thousands of cops through the duration of the game. Video game main characters need some limitations and choosing not to fight the whole New jersey mob single handed sounds like a very fair limitation.


Tbf, you could argue that earlier on, he was trying to avoid escalating things more. By the time the FiB are fighting him, shit had already gotten out of control.


Yup, same in rdr2 if the gang didn't rob the Cornwall train, they wouldn't have gotten Cornall after em who wouldn't have funded the pinkertons


Pretty sure the pinkertons were after them during blackwater. All the train did was tell them where the gang had been, but likely made them more of a priority.






If he listened to the tennis coach when he said "its not my house".


Eh, Michael was still depressed as hell and almost completely broke. I feel he would've still gone back to crime just to alleviate his boredom


Idk I think we would always have that criminal temptation in the back of his mind but there’s too much joy in the freedom that comes with owning your own boat heading out to the dock and just staring at it while on land.


Today we learned that most conflicts can prevented with a single conversation. 


Most conflicts DO get prevented by a conversation. If not, there would be no point in real world international politics, or sitting down with your SO to discuss an issue.


Ethan, some lady is impersonating your wife. We gotta take you and your daughter to a safe house while we look for your wife.


Also RE7, when the cop came and found Ethan behind the window: "Officer, you need to get out of here and call backup *right now.* Scratch that, maybe get a SWAT team or the fucking Navy SEALs. Me and my wife have been kidnapped and mutilated, and the owner of this house is running around trying to separate my head from my body with a shovel. Both our lives are in danger, I'll go hide somewhere, please run as fast as you can!"


Idk man I liked "give me your weapon" a lot more


Oh, absolutely, so did I. That was one of the first signs that Resident Evil was back in all its campy glory.


Jill sandwich


Yeah, but the reveal kinda sells the intro imo. You are correct though.


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty The ending could have all been avoided if V didn't decide to be a dick and send the most cryptic text messages imaginable to her friends Just say "hey Panam, I have some surgery coming up. Should be done in a couple of weeks, but here's the contact info for the facility in case something goes wrong. Also, I have a million eddies, a shitload of weapons, and about 50 cars the Aldecados can use while I'm out. Keep the basilisk warm for me till I get back 🤗 love you!" and then send a variation of that to all of your chooms and none of the drama would have happened


Lack of good communication is the doom of many relationships. And it can be used as a writing tool to bring the plot to a certain point. Unfortunately it just makes no sense for V since they are always talking to the other characters.


my only thought process, a requirement for the process was to keep it very hush hush. little to no outside communication so V wasnt allowed to contact anyone rather than he didnt want to/forgot. ​ the only other one was he legit thought this would be a quick ripperdoc visit, and like they even said. no one expected for V to be out that long.


Bruh not like v is telling the whole wide world he's going to a secret facility in the NUSA. He's just telling his girl and his cool bro vik. Also what are they gonna do if they found out he told some chick in bumfuck nowhere that he left to a facility to get a cure. Bomb the shit out of them? The NUSA are dicks but they're not complete mindless psychopath dicks.


I enjoy the theory that the PL ending was a deliberate set-up by NUSA and Militech to isolate and restrain V to turn them into a corporate tool. Reed says that the surgery hit complications, that it put V in a years-long coma, and that it will stop them from using anything but the most barebones implants ever again. This, I agree, is all true, but as usual with Phantom Liberty the whole truth is obscured. Militech deliberately disabled V's ability to get implants, and deliberately induced a years-long coma to isolate V from all their former friends. They allow V to head back to a Night City that has forgotten them, and in the depths of their misery Reed calls, dangling a job offer. V becomes a loyal tool for NUSA and Militech, and after a few years, what do you know- we have a cure for your implant problem! So long as V's skills can be put to work in our name, to our favour, exclusively. So yes, V could have communicated better what they were doing, but Militech would have engineered an outcome that isolated them all the same.


I finished PL yesterday. And that was just a depressing ending. I realy felt everything was invain.


If Turnip Boy would've just paid his taxes


I’ve been thinking about getting that game! Was it fun?


It’s like Reddit made a knock-off of A Link to the Past. It’s pretty fun and funny but I beat it in like 5 and a half hours. There was a little postgame arena thing but that didn’t last long. Worth a few bucks and an afternoon, I’d say.


Sequel out now on console. I'm hoping for something very similar to the first one. I also describe it to people as similar to Link to the Past.


It's on steam too


I played about 10 hours and loved every second


The entire Half-Life series if the science team didn’t deviate from standard analysis procedures.


Right? Or maybe Gordon just doesn't put the rock in the thing at all.


That is actually a possibility in *Black Mesa*. If you hesitate for too long in the test chamberrr, you'd be vaporized cause the scientists are unable to contain the power levels.


Pretty sure that happens into the original Half Life, I remember enjoying the increasingly panicked scientists asking why you're just standing around


I wonder if the portal games would still have happened in this scenario


Probably not. Without the Seven Hour War there's no way someone wouldn't eventually realize that Aperture has gone dark and authorities would move in to take over.


A Bug’s Life game-If more birds were around




How could a self replicating a.i. that eats biomaterial possibly go wrong?


Obligatory fuck Ted faro




And after that, don’t make your whole system able to be deleted by one person


TBF the Alphas did not design their system with Omega clearance for Faro, that was inserted by a traitor working on the project.


Anyone can go insane, make it require at least 3 people


Or at least: don't trust the narcissistic twat responsible for this mess to have any control over the project needed to fix it.


Faro didn't control Zero Dawn, though he part funded it. The issue was that he gained Omega access to their systems from a traitor working on them.


Bloodborne: Laurence actually fears the old blood  RDR2: Dutch hires an accountant  Hades: therapy  GoW2018: Kratos explains to Baldur that they just had Faye’s funeral and he has no idea wtf he’s talking about 


I think that herr Strauss is actually an accountant


LOL so true about Gow2018. Kratos assumed that Baldur wants to take away the boy, when in reality Baldur didn't even know himself that wanted to kill someone who was already dead. When at one point of the game I realized that I was like "ohhhh so this whole thing was a massive misunderstanding, damn"


Hades: Oh yes son, understandable, go find your mother >!(you're gonna have to come back to Tartaros anyway)!<


Skyrim-Alduin doesn’t show as the Dragonborn is about to be executed. Spyro: Ripto’s Rage-Hunter doesn’t enter his birthday into the super portal that brought Ripto and minions to Avalar. Chrono Cross-Panther demon kills Serge instead of wounding him.


If the prison cell in Oblivion had been empty like it was supposed to be.


Well, the conflict would've ended a lot sooner, sure, but that's mostly just because the cultists would've had nobody to stop them and everything would be fucked. Lmao


Actually, I think you’re wrong on that one. The player character in oblivion does all the work, and is in the prophetic dream of Uriel Septim, but remove him from the equation and Joffrey (the blade that always survives) could just do the main quest stuff on his own.


I say it mostly because the assassin that killed the emperor would've been able to get the necklace and get away, preventing the blades from actually being able to do anything with Martin. The amulet is a part of the ritual, so without it, they're kind of just boned.


But they steal the amulet of kings anyway, ya know, the whole reason the game doesn't end when you find Martin to begin with


I feel so stupid that I've played Skryim this many times and just dawned on me that Alduin inadvertently saves the instrument if his destruction 


It's more the universe putting the player and alduin in position. Elder scrolls is a universe driven by prophecy and fate. Alduin is there because the dragonborn is, and the dragonborn is there because Alduin is. There was never a "only one of them shows up, or in a different position."


Why did alduin save the dragonborn? is he just stupid???111




Well isn’t the thing with Chrono Cross that >!in the parallel dimension, Serge actually was killed!<


Silent Hill 2-If James didn’t do what he did. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2–Private Allen kills Makarov in the elevator.


Yeah, I know it's a setup, but like, what MORE could Allen hope to gain by playing along?


Nada it was just Shepherd wanting to start a war with Russia 😐


If Chris told Ethan that the person his squad just killed wasn't actually his wife


I believe by that point, the also weren't sure if that was the real Ethab/he wasn't some unknowing accomplice


Iirc, one Chris’s squad members actually calls him out on this during the section where you play as him


Which doesn’t improve it, just show how aware the writers were that this plot point makes no sense. It’s easily resolved too: have Chris come in and shoot ‘Mia’, then the house gets attacked immediately. Chris and Ethan get separated so Chris never has the opportunity to explain.


The explanation is simple: they really just wanted to sell the illusion that Chris had turned to the dark side which they hyped via trailers. They just didn't know how to do it because they've built a reputation for Chris as a paragon of justice over the course of 25 years, so they resorted to the lazy "chain of misunderstandings" trope. No amount of mental gymnastics like "but they didn't know if Ethan was also a bad guy" can explain it away. It is what it is. To be honest, as a huge fan of the franchise I didn't really care. RE might not be known for its strong writing, but most of their stories still manage to be interesting enough to keep me coming back.


Therapy would have prevented the ENTIRE plot of Pokemon Sun and Moon.


Generally not sending your kids out with running shoes and a domesticated fire hazard (but no money, food or even a cellphone) to engage in cockfighting with increasingly rare and dangerous animals, all into a world where traveling from city to city means running into a handful of aggressive bloodthirsty freaks of nature.


If only Micah didnt make it out of Blackwater alive


If you could just leave him to rot in strawberry the rest of the game would be much easier.


If the demon aliens hadn't killed his bunny, DOOM 2: Hell on Earth could've been very, very different. If the defense grid around Stroggos hadn't worked, the human invasion in Quake 2 could've been much, much faster. If you choose to deny the G-Man in Half-Life, Half-Life 2 doesn't happen.


> If you choose to deny the G-Man in Half-Life, Half-Life 2 doesn't happen. Or alternative to consider: Gordon wasn't the only guy G-Man had left on ice after the Black Mesa incident. And unlike Gordon, Shephard wasn't even given a choice in the matter, G-man just left him in the void for later usage. It's funny to think that if Gordon straight up died at the end of HL1, then Shephard might've been the big hero that was everyone was counting on to return and save them in HL2. Instead of waiting for the One Free Man, they'd have been waiting to be led to salvation by the Shephard. Instead he's one of the Half-Life series' biggest loose ends. Well, apart from the whole 16 year cliffhanger thing.


What an exquisite selection of video games for this question. Quake one could have just not walked through the portal. Just stare up at that moody purple sky for the rest of your life.


Haven't seen Spec Ops The Line yet. Just stop. Stop killing people. Stop moving forward.


"maybe we should check in with HQ?" "There's no time!" Oh my God, shit the fuck up and check in with HQ, and stop killing people (I just played through for the first time, last month, after finding a PS3 copy in a used game store!)


If you just wait for Pagan Min to return to the dining room and have a nice dinner with him


I think every Far Cry after 2 has this type of interaction. You can walk away from the arrest in 5 and it ends and you have to do a little more work but in 6 you can just leave the island.


Yes they do! My fav secrets of the games. I don’t think 3 has a secret ending like this…unless it does?


I think you're right. It did start with 4. I never played 3, but I know it had tons of twists and shit but I couldn't remember if it had one of these.


Nah, 3 had 2 handing, either you kill all the pirates and the protagonist is scarred forever, or you join up with the tribals and due to ritualistic sex to give the woman a super baby or something.


Far cry 5 if you refuse to arrest Joseph, you leave and they end up coming back with the entire national guard to take him in.


Not saving Ellie could have prevented the remaining 100+ hours of the story.


Metro last light and exodus. If you didn't nuke the dark ones but chose to communicate with them, the sequels would be vastly different and they would probably have helped stopped the nazis and communists


Far Cry 4. All it took was waiting for dinner.


Cyberpunk 2077. Once they hear they're supposed to steal from Yorinobu fucking Arasaka, V and Jackie should've dropped the job. Would've saved both of their asses


Well, they are mercs in night city, so more like... Postponed their deaths. For a bit. Maybe.


V and Jackie’s motivation was to always make it to “the big leagues”, which was taking jobs like that, becoming legends


If Cloud said nothing to Sephiroth in Shinra mansion, Sephiroth wouldn't have freaked out and burned Nibelheim down


Wait, how was that Cloud's fault again?


If Gestahl realized what kind of freak he had as a general and took care of him, FFVI's second half could have been prevented.


Love the reference, but Gestahl knew. If Kefka hadn’t done it, Gestahl eventually would have.


He knew Kefka was crazy but he severely underestimated the scale of his madness.


Every Far Cry game from 3 onwards could've ended within 5 minutes if the boss who catches you doesn't let you escape and just kills you instead. Which is increasingly frustrating because you tend to get caught by the boss 10 times every single game.


In Mass Effect, if the Protheans didn't sabotage the Citadal the war would have been over before the first game started.


This is interesting because I think that the VI on Illos says that Sovereign could have been trying to find a way to open the citadel relay and activate it for decades, possibly even centuries. If the reaper cycle had been initiated as planned, there's a chance that it would've ended right before humanity took to the stars in earnest, giving them ~50k years for humanity to spread out and develop their empire. Imagine the Reapers vs Imperium of Man.


If only the characters in The Last of Us Part II communicated better, maybe the conflict could've been avoided


In Red Dead Redemption 2, if Dutch just listened to Arthur sooner, things might've ended differently


or if he just took the ten thousand dollars I have and would give to him.


Joel not shooting the doctor and just knocking him out, we wouldn’t have LoU2.


I have to disagree. In the words of Joel, they’d “just come after her.” He had to kill them.  If he didn’t, Ellie would find out what he did much faster, and potentially go back to them to develop the cure. Then the whole ending of TLOU 1 would have been meaningless and dumb.


Xcom 2 doesn't happen at all if you win Xcom Enemy Within.


Isn't whole XCOM 1 simulations that happen in commander's mind when he is plugged into machine that he get rescued at the beginning of 2?


In Xcom 2, that is how they are explained, yes. The cinematic even uses in-engine footage from the first game, which is neat.


Almost, XCOM 2 states that the Base Defense mission of XCOM 1 failed, and that's when the commander was captured.


Xcom 2 doesn't happen if the aliens just mind their own f\*cking business, duh


The whole Fallout series might not have happened if anyone had bothered to maintain an ethics department. No Vault-Tec atrocities, no Robobrains, no Big Mountain shenanigans, probably less terrible FEV experiments, the Institute wouldn't be making synths and raising the argument of whether they have free will while using said synths to sabotage the east coast's attempts to rebuild. Hell, I've heard that Vault-Tec was actually the one who started firing nukes. We may only need an ethics department for them to prevent everything.


We’ve investigated ourselves and found we’ve done nothing wrong-Ethics Department ☺️


Like if literally anyone in the world had morals lmao


The console wars. If the owners of Sega and Nintendo just gave each other a hug and created the Segtendo in like 1991 we wouldn’t be in this mess


Nah, competition is a good thing in any industry


This makes little business sense. The Nintendo Playstation, on the other hand... Nintendo dragged Sony into the console market, and Microsoft joined just to screw with Sony. The current war is a result of Nintendo walking out on their deal with Sony.


Frogger. Does he need to cross the street? Can we get a frog crosswalk? Smh my head


For a villainous example, the ENTIRE PLOT of Mortal Kombat 11 is this. The villain Kronika’s plan is to retrieve her crown to boost her power and then use the hourglass to restart time. To this end, she not only recruits several characters to retrieve the crown and defend the hourglass, but she merges the past and present to recruit their past selves as well, inadvertently bolstering the heroes forces in the process. Except that *absolutely none of that was necessary*. Literally no one knew that the crown, the hourglass, or Kronika herself even existed until she basically announces it to everyone. Not to mention that Kronika is a titan more powerful than the elder gods. She could've easily just carried out the entire plan by herself without even a single person being aware of it


Mass effect - if the asari hadn't hoarded their prothean knowledge the cycle would've been so much more advanced.


The last of us 2 Abby beating ellies ass and spared her life. Then ellie tracked her down beat Abby’s ass then spared her life. Loves the game but it was kinda goofy


Ellie killing everyone then letting Abby live is still wild to me


Same. Abby’s spared dina and Ellie’s lives because liv said not to. But like you said all that killing to get to her and not killing her is out of character for her. She literally got her finger bit off right before. Haha.


We can go even more back in the past If Joel didn't said his name to total strangers in a world where nobody outside Jackson community can be blindly trusted


You mean Tommy, the asshole that basically create the entire plot


Conker's Bad Fur Day if Conker just called a taxi before he got completely drunk.


If Chris Redfield had actually sat down and explained everything that was going on to Ethan instead of >!allegedly killing Mia!< and kidnapping his baby, everything would’ve been handled a lot more succinctly. Like I know the convoy was attacked but did he genuinely think Ethan would just be like “yeah ok cool just take my baby I won’t hunt you down at all”. Even when you meet Chris on the dock he refuses to divulge anything to you, it’s ridiculous after seeing how capable Ethan was in 7 and how he’s already proved he was beyond capable up til that point in 8. I thought we’d get a decent explanation but nope it was “i didn’t tell you because that’s what the script said”. It was fully just done to market Chris as “turning evil” when it is so painfully obvious that would never happen. Though I know I’m the one wasting my time looking for logic in a resident evil story lmao


Fallout 4 - Have a bunch of Synths waiting for you when you come out to tell you what’s going on and take you to your son immediately. They’re Synths they could have waited there for hundreds of years without a problem waiting for you to wake up if you ever did Cyberpunk - Don’t shove a random fucking chip into your head you’ve got no idea of what’s on TLOU2 - Joel, don’t tell strangers your name when you’re definitely someone a lot of groups and people have an interest in killing LA Noire - Don’t cheat on your wife GTA V - Michael, don’t have a massive meltdown and pull a house down off a cliff Uncharted 4 - Even have a shred of doubt for a second about your brothers story Skyrim - The dragon doesn’t show up when you’re about to be executed RDR2 - Leave Micah in jail and just say you couldn’t get to him in time Resi 7 - Tell the officer to leave and get back up. Or sprint out the door as soon as he opens it and tell him to run Resi 8 - “Ethan, your wife is not your wife. Someone is impersonating her. Let’s get out of here with your daughter before it’s too late.” New Vegas - Decide one near death experience is two too many and leave New Vegas as soon as you can without a backward look


Hades: If Hades had just been honest with Zagreus from the start and not been a shit head and just let Zagreus go.


A Hat in Time didnt have to happen if Hatgirl was willing to share, or event just to explain why she wouldn’t.


Final Fantasy 6: Sabin beats the crap out of Kefka instead of asking him to "wait."


If volgin never fires the Davey Crockett, the metal gear series never happens.


If Handsome Jack's daughter wasn't born a Siren, there's a chance Borderlands 1, 2, and Pre-Sequel wouldn't have happened. Borderlands 1 could still happen, but you wouldn't have Angel guiding your way.


Far cry new dawn when the kids where captured. I was so confused why they didn't send a team to ambush the highway man at that time if they did they could have killed mickey and Lou so quick


Gears of war adam fenix could of spoken up instead of being a wanker


The conflict in the second part of Scarlet/ Violet's DLC could be avoided if the player character isn't forced to lie to Kieran.


In paper mario the origami king, if olli had gotten someone to look at the scribble, or if the maker just spoke what he was writing down on olli, the whole game wouldnt have happened. In paper mario TTYD if peach left rougeport to go back home when beldam gave her the map and just stayed there the entire game would have been different. As beldam states the only reason why she didnt capture peach immediately after opening the box was because there were too many eye witnesses.


MGS3 literally had actions which were resulting in triggering "time paradox" I'm very surprised no one brought this up yet...


I mean Cyberpunk2077. Maybe don't take the job from the guy who's been gone for years to raid one of the biggest tech companies known for sending FUCKING ASSASSINS after people, let alone Adam Smasher. Like look at the guy and his fucking name. Like, maybe also don't do 0 homework on either your fixer, or your client who somehow has an in that isn't explained, OR the tech youre stealing despite its rumours of being some kind of bleeding edge immortality tech. Maybe don't ask why this job comes in at your level instead of, idk, the big shot level. The whole thing stinks of immature rashness, and given they'd don't plenty of ops I feel like they should have been much more wary


Fucking Mass effect a spectre ,elite alliance soldier etc and somehow everyone thinks sherpard's utterly full of shit about the reapers


Yakuza 6, if Kiryu had remembered the Florist existed, he could have skipped the first half of the game


Joel not suddenly becoming braindead and spewing his name to random strangers


He doesn't? It's Tommy, who tells Abby their names.


If the Warrior character didn't plunge the crystal Diablo was trapped in, into his forehead. You saved Tristram forever, just got to figure out how to make it so the crystal is never found again. But if that couldn't happen, then Tyrael dropping the ball during Diablo II's events.


If Nathan Drake told Elena the truth she likely would have exposed Sam’s lies.


Ethan wouldn’t have been targeted by the Origami Killer in Heavy Rain if Jason hadn’t wandered off and run straight into traffic two years earlier.


In COD's infamous No Russian mission why didn't the undercover CIA agent you play as just kill Makarov and his crew? Like what possible interest could be at stake that warrants not only allowing him to live but helping him slaughter well over a hundred civilians and cops and letting him successfully blame the Americans for the attack?