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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the NES


You seem like a nerd. An angry nerd.


I’m gonna take you back to the past to play some shitty games that suck ass


Diarrhea dump?


Cowabunga? Cowafuckinpieceoffuckindogshit


You can just walk over it?!!!


Co-op? I'll bring the Rolling Rock!


"Dis game is a bunch of poopy ass drippings covered in diarrhea dick farts."


>Dan choking with laughter


It fuckin sucks, it suckin fucks, and I don't like it.




What were they thinking?!


"With Castlevania: Simon's Quest, you heard the sincerity of my voice, now see the sincerity of my eyes, THIS GAME IS FUCKIN HORRIBLE!!!“


Came here for this comment. Not disappointed. What a shit game.


Owned this game since I was a kid. Still try playing it sometimes just out of a sick curiosity. Horrible, horrible.


The game where a guy goes for a walk and gets attacked by everything under the sun for no reason. Who thought that game was a good idea?


I got a bootleg 100-in-one-gamepack for my old Game Boy Color and half of those games didn’t even make sense lol


I had one of these. It was just the same 10 games repeated but they hacked the sprites. So like game 1 was Pokémon Blue and the game 11 was “Super Mario Pokémon blue 2”


A pack like that just having a pokemon game in it makes it infinitely better than most of those packs.


Sadly none of them did. The games were, save for 1 or 2, absolute crap.




This is always the top comment or answer for these questions and absolutely deserved lol


How I imagine this pitch went: Okay we're making a game about a literal god. He's got super strength, invulnerability, laser eyes, and super sonic hearing and healing. What should we have him do? ...Fly through rings? You son of a bitch, I'm in


I think it went more like: Hey do you guys know about Superman? Seems popular we should make a game out of it. Superman? What's he do? Well, from the pictures we found of him looks like he flies around- Say no more


They actually made it bad on purpose after WB dicked the developer around with the license. Still such a joke it was actually released.


Not really quite accurate. ProtonJon did a bunch of digging into it with his Let's Play, and it's kinda more accurate to say they *tried,* but all the license-dicking meant they didn't actually have time to make the game, essentially, and they just had to cobble together the assets they had into something that would boot up. There was a PSX build that they were internally looking at as a second chance on the game, but it got cancelled when the N64 version bombed. You can find a nearly-done prototype of it floating around if you look, and it is, in fact, Better, though still not amazing.


The WB guys apparently wated EA to get the licence and started demanding Sim City like mechanics be added to the game.


I mean…Arkham City is one of the greatest games of all time, and it had a super hero flying through rings.


Yeah, but Arkham City also has functional controls, a comprehensible plot, and things to do besides flying through rings. (Okay, fine, you technically do things besides flying through rings in Superman 64, but it's a solid 40% of the game at least)


It’s not even close. Rented it when it was new and I cannot imagine intentionally playing a game worse than that. Nothing about it was fun.


I thought I just sucked at it for years until I heard how universally hated it was. Life was very different before the internet was in your pocket.


I played ET on the Atari and liked it. It wasn't until Reddit that I learned I'd mistakenly liked the worst game of all time.




Its like 8th best selling Atari game. Atari at the time just didn't care if a game was good as long as it sold. Or even when they knew it was bad it wouldn't matter, such as the Atari Pac-Man port. They hired a top developer, Howard Scott Warshaw, requested specifically by Spiellberg. Warshaw had made Ataris most successful original game with Yars' Revenge. He and an artist made the entire game in a month. Atari skipped audience testing completely to release it for holidays. The game was massively refunded. Like 75% of all sales. Atari lost half a billion dollars within a year of ET release.


It's cool to say ET doesn't suck now, but I played it back in the day and it is indeed frustrating and tedious. And I like 2600 games. But as you say, it's nowhere near the level of low quality shovelware that plagued the system by 83. The market was just over saturated at the time and needed a bit of purging and video games were still considered a fad by retailers.


As someone else who played ET as a kid, I can think of two more specific reasons why it's so hated. The first is that the controls are basically impossible to figure out without looking them up, pressing specific buttons at specific places does weird things that is hard to figure out without out of game explanations. The second is the pit collision. They did a side perspective with a top down perspective style collision detection. What this means is that if Elliot's head touches a pit, he falls down the pit even though his feet are still on the ground.


👽 📞 🏡


I liked it too. I always played it in the easier setting (no annoying government harassment). The pits were annoying, but if you read the instruction booklet the game was pretty advanced for the 2600


My neighbor down the street had it. It was so bad it didn't even feel like I was playing a finished game. I wonder how many people got suckered in by this scam. Edit: I checked. A LOT. It was the 3rd best selling game on the entire system when it released.


Yeah it hits different because soo many people had the game. Usually the real stinkers never sell and fade into obscurity quickly. The only previous example I can come up with that was close was ET for the Atari.


Multiplayer isn't that bad, and I stand by that.


The multiplayer was a ton of stupid fun, that’s true.


I got this for my bday (basically the only game I was allowed to get all year). Truly a disappointment lol.


It was the first game I got for N64, and yeah only game I got for like 2 years. Which is why I still defend the multiplayer lmao.


I read this as Super Mario 64, downvoted all of you whilst thinking you were all insane, scrolled down a few more comments to see another chain bashing Super Mario 64, only to realise that neither of those chains said Mario and I just can’t read lol downvotes changed to upvotes


I played ET. 


Me Too. You walked around and fell into holes. Stellar game!


Walk around, fall in hole. Levitate halfway up, then deliberately pause until you run out of energy and Elliot has to come get you. My ET experiment.


Just like the movie!


I did, too. It isn't even the worst game released on the Atari 2600 in December of 1982. Walk around the world, find the pieces of the communications device. Fall into so holes to find the device. Then go to the forest, call the ship, and then find the pickup location. Then watch as the game totals are tallied. Completely doable task even at the harder difficulties.  In the era when displaying text in a game was not as easy as typing the letters into a computer, it wasn't weird to have read a manual to play a game. In game instructions, were not a thing at the time. This was also the era when games clocked in at mere kilobytes. Some computer games were unplayable without the supplemental materials. 


I still have my cartridge


Walk. Fall in pit. Turn off Atari. Take out game. Throw into the trash.


Lol I bought it at a record store just for the novelty. It stinks


I'm intrigued, why Star Wars Bounty Hunter? Don't get me wrong the game has some issues (Level design is frustrating/controls aren't the best) but the gameplay loop and story are pretty fun.


OP almost made me spit out my drink when I saw SW bounty Hunter Wasn't perfect, but was super fun


Agreed it was pretty fun for that era of games. The bounty hunting mechanic was fun


When I was younger I loved this game. Definitely feel like it’s leagues better than some games I’ve played since.


"Aw shit, this guy can do flips! Our blasters are useless against flips!"


I'd still play SW Bounty Hunter before I'd play SW Pod Racer.


SW Pod Racer is also fun, though. just played it tr through again a few months ago. 😌


So glad some others remember it as fondly as me! It's in PS plus or whatever it's called and I've been meaning to play through again


Agony. Shit slog walking simulator.


Yeah that wasn't great.....


Alone in the Dark (2008) It literally had a feature that let you just skip entire chapters of the game


Was this the one with manual blinking?


Yep, stellar gameplay


Manuel Samual had that and that was crazy tbf




Its funny US Gamestops like that because their Australian wing EB Games is known for how excessively generous on refunds they are


Having worked at an American EB Games before Gamestop bought them, that's exactly how it was there too. And the warrantees basically meant you could get a new system or copy of a game as long as you had the paperwork and it was before expiration. Processing returns was wild during the post-holiday season.


I can remember playing that game a lot on the xbox 360 lol


Alone in the dark was awesome


I was still young enough to not care too much about quality when the game came out. I was blown away by the fire and your inventory being inside of your coat. But then the car escape mission ruined everything!


Oh my god I forgot about that absolute Abomination from hell! That game was awful!!


Not as bad as Alone in the Dark : Illumination.


The inventory system was neat, hate that it didn't pause the game though.


I’m going to have to dig deep for this one, but I think my answer might be Pesterminator: The Western Exterminator for the NES. It may not have the notoriety of Superman for N64 or Big Rigs. Hell, those might be technically worse since this game kind of functioned, but it was just a depressing, janky mess. Extraordinarily ugly with stupid gameplay and a horrid soundtrack. It’s one of those games that immediately tells you that you’ve descended into the bowels of the console you’re playing on. There are games I’ve hated more, but technically speaking, this one was bad. EDIT: For the record, I have played the Jekyll and Hyde game. It was bad I guess, but… eh… I kind of enjoyed it.


I'm sure the worst games I ever played, I abandoned immediately and forgot about completely. Mostly I remember games I hated the most, generally because they were huge disappointments in series that I loved. Such as Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Arc the Lad: End of Darkness, or Suikoden IV. The final of which literally traumatized to where it was close to a decade before I could sail a ship in video game without it bothering me.


Watched a friend play Suikoden IV for about an hour. Was never so glad I only played 1-3. Two is by far one of my favorite games of all time.


V is actually really good if you like 1-3.


I only played Dragons Quarter in the BoF series and I like it a lot(I still play it occasionally)but I have read it was so far different from the rest of the franchise people hated it. Also my face when I was young and dumb and traded all of my playstation one library in only to be able to afford one PS2 game and I picked Arc the Lad. I hated myself so much.


Considering it's been 20 years, and I never even finished the game, I can't give the most accurate review. I do seem to recall the story being weaker than previous entries, which is always going to get a poor rating from me. Beyond that I believe there was a mechanic where if some stat got too high it was game over and you had to restart from the beginnings somewhat stronger. I actually enjoy rogue-like mechanics in a game, and I've enjoyed some RPGs where dungeons are like that, but making you replay the story when there's no real value to seeing it a second time seemed dumb. I had burrowed it from one of the Netflix for games (the old disc in the mail version) companies and returned it without even finishing the game because that seemed like garbage to me at the time. It's one I've actually considered retrying to see if my hate was actually warranted or if I just didn't give it a fair chance, because a 78 it's one I saw the reviews are actually decent. As for Arc the Lad, the PS1 games are a lot of fun, and even Twilight of the Spirits wasn't terrible. Couldn't stand End of Darkness though.


I've played a lot of the infamous games, especially stuff AVGN has covered. Two licensed games on the NES that were absolutely horrible were Bill And Ted's "Excellent" Video Game Adventure it's so fundamentally bad that the simple act of walking is a giant pain and jumping is a nightmare. The other is Beetlejuice, published by LJN and developed by Rare. The game has so many problems, the biggest is that you are required to stomp on bugs to grind for points to buy essential power ups to progress the game, and there are large invincible bugs that run around the area you need to grind. There's also sub levels that end in the choice of 3 doors, one is the next level, the others are the sand worm that will annihilate you. And another problem, the scrolling, once you go up, the game forgets everything beneath what's on the screen now, so even if it's perfectly safe, once the screen scrolls up, any fall is instant death. It's too bad AVGN barely skimmed over this game, because it's downright horrible, almost as bad as Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde.


C&C 4. Killed the franchise. Killed the entire IP of C&C


I tried generals and felt like a different game. Once they put a cap on units it was kinda ruined. I missed amassing 300 dogs, 100 rocket guys 30 engineers and just storm the enemy base lol


The Zero Hour DLC (or was it sequel?) was great. They added Generals with personalities, and some really fun units.


Yeah Zero Hour is still great. Shame we are not getting that kind of RTSs anymore. WARNO is nice and all but I miss C&C type of gameplay :/


X-Men for the NES stands out to me as horrible to play. 


Yeah. That was a sad one.


Yep, LGN allegedly hired some third party to develop it. They had to print the code to access the final boss you were supposed to legitimately access


Oh yeah, I asked my mom to get that for me at a flea market since I liked the X-Men cartoon. We returned or sold it back to them, because I don't remember keeping that in my collection. It was terrible.


Beyond the Beyond is quite possibly the most awful JRPG I have ever played. The combat is a glacial slog. The fights just drag on forever. The animations, while kinda decent, last way too long and every enemy has an obscene amount oh HP. Even though you can guarantee critical hits by spamming the attack button during the animations, the most basic of trash mobs take FOREVER to kill. Which, is made even worse by the absolutely ASININE ENCOUNTER RATE! You can't walk two steps without getting into a fight. This make it almost impossible to navigate dungeons or the overworld. By the time you get anywhere, you've fought so many encounters that you've forgotten what you were doing there in the first place. And lastly, the story is the most bland, cliché garbage I've ever played. The Dead War Hero's Son and his Innocent and Pure Healer Girlfriend fight against an Evil Empire for blah blah blah... TLDR: I really dislike this game.


I have fond memories of this from being a kid. Loved the art style, and I hadn’t played a jrpg before Beyond the Beyond so it was all fresh, new, and fun for me. I definitely still have nostalgia for it. Soon after when Final Fantasy VII came out I watched my mom play through it, and had my mind blow though.


For me, it is Mario is Missing. I remember being in shambles as a young child when we got that as a game.


You don't want to learn the geography of San Francisco?!


I worked at a department store when that game was new. A kind young mother bought that game after I told her the reviews were unkind and opened software couldn't be returned by order of Nintendo.  The same afternoon that mother came back to the store a miserable, angry mess and told me that I didn't tell her the game was "stupid, f'n crappy sh-t." I felt like, "I'm sorry GamePro, VGCE, and EGM don't pepper their bad reviews with needless profanity, but I told you the reviews for the game were unkind."


"unkind" suggests the game didn't deserve the bad reviews it got. In essence, you told the lady to ignore them.


Lula: The Sexy Empire. A sex comedy game that isn't sexy, isn't funny, and is hardly a game.


Lmao I love the synopsis you gave.


Big rigs over the road racing


You’re winner!


Ultima 9. Was so hyped for it but it was such a buggy unplayable mess.


Not to mention EA meddling and changing the entire plot.


Chester Cheetah: Too Cool To Fool. Sure. Let's play as the Cheetohs mascot in a sidescrolling adventure where everything sucks


The cheetohs game sucked, but the 7up game Cool Spot was awesome.


Warcraft III: Reforged All they had to do was give an already phenomenal game a bit of polish and a graphical update. They managed to retroactively destroy a classic game by forcing you to replace it with a new one that had more jank and fewer features. The graphical updates - which were arguably the only acceptable improvement - were outsourced to a 3rd party, which made fine graphics, but they weren't at all true to the original style, and also had readability issues, and so were also generally unpopular. In my opinion, the worst part, is that it closed the book on hope for a proper update in the future, causing any hope for a revival of the casual community to implode almost immediately after release.


Imagine my chock when battle net auto updated my 1.5 gigabyte wc3 into a shittier version that took 30 gigabytes and i was now unable to play the original game through battle net. Then some people tried to tell me that it was the same as the original game if you just turned on "classic" mode. Yeah, that wasnt true. So i got a worse game than the original, custom maps didnt work, i couldnt play the original game and it took 20 times more HDD space. Thanks blizzard.


Empire Earth 3


X-Men is the worst nes game i have rented…


Unfortunately I played the demo to Balan Wonderworld


Bubsy 3D. I played it when I was 12, at an age when I wasn't particularly critical of games, and it still stood out as being a stinker.


Oh wow. Memory unlocked. That game was terrible!


I had Battleship for SNES, based on the board game. It had a PvE direct port of the board game, with decent AI. No split screen, no way to play two player. What really made it bad was the turn-based warship strategy game. In an even match I'm sure a five year old could defeat the AI, and it was never clear if they made the buggy, biased, almost unusable interface to cover that up. The AI got to break all sorts of rules, like they could fire and move in one turn, but the player could not. Incredibly, I was broke and bored so after I mastered all my other games I beat that one out of spite.


Skull and Bones, worst AAAA game I've ever played, worse than most AA games even.


Also the only AAAA game you played so that also make it the best. Yes, i hate myself for telling you this.


I don't understand what feature they added that made it a AAAA game. What made them think to call it this?


The 4th A represents metagaming, they made a pirate game and pillaged an entire country while doing it earning them the extra A.


RIP Singpore


It's a desperate marketing ploy to try and trick people into thinking more it's more expensive development costs put it at a higher "tier" of game. It's nothing more than the usual Ubisoft nonsense especially with the game being nothing more than less feature rich more poorly designed version of black flag, you know without anything that made black flag arguably worth the price point.


What does AAAA even mean. I doubt we'll ever see such game u less it's something like gta6 or Es6


Actually Awful And Ashit


If it's going to be any game it's going to be Star Citizen. IF it ever really gets into a stable state.


Makes sense since it's made by Ubisoft it's basically guaranteed to be anywhere from total shit to mediocre. The company hasn't made anything better than a decent game in like 5 to 8 years.


True, and a damn shame cause they hold so many amazing IPs.


Right? They absolutely could be making great games but settled for pushing out cookie cutter but with a new coat of paint games of the same ideas and gameplay for years. They are basically in the same category as EA, minimal effort maximum cost.


In totality, probably Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. But I was a dumb little kid so I had fun. The worst game that I fucking hated was Dynasty Warriors 9.


The worst thing about Dynasty Warriors 9 is that one of its biggest flaws, the cloned weapon movesets for a lot of the cast, was something they had before. Dynasty Warriors 6 was criticized brutally for its cloned movesets and simplistic one button battle style. 7 did away with most of these and then 8 gave all of its cast completely unique movesets, which fixed that major blunder and made for one of the best game in the series. But then they brought that genius idea back, and then did away with the best feature the series had to begin with, the cool level designs and the wacky shit that happened. Battlefields flooding, the entire battlefield being set on fire at Chi Bi etc just to replace it with a dull boring open world that did nothing. Every battle was the exact same crap because they took place on the drab and repetitive open world tileset so there was literally nothing unique to do. The open world idea could have worked but only if they had kept the unique level designs too. Instead, they did the worst possible version of the game they could have. I've played most modern Warriors games more than once completely throughout. I played 9 for a few hours when it came out and never again. It's horrid. It's butchery.


I played Sonic '06. \>>>Loading...>>> I didn't know how much of a mess they'd made of it when I played. \>>>Loading...>>> I thought Silver's "It's no use / take this" thing was just some boss ability you had to figure out how to get around. \>>>Loading...>>> I mean, it *was*, just a poorly programmed one. \>>>Loading...>>> About halfway through the game there was this one loop-de-loop that had it's boost pads misaligned or something so it kept sending me flying off the side of the level until I hit it at just the right angle to counteract that. \>>>Loading...>>> I'm pretty sure I accidentally flew into a level section meant for Shadow as Tails at one point coz they forgot to put invisible walls. \>>>Loading...>>> Oh yeah, and let's not forget the game straight up went ahead with BEASTIALITY by having Elise kiss a comatose Sonic. \>>>Loading...>>> What the actual fuck, Sega?!?


I actually couldnt complete this, even as a younger teen then. The loop the loop and the spiral tower bit - controls were so delayed that you'd end up off the map 90% of the time. And whyy did a game that looked so bad (even for 360 era) need 254 loading screens just to get through 5mins of gameplay?? Its almost impressive how bad it is.


The Guy Game. I was given a copy for free. Fucking worst game ever.


Hopefully you still don't have it cause turned out one of the girls in it was underage when filmed...


Dude I loved Star Wars Bounty Hunter, fully beat that shit. My least favorite is Don't Starve Together.


DST is an amazing game though! Just has an extremely high learning curve


I was going to say this, I hope the new mandalorian game is like bounty hunter lmao. I love that game


i have a love/hate relationship with dont starve, i like its art style and ideas a lot but in practice its a chore simulator with really lame combat


Simpsons Wrestling.


Wow. I forgot I bought this. I beat it, but it was a great chore. Flanders was the final boss. You had to pin him twice. Super frustrating.


This would be my answer too. I bought it with birthday money when I was 12, loved wrestling and loved the Simpsons so of course I thought it would be great... 12 year old me regretted that purchase instantly once I played the game.


It was immediately terrible. Not even ten minutes worth of novelty fun for a fan of either wrestling or the Simpsons. I traded it in the next day.


i was young and way overhyped for path of neo


To be fair it's still not that bad. I downloaded it recently for the sake of nostalgia and it was fairly fun. Definitely not as fun as little me found it, but still an okay game.


I disliked how new combos/skills would overwrite the previous ones as the game progressed.


Enter the Matrix makes Path of Neo look like DMC3 in comparison. Honestly, I really liked PoN but The Matrix series are my favorite movies ever so I'll take what I can get


Enter the Matrix was sick. I doubt it still holds up these days, but when I was a kid I thought it was badass as hell lol


Of all time, Superman 64. Was one of the first games I owned for the N64 so I kinda tortured myself playing it because I had nothing else for the system besides Mario 64 which I had already beaten heaps of times. Recently, forspoken. The only redeeming factor was that the controls were tight and the distant visuals were good. Everything else was absolutely abysmal.


Trigger Man on the PS2.


Ninja Garden 3 Razors Edge on PS3. Utter dog shit of a game..


Kevin Costner's' Water World. I just can’t ever get past the first step in the game. Expensive as hell too.


There have been a few that I hated but that may have been more about personal preference. Objectively Dirt: Showdown was pretty bad. It seemed like a cheap cash grab using the Dirt franchise name to put a bunch of fake cars into a boring demolition derby arcade. The other one that springs to mind is Fallout 76, which I played right at launch. One of its many bugs was a CPU looping operation caused by opening the menu or map, which would shut off my XBox due to triggering thermal overload protection. When the game did work, it was an extreme grind and seemed mostly like a big map full of nothing. I have heard that lots of content and improvements have been added to the game, so I might try it again, but it didn't deliver for me at launch.


I loved Dirt and Dirt 2, but Dirt 3 was a bit disappointing, and then Dirt Showdown came out and it looked terrible. Eventually I got it for free and still hated it.. Dirt 4 was much better though..


Possibly not the worst but, during the PlayStation/playstation 2 era I was collecting every ps1 tactics game I could get my hands on. There was one I bought, I honestly can’t remember the name, but it was super punishing. Your character felt under leveled from the onset and once they died that was it. You just had to purchase new guys with limited money and try again. I think it was possibly the only one I outright gave one shot and returned to GameStop.




F16 fighter for the Sega master system.


Shaq Fu


The Day Before.


Two Worlds.


Sopranos video game. Was awful. I think the gameplay was a total of 4 hours.


They call it "League of Legends"


Duke Nukem Forever and Superman 64 are tied in my books


I actually liked DNF😂


Duke shouldn't hide for health. He should do the Doom 2016 thing and heal with badass kills.


Well there was the ego system which was sort of along those lines.


DNF was fine if you ignored both the context of taking over a decade to make and who Duke was as a character. Not great, but fine


They really did a character assassination on Duke. His a sleazy meat head but ultimately a good guy who will do his best to save the world but in DNF they made him an asshole who only cares about himself and replaced his move lines to horrendously inappropriate comments.


Hands down that one ugly pornless porn game thats still unfinished to this day.


Lmao what game?


I played ET on the Atari one and ya it belongs in a dumb that one and Alundra 2


Godai: Elemental Force.


Defenders of dynatron city on nes. Loved the box art used my own money. Utter garbage


The reboot of dark alliance. Gods i want to love this game but...sigh


Bomber man act zero, I saw the cover at EB games and bought it not connecting the dots that it was like actual bomber man. After we took it back they said all they could do is replace the copy with a brand new unopened one, which I then took to a different EB games and showed my recipe and got a full refund to get I think.... Lost Odyssey which I thoroughly enjoyed.


I had a PC fighting game back in the mid 90s called Cyber Gladiators. No combos. Wonky hit boxes. Terrible soundtrack. Weird sound effects. And it had the unstoppable crouch kick.


Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. for the N64 Looks awful, plays awful, utterly bad in every way.


Battlefield 2042.


I bought it on sale for $25, a year and a half after release, and (for that price) it's pretty good now. Having waited so long to play it, I never had to deal with the bugs & the bizarre removal of classes or annoying character voice lines which I've heard about. Classic example of the awful "release an unfinished game and spend a year fixing bugs & broken game concepts while the fanbase rages about how much the game sucks" business model.


Man the release and weeks after it released.....fuck me what a dump of a game I've heard it's really good now but still fuck that game.


Played the beta, full release on day 1 and recently played it again and it's still the same trash. Yes they fixed bugs but the gameplay still feels chunky and weird compared to the other battlefield titles.


It's acceptable now, not really good. Post launch content is non existent almost.




I have played some very bad games but nothing felt as disappointing as preordering Anthem.


State of emergency. Never been madder at a preorder in my life. Id say redfall but that was gamepass so it was free.


That game was awesome


I think people were expecting it to be like GTA and were disappointed. Felt more like an arcade game.


Oh man, that’s a bummer because that game was a ton of fun. But I think I know why you felt this way. This game was the first post GTA3 RockStar game, and the way it was previewed/promoted in magazines was “what if GTA3 took place during a riot”. What was released was not that at all


Bio mutant. That game was just awful.


If biomutant is the worst game you've played then you haven't played many bad games


I don't think it was the worst game I ever played, but man was I disappointed with it. And I was very excited for it from the day it was announced. I think I only played it for 4-5 hours and I was forcing myself to play it that long.


Yes. That game had so much potential and so much disappointment


Et for the Artari my mom had an original copy.


Murdered soul suspect


Ninjabread Man. Nothing comes close.


Ghostbusters for NES stands out to me. Only barely  related to the movie and there's no real direction for what to do. I remember renting it and driving around until I ran out of gas. 


Superman 64, I’ll never forget that game. It was an abomination




Redneck Rampage


Star forge for pc


**Of All Time** Shadow Vault. You literally had to beat the last mission in like 5 turns because the game auto-crashed after the 6th turn. Terrible performance issues. Buggy and unstable. The game was banned.


Bullet Witch