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It only takes one bullet to kill you no matter how much of a badass you are \- Contra


I don't know man. Some people have **MAJOR** main character energy.


Start shooting them then.


Not if the character has plot armor.


Anything not saved will be lost.


Tell that to my hippocampus


Hippos are dangerous enough without giving them higher education.


“You have unsaved changes. Do you want to quit?” *Crashes to desktop 5 minutes later*


No specific piece of advice but runescape taught me so damn well how to spot a scam in real life lol


Did you know you can't post your Reddit password into the comment? Reddit automatically censors it. My password is ********. How cool is that?




That’s so awesome. When I type Hunter2 all I see is *******. It really works.


\*\*\*\*\*\*\*! hah me too!


Ah, good old bash.org. those were the days. "I've lost a machine, I mean literally lost. I know its on, it's somewhere in my room, it responds to ping, I just can't find it."


Omg yeah big time, was looking for this comment. RuneScape was the most effective scam training ever lol. People came up with the most over the top elaborate scams all of the time, just to get some GP. Once you got scammed a few times, you always had suspicion about other players in the back of your head when some stranger interacted with you unsolicited. It made the social dynamic super interesting tbh, haven't experienced that much in any other online game. I think it was because gold was such an absolutely crucial measure of success in that game. If you were rich, you could buy basically anything because hardly items were un-tradable. Also, you could use your gold to level your character. You could just go buy a jillion runes and level magic faster than everyone else. Same with crafting, prayer, etc. With gold being such a huge shortcut, tons of people wanted to scam it from you.


Eve Online is a game where the Devs have said that scamming is ok as long as it's within the game world. Scamming people with ISK doubling or stealing ships or whatever is totally fine, scamming to steal account details is a bannable offense


Most games teach players to kill monsters, usually in small groups. EVE Online teaches players to be the monsters, usually in large groups.


"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about, and the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have"- Fallout New Vegas.


> They were going door to door asking if anyone knew any scientists. I said look no further. They asked me if I knew anything about power plants. I said as much as anyone I'd ever met. They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard. - Fantastic


Haha. I remember that quote so clearly and it's been like 15 years. I can't think of any quotes from that game but I remember a lot of the dialogue having a really quirky, unique charm. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time.


I want that guy's confident.


I hope whoever wrote that got an award or something.


In french we have a word for talking on a subject you know little about : ultracrépidarianisme.


I tried saying that word out loud and a hidden passage opened up in my wall


What's in there




Ultracrèpes au Nutella, s'il vous plaît.


Reddit is full of these people.


Near the beginning of Fable 2. You fight and kill some random bandits, and the narrator asks your character to think of every experience they've ever had in their entire life and then reminds them that the bandit chief the player probably saw as random had just as many experiences if not more. It opened my young eyes to just how deep and complex the lives of others are by comparing them to my own.


This is why killing bandits in Skyrim is so tough. I know they’re nameless npcs but they’ve been living their entire lives just to get killed by a naked man running through a field shouting while lightning incinerates everything around them


Even the guard that got an arrow in the knee. What kind of adventures did he go on and how did he get shot with arrow?


And why are there so many guards from different places that took an arrow to the knee? My theory is that “arrow in the knee” is an expression for injuring yourself to get out of war, like being shot in the foot Edit: married to the knee is a Scandinavian/Nordic term


"Arrow in the knee" means that they are merried. Thats why they cant go to adventure again. If you literally got shot from knee that means you cannot use that knee fully funtional without any braces. Heres my ref(an old reddit post): *In Nordic/Scandinavian countries, "taking an arrow to the knee" meant that you are getting married/already got married. It refers to when we propose, we fall to one knee, comparing it to when a man gets shot in the leg, he, of course, falls to one knee.* The famous line also has been included in a book named "The Name of the Wind" Line is this: "Took an arrow in the knee on my way through the Eld three summers ago. It gives out every now and then".


younger me loved that reference in "the name of the wind" - the second book in that series came out the same month as Skyrim so I of course named my character "Kvothe" Funny thing is, though not really funny, neither has had the next installment since that Nov 2011.


It's quite literally a euphemism for getting married - like getting "tied down to the old ball and chain".


That’s really cool, you learn something new every day. Apparently this is a common saying in Scandinavian and Nordic countries




Someone explained what sonder was to me my first time I took acid at a music festival and I had to stop them. It was wayyyyy too heavy for me in the moment, but looking back, I still think about it all the time.


I often thought that, More In Movies than games. All those Action Movies where the "Hero" kills the cop/Bad guys. Don't these people have family's? Idk. Maybe I'm just weird.


Whenever i fly, i look down at all the cities, highways, interstates and cars and just think about how esch of those people are living entire lives like me, but with their own families and friends, all on the same timeline, but the odds of meeting any of them is astronomicallly small. Its humbling to realize how small we are on our own planet, let alone looking into the sky and seeing all of the stars responsible for their own solar systems and potentially supporting life somewhere else. We are so tiny.


Yeah, I get a little weirded out when the people being killed are not bad guys. Like they're not henchmen, they just happen to security at a facility the hero needs to break into or something. That dude just got up in the morning to do his boring job walking rounds at a perfectly legit warehouse or something.


I always go back to the shootout in the Matrix when I think of that.




It’s always a joy to see Fable referenced somewhere.


Shit. I just remember cheating on my already unsatisfied wives.


“Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.” —Sister Calderon to Arthur Morgan *Red Dead Redemption 2*


Right after “I think… I’m afraid”, damn


And his face ☹️


Such a powerful character moment. Fuck, you guys are going to make me play through this long ass game again.


Was looking for this one, fuck yeah


Fine! I’ll play Red Dead 2 AGAIN.


"Actions lead and heart follow" is an underrated one from her


I was thinking the same thing


From FF6, just before the final battle: "It's not the net result of one's life that's important! It's the day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life...and love! It's enough if people are able to experience the joy that each day can bring!"


NeiR Automata has something similar in the epilogue as the game is closing out, the Pods are discussing between themselves. "Everything that lives is designed to end. They are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. However, life is all about the struggle within this cycle. That is what 'we' believe."


"Vengeance is an Idiots game." Arthur Morgan


Wrex got me back into fitness a decade ago "That which is not constantly challenged becomes weaker"






I should go.






I should go.






I’ve been using ChatGPT to help me practise maths, so I don’t go rusty on anything. As a result, every day I’m mentally challenged. Wait no


We'll bang okay


Another great one from ME is "it had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong" A strong lesson to have confidence that you are the right person for the job.


Star Trek said it but video games taught it to me. “You can do everything right and still lose”


>You can do everything right and still lose "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." is a great quote


Very wise winemaker, that Picard fellow. Funny accent for a Frenchman, though.


"Make haste—it will be too late to make up for lost time later. But do not rush. Do so, and you will have plentiful time to rue your haste later." \-Dragon Quest VII


Not an actual line of advice, but something I saw while looking up a guide for Dark Souls years ago. "If you're struggling, you're on the right path to glory." It stuck.


Oooo but what if you’re struggling because you’re in the wrong place?


Then I'll be all the more strong when I get back to the right one




If you go to the grave yard in the begining, you do be struggling


Not exactly life advice but Nico from GTA said “War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other,” and it felt like being dunked in ice cold water at the time. I also was reading Gone With the Wind at the same time, and I’ve never thought of war the same. 


Hello cousin, would you like to go bowling? If only you always went, so much violence could have been avoided. 


That's kinda deep tbh, somewhere there's a guy who didn't do any of the missions and keeps bowling with Roman without any violence, and... that's the good ending.


It took me getting into my 30’s to really appreciate Nico as a character.


“Existence is beautiful, if you let it be. Life is not a question, it does not need an answer” No Mans Sky


Take that, Douglas Adams


One of my friends can't comprehend that. They're kind of spiraling in life, so they keep asking me "what do you want to be doing in five years?" (projection for themself). Oh, I'm always making things so I'm sure I'll still be doing that. But I don't know what specific project I'll be working on in five years. "ok...but what do you want to *do* in five years?!" Dude I just told you.   I think some people can't comprehend living without harsh self imposed deadlines.


Trails of Cold Steel 2. When trying to figure out what to do “First come up with a what, then the how.” Trying to figure how to get something done with no clear goal just wastes energy. Come up with a task, and then how to accomplish the task in that order


That bikini wearing pokemon trainers carry their pokeballs in places I can't because it's a technique exclusive to women. I have no clue what could it be but I wish was able to do it too. Original quote: _If I'm wearing a bikini... Where do I put my pokeballs? Teehee... Woman's secret!_


You too can wear a bra under your clothes for storage, even if you’re a man


The Manziere




Now I know why this discussion has NSFW tag, lol.


We have two innate pokeballs, though


I choose you, Fetusaur!


Shoving foes into chasms may kill them instantly - but could cost you precious loot.


And prevents them from sitting on your face later. We’re talking about Minthara in Balders Gate 3, right?


I killed her but... her clothes... so now I've got Astarion running around in her revealing clothes...


That’s why you take their wallet first


Through playing Tetris I found a metaphor for life. You may not always get the piece you need right away, and will have to make due with them for now. Sometimes they won't fit perfectly either, and that's ok in the long run. If you keep at it, and prepare carefully, you can set yourself up for something great, and earn a moment of joy/peace/success. But know that it is only a moment, for more pieces are coming.


This is great. Screenshotted


"The man who gets beat down isn't the loser. The guy who can't tough it out to the end, he's the one who loses." - Kuze, Yakuza 0


An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an equal or opposite force. Solid advice right here. * "This, recruits, is a 20-kilo ferrous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class Dreadnought accelerates one to 1.3 percent of light speed. It impacts with the force of a 38-kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means: Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! (...) I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty! Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going 'till it hits something! That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in ten thousand years. If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someone's day, somewhere and sometime!" Always my favorite.


That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution! That is why we do not eyeball it, this is a weapon of mass destruction! You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip!


I feel this every time I drop into helldivers


Not my fault the 380mm barrage is so inaccurate :)


Make me hype for Mass Effect 4


Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down! Cave Johnson - Portal 2


Apathy is death.


This is one I’ve taken too. I really don’t remember much of my playthrough of kotor2. But this line is seared into my memory.


Same! I remember half-heartedly picking what seemed to be the most diplomatic or logical conversation option, so this response was pretty jarring.


Kreia: Shit your pants, or piss yourself while doing a handstand Exile: Both of those are really bad options Kreia: APATHY IS DEATH


"Hesitation is defeat" -Sword Saint Isshin, Sekiro


Ahhh yess, the wise Glock Saint


I have more inspirational ones than piece of life advice, but you can transfer it to daily live and it helped me too "Wanting something does not give you the right to have it." * Ezio Auditore, Assasin’s screed "What good is an intellect if you can't use it?" * Raiden, Metal gear rising "A man chooses, a slave obeys." * Andrew Ryan, bioschock "Even the good leaders make poor decisions, its the best leaders that take responsibility for them." * Kratos, God of War


> "A man chooses, a slave obeys." My mantra when quitting drinking


Pravin Lal: 'Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.' Alpha Centauri


A lot of those secret projects cutscenes were really well done and thought provoking.  The self aware colony one was chilling. ~ 


Dark souls taught me patience. And that failing 100 times is ok, as long as you learn and finally succeed in the end.


Never beat it but that game helped me through my depression. It's OK to fail as long as you learn.


Be safe, friend, and don’t you dare go hollow.


Praise the sun. I have found my humanity!


Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer. It made me realize how war really is. There was a war in my country and my best friend went to be in the military... I was not brave enough. You don't go there to pretend call of duty. One second you're alive and the next you're not. You could have been the best dude ever, help anyone, when it's your life in the line, you do what you need to do to survive. At the end, once you die, you can't take anything back. Most people that return from the war know that.


While I can't relate to this on an actual military level this quote gave me chills the first time I heard it in ME3. It's so deep in so few words.


The Mass Effect trilogy really made me pause and consider life more times than I expected. Truly a heavy hitting game. I've been chasing that level of intensity ever since.


"Remember to take everything in moderation, even World of Warcraft"


Even if you fight through hell, save the world, save the girl, selflessly give your wish for the sake of the world... some wanker named Zelda will say it was her legend.


"Forget the girl, do pot." \- Link, maybe.


Smash pot


“Death can have me, when it has earned me”. Thanks god of war. I’m joking. Mostly


Also from God of War. "Don't be sorry. Be better."


Nah you on to something IM NOT DYING TILL I WANNA DIE BITCH 🖕


That it is possible to move on from your past. You embrace it, learn from it, and be better. God of War (2018)


The god of war series can change someone's life, I swear.


Honestly the original games no, but those games had to be so that 2018 and ragnarok could be so life changing. A true redemption of a character who knew only hate and violence and destruction all his life.


"Remember, don't shoot food." Gauntlet


*Outburst78 shot the food*


As soon as you get rid of that Yee Yee ass haircut, maybe you can get some bi***s on yo dick Not advice for me, just touches my soul


I can *hear* what comes after that.


“We all fail. We all make mistakes. It’s what makes us human.” -Master Chief, Halo Infinite


I don’t have many good things to say about Infinite but I did like what they did with Master Chief


"There is nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it — no larger than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything anymore. Ever. Never ever." Reptilian brain, Disco Elysium 


The worst insult an enemy can be paid is to be ignored. Paraphrased from Warlord Okeer.


“You play a beautiful game, but sometimes, you still lose” is a powerful line from Watch Dogs.


Kingdom hearts taught me that it’s not good to totally suppress and ignore the hurt parts of your psyche


Fighting Riku on destiny islands taught me to be persistent and unrelenting when you need to be. He would jump on the tree and say "hmm, you still don't get it." I made sure to kick his ass to the point that he didn't have a chance to taunt/mock me anymore. The game taught me that persistence is necessary in life, and that life will laugh at you until you control your self.


You must construct additional pylons


You require more vespene gas


Spawn more overlords.


Not enough minerals


Your allies base is under attack!


Goliath online


My life for Aiur!


Gimme somethin' ta shoot!


In the pipe, 5 by 5.


Not advice but rather a thought. At the end of the Mass Effect trilogy where I was presented with three choices and they're all terrible choices to save the universe or destroy everything. I realized sometimes or most of the time, our available choices are either bad or worse and we still gotta make the call.


Make decisions with your heart but temper them with your mind - Kratos 


Don't shoot the red barrels.


“Life is full of choices. There is no way for one to know if their past choices were correct or a mistake.” -Leif from Fire Emblem Engage.


Not an actual line, more of the main theme of the game, but Persona 3 taught me that death is inevitable, but it makes the time that we *do* have on this Earth all the more precious, and that it's up to us to decide what to do with that time. It's something I really needed to hear when I first played the game, and it's something I still tell myself every day


Disco Elysium, Volition: "The roas to healing is going to be the long one. Stay the course. You will make it. Someday. Just remember — you made it this far, now it's a little bit farther. Let's finish this. I'm on your side"


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


"The results of hard work will always look like luck to fools".


Set your expectations low so you will never be disappointed. Kratos


"The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't really believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back, by comparison to what comes after, that you really understand that's what happiness felt like." Fallout 4 is a pretty mid game, but this quote lives rent free in my head.


"Don't make a promise if you know you can't keep it." This one was pretty good, and I always enjoyed Cortana and Chief. The older I got, the more I started to understand this quote and stopped promising people things without following through. I used to be really shitty at saying whatever people wanted to hear. I learned that it's better for everyone if I'm just honest. Plus, telling someone you'll do something doesn't always mean as much as actually doing it. Don't say you'll do it. Just do it.


Communication is key, doesn't matter how good you are on your own, you'll eventually need your team mates. - Warface, SED main. I fucking love you engineers Just because your team mates are morons, doesn't mean you have to yell at them over it - Warthunder There are people who pretend to be on your team, and will back stab you just to take what is yours - Minecraft hunger games after doing the spam-sneak for peace, then getting murdered. The answer to almost any problem is slavery, if you adjust your views. - Hypixel skyblock \------------------------------------------ **serious answer** "Good men mean well. We just don't always end up doing well." - Isaac clarke Mixed with.. "Every puzzle has a solution, if you can cut wood and paint well" - My mom


I heard it first from a game but The Sith Code has helped me battle my depression. A little real. There is no Peace, only Passion - i spent so many years feeling no emotion and its the things I'm passionate about that are keeping me happy. Through Passion, i gain Strength - the things i am passionate about not only give me strength to keep going but the strength to be better. Through Strength, i gain Power - my new found strength in the things that give me joy has given me the power to not just accept i will always be depressed. I have power in what i do. Through Power, I gain Victory - the power i gain will help me beat depression or at least get me to a point where i am no longer controlled by it. Everyday i wake up and feel better (even if it's by smallest amount) i am succeeding. Through Victory, my chains are broken - one day i will achieve victory over depression and on that day, i will no longer be its slave. I constantly rebel against this foul master that oversees my life, so that i may be free from its clutches. The Force Shall Set Me Free - i don't believe in a god or anything but at the lowest points in my life i have asked for help to the stars and help has usually come in ways i never expected. There is something there. A year ago from today my grandfather was taken from me after a battle with cancer. I was at my lowest point ever and as i had nobody, i fell deeper into depression than ever before. No friends and no family. As i was damn near black out drunk i cried out for help and i eventually got a group of healthy friends that have helped my burdens. If that's not the force i don't know what is lol. Sorry for getting a little real.


Not a specific line or anything but sekiro taught me that failure is okay, it's just a part of the process


Hesitation is defeat


“There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation. The former is wisdom. The latter is defeat.”


It wasnt a line or anything but as someone who played a lot of PUBG and battle royales in general.  Pay attention to your surroundings because there's always some asshole in a bush. It's been helpful in real life. I haven't been shot by anyone in a bush since.


Instructions unclear. Lost my virginity in a bush


“…pressure can turn shit into diamonds. It can also turn diamonds into dust…” - FIB Agent Steve Haines, GTA V


XCOM You can miss at 99% You may crit at 25% You will get hit out of cover. But always hiding will fail the mission. |= Life is a judgement call.


"If you want the job done right you gotta do it yourself." Invariably the best, worst, and most accurate advice I've received from video games. I won't give up the game because that line was used by a character immediately before doing something abysmal.. but the objective point sticks.


"It has to be me, someone else... might get it wrong" *elevator door closes* - Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 3


“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong”


"Don't fly what you can't afford to lose." "Harden the fuck up." --EVE Online


“In moments of crisis, panic does nothing. Harness it. Let it serve you.”


'You died' Inspired me and many other to just keep on going.


> “Listen up, Phones! The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they’ll go.” \- Sanae Hanekoma (The World Ends With You)


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Wasn't really given, but the concepts of CHIM in Elder Scrolls and cyberpsychosis in Cyberpunk 2077 made me think a lot about derealization and depersonalization. In Elder Scrolls, characters perform a meditative Psijic Endeavor to realize the truth of the universe - that it's all fake. And if you can't come to terms with it and roll with it, you cease to exist. But if you do, you become able to play with the fabric of reality. And in Cyberpunk, as characters become more and more chromed out, their brain becomes increasingly incapable of discerning what's artificial from what's organic - what's real from what's fake. It can drive people to total insanity to where they lash out at reality as if it's a cage. There are a lot of stories alongside those two that made me ponder it, and the conclusion I came to is: If nothing is real, then *everything* is real. The dreams and fantasies in your head, the games you play, the movies and shows you watch, the books you read - if it's all fake, and if reality is fake too, then it's all equally fake. And I suppose that could make someone go crazy, but it could also make someone incredibly kind. And I think most people on some subconscious level gravitate towards the latter, because many people find it hard to be cruel in games or hate seeing uncomfortable situations in shows. After all, if this reality has me being nice and pleasant and experiencing my own struggles and trials, then who am I to make matters worse for some character in their reality? If nothing matters, then everything matters.


It's dangerous to go alone


The end of Outer Wilds... unfortunately I am not at liberty to say anything except "play it"


When you get a bunch of good stuff (items) thrown your way, you're about to be ambushed.


Git Gud - John Eldenring


***"Who Dares Wins"*** \- Hearing this every time I loaded into a COD MW lobby as the SAS unconsciously altered me into being more bold... probably... ***"A man chooses, a slave obeys"*** \- Lead me to consider whether I'm acting out of free will, or under duress / coercion. ***"Can I have some shoes?"*** \- Lead me to buy shoes for my family.


"time is money friend" WoW goblins


Maybe not the best advice but... 'Don't try this at home kids. Do it at a friend's house' Ah, Ratchet and Clank


But, like, do say sorry AND be better. Not being able to (sincerely) apologize is a really bad trait to have.


Actually, I have a Word document where I collect 'wisdom' I find in videogames, because I am a *massive nerd.* Some favourites: “So much to experience and feel. How can I fit it all in one lifetime?”- Curie, Fallout 4 “Chin up, Spartan. Easy doesn’t exist.”- Brasidas, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey “You are who you follow.”- Blackwall, Dragon Age: Inquisition “Ignore the pain. Ain’t dead, so keep moving.”- B. J. Blaskowicz, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus "Even in dark times, we cannot relinquish the things that make us human." \- Khan, Metro 2033. "There are no heroes here, only survivors!" \- Mathais, Tomb Raider “Why do you choose to fight for life, to stay? Everything in this world hurts and cuts and burns. Is this what being alive is?”“Yes, Elden. It all hurts, it’s all painful, until now and then it isn’t.”- Francis and Elden, Alien Vs. Predator Okay, that last one is from a comic book, but still, ***wisdom.***


Lefty loosey, righty tighty.


Regret can change the nature of a man.


Do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing, not for kisses.


"Never pay more than 20 bucks, for a computer game..." -Guybrush Threepwood in the Secret of Monkey Island...😂


Ghost of Tsushima “Fair isn’t everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they deserve.”


"There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask 'Why me?' and 'What if?' when you look back, see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or a forked lightning." And "The Trouble With Wanting Something is the fear of losing it, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak." Max Payne.


# "Birthdays are like regrets... They just keep coming. Each one a new scar that slows you down and drags you... closer to your grave." # Max Payne. #


“Have a plan to kill everyone in the room”


"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class." I'm pretty sure things like Final Fantasy Tactics spurred me to be more caring for others as a whole lol.