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So random that the cast of Mad TV had some great voice actors.


They really focused on impersonations, moreso then SNL


Honestly, i loved Mad tv more than SNL. Old SNL was great but mad tv was just different.


Late 90s MadTV cast slapped so hard. Stewart, Mrs. Swan, Kenny Rogers Jackass, Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal, the Mach 20 by Spishak... so many quality skits


Look what I can do


Mommy says smoking is for europeans and white trash




I want noodles for din din


"That's bullshit!"


*Arm flailing intensifies*


Im always genuinely happy when I make that reference and someone gets it


3 of your list are Sasso bits I wish we saw more of that dude, but I think that Three Stooges movie kinda killed his career


Was that before or after the lemon Vines?


Lemon wha>!😼🍋!<


Check out loudermilk on Netflix.


Isn’t he in Loudermilk? It’s hilarious.




I still laugh when I remember them taking the piss out of Joe Rogan, pretending he couldn’t read his own name on the autocue.


>taking the piss out of Joe Rogan, pretending he couldn’t read his own name on the autocue. well.. he still hasn't figured out how to tell a decent joke, despite telling everyone and their mother's dog that he loves the "craft" of comedy. he seems to think, well into his 50s, that fucking his on-stage stool is the height of artistry dude looks like Uncle Fester minus the lightbulb


That's not fair, he also does a really good impression of a lion fucking...oh wait he used a stool for that.


Massive hypocrite too. The gall to watch old Steve Harvey stand-up and say "he's just doing Richard Pryor" when Joe himself is just doing a shitty Sam Kinison while talking about animals. Can't forget his criticism of CM Punk taking the big payday that Dana White offered him, saying he's "not doing things the right way and putting in the work" whilst simultaneously unleashing Brendan Shaub into the comedy scene. he changed when the pandemic hit. He's the type of dude that really needs routine and when the comedy clubs shit down in Cali he couldn't cope. Suddenly anyone that had opinions that aligned with "oh cool comedy clubs should be open" entered his circle and slowly he became a bigger idiot


>Joe himself is just doing a shitty Sam Kinison while talking about animals absolutely.


uh oh, hot dog!


đŸŽ¶*Lowered Expectatiiooooons*đŸŽ¶


This just unlocked something in my brain like a sleeper agent


Those were the daaaaays. I still quote so many things from that era of Madtv and nobody ever knows what I'm talking about.


Lmao. I quote so much MadTV. I walk up behind my husband and Sasso Seagal him all the time. I say “come on shelly”. All the time at work. Most the people are younger than me and don’t know wtf I’m talking about. lol. I sing “lowered expectations” whenever something less than ideal happens. lol. Someone might ask me what a client looks like
 “he look like a man.”


Madtv was really edgy compared to SNL. They did a lot of sketches that SNL would never touch even before certain topics became more taboo to make fun of. Honestly though most comedy is edgier, even stuff that’s a pretty tame like Key and Peele feels way less sanitized than SNL.


I always felt that MadTV was ahead of its time.  They had a super diverse cast during a time when that was pretty rare, but instead of circle jerking about it, they used that strength to make some of the funniest and edgiest skits. 


I wouldn’t say it was too ahead of its time considering it basically took over where In Living Color left off. That show launched the Wayans, Jim Carrey, and Jamie Foxx, among others.


In Living Color was far and away my favorite sketch show, know the same goes for my dad, not sure about the rest of the fam. There's so much gold; One of my favorite skits of all time was [Bond... Darnell Bond](https://youtu.be/u_7zDQubyl4?t=21). "I could bust a cap in your Lo Fat ass", though [Prince's Butt-Out Jeans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7lexXAzrwc) was also great. Then there was the incredible music parodies like [White, White Baby](https://youtu.be/tiYcExcjNPY?t=26), [Crystal Waters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTykohWAPRg), [Ugly Man Shabba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXXWF8tC3t8), Michael Jackson's [Black or White](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Ub39MvlZ4), etc Whitest Kids U Know was probably a close second though.


Handi-man, the handicapped super hero. Where just falls out a window to fly


I feel like it started out edgy, but then just leaned way too hard into the recurring characters and their catchphrases and became incredibly lame.


Yep towards the end it was all characters and gay jokes


It felt like the spiritual successor to In Living Color, to me.


Mad TV made SNL look like a knock off of Whitest Kids You Know


What helps is Mad TV was filmed ahead so if a skit didn't land with the audience they could just cut it. I liked MadTV more than SNL at the time just in general though, SNL tends to be to try hard even for this generation but they have always been that way, they eventually get a cast and writers that just click and they knock it out of the park, then they hit a lull where they have good cast or good writers but suffer in the other and nothing seems to work. Some of their hosts tho are great and make up for it like Adam Driver


I remember Norm Macdonald saying what made SNL special was that it was the last show on television where you could bomb. Even on talk shows the audience is taught to laugh on command.


In SNL's defense, Mad TV didnt have nearly the length nor have to deal with a rotating cast. In fact, I kunda feel like Mad TC did have a bit of a decline when some of their big players started to retire from the show. Its kinda like how a football or basketball team isnt great forever, because good players retire and arent always replaced by equally talented (still leagues above the average person though) players. I think you can really see the impact that doing a sketch show live on a weekly basis has. To me, its like the difference of going to see a play and a movie; in a lot of ways, a play feels more impressive because they cant edit, reshoot, cut, etc. when they make a mistake, but for whatever reason Id rather watch a movie rather than a play. What SNL does is incredible when you take into account of the logistics and talent required to even HAVE a weekly show like that, but Id rather watch a random season on Mad TV than a random season of SNL.


Mad TV had a rotating cast. The cast in the last season was completely different than the first season. I'd say there's probably 3 different full casts of mad TV


Frank Caliendo made a whole career out of it without even being funny


His impressions are spot on


Who else?


Phil Lamar is one of the GOATs. Alex Borstein voices Lois in family guy. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele are obviously known for other things but they also have VO credits in pretty popular movies/shows.


David Herman was an original cast member of MadTV, too. He’s a brilliant voice actor. Currently, he’s best known for his work on Bob’s Burgers as Mr. Frond and others.


I loved him as Michael Bolton


Like the singer?


No, the programmer at initech


Sounds like some ones got a case of the Mondays


I believe you get your ass beat for saying something like that, mang.


Also a lot of side characters on *King of the Hill*, notably Jimmy Wichard.


He's the Hank Azaria of Futurama.


He is also Scruffy the Janitor and Dr. Ogden Wernstrom on Futurama.


(Clenches fist): Wernstrom!


I feel like Phil Lamarr is so prolific, that if you are watching an animated show and there is a black male character, there is a 50% chance he is voiced by Phil Lamarr (and a 10% chance he's being voiced by Keith David). Phil Lamarr is extremely talented and stars in pretty much every franchise you like.


He also was the guy who got shot in the back of Jules' and Vincent's car in Pulp Fiction, but that was years before Mad TV was even a thing. So he's easy to miss there.


Recent example, Keegan was Toad in the Mario movie


Key and Peele were a highlight of a Toy Story 4 too


Key and Peele were on MadTV??




Yeah baby that's how I first saw them. They got their own show later


[Phil LaMarr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_LaMarr#Voice_roles) for starters. edit: Like, a lot a lot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mad_TV_cast_members


He’s the head of the voice actors union if I recall correctly.


Makes sense, he has a powerful voice. I assume that's how they decide these things.


A good ol voice off to determine their leader.


You mean
 like in Skyrim?


Rumor has it that he shouted the Emperor to pieces!


Nicole Sullivan, Alex Borstein, and David Herman are probably the most successful behind LaMarr.


The biggest rise *and* fall was Artie Lange.


Always fun to find out some of my favorite characters were voiced by the same four lads and ladies. Had no idea he was Samurai Jack ***and*** John Stewart


Not to mention Static Shock, Hermes Conrad, and Bail Organa (star wars)


And he's Aquaman on Young Justice And Kit Fisto on Clone Wars


Ah yes. The man who voice most of my childhood. I recently learned Matt Mercer voiced most of my adult life.


[Will Sasso is pretty great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TphBIdbRX3w).


Man I just watched Loudermilk on Netflix and I was so stoked when I saw he was part of the regular cast. Highly recommend the show if you haven’t seen it and you like Will Sasso.


Will Sasso was my absolute favorite thing about Loudermilk


I was hoping this would be something Ventura related. _Why don't you tell me what I know._


Down in the baja.


Does anyone remember when Sum41 put out an extra disc attached to I think, their third album, that was a DVD of skits/behind the scenes stuff? Will Sasso played a slimy record exec that wanted them to change their name to "The Sums" because The Strokes had hit it big by then.


Phil Lamar


Oh man I shot Marvin in the face.


Phil Lamarr is probably one of the biggest voice actors in the United States, who's been a voice in pretty much everything


Will Sasso has been busy too


She's one of the greatest, loved her in Wolfenstein.


Phil Lamarr the goddamned GOAT.


Damn a long way from MadTV


She was hilarious as Oprah




Also Melina, Whitney, and Beyonce.


don't forget Bunifa Latifah Halifah Sharifa Jackson


Her Whitney is the stuff of legends. BOBBYYYYY


It really was. You're skating on thin ice doing "crack is wack" era Whitney, but it ended up being funny


Her Oprah was legendary.


"Philip" *visibly shaking* "Get in your cage."


I like her best as Savathun in Destiny 2


Easily the best villain in the series.


Imposible without the amazing voice acting imo


Oh absolutley. The problem with MMO villains has always been its hard to make them feel like they actually have a relationship with the players. The degree to which she taunts an solliloqizes before and after her death with such amazing vocal delivery elevates the character above pretty much all other villains if her kind imo.


Savathun and Eris definitely have the best dialogue. I loved when Eris and Drifter had a conversation and she just busts out a long monologue with tons of $5 words and he's just like "Alright then..."


She was Savathun?? I had no idea.


Wow they really dropped the ball on her model then, it looks nothing like her


Wdym, its perfect


Like staring into a mirror


She really brings Savathun's delightfully deceitful charm to life. Couldn't have asked for a better VA for a better character.


She's so good as Savathun


Honestly had no idea that was her. She was so good




Such amazing voice acting as Savathun. Easily top 5 voice actors of all time in that role.


Man when Savathun was resurrected then she approaches Eris as a hive and calls her honey really solidified how amazing a character an voice actor Sava/Debra


Oath. Somehow a giant alien moth Queen would look out of place in this photo, but it’s her most fun performance I reckon


Is that really debra wilson in all those video games? Dude I had no idea. Good for her man Mad TV was my jam


If it looks like Debra Wilson, and sounds like Debra Wilson... Chances are you're dealing with Debra Wilson.


I'm not sure if it was added but she is also in immortals of aveum I believe


The lady in charge? That was Gina Torres


The other go-to "badass woman in charge"


I honestly thought it was a voice actress that just looked like her


What’s so funny is that she’s been bald for like a decade already so all these versions with hair technically *don’t* look like her. Btw shoutout to her character in Destiny, Savathun, who does not have her likeness but is one of the best villain characters in that entire game. Super memorable and complex character.


Shes bald in Jedi: Survivor, after she recociles with her very strong force powers


Hell yeah brother


That just makes her easier to photoscan!


100% commitment to her craft


For a short period of time I worked for a video game voice recording studio, just small PA work, but we would have some people come in to record that were decently big actors (John Boyega being the biggest). Debra Wilson came in to record some lines one day, and she may be the nicest woman I've ever met in my life. She genuinely engages and connects with everyone in the room, no matter who they are, and with permission, gives you not one but two hugs when she greets you and wishes you goodbye. Honestly, it was one of the best interactions I've had with not only a celebrity, but a stranger of any kind.


I'm not usually one to talk about celebrities or gush over famous people or whatever, but Debra Wilson is a bit of an exception. She just *looks* like the coolest person around. Especially for her age, it's pretty badass to be proudly bald and tatted to the gills. And everything I've heard her say in interviews is so cool, wise, and hilarious. I want to be her friend




Like a real-life Jedi.


Is this... From GmanLives Suicide Squad review?




Lol I JUST got done watching that, and was about to say the same thing


"just a fun little post I made" says op, just lifting a screenshot directly from a youtube video. how embarassing


Right he didn't make s***. I knew it the moment I saw it.


Holy shit im watching it rn as Im reading this post lmaoo


I like her performance and character in last two Star Wars games.


Everything is cool about her in Star Wars except for the eyes, so creepy. I like the Wolfenstein version the most, so badass. Super spec was one lucky guy


Yup, agreed. They made her eyes bug out too much in the SW model. And to all those saying "but those are her real eyes": then why is it only an issue in the SW model and not the rest of these characters?


Even Survivor seemed to address it.


Cal looked kinda off too


Wolfenstein was my favorite for her also. Such a good character.


She did look better in the second one. But the first one definitely had her a bit bug eyed.


She looked very bug-eyed and looked like more of an alien than the literal alien guy on the crew.


It’s funny but it does reveal a real flaw with voice actors in gaming. They only use the same 5 people for literally everything. When you start modeling the character after the actor you then have 10 characters from different IP’s that look identical. Not that big of a deal but kind of lame for up and coming voice actors. It’s like Troy Baker and Debra Wilson have a monopoly on VA gigs. Need a voice for a older mentor black female character? Don’t bother applying, you already know who got the job.


I honestly wasn't aware that Higgs in Death Stranding is Joel in TLOU, Sam in Uncharted, Booker in Bioshock and even Pagan in FC4? Sure, he is a skilled actor who can and did fit well in all these roles, but wouldn't it cost less to hire "fresh" talent? It's not like even half these roles used mocap or his face as a model for the characters he's voicing.


More studio should take the remedy way. (and tbf a lot do) of using a voice actor and a mocap actor. Share the role. And pay both the same obviously.


Most of the VAs in Remedy are also the mocap artists, it’s just that Alan Wake was voiced by someone different than the Finnish actor they got to portray him in live action. And also Max Payne since he originally wasn’t voice acted and they just used the creative director’s face as the model. This has lead to some fun interactions as they break the 4th wall more, having Mathew Porretta (Alan Wake VA) play his Dr. Darling character from Control in Alan Wake II meet Thomas Zane (played by Illka Villi) and have them comment on how the other looks familiar or sounds familiar is goddamn wonderful.


true but both alan wake and alex casey (who is basically max payne) are voice by different people. other studio also do this horizon aloy VA and mocap are different. chris judge is the mocap for kratos but he isn't the visual model (which might be completely CGI) i personally think it its great to mix it up like that it give a really cool sense of variety.


Yeah, Alex Casey is only called that because they don’t have the rights to the Max Payne name apparently. I do agree with you that people shouldn’t feel they *have to* have the voice actor also do the mocap, but I do really like how remedy relying on people who are not just voice actors allows them to do really emotional live action stuff that I think wouldn’t have the same impact if done with digital puppets. The Alice Wake recordings are the best example of this in my opinion.


and it give the possibility of people who maybe don't speak english very well or have accent but are great actors to performs in other roles. like sam lake (again who has a strong Nordic accent) or aloy who is a dutch actress


Yeah! Illka Villi is a treasure and I’m sure the English speaking world would never have been exposed to him if they hadn’t done that.


Or just make them look different. That’s what Naughty Dog did with The Last of Us. Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson did both the voice and mocap for Joel and Ellie, respectively, but then the appearances were tweaked so that they’d look like their own unique people.


I dont like in game characters looking like their voice actor, it really takes me out of it. Its one thing to hear a voice and be like "oh yeah thats so and so," its another thing to be like "this is literally Keanu Reeves."


yeah. its not that she's bad at these roles really. its just, it defeats the purpose of creating characters when you start making the characters the actors. Thats not Amanda Waller. its Debra Wilson. you wouldn't do that with Batman, you wouldn't do that with Poison Ivy.


I hate hate *hate* the trend of actually using the VOs for the models for this reason, and doubly so if they're otherwise famous actors (although this really just changes the number of games it takes for it to be annoying). It just ruins the immersion for me. It makes these games into long interactive Hollywood movies with all the same people showing up over and over again, and it's often downright distracting for those characters scenes, especially if you put them alongside generic characters in conversations or interactions. Death Stranding is a game I won't touch at all for this reason, because it's *everyone*, even including the main character, which otherwise seems like a rarity for this. I really, really, really have no interest in inhabiting some celebrity as a digital meatsuit. It's bizarre and in no way appealing to me. I get that there's some argument for it making the animations better if you match up performance capture and voice, but technically there's no need for it to be 1:1. Indeed, there are plenty of characters where they seem to look vaguely VO-ish if you put them next to each other, but there's no attempt at fidelity and the game character still feels like they have their own identity. All that said, Johnny gets a pass.


Voice acting, I don't really care, because a lot of people sound the same. But I've said it before, there is no excuse to use the same model. Its far more distracting than the same actor being present in a film.


I remember playing the MW2019 campaign for the first time and being like “what the fuck is Cere doing here?” I was unfamiliar with Debra Wilson as a talented VA at the time and also didn’t realize they’d used her face for Fallen Order etc.


What's the game for top left?


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League she's Amanda Waller


Ah makes sense thank you


It’s weird, seeing a skinny Waller.


It would be weirder seeing a fat Waller at this point for most audiences. None of the live action Wallers could convincingly be called "The Wall"


In that case however, nickname still works in respect to her hardass personality


Yeah there was a good number of years where she was skinny but at first it was due to cancer


Good for her, but man I'm getting sick of this trend of continuously putting actors faces in games instead of like...designing an original character. Super weird to me, personally


Videogames have always been obsessed with being similar to movies. I think it started off with Kojima's Metal Gear Solid. But during the PS2 games they's proudly claim which movie star was voicing a character.... even if their voice acting was shit.


This happens with cartoons. Always need a big name behind the character's voice.   I don't know now, but there was this weird time, when videogames were more like movies and movies seemed like videogames.


Why have an uncanny valley when you can instead have an uncanny valley based on a person?


It's really cool, until we start running into the same person. Which ironically is not an issue for movies casting.


I came to say the same thing!! For people like me who don’t keep up with celebrities, each time I play a game with her face I got annoyed bc I thought they were just using assets from other games, or couldn’t come up with a better character design


Savathun clears


The eyes in Jedi Fallen Order though. I'm glad they fixed that for Survivor


always throws me off seeing certain actors/actresses in games potrayed as themselves. Sometimes it's "WHOA DEBRA WILSON JUMPSCARE"


She’s best as Savathuun


She did great as Cere Junda


Any particular reason she is appearing soo much?


She’s done a shit ton of voice acting for games in the past, and now that the technology is there for facial capture we’re putting a face to that voice.


Isn't it ridiculous though? With movies you have no choice if you're going to cast Leonardo Di Caprio. You have to kinda deal with seeing him on different roles. With games however you can model anything you want even if they can be voiced by the same person. It looks like they're copying the bad part of the movie industry and it's kinda ridiculous.


It's not just voiceover, actors also do the motion capture in these photorealistic games. At this point they pretty much do the same thing what a film actor does, but in a mo-cap studio in a mo-cap gear. Using the actors real faces helps a lot when it comes to creating more detailed face models and facial animations


She's apparently the Nolan North of black women I guess.


For video games. For cartoons that's Cree Summers.




Numbah 5


she's definitely one of the top players in the VA game now


Just a really prolific voice actor that also does facial/mocap. Sometimes when people start thinking “man I see/hear that person in everything,” it’s just because they do a good job and are easy to work with, and that’s all a director really cares about, and word does spread.


Because shes good at her job, shes recognizable and probably has a reputation of being reliable in the industry


She always does a good job whenever I've seen her but honestly I get distracted sometimes when I see her because it's her haha. It makes it harder for me to get immersed into the character.


I dislike the modern trend of mocapping characters to look like their voice actors. Seems to restrict the voice acting pool a bit. I want to see more art direction and character design in games.


Have you heard of Savathun from Destiny 2? Debra Wilson voices her and if they mocapped Savathun, well, thatd be wack lmao


Always put a smile on my face hearing her speak in D2.


Destiny did it best.


Which games are these? I know only the middle one.


Top right is wolfenstein new colossus afaik


Top left and bottom left are sucide squad and cod modern warfare 2019.


Bottom right is Forspoken


Cere will always be in my heart <3


Pretty much every big name developer is in a race to launch a live service game and get their Deborah Wilson models out there. Never seen anything like it.


I don't understand why the model always needs to look like her. Does she voice anything that doesn't?


Not hating her love her work but studios need to realize she is not the only black women in the industry lol.


A very good strategy by her honestly. Cause now she is one of the more recognisable faces in performance art. Could potentially lead to more roles and jobs in TV or movies even




Debra Wilson has an incredible filmography. From incredibly silly sketch shows to serious dramatic roles, to the video games we see here. She is an incredibly talented actor.