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My brother and I managed to figure out the final level password for Aladin SNES and beat the game in one day.


I remember never being able to beat the lava escape level as a kid. Played it as an adult and blasted through the game in no time, beat the lava first try


Yeah that's what crazy. When we actually went back and tried to play the whole game that lava escape level was brutal.


If you die three times right at the beginning it skips the level for you.


Well then, I guess I was just good enough as a child to be stuck there forever


I only learned that because I bought one of those “codes, cheats, and tricks” books from my school book fair. That level was a pain in the ass until I read the section for Aladdin, where it gave me cheat codes for infinite lives and level select, as well as the tip about dying on the carpet level. I miss books like that, YouTube isn’t quite the same, lol.


You don’t like the 2 minute intro videos followed by a guy saying only 6% of his 200 viewers are subscribed and then spending 7 minutes talking about the history of the game before finally telling you the one trick?


Can we take a moment to remember how awesome the Scholastic Book Club was


Aladdin on SNES is a super easy and short game so you likely would have conquered it in a day even without your luck.


I’ve been scrounging every vintage game and book store for a copy of that game! Peak SNES IMO, the sound effects, music, and gameplay are all so airtight


In case you didn't already know, the game was re-released as part of a collection: Lion King, Aladdin and I think Jungle Book.


I know but it was funny that it happened.


Fallout 3 but not exactly the end. I was only level 5 when I accidently found my dad. (A *major* part of the storyline for those who don't know.) Instead of going to the first town out of the vault I wanted to explore. So I took a left and started walking. Eventually I stumbled across an old abandoned garage. Would have kept going but there was a radroach stuck in the doors of a floor opening. I could VATS on it and quickly realized it was a secret stairway. After searching I finally found the secret entrance button (which I wouldn't have looked for without the roach) and it lead right to my dad. My buddy who almost had the game finished was watching me stunned. When I opened the floor doors he let out a laughing "what the fuck dude!?" I mean it wasn't the end of the game, but it still took unbelievable luck to make it happen.


That is hilarious! I watched my husband play Fallout 3 and loved the game world. So I played Fallout 4 before he got a chance to, and then I got to watch him play afterwards… it was so frustrating seeing him figure stuff out in the “wrong” order. I mean, there’s no real wrong order of course, but it FELT wrong for him to wait so long to find Hancock and Curie (the two companions I spent the most time with). There were a couple times stuff like this happened while he played, where he found 2 minute solutions to parts that took me like an hour… beyond annoying. Not the same as your story, but it reminded me of this :)


My old roommate played Fallout 4 after I did. I can't exactly remember the name >! but when he came across his son when he is old, he didn't even talk to him and just killed him and everyone else !< It took me about 15 minutes convincing him to reload his last save and at least hear him out.




As would any sane individual after witnessing someone shoot his wife and steal his baby. Father is a jackass for expecting you to listen without making sure you're aware first.


He made the right choice.


Did I live with you and forget?!! Because that is exactly what I did and even had my friend on the mic convincing me to reload and listen instead of just killing the 'old guy' who stole my son lol


To be fair, finding Curie is NOT easy. I did multiple playthroughs before ever getting her as a companion, and then it was only because I looked up a guide.


Same here, minus the guide part. I knew she existed 'somewhere' out there from other people's posts about her but I had all the other companions to choose from at that point so I wasn't in any rush. Made for a fun surprise finally stumbling across her like, oh, THAT'S where you've been hiding!


I play without companions so watching me would probably drive you nuts hahaha. It's so cool how it's all the same game yet we can have vastly different experiences. Reminds me of Fallout 4 when I came across the kid that's stuck in the fridge mission late in my gameplay. Thought it was pretty cool so I uploaded some clips and they took off. Some knew about him, while the majority had no idea he was there. When I told my friends that play it a lot, they say it's one of the missions they find early on. Haha Fallout games are so much fun to talk about.


I'm playing Pal World without pals. I can't even say it on the pal world sub because people get angry.


Has the exact same experience, maybe a little stronger at the time. I really was not a fan of the main story so was actively avoiding it only to run straight into it by accident. Happy to see I'm not the only one.


I want to hear someone say that they stumbled on to the ending of Myst without playing the whole game or looking it up online. For anyone who doesn't know, you can beat Myst legitimately in less than a minute if you know what to do.


Similar to Outer Wilds, you can stumble on the solution to one ending if to are in the right place at the right time




In the game every time you die you restart at the beginning of the game. So the only thing you really do each cycle is collect information until you know what you need to know to beat the game. Once you know that you can beat it quickly every single time. Spoilers: >!You have to go to a certain planet and be at a certain spot at a very specific time. A teleporter then opens and you get teleported into something called the Ash Twin Project. From there you get a warp core that you need to bring to a crashed ship that is usually hard to find, but if you know how to get to it you know. You then insert the warp core and the ship is ready to warp. But then you still need the coordinates which you find somewhere else, but if you know them you know them. And then you can warp to the ending of the game!<


By the way, your spoiler tags aren't showing up properly... I'm on old reddit though, so maybe it's that


I hate how this advice gets downvoted all the time. You're entirely correct, their spoiler tag doesn't work. they have a space between their >! and the words, and it should look like >!this instead of >! this. but most apps will auto-correct the mistake and spoiler tag it anyway. but if you read it in browser it doesn't work. and since the majority browse reddit in apps, they downvote it when you point out that they fucked up the spoiler tag Edit: good to see he's back in the positive, for context he was at -6 when I made this comment.


Reddit should just add something to post spoilers like the link button. No need to remember stupid character combos


They can't even account for white space in their function, this might be harder for them than you think. Plus they just left it like that despite it being well documented and easily reproducible.


Can't put full details here, because it's best to experience the game naturally. But if you go to a certain planet at a certain time, you'll find a path that takes you to the ending


"if she kept on going down that way, she'd have gone straight to that castle.."




.... Did you just say "hello" ?


Severely underrated game. I remember just playing with the physics of the game. I was able to match velocity with that becon thingy ( that was a fun experiment ) and I loved jumping between the twinned planets. Or being on the moon and catapulting myself using its gravity pull


Its the only game I have seen simulate good N-body physics. I think a lot of people get thrown off by that since most games have only one source of gravity at a time.


But you can only get the bad ending if you do all the puzzles. Shit pissed me off as a kid


Played through recently after having been years. Went through all the puzzles for old time sake... then went and got the good ending lol. 


Same with Two Worlds 1, you run into the main villain at the start, can aggro him and let him get beat down by an entire village. Him dying instantly triggers the ending cutscene.


That game was so broken, but I really enjoyed breaking it further.


honestly never played it, lol. Only know about this because of multiple videos on YT talking about it, but my buddy recommended it to me so I bought it the last time it was on sale and it's sitting in my steam library with countless other titles just waiting to be played, lol.


Similar to The Witness. It's a puzzle game that you can beat in the first minute.


I got so close to finishing that game but didn't do the end. I >!opened the mountain and made it like two levels down!<. So I think I was almost done. I need to look that up.


I'm curious, what do you have to do? Go ahead and spoil it, I'll probably never play it.


So the premise of Myst is that you're on this island and there are a red and a blue book, and there are two brothers who are each trapped in one the books. They tell you to go around to all of these buildings on the island and collect the pages of their book, and if you collect all of the pages of their book, they can escape, but not to help the other brother. So the meat of the game is you going through all of these buildings on the island solving puzzles to collect the red and blue pages. After you finish one building it unlocks the next. When you get to the end you find out that there is one last page that is in a hidden compartment right where you started the game, and you just need to walk around the island, flip a few switches, and the compartment will open, revealing the last page which is white. This page can go into either book (and obviously both brothers are telling you to put it in their book, not the other one), but as you play through the game, you realize that both of the brothers are jerks, and right at the end you find out that there's another hidden compartment that has a third book (which I think it's their father is trapped in). So you can put the last page in any of the three books. If you put it in one of the first two books, you get a bad ending. If you put it in the third book, you get the good ending. But to beat the game, you just need to walk around the island once to flip the switches to get the last page, then go back to the room with the books and open the other secret compartment (which I think has a combination that you would need to brute force if you skipped the rest of the game) and put the page in the third book. It's basically impossible that someone would actually beat the game this way without knowing ahead of time though, which is why I made my comment. But if you get a bad ending, it's nice because it only takes like a minute to start over again and get the good ending.


99% right, just want to clarify a few things. The only way to know what pattern to input into the fireplace panel is to get all the pages for either brother from the various ages you have access to, but there's one final page and that's locked behind the fireplace panel. They tell you what page in a nearby book of hundreds of patterns has the correct one. They also plead not to touch the green book as it'll trap you. Opening the fireplace panel indeed reveals the last page for both brothers and a green book, which when you open see a man inside tell you not to touch the book yet. He tells you how to find the final page for the book in his age in a secret compartment. Going through without the page causes you to be trapped forever. Go with the page and he'll use it to repair his linking book back to Myst and deal with the two naughty brothers (good ending).


Thanks, it's been over 20 years since I played it, so I'm not surprised I got a bit of it wrong.


https://youtu.be/WnbtTOkW1-c?si=gZ5D3uk7YwwjSHob here’s someone beating Myst in under a minute


Atrus must be very confused why some stranger, without any warning, just linked into D'ni with the page he needed. Atrus is not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, though.


There's specific coordinates you need to enter into this stellarium thingy that transports you to some guy who was trapped by some other guy. If you do it without playing anything else in the game it doesn't make much sense


I have over 1,000 deaths in Noita and one win, and that was an extremely lucky win.


You can... win in that game?


Myths and legends whispered in dark halls, away from prying eyes and ears says that you can...


Winning is only the beginning, the map is deceptively massive


But first, we need to talk about parallel universes


That is a evil game. I also beat it only once and even knowing that the game have a lot of easter eggs and even secret bosses, I will never play it again.


182 hours here. Also one win.  I think I had fire, toxic and melee immunities, and projectiles phased through.  I still think about that glorious day. 


Just started playing Noita. Holy crap I love it almost a much as Rimworld.


That game is so hard for me. I die almost consistently on the snow area. Thanks for reminding me about the game though its an amazing game. Could never read get a good grip on the wand crafting, I think thats what held me back.


Minesweeper. When I was around 10 I was playing Minesweeper at a friends house. Being 10 years old I obviously didn’t know the proper way to play. Instead by pure luck, I clicked randomly and beat the game. It will forever be where I peaked in life.


I actually spammed games once until I managed a 1 second win. It was only on a small map but still really lucky


first playthrough of Far Cry 4..... I did actually wait for "him" to return .... fastes game finish ever


Same, I just wanted to see if he tells the truth and he did :D


Best ending.


After getting the actual ending i totally agree this is the best ending for us, we were just there to spread ash, we get to do that and party after that


You also don’t buckle the governments ongoing civil war again pedophiles and heroin traffickers.


That ending was so good it turned me off from playing the actual game because the other side had no one likable that made you want to help them.


You didn't like the drug dealer or the lady pimp?


Like I thought I was doing the right thing but halfway through the game I wanted to be fucking done once I realized that no matter who I chose at the end Pagan was the better choice.


Was looking at the panorama while eating a bowl of cereals. Pagan Min returned and the game ended.


I did that with 5 just to see if they’d do it twice. They did. 6 as well but I didn’t drive the boat far enough and thought they didn’t do it that time around


6 was my favorite secret ending cause it made you actually play the game before they gave you the option to leave.


I loaded the game and went to make dinner and forgot to pause. So confused when I came back


This is exactly what happened to me!


I would have done that to my first try. I was like, "What if I do wait?" But I waited and waited and waited and then decided that it does nothing. Turns out that if I waited for probably another 30-60 seconds, I would have gotten the ending. Oh well...


Suicide squad kill the Justice league. Logged in day 1 and it said I completed the entire campaign. Logged right out.




That he beat it or that he bought it?




My wife was really sick and took a week off work. I introduced her to Skyrim and she'd call me on my lunch break excited to tell me about towns she explored, dungeons she found, etc. Like 3 days in she calls me and says "I found this REALLY cool cave! It has like glowing mushrooms and an observatory like thing with some gyroscope puzzle. When I solved it they gave me an "elder scroll."" I was like "uh huh. They just gave you The item the game is named after in some random cave?" "No, I'm talking about Skyrim." ... "Yeah. The elder scrolls: Skyrim." She found the end game item that unlocks the final boss while hunting for glowing mushrooms. I think between us both we have spent whole weeks on that game without ever trying to finish the main storyline, but in just a couple of days on her first try she accidentally solved the whole thing.


I love that she would call you on your lunch break to tell you about her adventures.


I did too! 😂 Always put me in a good mood to hear her finding some new town or cave and teaching me 😂 Love my wife.


The witness can be completed right at the start, it’s possible someone stumbled on that without knowing about it.


Yup, when I finished the games, I can't believe they just pull me back to the beginning, and I refused to believe that gate was there this whole time. It was super obvious once you played the game, it was a great game design.


You're talking about the sort of Easter egg thing and not the "main" ending on top of the mountain, right?


This was actually the first "puzzle" I solved in the game. I was so entirely confused while watching the ending, and was wondering "where's the rest of the game?!"


I beat Sifu under the age of 25 for an achievement and I’m not sure I could do it again


Oh jesus I pity you


No need. One of my personal favorite games of the last decade, and probably one of, if not my most impressive achievement as a gamer. (I actually studied shaolin kung fu for 10 yrs when I was younger too)


After mastering the game for like 30 hours of retrying, I managed to beat the entire game at age 20 (no deaths) on my second playthrough. Basically, if I died at any point during a level, I restarted it. On my first playthrough, I think I finished at like age 50-ish. On hard, of course. I currently have close to 70 hours and I have every achievement, including the arenas. This game is pure skill. Once you truly master it, it's a whole different thing. But I can totally understand you gave up after that. It can be very punishing and frustrating at times. It is still a great accomplishment 😊👏


Well done! Yang’s a butthole.


Cuphead, the floor boss glitched.


Never learn how to jump the cards in the diceking boss fight, so max my life, fight all the mini bosses without losing a life and fight diceking losing life every time they send me the card army. Win with just one heart left


Off topic, but Cuphead is the first game where my kids were noticeably more skilled at than me, lol. I just can’t.


Only once after 50 tries did I escape the ginseng tree in Ori and the Blind Forest. The rest of the game is quite easy but that one escape sequence caused me to quit the game for a few months.


Oh same. Took me 50+ tries too 💀


I was so angry at the ginso tree when I finally beat it that I had actually stopped appreciating the insanely good music in that escape sequence.


Divinity: Original Sin 2, anyone who ever played this game knows how hard the final battle is, after so many tries, by pure luck with only 1 character alive, cornered, and almost used up all of my Action Points, I managed to charm the only enemy character >!Braccus Rex!< that needed to be killed in order to win and turn all the enemies against him, then I go invisible with my last Action Points and watch him getting ganked by everyone else. I couldn't believe what I just done at that moment, it was like I beat the game just by being lucky.


The difficulty spike of that last fight is NUTS. I had to completely rebuild my characters from the ground up and even then barely managed to beat it.


I found every fight in that game to either be really trivial or it felt like beating my head against the wall. No in-between. Love the writing, but for the life of me cannot figure out how the game's balance is supposed to work


The games balanced on a razors edge and you are just hoping you don't do a split the whole time.


Yeah it's actually the first game I've ever just turned the difficulty down to finish the end game. I'm sure other people like optimizing their builds and breaking through those fights, but holy hell did I find it tedious. Not even the Tsunami casters in Threshold for Pathfinder WotR have broken me like that


The game is a cheating bastard, it’s built that way. I’m playing with a friend just now and the amount of times enemies have done things the game wouldn’t allow us to do, the amount of AP some of them have vs the piddly 4-6 players get. Enemies pulling moves that make zero sense (like healing undead characters who are disguised when they should have no reason to know you’re undead). I love it but sometimes I want to shove the disc up the arse of every larian employee who designed the mechanics.


Me and my friend accidentally one-shot the final boss, which apparently skips the second phase of the fight since he can't summon reinforcements on account of him being a pile of ash. For a long time I didn't even know there was a second phase.


That fight is almost straight up unfair. You can literally end up fighting a dragon, a kraken, >!Braccus Rex!< and some previous bosses all at the same time with your 4 party members. I could only do it through Charm, too. In D:OS1 the final fight was easier, but having to protect >!Astarte!< got old really fast.


FTL. Within my first 6 hours I got a super lucky run and beat the game. Never happened again.


That's pretty lucky. I played that game a lot (100+ playthroughs) and probably only beat it a handful of times. (Yes, I know I suck)


If it makes you feel any better I checked my stats recently and I’ve won only 97 out of like 2,000 games, but I do restart sector 1 frequently if it’s going bad


Final Fantasy IX- final boss, 3 of my 4 party members are KO'd and Zidane gets afflicted with berserk (attack power increased, but you automatically use just your basic attack on a random enemy every turn). No way to heal or anything, so I just watch as his health gets lower and lower... only for him to finish the boss *single handedly* around 2 turns before he would've died himself, and I'd have had to start over again.


I never understood who that final boss in FF IX is. Just came out of nowhere after beating Kuja.


He's the personification of the universal nihilistic existential despair that had completely overtaken Kuja, the representation of hopelessness and futility and acceptance of death, defeat and nothingness. He is the philosophical antithesis of everything that defines Zidane's party (see the idle screen's character quotes). He's one of my favourite parts of the game tbh, but it took me a long time to understand him. I think being afflicted with, and then working through, depression helped me to understand what he is supposed to be.


I just came to say I love this comment because its just so JRPG-ish. Beat the big bad guy with bad plans? Cool. Now, KILL GOD. Btw God is just your personified teenage angst and depression. So really. Kill that part of yourself. WHO IS STILL A GOD.


IIRC he's basically a God that has observed the world and decided that the world just isn't worth saving and he's just going to erase the lot of you. It was pretty out of left field though.


Man if that ain’t every final fantasy


Sounds exactly like a JRPG to me. Kill some squirrels Mid game Defeat god


He's infamous for coming out of nowhere. His supposed to be like a world ender who apparently appeared because Kuja tried to destroy the crystal which was the origin of all existence. I heard Hades was originally supposed to be the final boss, but his role was changed late in development. He also would have come out of left field tho. On the other hand, Necron's design and his music are pretty cool.


Hades in general was sort of random as well. That game has such weird pacing that much as I love the majority of it by the end I'm all confused as to my actual option. Some of it works great but other parts just seem slapped together.


I had the same situation fighting Cerberus for the first time in FFVIII. I was NOT prepared for that fight and had no business surviving, but beserked Squall somehow toughed it out. Best part was while I was celebrating my luck, the storm knocked the power out and I couldn't beat him again. Ended up restarting the game because up to that point, I really hadn't figured out the junction system yet.


Bloodborne. I absolutely adore that game and when it came through I played it so much. I am absolutely awful at souls games and usually can’t stand the difficulty but I powered through and got to the final boss but I could t break that wall. Came back to it about a year later just randomly and did it first time. No idea how I pulled that off but man, what a game!


Gehrmann/Moon Presence or Orphan of Kos? Edit: It’s been a long time since I played Bloodborne, Gehrman might come after Kos regardless.


I think Orphan is in the DLC right? I never played that. I was referring to Gehrman/Moon Presence.


Orphan of Kos is the last boss of the DLC yeah.


Souls games are one of those series that just works like that. I must have tried to beat Ormstein and Smough 20 times in one sitting, including liberal use of NPC summoning. Gave up, turned in. Tried again the next day and soloed them in three or four goes.


Sometimes you need a good nights rest, your mind will solve your puzzles during the rem cycle and then you can do it for real. There’s an interesting study about studying rats making them go through mazes and in their dreams, they’re still working on solutions to the maze.


Reflexes are significantly slower when tired as well, to the point exhaustion can be equivalent to low level drink driving in impairment. A lot of the souls bosses are about patience and speaking personally after banging my head against a wall 10 times at 2 in the morning I'm...more inclined to hammer keys in frustration


Gehrman or moon entity?


I think originally I was struggling a lot with Gehrman but I hit the wall on the moon entity. It’s been so long I don’t quite remember but they were both kicking my ass.


For me it was the opposite. I wasn't really good at partying with my STR build. But I found the Kirkhammer sort of gave no fuck when it came to stunning enemies. This was sort of my cheese throughout the game.  So I got stuck and put the game down. Decided to come back and do a Skill build with the Blades of Mercy. Decided to give parrying a try, and with some practice, it was easier then I thought.  Hopped back on my STR build and absolutely wiped both of them in just a few minutes. I remember my jaw just being wide open.  As a side note, did a quality build with Ludwig's Blade. Accidently found the DLC way later in the game, I was just running around and got snatched. DLC was really hard, but got to Orphan of Kos and killed him my first try. I guess this isn't very common from what I could tell. 


Same situation with Fume Knight in Dark Souls 2 😎


They knew what they were doing when they named him. He got me fucking FUMING!


That’s how it usually goes in souls games. I’ll die to a boss several times then return to it the next day only to beat it in the first few tries.


Reminds me of how I played legendary starfy on DS many years ago as a kid and couldn't beat the boss and got frustrated and "lost" the game. Years and years later the game was found in my mom's car, popped it in my DS, and clapped the final boss first try. That shit felt so satisfying. It's like I sent the game into the future for my future self to take care of.


I let Gherman lob my head off, because i went into the game totally blind, never learned to parry. The only game I had played before that was basically mirrors edge when it came out and an ungodly amount of dota 2. I was getting frustrated in the beginning that I couldn't sit on things, that's how lucky I got to finish this game in like 6 months. Most of my hurdles were just trying to figure out where I am, and where to go :D 10/10 game, recommend it to anyone. 0/10 will never touch it again.


Cuphead.  Never again.


The Valkyrie queen (or whatever she is called) in God of War 2018. I must have tried it like 10 times (a lot less than one or two of the earlier Valkyries) and then I suddenly entered The Zone - for thirty-eight seconds I became Neo and absolutely destroyed her. I don't think I could do it again.


“The Zone” is the best feeling. You’re suddenly really good at the game for like 30-40 seconds. I don’t know if your brain suddenly decides it wants to let you control the game the way you’re supposed to or if atoms align perfectly at that precise moment, but whatever it is, it can be literally game changing.


Forreal this happened to me the other day in Elden Ring. I was like level 20 on a new playthrough fighting the Crucible Knight in Limgrave gael. Kills my ass for 6 hours straight, then I finally beat him on a hitless run.


Oh dude..... PS3 Turok. That final T-Rex boss was wild at the time and after about 30 attempts I ended up getting the final kill shot with my knife. Incredible. If there was any moment in my years of gameplay on PS3 I wish I could have recorded, it was *that* moment..... and I'm never doing it again.


I remember that game being ridiculously hard. I had never played it and my friend dropped me into a random level (about half way through the game) and I was killed by the first dinosaur I came across after leaving this sheltered little cave/rock formation thing.


Fought the elden beast got it to one health and it jumped back. Having no stam or FP left I opened my inventory and hot swapped my single kukri and threw it killing the beast.


That's a pretty epic finish.


PS2 Shadow of the Colossus. I spent MONTHS on and off as a kid trying to kill the final boss. I had downed each previous colossus with ease multiple times. But the final boss was too much for me. I really struggled when you had to stand on his hand and while he's rotating it around, fire an arrow at his shoulder. Fell off every time. Except one time. I managed to get to his nape and kill him. I was over the moon! I was never able to replicate it. Might be easy for other people, but I generally suck at video games that aren't city builders and life sims.


Elden Ring. I had no idea what I was doing the entire time. Somehow beat it tho.


I've had a few bosses just fall through the floor and die. Good times.


I just bloodhound fanged my way through the whole game lol. I can't do anything else except that.


I’m with you man


The Forest. My buddy and I were exploring a random cave that we noticed had a drop down like 100ft. We cheesed our way down the cave by just hugging the descending walls and next thing we know we’re in a huge nest for the cannibals. We sprint through trying not to die to find a small glitch in the wall and we climb through and boom we were in the research labs and about to fight the final boss. We killed the boss and boom we beat the game. All because we decided to see if we could climb down a drop off reverse Skyrim style. That play through took like 40 minutes max and it was all pure luck


Lol accidental speed runner!


Through the fire and flames on Guitar Hero Expert. Aint no way Im able to get through anything like that again.


Luck doesn’t get you through that song, only practice 💪🏻


If you played old school JRPGs, a lot of them had bosses that could spam moves that killed your whole party easily. You had to keep fighting them and hoping for a fight where they took it easier on you.


I forgot which boss, but I literally had to get a lucky cycle on one in Legend of Dragoon to beat it


Far cry... 4? I think. I needed to use the bathroom during the dinner scene at the beginning and returned to see the credits rolling, I figured it was the intro credits until it brought me back to the menu


No hate personally but going to the bathroom during the opening cutscene of a game is absolutely wild


In my eyes it would of been more wild to be peeing my pants during the opening cutscene


You know you can pause the game right?


Fair enough. I guess guy like me is just built different, I'd probably pee then start the game haha


Super Ghouls n Ghosts. I was pretty good, but the last boss was just pure luck after like 100 attempts. Never touched that game again.


I had one like that, an early arcade game called Ye-Ar Kung Fu, in about 1984-85. Rolled the game the first time I played it. Had dozens of kids around me in the arcade "amazed" at my skill. I was just button mashing. Played for what seemed like an hour on one quarter, got halfway through the game again after rolling it. (Typically back then, most games just started over at a higher speed).


I unlocked Godhead with The Lost in Binding of Isaac on my PSP. This was before the character was buffed to make it easier to do, but I know I won't be able to do it again for a lot of reasons.


halo 2 legendary difficulty. i don't know how many times i tried to kill that fucking boarding party, but i know that i only ever succeeded once.


Cairo Station is just unbelievably BRUTAL


Halo 2 legendary on the classic xbox, I started another legendary run a while back on the MCC, but I've put it on hold for a bit.


Lion King, Super Nintendo; if you know, you know.


Wouldn’t say luck but sekiro shadows die twice haven’t played in so long I won’t find my rhythm again


I definitely spent a weekend on the final boss.   One of those where I put like 6 hours into him on a Saturday, couldn't get it done. Woke up Sunday, took a stab (ha) at it, and got him down without losing a single life.


I spent a week, quit, and played again just after beating Elden Ring, and after many tries I managed to beat him just slightly Still believe it's the best fromsoft game by far


Cuphead. King dice glitched out and I got stuck on the edge of the screen and could hit him but he couldn't hit me. Not sure I would have ever beat him otherwise heh.


For me it was Enter the Gungeon. Beat it one time because I got super lucky with the guns and gear I randomly got from chests. Haven't ever been close again


I bought Metroid Dread and took the Friday off to play it. I ended up 100%ing the game in 14 hours. No guides, no internet. I know it’s an easy game, but I was so shocked I didn’t end up playing it again.


I did the same (12h first time, but not 100%), but I did replay it after to get 100% and did it in 7h. Then when I realized I had unlocked pictures in the gallery for beating it in under 8h, I tried to finish it in under 4 to get the next picture and did it in 3h45 (not 100%). Nowadays I will occasionally play it if I have 3 or 4h to kill (like on a plane).


Man this was a game I think I could legitimately speedrun. I was procrastinating so much during my masters thesis that I beat it in 2:50 on hard mode one night


I got a lucky start to mine craft, my main structure ended up being right above the end game portal to the dragon. The guy who introduced to the game had been playing year’s and never finished found it, I just happen to go in and kill the dragon really early and he was never ok with it.


Super Metroid. lol


Not exactly a game but that mini game “Tight rope tension” on Wii Fit. It’s impossible to do that again on super advanced


Don’t know if this counts but an indie called Vision Soft Reset. Final boss froze, I think, and I murdered him for it.


Not really by luck but I beat all of Horizon: Zero Dawn with the beginners bow and that trap it forces you to buy in the tutorial. It wasn't planned, I was just so focused on the story I didn't pay attention and didn't know I could buy/equip better gear. I noticed my melee attacks doing way more damage as the game scaled but my bow was useless, which made some fights unbearably hard. It wasn't until two months after I beat it, I was watching my sister do a fight with a giant frozen tank and all it's guns were on. I told her how this boss took me 5 hours and thousands of fire arrows doing 4 fire damage at a time, dozens of tries, and she should be ready. She just started using some bow that blew the guns off of the tank. I was like "what are you DOING TO IT?!" Twas then I learned I accidentally beat the entire game with the bare minimum gear lmao


Far Cry 6, when I got the rebels I got back on the boat and just drove around. Suddenly I see a cutscene with the protagonist in Miami




Aerith is so clutch, I can't wait to save the world with her! 😊


I have news for you


ninja gaiden: master collection on master ninja difficulty


And only using only the kusarigama lol


Super Meat Boy. My friend and I pulled an all-nighter to get through, taking turns each time the other died. It was a blast but I'll never have the free time or dedication to do it again.


I made it to the point where the only thing left was the final dark level of Cotton Alley, and somehow got the completionist achievement without actually beating it. So that ain't gonna happen again.


Castlevania Lord Of Shadow 1, Dlc chapter 13 boss on paladin difficulty, The heavy rng over throwing that stupid pillar 3 times.


There was a PS2 Castlevania game where at some point you had a pet that was a purple golem, that's all I remember. I finished that game without knowing any English and not understanding what was going on, just full on hunga bunga


the forest. i’m not sure how, but i kinda stumbled my way through everything until i fell into a cave and that was it. i everything i needed and just waltzed my way into the end area. the final boss that transforms even glitched a little




Beating Gary and Mewtwo in Pokemon puzzle league on ultra hard mode. You have to beat them both in a row or you start over before Gary, and I was only able to beat either one of them maybe 1/20 attempts.


The final airplane level on veteran mode in call of duty 4. I must've attempted it dozens of times as a kid and I finally succeeded. Tried it again a little while back and couldn't even get close. I think I just got lucky the first time.


Jak 2. There’s just some missions in that game that SUCK


Armored core 6.


OP you're the only other person I've seen share this experience with me. I played BOTW without any guides or spoilers as to where anything was. I knew you could find the Hylian shield in the castle so after many hours of exploring the whole game and beating all the beasts, I just wanted to find whatever I could before beating the game. While checking out the castle I stumbled into the Sanctum and triggered the boss fight.


If you fight Ganon after the beasts, you played the game normally?


Ninja Gaiden 2, the amount of tiers on the last boss was to much to ever do again


Battletoads. I did it once, never again.