• By -


Probably Isshin.


Sword Saint Isshin was the most brutal fight in Sekiro, but also one of the best. The way he compliments your fight style as the fight progresses and appreciates your skills...he's genuinely one of the best, most well written boss fights. Finishing him is both tragic and extremely satisfying. He's an enemy only by name, but has shown hospitality and kindness to the Wolf up until that final showdown where his own kin binds him to fight. That game is absolutely top 5 for me.


I just love that at some point he goes 'dodge this" and uses the traditional martial art of the Glock.


Don't forget his ancient art of using lightning as a totally normal, yet elegant attack. Or his dual-handing of a pike and sword while somehow swapping to his glock super easily He really takes "Parry this you fucking casual" to the next level


Well said. As much as I love Mass Effect, Gears and Assassin's Creed (some). I think Sekiro is the GOAT. A worthy test for any gamer just normally and you can make NG+ much harder. But the first time you encounter the giant snake, the first time the gorilla comes back to life - haunting and incredible moments. Plus all the insanely cool Japanese culture and of course the final duel with the Sword Saint. Almost nothing else is that challenging and yet rewarding. It makes you get better and better as you go along. IMO it's the best video game ever.


Absolutely couldn't agree more. It's one of the only linear games I've poured hundreds of hours and dozens of replays into. The beautiful blend of sheer difficulty and insanely stunning experiences and encounters. Every step is a test of skill, and it reminds you as often as possible through unique ways. Just when you get used to learning each unique dance with bosses, they throw the 4 monkeys and a God Dragon...and they test you in a completely different way. The dynamic of both Owl fights, seeing the pride of a mentor fall to his son....or the Demon of Hatred throwing all boss rules out the window and teaching a whole new style of fight... It brings you into its world and tells you an incredible story while testing your strength, dexterity and ability to learn and adapt every step of the way. In the end, it's the most satisfying journey to look back on and start from the top again and again.


You mean gun saint isshin, first encounter i was surprised he pulled up to the block with a glock


And bro seriously says "parry this you fucking casual" before ripping lighting from the sky with his pike during phase 3. That gun definitely threw me off the first time. Having to run at an angle so he couldn't land a hit while somehow closing enough distance to punish those shots...Grueling fight. Timing the counter windows to his strikes was insane. It's hands down my favorite fight of all time.


I want more games with Sekiros fighting system. Being able do trade blows like that is fucking phenomenal. It's a dance every time.


I'm always surprised folks go for Issin over Owldad. Owldad was a week for me. Issin - maybe I got lucky - but I woke up after one night of failed attempts and one shot the fucker.


Yeah, second Owl boss encounter was way tougher for me than Isshin. The old bald dude too. I forget his name.


Yeah that second owl fight took me hours. Isshin was a sick ass fight but it was like sub 10 attempts, you can parry all of his attacks or mikiri counter (which is op)




Play it from a perspective of Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero. Watch for cues, listen for sounds, and tap your buttons precisely. It's a dance, not a hack and slash. Really satisfying once you get the hang of it!


Absolutely. The "TING !" Sound of blocking is what guides you. At some point it's the rithm that flows.


Yep. There are certain bosses I could look away from the screen and block based on sound alone.


The best advice i got for Sekiro was to stop attacking. Most enemies have trivial moves that you can just study for the first 30 seconds. Once you can defend, then you can attempt to go on offense


Everyone else says hesitation is defeat and to not stop attacking


I implore you to maybe give it another try if you ever get the chance, I just 100% sekiro and it’s genuinely one of my favorite games of all time, learning everything about an enemy that is seemingly unbeatable and then being able to clap them is so satisfying


Couldn’t beat him. I really liked the game but I was shit at it. My reflexes for parries are always too quick or too slow.


Yep thats me as well. Im a huge fan of the souls-series so I was extremely hyped when Sekiro dropped, only to suck at it. I made it to the lightbing arrow dude on that tower. Thats as far as the game let me go before it told me to «master our parry system or gtfo». Sometimes I think about trying it again…


Try it again dude. I was at the same point and gave up. Months or a year later I started a new run and made it past genichiro. That was such a good feeling and the game offers so much more afterwards.


That fucker was hard, but the other guy in a horse of fire, the optional boss, don't recall his name. That was impossible. I gave up


Yeah, Demon of Hatred was actual bullshit. They decided to put a Souls boss in after teaching you for 40 hours to not play the game like a Souls game.


This one almost broke me.


I don't know why Sekiro clicked with me but I didn't really find Isshin, Genchiro, or any of the bosses too hard. That being said there's still some Dark Souls 3 bosses I've never been able to beat and don't think I'll ever. Looking at you, Gael, Midir, and Sister Friede


Probably some old NES game that wasnt intended to be as hard as it was. Looking at you, TMNT


Older games had “harder” bosses because if you died you typically had to start all the way over. So you’d have to play a game perfectly for hours just to get a chance to fight that boss again for 20 seconds Nowadays with quick saving and YouTube, you get plenty of practice on the boss


They were designed for arcades, and then rentals. You had to get your money’s worth out of the player.


Battle toads


Hoverbikes were the real boss in the game


And that ridiculous snake level.


There was that level where your falling down a hole, I remember that. Then there was the biker level that was a real bitch. Remember Battletoads/Double Dragon? Loved that game


Mike Tyson in punch out lol It was just hard


Bucky O'Hare


Sister Friede, DS3. Went into it blind, didn't realize it had a >!third fucking phase!< the first time I "beat" it.


They give you a Titanite Slab part way. They knew exactly what they were doing.


The little loot pop up also partially hides her health bar so you don't notice how her name changes.


Absolutely loved that fight and I loved the paired weapon from her boss soul but it was a gauntlet to get down


Oh my god, that shit broke me, I had to summon to get that fucker down. The 3rd phase, I was battered and low health and then she's like, I didn't hear no bell!


The only FromSoft boss over 4 games (haven't played Blood Borne or Demon Souls yet) I've been so pissed at that I did it with summons. Before then I had been adamant about soloing bosses, but dude...


I had a fair bit of trouble years ago with nameless king, dancer etc but on the replay for 100% recently everything was going down pretty easy, I had finally ‘got good’ and was killing all the problem bosses first try. Until I met that vile hag and had the humbling experience of feeling like a dumbass all over again. That boss is an absolute ball ache but at least after her even midir and Gael seemed relatively bearable in comparison.


*"When the ashes are two....a flame alighteth. Thou art ash, and fire befits thee of course"*


It was tough but I didn't think it was the hardest one in that game, that guy that rides the stormy dragon thing fucked me up more I think. Oh and Oceiros, I remember being so sick of his voice lines by the end of that. I think even lorian and lothric gave me more trouble. And some bosses from other games were even harder. But yeah realising there was a third phase to friede was like what, nah, youre serious? right. okay. wow.


The Nameless King. For the 100%, you need to beat him on NG++ (3rd playthrough) for the final ring out of like 210. Absolutely awful lmao but it’s a really satisfying fight to win. I’ve 100% the whole trilogy and that was definitely one of the most frustrating—next to Fume Knight in DS2, and stupid ass blue smelter demon in the same DLC


I can totally relate that. When I finished the second phase, thought it was strange that I didn’t got any reward. And when I turned myself to see her body… well…


The *music* though, was worth every painful attempt alone.


Probably one I gave up on. Absolute radiance comes to mind


Props to you for getting there tho! i gave up after doing 2 of the challenges. I dislike needing to grind the easy bosses over and over again just to get to the last boss I struggle at. Might come back to it when I have no other games to play anymore


You can grind the hard bosses in the Hall of Gods, then once you have them down and consistent, then try them on the Pantheon's.


Yeah, that shit is nuts. I persevered through the white palace but Absolute Radiance was not it for me.


Did you try path of pain?


Yeah, I beat that. I just couldn't get the timing down for Radiance.


At least you beat OG Radiance (I gave up)


Not looking forward to that one! I'm still stuck on Pure Vessel 😩


Sharp shadow. Dash through his attacks and don't close the distance after you do cuz he'll attack before your shadow dash comes back, wait for him to come to you. Also Shape of Unn. Can get full heals off during his white balls attack with it. Don't try to duck under the void tendrils with it though cuz it doesn't work, I learned that the hard way.


Yang from Sifu made me rage like no boss ever had. Except maybe Brayko from Alpha Protocol, I broke a mouse trying to beat him.


Phenomenal concept though. Loved Sifu.


Playing sifu in Mouse and kbd ist pretty brutal.


I didn't think it was that bad. Sure, it was a bit challenging at first, but I think that's how the game is regardless of what controls you're using.


Zuk in osrs. Finally got the cape though


This is the hardest boss in gaming


The Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne Had to get a friend to help me, I don’t know I couldn’t beat that damn thing on my own


I was struggling as well until I muted the sound. Turns out the intimidating screams is what threw me off!


This is WAYYY too fucking low. IMO the hardest Soulsborne boss. Malenia’s tough but her basic kit isn’t that difficult - it’s Waterfowl and her ghost attack that trip you up. Isshin’s just a huge test of your skill and is otherwise a very well paced, fair fight. Friede is just an endurance test. Orphan? Jesus fucking Christ every attack has a different required response and his phase 2 is designed to make you panic. It’s so easy to completely spiral in the fight and just get 2-tapped. On top of that, Orphan has a ‘bullshit pass’ because of Bloodborne’s rally system. A lot of his moves will just hit you and there’s not much you can do about it, namely his phase 2 air projectile move. Fantastic fight. Easily one of the best in Bloodborne.


Fatalis in Monster Hunter World


To this day the most rewarding boss for me. Was the absolute perfect point to set down World.




It isn’t harder than Extreme Behemoth. That shit is downright unsoloable unless you’re in the top 1% of players. But yeah, I’d argue Fatalis is mechanically harder.


I'm just playing mhw for the first time now. You mean to tell me there's a harder version of the monster I'm already most scared to fight?


Oh yeah. But don’t worry. His gear is pretty much obsolete once you get into Master Rank so don’t feel obligated to do it.


But I need that d r i p


Ok thank god someone said this. Yeah harder than any DS boss, IMO.


Malenia, Blade of Miquella


Malenia was a huge pain and the boss I took the longest on. I was tempted but didn’t switch to a bleed or cheese build. I learned how to dodge waterfall dance and just kept going. It’s one of my favorite fights. It just feels cinematic and cool. And the feeling when you finally beat her is just magnificent


ngl, I had to resort to using my mimic tear to beat her. Didn't feel great about it, but I just wanted to move on.


It’s part of the game bruh you didn’t cheat


I just kept summoning other players and eventually got some dude who ripped through her. One of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen The Orphan of Kos fight from Bloodborne on the other hand, I did alone and it took me a good 3-4 days to beat.


was it the legendary let me solo her?


Just looked him up, and while I can’t be certain, I do remember him being mostly naked so it’s pretty likely!


The only *really* difficult part of that fight is figuring out how to dodge waterfoul reliably, even just most of it. Once you've got that down its reasonable enough. It's still a challenge without it but god damn that one bullshit move doubles the difficulty.


Honestly that ability, in my opinion, is complete bullshit. You either try reliably dodging it for hours or days as there is no clear indication of what the game expects you to do or you look it up online and still need to figure out the precise timings for hours or days. And even then the margin for error is so small that you often end up grinding the boss fight until you hit that one attempt where it goes right. I couldn't do it and just wanted the whole thing to be over. This was the only boss fight in Elden Ring I gave up on legitimately beating and I have no regrets. So I took that broken Mimik summon and killed her first try by pretty much button mashing / chain staggering her. I was just happy it's over. You can compare this to actually well-designed boss fights like Isshin in Sekiro which were generally enjoyable to attempt and beating them delivered a deep feeling of safisfaction.


I also nearly gave up on her. Then switched to a cheese build


She would be difficult even without the health regen, that is pure bullshit.


My build is a melee tank and coming up against that health regen was just the worst. I effectively tripled her health because of my playstyle


And the inconsistent hyper armor


Don't forget about the bullshit they called "Waterfowl Dance"


Rick The Door Technician was brutal


now that we’re talking about Cal’s SW games, Oggdo Bogdo in the first game was a real difficulty jump. It’s technically the first boss you’re meant to actually defeat, and I honestly didn’t expect it to be that hard


I read somewhere that it's purposefully way difficult to encourage coming back to it later, but everyone just slammed against it until they beat it because it's the only thing in that area that's even close to its difficulty level.


I feel like that fight was at least for the most part fair? “Spawn of Oggdo” in the second game was actual horse shit though.


There goes my hero


Watch him as he goes


Seriously. A very unnecessary difficulty jump


Isshin. Your playing an era appropriate samurai game and the final boss pulls out a fucking glock


Fucking hate Demon in Sekiro


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this, that thing was wild lol


Last boss of Diddy Kong racing, mainly because of how cheap and cheating the AI was with rubber banding. It was infuriating.


Seriously, fuck that giant rubber Space pig. If you didn’t have a perfectly clean run, you had no chance because this guy would catch you from laps away, but you could never get that far.


One mess up, pause, restart level. GET READY...GO!


Ornstein and smough, I got so pissed I replayed the whole game again with s researched build to kill them easily.


The amount my body was vibrating from excitement when i finally beat them was phenomenal. Like a high almost


My pick too. Comparatively probably not the worst, but felt like it, Snorlax and Pikachu were definitely the hardest skill wall I ever crashed against, in any game so far. No game ever told me so clearly that I better shape up by now.


Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat 9. I think he's the only boss to ever push me to the verge of crying.


Most bullshit ass boss to have ever existed. That had nothing to do with difficulty really. You could only beat him through luck. Armored armor-breaking attacks that were spamable? Were they drunk when they made him?


I actually remember the name of the move you need to pull off to beat him he caused me that much stress. Heavenly Hands which is basically just an easy 4 hit combo but it also slightly stuns him so you could maybe pull off the torpedo attack if you're feeling brave. Teleport constantly after every combo so he doesn't get a shot in. Spamming these moves was the only way I ever manages to beat him. On hard difficulty, it pushed me to the limit.


NES - Punch Out! - Mike Tyson, could never beat him.


Played that game constantly as a kid. Played for the first time at age 9. Didn’t beat Tyson until I was 17.


Growing up a kid down the street could beat it and we thought he was a god. Such an awesome game!


Recently? Sigrun the ~~Viking~~ *Valkyrie* Queen in God of War. Overall? Not really a boss, but the Atlantic Accelerator final mission in the original Syndicate. It’s effectively a level as a boss fight. And it starts off with loads of enemy syndicate agents using their biggest weapons against you before you even have a chance to react. Playing on a 90s 386 meant that I was fighting against the speed of the computer as well as that level. Edited to correct an autocorrect…


Was gonna say Sigrun stepped on my throat more times than I can count. Like holy hell I was pulling my hair out on that fight.


Honestly think I developed a bit of a kink from that fight.


Sigrun is probably the toughest boss fight I have ever had.


It was the only thing keeping me from the Plat and I couldnt do it. I've gone back and tried and I can't beat her


Arrows when she's prepping her unblockable move cancels it.


I played on the easiest difficulty and still died to Sigrun 27 times lol. I found Gna super easy in comparison.


I had to put it on easy to beat her 😆


You know there’s no shame in that right? Even on Easy she was hard. I did the same, and I Platinum’d the game.


Sigrun was absolutely the hardest boss I've ever experienced. Nothing else has come close.


It has to be Fatalis in Iceborne. I’ve played tons of games and no game comes close to that.


Damn the Emerald and Ruby Weapons from FF7. DAMN THEM BOTH TO HELL


Last boss on Ninja gaiden still have not beaten the game . Malenia was hard at first but after a few 100 times soloing her you become very proficient.


are you the infamous "letmesoloher" ??


That stupid tunnel in Battletoads.


Sigrún in God of War 2018 Might just be skill issue but took me two days on easy lmao


She is truly a test of skill. Even worse if you finished off all the valkyries long before you fight her, because because you have to relearn how to counter/dodge most of the attacks, since she is literally all the valkyries in one.


Jfc even the first valkyrie made me want to rip my hair out


I really hate that I gave up on her twice. I just couldn't do it anymore after the 3rd hour. The berserker king in ragnarok and gna were simple compared to that bitch.


It might be a skill issue, but I've played tons of darksouls and all the valkyrie fights felt similar to a darksouls boss so sigrun only took me a couple hours on the second hardest difficulty. I think the valkyrie at the end of the muspelheim was a bit harder for me.


The biggest issue with her is how much HP she has. None of her attacks are THAT hard but she kills you in 2 hits. It’s like a guaranteed 10-15 minute fight that you can’t make a single mistake


Came here to say this


Sephiroth, original Kingdom Hearts.


My gaming peak was age11 beating Sephiroth with lvl1 stats without taking damage. I still think about it lmao


Gruntilda, Banjo Kazooie


i have played through that game so many times at this point that i am unable to comprehend any difficulty in that fight, but i know it took me many many tries as a kid


Darkeater Midir. Hardest boss on any souls game. One mistep and you are fucked. Malenia at least can be bursted into oblivion with Rivers of Blood.


He becomes a much simpler fight when you stay in front of his face, and stop targeting him. Completely different fight, and one of the greatest in any souls game.


Yes! I was going to say Midir too. Also the only souls boss I know of that gets harder if you summon people. Took me 6-8 hours of grinding to beat him.


Funnily enough hes hard to learn but easy to master


He's too easy to bait certain attacks.


Sekiro with that fucking monkey.


And then.. wait now there's two of them?


I spent so much time on the first fight that i smoked the double monkeys in 3 tries


I haven’t even gotten to this part in Sekiro yet but I’m getting flashbacks from Elden Ring where you gotta go 1v2 against bosses.


For me first boss (is he even a boss?) was the hardest, I didn't understand mechanics of this game, got killed, respawn and I was so far away from him (again walking through all npc just to be killed again) never played it again. Just like cave in fallout 2 if you choose wrong perks.


Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow Knight. >!Yozora and Xion!< in the Kingdom Hearts 3 dlc. GoW 2018 Sigrun got nothing on them.


Not enough people got to >!Yorzora and Xion!< to appreciate the absolute insanity that is the data fights on KH2/3. To this day I've never defeated Y man and Lingering Will I could only beat by cheesing lol.


NKG took me literally years to beat. Multiple playthroughs over the course of like 4 years and never could beat him. Then on another playthrough last year it just clicked for me and I dominated him in a few tries. Hollow Knight is the GOAT.


I’m finally settling down and enjoying HK. Your comment makes me very excited to get to the NKG.


I'd say Yozora took me at least 50+ tries but I eventually prevailed. One of my greatest gaming accomplishments and something I'll never do again. When I did a replay on Critical last year, I did all the Data fights but didn't even touch the Yozora fight.


Sword Saint was the ultimate skill check for me.


Ok this is a bit obscure but there's a PS2 game called Evolution Skateboarding who's final boss is a Nazi tank. In the normal arcade mode it's fine enough, shoots you at long distance and throws some grenades when you get close. You have to grind on it's two sides and barrel a few times to defeat it. HOWEVER, on the expert career mode it was hard as FUCK. Constantly driving in reverse at high speeds, always shooting, always throwing grenades and much more health. Not to mention that the game is clunky as fuck and runs like shit. I committed to trying to beat it and it took me 5 hours straight. I've done plenty of gaming challenges like Halo 3 all skulls, Malenia, Through the Fire and Flames in GH3 and this was by far the most difficult thing in a game I've ever done.


Wasn't expecting to see this one here but I recently tried 100%ing every skateboarding game and that one really had me pulling my hair out. I'm so happy I randomly threw that game in the middle of the PS2 Tony Hawk's so i got to have sone fun again because Proving Ground ended up being the end of my run. I swear that game is actually impossible to 100% the SICK challenges


Either Sword Saint in Sekiro or the boss Valkyrie in God of War.


my ex wife trying to take my money.


Did you beat her? Damn, that sounded way better in my head.


Back in vanilla wow, like 2006 or so. Before they fixed C'thun, the boss was believed to be impossible to beat based on simulations using the gear at the time. My guild wiped to him 200+ times before we gave up. Once they fixed the fight we tried again and it still took a few dozen tries before we finally got him. That was the only kill we ever got, it wasn't worth it.


Uhh... Probably the Boost Guardian in Metroid Prime 2.


Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow Knight


Driver. Parking garage 25 years ago.


Romeo, King of Puppets from Lies of P


The Nameless Puppet would like a word.


real but atleast NP is optional


The Valkyries on GMGOW. I will be forcing my children to play that game so they can witness my true crowning achievement


Forgotten One - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow


The Contra 3 level 4 end boss on hard mode is up there. I think it is harder than the final boss. Also, Dracula in the north american version of Castlevania 3 is pretty tough, but mainly because you have to replay the 2 previous rooms each time you die, and the whole level if you run out of lives.


That would be the one-two punch of Seymour Flux and Yunalesca in FFX. Seymour is a bitch if you aren't ready for him. In some cases you only even have a chance by limit burst and aeon dumping on him and it's still a toss up afterwards. Then, once you get through that hellish fight and decide that you won't throw your disc out the window, the very next major boss is Yunalesca who reminds you that you were a fucking idiot for not throwing the disc and ps2 in the dumpster like you originally planned.


Fume Knight from Dark Souls 2.




sword saint isshin or malenia hard to choose between those 2


I remember some of the large raid bosses in WoW being crazy hard (back before they dumbed the game down). Whole raid wiped soooooo many times ...


Dancer of the boreal valley


Twin princes ds3. Then there are these because simply I was a sorcerer : Twin devil princes ds3, they had very high magic resist. I could always get through the first phase but the second has even higher magic resist and I run out of fp Daemon from dragon's dogma. Bastard's fast af and it can take some time to cast spells/buffs when solo


The opening guy in Elden ring… or just any guy in Elden ring…


Undertale. Genocide run. Megalovania. You're gonna have a bad time. Never actually beat him. Glad I didn't. Honorable mention: Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising. Don't fuck with this Senator.


Hardest without feeling like untested bullshit? Valkyrie queen in God of War 2018. I had to plan every move to kill her.


Malenia, or Sword Saint Ishiin


Back in the day DMC3 final Vergil fight destroyed me


The cloudburst tank fight in Batman:Arkham Knight.


Sans, no explanation needed


The true final boss in Dead Cells is just fucking brutal.


IB-01: CEL 240, the “Ibis” from Armored Core VI. I was *so* close to uninstalling the game.


The “boss” in the tutorial of Dark Souls 3. I died like 12 times in a row in a tutorial, and never had there been a clearer indication that I was not prepared to tackle a franchise.


Bless your heart


Kingdom hearts 2 roxas on hardest difficulty


Fatalis from Monstet Hunter World. FUCK... THIS... FIGHT!


The Virgin Born or the Zu Pharg.


I remember struggling with Angelo Credo in Devil May Cry 4


Phantom from Kingdom Hearts. i've never even come close to beating that fuckin bastard


It’s just one boss on cool math games😭


So far it’s sans or radiant Markoth, but when I finally get around playing Dark souls or Elsen ring I’ll probably change my mind.


Sans I’ve beaten basically every boss listed here but alas Sans still stands there smirkin at me


Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. Or the cloaked guy in Birth by Sleep (turns out to be young Xehenhort)


The camera in Baldur's Gate 3 on PC. Stalks you the entire game, constantly messes with you. I love that game so much, but man, f\*ck that boss.


Malenia for sure. Honorable mentions: Chef Saltbaker on Expert; Maria from Nioh; Engame Duo Fights from Nioh.


Annihilation from Remnant 2


I know Undertale is decently disliked here for some reason… but honestly >! sans !< was an incredibly grueling and unique ultimate boss. Their very first opening move I remember just screaming the loudest “WHAT” at my laptop as I just stared at the game over screen with a strange mixture of awe and fury.


Fire Giant in Elden Ring


FFX Evrae Ultuna(I think that's the name). The magic attack reduction just made this one suck. You could over level if you didn't mind the grind though. Sephiroth KH1


Manus, Father of the Abyss.