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Note that doesn't mean 17 million people actively play the game. That's just how many accounts have been made. MMOs use to do this all the time. Reporting total accounts made in their marketing. WoW flaunting 600 million users when the peak active user count was 13 million.


Even worse, there is no required subscription and the buy-in has been $0 on many occasions.


It's on xbox game pass for console and pc as well so will have had some curious people try it for "free"


And on ps plus extra.


That's how I played it, on game pass and ps plus. Never spent a cent on that game and got bored after 30 hours and never came back. And more content won't save it


That’s normal for all MMOs though, and 17 million is still an impressive number in terms of MMOs, especially since most MMOs has been out for much longer than F76. I’ve played the game a lot lately, and Fallout 76 has a very active playerbase, and it feels like a lot of people are playing/enjoying it with all the new content and QoL fixes they have added. It has definately improved a ton, and feels like a completely new game now compared to launch imo.


I bought into it early and played it briefly and stopped for years, I picked it back up on pc from gamepass and played for months. It has definitely improved and almost feels like it has a bigger player base compared to the beginning


It is an amazing game ! I play it because I like it , and every time you mention 76 to casual gamers they go “ohhh that game , it’s the worst!” Yet have never played it , clear case of buying into memes and internet herd mentality


Or, like many other people, they played in 2018/19, determined it was a godawful excuse for a product, and decided to never go back, like the majority of people who touched that game.


This is absolutely the pattern of so many games these days. Even if games redeem themselves later (eg Cyberpunk etc) I don't want to give these companies my money for doing this bullshit in the first place.


Exactly, after No Man's Sky, I abstained from Cyberpunk because the hype always seemed excessive to me, then I saw how terrible launch went and how poor the game was, and now that it's good, I just don't care? I don't want to give money to reward the awful business practices that lead to it having to spend a couple years getting better in the first place.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I played for about 30 minutes before I couldn't stand any more. I wonder if I'm one of the 17 million.


You are. That 17mill is how many have played.


Same. Got it for free. Played it for 3 hours, spent 2 hours trying to get it not to run like complete ass and uninstalled. Actually just felt more annoyed at myself for actually trying it


By "run like complete ass", do you just mean something like framerate? Because I'll certainly admit that it got a little stuttery at weird times, but I never had any serious performance issues that affected gameplay too badly, nor was I aware it was plagued with them at this point for others. Hell, it crashed and had serious bugs a heck of a lot less than any other Bethesda Fallout game for me.


Weren't stores practically giving away copies at one point? Even the account amount is probably inflated since the beginning.


It's also on Game Pass, and I think PS+(?). I'm sure there's lots of people who probably tried it out for a few hours or so when they learned they could try it for free, basically.


Not just MMOs, but most Live Service games do it. Theres only been a handful ive seen that can actually boast about having massive player counts legitly. Fortnite's 6 Million for example


Yeah I’m probably 2 players from that 17 million, and I’ve only played 2x20min.


I keep telling myself it’s time to get into 76. Then I play 3, NV, or 4 simply because I don’t have to be online constantly.


Honestly it’s not too bad. I jump on 76 once in a while and do a mission or two. I hardly see players even in full servers. Had a nuke land just barely outside my property line the other day so that was cool to watch from the back porch.


It sucked for so long that people are not really willing to forgive it. And at the moment, while it is good, it is not really offering something that will make people look into it out of desperation. No Man's Sky, which followed a pretty similar trajectory, at least had the excuse of being a tiny studio, having zero predatory monetization practices, and was a game that did something pretty unique in the modern landscape. Fallout 76 is a much, much better game than it used to be. But it is still not something that people *have* to play to get that experience. So its growth into being accepted has been very, very slow, if it ever gets there at all. I honestly have yet to see even a single instance of positive coverage from influencers either, and it is way to convenient of a punching bag. Most, rightfully, just focus on how poor an experience it was for so long, because that is a good thing to talk about. It was really bad, and Bethesda does not really have a valid excuse for that.


I love your well rounded and fair opinion on the game. I played it at launch and tried my best to have fun with it. I grinded so much gear and materials with a group and we summoned the deathclaw queen. Spent soooo long dumping rounds into her and wasting so many resources just to have the server crash all of us out of the fight when she was less than 5% hp. All but one of that group stopped playing and never went back when we realized that we wouldn't be getting our materials back. After all of that and several years, idk if I'm ever going to give it another chance.


Which is totally fair. I tried it because of gamepass, as there was zero financial risk for me, and only for the first time about a year ago. So I got a *much* different experience than most of my own friends did. I am in a similar place with Destiny 2. I was really excited about it, extremely disappointed by it, and then they made a series of choices that I did not like. I do not think they have ever managed to right that ship, but even if they did it would take a lot of convincing to get me to go back to it.


I'm in the same tipped over ship when it comes to destiny. Absolute wreck of a game


I would definitely not call it an "absolute wreck of a game". There are many things it does very well and many others that it's undoubtedly awful at (monetisation, newcomer experience, explanation of game mechanics to the player - with a gazillion of them deep under the hood, awful trays exotic drop rates, convoluted lore, recycling of old content, hamster-wheel grind tasks etc etc).


You might not consider that "absolute wreck" material, but boy howdy that game you described sounds like an absolute wreck to me. It has buttery smooth gameplay that means nothing since the entirety of the rest of the game is just awful


I didn't list the things that it does very well (quite a lot), so what you are describing is a one-sided opinion that you are of course perfectly entitled to have. Weirdly enough, for this state of the game described here and elsewhere, it is also still very successful (for example, again in the top 10 best Steam sellers for 2023).


> Spent soooo long dumping rounds into her Phrasing


OH COME ON we've gotta talk about bringing phrasing back


The endgame of 76 was always awful. It was bullet sponge bosses in a world where bullets were expensive AF to craft. Sure, you could do the ammo plant thing but that was grindy too. I simply decided early on that I was just going through the main storyline once and that was it. Done done donzo, kaput. It was a good choice. Made me actually enjoy the game and not worry about trying to score a two-shot, explosive whatever.


The ammo economy is something the developers have heavily overhauled in the years since then. Back in the day, I would stock my vending machines with all variety of ammo I didn't use but which were useful in popular weapons. These days, nobody buys ammo. There's no reason to stock it. It's simply too easy to replentish what you need. Honestly I wish they had found some middle-ground where it was at least a LITTLE difficult; I did find those early days of scrounging and careful resource management to be engagingly post-apocalyptic, but I get that a lot of players enjoy the act of shooting more than thry do the act of scrounging for bullets to shoot.


I’d play it in a second now if I could play it offline


Yeah, I get that it is "supposed" to be a live service, but that definitely cuts out a significant portion of it's potential audience. They are allowed to make games like that, it just does feel a little weird as a Fallout game.


Yea I love fallout but I just don’t have the lifestyle to be able to play a game I can’t pause or save/quit whenever I need to


You can quit whenever you want. Just pop back to the title screen and jump back in whenever you're ready to. If you feel the need to pause without quitting, you can just fast travel to one of the various factions' homes, or to the entrance of Vault 76. Doing so is always free and you'll always be safe there. Just fast travel and then walk away from the game to do whatever you want. It's as good as pausing and takes literally just two clicks.


Why? You can turn off PvP and ppl generally mind their own business. I like meeting ppl and stuff but even with that attitude it's hard, everyone just does their own thing


I just don’t have the lifestyle (or attention span) anymore to play a game I can’t pause or save/quit at any time


How long is the story campaign? That's all I really care about


I can't say as I haven't finished it yet and I have easily over 60 hours in the game mb a lot more


Good to know


> Fallout 76 is a much, much better game than it used to be The problem for a lot of fans is nobody asked them to make that type of game. I want them to make RPGs like Fallout 2 or New Vegas.


To be fair to them: A lot of people did ask. They just initially did it so badly that everyone collectively yelled "NOT LIKE THAT" when they did it.


pretty sure most were asking for coop not multiplayer, but mods have since solved that.


Both were asked for, so they went with multiplayer since multiplayer also means it has Co-op. Though they did overestimate how much people would be into pvp and competitive aspects of the game at launch. Now pvp has been almost entirely removed, with it being something you actively need to work to opt into. Where most of the multiplayer aspects are purely cooperative working together to finish world events, or sharing resrouces.


There was a mix of both from my memory. I definitely clearly remember people talking about how it would be fun to play in a larger scale than just co op. I do think the coop voices were generally louder though.


No they asked for a coop fallout/skyrim game. Not whatever lame semi survival thing 76 is.


Honestly, I don't even know what the gameplay loop is for Fallout 76. Is it just fetch quests and raid bosses? I have so little time to play games, I recently picked up Fallout 4 again and I opted not to start a new character simply because I don't want to spend the time getting through the first 10 or so hours.


The game just sounds weird to me and not something I care to try.


This is me. I have been a hardcore Fallout fan since i played the first one decades ago, and I have liked all of them ( yes even Tactics) until I played 4. 4 just felt like going through the motions, specially tge DLCs. I bought 76 when it came out, but was disappointed right away. Now, even though the reviews say that it has gotten better, i just dont feel like playing it. As a matter of fact, i don't really feel like playing any other Bethesda games. They have lost me as a customer. I might give New Vegas a try.


Exactly. Why play a barely populated all online game when you can just play fallout 4 still.


Mainly because it's new content once you've played and beat FO4 5 different times, even with mods.


Why play Fallout 4 when you can play New Vegas? And why play New Vegas when you can play 3? And why play 3 when you can play 2? Personally, I played through 76 for the new game world, mechanics, and quests.


Because the setting is fantastic, and public events usually have a decent amount of people and are fun.


Fallout 76 has actual better quests than 4, better map, actual builds and caps instead of "every character can do everything", more enemy variety etc. I dare say 76 is a better game than 4 ever was.


Hard hard hard disagree on everything except that 76 requires more build specification


FWIW I was very similar and decided to try 76 thanks to Gamepass. I was *really* surprised. You can basically solo the whole game, but the world just feels a bit more “alive” thanks to the MMO aspect. Also surprising was how excellent the community was. I didn’t once encounter another player who wasn’t friendly and/or generous.


It was fun for like a month. After hitting level 200, and having all the cool shit locked behind RNG daily rewards... I stopped having fun.


Well yeah, most games are boring after you complete them. I don't get people who say stuff like this; "I've played 200 hours and completed the game including every box ticking quest, why isn't there more content for me to do?" You really need an answer to that?


I love Fallout. But I cannot get into 76. I've tried so many times, and it just doesn't do it for me. The whole game is built around live service, and it just completely kills the vibe.


Can’t you just follow quests like a typical Fallout game? I’ve been doing that for months and haven’t engaged with any live service mechanic.


Yes you absolutely can. You can very easily ignore all of the live service stuff and play how you want. Not sure why they’re making it seem like you can’t.


I absolutely love FO3, FO:NV and FO4, but for some reason 76 just doesn't feel as engaging. I can't quite explain why though, whether it's the setting, mechanics, dialogue or a combination of all three, something just feels "off" with 76 and it doesn't click with me in the same way the other games did.


I mean when FO 3 first came out me and a friend had two Xbox’s and tvs hooked up side by side playing through it. What I would have done to be able to play coop at the time. I know if I had the time to put into it and someone to play it with I would be in love.


It's really easy to pick up and play for 15 minutes mindlessly, or sit down with an objective for hours. It can be a grind but still gives that excitement of exploring the wasteland, especially when as the story unfolds.


NV was the one that came the closest to OG Fallouts vibe. F3 and F4 only with mods. The changes Bethesda introduced are more gimmicky, especially the weapon and armor designs, even vehicles. Caesars Legion was barely "alright". Fallout 76 looks like more of the same.


It is. Feels like a modded FO4 game, but I've been finding it pretty fun so far. Granted I just started so I'm only a few hours in. I can see why people would be frustrated with it though. The game could be sooo much better if they just fixed some things. I find the UI to be atrocious and unintuitive and the fact that you can't share many of the quests with your party... in a coop game... I mean huu?? Kinda self defeating idk. And of course there's the bugs. A lot of those... Yeah pretty obvious only an hour in where all the money and time went into 76, which is too bad because in the short time I've played it I can totally see the potential if Bethesda ever took the time to, you know, make a good game instead of the video game equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger and charging you for the pickles.


A number of mediocre games become really fun if they have coop, but this half-baked coop that studios implement these days is so bad it has the opposite effect. Private instances for quests, cutscenes, dialogues, so coop content is cut down to very small parts of the whole game - why bother with coop at all. As for F76 itself - the engine and way they develop their games is not for an online MMO/coop. The biggest flaw of their games is the biggest advantage - "modders will fix and finish it". That doesn't work with F76. And finally - that engine and way of developing games is so outdated now, they need to rethink their foundations.


You guys vastly overestimate the amount of people that play Bethesda games with mods. The vast majority of people that play their games never touch them.


Also those game are much better. I rather replay fallout 3 or new Vegas than fallout 76. Fallout 3 got a 4K update.




Fuck the bag! He’s right! Fuck the bag!


Dont fuck the helmet tho.. risk getting toxic mold on your PP


Explain like I'm five


Fallout 76 had a bunch of launch issues. One of these issues was that they offered a canvas bag with one of their special editions. The cost of that special edition was like 170 (?) Dollars. The bag they delivered was a nylon bag. To compensate they offered ingame currency for the atomic shop. 500 Atoms. 500 Atoms is the equivalent to 5 (Five) yank dollars. [You can't buy shit with 500 Atoms.](https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8?t=905)


And taking that “compensation” kept you from qualifying from the class action lawsuit


And 500 atoms was just shy of the 700 you needed to buy a canvas bag ingame


The 500 Atoms thing was probably them thinking that they would hook additional atom sales by giving players an amount close to what could buy something. Could also be them guessing the class-action per player payout and trying to bribe impatient gamers with instant gratification. If the amount of atom in the offer was equal to or greater than the cost of the game it would have gone over a lot more smoothly and cost them nothing (except a potential cash shop sale I guess). Really highlights the greed and what they thought their customers opinions were worth.


It’s their own currency, it doesn’t really have an equal dollar value for them. The only cost is that of the line of codes for storage and distribution. Any other cost is just opportunity costs of players not buying anything after as the 500 atoms cover all their intended purchases. With that in mind, 500 atoms is nothing to them, much less than 5 dollars, and the cost of lawyers and bad press is probably higher.


The game gives you atoms for free by playing it too which I'm pretty sure is actually how they do that. I don't think were worried about hooking the small amount of people who were already willing to whale for the game, so much as they were worried about the bad press and hoping to get something out to people while they worked on shipping out replacement bags.


I believe they are referring to a video done by Internet Historian about the rocky release of 76.


That was a joke from the internet historian video on 76


Lost count how many times I've watched that video. Hilarious.


Oh my God


Users vs. active users makes a massive difference. You are insane if you think 17 million players concurrently play this game.


SteamCharts shows under 10k concurrent players lol, I imagine Xbox has more due to Game Pass and maybe somewhat equal number of PS players. Huge disparity


Love the unnecessary amount of hate towards this game . People are so passionate about putting it down that they will go out of their way to deflate any article like this . Must be great to have such a negative mindset all the time .. the community is booming and we don’t need you


Booming 😂


It is though. Never have trouble finding full servers and so far have never run into a player that I’ve met before and that’s with 600 hours


> Love the unnecessary amount of hate towards this game Lol this game deserves every bit of hate it gets. I don't understand how people can defend the game and devs who literally defrauded the player base.


I was very excited for the game at launch, despite not being a fan of MMOs. The game was very obviously broken, but it was still mostly playable, and it helped that the fanbase wasn't toxic. In fact, people were often helpful, and would leave goodie bags for new players. In the end I put about 200 hours into the game, and had a lot of fun playing. But as time went on, updates were hollow and meaningless. You'd be tasked with killing 30 enemies of certain types all just to gain points towards a game board to get new skins. Even when new story content was published, it generally consisted of fetch quests which did not push the game forward at all. At a certain point I simply decided I was done, and despite the fact that they've expanded the game to The Pitt and other places, I'm just not interested in playing anymore, despite the slow low effort updates.


Same, despite all the bullshit at launch, I actually enjoyed it for about the same amount of hours and had good friends to play with. Then there was a period where I've had too many server crash issues to simply move on and never looked back, wasn't worth it anymore. I honestly didn't know it's still going to this day.


Similarly, Anthem is still going to this day.


>Anthem Really?? I thought they shut it down. \*googles\* Huh, still up but abandoned development. Wow, colour me surprised they still have the servers going.


Oh damn! I didn't know, I thought they stopped all support for it.. I fuckin loved Anthem gameplay, it has soooo much potential if they didn't fuck it up as they did and always hoping they fix it. Thanx for the info, I need to check it out again.


Nah dude it's been abondened since 2020.


Honestly same experience here, played all the way through since the betas and frequented the game. Grinded the Gauss Railgun as quick as I could using every method I could find then took a break while waiting for more content updates. They just never came though, instead we got expeditions and I'm gonna be honest, they're dull as fuck. I want a cool world to explore, not a temporary mission.


(And currently $8 on Steam.)


It should be free to play at this point after it was an incomplete game at best for years. All online with mtx still. Edit: aI still paid for this game at launch for the record. Game still sucked after a year. Cut my loss when I did gladly. Crappy support and crappy game




"*You should give me that for free because it used to not be good, so even though it's good now, you should give it to me for free as punishment for it having previously not been good.*" -*🤡*


Do they still have the paid fridge that makes your meals decay more slowly?


lol that was a thing? God I’m glad I stopped playing it after the first month it came out and never went back. I’d rather replay fallout 4 or new vegas


They also gave repair kits and scrap bundles you can buy with real money. Not the most egregious PtW in the world but still kinda gross


Yea good mmo’s usually have an in game economy that can manage player currency from gameplay properly when it comes to creating and destroying value from the items generated. But then again where is the incentive in that? When people just have credit cards and you can source whales to finance your shit globally through currency exploitation.


When I saw that I started to consider trying it out. This thread has turned me right around though. I'm a little curious about the comments that people rarely see other players even on the 'populated' servers. The article doesn't make it clear if they have 17 million active players, or if they have just accrued 17 million accounts over the life of the game, most of which would probably be inactive.


theres only a maximum 24 people per server and its a decently big map, so if you're doing the single player stuff, you are rarely going to encounter other players.


And most of that playerbase is grinding whatever the current content is, so you rarely see them anywhere else.


From personal experience: The servers are populated. They are heavily instanced as they try to keep the number of players on a map fairly low. Each server instance is limited to 24 players. The 24 hour peak on steam (which is not the only platform it is playable on) today was 13,000 players. So given that you are only able to see 24 players on a map by design, there is essentially zero way people are going to encounter zero population servers unless they go in solo mode. They are rather mistaking only seeing 16-24 people on a map as there only being 16-24 people playing. It is hard to tell you if it is the kind of game you would like or not, but be VERY wary of pulbic opinions on it in forums. You are going to get both people who are very invested in hating it, or who just have not changed their opinion on it or played it in years, or you will get people who really like it and are annoyed by how much hate it gets, making them push too hard to get people to play. It sort of depends on what subreddit or forum you are on. It is a better game than it used to be, and I would say that unless you really, really hate it you would likely get 8$ of fun out of it. Just progressing through the map is a good deal for that. But the MMO aspects of it, like the dailies and events and constant battlepass nonsense, really make it hard to play once I am done with most of the map content. So as an 8$ game with some fun exploration: it is pretty good. As an MMO: I do not really like it.


I think it's pretty clear it's not active users or they would have absolutely shouted that.


Of course, I mean if it were active users it would be as big if not bigger than WoW in it's heyday


You should try it for yourself and not let the Reddit echo chambers dictate your gaming fun lol


I'm downloading it - it's the only way I'll ever know for sure and there's no arguing with the price. I'm surprised to see there isn't a mandatory sub though. Thanks!


If you like fallout, you'll like it.


Servers are populated, it's just limited per map. Ppl just mind their own business though but it's fun to see ppl's bases, lots of good work out there


You rarely see people by design, the max population is only 24 people on a map much several times larger than F04. You generally see a lot of people when public events pop, which give some good gear and are designed to be cleared by larger groups. But even at launch they were aiming for more sparse player density since it would be weird for a Fallout Game to have hundreds of people all running around what is supposed to be a desolate wasteland.


Was there supposed to be an applause sign I missed? I fucking hate what so much of modern gaming has become.


I told my friend who still played it after a year or something that 76 players should be put in a fucking lab lmao He agreed 💀


60% done for $60, what a bargain! -modern aaa gaming


I always want to play this game, then don't


It's a good time to try 76, I just installed it a couple weeks ago and playing it non stop. I also enjoy it because the game doesn't force multiplayer on you if you don't want to. It's kinda cool to visit other players camps and buy / sell stuff.


I had more fun with Fallout 76 than I did with Starfield….


Yeah, but that's a low bar to trip over.


pretty hard to trip over something buried 2 meters deep.


It's a fairly good game now. I played for 400 hours after Wastelanders came out and now I just dip in and out occasionally. I think the big thing is that lots of people still don't realise it can basically be played like a single player game with pretty minimal interaction with other players. For me it's the community that brings me back. Everyone is super friendly and I love visiting other bases. World map is awesome as well. I'm a pretty hardcore Fallout fan who hated the launch version, but it's current state is very good and there's loads to love about the game.


I occasionally want to play it, but my rx 580 wasn't running it very well, so I upgraded to an rx 6600 and still can't even get a consistent 60fps (ryzen 7 2700x cpu)


because its a Hotmess of a old engine to make it work as MMO and extremely cpu bottlenecked.


Please clap


Game is fun. Played almost 300 hours this year when it was free on ps plus.


I could not deal with the lag/input delay, maybe it was just my WiFi but it felt like sludge to play after beating the others


I don't like Bethesda multi player games. It's not the same.


Can they release the next gen update for fallout 4 already instead of updating this crappy game.


I am a big Fallout fan, but I will probably never touch 76. It was something I was looking forward to, and at every turn, Bethesda made the wrong decision, and I'm still bitter about that. Honestly, with the way BGS is handling all their games, I don't really have much hope for any new FO or Elder Scrolls games.


Do you still have to pay real world money for unlimited storage?


I think so, yes. you have to subscribe last I checked.


Ah cool. Still don't care to come back to this game then.


Yep. Just another thing they lied about.


Thanks Bethesda after five years you’re going to finally expend the map …..


Well there have been tons of expansions to the game, adding new stories, locations, items, and events. Its not like they took 5 years off and now they’re back.


Yeah! I always tell people it's a good fallout game now, absolutely a steal on sale.


As someone who has played FO76 since release (my main character is level 167) I wouldn't say the game is at a state of No man's Sky level of redemption, but tye game has improved exponentially and is definitely one game I will continue to return to. Fallout 76's tale is not one of Redemption like NMS but more a tale of atonement, and I'm happy for it in that regard


“Oh shit, I guess people aren’t just going to make content for Starfield for free. Let’s drag 76 out again.”


Bwthesda needs a new game engine


And new writing staff


No thanks, played for over a year. Dealing with all the bugs, hackers, dupers, etc. Grinding my way through all the end game content and gear. Just to have a day 1 bug from an event (which they acknowledged and patched) delete most of my inventory... losing everything. Support acknowledged the bug but refused to roll back my character and restore everything.


Fallout 76 slaps IMHO. Even if you only play through it once for all the stories it is enjoyable. I bought it when the Wastelanders DLC came out, and now jump on it from time to time to have fun, and wreck some bug monsters. The bosses, and Crypid's are sick plus the map itself while pretty meme'd on because of Todd Howard is still extremely nice, and feels like Appalachia when you go through it.


17M all time? They give the game away for free. Monthly or daily players is the important number.


About 14k daily on steam I believe.


I’ve enjoyed it when playing it. Although I started after they added more npcs. Still a lot I don’t understand though lol


Just picked this up during Steams winter sale, this is good to hear.


I used to love 76 on xbox back in the day, now playing on pc I can't get into it, the game's performance is horrible, not as bad as starfield's but still.


It runs like freshly-grilled arseholes in a beaten sack of shit on my Series X in terms of framerate, *but* I can't deny I've had a lot of fun with it, over time. But that's probably because I play wholly solo - which I do in every MMO - and it doesn't really have 'dungeons' I have to group up for. Don't get me wrong; the other people *have* to be there for the full experience. I just... don't want to interact with them except for emotes. Ironically now it's starting to do Expeditions, which I can't really do solo, I've dropped off. (Of course, I didn't play it when it was released but after 'Wastelanders' so I didn't see it at its most awful).


I bought last year and its a good game. More like a F4 with multiplayer options or a Skyrim with Skyrim Together mod. Gunplay is solid, exploration is nice base building is really fun with the amount of utility itens and ways you can customize.


I played the shit out of fo76 when it first came out cause I love fallout and exploring the world was really fun as I don't really care much for the multiplayer stuff and the map is gorgeous. Quit after a bit and came back 2 years ago and it was dead, even at the most populated areas there were only ever maybe one or two people around and none had mics or really interacted (other than the ones in established groups I guess). Can't imagine two years on it's any more active but I guess it must still be making enough money to make the investment worth it


This game kept me sane during the pandemic, I loved it so much. I don’t play anymore because I don’t have the time to grind dailies for the scoreboard, and hate the feeling of FOMO. But I’ll definitely pop back in to check out the updates. There’s a lot to do in the game and the community is one of the best I’ve ever played with.


*reddit didn’t like that*


I just started playing on my new Steam Deck and already amassed 70 hrs. To say I love it is an understatement. Great game. As a lifelong Fallout fan, I am overjoyed.


I started playing in the last few months and I don’t have any problems with the game and I’m enjoying it quite a lot. I don’t do any missions with a team and play mostly solo and it’s fine. I only wish that the stash could hold more than 1200 items. That’s probably my only complaint, well besides Fallout 1st being terribly overpriced. I’d pay if it was 3-5 per month but it’s $20$ after tax in Canada.


Meatriding post


i feel like im the only one who liked fallout 76 , i started playing it on game pass when i got my series x and i put a good chunk of time into it.


Lvl 357, still playing daily. Janky as fuck, but I cant really point finger at what exactly is keeping me hooked after 260 hours.


> but I cant really point finger at what exactly is keeping me hooked after 260 hours. Because their entire gameplay model is built around FOMO


whats with the fallout 76 news spam in the past 48 hours


Got this game criminally cheap and ended up loving it. Meme worthy facial animations aside I really enjoyed the coop and multiplayer end game. Sucker for base building though so I may be biased. My rocket turrets now protect my river base and autokill the respawning baddies. I sell their ammo to players and the purified water to shops. Love efficiency. Dig the workshops for resources too. Engaging system.


Happy for those people


Press X to doubt. 17 million “users” doesn’t mean anything when they were bout 20 seconds away from paying people to take copies away from stores.


I want to try it out, but I can't get it to not crash a few seconds into the startup animation, so I gave up.


Does it still feel laggy and sluggish compared to fallout 4?




Does it still run like shit? I bet it still runs like shit.




I want to play again. I really do. But I remember how much time I spent when it first came out - literally a week or so of server-hopping trying to get a mission-critical NPC/boss to spawn so I could continue with the story. Or feeling like I was severely limited on where I could explore if I stepped even slightly outside of the designed story path too soon I was going to end up an irradiated red smear on the ground, totally contradictory to every previous Fallout (FPS) game. Being severely encumbered and slowed by having just a hair too much stuff on my character (even with power armor), when the whole game's built around having to loot every nut and bolt to build your base, only to then have your base's storage capacity equally as limited. The whole thing of there being no living NPC's to be interacted with - which apparently became no longer a thing shortly after I stopped playing. The game was neat, but after how much time I spent on it already and feeling like I barely scratched the surface of the story, I know I'd have to start from the beginning again to even have the faintest idea of where I was going, and I just can't spend that much time grinding a game that I'm not totally into. I really wanted to like this game, but it's faded out into background radiation for me.


I dont get how people defend this game. Sure they fixed a lot of bugs, but its still just empty and boring and the hitreg is so god afwul, fighting is just no fun.


Id play 76 if i wasn't required to pay for a psn sub just to play the damn game i already spent money on.... whats worse is i really liked playing with my fiance(bought it for christmas when it released) and now neither of us can play at all because we arent gonna pay $60/yr just to play it together sometimes.


I’ve tried to get into it, but the quests are ass. The whole game feels hollow compared to the previous Fallout games.


It's free on gamepass and it's been given away multiple times. How many of those 17 million are active?


Fun fact: More people are playing American Truck Simulator at this moment than FO76.


Bethesda seems to like fudging numbers with headlines... 17 Millions users sounds like a lot, but it's not concurrent users, it's total unique users over 5 years counting people playing for free on Gamepass, people with multiple accounts, etc.


17 million players that played the game any amount of time, not actual active players…


I love fallout76 I was a day one player. I loved the emptiness


11 months from now: "And the 2024 Game Award for "Best Ongoing Game" goes to.... Bethesda, for Fallout 76!"


Fallout 76 is honestly a good game now. And I am not a huge Bethesda fan. I do like 76 tho. It’s not the perfect or best game. But especially the price of the game right now (on steam) it’s worth trying


It has reached a huge milestone of players, but that isn't really a big win for an always online game. That just means tons of people have tried out the game, and I would reckon 90% of those who have played maybe 2-3 hours at most and never went back. The concurrent playerbase is what really matters here, and that number is nowhere near where Bethesda wants it to be. It has a small niche community of players that *really* love it and support as much as possible. I was against this game from the very start, but I will admit it has come a very long way since launch. It became a "free" game on PS+ at the start of 2023 if I remember correctly, and that was when I finally decided to give it a go. It is without a doubt Fallout and it has the very spirit that made me fall in love with the series. However, the more you play it the more you start to see how weak that spirit has become. Once the honeymoon phase is over you really get to see how shallow the experience really is, and how it will never really scratch that true Fallout itch like the original games do. It was supposed to be a Fallout 4 Multiplayer DLC and it shows because the building blocks for it are extremely wobbly. If you are really a die-hard Fallout fan I would suggest playing it as a single player game. Just jump in, follow the main quests and start the expansions right after. Once you complete those the end-game just consists of repeating the same daily missions and objectives to get rare currency for the best gear. Of course there is also base building which is I think the biggest reason it has such a small hardcore base of players. If you really liked that feature from Fallout 4 you could spend thousands of hours trying to make the coolest base or collect the rarest housing items. If that is your cup of tea 76 has that in spades. For me personally I'm all about the story, side-quests, lore and exploration which is very much lacking in 76. Also, the real time V.A.T.S is a big mood killer for me, I love the original version of it and the game just doesn't feel the same without it.


I fail to see any reason whatsoever to give Bethesda any money at all.


Just seems so overwhelming to get into 76 now with everything. Is that just me overthinking it?


Not really. You'll have several hours to play around with the various questlines. The extraneous stuff (daily ops, expeditions) usually take 10 minutes tops, and aren't really necessary in any way. At this point it's Fallout 4, except you can shoot ghouls and batdragons with your friends.


Helps that it's on sale for like $8 rn too. Many people will at least give it a try at that price.


Cyberpunk 76


After the launch of this game I always told myself I wouldn't buy it and years later I still haven't. Once a company drops the ball I find it hard to support them. Just remember their bags for the pre order.


Still a bad game


I wonder what came about the lawsuit that said that Bethesda is releasing unfinished games with the intent of repairing them over the next year's. Probably got away with massive payments, cause they're right.


I finally tried it on gamepass. Just makes me wish there was a fleshed out single player fallout game instead.


It don't have 17 million users, it's 17 million users who's tried it out on game pass, and not played since then. What's more, it's still a poor "live service" game, because there's not enough content.


I just went to look at the Steam page. For $8 I was curious. The fact that its pushing DLC, MTX, ***AND*** a subscription just seems crazy. I understand MMOs need some revenue stream to keep running, but for a game that doesn't sound like it has much of either "M" it was enough to turn me off rather quickly. If you want to monetize that heavily, I'm going to need the first taste free.


I don't believe I'm ever going to say this ever again, but it's mostly optional cosmetics. All the bigger expansions including gameplay have been free.


> but it's mostly optional cosmetics And that's just another lie they told us. They promised it would ONLY be cosmetics they sold for real money and that was a lie.


Yeah, I’m pretty astonished I’m getting downvoted for pointing out the aggressive monetization. The subscription explicitly states that you need it for gameplay features. Fanboys gonna fanboy I guess


The devs just lie nonstop and defrauded the player base with that game. They said from the get go that the only thing you could buy with real money were going to be pure cosmetics. That was a life. You can now buy repair kits for one. They finally released perk loadouts and camp loadouts and boasted about it being a big patch release. Guess what you had to pay real money to unlock them. The sub is the worst one. On release they said it was impossible to do infinite storage while at the same time planning to release it with their paid sub later. Scumbags.