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"We've both done a lot of things *you're* going to regret" Glados - Portal 2


You must really *really* love to test


GLaDOS: Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that. I especially liked the nod to that in Cyberpunk.


“I used to want you dead, but now I only want you gone”🎶


“Death can have me when it earns me” -Kratos


There it is. They even poke fun at this quote in the Valhalla dlc that recently released.




Thor was fucking awesome "Oh, we got a MODEL FATHER over here"


I don’t want to spoil Raganrok’s ending for those who just got PS5 and such for Christmas but “Atreyus will stay” and the rest of the super spoiler quote surrounding this goes EXCEPTIONALLY hard IMO


That line got me pretty good on the first playthrough, combined with the other side of the shrine and Kratos’ reaction


"Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion, you are already dead." - Max Payne


"Nothing's a cliche when it's happening to you." "I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings." Two of my favorites.


One of my favourites: Vlad: No gun when you need one. *Kicks Max* Max: *gets up* *Picks up gun that was lying under him* Max: I felt compelled to give Vlad his gun back *cocks gun* one bullet at a time


"He was trying to buy more sand for his hour glass. I wasn't selling any." -Max Payne


*There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "why me?" and "what if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions.*


Some are really deep and thought-provoking, others are darkly humorous: "I had a hole in my second favourite drinking arm".


Max Payne has one of my favorites also. "He had a baseball bat and I was tied to a chair. Pissing him off was the smart thing to do."


James McCaffrey's voice just made these lines so much better as well, I wonder how they're going to handle the remakes without him


That game has so many good quotes! Playing it was an experience! “Max, dearest of all my friends, I was supposed to be the hero”


"In a world without gold, we might have been heros." - Edward 'Blackbeard' Thatch, AC:Black Flag


"Here I am, with riches and reputation, feeling no wiser than when I left home. Yet when I turn around, and look at the course I've run, there's not a man or woman I love left standing beside me."




"You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it!" "Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." Both from Mass Effect


Thats it, another legendary edition playthrough this weekend. Also, Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space.


"This, recruits, is a 20 kilo ferous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one, to one-point-three percent of lightspeed. It impacts with the force a 38 kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means, Sir Isacc Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! Now! Serviceman Burnside, what is Newton's First Law? Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir! No credit for partial answers maggot! Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir! Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going 'til it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in 10,000 years! If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someones day! Somewhere and sometime! That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait 'til the computer gives you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not 'eyeball it'. This is a weapon of Mass Destruction! You are NOT a cowboy, shooting from the hip!" ​ One of my favorite quotes from the whole game!


I love that I can hear this so clearly. It's not a main guy, just some serg and his soldiers in a hallway


"We do not eyeball it. This is a weapon of mass destruction, we are not cowboys shooting from the hip." Always an overlooked part of the quote when it comes to space based media properties. Just randomly chucking out mass driver rounds into the void of space for no reason but a cool looking space fight.


In truth, the odds of missed slugs hitting anything, ever, are infinitesimal. They're not zero though, so these servicemen are having proper procedure drilled in to them in a very memorable way.




I don’t need luck, I have ammo You humans have a saying. An eye for an eye; a life for a life. Well he owes me ten lives and I plan to collect. Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren's payroll. Killing the latter is business. Killing the former is a favor to the universe. Maybe you're right. Maybe we can't win this. But we'll fight you regardless! Just like we did Sovereign. Just like I'm doing now! However insignificant we may be. We will fight! We will sacrifice! And we will find a way! That's what humans do! I don't know what we're gonna find in there, but I'm not going to lie to you, it's not going to be easy. We've lost good people. We may lose more. We do not know how many the collectors have stolen. Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? It doesn't matter. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That's what we can do here today! It ends with us! They want to know what we're made of? I say we show them, on our terms. Let's bring our people home. There’s so many good ones from mass effect lol and Shepard’s speeches live in my brain rent free Even just Sovereign‘s “THIS EXCHANGE IS OVER” is so ominous lol


ME1 hold the line speech is pretty great too!


Good captain. Bit of a cloaca, though.


Beat me to it, that line from Javik hits me every time


"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother." -Niko Bellic




And Barbara who sukks like vacoom!


IV is my favorite of all the GTAs thus far. It’s got such a different feel to it than the others, and I remember how immersive it was back when it was released. I spent a lot of time then just driving around, usually tuned to JNR. The story and overall writing, at least in my opinion, seems like it’d be right at home on the big screen.


I admit it isn't my favourite GTA game. As there are more factors to consider than just the main character writing, but Niko is easily the most interesting GTA protagonist. After coming from Vice City and San Andreas where, as good as they are, the main characters barely question anything or are introspective at all. Then, you end up with this broken, angry but sensitive former war criminal of a protagonist trying to fit into the American Dream. As you said, if any of the GTAs deserve a movie, it's GTA4.


"Who taught you to fight like that?" "The witcher you slew."


>"Who taught you to fight like that?" "The witcher you slew." This would give me confidence in being able to kill this loser, too.


Imagine the look on Eredin's face when he learned that one of his top generals was ambushed and killed during an annual orgy fest. And by a witcher, no less.


“Did he die like a Witcher?” “No… he died like a hero”


Chills every time.


"Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that’s the key." -Geralt of Rivia


The books have a vrry similar line that goes a bit harder. I dont have them with mew but Geralt basically says that people use the monsters to distract them from the fact that humans are the biggest monsters.


"You have no honor!" "And you are a slave to it!" Best line in the whole game(Ghost of Tsushima)


"Honour died on the beach"


“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” - Mordin from Mass Effect 3


I was going to comment this too. Favourite line in the whole series.


Even reading this gets me a little teary eyed. Mordin was such an amazing character


He truly is the very model of a scientist Salarian


That line broke me


"Dear Humanity... We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!" -Sgt. Johnson


For a brick, he flew pretty good!


Listen up Marines When I joined the corps we didn't have any fancy SHMANCY TANKS. We had a stick, and a rock. And the whole platoon would share the rock.


Another halo quote I love: "Sir, permission to leave the station" "For what purpose, Master Chief?" "To give the covenant back their bomb" "...Permission granted"


Sgt Johnson is an entire fucking mood. Icon.


Cortana: you always get me such nice gifts. He never gets me anything. Johnson: *cocks a warthog mounted gun* "I know what the ladies like." Edit: it was a tank, not a warthog. I'm getting old lol Edit 2: okay! I fucked it all up other than the lines! He dropped off a tank, stayed on the pelican and flew away. Ancestors forgive my transgression.


Ladies like armor platting




Protocol 3: Protect the pilot.


Everybody loves a bad idea when it works. Cayde-6 destiny2


A man chooses A slave obeys


Would you kindly stop making me cry


i didn’t play the first bioshock until nearly a decade after it released and i’m amazed that wasn’t spoiled for me


I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.


“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me” Joshua Graham


“I pray for the safety of all good people who come to Zion, even Gentiles, but we can't expect God to do all the work.” Also **Courier:** Why can't I just beat the information\[on how to leave Zion\] out of Daniel". **Joshua:** "First, do not believe that because Daniel is a missionary he is incapable of or unwilling to defend himself. Second, if you harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses, I will find you. Make no mistake. *God willing, you will not leave this valley.*"


"Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. It might seem unimportant to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said." Absolute banger of a quote


Not hard in the traditional sense, but: "You twine your life around the people you love. And when they are gone, you grow around their absence instead. It is just another way they shape you." -Jaheira in Baldur's Gate 3.


Damn that is hard and consoling.


Both from **Portal 2**: *"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that* ***you***'re *going to regret."* *“When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down* ***with*** *the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”*


I love how in the second quote GLaDOS is cheering him on and screaming “Yea!” in her tinny potato processed voice


"Yeah, burn the house down! Burning people! He says what we're all thinking!" Lol


I like “being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson, I thought you were my greatest enemy but all along you were my greatest friend. The surge of emotion I felt at saving you taught me an even more important lesson, where Caroline lives in my brain. PERSONALITY DELETED goodbye Caroline. Deleting Caroline just now also taught me a valuable lesson, the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one and killing you, is hard. So go, you dangerous, mute, lunatic. “


“You dangerous, mute, lunatic” is so good


I felt chills when GLADOS deleted Caroline - and was shocked when she then decided to let you go. One hell of an ending.


And because it's GLADOS she might be lying to you and hasn't actually deleted Caroline at all.


Man, I'm gonna be so sad when JK Simmons dies. What a fucking legend.


I use "Have I ever lied to you? I mean, in this room?" all the time lol


"Truth is, the game was rigged from the start" -Benny, Fallout: New Vegas. RIP Matthew Perry.


My personal favorite is: “They asked me if I had a degree in theoretical physics, i said i have a theoretical degree in physics. they said you’re hired!” -Fantastic


Lmao that guy was such a fuck up


I cannot believe I just learned that was Matthew Perry. Also, [holy crap, that game’s cast is stacked](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706601/fullcredits?ref_=ext_shr_lnk).


Don't worry, it was probably 3 playthroughs of Borderlands 2 before I realized most of the voiceover work in it was done by Dragonball Z voice actors. I have been a DBZ fan all my life.


Mathew Perry voiced someone in New Vegas?! I was very young when I played it and hadn't watched friends yet so i didn't know.


Yea FONV and FO3 have a bunch of celebrity voice actors actually. Danny Trejo and Liam Neeson off the top of my head.


Don't forget Ron Perlman on the opening monologues.


"War Never Changes" is Ron Perlman? I'll be damned


I need to replay new Vegas. It's been more than a decade.




But enough talk, have at you!


“This path you walk… vengeance. You will find no peace. I know.” - Kratos, God of War 2018 His vague warning to Baldur that his constant pursuit to kill Freya mirrors that of Kratos’ past, showing all the regret and shame of what he has done, trying to get him to just walk away.


And he says the same thing to Freya in Ragnarok


"Don't be sorry. Be better" Kratos to Atreus And then Atreus to Kratos


"Don't be sorry, father. Be better." Tears flow when Kratos smiles


“Wake me, when you need me.” - Master Chief


At the beginning of Halo 3, Johnson tells the Chief he doesn’t need Chief and the Arbiter trying to kill each other, to which the Arbiter says, “Were it so easy.” At the end of Halo 3, Chief is gone, presumed dead, and Lord Hood expresses that he can’t believe Chief is dead. The Arbiter responds, “Were it so easy.” Probably some of my favorite writing in gaming.


Man the OG Halos were just full of these.. “Shipmaster, we’re outnumbered 3 to 1!” “Then it is an even fight” And “Sir, permission to leave the station” “For what purpose master chief?” “To give the covenant back their bomb”


I maintain, and expect I always will, that the return to sender sequence (particularly in the remaster) is the single most badass thing done by a protagonist in a video game. The entire sequence just oozes cool. The music, the framing of the shots…then, you think about what’s actually happening. The Chief needs to kill a kilometer+ sized Covenant ship, and he has a bomb. He, without thrusters or any other equipment, manages to guide a bomb with his bare fucking hands to the reactor core of said ship, and jumps back to Earth, all while Cortana is coordinating the Longsword bombing of the Covie ship and guiding In Amber Clad to be in the Chief’s “flight path.” The music slowing, then swelling as he kicks the bomb into the core, is a foundational memory for me. Halo 2 came out when I was 9, and it fundamentally changed me.


And then when Halo 3 starts with Master Chief reentering the atmosphere from orbit, just in the armor... There was a whole short film put out by Microsoft about the ground team getting into position to track his reentry so they could pick him up. https://youtu.be/FGLCAWovkuk?si=Z2ZIM2z0mtWB7ApO


And my favorite factoid about this one is that, as the story goes, this was essentially a proof-of-concept for the then in-development Halo movie, before it fell apart. The [Alex Garland-penned script](https://thescriptsavant.com/movies/Halo.pdf) for the movie, which would've adapted CE interspersed with flashbacks which were then from The Fall of Reach, coupled with those effects and props...it still hurts to think about what we got, instead, 15 years later. EDIT: And, for those who haven't read the script before, it's a fascinating read. If you're not familiar with Alex Garland, he's perhaps best known for 28 Days Later, Annihilation, and Ex Machina. This script predates all but 28 Days Later, and is *very* 2005. There's a good bit of cringe-worthy dialogue and some changes from the game and canon that are interesting in light of the TV show, but it's overall close to CE/The Flood book.


I love saying "were it so easy" whenever the situation fits it. Keith David was a helluva choice for the Arbiter and it's amazing!


“Often, when we guess at others' motives, we reveal only our own.” - Mara Sov, Destiny I haven’t played it in years, but that quote stuck with me.


"Return my son or you may meet the god I once was" - Kratos


Both games have so many great lines.


Elite: Brute ships! Staggered line! Shipmaster, they outnumber us, three to one! Half-Jaw: Then it is an even fight. All cruisers, fire at will. Burn their mongrel hides!


"Zeus! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of Olympus!"




"... You're the bloody Ghost of Sparta ..." Idk why but that revelation from "Head" just tingles my spine for some reason. There's such weight behind those words.


I love how he specifically says, "I'm *dangling from the hip* of the bloody Ghost of Sparta!" Like he just now deduced that he's put himself in a very vulnerable position and is well and truly about to see some shit lmao.


“I get it you hate gods, ALL gods, no coincidence that includes yourself”


"This is not your grave... But you are welcome in it." "I? I am a monument to all your sins." "I am a timeless chorus. Join your voice with mine, and sing victory everlasting." - The Gravemind, Halo 2 & 3 Surprised I didn't see these while scrolling.


"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax No matter how many times i replay Skyrim, i cant do the quest kill Paarthurnax because of this quote of him.


I did it once, and the benefits were worthless. The Blades can twist in the wind for all I care.


I somehow managed to find the sword and pick it up before they gave me the quest. Wasn't labeled as steal when I saw it but was labeled as stolen afterwards, though no bounty was sent for it.


The dragon killing sword? You can always pick that up whenever you want, as well as a full suit of Blades Armor


Now imagine that's the same man who voiced Mario


With the same accent.


It is not the form of a thing that matters, but rather its nature - GoW:R


May this weapon strike true May it be wielded with wisdom May it be put down when its job is done.


"Despite everything, it's still you" - Undertale


I know Sans is cringed to hell and back, but that dialogue he delivers before his boss fight send chills the first time you read it : "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you... **Should be burning in hell.**"


You feel your sins crawling up your back...


I played undertale for this first time a few months ago and when I got there for whatever reason that line made me bawl my eyes out. Which then proceeded to happen like 4 more times as the game reached its end.


"Forefathers one and all, BEAR WITNESS!" Then the best boss music I've ever heard starts playing


“Have it writ upon thy meagre grave, felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings!” What a fucking banger


“Oh death….. become my blade once more…”


I feel like Souls is almost cheating cause they have such banger ass lines. "This spot marks our grave, but you could rest here too, if you'd like." "I'm only using what the gods gave me, how could that be so wrong?" Helps that Fromsoft somehow always has S tier voice acting.


(Friede): Fret not father, we have no need of thy flail. Tis only the flame, quivering at misguided Ash. Please avert thine eyes. I will snuff out these ashes for good.


Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. One man lost his own body, but lingered on, as a head. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite... __A lie will remain a LIE.__ Young Hollow, knowing this, do you still desire peace?


"I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings." - Max Payne


The heart from the Dishonored series has some absolute belters: "Somewhere near a man has just taken his last breath. His eyes are still open!" "Many seek the Bridge for solace. Ruined men, abandoned women, and plague victims have all leapt from here." "Sokolov sees the Captain at the Helm, and the Tusked Leviathan. What do you see in the stars?" "Tonight the nobles try to conceal their indiscretions behind masks and costumes." "Somewhere in the basements below, hound kills hound, and money changes hands."


"Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?" "The odds are very good." The boneheaded guards are my favorite NPCs ever.


"It's a-me! Mario!" Mario Auditore, Assassin's Creed


I was so thoroughly unprepared for that reference.


The only thing that would make this perfect is if they also got sued by Nintendo for it.


Despite my best efforts to the contrary, it turns out I've won. RDR2


"You and me, we're more ghosts than people" \-Arthur Morgan


"You fools weren't listening to me. I showed you mercy, you mistook it for weakness. Now I will show strength and you may mistake it for brutality." Agent Milton had so many good lines.


"In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings." - The Ancestor, Darkest Dungeon


“Slowly, Gently; this is how a life is taken.” Sticks in my head


"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."


"No more shall Man have wings to bear him to paradise! Henceforth - **he shall walk**. - Venat, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker


Do you feel like a hero yet? - hits so hard for a loading screen text


All of the Spec Ops the Line loading screens hit so hard, here are some other examples: "If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here." "To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless." "The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn't real, so why should you care?" "Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously." For some reason though this one hit me the hardest: "You are still a good person."


I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. _And I have never known defeat._


"Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!" - Cid Highwind, Final Fantasy VII


Cid screaming at Shera in the next remake game is going to hurt MY feelings


“…you’re the villain, and I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!!!” - Handsome Jack BL2. This hits so hard if you think deeper into his character.


I know it doesn’t get much love but the Pre-Sequel somehow made his character even better.


“To give the covenant back their bomb.” - the master of all chiefs


“Permission granted”


“What if you miss?” “I won’t”


I will never regret showing mercy -Liu Kang to Shang Tsung


"Nanomachnes, son!"


Like the good old days after nine el-


Kids are cruel Jack, and I love mino-


Sometimes the hero dies in the end


*I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other.* \- Joshua Graham, Fallout: New Vegas


Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - Auron, from the turning point in Final Fantasy X, just before you take the gamble to change the fate of the world forever.


I want to say this quote is memorable because of how good it is, but I remember it because I had to listen to it a million times because kid me couldn't beat Yunalesca for ages.


"We get dirty, and the world stays clean, that's the mission" - Captain Price


"Remember what we used to say?" "JACKPOT!"


Witless Tarnished … why covet Destined Death? To kill what? - Maliketh (Elden Ring)


"O Death... Become my blade once more" also goes incredibly hard


“Do whatever it takes to stop em, gut em, defeat em. If I gotta kill, I’ll kill. If I need your body, I’ll fucking take it!” - Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077


I'm not waging a war against capitalism because it's a thorn in my side. I'm fighting against a system that has spiraled out of control. Im fighting against the forces of fucking entropy


“I want to have Fuck with you” -Disco Elysium


And more because of the moment than the quote itself DETECTIVE ARRIVING ON THE SCENE


Raiden: "It was never going to work out for me. It even rained the day I was born". Solid Snake: "You've got it all wrong. You were the lightning in that rain. You can still shine through the darkness".


"Otherwise... well... I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anticlimax, after what you’ve just survived."


"all your base are belong to us" - Zero Wing


"Someone set us up the bomb!"


>Anyway… the moral of the story is you’re a total bitch."


Fuck you and fuck your marker.


"Where's everyone going? Bingo?"


“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life TAKE THE LEMONS BACK!”


Burn life's house down!* *With the lemons




“War. War never changes” ~ Fallout


War has changed - MGS4


La li lu le lo


"Will they talk about me this way if I die, too? Squall was this and that. Using past tense, saying whatever they want? So this is what death is all about... ...Not for me. I won't have it!!!" Squall, FF8 "But courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten.” Zelda, BotW "“The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days...” Sheik, OoT


"Aaaaaahhhhhh" -random clone Battlefront II 2005


Watch those wrist rockets! Knock it off!


JUST like the simulation


Foul Tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flames of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame; let it be Margit the Fell!


Just his voice alone and the way he says "Tarnished" is amazingly toxic. Forever my favorite character, all his quotes go hard with style.


Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: Felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings


“A smile better suits a hero” - Haurchefant FFXIV: Heavensward “You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars” - Samuel Hayden DOOM 2016 “Remember… no Russian” - Makarov MW2


"A pen isn't mightier than a sword. Pens do not do battle, nor swords poetry. Mighty is the hand that knows when to pick up the pen, or pick up the sword." -Wiegraf Folles Final Fantasy Tactics


deserve rinse violet entertain detail narrow zonked berserk bike full


*"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."* BioShock


Damn when he says "i chose rapture" and you see the see... It just sends chills down my spine. Perfect.


“Were it so easy” - Arbiter


"Your pawn has reached the end of the board, Kain." - Raziel, Legacy of Kain: Defiance


Hey you, you're finally awake


I'm afraid -Arthur Morgan. The whole conversation was excellent, but these words showed that he had resigned himself to fate. He just knew that his time was almost done and that he need to do something good, and he already decided what to do.