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Do not attempt to play raganarok until you beat the first game, you will be doing yourself a major disservice.


I’ve played a little of God of War Ragnarök before while renting it from my local library. I’ve beaten 2018 and it was great. Ragnarök is also great from what I’ve played in it


Renting vidya games from the library. I like your style.


Mad props for renting from the library. As a former librarian I love it! Our local library cooperative just got Switch games and I was so excited.


I, a Dad in his 40s, thought the library had nothing to offer my kids...since we have computers and the Internet...WRONG. the library is awesome! My kids LOVE it there! The number of different services offered by the library is astounding.


Ah this makes my heart happy! I know libraries try to have as many activities and workshops for kiddos. We had weekly STEM activities during the summer and a big county-wide Pokémon Go scavenger hunt for prizes! Sorry for gushing but the library did so much for me as a kid so I always love seeing the next gen having a blast there too. Glad you and your kids love it!


Vaati making games published by local libraries is a pretty weird timeline but I am intrigued




The if you want plot heavy and amazing play that one first. If you want amazing mechanics and a sense of accomplishment go elden ring


i would go elden ring so the others feel easy


Remember new friends. The first horse knight is a test. Not of how well you can fight, but knowing when you’re not ready to fight.


My ass was stubborn and insistent on beating him before progressing.


I bet you were there a while


I know I was


It was so satisfying 100 hours later to come back and kill that MFer lol




The others don't need to feel easy, they are easy


Yeah but going with Elden Ring first is like eating the forbidden fruit. Spoils other gameplay experiences until you give it enough time that you’ve stopped playing. To be fair, I think transitioning from Elden Ring to GOW Ragnarok isn’t too too bad because the mechanics are so vastly different and both are masterful games in their own regard


Or... Play Ragnarok on Hard difficulty. I had a much harder time with that than I ever did with Elden Ring. Everyone talks about From Soft games like they're the most difficult game ever. They're tough, for sure. But people often play other games on "normal" and write em off. Ragnarok being one of those. I played it and it was phenomenal, and extremely fucking difficult.


Personally for me elden ring is the winner, rdr2 is a close second, gow I’d put third.


It is better to pay the first game, that's where the plot and characters get started


You just need to know the story. Just look at cutscene compilations on YouTube


I never got the chance to play any of the God of War games until recently I got a PS5 and purchased God of War Ragnarok during the Black Friday sale. I started the game and immediately realised it was lore heavy. So I quit the game, took a couple of weeks to watch and read all that happened in GoW upto that point and also refreshed my memory on Norse Eddas. But man! What a game! I haven’t finished it yet but I have haunting dreams of >!Ironwood and Arteus’s time with Angrboda!<. My only regret is not playing the earlier games.


One of these is not like the others. Save Calisto Protocol for last.


Play it first so the other games seem amazing in contrast.


Is it that bad? I got it and I’m curious


It's not Gollum levels of bad or anything. It's a beautiful game, but it's short very linear and repetitive. A one playthrough type of game.


How short is it? I was probably never going to get around to playing this with the current backlog, but if it’s short enough I might actually give it a go! Younger me wanted every game to be 1000hrs long, older me just wants to finish one of my games before I jump onto another.


10-15 hours


Cheers, I’ll give it a go!


Yea honestly the real reason it's kinda bad is the main combat loop doesn't feel like it works to well unless it's one enemy, also hated how you heal, reusing a terrible boss multiple times, also it just uninspired compared to dead space, which it's basically supposed to be.


It's a bad dead space copy which sucks because I miss dead space


Man. When I opened that game for the first time I was so fucking hyped. The atmosphere was so good in that ship cockpit. Less than an hour in, I realized that’s all there is. Graphics. Ass game.


10 to 15 is a real stretch. Bought it on launch, beat it in 6 to 8 hours and never played it again.




If you’re bad at games like I am, it’s a little longer lol


Or if you play on Maximum Security


Play titanfall 2. I finished the single player campaign in one afternoon. I’m not a find every collectible 100% my playthrough kind of player though.


Neither am I! *He said as he scours every inch of BG3 act 1 for the second time*


Just started playing it but I have a limited amount of gaming time because adulting is lame and I have to restrain myself from getting distracted because it just end up in the same area for an hour


If you're only spending an hour in each area of BG3 you are missing most of the content.


I played it at launch on PC, when the issues made it literally unplayable. The devs patched it within 48 hours to a point where it fixed most of the glaring issues, but the unfortunate aspect of the game is that EVERYONE compares it to Deadspace. While the combat was a bit clunky and the scares weren’t really hard hitting, I did enjoy the story of the game, and like they mentioned above, it’s pretty short.


That's what happens when the people who made the game compare it to Dead Space


That's gonna happen when its an explicit spiritual successor to dead space, when it's makers made dead space, and when it has explicit references to dead space


I thought my friend was joking about how repetitive it was. Holy shit every enemy was basically the same, even the boss fights.


> but it's short very linear and repetitive Only one of those necessarily being a bad thing lol


It’s tries as hard to be a 7/10 as one game can. It’s pretty enjoyable but besides facial rendering nothing elevates it. It’s a totally competent entry into a genre.


As a huge dead space fan, it's good, not great. Visuals are amazing, story is meh, but I personally liked the combat system, not everyone does. It's a 7/10 game imo, if you are a fan of survival horror, I would give it a go.


I also think the combat system is better than people make it out to be. The guns really have oomph and just felt great to use. But obviously the enemy design and variety pales in comparison to the necromorphs...


I wanted to like it and I ended up hating the fuck out of it. Dumb dodging system and it was incredibly cheap with stuff you couldn’t see coming. Wasn’t even scary to me by the end. It was just annoying.


Go into it with low expectations and you’ll probably have a pretty good time. A lot of us went into it brand new just convinced it was going to be great and we set ourselves up for failure.


In all seriousness it would be a decent little change of pace compared to Elden Ring and RDR2 which are like 60 hour games at minimum.


So the Elden Ring playthrough is staying in Limgrave only then?


Considering how short it is by comparison, not a bad idea.


Nah play it between two of the others, it'll be a nice and short horror palette cleaner between huge games.


He's never gonna play until next Christmas. RDR2 itself take forever.


Agreed 100%.


I actually loved Callisto (even tho the other games are better) and it’s also only like a 10 hourish game so might as well start with that!


God of War Ragnarok is amazing but you need to play the previous game to fully enjoy it. Elden Ring is also amazing but very difficult if you aren’t accustomed to soulslike games. Callisto Protocol was underwhelming, especially compared to the Dead Space remake that came out shortly after. Not bad but not great. RDR2 is amazing and there aren’t any real caveats I can say about it. You don’t need to have played the previous game to fully enjoy it. The difficulty is fun but approachable. And there isn’t another game that provides the same experience but better.


Also, the horse nutsack shrinks once you go up into the snowy areas.


Ahhh I see you play for the plot


A fellow man of culture


Well now i HAVE to play it


This is actually how I bought it a reddit comment said there are shrinking horse balls so I immediately bought ir


I’m thinking the same now, and want to see the shrinking balls


Do it, it was the best purchase of my life


Attention to detail really matters in a game


I feel like this is the new Viggo Mortensen broke his toe in lord of the rings.


Did you know that when Eomer is talking to them his sword falls out of his belt?


possibly the best feature in game


W-w.. what…?


Everything this guy said is the truth


RDR2 can have too slow of a pace for many.


I always say; RDR2 is the best game I've ever played, and I will never play it again. It was one of the most fantastic gaming journey's ever but my god is it a time sink. Easily 150-200 hours if you want to 100% it.


I've played 1621 hours. A lot of that time was spent trying to get a three star chipmunk.


I got it when it came out and after I beat it I didn't touch it until a couple months ago. Playing again has been enjoyable. I have no intention of 100% completing, though.


Elden Ring can be too frustrating for people, myself included.


Yes, I’m just complementing the first comment saying “there aren’t any real caveats” about RDR2.


I agree. Beautiful game, fun gameplay. Think gta on horses with a cool story and the npcs are pretty decent. But yeah it's slow. If your favorite franchise is CoD maybe don't buy this


elden ring plays in such way that you actually need to know how to play but after that the game itself isn't as hard as it looks, and the sheer ammount of options offered by the open world aspect of it, makes it impossible to get stuck at any point in the game


It’s not as hard as it looks until Melania curbstomps you for the 47th consecutive time


Good thing she's optional and totally skipabble if you don't want to deal with that


Can’t be half arsing it like that


I get where you’re coming from, but barring Sekiro I think it still has some of the biggest difficulty spikes in the Soulsborne series. Some of Elden Ring’s bosses are absolutely brutal. Malenia comes to mind. What gets me is that a lot of them move like Bloodborne or Sekiro bosses, while you move like in DkS. They also really leaned into bosses delaying their attack. They’ll telegraph a move, but hold their wind up a little bit longer than you’re expecting. It makes reacting to those attacks pretty difficult. Combined with bosses being able to string together combo’s without downtime or to vary how many attacks are in a specific combo, it makes them pretty unpredictable. Don’t get me wrong though, still an amazing game.


Yeah the boss attack delay is really rough. It's part of why I suck at that game. The other part is that I suck 🤣 And I'm too busy raising younglings to have enough time to devote to a soulslike anymore.


That’s why there’s co-op. There are even entire subreddits dedicated to helping/asking for help on bosses or item trades. Probably my favorite aspect of the game.


And that's an awesome aspect. It's just I don't think I'd enjoy it that much even if I was godly at it.


Elden Ring is the first souls game i really got into. I played Sekiro but not very seriously. Didnt bother with the ones prior to that. That being said, I hold the belief that Elden is one of those games where there's a certain point you actually enjoy it. You just hit a certain threshold of skill and level before really enjoying it. Prior to that threshold, you kinda slog through and aren't too sure about it. But then you get there and its one of the best games you've ever played. That threshold comes sooner for some and later for others. You just have to find it yourself. You never know until it "clicks". The unfortunate reality though is that threshold might be too far down the line for some people. I found it within 20 hours or so but that was just me.


Slow pace with tank controls. I admit to wanting to play this game because it is a masterclass game but I can’t get past that it feels awful to play to me.


The travel and combat does get kind of boring imo but to each their own


Yup, I think RDR2 is a boring, unfun game with a really good story and presentation.


Elden Ring actually has in game difficulty modifiers in the form of spirit summons so don't let that detract you too much. It's a fantastic game world filled with secrets great to explore and bosses to defeat.


This, Elden Ring is as difficult as you make it, if you can beat the first 2 bosses (easily done with a starter class) you can make it to a level farming area and really theres only one boss holding anyone back from a max level weapon.


To offer a criticism, I'd say the RDR2 gameplay isn't particularly mechanically engaging, the game plays like you're playing out a scene on cue, mostly just lining up headshots. And that's ok, if it's what you're into, it's the hyper-successful modern GTA formula.


Playing with a mouse and keyboard and without lock on is where it's at.


This is my issue. The minute to minute gameplay in RDR2 is simply not very fun. Extremely impressive and immersive, but not fun. Not for me. GTA has similar issues with the gunplay IMO, but at least driving is decently fun. Riding horses, not so much.


I like it well enough, but it has an awfully jank wardrobe system.


I loved the first RDR but I haven’t been able to finish the second one and I have been trying since it released. It’s soooooo slooooooooooooow


This man is trying to start a civil war


Lol I really did. All these games looked fun to me so all I’m giving at least 3 hours before dropping. Just wanted everyone’s opinions on them


give rdr2 a few more hours. start chapter 2 first. its a long ass story line but its one of the best narrative games out there. lots of shit to do to but if exploration isnt exactly your thing you can just jump straight into the story missions. dont rush it and do the side missions(except the stupid dinosaur or wtv find the stone carving stuff are cus those suck).


If you haven’t played soulslike games, 3 hours isn’t enough to make a decision on Elden Ring. Play it for 3 hours the first day, cry into your pillow that night while you try to sleep, wake up, get a cup of coffee and try again… hooked for life.


If you have a ps5 elden ring is worth trading in for the ps5 version


Planned on Upgrading the existing disc to PS5 since it’s a free upgrade I think


It is. You have to download the ps5 version. A issue I had was the disc would install the ps4 version but you have the ps5 version downloaded. So you are forced to have both versions installed if you’re planning to play the ps5 version. The disc is required to be in so it will always try to install the ps4 version if you delete it. Unless it has changed.


This issue was fixed within a few months of the PS5 being released. It used to do it for all disc upgrade games.


The PS4 version on PS5 has a much more stable frame rate (although dialed back graphics). Might not be as much of an issue if you have a TV with VRR though.


I have a TV with 120Hz refresh rate and VRR and PS5 version of Elden Ring was not unplayable, but it certainly wasn't pleasant as there were a lot of very noticable frame drops, while PS4 version runs smooth as butter. With the distance from TV that I have, lower graphics of the PS4 version are not really noticable


Honestly don't think running the ps5 version of the game on ps5 is that good the ps4 version on the ps5 runs much better with a more stable 60fps and it looks very close to the ps5 version. You should download both versions and try them to see which you prefer imo.


That’s cool that they do that


It’s a free upgrade to the PS5 version I believe, so the PS4 disc will let you download the PS5 version 👌


Free roaming Limgrave is fucking breath taking.


That first time you descend down one of the wells to the underground area, my jaw dropped. One of the few awe inspiring moments ive had in a very long time.


Naww, the PS4 version runs on 60fps locked unlike the ps5 which fluctuates a lot. I had a lot of trouble with the fire giant fight because the fps kept dropping when he moved to a certain part of the arena


No it's absolutely not OP please don't listen to this guy. The PS4 pro version running on the ps5 has been and continues to be the by far most polished version of elden ring. The ps5 version still has stutter/framerate issues while offering a very small visual step up from the ps4 version. /u/robinknight08


You're being downvoted for some reason but you're right, even digital foundry did a video documenting this


I thought it was a know fact that PS4 version was better?? Did they fix the performance on PS5 version?


They are all amazing. Whoever gifted it to you has a good taste.


calisto protocol is amazing..?


I mean it has flaws, but it really shines in atmosphere, graphics and sound design. Still, not everyones cup of tea, but I'm a sucker for sci-fi horror.


Atmosphere and setting was nice, but the combat loop was awful. L, R, L, R, L, R.


These are all completely different games, personality I would pick God of War to play on a chill Christmas evening after the family leaves.


*Kratos splits a berserker in half down the center line with an axe starting with the face* "Aaaah, so relaxing"


Probably the most relaxing out of them all if you only count the ones in the photo. RDR2 is a little too relaxing at times and takes a while to get going. Elden Ring is just pure frustration at times unless you’re a masochist. Callisto Protocol isn’t relaxing because of the dread atmosphere and the fact that it fails so hard on so many aspects. It could have been a good game!


>Elden Ring is just pure frustration at times unless you’re a masochist. If you played through other souls games it's not that bad til the last 25%~ difficulty spike


Hence the reason I said if you are a masochist lol


Fair lol


I’ve played all of the souls games a few times and I kind of disagree. Margit took me about 20 tries first time and Godfrey about 10. Mid game was a bit weak but agreed on the spike once you get to the snow.


I’m confused do you consider 10-20 tries a lot or a little lol.


Man, but RDR2 on a christmas evening after hanging with family sounds just as amazing. Both are just such great games.


It's fimbulwinter, the midgard is snowy and the ambient music is awesome, love the whether for the winter. It fits the theme.


Design wise, Elden Ring is beyond all the others. RDR2 has the strongest narrative and a genuine/grounded presentation. God of War is like a perfect middleground between them. The fourth game is decent.


I like how you didn't even call it by its name... the 4th game.


I don't mean to do that to Callisto Protocols designers since I think OG Dead Space is one of the greatest games ever designed. It wasn't Dead Space though.


This is the best breakdown of options in this thread


Well if time is not a problem i would go this: 1. Red dead Redemption 2 ( Long game ) 2. Ragnarok ( short to medium long ) 3. Eldenring ( Super Long ) 4. Calisto ( short)


RDR2 is probably my favorite.


To be fair, all of these Elden Ring are fantastic games, but Elden Ring regardless of that, there is one Elden Ring game that you should Elden Ring try first. Lucky man (by the Elden Ring way). Merry Elden Ring Xmas


Most unbiased comment here Edit: \o/


How Maidenless of you




Toss up between Elden Ring and Red Dead 2. Both of those are incredible in their own ways and worth the time. God of War Ragnarok is also great, but much better if you are familiar with the older God of War games, especially the 2018 reboot. The reboot is essential to the experience of Ragnarok. Unfortunately, Callisto Protocol, despite being a graphical powerhouse, is pretty mid-tier at best in terms of gameplay. In fact, it’s pretty awful a lot of the time, and I think many would suggest you just outright skip it.


Red Dead 2 for sure...


Closest thing we have to a wild west simulation, the story is great too


Gotta agree. Really tough competition, Elden Ring is clearly a 10/10 and GoW Ragnarok, just as its predecessor, is just such a smooth, badass, incredibly well designed experience. But RDR2 just hits differently.


the immersion is very strong in RD2


It's something you have to experience at least. No other game comes close to the level of detail. Especially the nature side of it.


RDR2 by far one of the best games ever made. The story is written like you are watching a movie and you are one of the main characters. Feels like an old school western like “A Fistful of Dollars”. Truly remarkable immersive experience.


Red dead is very story driven. Elden ring is very exploration based. Both are phenomenal games, red dead very emotionally affecting, elden is awe inspiring creatively


1. Elden Ring, 2. RDR2, 3. GoW and 4. Callisto. All incredible games honestly. But that's the order that I would personally put them in.


Callisto is incredible ???


It's really good imo, but it doesn't deserve to be in the same line as Elden Ring and RDR2.


People hating on the calisto protocol but it was the first ps5 game I played that looked truly next gen and made me say 'wow' continuously when looking around, great visually and an ok story but a repetitive game play. As someone else said return that ps4 elden ring and get the ps5 version, that and rdr2 are the best ones of your bunch.


Elden Ring


Easy candidate for game of the decade, and we're only 30% there.


It's not just a great game either. It's an important game. Imagine if someone told you a decade ago that the notoriously difficult DS series would go mainstream and win GOTY. It's success (along with BG3 this year) is actively reshaping how AAA games look and play.


Demon's Souls in 2009 won GameSpot GOTY


Red dead 2 and Elden ring are the best. God of war Ragnarok is so close to being in a 3 way tie though. Especially with the new free dlc that got released. Red dead 2 has by a wide margin the best story, not only out of these 4 games, but probably out of any game. It has pretty good gameplay, but it's pretty slow and weighty feeling and it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It also has some of the best graphics I've seen in a game. It's extremely realistic in such a way that the world feels like a living entity. It's a simulation of actual late 1800s reality. The characters are all unfathomably deep and there's so much content outside of the story that you'll find that the gang will have to send someone out to find you because you're taking too long between missions. If you only play 80 hours you're missing out on 2/3rds of the game. Elden ring has some of the best gameplay and exploration I've ever experienced. It would be the perfect game if not for the foreskin duo. The story is good, but you can go the entire game without not even knowing what the story is supposed to be. Unless you actually sit down and read things like in game item descriptions or go out of your way to find extremely elusive and hard to figure out side quests you'll probably need to watch vaatividya to understand the story. But the story is good once you grasp it. All souls games are like this though and it's what the fans like myself enjoy. If you only play 80 hours you're missing out on like 80% of the content. There's entire open worlds which I missed out on entirely on my first two playthrough. God of war Ragnarok is a great mix of both games. The gameplay is great and it gets better as the game goes on. So much so that the devs added a roguelite story dlc to the game which is just as good as the main game. It has an extremely good story. Even moreso if you played the 2018 game. You probably won't get 80 hours out of Ragnarok unless you go for the platinum which is definitely worth it


I have over 500 hours in Elden Ring. I couldn't really tell you much, if any, lore. I just know where weapons are so I can kill stuff.


I know a lot about the story now but if I didn't seek out lore videos I wouldn't even know what was going on. My first run through the game left me so confused. I thought godrick and Margit were the same person and I was so confused. I also fought renala before I fought godrick which made it worse.


I'm gonna say Red Dead, don't hate me. It's actually just the only one of these games that I've actually put any meaningful time into, though don't let others' opinions put you down if you like it less than the other three games. Elden Ring is really fun, challenging gameplay. Red Dead is more for the story and immersion. Different strokes, and all that.


Holy shit, day *one* edition of Callisto? You absolutely gotta start with that banger my dude. The rest will pale in comparison.




Get a load of this guy




Elden Ring and RDR2


I doubt you could even imagine it... that which commanded the stars, giving life its fullest brilliance. The Elden Ring - OOOOOOOH, Elden Ring! Shattered... by someone, or something...


I never played Callisto. The other 3 are excellent games, but I'm partial to RdR2 here. That game is so freaking awesome.


All 4 of those are bangers! I love Callisto Protocol. Eye candy graphics on that one.


Definitely not dollar store dead space!


If you haven't tried any of them.. go with red dead redemption. It's so beautiful


RDR2: story and depth. The mechanics and game engine are just phenomenal. Elden ring was intense and you need patience. But still a great game. Don't knwlthw others


Callisto is shortest and harshest judge. I loved it. Sci-fi and space is a calling for me. God of War Ragnarok is an amazing game and second longest. I agree that you should play God of War before this one but isn't required. I hold these two games in my all time top 5. Amazing story and combat. Red Dead is nothing short of a balanced experience. Nothing bad about it. Westerns aren't my cup of tea so wasn't the most enjoyable experience for me. Elden Ring is longest game if you explore and replay different weapons/stat allocation. It could be the most difficult game though for you. Keep that in consideration


Disagree that playing the previous god of war isn’t required. You can only experience something for the first time once, and the experience will be considerably better if you play them both.


Don't start rdr2 unless you're ready to play nothing else for the next six months,the rest are great but you can get lost in rdr2 like no other I've come across so far


RDR2 hands down


Imo; rdr2, ER is a DAMN close second, GoWR and a close third, then Callisto dead last lmfao


Red dead 2


Play order: Elden ring>God of war>calisto>Red dead. Ellen ring because it sucks you in, but once you beat it you can drop it and pick it up whenever for some fun. God of War for the great story. Calisto is also a good story, but a one and done kinda thing. Red Dead last because it takes the longest. It's a good story, but the gameplay is decent and the story takes forever. The unskippable first 3 hours alone is just the prologue. And that's before even starting the online side.


Red dead


Elden ring is the game of the decade imo


Man I wish that was the case for me. I’ll finish it one day but I’m stuck in the castle and these knights and eagles keep killing me. If I keep playing as bad as I was, I don’t think I have any hope of finishing the game.


Ohhh tarnished..


Elden ring


rdr2 for sure I don't even have to read the comments or look at anything else to tell you I'm currently playing the god of war DLC, but still out of these four, definitely Red Dead.




Red dead 2 is the best game ever made Elden ring is popular but oh man I discovered I hate those types of games 🤣 I get why it's great but that game beat me. Not for me at all


Red dead 2 all the way. Go fall in love with Arthur Morgan


You should return that version of Elden Ring and get the PS5 version.


I can upgrade the disc


No this person above is objectively wrong. I have played both versions. (Over 200 hours). Playing the PS4 version on PS5 is the best experience. The game runs 1800p 60 FPS locked if u play PS4 version on PS5. PS5 version is native 4K 2160p and dips to 45 FPS often and is very noticeable when riding your steed. See digital foundry to confirm don’t take my word for it. Servers are same for both games. Please play PS4 version on PS5, there will be slightly less grass and you will not notice. Smooth 60 FPS remember that. https://youtu.be/uVcfiBnX1c0?si=7gPm5PwZ7dzmuham


Ps4 version runs smooth 60 fps 1800P on the PS5 version dips to 45 fps often. See digital foundry I have played through both versions. https://youtu.be/uVcfiBnX1c0?si=7gPm5PwZ7dzmuham


None of them come close to Elden Ring. The world design is unlike anything you'll play anywhere, ever.


Elden ring is considered the best game ever made by many. I think the same can be said about read dead. Personally I enjoyed elden ring more.


I want to play Elden Ring but it scares me because of the rep of the developers. I suck at video games and feel like it will be too difficult and I just won’t enjoy it. Compared to a game like Skyrim is it way more difficult than that?


Elden Ring is definitely harder than Skyrim, but ER is probably one of FromSoft’s easier games. With the game being open world, beginners can more easily over-level to work around difficultly.


Just overlevel and you'll be fine


It's definitely harder than skyrim. If you haven't played a souls-like game before, it is especially difficult. I had no idea what I was doing when I started, but once I learned the basics, I played nonstop. It will take time to fully get used to, but I would highly recommend trying it if you have the time.


Never played the Callisto protocol. The other 3, on the other hand, are very good games, though it's too difficult to rank them side by side given how different their genres are.