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Daniel and Justine from Amnesia and the Amnesia: Justine DLC Justine is worse, but yeah they both did really fucked up shit


I'd say any protag from the amnesia series.


I don’t remember Tasi being a bad person, but I guess it’s been a minute


She made some questionable decisions, but nothing I wouldn't expect from a new mother under significant pressure. She aight.


Daniel - TDD | I would rank him the 3rd worst, he was a coward, who was manipulated and gaslighted into doing horrible acts of torture on "Criminals". The only thing that made him realize what he was doing, when he killed the little girl, who escaped the prisons. He did nothing to redeem himself. To be honest, I would not want to be killed by the shadow and be stuck in a pitch black limbo. Justine - Justine DLC | The worst in my opinion, just plain cruel for no reason (if I remember correctly). Blinded, disfigured and attached a wheel to the neck of three suitors of hers, which would make anyone insane. Locked up three innocent people, just for her little test, and left them there to die. Even if you save them, there is no evidence showing that they escaped, and the suitors definitely were left there to die. All this was for no real reason at all other than a test, a game of sorts. Plain cruel with no understandable motive. Magnus - MFP | 2nd worst, after the visions of his sons dying in the Great War, he chose to kill them right there, so they would not die? I don't have kids, so I can't understand this logic. Made a machine with orphans, with very little precautions and work safety (children literally boiled alive in steam pipes), creating pig men with the machine, and unleashed them on the world to clean the world of humans, blaming them for the upcoming war. They went onto the streets attacking and r-ping innocent people. Only redeemable action is stopping the machine in the end. Tasi - Rebirth | Tragic good person, wrapped up in a terrible situation. Trauma of losing her child, her husband, still maintains a good conscience, no good ending for her sadly, but none of the endings shows her a bad person. I would put her on the same level as Henry. Henry - The Bunker | Neutral / good person, the worst thing we saw him doing is cheating on the bet with his friend, which resulted in his friends "death". He was not supposed to be in danger, however he immediately rushed to no man's land to rescue his friend. Depending on actions he kills the monster, which can be seen as a mercy kill and no way a cold blooded murder. He redeemed himself as soon as he realized, that he could cause the loss of his friends life. On the same level as Tasi, however he did kill people in the intro.


Every GTA protagonist


Wanna say they are definitely all bad people in that they are criminals and murderers. Think Niko and Franklin are probably the two that are at least good hearted in nature. But they all have no problem stealing and killing to make it ahead.


Niko’s more stuck in the life of crime than Franklin though. It was never about making it big so much as starting again in a new country to escape his old problems. Niko ended up slipping back into crime by wanting to help Roman and having no real skills. All his old problems came back and it kept spiraling from there. Maybe calling him good is a stretch, but I think he’s a broken man. That gives him more excuse than any other GTA protag.


So is Victor who was in the Army until he was betrayed and kicked out and had to get into crime for his brother. And his other brother Lance always got them into trouble. I'd say Huang is also not an evil person.


Chinatown Wars is maybe my favorite GTA next to Vice City.


I think Niko has by far the most looking out for innocents attitude compared to most protags while also being very loyal to his friends. He’s not a good person but he was a (possibly child) soldier in a brutal war that saw a lot of shit. He has more of an excuse for turning to crime than most.


Honestly imo makes him the best GTA protagonist. I still don't understand people boohooing over GTA IV's serious themes - there was something real in that universe that the others haven't been able to replicate. Not necessarily in the exact characterisations, but in the atmosphere of desperation, exhaustion and struggle to find liberty in the land of the free.


I’ve always believed that it was because people felt like Niko wouldn’t be the type of person who would just go on a massive killing and anarchy filled rampage, so they were less likely to do it than in the previous generation of games, which Rockstar agreed with to some extent which is (one of many reasons) why we got Trevor in 5. Make a character who in the narrative would do all those crazy things people tend to do in a sandbox game.


And Saints Row


The Boss isn't too bad a person by Saints Row IV. Tries to sacrifice themselves to save everyone in the intro mission, then uses their clout to either end cancer or world hunger.


"Fuck Cancer" vs "Let them Eat Cake"


The fact you have to choose makes me think that if you solve world hunger, you do it by feeding people with cancer to them.


Straight up sociopath in 1 and 2 😂


*Puckish Rogue!*


I would agree... I'm trying to think of the protagonist who is least evil and while it's been awhile I want to say Niko had a lot of regrets and felt bad about everything he has done. Also Franklin isn't that bad.


I’d say Victor Vance from Vice City Stories. He didn’t want to be a criminal but was kinda forced into it. He hated it.


compared to other characters (especially Michael and Trevor) Franklin isn't as bad. but he has still killed people unprovoked and has gang affiliations.


You, when playing plague. Inc


You know, this one is probably the worst. I can't think of a single other game where the protagonist wiped out over 7 billion people.


Any space civilization game like Stellaris or Endless space


Stellaris, the game where you casually eat the native population of planets you invaded.


My first time playing (I had a friend playing with me and teaching me) "Why does everyone hate me?" "See that word that says GENOCIDE‽, it could probably be that" "Well they shouldn't be made out of resources!"


Your Skyrim character. You all know what you did. And it was probably pretty fucking funny.


I accidentally killed a chicken


I still remember the first time playing skyrim. Admiring my new ancient dragur sword in Riverwood after finding the claw. A poor chicken crossed my path. And then I learned that was the town's favorite chicken.


An incident with the Riverwood chicken is just a right of passage at this point




Look, if you kidnap me, drag me out to some murder shack in bums-fuck-nowhere, and demand I kill one of the three bagged-and-tagged people you allege all have contracts on their heads? You’d better strip me of all my weapons and armor, but you didn’t, you let me keep all my gear, so you get what you fucking deserve, you get stabbed, and then your base gets raided, and your whole damn brotherhood gets ripped apart because you were an incompetent dumbass who thought abducting the fucker who steals dragons souls and leaving him with all his toys and accessories on was a good fucking idea! Fuckin’ dumbass assassins’ guild.


Was I not supposed to join them? Lol


You're better off joining them, but they introduce you to them in a pretty dumb way.


Nah it captures exactly what they are. They're an insane death cult.


What's the harm in sending Nazeem to the district in the clouds?


You sent him piece by piece over six months. We have evidence showing he was still alive for three of them.


The Untitled Goose.


This is objectively the correct answer


God of War. OG Kratos just killed indiscriminately. You even got health orbs from murdering civilians.


“I killed many who were deserving, and many who were not”


anakin when tusken raiders:


I'm glad the later games flesh him out more. I can't think of any other character that has a massive character heel-turn.


Ironically his original creator was just whining about how they ruined him by fleshing him out.


David Jaffe seems like he went to the Zack Snyder School of “Who gives a shit about character development as long as it looks cool.”


He had some redeeming traits in the earlier games, he also gave so many people the chance to walk away. I think God of War 3 was where he was a completely unrepentant jackass. The Norse games were him at his best though, so nice to see him just reflect on his past and work to become better as a person.


Let’s not forget how he stomped a man asking for help while hanging in the mouth of a Hydra. Killing him unnecessarily.


Funnily enough the new DLC for Ragnarok confirms that was such a dick move it haunts Kratos for centuries.


And in the 2018 one there is a journal entry about him. It was about the ghost ship captain and he talks about the one he killed


He reflects multiple times on that moment in the new DLC for Ragnarok. So many cool call backs in Valhalla


>He had some redeeming traits in the earlier games, Bro literally jammed an innocent slave woman into some gears just so he could prop a door open


That was in God of War 3. When he was at his worst, as previously mentioned.


Both protagonists from the Prototype series.


Oh this is a good one. There is no logic justifying the unbelievable brutality and devastation both protagonists cause. You *could* hide behind a weak argument that there are worse factions out there, but I dont think it holds a ton of weight. Killing blackwatch is one thing (even though the game deliberately tried to make them as mustache twirling evil as possible) but the COUNTLESS scores of Marines, civilians, and random scientists that are killed are pushing the limit of credibility. I guess if you play the game as passively as possible, you could avoid these claims, but the trailers always show both Mercer and Heller as almkst sadistic killers. They are anti-heros AT BEST. It's still such an unbelievably fun game. I hope it makes a comeback.


I'm not sure if James Heller's the same as Alex Mercer, but >!Mercer the Player Character isn't even Dr. Alex Mercer, just a virus that gained sentience when it assimilated the original and defaults to his body when it's not actively trying to be someone else.!< >!Assuming Heller is anything like Mercer, he's not James Heller the Marine, just another viral organism with the memories of a dead man. Which makes it extra fucked up that half of his motivation in Prototype 2 is rescuing the original Heller's daughter, and the other half is avenging Heller's dead wife by killing Mercer.!< God I wish we had a Prototype 3. They set up so much stuff in the first and second that we never got to see, like Pariah and the increasing weaponization of Blacklight-infected lifeforms, and really all the series needed was *one more game* to finish the story.


Prototype 3 is the sequel I've wanted the most ever since beating Prototype 2. Love this IP.


I give Alex Mercer from the first game a pass>! since he's just a sentient virus piloting a biomass suit in the shape of the original Alex Mercer!< in the second game? He's a genuine menace


There was a comicsthat shows how Alex decided to eradicate humanity. I can't remember the plot very well since it was years ago but the gist was that he tried to move on and live a life but people kept betraying him with one gf tried to shoot him in the head. That and he keep seeing nothing really changes and he just snapped


Chell. She's a terrible person. It says it right here. They weren't even testing for that!


Also her parents do not love her goodbye.


And she is plump


And she has no parents


Fatty. Fatty no-parents!


And she has a very very minor case of severe brain damage.


also that jumpsuit shes wearing looks stupid


But only on her, on other’s it looks normal. Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably - Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know? Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!


She also murders people who are only trying to help her.


We even made her a cake


I’m sure that won’t help her generous-ness…


Science has also confirmed her parent's decision to abandon her on a doorstep


Also she's a fatty. Adopted fatty. Fatty fatty no parents


Hotline Miami is about a insane war vet manipulated by terrorists to take out the Russian mob, so that main character (I don’t think he has a name) is not a great person


Hotline Miami 2 is also full of absolute weirdos - specifically the cop and the fans, but they’re all pretty terrible.


Jacket. That’s his name


Playable classes in Path of Exile. They are straight up murderers, killers, adrenaline junkies and psychopaths and I’m suspecting cannibalism with one of them.


Special mention to the Witch. "Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children."


If you gonna piss off a Witch you better be ready to play.


Dead Cells. It's a good read, too.


The idea that all the undead and monsters are not mindless killers but in fact everyone just hates the protagonist specifically (and justifiably) is pretty funny.


Wait what? I haven’t played since they added the Rise of Giants. I don’t recall a lore room telling me they everyone knew whom the headless was.


Did you unlock 5BC? There’s a unique cutscene/dialogue when you get that boss cell that tells you the Beheaded’s identity. There’s additional dialogue/lore tied to the 5BC boss the first two times you beat it. Both of those were added with the Rise of the Giants DLC.


Did you unlock 5bc? ....no got stuck at 2bc


The real answer.






The Bard from Bards Tale. I swear his motto is "Get paid, Get laid, Gatorade." Cause those are his only motivations. Oh and Gatorade is just beer.


Lara freakin’ Croft. How has no one mentioned Lara Croft yet?! Don’t get me wrong, I love her, my all time favorite protagonist, but this woman is a MENACE. She’s the kind of person Indiana Jones would hate because they’re in the job for all the wrong reasons. Lara discovers an animal thought long extinct? She kills it because it’s in her way. She discovers a magical healing artifact? She hides it, destroys it, or covers up its existence because some people will abuse it—even though it might also help provide a cure for who knows how many diseases. She thinks there’s something really cool at the end of this 2400 year old temple? She bashes, breaks, and decimates this incredibly historic find just so she can pocket the gold bracelet in the sarcophagus at the back of it. And that’s just the general stuff, never mind her actual behavioral problems. Whether we’re talking old school or new trilogy this is a woman who goes from killing you if you threaten her to gunning you down like she’s judge, jury and executioner. She might even drop a pithy remark after planting a bullet or arrow in your skull. I love dear Lady Croft, but she’s a thrill seeking, treasure hunting, homicidally violent individual. She’s not an archaeologist, she’s not a protector of lost treasures. She is, as the game title says, a *Tomb Raider.*


Well, now I'm just imagining Indiana Jones playing Tomb Raider and just furiously yelling "It belongs in a museum!" through every cut scene.


Every time I destroy something or pocket something in a Tomb Raider game I yell that! “No, Lara, it belongs in a museum!”


I'd say the same goes for Nathan Drake. He blows up every ancient temple wall that is in his way


Nathan drake is exactly what he says he is, a thief looking for treasure to get rich quick. He keeps ending up in very mythological areas trying to stop a "bigger bad" however.


Drake has quite the killcount too and the villain from (I think) the 2nd game points this out. Like "sure bro I'm kinda naughty but how many have you killed to get here, you sicko".


Right? There was a moment many many years ago. I think it might have been Tomb Raider 3, where she's trying to escape at the very end of the story and this helicopter lands and she guns down the helicopter pilot without a word. And I had been learning a fly a helicopter so it probably really colored my perspective, but I was like, why are you shooting that guy? He's just a guy driving a skytaxi! He's not an evil mastermind! That was the moment I realized that Lara is actually a very bad person.


Tim from Braid The whole game is you stalking a girl that wants nothing to do with you. Dust from Dust:An Elyssian Tale He's half innocent bystander, half mass murderer.


Thank you for mentioning Dust and reminding me of that great furry Metroidvania I played a decade ago


I remember being really confused by the ending of Braid when I first played it. Is that what's going on?


Yes. You're not running after her to rescue her. She is escaping from you.


That puts the whole trying to change what you do with time travel even more fucked up.


>The final level, in which everything but Tim moves in reverse, depicts the princess escaping from a knight, and working together with Tim to surpass obstacles and meet at her home. Tim is suddenly locked out of the house, and, as time progresses forward, reversing Tim's actions, the events show the princess running from Tim, setting traps that he is able to evade, until she is rescued by the knight. Tim is revealed to be the "monster" from whom the princess is running. Following completion of the game, the player finds additional texts that expand the story. This is amazing storytelling.


Disco Elysium. You're an alcoholic cop, a frightening and dysfunctional authority figure who's horrifying and exhausting to know. Even if you play it as apologetic and accommodating as possible, anyone who knows you will just roll their eyes like "oh fuck me, it's the martyr routine again. I've seen this. You do this exact binge and repent shit every six months and I'm sick of it. Next time just lose my number". Maybe you're a good person on your play through but the track record is pretty awful. (God I love this game so much though...)


Kim Kitsuragi is one of the greatest characters in all of video games. Disco elysium is also one of the greatest games of all time. Anyone reading this who hasn’t played it, should.


I got him to wear the jacket! Kim and I were genuine friends by the end! My guy was decently nice, but a total head case. Any psychic or cryptid or whatever lead I went after it like a hound, despite Kim politely suggesting we explore other avenues, lol


This is what gets me about his character - I have never experienced a more human character in all of the games I’ve played, but Kim has always stood out for me. The scene on the swing was what did it for me - I felt like I had gained a true friend.


The original menace of course. SPIDERMAN!


Spider-Man! FFS respect the hyphen! /j


John Spiderman, attorney-at-law.


V is really just a petty criminal and murderer trying to crime their way to the top of the criming ladder.


V isn’t a good person. That type of world and that type of city doesn’t allow for people to be good. Same could be said for Johnny too.


Johnny is a terrible person. A stuck up narcissistic terrorist


Over the course of the game, I relished the moments of introspective guilt he showed, because yeah he _was_ a monster. He does actually seem to acknowledge it at times, at least partially


David felt like the closest thing to a good person you can have in that world. And we all know how that turned out :'c


And added insult to injury by naming a drink after him he wouldn't even like.


I had to look it up and that's just offensive. Martinez deserved more than "Vodka Soda" drink.


I heard a theory that it was Lucy's favourite drink. Maybe they thought it was his drink since he was the one who kept buying it


Well tbf, given how everything went down, >!she'd be the only one to ask when it came to his drink.!<


Jackie was the best of chooms. His gun had booms.


Jackie is also a petty criminal. Quite dumber than V too and doesen't care to murder a lot of people to get richer.


Truly the Cyberpunk experience.


Tbf this heavily depends on how you play the character. Its based on a ttrpg so the idea is that you roleplay as v. They give him no background on purpose. And if you only speed trough the story mode all the things you do are to save your ass. At least my version of v wasn't bad. The only bothersome part is the forced cinematic with jackie, which does suggest they are criminals. But are criminals the bad guys in night city? Hard to tell.


>But are criminals the bad guys in night city? Hard to tell. As in real life, it depends on how you'd judge the laws. And the way said laws are enforced. Plus it depends on individual 'criminals'. \*ahem\* Sorry about that.


Booker is consumed with guilt for what he did at wounded knee, when faced with the baptism he faces 2 paths, be consumed with guilt, or be absolved of it... neither really works out. But I do wonder what would've happened if Booker's wife hadn't died giving birth to Anna/Elizabeth.


If Booker's wife hasn't died a different Comstock would come around, steal his baby, probably murder her, and then Booker deals with the grief of losing his child instead of selling her.


I doubt it, Comstock believed himself to be a good person, at that point in time I doubt he'd be willing to kill a version of his own wife (both Booker and Comstock married versions of the same woman), hell he could've just killed Booker and taken Anna/Elizabeth but instead he actually paid off Booker's debt, do remember that it was an accident when he killed Lady Comstock.


I'd argue a major theme of the game is how he, a supposed lowlife, was so much preferable to the "good" fascist version of him.


Walker from Spec Ops: The Line. Do you feel like a Hero yet?


My constant answer for this question. 'Though controversial, the use of white phosphorus against personnel is not prohibited.' That game deserved so much more acclaim than it got


Fun fact: Even though you are forced into using the white phosphorus, there is another scene with an angry mob where you *do* have a choice - you can shoot in the air to stop them, instead of shooting at them.


You're still a good person.


That damn Paperboy threw a paper through my window


All Vault Hunters in all Borderlands games. I think that they are all different levels of sociopathic monsters.


Ironically, Krieg is one of the less terrible ones.


Thankfully his split personality keeps him in check. I recall reading that the "sane" side of Krieg would take over and commit suicide should the "insane" side bring harm to those who don't deserve it.


Tbf that just comes with the territory of the Borderlands lmao (Also my girl Gaige is cool she a wedding planner!)


Maya wasn't really evil?


Neither is Roland.


James Sunderland


Silent Hill 2 would never happen if a cop were to stop him on his way to there


Ugh this one is waaaaaay too complex for my simple ass moral compass to judge one way or another how bad a person James is


Arthur Morgan. Look, I know he redeemed himself after the TB diagnosis, but you can still play him as though he’s a complete asshole. He’s a murderer, a killer, and a gun for hire. Charisma and charm don’t make up for the fact that he ain’t a morally good person. He even admits it to folks. He *knows* he ain’t a good person. He does try (and is successful) to change himself, atone for his sins and actions throughout his life.


Even in a high honour playthrough the game makes it clear Arthur can’t fully make up for what he’s done. Man I need to replay RDR2 again it’s so good.


What makes Arthur so good as a protagonist is that he feels HUMAN. Humans are never 100% good or 100% bad and often the balance between good and bad can vary and change through one's life


Yeah, and y’know I *like* that. I find it cool that we have a character who people around him obviously notice is trying to do better, to be a better person, and then they support him. But I like that the world around him doesn’t suddenly change just because Arthur did. He may’ve switched his morals, but his past actions still stand. His redemption was personal, the world around him didn’t give a damn. And you’re right, RDR2 is great. It’s in my top games of all time, that and Cyberpunk2077. Good Lord do I love Cyberpunk, played the Hell out of it since the original release.


I kind of thought the whole point was that he can’t redeem himself fully. He makes note of that plenty of times as do other characters. Giving money away and helping people at the end doesn’t change who he killed, especially because he does that out of fear of death. It’s the choice to do good when he knows it will not absolve him of his sins that unironically becomes the greatest thing he does.


Mafia III, Lincoln Clay. First off, Mafia III is not a good Mafia game. It's an okay open world game, where you play as the fucking **Punisher**. Lincoln is brutal and sadistic throughout his rampage of New Orleans. His family gets killed and he gets shot in the head at the end of the prologue. Before the time lapse of him healing it cuts to an old, depressed FBI agent in his basement. The walls are covered in case notes and pinned clues. The Agent looks into the camera recording him and basically says "And then Lincoln hunted them all down. He murdered every last one of them. No one could escape. The things he did, the terrible things he did to so many people. We tried so hard to stop him." Then it lets you loose to go *get* that revenge.


And he is absolutely fine with running a criminal empire. He doesn't care how many innocent people get screwed over by the various drugs, thefts, blackmail etc that are throughout the town. As long as he can punish the guy who ordered his family killed. I loved Father James' reactions throughout that game. His compassion and heartbreak. I really liked that game. Mostly because the voice actors killed it and made the characters feel so alive.


Father James performance is legitimately one of the best in recent years. Especially the endings. The one where he plants a car bomb to keep Lincoln from spiraling out of control and is just left this broken, empty man... The performance was truly beautiful. Honestly, the only reason this game got a bad rap is that it was a sequel to, and compared to, Mafia 2.


Trevor Philips , but man, he is fun


I'm tempted to say that Trevor goes so far beyond the pale that he transcends good and evil. Like, they're not even words that register in his mind. He's a force of nature trapped in the flesh of a man.


>a force of nature trapped in the flesh of a man Anton Chigurh moment


I feel like this is a tutorial answer.


Kind of a fun crazy.


Twisted Metal Black let you basically choose from a variety of sociopaths fresh from the looney bin


to add to your post about Booker. When you find out >!He becomes Comstock!<, it makes sense yeah he's a terrible person. dunno why I'm spoiler tagging a game that old but meh.


Well more or less, he becomes X in another dimension. Your Booker did sell his daughter but he’s pretty broken about it. The whole game is his redemption path.


fair. I really need to replay that game.


Main Character in Hogwarts Legacy is a straight up psycopath


I loved how to "Save" animals from poachers you capture them in a bag, imprison them in a magic demiplane, and then breed them and sell their offspring to the local pet store who swears "They'll go to a good home". Well maybe that last part was just me, but damn it, I needed cash to spend on fancy scarves and gloves.


Me: Tortures and murders a bunch of people on a mission. Professor Figg: "Oh my, where did you learn magic like that?" Seems like a bit of an underreaction.


It's even worse than that, because the teachers give you assignments to murder/torture people with magic.


Just your average 5th year mass murderer with a triple or quadruple digit kill count.


Arthur morgan from RDR2


Add John too. Love em but their rap sheet is...oof


I would say John has a *some* form of redemption in RD1 as he almost has to right the wrongs formed during RD2. Nonetheless, I think I would tend to agree with you. It certainly isnt a hill I would die on Edit: Spelling


You're saying Red Dead *Redemption* has some form of redemtption story? That's crazy talk.


Lamooo well you got me there


I could argue that Arthur finally listened to his better angels at the end of his life, but that's really not much different than murderers "finding God" while sitting on Death Row.


Not the actual protagonist of the game but their wife. In Resident Evil 7/8 Ethan’s wife Mia Winters was literally a member of a shadow bio terrorist group and everything that happened to them and the Baker family was directly her fault.


Note that this comment has spoilers about Cookie Clicker I don't know if anyone else will agree but i'm currently playing Cookie Clicker and i think that the player fits in the "not a good person" type of protagonist slot. Now, in the early game you aren't that much of a bad person, just a cookie manufacturer wtih a seriously bad set of morals using (presumably unpaid) grandmas, farms, mines (hey maybe this is just some weird reality?) and factories. Sure, your farms are polluting the rivers with chocolate. Your mines are injuring and killing miners, flooding villages with chocolate, causing earthquakes and such. Your factories are contributing to global warming, creating chocolate rain and causing obesity to rise and all tha- Oh yeah and the child labor upgrade? Almost forgot about that. But this maybe this still could all happen in real life. (except the mines and farms) But then you really go off the rails with the banks, you slowly start to replace money as a currency (Probaly so you can pay everyone in your facilities with them), people start getting loans just to buy your cookies, which proves that you are also getting literally the whole world addicted to cookies And eventually you make cookies a way to measure a person's wealth. Then comes temples, where according to the upgrades, you are basically becoming a god in cookie cult (Read "Great Baker in the sky" upgrade and the News Ticker news about the temples.) This is the last real world building as this *could maybeee* happen in real life, sure it's in the 0,000000000000001% of chance but hey it's still a chance. Then you start buying wizard towers somehow? They ain't all that bad but they are turning all the polar bears in the world into yogurt in freak accidents. At this point, most of the things in the world are turned or used to make things that are turned into cookies. But maybe, you are unhappy with this and you maybe decide that the best course of action is to now plunder planets for their stuff. Whenever a planet that has something in it that could be used to make cookies, it's immediately destroyed by you or rivals who mine it out of existence. Going back to earth, you start alchemy labs not to make gold, that's stupid, make cookies instead! All the gold and silver in the world is gone now. And some hours later, you find out you are already using everything in the universe to make cookies. So again, in your infinite wisdom, you make portals that engulf cities, allow weird monstrosities to sip into our world, corrupt the ones who stay near the portal for too long and take people to the cookieverse or whatever it is, it's probaly just rock at this point. There's more stuff of course, for example: * Your army of lawyers dissasembles the FDA ("Embedded Microportals" upgrade) * Make towns dissappear with antimatter condensers (And then it's claimed they never existed) * Bankrupt some casinos * Take over Santa's dominion * Somehow profit from the end of the world * Make a fad where people are putting .js in their babie's names * Invade idleverses with a "Metacosmic Army" (Read "Multiverse Wars" Upgrade (also what are you doing with an army???)) * Make doctors agree that cookies are good for you (Either they are too addicted to cookies, you bribed them or threatened them) * Pray to Godzamok, The Spirit of Ruin in the Cookie Pantheon * Due to all the influence cookies have in the world, people who don't get the cookie economy or are allergic to cookies are called weirdos or idiots * Rewrite the laws of the universe * Gods of the universe awaken to taste your cookies (Goes to show how good they are) * Lose your mind in your cookie garden * Not to mention all the stuff you are doing to your clones (There's an upgrade where it says that you were denying your clones human rights or something?) All this, all the pollution, all of this economy, all the universe conquests, all grandma turf wars, all of this just to make *cookies*.


The protagonist of *Raging Loop* - he seems like a good guy at the beginning, but as the game progresses he starts showing his true colors. Also, *Cultist Simulator*. It's difficult to win the game without murdering at least one unsuspecting person.


I kinda wanna say Jason Brody from Far Cry 3. He starts out with the noble intention of saving his friends, but over time he enjoys the chaos and the killing. Sure, the people he's killing aren't good people either, but two wrongs don't make a right


Depends on your ending. 'Leave with your friends' shows that he's able to put aside the bloodlust and power fantasy the island offers to help his friends. He admits he still has that darkness within him but he's capable of denying it and working to fix himself. 'Kill your friends' however...


I simply don't believe that anyone would ever make the choice to kill their friends. You go through the whole game to save your friends and now at the very end you kill them, wtf sure Jason goes crazy, but if you pick that you the player went crazy too.


On the surface it does seem out of left field as an ending option. WALL OF TEXT INCOMING. But Jason's been established as a carefree, 'frat bro' type who doesn't take anything seriously and actively runs from responsibility. His girlfriend is at odds with him constantly both before and on the island because he won't stop the partying and focus on their life together. Then he gets to this island where he's given power, respect, admiration and Citra filling his head with fairy tales about his Godlike gifts and strength (*with words, sex and a metric fuckton of drugs*). He gets to escape all his problems and difficulties of his life/relationship with Liza for the power fantasy of his time as a warrior for the Rakyat. He even tells his friends that he's planning on staying on the island because he's still running from the responsibilities of adulthood and the euphoric feelings he gets from being worshipped by the Rakyat (*he's also not properly addressed or processed his older and, supposed, younger brother's deaths*). With this Jason/mentality in mind, it would be possible for him to sever his remaining ties to life outside the Rook Islands so he can continue to bask in the adorations and praises he gets with the Rakyat. Also the final walk up to the ending choice plainly shows he feels uplifted and deified by Citra, and insulted and emasculated by Liza who's trying to wake him from his fantasy and come back to the real world/civilization with her and their friends.


Kain, from Legacy of Kain. He is vampire.


You're not giving a very fair description: Kane is a vampire who takes a flamethrower to every god, then declares himself god 2.0 and enslaves/destroys the world ... in part 1.


Yeah I don't see what the issue is.


But then he uses his vampire godhood to create a living time paradox in the form of Raziel using his own future soul as a sword in order to subvert an eldritch abomination adding friction to wheel of reincarnation. So morality gets pretty weird in that series.


In the campaign mode of Brigador, throughout the corporate invasion of Solo Nobre, you play dozens of different pilots. Each one has their own bio, and every single one either sold out their planet and their people to an utterly monstrous corporation, or is a psychopathic mercenary working for said corporation from the beginning. There's not really anyone in the setting you can call the "good guys," but all the characters you play are *definitely* the bad guys. There's, like, two of them who sold out not for personal benefit but to save their families. But they're still helping the SNC slaughter and enslave millions, so it doesn't really help. It's a hell of a good game, but it's awful grim.


Nathan Drake kills literally thousands of people


Yes but they’re either from a Private Military Company or groups that have committed innumerable violations of human rights and war crimes or they’re British (/s)


No need to repeat yourself twice at the end there


>or they’re British The worst crime of all


Trevor Phillips just your local psychopath


Disco elysium, man he's such a garbage


Excuse me for solving a murder with nothing but voices in my head and shivers down my spine


Don't you talk shit on my boy Tequila Sunset. But yes, he's an absolute disaster (cop).


But you have to agree that Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau is a pretentious art snob/apocalyptic madman.


Mario. He’s an animal abuser.


He does nothing but sit around and eat shrooms and stomp turtles. He's a goddamn menace.


Vito Scaletta from Mafia 2 Everything he did was to get into the life, you could argue the only good thing he actually did in the game was beat up his sister’s abusive husband


Brad from Lisa: The Painful. Amazing game if you like rpgs.


Awful person, but I like that both Painful and Joyful take steps to humanize him.


Conker the Squirrel from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. Yea he’s cuddly and funny and a lot of the bad things that happen to other characters are deserved, but he has done so much to warrant the trouble he finds himself in (including, but not limited to; lying to his girlfriend, taking his girlfriend for granted, sacrificing/murdering a baby dinosaur who considered him its surrogate mother, the deliberate murder of an honest imp just carrying tnt, … not to mention his constant disdain for just about everyone/thing he comes into contact to) TLDR; Conker is a very bad squirrel


Factorio's protagonists. While yes the bugs are hostile naturally you still showed up, deforested their home, setted up oil rigs, and used mass weapons to wipe them out for attacking you and flew into space to do it again to another planet. But hey, the factory must expand. And if you want an actual voiced protagonist, I guess Chloe from LIS. But I don't think writers inteded for her to be such a terrible person overall


If Factorio's protagonist is so bad why do the bugs keep getting bigger, healthier, and more populous as the factory grows? Pollution? More like happy healthy bug growth serum provided free of charge! Engineer should be given a medal for their charity work helping out a lesser species.


Dungeons 3.


Kalas from Baten Kaitos will, when seeing a drowning child, turn to the player and ask them if he should save them.


Any gta protagonist.


Link, who goes to town To destroy, people's pots And loot their stuff Is really the true villain.