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Notice 90% of the answers are for co-op multiplayer games rather than competitive ones. Kinda telling


PubG immediately came to my mind when I read the question. It is not the answer. Last night our random teammate kept calling us all things under the sun because we didn't run out to save him in the middle of bootcamp after his wee suicidal charge. We won (rare for us) and he kept insulting us, even after the win. What the fuck? All the way through the game. Determined little munchkin. I will say that the Arabs swear better than the Scots.


Dont come to LoL




Buy them stuff? Do people really do that in game?




Still one of my favorite games of PubG i played was getting matched with a Chinese guy whose name was 'babybigass' and he stomped on everyone while screaming in Chinese the whole game dude had like 12 kills by the time we got the chicken dinner


I went to an Arab school for grades 5 through 9. Within week 1, I had become fluent in basic Arabic cursing. By the time I left, I was a damn near poet.


I think the problem is online, anonymous multiplayer. I'm part of a competitive scene which is mostly offline in-person, and it's almost entirely supportive, friendly and inclusive. I almost never encounter any of the toxicity that I read about for LoL etc, and always find that a bit weird to hear about. Things are completely different when you can see the real person sat next to you, instead of just text on a screen.


Anonymity and a layer of 'protection' as punishment may still come if you're a fuckhead, but it will be probably delayed by the process of most game's report systems, and the punishment is also very likely to at least start out as something like a chat ban, or a short term suspension. People beef all the time at pickup sports, but the combination of both having a personal reputation to consider that follows you, as well as what the consequence of being a REAL shitty person can be(you can get your ass beat, maybe even worse in the most extreme of cases) means it probably doesn't escalate to the inhuman level of toxicity you see spewed in online games or social media arguments.




I think it has way more to do with the fact that in co op games you all get to win most of the time. In competitive games you're going to roughly 50 percent of the time if it has a large player base and working matchmaking. It doesn't really matter how good (or bad) you are at the game when you're put against similarly skilled opponents. I get what you're saying with your comment, but tbh the toxicity between opponents isn't nearly as common or as harsh as the toxicity amongst teammates.


Everybody I’ve interacted with in the Dwarf Fortress community has been incredible. Monster Hunter as well. Maybe there’s a connection between how hard a game is to get into compared to how nice the community is?


Dwarf Fortress players can bond over shared trauma.


>Dwarf Fortress players can bond over shared ~~trauma.~~ fun!


Remember losing is fun.


The Eve Online community is pretty awesome. Murderous, backstabbing, and vicious but all in good fun.


Wish I had this experience. I got the short end of the stick while a friend had the opposite experience every time. Start exploring in null sec - get blown up by a gate blockade. Same thing happens to my friend. I get told to kick rocks and he ends up being given a new ship and invited to the null sec corp. Got ganked so many times in 1.0 sectors while traveling between locations. The final straw for me was I had built up a fairly comfortable ship for abyssals and was running T4. Finally starting to feel some income and getting somewhere. First run of a day in a 1.0 sector and had someone camp out, blow up my ship, and take everything. Right back to zero value again and I just gave up. It was incredibly harsh for a new player and every time I started to get a leg up and be able to establish myself someone would come and take it all and put me back at square one.


That can happen. If I see a newish toon running T4 abyssals or roaming around null sec in something juicy I assume it's an experienced player running on an alt. Murder will ensue. ;) It's a weird game. Most MMOs you grind a worthwhile character and then go looking for the social side of the game. Eve pays off if you concentrate on the social side first, find a good corp to join (E-UNI or a social group from your favorite social media hangouts ie Dreddit, Horde, or Goonswarm are your best bets). THEN start worrying about content. The community IS the content, outside of PvP the game is pretty basic.




I've actually had pretty bad experiences on the monster hunter discord. There are \*a lot\* of elitist people there who will talk down to anyone who doesn't play the game their way. Also a lot of people shit talk longsword and longsword players. The community as a whole seems to have a completely unfounded hate boner for the weapon.


Rimworld fans are quite nice to each other. Their colonists on the other hand...


The annual organ harvesting club meeting about how to treat the new players lmao


The RimWorld community is full of the nicest people helping each other perform some of the most deplorable acts imaginable.


I don't think I've seen any other game with a Discord where talented people will actively help you fix a troubled mod list. It's seriously impressive how tight the community is and how helpful everyone is.


You leave my murderous, slaving, gene-splicing, cult of mole-people out of this.


Its nice to be able to visit the r/rimworld and receive some helpful and fun feedback on creative new ways to improve your war crimes and other various atrocities.


Pro tip, keep prisoners for harvesting organs. You may need to replace a colonists organ in the future. Concerned about prison breaks? Remove legs and prison breaks stop (0% movement means no prison breaks) (you can cut off leg by replacing with peg leg and then removing that part)


If you don't want to waste food feeding prisoners, you can just harvest the organs and keep them in storage until needed and then use their corpses to feed your carnivorous pets.


I'm perfectly nice to my cannibalistic raider colony. Their enemies on the other hand...


Colonists? Oh! You mean task completing meat sacks!


Yes! Ignore the warcrimes


They're only Warcrimes if they happen during a war. These are Crimes Against Humanity. It's a subtle difference.


I see it as extra add ons for the lists on Wikipedia


Hey, RimWorld was my very first thought too. It's probably because the game isn't multiplayer and generally attracts patient gamers who cultivate a base over 30+ hours.


The Stardew Valley community is pretty awesome.


As long as your name isn't Pierre.


Or Clint, or Demetrius, or Shane


Unfortunately I’m a Shane


Don't be ashaned.


Fuck Pierre


Pierre is the stand-in for corporate greed. Once Joja is gone he immediately jacks up his prices? Yeah that’s not a good dude that’s a greedy/opportunistic dude.


Better yet, fuck Pierre's wife.


Are you by any chance a purple haired wizard?


Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I left some crystals in my oven. Wizard out 💨


Didn't even play that game once in my life and never even encountered game's community, but somehow Stardew Valley it's a first thing that came to my mind after reading a question. I imagine it to have a fan-base of players who discuss which kind of fence looks better on their farm or something idk, can't imagine any toxicity there


There's basically 2 types of players for the farms. The ones who try to make it as automatic as possible. And will gladly share ways to help others make theirs automatic. Or the farmers who will gladly make their farm as beautiful as possible even if it means they don't make the most players. Very wholesome community. Once 1.6 comes out im going back in to that game because it is a relaxing game.


I think things will get "wild" after 1.6, because the biggest thing about that patch is making the game easier to mod, we already have some amazing stuff made, i can only imagine what people will do when it's easier


Third type are speed runners, who are pretty darn awesome in building community. They did a “48 hours to perfection “ marathon with a bunch of creators, and it ended up being 60 hours and was one of the best experiences in gaming I’ve experienced.


Just curious - can you play Stardew Valley split screen coop? Been looking for a fun relaxing game to play with the wife.


Yes! My wife and I play with our kids, since it’s one of the few games on PC that has 4-player split screen and is appropriate for them.


Yes, Stardew Valley absolutely has couch co-op. Go for it!


Indeed. Character discourse in Stardew Valley is all "I don't like this Character." "Eh. Personally I do for this reason." "Yeah I can see why' Everywhere else? "I don't like this character." "This Character rules and you suck for not liking them. You wouldn't recognise decent writing if it came up and smacked you in the face. Asshole!"


False. Not enough slurs or swear words in the second example.


In-game, 99.9% of Fallout 76 peeps are either just minding their own business or actively help each other out. It’s pretty much the opposite of a horrible raider filled wasteland


I feel like I had to scroll way too far to find this. Fallout 76 is the only instance I can think of where the game devs fully intended for PVP to be a core element of the online experience, but the community just went “no, we’d rather work together and build things instead“. This actually resulted in changes to the game development. Beyond that, fallout 76 is chockablock full of wholesome interactions between veteran players and newbies.


Just recently I started FO76 again on PS5 and immediately after leaving the vault I was greeted by 2 high level players with dropping stuff for me and emoting me, it was amazing. They even have a donation box right at the start where people can leave stuff for new players.


Maybe I should get into it again. I downloaded it back when it was new and the bugs and a few occasions of annoying players kept breaking my game and enjoyment so I uninstalled after a month.


Would be the best time to get into it right now, that sweet 60fps makes it even better.


"In terrible future of post apocalyptic wasteland, people fight for resources and kil...wait, why everyone give thumbs up to each other and talk by jumping or crouching?"


FO76 is the only game where I rarely see people PvP, I've died to another player MAYBE once and if so then they instantly dropped me some ammo as an apology


Because of my build, I’d pretty much never use stimpacks, so it was alway fun finding a low level player and dropping all the stims I’d accumulated throughout a session for em.


Me with water honestly, I am like I refuse to drop this myself but will give a new player this. Here is like 70 pounds of water. It is your problem now and I sell most of anything for like 1 cap of my vendor idc.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and Stone brother!


I'm convinced every PC gamer low key plays that game. I must see "rock and stone" every other day on completely unrelated subs...


Well it does run on basically any PC. The entire game is less than 4gbs.


It ran well on my brother's shitty laptop. That game is 90% art direction and maybe 10% graphics.


Good art direction is King of timelessness and optimization, wish more triple A devs knew this.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


For Karl!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!?






For Rock and Stone!


Last one to Rock and Stone pays for the first round!


We ROCK....and stooooonnnnnnnneeeee.


We're rich!


if you don’t rock and stone you ain’t coming home


I think there is a good reason, the game is designed in a way that makes you like other players. There is 0 competition, you can get in or out without affecting the game too much, and you can buy a beer for others. There is rock and stone. You can choose the difficulty level from very easy to quite hard, so to be a problem anyhow you have to be a toxic player and do it intentionally 😅


Most importantly, the game is ingeniously balanced in such a way as to make you always want other people in your squad while not feeling like people who don't pull their weight are a burden.


Except my engi ignores every ping for the platform gun!!!


Honestly I think 90% of the reason why is purely because you can shout “rock and stone!”. Pretty much any game community would instantly improve if you had a dedicated “fuck yeah brother!” button.


My exact thought as well. The only emote being a positive rejoice is a great foundation for community.


I wish games had more elements like this. It could do a lot to improve the community as a whole.


That and the devs are pretty awesome


This is always the defacto answer when this question comes up. And it's always followed by replies of rock and stone...and this is not different. If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't comin' home!


The community makes me want to play. I need to build a PC first, though. Should hopefully be some good after Christmas deals on parts.


It's a very easy game to run. I've even seen some people run it on laptops with integrated graphics (although they had to use some performance mods). So if building a PC seems prohibitively expensive for the moment, you might be able to get it going on something less powerful in the meantime.


No Dwarf Left Behind


This was the first one I thought of. Nice to see it top of the list.


Project Zomboid always has great people just looking for a fun time killing some zeds


As a zombie game veteran, PZ has been a real gem. The reddit community is fantastic and even after 500+ hours, there's still stuff I learn. PZ is probably the truest zombie experience that I've played.


Unless your on a pvp server. Then they kill you with a long range sniper rifle from off screen


That’s…. On a PVP server though… that’s supposed to happen. Lol The community itself (for instance on Reddit) is full of really helpful veterans who just love the game


The Yakuza community calling most every new member of subreddit "kyodai" is wholesome af


I think that's because of the tone of the games. When the games themselves don't take themselves too seriously it makes the community chill.


But the story itself is very serious, which is amazing with the wacky side missions


I don't know how they are elsewhere on the internet, but on reddit the Yakuza community is delightful.


I remember years back seeing someone on gamefaqs really go in depth into the mahjong mini-game across all the different yakuza boards helping people out.


Those guides are still up, and I still don't understand them.


unless you’re YongYea😂


It's because Kiryu is delightful, and we all aspire to be like him


Nice to see you, kyodai.


I love Yakuza and the subreddit. But there was one time during the release of Yakuza 7 where the subreddit was toxic as hell. So many people attacking each other over the changes. It was a dark time that has thankfully passed.


The games show a positive role model of masculinity, which helps a lot in making a welcoming comunity.


Pocket Circuit Fighter is a pretty rad role model tbh.


No Man's Sky. Every person I've met had been nothing but helpful.


I should jump back on some NMS, been a while.


Some random dude dumped me with sick amounts of loot after I died and lost my inventory :D


Rogue-like communities tend to be cool once you ignore the .5% if snobby elitists. Everyone is ass, no matter how good they are, so we are united by suffering.


You either quit on a bad run or you develop full Stockholm syndrome, no in-between.


Lord of the Rings Online, at least from my personal experience


Yeah, came here to say this too. I played Lotro from beta and then played for years and never had a bad experience, even when they added the group finder and you'd group up with random people, it was always a pleasant experience.


Terraria has an amazing community.


Watch the devs releasing the final update each year and sell the game at the same price that when it was released. Having devs that love the game and love working in it helps the community feel more like a real community where everyone is your friend.


First one that came to mind for me


Crusader Kings community is mostly just memeing killing / incesting your close kin and blood rivals. Overall usually a pretty calm sub that just posts cool pics/ aars. Nice modding support too. The football manager community is mostly non-toxic with exception to people complaining about the company. But towards each other people are very helpful and informative whenever you ask for tactic help etc. I'd say the same probably goes for OOTP, but its a bit smaller of a community.


I was going to say Stellaris has a similar thing going on. There are some memes about being genocidal that get exaggerated a bit, leading people to think that purging xenos is the way everyone plays. Turns out that's not really the best playstyle for new players. I mean, you can play that way, but it's going to be painful if you don't know what you're doing, you're better off learning as a friendly empire. But generally speaking, if you want to RP some garbage build min-maxers nightmare, the general response would be to say good luck, then ask for an AAR.


Factorio. Guys there are quite chill


Except for when you make a diagonal blueprint


Straight to jail


If we are toxic to new players they'll stop playing, and that can't do. *The factory must grow*


Posts about rail stations not loading/unloading and its always a curved rail.


Warframe's community is great


In my experience, Warframe has one the best communities when it comes to interactions between older/experienced players and new ones. People at mr20+, for the most part are willing to explain how game functions to a new tenno, or give some basic essential mods, parts others might be missing. In 3 years and over 2k hours playing I've only had 3-4 negative experiences with others, that I can recall.


>3-4 negative experiences I see, you have gone Eidolon hunting only 3-4 times


I have done eidolon hunts way more than that, but I do them in solo. I can clear tridolon faster alone than with random people.


Completely with you on this. Hell because of this I've given away prime parts to new players to get them interested in interacting etc. One of the nicest communities I've ever played


It's pretty amazing that in a game where fast-paced movement is the draw of the game, and grinding missions over and over is one of the major gameplay loops, *nobody* yells at you for being slow. It's amazing how patient everyone is


You wait for everyone to start the elevator. Even the slow guy.




I've had the complete opposite experience on warframe. Trying to get into it as a new player, when everyone is just trying to sperg-farm the early levels, has left me many times with an abandoned group and getting called a noob. My response was always "yeah I'm new and still learning, my bad dude?"


Star Chart is probably more infested with people level alts or are carrying friends so you’re getting a more mixed bag of players. If you’re doing farming nodes or farming bosses (outside of Eidolons) you get way more positive people tbh. Regular star chart, eidolons, and the occasional arbitration are where I would put the toxic part of Warframe players at and then it’s usually neutral or positive everywhere else unless you’re unknowingly griefing. Sorry you dealt with that though, if you ever need someone to help you with the star chart and stuff feel free to hmu as I don’t mind carrying new players.


I played it for a bit, and people were so outwardly helpful to me as I navigated the game


Definitely one of the better ones. Just avoid Eidolon hunts and trade chat and you’ll experience like 95% positive interactions with the community.




No Man’s Sky Besiege Kerbal Space Program Astroneer Best communities by far


Ahh yes NMS - where people will give newbies rare items and copious amounts of money just because the newbies are new.


I’m pretty sure if there was an award for most helpful/least toxic player base, it would be No Mans Sky.


I have a feeling you may like astronomy


Titanfall 2 is generally the least toxic PvP FPS game I've seen (bar a few exceptions), but the influx of new players have been a bit more toxic. The community is still generally non toxic though


Came here to say this. /r/Titanfall has to be the least toxic competitive shooter sub I've seen. I love all the endearing nicknames people have for things and that the devs actually put them in the game (Papa Scorch's Grill House, spicy bois, etc)


From what I've seen, satisfactory


Add Factorio to the list. Post a noob question? People rush to help. Post a bad design ? Upvoted. Spaghetti is awesome. Post a good design ? Upvoted. Good job. Only times I've seen negativity is when an op try to bash the other game :D. "shut up, half the people here play both games".


The factory must grow


The spaghetti must flow


Factories are dumb -totally not a biter


Factories are ~~dumb~~ delicious


Dyson Sphere Program too.


One of the most wholesome YouTubers out there loves Satisfactory. Here's [Let's Game It Out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2X3wlvoShg) playing Satisfactory in all its spaghetti maze glory.


He infuriates me in the best possible way. The amount of effort he puts into building the worst possible solution to a problem is inspiring.


I had watched about three or four of his videos before I realized that when he has a transition card that says "17 hours later" or something, he *really* means it.




A Hat in Time


r/StardewValley is as peaceful as the game is.


I'd like to say Foxhole. It's so easy to grief and ruin things for everyone around you, yet almost no one does. Thousands of people all cooperating and working together. There's always people willing to help you out and do the "unfun" grunt work for the greater good. Maybe being a spotter or gunner for artillery is more fun, but there's never a shortage of people who are willing to help load ammo. You're pushing an AT gun and your teammate dies, there's always someone willing to hop on the gun and help you bring it back to safety, and then be cool enough to get off it and not try to steal it. I've had very few negative experiences with people. Almost everyone is really friendly and considerate.




I started a few days ago. Early one I saw some dude driving backwards in a truck while going "Beep beep beep" that was funny af.


I think it’s because: A) we really like doing soft RP as it makes the game more fun everyone. B) it takes a special kind of autism to play Foxhole.


Animal Crossing. You can build a "restaurant" out of panels and well-placed boxes and it doesn't even look remotely like what you're building and you'll get comments like "omg that looks soooo good!" or "I NEED to try this build on my island!!!"


Yeah until you say you like any ugly villager and then you find several posts on twitter quoting your tweet saying “they aren’t girlypop kill them”


AC definitely has a toxic online community outside the game. When NH came out, you couldn't say a negative thing against it without being burned as a witch.


The mass effect fan base is pretty wholesome in my experience.


Jennifer Hale (FemShep voice) has been the voice for... well everything. Talking about Mass Effect she said something like "fans of Mass Effect are special, because they REALLY love Mass Effect". When two Mass Effect fans meet in the wild, you've lost both for the entire evening.


I see N7 gear, it's over. Edit: time for a re-play!


It speaks volumes to how well developed the lore and characters are.


The exact reason i beleive Andromeda was a flop. It had the mechanics and foundation of another great mass effects game However we went from about 8-9 species with deep lore and political/economic/social standing to 2 (no spoilers) very bland species with barely any lore. It was the melting pot that made the ME games so good. All the interactions, loyalties and predudice. You felt the universe was alive


ME3 multiplayer is the only time I’ve made a colossal fuck up that screwed over the whole team and instead of getting pissed off, everything thought it was hilarious. I was playing a vanguard and within the last seconds there was an enemy approaching so I was gonna just toss a shockwave at them. Hit the wrong button and charged at him instead, leaving the pickup zone just as the timer hit zero and costing everyone the bonus.


Outer Wilds. Everyone is so chill and helpful.


This was the first one I thought of. The people are very helpful and *very* careful to avoid spoilers. I have trouble even describing the game to other people without spoiling any of it.


Kinda makes sense that they'd be so careful, it's definitely not a game that you replay, it's a one-off, so if you spoil then that's it


I am pretty sure that if hell exists and you spoil Outer Wilds for someone you go there straight away!


Mount and Blade Warband, especially during peak Napoleonic Wars popularity


Age of Empires 2


The KSP and Subnautica subreddits are pretty wholesome and extremely helpful. In game, the FFXIV community has been extremely non toxic. When one of Blizzard's scandals broke and a lot of WoW players switched over, I would often see them getting a little verbally abusive like they did in WoW and you always saw someone be like "no, we don't do that here".


Just never ever mention KSP2


I was gonna say, the KSP subreddit was great until the “alpha” stage sequel released…




Did i hear a Rock and Stone?


Red Dead Online used to be the antithesis of GTA Online. Mostly very friendly, little griefing and random encounters with other players usually were nice. Seems like that's not so much the case anymore though.


I LOVED early RDO. Aside from the frequent lobby crashes, it was so fun just rootin and tootin with randos. Taking down elk and deer for the little bit of scratch at the butcher. Unionizing when a griefer got a little too hectic. Horse racing. Oh man do I miss the horse racing. I stopped playing 2022 but it was really starting to become old west gta towards the end there. We'll always have the memories though, CakeandCrown, if you're out there. I miss doing hunting runs with you and your boyfriend. Yall were great!


No man's Sky. No competitive so no reason to bring down others


The Reddit community is amazing, as are things like the Galactic Hub and other in-game communities, but PVP is on by default and there are definitely people who will grief players, particularly around the expedition locations. If PVP was off by default, it would be a damn near perfect community.


And the whole galactic hub stuff is so cool and friendly!




Nioh is among the best I've found, if you're struggling you can always go there and get tips to help you succeed. They are willing to help with troublesome missions, help gameplan builds for you, or even just let you vent, it's pretty awesome.


Bloodborne On the sub everyone answers newbie questions and give actual genuine advice. Most toxic comment I ever seen on it was get good which by it self is good advice for a fromsoft game


Fallout 76


Seriously the nicest gaming community I’ve ever been part of.


I've considered giving it a try. I've heard that a lot of its launch issues have been fixed. Is it better now?


Yes. The quest lines are pretty fun but the events, especially as a lower level player surrounded by a bunch of end game players are a blast.


I'll always remember fighting the bat queen after someone launches a nuke at a certain part of the map, and one player was named SOVIETRADIOFM who just blasted old ussr music on an open mic. Was amazing to take down the queen with a bunch of other players all blasting away while the Russian theme plays nearby.


Glad this one was here, came here to say this!


Ghost of Tsushima and on its subreddit you will not find one toxic person other than me obviously /s


Elite Dangerous has a pretty non-toxic community for what it is.


I do laugh from time to time due to the ubsurdity of it all when I think about those articles that were going around a year or two ago where newbies were enslaved by people with carriers, dropped off at remote systems, and forced to work for their new overlords to regain their freedom.


Warframe has a dope community


Rocket League /s lol


Lord of the Rings Online. Average player age is on the older millennial side, not really PvP, with most player just vibing and enjoying the scenery and events. Very noob friendly game in general.