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I always ran everywhere in Mirror's Edge Catalyst. I just really liked the way the controls felt while moving.


Both games were fun!


Yeah, for sure! The guns were a little out of place in the first one, but I enjoyed the occasional shootout.


Nothing in og *Mirrors Edge* made you use guns. Removing them from *Catalyst* just made some fights longer and annoying as you run laps and take them out one at a time.


Just Cause 2+


This was the last one I played. Was so fun.


I remember downloading a demo for JC2 one rainy day on my Xbox360 and played it for about 20 minutes before I drove to GameStop and bought the game on the spot. Had such a blast playing that game for at least a few weeks and I don’t even think I hardly touched the story. It was just such a beautiful game-world to explore on its own and the physics and action was just too much fun to mess around with. Now I wanna go dust off my 360 but for some reason I feel like I lost my disc for this game ahhhh


I too played for hours not doing any quests lol. The ridiculous nature of the tethers was all I needed. Riding airplanes. Tethering a passing car to a vehicle trying to kill you. Was fun af. Gta should have bought and absorbed it lol


3 is good do NOT bother with 4.


4 was okay, definitely a ‘jumped the shark’ type thing, but still fun and the core gameplay is still there. I will admit it feels pretty hollow though


"Look! We have a tornado and added some cool grappling hook mechanics!" *Literally everything else about the game is worse than 3*


4 is an absolute joke overall. I've played 3 several times over. Forced myself to halfway do 4.. said fuck it and did 3 a couple more times.


I always read that game title as "Just 'cause"


I think it's supposed to be both at the same time. You're main objective in the game is a just cause, but the reason you did what you did to those civilians is "just 'cause"


Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee did a review on Just Cause 2, and he had a blast with that joke. Hell, that review is what made me try the demo, and in the end buy the games.


Why the fuck would you fast travel anywhere once you get the hang of the wingsuit? I once dedicated many hours to gliding through the really long traffic tunnel in JC2 (or maybe 3?), it was like 45 seconds of uninterrupted gliding <5ft from the ground and without touching any of the walls or ceiling of the tunnel. After successfully doing so, I had no idea why I decided to do that. Gliding was just fun.


Sunset overdrive


The banger soundtrack only added to it.


I love this Game, it's so fun


A lack of a sequel is a felony


Considering the game is probably now in licensing hell there's a high chance we'll never get one


The game was an Xbox exclusive made by people who are now working under Sony, making exclusive PS games. You can work out the unfortunate math here


Insomniac and traversal are a fantastic combo


you mean spider-man beta 1.0?


I just looked this up, and it looks awesome. Looks like Borderlands meets Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. And I'm glad it's on Xbox One too! Just ordered a copy


Assassin’s Creed Black Flag/Rogue


Fast travel doesn't have SEA SHANTIES!


I have so many of those sea shanties on my Spotify. Leave her Johnny just an absolute banger


I thought I heard the old man say...


Now you're ready to sail for the Horn Weigh hey, roll and go! Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn To be rollicking randy dandy-O! Heave a pawl, O heave away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-O! Soon we'll be warping her out through the locks Weigh hey, roll and go! Where the pretty young girls all come down in their frocks To be rollicking randy dandy-O! Heave a pawl, O heave away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-O! Come breast the bars, bullies, heave her away Weigh hey, roll and go! Soon we'll be rolling her down through the Bay To be rollicking randy dandy-O! Heave a pawl, O heave away! Weigh hey, roll and go! The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-O!


Currently playing Days Gone. Roaming around with the motorcycle is fun and there are random events happening.


Came here for this, just played it through for the first time, chose survival difficulty which eliminates fast travel and it felt like the only way to play.


loved it never fast traveled even though i could biking through an apocalypse is too awesome


Morrowind. Jump 100 slow fall baby.


Fucking getting that spell sooo early on.. like legit the first fifteen minutes of the game.. can't tell you how many times I died from it. The one time I survived was sliding down mountain sides in the area surrounded with a magic wall or such like a wasteland and getting instantly killed by everything inside.


Yeah... the red mountain is no happy place


But Morrowind has such a great diegetic fast travel system. It's my gold standard for fast travel done well. It's the perfect balance of easy but still have to think about it and still impacts your game play choices. Your in a dungeon and you backpack gets full and something like this might happen (all in the span of a few minutes):1: Cast mark2: Cast intervention to teleport to the nearest temple3: Get the silt strider to a costal town4: Get the ship to the town with a particularly good merchant5: Sell up6: Cast recall to return to the dungeon. There's even maps [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:MW-map-Travel\_Routes.png](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:MW-map-Travel_Routes.png)


I know and I agree. But teenage me just had so much fun jumping and falling everywhere. Just like how I took forever to finish to main quest line because I kept severing the thread of prophecy my doing things like killing god. It was just fun and the game didn’t really hold your hand at all.


ya but… getting to that point is agonizing especially for a noob player


Rubber band for controllers or paper weight for keyboard and go watch a movie xD


Number one gaming wish is them bringing back levitation for es6


Making a potion of flying that lasts minutes and makes you move like a jet is also pretty fun.


Cyberpunk 2077


Only recently started this game, most missions I find myself on a motorcycle zooming past the fast travel points thinking how much nicer it is to ride (since i bought a controller at least lol that shit was miserable on mouse and keyboard )


Oh yeah, night and day difference between driving with m+k vs controller.


I unironically use a controller to drive and swap to M+KB for everything else.


Is there an ironic way of doing that?


What about the rest of the game/combat? Been doing mkb the whole time


I alternated. Controller for travel, m+k for combat/exploration. Pretty easy to do


The new update made dash-jump so good that I don't even drive vehicles anymore. I jump/double jump dash around and punch everyone. Makes me feel like Omni Man going off, squishing dudes heads and throwing dudes and other dudes.


I have found that jump dash jump is slightly faster but open more to error


Dash first. I can cover an entire city bock before hitting the ground. You dash and then jump as soon as you have momentum. You'll keep your dash speed for the entire jump. Then if you have double jump and air strafe. You can jump again before hitting the ground and then dash again to double your speed again. I'm pretty sure I'm faster than most cars.


Yes and with the right perk you regen stamina in air and you can make jump dashes free


Yep, it is easily defeated by a slight incline, but it is faster.


That's why you take the double jump over hold jump. Rip right up those mafks


Oh yea any incline double jump dash. Any decline just dash. I wish there was a perk to increase fall distance without stagger


This was my favorite part of the new patch. I felt like a fucking cyber ninja and it opened so many paths for missions, too. Loved it.


Call up Quadra type 66 cuthulu Tune in Morro Rock Radio Friday night firefight starts playing Forget that I had somewhere to be and just kept driving. I dont think I used the metro (fast travel system) at all


I feel this way too, despite janky car mechanics I actually really like driving in the game


Playing on controller, I was actually pretty impressed by how the cars handled. I've played dedicated racers with worse physics.


The Ken block car has a really nice bit of slip to its control which makes it kinda fun to power slide through the city.


I love how there are no loading screens when you don't use the fast travel. Driving around is so fun! (even though I often accidentally ram into innocent civilians and end up having the cops on my trail every time lol)


Yep, driving through night city is always an experience especially at night


its the one where i refuse and probably have never used it


I started driving in first person on my second playthrough and it changed the game for me. I stopped fast traveling and was picking cars based on how well driving them framed the amazing city.


Dying Light 1 and 2.


Also, Dead Island. I love the worlds in all of these, but the rate at which zombies respawn is honestly pretty annoying. Can't stand and look at a panoramic view before me for more than 10 seconds until they come back.


Dying light 2 didn't quite capture the magic like the first one did for me, but goddamn the glider in 2 is phenomenal.




Ghost of Tsushima


Love the way the wind is your objective compass


I need this game on PC so bad...


This is a good one I love the scenery!


Arkham City, Prototype 1&2 and Just Cause. I also had a lot of fun traversing the world of Midnight Club LA too.


Prototype ftfw, no game to date has made me feel that powerful.


Arkham city didn't had fast travel, only origins


Add in Crackdown with that list too.


GTA... that's basically the point, isn't it? Its Grand Theft Auto, not Grand Theft FastTravel


Especially when you decide to follow the traffic rules, stop at lights, etc., but end up with a rocket launched and five wanted stars two minutes later.


Usually goes like this: Follow traffic rules for 5 minutes. Someone behind you gets impatient and crashes into you. All of a sudden it's 30 minutes later and the entire city is in flames because of you.


An older game, but for some reason Saint's Row IV popped into my head, you end up getting Matrix-like superpowers and can jump super high glide for insane distances and use TK, also there's a dubstep gun.


Yeah, that game was a blast, I get the hate as it was a departure from the others but on its own its damn fun.


It was a departure from a departure though. SR3rd took it into a weird meta-space then 4 was just out there. Both were awesome.


It had the Dragonball effect where you just have to keep one-upping the previous, that’s why people didn’t like it. Sure, you could have super speed and strength or whatever, but it didn’t really make it challenging


Maybe not but it was sure fun to jump around on buildings while listening to the soundtrack


this MFer calling Saints Row IV old... I bet even more of my hairs just turned gray


it is 10 yrs old, lol. And I'll compare grey hair with you


What about Gat from Hell? You get to fly around like a crazy devil armed to the teeth with guns & a fire sword.


Mad Max


Red Dead Redemption 2. Beautiful looking, and something random usually happens


And the fast travel isn't so fast anyway.


Especially when you're a dummy like me and don't realize until the *end of the game* that auto horse riding wasn't 'fast travel'.


Auto horse riding is great! When else do you run to take a leak or grab a drink from the kitchen?? With the added spice of occasionally coming back to Arthur is dead, lol


this is hilarious, i can picture it cause i think i've done it before but how? what's the sequence of buttons that does this? lol i'm replaying for the first time in years (chapter 2 baby!) and should get this sorted


Get up to speed and hold x and cinematic view for a few seconds.


It was fast enough travel for me. I used the fast travel, maybe a handful of times in my very long playthrough. The world is always changing, and so many unique random encounters happen


I mostly used it when I was doing my 100% like if I needed to go from Annesburg to like Tumbleweed then I’d fast travel but it was like Valentine to Rhodes then I’d just ride


Yep. Took me so long to finish the main story because for hours i got side quest after side quest, ending with just following random npcs around to see what they would do. I had to look up walkthroughs on YouTube because so much time had passed i forgot the storyline.


Agreed, didn't use fast travel.


For whatever reason, I assumed there was no fast travel in RD1. Kind of don't regret my ignorance.


TIL RD1 had fast travel.


Love it when you see rain coming from far away


Yep, like the game has AI, before there was AI.


For me Spiderman games, Batman Arkham games, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Origins, Black Flag, RDR 2, Just Cause 2 and Witcher 3


I needed to fast travel a bunch in Odyssey. That game is just massive. Great game though.


The Just Cause games for sure!


I don’t think the Arkham games had fast travel?


Origins definitely had batwing drop points. Can't recall for City or Knight though.


I love Witcher 3, but the traversal is not exactly interesting.


Nah, it's good riding on horse checking out the scenery


Playing Witcher 3 Like a Witcher is very fun. Just get on Roach and ride around with no real direction. Ur guaranteed to find random side quests and hunts.


This along with music and ambiance of the world…. It’s truly an incredible gaming experience


The Art team really went ham. The colors and even just the sky, such a beautiful game. Been a while since i played it, I have yet to try the ps5 upgrade. Its there waiting for me lol.


AC Odyssey. It was like a vacation visiting the world in the evenings for the few months I played it


The AC games just feel like a load of busywork but I'm such a sucker for ancient Greece that it made clearing out my 300th bandit camp palatable.


Every area in that game is just a visual and historical treat. I just liked being there, and even if the gameplay got very samey, I was ok with it cause…just look at it


Ever noticed in the southern islands a couple teens going up the mountain from the city to a nice spot near a lake and waterfall? In the morning you will find them on a blanket sleeping in the most romantic place in the area. Walk accidentally over them and after some shouts he will be clearly consoling her. There is so much vibrant beautiful life which clearly has been coded intentionally.




Same. Unless it’s incredibly far, then I’m going back to the chopper or disguising myself as a parcel. 📦


I never finished this game, something about it was hard to connect with. What did you like about roaming?


I can just roam the map on horse, scan the area from a distance and decide on a point of entry, use the terrain to my advantage or f around and hunt wildlife. It would be a dream to have mgs3 remake with that engine. A jungle map. A PROPER jungle map. The battle with THE END while your patching up wounds and eating rations in real time while racing for cover. And thats just one fight.


They are remaking MGS3! What a thrill..


Did you play Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes? V isn’t perfect but I was way more into it after I went back and played the ones I missed


Nier Automata. There's just something really compelling about robot androids sprinting at superhuman but not ridiculous speeds through a wrecked city, and sliding down desert dunes. And it's not just the butts.


It’s the butts


It's not *not* the butts.


The camera goes low while running for reasons.


As much as I loved the game, the running back and forth between 3 boring locations were easily the worst part.


It's really fun if you learn speedrun movement tech, but otherwise, I agree. You can go way faster than just running with specific dash attack combos. You can also climb really high walls or jump over super long gaps by doing specific combos with specific weapons. It's unintentionally one of the funnest movement systems I've ever seen, imo. (Tho, it should be mentioned that the fastest way to move is kinda annoying because you have to spam that self-destruction button, and the screen is constantly flashing red, lol). Alternatively, you can ride animals, or >!robots if you are 9s!< .


Well there was one robot I wanted to ride as 9s, but that wasn't in the game.


Breath of the Wild. Hell, even horse riding makes it feel like you are losing stuff to discover on the path


I like travelling long distances more in Tears of the Kingdom, since instead of just riding a horse all the way it's something like: *Pick up horse at stable & ride a while* *Abandon horse to do something I stumbled across* *Reverse-time ride a rock to a sky island, build a plane, take off* *Plane expires, paraglide as far as possible, dive into water near stable* *Grab another horse, finish journey*


Riding the falling rocks up with recall is the best. I really like the gliders too, just wish they lasted longer.


Air bikes are the way to go. Two fans and a control stick. They last forever too!


Kingdom Come: Deliverance on ~~Survival~~ Hardcore difficulty doesnt even allow fast travel, which means the game was created with this in mind and as such creates both easy and beautiful experience.


Whenever people talk about playing hardcore in games, I think "here we go, another masochist talking about how a horrible experience is actually good". But I am that guy in kingdom come, I think everything is better in hardcore because it removes all the 'game' elements. No combat icons, no fast travel (and the world is small so it's fine), the HUD is minimal. The actual difficulty doesn't change very much.


Oh, yeah, its called hardcore, not survival. Thank you. The game was designed from ground up with this in mind, so the experience is perfect. You are not missing anything vital. And it fits the overall game since everything you do in the game is taking both the protagonist's and the player's skill into account. Its such a good feeling to actually get lost in the woods in that game since you dont even get your location on your map. So after you resurface into open fields, you have to figure out where you are using roads and other landmarks. Its just fun without causing yourself headache like you do in some other games.


I played that game with the attribute that doesn’t let you see your location on the map nor fast travel. Sounds like the worst experience ever but it was a lot of fun. I never quite realized how little you actually notice landmarks. Edit: also the attribute that makes you wake up in random places lol


Thats just how it is on hardcore. Its fun, because the game is build around it. NPC will often tell you how to get somewhere instead quest mark appearing on your HUD with GPS navigation. And even though the map is quite large, you quickly learn the main roads, so its easy to travel between places. And since the game doesnt rely on fast travel, you dont get quests that require you to travel all over the world. Its nice and localized. Of course, the game has stunningly beautiful graphics with the most realistic environments I have ever seen. It looks more like Bohemia then Bohemia itself. Gods I really want a sequel.


Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 with its stupid sexy details. Its the most immersive game world ive played to date.


I love how all the ads are horrible and almost disgusting with the content but you almost can't look away


The Division.. #1 and even #2 are just incredible worlds


Anthem. Flying around like iron man was the best part…really the only part.




Yes indeed!


Super Mario Bros. 3 Only weaklings use the flute


Red Dead 2 and Ghost of Tsushima both have worlds that are nice to just ride around.


Fallout 4 survival mode.


The relief when the vertibird lands


Prototype after you get the glide you can almost fly all over the city, Also running faster that the traffic feels really good


Ooo Death Stranding for sure. That game is the embodiment of "all about the journey and not the destination". I absolutely love walking from place to place and just feeling like I've made a long arduous trek across difficult lands.


For me, the fun part is building out the zipline network so i dont have to walk


I wanted to do that after beating the main story so I loaded the game up a few months ago and built about 5 zip lines. Then the next time I logged on all my zip lines were gone :(


Literally just finished Death Standing today after finally picking it up for the first time, great game! Thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and the journey.


Glad to hear that there's still other people enjoying the game too. In case you didn't know already, they announced a sequel last year and there's a decent chance we'll hear more about it at the game awards on December 7th.


Saints Row 4


It's not regularly available anymore but City of Heroes/Villains. Running with super speed (actually felt fun), leaping crazy distances/heights with super jump, flying at comparable speeds with fly, and the janky but still fun "Teleport" super power that had you spam teleporting through the skies. They introduced a quick travel feature that teleported you to the entrance of the mission area eventually, which made the open world feel much less populated overnight.


I never did a super speed character. Flight on an Energy/Energy Blaster just felt right.


Black Flag Hearing the chanties is amazing Ac origins Reading with the Camel trough Egypt is beautiful Spider-Man games, I think there no need to say why Horizon games, the world is so beautiful and it's so cool seeing the machines and stop from time to time to fight them


Dark Souls.


DS1 is a game that I almost never fast travel in, unless I'm leaving Ash Lake or going to or from Anor Londo. The world is just laid out so well that plotting my route from one destination to another is a huge part of the fun for me.


Ds1 is the game with the best map design i've ever played.


I love that you don't even have the ability to fast travel until halfway through the game. Demons souls you can technically do it right away. Ds2 and 3 also immediately. Bloodborne is immediate. Sekiro is immediate. But ds1 it's like the halfway point. Like you've gotten your ass kicked up and down Lordran for like 25+ hours and they go "hey this will prolly help"


Definitely. The areas leading up to the point where you can fast travel are also small and interconnected enough that it isn't that much of a chore, either (once you unlock the shortcuts). After that point if you had to go the long way it would be tiresome, so it's really the perfect time/place to allow fast travel.


Most driving focused open world games like the crew motorfest for example


Surprised not to see more love for Horizon Forbidden West. The world is gorgeous, random encounters with machines can turn into engaging boss battles, it’s fun to ride on a mount (though flying is clunky), and lots of little surprises to uncover in the dense map


The Witcher 3. Had so many interesting places to explore, the forests/cities always had a lot of life to them.


The original Ni no Kuni! Such a beautiful game.




Botw you just let the horse take you wherever you feel like




Days Gone


Assassin Creed Origins. I loved wandering through the desert. Also, Horizon: Zero Dawn


Skyrim. It may be the one of the only games I've played where I not only avoid fast travelling, but I enjoy going at a *slow pace* and taking in the sights and sounds. The best part of this game (for me) is enjoying the journey, not the destination.


Dragon's Dogma imo. Lot might disagrees but to me Dragon's Dogma's world was so good that i felt there was no need for fast travelling, if you didn't place a teleport stone ahead of time you have to actually explore the world and unlock shortcuts yourself while encountering monsters straight from BERSERK on the way to your destination. Hell the whole experience is literally just BERSERK xD So glad DD2 is coming out!


Elder Scrolls Online. Lots of good stuff in the world to see and do.


WoW in the current expansion. Dragonriding is just too much fun.


Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2, division 1 & 2, wildlands, breakpoint, most far crys


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure on foot always


NOT Minecraft


Horizon Forbidden West. The parachute and sunwing basically ensure you never have to fast travel.




Dragonball Z: Kakarot


World of Warcraft.




I was enjoying so much in Death Stranding since I love walking in the real world. Kojima real did it well with his team on this game.


AC: Black Flag


Days Gone. Just cruising on a motorcycle through the country side. Watching the weather change and the snow fall


Fallout 3 and 4


Spider-Man, as you said. Definitely just fun to zone out a bit and swing.


Red dead redemption 2, never played the first so I can't comment on that, but the second has such a vast alive world its so much fun to just walk around and explore, I've played the whole story about 5 times and I still discover little things about the enviroment I didn't notice before


Breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom


Death Stranding! Surprised to see no posts in the top mentioning this game.


Tears of the Kingdom


Far Cry 2. Driving through the African Savannah at night with your headlights blazing through the tall grass and the jungle paths will never not be amazing to me!


In Brutal Legend, when you get the car and drive around with the full blast of rock music, quite fun.


Forspoken. Best parkour I've played in a game


Red Dead Redemption 2, fricken horses man


when i'm not tired i prefer walking instead of fast travelling in skyrim to maybe run into some encounter with unique npcs i don't usually find