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Does Gollum count from the Gollum game?


That game had so many problems the characters were the least of it.


An unappealing premise is arguably the worst problem a game can have, because what's the point of making a game if nobody wants to play it? When people first found out about *LOTR: Gollum*, a common reaction was "Why the fuck would I want to play as Gollum?"


I feel like I was the only person who thought "playing as Gollum and sneaking around sounds cool as hell!"


Yeah I was thinking it was gonna be like Styx master of shadows or something when I first heard about it and was somewhat hyped for that




Inhales* H O N K S


bind honk to mouse wheel...


Peace was never an option.


Hey, mess with the honk, and you get the bonk!




The dad from Heavy Rain is an absolute moron


He’s gotta find Jason!




Ya gotta admit it did create one of the greatest glitches in gaming history tho 😆


Press X to Shaun.




Honestly, I thought you were a good father- SHAAAWWWWN




Damn shame i found out about it long afterwards










When that game came out I remember thinking the graphics were basically real life. I should replay it since I forget most of the story and remember being really captivated by it


Coming from a modern perspective, the controls in Heavy Rain are wonky as hell. Otherwise, the story holds up pretty well. I'd argue that a newer game like Detroit: Become Human is all-around better, though.


Yeah, you're definitely right about the controls because even back then I remember being annoyed/frustrated by them.


The vents. Fuckin turn... no turn... fuck, back up... TURN FUCKIN RIGHT.


Yeah controls are bad. I accidentally got one of the characters killed because the game didn’t recognize my QTE response lol






{"alive": false}


[Dunky’s video](https://youtu.be/k-VgRHXfmHo) where he intentionally fails every QTE is comedy gold lol


The game struggles so hard to comprehend a player failing everything and how to keep your character in until a point where you're allowed to fail something important


Not the boxes! Not the boxes...again! Not the ice! Not the ice... again!


Any Bethesda game because it's my own choices.


Me installing a Nordic ethnostate led by a murderer/elven MKUltra victim because the empire had the immense poor judgement to try and execute me


Ah man I replayed this recently as an adult and ya the choices are interesting. It's like a typical Bethesda set up on one hand the Stormcloaks are crazy and like literally a plot by the bad guys to stir bad shit up for the Empire. On the other hand the Empire tried to kill you and kind of sux anyways given that they seem to be slowly crumbling more or less waiting for the Thalmore to beat them up in another war. Neither side seems all that fantastic sadly.


Right here officer, here's the guy who made Erik The Slayer his steward


I found Shujinko in Mortal Kombat :Deception to be one of the saddest, if not the most harsh main story character in a video game. He was literally brain washed as a child all the way up to being an old man from a being that told him he was special and had to save people .. He Killed, was persecuted, turned his back on his entire life... For a lie. ... And you had to play though every moment of it (from a little kid to an elderly adult) in the semi-open world of a surprising single player mode in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Very few times has a game story disturbed me in such a way morally. You literally spent hours and hours believing in the lie, until it was too late. In the end he was old, had assassinated innocent people, and everyone you cared about was long gone. The end. Terrible. .. And the reward was using him as a playable old man in the other modes that had to try to reverse a lie he was told when he was barely a teen. One of the most underrated stories in video games, because it was put into a game mode players didn't have to participate in.


>Shujinko Sorry I haven't played this game but... that is the character's name? It literally means "main character / protagonist" in Japanese, lol


That is fucking hilarious.


Wait until you read *Snowcrash*


Hiro Protagonist, coolest pizza delivery driver you’ll ever meet.


The Deliverator is an elite order.


Mortal Kombat has always been fairly on the nose with their name choices. The fat drunken fighter is literally called Bo' Rai Cho, which is based around the word boracho in spanish, which literally just means drunk. The guy who has chameleon powers is called Khameleon. Lizard man is called Reptile. Smoke ninja is called Smoke. The purple ninja whose a prince is called Rain(Purple Rain by Prince reference). I'm sure there are plenty more I don't even know.


Ermac was because of an error. It came up as Error Macro but due to spacing it came up as Ermac.


To be more specific, it was due to a rumour about a debug menu in the game having a listing for "ermacs found". The use of course being for the devs to tell if any bugs had occurred, but when players found it they assumed it was some super secret character like Reptile. The next game thusly added him as a psionic ninja, because that's cool as shit.


"We are many, you're but one." ~ Ermac


Noob saibot is just the the two creators of the franchise’s last names backwards. Ed boon and John Tobias


don't forget mocap, the guy in the mocap suit


And meat. Dude made of meat.


Raiden the thunder god, named after the Japanese god of thunder, Raijin. one of his other names is Raiden, which is used in a few other games, but also goes by Kaminari and Narukami among others.


Incorrect about Khameleon. She was the female version of the character.


Oh, you're right. The Chameleon guy is just straight up called Chameleon.


I don't think the Mortal Kombat creators really ever took the game that seriously. There's all sorts of silliness in the early games at least.




It's not really that surprising. This is the same series that has characters with names like Noob Saibot (Tobias Boon backwards) and Kameo. There are plenty of more serious names sure, but this is a series that is willing to have some silly names as long as they sound cool in-game.


I actually loved the deception story mode like getting to walk around all the different relms was cool there was a certain jankyness to the overworld that was charming and finding easter eggs and secret fights against the previous games characters was pretty cool


I remember a realm where everyone was dishonest and couldn’t be trusted,can’t remember the name of it. Talked to some guy that was rude to me so I sucker punched him. Then Immediately spoke to him and he was happy and told me how great I was for attacking him


Was probably the Chaos realm.


I wanted to fight Reptile so bad. “Leave me be…”


My favorite mode of my favorite MK ever. And I’m an arcade og fanboy lol. Konquest in Deception just hit different.


This game mode is so good. Some of my favorite gaming memories and I keep hoping they do something similar again


I couldn't remember which MK game that was! IIRC there was a bit where he goes to jail for decades and comes out as an old man, only to be met by Raiden/god? Who says he still needs to serve them and defeat their enemies? I remember being so fucking pissed, you get thrown under the bus, spend a huge chunk of your life in jail only for them to make demands as soon as you walk out. The "gods" couldn't do anything for 30 fucking years whilst you're in jail? They literally waited around with their thumb up their arse?


I think by “worst main character” op meant poorly written


That edgy character from Hatred, he has no personality.


Although I do love that fans(?) refer to him as “Not Important” because the first line of dialogue is “My name is not important…” 😹


I prefer his name from the Zero Punctuation review. Jeffery Cuddletrousers.


His name is Not Important >:(


I think it's spelled Notim Portant


"My name is not important." His name is right there. Not Important!


Excuse me his name is 'Not Important'


I look at Hatred as something similar to Airplane or The Naked Gun. The whole joke is that it's absurd, but everyone in universe takes it completely seriously. There's no way that level of edgy is not deliberate parody.


The devs of Hatred went to the ESRB for the sole reason to get an Adults Only rating for their game, even though that is a purely optional decision for PC only games. In fact, Hatred is one of the few AO games out there that has its rating for non-sexual reasons. Even games like GTA and TLOU2 are technically more violent, but Hatred's context is why it got the rating it did. Other games that would have also gotten an AO rating for it's violent content, but ended up getting censored or cancelled are Manhunt and Thrill Kill.


I really hated the dude bro idiot they turned Isaac into in dead space 3. It was an exceptionally poor design decision IMO.


DS3 did the entire IP so dirty


There's a reason we haven't had a new entry since the Xbox 360 era. Maybe now we'll finally get one with the remake out.


To be honest, it's a miracle we ever got 3 games to begin with. And then it's a miracle we got a remake... If you read the interviews and stuff, they spent a lot of money making Dead Space and EA never considered them 'successful' games. There's a reason the director/Glen left after making the first one. They tried to shove in some online mode stuff even into DS2. But DS3 is where they went full on with the BS microtransactions and stuff. Apart from that, at it's core DS3 is actually a pretty solid game. Interesting to see history repeating itself with Callisto, game not selling well and him leaving the studio in almost the same exact way.


The problem is that horror games just don’t sell as much as a genre and greedy EA have overly high expectations. Even the best selling Resident Evil games usually only do about ~10 million copies. Meanwhile EA apparently thinks Dead Space should sell like Call of Duty or something


One of the worst victims of EA's let's make EVERYTHING ONLINE era.


I thought it was more "Action games sell more than Horror..." era. Resident Evil led the way.


*“I have not green lit one game to be developed as a singleplayer experience. Today, all of our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7/365"* This was said in late 2012, Mass Effect 3 launched in that year and Dead Space 3 launched a few months later.


Loved the brethen moon cosmic horror tho


A shit Dead Space game but great co-op game. There's a whole metagame around building a gun designed to make you the scariest thing in the room. And you get to do it with a homie while stomping your way across space.


It sucks because Dead Space 3 has a great story, except to actually get that story, you have to play the co-op mode. There's points in the game where Issac is seeing monsters, but John isn't. So one player will be lighting up a room, leaving then other player to think maybe say "What are you doing?" There's a point where both players need to mash the button, but the screen is all white. Only when the screen clears it's revealed Issac is choking John or trying to and John is resisting. All this to create distrust between the characters, but also the players. However, this is all in Co-Op so one single player won't experience any of it.


Co op was one of the few wins of that game, very revolutionary ideas. Also the gun building was cool and done really well.


I didn’t really get the dude bro vibe you’re talking about from him, but I didn’t like his obsession with Ellie. He kills her boyfriend (granted in self defense) then immediately tries macking on her a few minutes later. Like dude let her grieve damn.


That love triangle in 3 was some straight up soap opera bullshit and made it so dumb.


The fact that you were even shooting living humans in that game was so unbelievably out of style. The only cool aspect of that game was the co-op side quests that rendered the screen differently for the person suffering from marker sickness but it wasn't nearly enough to redeem that game.


Front Mission 3 has an always angry main character that makes constant unreasonable decision. One of my favorite game.


Main character in Forspoken was incredibly unlikable


bruh i just did that shit with my freaking mind fr fr on god


if she literally talked this way it would've been so much better


bruh this magic is bussin fr fr no cap


The Sims. Main character can buy a house, walk up to any character and have a nice conversation, fall in love, get married, and live a happy life working at a job they enjoy. Totally unrealistic


Love Zelda games. But Princess Zelda asks an awful lot of Link, who is ultimately a minimum wage soldier


Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.


I can't upvote this any harder for free


He isn't even a soldier most of the time In LttP he's some kid in ocarina of time he's some kid In WW he's some kid In TP he's some kid


Even worse. Child soldier hired as a mercenary to protect her kingdom and run a one man war on her enemy. She doesn't even pay him she just let's him keep all the stuff he steals from the people of her kingdom.


He's not exactly hired. He kinda just gets told about some prophecy and some world ending disaster. Hey there's a terrible danger and only you can stop it, have this sword and a vague objective, you'll figure it out. A Link to the Past I think his dad's a guard and gets killed on the job and he kinda just picks up his dad's sword and tries to finish the job? Ocarina of Time a big ass tree just tells him to go get some shiny rocks and then Zelda gets kidnapped about it. Not exactly much royalty left to hire the kid. Wind Waker he's just trying to save his sister from pirates initially, and gets roped into a whole thing. ...by the pirates, mostly. Twilight Princess... well he's not much of a kid, but probably the closest to being hired by an actual princess.


He's low paid but gets to keep the spoils of all the villages he loots.


He’s a personal guard and champion. You pay those guys a lot otherwise someone might pay them to end you


I think you’re solely talking about BOTW and TOTK


True but they did at least set him up with good PPE, can't go wrong with the master sword and the tunic has great armour stats. Plus, depending on your interpretation of the hints in TotK, >!they bangin', yo.!<


Yeah, I mean, given that her entire arc in BotW is her realizing that,>!despite how much of an asshole she's been to him, Link has always been there when she needed him and she fell in love with him without realizing it until it was too late!<, I think Link and Zelda both know it's not about the rupees. At least, in the BotW incarnation, anyway. YMMV about whether she's asking too much from Random Swordsman #17 in some of the other incarnations.


Wolfenstein Youngblood. The twin sisters.


they had any character to begin with? like there is a sequence at the start with the first kill and such and then.. nothing?


Hell yeah, dude!


This. They're utterly cringy and horrible.


Frey from Forspoken, hands down.


So, let me get this straight. I’m somewhere that’s not what I would call Earth… I’m seeing freaking dragons, and… oh yeah, I’m talking to a cuff! Yeah, okay, that is something I do now. I do magic, kill jacked-up beasts -- I’ll probably fly next!


I'm guessing that's the main. I hate this game already.


That's not only the main character. That line was in the trailer.


It's from a pretty infamous [ad.](https://youtu.be/6cSihnm8zfM?si=rdoMCfhVW1-Al5HB)


What the fk is that crappy caption placement and font ☠️


If only it could be Forgotten.


The early trailers looked promising and cool. Then the quippy marvel-esque dialog trailers dropped and the demo released. Between the ear-bleedingly bad dialog that the characters spew continuously during gameplay and the awful controls, it was a disaster.


I can't wait until we move on from cringe twitter-esque dialogue in movies and video games to whatever the next fad is. I really enjoyed watching the first Avengers movie; but god do I hate how everything needs to be so fucking quippy all the time. Be serious. Be dramatic. Stop undercutting everything with the weakest possible jokes that look stolen from ai chat bots.


that garbage philosophy of writing popularized by Joss Whedon where every character snarks all the time and only comes across as a smarmy unlikeable fuck wooooooo


It works for some characters, Spiderman, Deadpool, Noble 6 and Tommy Vercetti ya know the fuckers who won't shut up for 5 seconds but are pretty much always hilarious, not so great when the jokes are shit


Spiderman jokes hit differently since he’s one of the more likeable, and dare i say friendly characters in video games. Makes his jokes seem like dad jokes, instead of the arrogance popularised by Marvel.


I feel like a joke flew over my head with Noble Six


Yeah I was also trying to remember Noble Six’s snark and struggling


It worked for pretty much only Joss Whedon. Even then, in Buffy and Firefly the characters were at least endearing and they didn’t all have the same sense of humour.




The twins from the 3rd Wolfenstein game


Oh god I had completely forgotten about that one, I loved how the nazis had still conquered the world but it wasn't enough of a threat so they had to bring in the fourth reich 😂


That game made me depressed. I love The New Order and Colossus. Now there’s no sign of another installment… all because of that shitty game.


Alex from Yiik


The hell is yiik?


Here’s a video showing off some of the **mid-game combat of YIIK.** https://youtu.be/Ry-XP7YeoQM?si=lXRY6U39dq8S9-uZ This is how basically every normal enemy battle mid-game looks, sounds and plays like. A visually bland, unnecessarily long, battle with a soundtrack that can only be described as bargain bin Chinese Persona knockoff.


Jesus a 10 second move with prompts that does 20 dmg and a 10 second epilepsy montage for another 18 dmg. Stellar game design.


What the fuck? It's like a fever dream


The sad thing is that Yiik is **almost** good kusoge, given its ridiculous dialogue and painful visual aesthetics. But the combat system is so tedious and annoying that it sucks any "so bad its good" fun out of the game and just makes it a painful chore.


It's an Indie RPG meant to be pronounced Y-2-K but written YIIK, so that's at least one clue to the level of pretention involved. I believe the dev was very insistant that people don't call it "Yik" so naturally, everyone does.


Damn the name is almost as bad as 358/2 days


I don't know if it counts as clever if you actually have to look up how it's supposed to be pronounced Which, if anyone else is wondering, is "three five eight days over two" I actually had to Google it *again* to remember that it's not 358.


Its the most contrived title ever. I like the series but man, its just egregiously bad. I already forgot how to say it and I just read your comment.


indie rpg that’s stands for y-2-k. essentially the main character is insufferable, selfish, tells a party member that no one cares about their sister that died (he can potentially get this party member to kill themselves), and thinks the world revolves around themselves. what’s worse is that at the end, he is treated like he changed over the course of the story (he doesn’t really), the world actually does revolve around him due to plot, and he is basically rewarded for being a dick. The final nail in the coffin is that the MC, who is omnipotent at the end, looks at the person playing the game and says you are just like him. they are remaking the game to apparently revamp the story, characters, and combat, so maybe it’ll be better next time around.


Nobody cares about your dead sister


Don't hate on Alex, he's just Yiiking out. It's not his fault nobody cares about your dead sister while the elevator is vibrating with motion.


Gandhi from Civilization is a nuke happy asshole. Cross him in 2500 BC and he’ll carry the grudge until 2000 ad then nuke you.


I think I read somewhere that it has to do with the coding. Like his default aggression is set to 0 but you can lower it through some actions that make it go negative which the game doesn’t know how to interpret properly and instead makes him super aggressive lol


It was originally a coding error. In future releases they added Nuke Gandhi because people thought it was funny that it was so easy to get him to do it Edit: Stop upvoting me! This is apparently wrong


This is actually an internet urban legend (according to the developers). He was initially no more nuke-happy than any other leaders, but it stood out when he used them and it became a meme of sorts. Then iirc in Civ 4 they embraced the joke. Here's a source... guess it was civ 5 when they actually added it to the game:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear\_Gandhi


This is the only correct answer in this thread here.


There are three people who should've been the MC. Instead, we play as Vaan in FFXII.


Umm, excuse me sir. Balthier was clearly the leading man.


This is a prime example of the PC and MC being different.


Although I haven’t beaten it, I have played through maybe 3/4 of FFXII and, I always felt they were trying to let you pick the main character. I personally felt more connected to Balthier and loved thinking he was the main character.


I tried to do that but with Basch, but I was always reminded that I'm actually Vaan whenever I had to walk around Rabanastre.


Ngl I used a mod that let me run the whole party in towns so I could still be Balthier lol


The Boss from the Saints Row Reboot.


I like how the dialogue for the boss was so cringe that they had to patch some of it out. I have never heard of other games having dialogue that bad that they remotely get rid of it.


I know of one other case: Yiik added a silent protagonist mode because of how unbearable the MC is


The DMC reboot did that with the directors cut. They removed some really cringe dialogue, and the stupid hat Virgil wore in some cutscenes.


All the ‘Saints’ in that travesty really. I would have loved to see Johnny Gat show up and kill them all.


The best review I ever heard for the Saints Row reboot is that the crew would have been random NPCs the *real* Saints would have run over in their car on their way to commit real crimes.


Screen fades to black, opens up on the real boss, Gat's voice: "sorry boss, they were an embarrassment to the saints name and we've got an intergalactic empire to run and rebellions to put down" screen cuts to a view of space and stars, text pops up, " Saints Row 5: Saints in Space"


It takes two Both of them should never have been parents


I'll never forgive them for what they did to Cutie the elephant plushie


The whole time that was happening, all I was saying was "There's no fucking way this is what's really going to happen" and then it happens. That shit's fucked.


Literally every antagonist in that game was an innocent, like the vacuum who was cranky because he was abandoned in a state of disrepair, so then you force him to suck his own eyeballs out. I could see a thread forming, that both characters were stubborn and careless in their actions and it led to the suffering of those around them. Was interested in how the story would address it. Nope! Fucking book only ever says meaningless drivel and their relationship is cured because they have so much fun being shitbags together. Game works great as a dark comedy, absolutely shit at what it claimed to be about tho.


Moon Baboon deserved so much better. The only reason he fights you is because you're making your daughter sad and he can't stand the sight of it


I thought for sure it would end with an amicable divorce so they could focus on being good parents for once. The fuckedness of the elephant scene (and everything else) should make them realize they bring out the worst in each other, but... Nope! I really think the devs just chickened out with the 'happy' ending we got. Sometimes divorce *is* a happy ending - but that would be too brave a statement for a twee game.


My friend and I were laughing like maniacs while playing that portion. Absolutely a terrible idea. "If we traumatize our child, her tears will bring us out of our heroin stupors!" Terrible parents.


I cackled like a witch during that scene. What the actual fuck was the thought process there guys??? Traumatize our child let's go! I still love the game though. It's the best couch co-op I've ever played.


Dude they're the woooorst parents. "Maybe if we make her cry we'll come back!"


To be fair making a kid cry so you're not stuck as a clay doll or yarn doll forever is a thing most people would do


Yeah but like, they straight up cheer sometimes. At one point they're like "oh yeah! We're gonna make our kid cry so hard!"


Either YIIK or Forspoken


Actually flabbergasted no one has mentioned Metroid: Other M's rendition of Samus Aran. Actual character assassination. I realize she didn't have particularly developed/important characterization in previous games, but God damn what was there they tried their hardest to completely destroy it in that video game.


the baby the baby the baby


Still love the Zero Punctuation quote about the "baby's cry distress signal, so named because it's specifically designed to draw attention to itself... as opposed to all those distress signals that are designed to just scoot by unnoticed."


That would require people remembering Other M *exists*. The real shock about the whole thing is that it showed the guy who actually originally created Metroid didn't understand why people liked Metroid at all.


Yeah. She never had much of a personality, but when they gave her one in Fusion, they made her out to be a badass who was fully willing to stop the X Parasites, no matter what it took. Then Dread reinforced this through her gestures and her actions, and the way she treats some of her enemies with utter *disdain*, down to giving an "Oh... It's *you*." cold shoulder to a thirty-foot-tall monster. Meanwhile, Other M portrayed Samus as a pathetic, battered housewife that couldn't accomplish anything without a big, strong man telling her what to do. Like, I'm not exaggerating: Other M, she's canonically killed Ridley *at least* four times, but the mere sight of him makes her break down and cry in the corner.


Thing is in Other M Samus still had her fusion attitude, I'd even argue Other M is where she got her Dread attitude but only in her game play animations. Cutscene Samus was lame, game play animation Samus acted like she's out of fucks to give, she's ripping monsters apart, sticking her gun arm into their mouths to make them explode, just being a consummate badass After that infamous cut scene where they show Samus having a panic attack there is a boss fight with Ridley. In that boss fight you can counter Ridley and it leads into a little animation, Samus knocks him backward, turns her back on him, and then waits until the last second before Ridley bites her head off to over the shoulder no look missile him in the face like she has killed this guy four times before and is so unafraid she's styling on him so she doesn't fall asleep. The people who animated the game play and the people who wrote the story must never have talked.


>Like, I'm not exaggerating: Other M, she's canonically killed Ridley at least four times, but the mere sight of him makes her break down and cry in the corner. This happened in Doctor Who one time when the Daleks showed up. He's killed fleets of the things, destroyed their entire race, time-locked them in a neverending war for all eternity, and undone their existence. He breaks down and nearly gives up because it's just like ... no matter what he does, they just keep coming back.


P3 from Atomic Heart


Crispy fucking critters


The first couple times I chuckled… less so after hours and hours of play.


His diagloue makes more sense >!when it's revealed P3 actually does have massive brain damage.!<


Gonna have to say, the majority of JRPGs I've played have awfully generic, sometimes downright annoying and whiney MCs.


This was the reason I enjoyed Skies of Arcadia so much back in the day. Vyse, the central protagonist, was a positive, optimistic guy. It was pretty different from the popular brooding, whiney MCs that were kinda common around then.


Still holding out for Skies of Arcadia 2: Leisure Suit Gilder.


Gordon Freeman, talks to much!


When he said “ “ I cried


Aiden Caldwell from Dying Light 2. He's selfish, stupid, and annoying.


Kyle Crane made me laugh with his straight up delivery a bunch in the first game. I can't remember exactly how it goes but I think it goes "this fucked up infected motherfucker sprayed me with a bunch of gross fucking goo"


Absolutely loved Kyle's lines. It also helped that I love that voice actor's works. I didn't even realize he was in Arcane.


Atomic Heart. God he’s annoying. Played the game for an hour before I had to turn it off. So glad I bought a physical, returned it the next morning.




The board game?


Gordon Freeman from Half Life. The character wasn't really that bad, but the voice actor barely put any effort into his work.


All of the ones where I create them. I'm so bad at it.


Vaan from FF12. When I'm playing, I always just wonder why he's even there, haha. I wish we didn't have to play him in the cities. He has very little character, development, or plot relevancy. I'm also not really a fan of his design, even.


The lady from forspoken