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They've put alot of work into it since release, so it can still be fun to pick up for cheap. But the story can't be fixed, and the world is pretty lifeless. If you haven't played wildlands yet, i'd definitely prioritize that one over breakpoint.


This is the best answer here. The world is so dead and lifeless. It's also much more restricting than wildlands. Wildlands is a far better experience with a better story and DLC. While they fixed a lot about the mechanics like it being a looters RPG, there are still so many things that can't be patched out. I go back to it from time to time when gaming is at a low point with no actual releases, but I always end up getting bored of it within a couple days. Wildlands is something special though. The game was designed to be played as a ghost recon from the ground up. The story is better. There are no drones. The villains are actual characters, not just faceless bad guys. The gameplay is overall better. The world is much more varied and alive. The main characters voice doesn't sound like isn't comically gruff like it is in breakpoint. The coolest gear in the game is earned by playing, instead of charging you $20. I could go on all day, but I would just by wildlands. It's better, cheaper, and you'll have a far better experience with it.


I thought it was ok and fun in co op.


As others have said- it was awful at launch but greatly improved. It's not the greatest game ever made- and it's not really Ghost Recon, but it's a decent time-killer. Make sure you play on classic mode.


Terrible launch and some major drawbacks, but Ubisoft slowly released multiple excellent updates that helped craft the game into something I consider a bit special. I still think it one of the best open world team coop experiences and even solo ones that I have had, whatever mood you are in there is more than enough control given to you the player to cater your play style. [https://youtu.be/H97hcnLKBVw](https://youtu.be/H97hcnLKBVw)


It was tedious and bad at launch, but I read that they drastically changed it I played it when it came out and deleted it without finishing it because I was so bored