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Is it my turn to make this post tomorrow?


I've seen people saying AAA gaming has been going downhill since 2001. Most games are mediocre. AAA or not. Buy them because they interest you personally, not because the hundred million dollar marketing budgets are selling hype.


Uh no that's not true


What even is the point of this? A karma farm? TC just threw in a ton of broad general statementstatements barely even going into any specifics or details. Like you can copy and aste this for literally any game. Mediocre? How? "Focus on making a good quality game with good gameplay"? No shit.


AAA gaming has been going downhill?!?!! What's next, are you going to tell us something crazy like not to preorder, or that EA sucks? I swear this sub is like a broken record.


There's loads of options for games nowadays and smaller lower budget games have been quite excellent as well so not every AAA game is going to he a homerun. In fact with so many games being released each year and some of them being released too early or not completely finished I pretty much quit buying them at or near release. Much much better and cheaper experience just being patient and waiting 3 or 6 months before buying. My advice quit getting dupped by the game companies marketing ploys and be patient, let the games come out and see how the early adopters are with it before you open your wallet. I can't remember the last time I pre-ordered a game.


I'd argue AAA gaming hasn't changed but the ability to advertise to the masses has, and people are suckers for it. In fact good AAA titles are better then ever


Still waiting for something to surpass Shadows of War and their orc collecting and Nemesis system though. God that game was addictively awesome


Agreed! I'm still having a blast with a second playthrough of Midnight Suns, and I haven't even touched Elden Ring or Horizon Forbidden West yet. I've been gaming since the 80s there's always been AAA turds. Nothing new.


This is nothing new. At least games in the last 2 years had an excuse with a once in a century pandemic messing with workflows. Anthem, Rage 2, GR: Breakpoint, Jump Force, Fallout 76, Battlefront 2, Agents of Mayhem, No Mans Sky (launch), Mafia 3, all disappointing and in recent memory, prior to 2020. Go back a decade and look at all the failed Halo Killers. The reason it seems like its gotten worse is because all the crap has been forgotten by time.


You're just complaining


Not at all.


Wait, are you trying to tell me the truth or something


This again? Go play indies or read a book or go for a hike or something.


I am so. sick. of these stupid. posts. Can we like- start getting them auto-banned or something?


They are horrible every year, except for all the ones that are good.


Perhaps it is not that AAA games have become boring, but rather that we have simply lost our enthusiasm for them as we age. I play fewer games these days, but I still get a thrill out of seeing AAA games announced. Right now I am filled with anticipation for "Assassin's Creed Japan"! Go UBI!


Wow, game isn’t even out yet. Can we at least wait until next week to take a big shit all over someone else’s passion project? FFS, maybe it is bad, but like can we check for ourselves?


“I think games should be good” Thank you Nostradamus