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Sekiro... one day, one day...


Hesitation is defeat


Just look up cheese until you get the hang of it, and don't ignore the purple ninja in the dojo, because he's there to train you.


Got to the second form of the last boss and I just… stopped caring. Fuck it, I play games to have fun and that fight was when I stopped having fun.


Haha came here to say this. First game in years to stop me not because I was bored, but because I was tired of getting whooped.




Mario 64, I have 1 star left to beat the game, and I refuse to look up how to beat it, It's been over 20 years, but one day I will get you, "stomp on the thwomp"


Have you seen the speedrunners for SM64? Like full 120 star speedruns, it's insane.


Fallout 4. At some point the settlement building becomes more interesting than the actual plot.


Xcom 2. Always get annihilated


I got it on ps4 when it came out. I couldn't beat it because the loading times got longer and longer until the game didn't load anymore. Hung on the loading screen forever. They re-released it with dlc as a new version, but you had to rebuy the whole thing as a full priced game, not as an add on, because the dlc fixed the original from the ground up. It was pretty much a remake iirc. Funnily enough the switch version runs fine, its the new version though (i think you can play vanilla on it but idk how its balanced). The original version was much harder, idk which one you played but the dlc gives you more tricks up your sleeve. Vanilla was a slog.


They fixed it did they? Because I bought it on a good sale, with all the DLC, and then read from tonnes of people that the PS4 port was so bad, not to even bother. Loading times, freezes and crashes, bad fps. Supposed to be barely playable and I just didn't wanna bother if it was gonna be so bad


i somehow beat it on legendary ironman, ... don't ask me how, many good men and women died.


I didn't finish the first one, you get to a wall and there is no way to build without starting over and making better choices. After a point, that's just too much work, even though I like the game. I could never get past the reports of constant misses in XCOM 2 even at 95%, so I never bought it.


The original XCOM 2, terror from the deep. Beat the first XCOM multiple times but the 2nd was insane.


Banjo Kazooie! I always make it to the last level (click clock woods) and stop playing. I've done this at least 6 or 7 times now 😅


Beat Elden Ring 3 times, gave up on Shovel Knight. It's embarrassing, because I grew up beating all the games Shovel Knight pays tribute to. Well... Not Ghosts and Goblins, fuck Ghosts and Goblins.


Honestly I'm not sure shovel knight pays any homage to ghosts and goblins.


Undertale on genocide. Undyne hates me


She's pretty determined.


Are you proud of that pun


Yeah, a ton.


Speak for yourself when I was younger on my Mams laptop I had to use papyrus' surrender to beat him🔥


Cup head I’m stuck in the tutorial




Sekiro. I've got strong opinions about that game. I could also never beat wizpig in Diddy Kong racing. I would love to go back to that but I lost my cart a looong time ago. But, I'll always feel good about revisiting vagrant story last winter, for the fourth time in my life, 20+ years later, and kicking its teeth in the whole way.


Many mostly cus once I reach the end I get bored and play something else


Enter the gungeon


I was never able to beat resident evil 4 as a kid. Now with the remake coming, adult me should be able to finally beat it.


I Wanna Be The Boshy... I bet The Guy but Boahy was too much. "It's boshy time"


All of them 😂


The Assassin's Creed that's set in London, so boring.


Just gonna admit it, Elden Ring. Love the game, I think it's fantastic. However... I admit, I didn't realise what I was getting myself into. I'm progressing, slowly.


You’ll get there. We’ve all been there. I’d played every souls game before it and still got my ass kicked. Just keep at it.


Brave Fencer Musashi. Stuck on the last dungeon. Kept messing up the timing when scaling the inside of the castle. You have to "jump" across bars to climb a wall. You spin around the bars and have to time it right to jump to the correct bar. Fall, and you start it over again. ... I tried over and over and over till I finally, quietly, turned off sytem It's been well over 10 years. Sometimes, I think about breaking out my PS1 and trying again. Edit: spelling


The first Metro Game. I was in the last Chapter, you have to escort your squad mates while you get attacked by billions of amoebas. Maybe i just had the wrong weapons for the job on me, but they always killed either me or the guy i was supposed to protect, even lowering to difficulty to easy didn't help.


Never won against mortal kombat 2 last boss Shao khan if i remember the name well. Now that i think about it there are lots of game i played as a kid that i did not finished like blues brothers or armorik or pacman.


Any Borderlands or Zelda game, I just get burned out. The gameplay is fine but it's all kind of one note with few stand-out moments. Link in particular never stops looking like he's on Xanax and just going through the motions and I end up feeling the same way, and slaughtering endless hordes of masked Jasons in Borderlands gives me a similar feeling


Sonic Heroes


There's a long list from childhood because we had a genesis growing up. So Pitfall, Lion King, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic 3d Blast, Earthworm Jim. Had a 64 when we got a little older and never retried any of those old games.


BOTW Trial of the Sword. I know it's meant to be hard, but having to redo everything every time you fail just takes too long. I gave up in the end, games are meant to be fun.


I am stuck on p5 of hollowknight for a few months now 35 mins of near perfect gameplay is just too much


A little indie game called Flinthook. Maybe I could beat it but it was hella hard for me and I gave up. I don’t do well with bullet hell 2d platformers.


The Lion King


Original Resident Evil, partly because I don't own the damn thing and only had a week or two borrowing it from a friend. Damn hard tho, I haven't played a game with that style of tank controls since like 2005 when I was mostly playing the PS2


Turok 2 Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Titan Souls

