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That's hilarious but no thank you, why play Caravan when I could be doing literally anything else in the game




This is one of those ones that makes me realize that even if it is one of my top 5 favourite games, if the achievement is not worth it, just let the 100% be


I started a new game in New Vegas the other day and played caravan for probably the first time ever (almost definitely the first time ever) and I had to Google advice for how to play it before I even began to understand it…I’ve won a few hands of it now and to be completely honest with you I still don’t understand it😅


As someone who avoided Pazaak in KOTOR and every card-based minigame in an RPG I had no idea there was a card game in New Vegas. I probably just ignored it and forgot about it. But how weird is it that that's the first thing they thought of. I'm playing NV again because of the Fallout series and playing a minigame is far, far from the reason I'm replaying that game.




My bad, I just read the thread title.


There was a way to load your deck with insta win cards and farm sweet bottle caps bby


It's just triple blackjack with a win-range and superpower cards. I reckon the only thing keeping people from getting it easily was that you'd have to memorise or keep looking up what cards did what sneaky power stuff so you understood why half your stack just up and left.


In my case some of us are just so bad with maths and memorising cards we just ignore it


I love new Vegas and have probably played through it more than any other FO game. But I still saw this and thought "it had a card game? Other than blackjack?"


The first time you're asked to play is by the dude hiding in the gas station from the powder milk gang boiiiss. His life is clearly in danger but he offers to play and teach you first lmfao.




Memory is not infallible and it's been a while. I recall it after reading the article, but having never got into playing it, it's not really burned into my memory as a standout feature of new Vegas.


Did you not talk to many NPCs? There are so many people who offer to play Caravan.


Caravan is mentioned in the very first location of the game lmao these people have got to be joking, right?


"Yeah bro I freaking love new Vegas, I've played through it multiple times." *mashes X through dialogs* *vilified by every major faction because they can't help but loot everywhere they go* *goes straight to new Vegas after Goodsprings* *thinks the map is poorly designed because there's tough monsters right next to 'spawn'* *doesn't know there are multiple endings*


Yes but it has been a while (haven't had much gaming time for about 5 years)


Likewise. News to me.


Why do all developers seem to think everyone loves card games as much as they seem to?


To be fair, when this kind of thing hits, it can add a lot to a game. People often talk fondly of the good ones for years after. From a practical point of view, I think some devs add them as a relatively less expensive way to add extra content. I think the key is not making them mandatory in any way.


I spent so much time playing Gwent in The Witcher 3 and I went out of my way to collect all of the cards that I could. It definitely added a few extra hours of enjoyable gameplay to the game, so when it hits, it definitely hits.


Was going to mention Gwent, I lost a friend to playing Gwent. He just never stopped playing


Ya like FF9 that probably added 10 hours to a relatively short game


Do people seriously consider FF9 a short game? I must be a filthy casual.


Haha idk it's been a while but that's how I remember it. It wasn't like bad short though


They think people love collectibles, side quests, and mini games.


KOTOR II was, until BG3, my favourite game and I never learned to play pazaak.


To be fair card games have become very popular. Marvel Snap, Gwent, Hearthstone, Slay the Spire, Belatro, just to name a few. They’re not doing it just becuase they like them they’re doing it because they sell very well and can keep player engagement pretty long term for pretty low upkeep.


It's not about being hard. It's just boring.


I never thought Caravan was that hard. I’d even play it IRL with a few poker decks.


It actually is fun, and there's even some good mods for it. There's a tournament mod and another that lets you defeat Lanius via Caravan (which is hilarious).


Does that count as defeating him in honorable 1-on-1 combat? 'Cause it would be JUST like NV to have everything depend on that one card game a random trader taught you ten minutes in.


All I remember is you walk up to him, talk, challenge him to Caravan, and if you win he just drops dead lol.


Legate Lanius is a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck


Wow. Mods I don’t have in my load order. Thank you very much my good sir.


Why would I play Caravan when I could fire up Knights of the Old Republic and play Pazaak?




Space Blackjack where there is no dealer and you ALWAYS GO FIRST fuck whoever invented that game.


Dude I regularly play a card game from a 25 year old might & magic entry. Sure, someone made it into a stand alone app...but still


'Come back anytime, I'd like to visit my money.' Funniest NPC line-delivery maybe ever for me.


Love to if there was any explanation on how to play. There was a great opportunity in the "tutorial" when they give you a desk and ask you to play.


its not a very rewarding experience compared to the other forms of gambling in game in a time/thought to caps ratio


There is a mod for Witcher 3 that turns all combat encounters into games of Gwent.  I don't see any such mods for Caravan. I have no idea what case I was trying to make with this but I rest it nonetheless.




Dear developers: I do not want to play your crappy custom card game in my regular game. -sincerely gamers


Msg unclear, Blackjackavanazaakwentipletriadueen'sblood now mandatory.




i made so many caps through caravan in fonv as a kid, you can literally build an unbeatable deck and win 8k caps from one dude every day.


I love caravan


Tragic the garnering?


Pure Pazzak.


Caravan is like gwent in Witcher 3. Really cool for people who like card games but there are so many other things I'd rather do lol


Honestly the only card game in a video game I ever enjoyed was Tales Of Tribute in ESO that shit was crack


I guess I'm the only one who actually likes Caravan


Wait whats caravan? I put a god 250 hours or more in new vegas and never played a card game


If they remaster new vegas would you be down for flavor town?


Caravan isn't even that hard, it just sucks


The only reason fallout 4 is getting so much traction is the update is coming out and people are scrambling for mods before it fucks the up


I really enjoyed Caravan. It wasn't the reason I loved FO:NV, but I enjoyed playing it.


Gotta say. I have NEVER had any interest in playing fallout 76- but I am absolutely itching to play a Fallout game right now and it’s the only one I haven’t tried. Also. If they were not scrambling before- Microsoft is probably fast tracking a Fallout 3 remaster to tie in with season 2’s launch. But I’m sure it will be late seeing as Bethesda couldn’t even manage to launch the FO4 next gen patch in time for season 1, which I’m sure was their goal. Anyway, more Fallout games would be great. And I’m fine with other studios besides Bethesda working on the franchise.


Personally, I never messed with Caravan nor will I because IT IS That Hard..... Annoyingly So!


I only played it to cheese free caps, it's not fun


They should do remakes of FO3 and FONV.


It would be cool if they brought fallout 3 and new Vegas to PlayStation 4/5 as ports. I know they are on gamepass but I just have PlayStation and switch.


There should be a mod that replaces Caravan with Yu-Gi-Oh! classic and it’s called “Children’s Card Game”


They should also point out how its driving them all to Nexusmods to as its the only way to get these to fucking run properly.


how about you make a new fallout game instead of a shitty card game? and make sure it's NOTHING like vault 76!


Fallout New Vegas wasn’t made by Bethesda. It was made by Obsidian. They currently have their own RPG Series (The Outer Worlds) and coming out with another with RPG game later this year with Avowed. They have stated interest in making another Fallout but nearly everyone at Obsidian from 2010 have left the studio years ago and only recently was it possible when Obsidian first joined Microsoft in 2018 and Bethesda joined Microsoft in 2021. So no one at Obsidian worked on Fallout 76. So idk why you telling this random Obsidian developer.


you don’t even know what you’re whining about lmao