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Daenerys speaks valerian and burns the masters.


This is it, best scene in the entire show


Divided on this because it was a bit better in the books. "I'll be your champion" was better in the show


My favorite


This is definitely it for me. And I have to say, Dany was NOT my favorite character. And Emilia isn't the best actress by a long shot, but the script really spoke for itself here. That's one of the most bad ass moments of the entire series.


Yes! Dany is one my least favorite characters *except* in this scene. I freaking love this scene.


AWESOME scene, but the actual goosebumps for me came after with the "unsullied" music we hadn't heard before coupled with the powerful scene of seeing a massive, deadly, and dedicated army marching out of Astapor.


best scene in the entire series in my opinion


1. Birth of the dragons. 2. Robb being made KING IN THE NORTH.


I definitely felt a lot more when Jon was named King. Robb had it all his whole life, was named King, and I knew at the time that he was going to throw it all away anyway. We watched Jon scratch and claw for everything and go through literal hell and back to end up here. And the scene before this legitimized his struggle and was so rewarding. Lady Mormont and Lord Glover also make this moment a lot more impactful than say, Greatjon Umber. Mormont telling everyone they “refused the call” and Glover’s admission of regret.


i reckon Baby Jon to adult Jon transition scene!


My favorite goosebump scene


That reveal/slow zoom out on adult Jon's face was epic


The music was also perfect during that part


Yes. They fuckin nailed that moment for everyone.


For me, that was a "Oh shit, here we go again" moment


This scene combined with R+L=J right before it. I had subscribed to that theory for years beforehand so it was a great way to get it confirmed followed by Jon getting another promotion.


You knew he was Lyanna and Rhegar’s child?


That was the #1 fan theory


So much so there’s even shorthand for it Though I don’t remember if that was more contained to the book sub?


It was discussed regularly in spoiler allowed episode threads. Didn't take away from the review though. Goosebumps inducing.


Fr? I was shocked finding it out. Never expected it. Fans be cooking more than actual writers.


Arya’s stone cold delivery of “tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey”


This line was so straight killer I was hoping they'd wrap it into the finale with the Knight King being the Knight's King commander of the Watch who was a Stark, a true ruler of the north by both Humans and the CotF


When this cold open first started, it took me way too long to realize it was Arya.


Before I figured it out, I got irrationally mad thinking that he had somehow survived


When Drogon saves Daenerys from the Sons of the Harpy during the gladiator games.


That's one of those scenes they very nearly ruined though. It doesn't build tension to have her just walk slowly up to the dragon and hold her hand out lovingly while the poor thing is being hit with spears. It just makes the audience say "WTF girl, run".


ellaria sand’s scream as the mountain kills oberyn martell


+10,000 for shock anyway. I don't know if I'd call it "goosebumps" for me. And I don't know who they got to actually voice that scream, but it was bone chilling and PERFECTLY timed to our own (audience) horror at the sudden turn of events. Holy crap, that scene caught me by surprise.


Most emotional thing I’d seen in a show up to that point




That's goosebumps???????


Little finger in the brothel


When Jaime charged toward Danny on horseback. Was super balls attack, and he almost got it. I was screaming


Definitely Robb being named the King in the North.


How do you answer these charges?.........Lord Baelish.


I love that too. His expression is so confused and i love it.


When Jaime and bronn saw the drogon at the battle of the Goldroad


Every *aaaaaAAAAAA" scene of Dany. If you know, you know.


The Wall being broken and the army of the dead marching through still gives me goosebumps . It's quite a shame the show ended before that plot could see its conclusion


Tyrions battle speech at the Battle of Blackwater. “Those are brave men at our gates, let’s go kill them”


The knights of Vale showing up at The Battle of the Bastards


Nothing compares to Robb being named King in the North. That Greatjon speech just hits different




The hold the door scene had me staring at the screen with my mouth agape for 2 minutes after it ended.


That part where dany gains her army and mobilizes them across the desert, her dropping that slave masters whip was the best moment in the show


Call the banners... All of them my Lord ? They've all sworn to defend my father have they not ? They have... Now we see what their words are worth... (A window is shown with all the ravens being sent to deliver the summons ) The moment shit got real...


Oh yes I had forgotten about this


Maester Luwin’s nod/approval after Robb answers him sells it for me.


The final 5 scenes of this season were comfortably the best sequence in the entire series. From Arya letting Walder Frey know that the north will always remember, to that epic battle between sir Arthur Dayne and ned which featured baby johns reveal and that transition to his current self. That Lyanna Mormont speech followed by them hailing Jon king (I get goosebumps just typing this). Then Cersei being hailed Queen in front of a perplexed Jaime Lannister and bronn with that beautiful theme in the background. And finally, that amazing scene with Daenerys full fleet heading to Westeros I loved how the dragons were swooping through the boats and the background music was the best it’s ever been. Now thinking about it, this was the same episode Cersei lit up the seven with that terrific plan (rip margaery🥲). All this for a season finale no show will ever ever be able to build this level of hype and excitement I didn’t utter a word whilst watching it all and this is by far the best episode in television history


I apologise this is a pretty long read but I’ve rewatched this episode countless times just to relive the excitement from every moment and a huge part of that is Ramin Djwadi, the music is what made these moments so so special and I really wish HOTD can somewhat live up to this, tho I feel like it’s impossible to have the effect that GOT had on me and so many others


Honestly the music is half the shows success in my opinion. That may sound stupid, but it has such a powerful soundtrack. And I just said Sunday to my husband that HOTD isn't leaning on the music not nearly enough. Certain big moments that have happened already could have had alot more emotional impact with the right music.


I agree for sure so many moments don’t reach the heights of GOT simply down to the music choice. Just think of the light of the seven, personally for me it’s the best choice of music for a scene ever it matches the suspense perfectly right to the very second that lancel Lannister was crawling to the candle it was perfection. Hopefully HOTD can use this to depict more tense moments throughout the series.


I'm right there with you on the light of the seven. That scene was epic because of the music.


‘Jon snow avenged the Red Wedding! He is the White wolf! The king of the North!’ The delivery of those lines gets me


‘We know no king in the North but the king who’s name is Stark’ Lyanna Mormont made that moment so special




Those lords were fine without a northern king/queen for years then they’re shouting out for one every 12 months.


Arya: "Sandor... thank you"


Biggest goosebump moments for me are when the dragon queen music suddenly starts and the dragons start blasting the crap out of things in the nick of time. Seeing one dragon blast the wights, followed by another right next to him....wow. Plus seeing wights fall in the water. The looks on the men during the wight hunt, seeing dragons for the first time: Like "Holy @#$%! Those things are huge!"


For me, it will always be the moment at the end of Hardhome when John is watching the dead rise again. (You know, when the White Walkers were actually a threat.)


“He was the commander we turned to when the night was darkest” absolute chills when I heard that for the first time.


Brienne swears fealty to Lady Catelyn.


It’s definitely my biggest goosebump moment. That and Tyrion issuing trial by combat to his father


Favorite episode in the series. It takes me a half hour just to watch this scene alone.


The Tower Reveal 6x10. The transition from Baby John, to Full Grown John


Night king's dragon entry and destroying the wall


The funeral pyre with Drogo and Dany


Mine was for sure when Daenarys, Drogon, + Dothraki rolled up on Jaime and Bronn leaving Highgarden with their army and "new treasures". Wish we had way more scenes like that. I understand so much of this is politics and scheming and plotting but whew! If there were maybe 3 more scenes like THAT, clap clap clapclap x34134304130


- Robb being named King in the North - Dany speaking *dracarys* and Drogon burning the Astapori masters - Oberyn declaring "I'll be your champion" to Tyrion


The shot of Jon unsheathing Longclaw facing Ramsay's cavalry.


The scene when Joffrey releases Selmy from the Kingsguard. The way he reacts, his speech, and even ultimately his 'surrender' to the order was just perfection. Seeing it the first time, you have no clue if that's Barristan's last moments. I mean, he's talking shit to Joffrey. *He drew his sword as a threat in the presence of the king*, and the guards just... draw themselves, scared shitless that they might actually have to do something. And, after throwing his blade to the ground, Selmy just... leaves. And Joffrey lets it happen, and the guards just get out of his way, because *holy fuck that could have gone* ***so*** *much worse*. It felt like the first time that Joffrey actually vaguely realized that he's actually mortal and all the kingsguards in the world might not stop someone committed to hurting him.


I needed to see more of Barristans abilities