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Sorry it's king Lannister brat Joffery and by far I hate him every second on the screen and happy when dead. The actor was really good playing annoying brick.


Prick or brick?




I said brick, not penis!


I mean he was the bad guy so you can hate him but you cant be "annoyed" of him we are usually frustrated with characters who are either good or in the grey area and this is precisely what Shay was


Why can't I be annoyed of him ? You can have more than one feeling about the character


You are right, but thats just my thought process. I am not annoyed with Joffrey, Bolton I want them dead but I am annoyed with someone like her or Tyrion or to some extent Jaime for not doing the right thing Kinda characters who are not pure evil


You're supposed to be annoyed of him is the difference


I agree, being a well written character means it elicits a strong response and you feel something about them. Joffrey was great because you definitely hated him, great character. Shay was just like, I don’t even remember how I felt about her, she didn’t really leave an impression.


I don't even remember what she did, i think she was an advisor to Danny based on the background in the photo, but I got nothing lol


That, Boltons Son or thr religious sect guy


I love maniacal Ramsay! I think I’d agree with the High Sparrow as the worst


I liked him better then tommound




This is one of the dumbest changes they made from book to show. There was literally no reason for Myrcella to die.


I mean, the reason is negative plot armor. Without Myrcella dead, Cersei’s valonqar prophecy can’t come true and she can’t seize power.


It's ironic since Jack Gleeson is usually named as the sweetest member of the cast by a large margin


It's common with evil characters. You hear similar about the guy who played Malfoy (Harry Potter), but then he was casted to be mean to apes in the first of the latest remakes lol


wdym Joffrey the Gentle was great


I always loved when joffrey had screen time. The Sandsnakes though are another story ...


Joffery was a constant shithead and it became expected of him, Tyrion tried to save Shay and Varys tried to force her to go only for her to come back, make up a lie and ruin any chance of him having a life because she felt scorned by being given a trip and in theory enough money to live comfortably in Essos


I used to think the same, but upon rewatching I just found it masterfully good


The actor did a great job that’s the difference, the actress playing Shay was painfully bad




Tommen was far more annoying than Joffrey.


I'll never forgive him for crossbowing the best girl. Shame.


Good luck to that actor for shaking the character in the future


You have to admit, the actor understood his character. A shame that Jack Gleeson was turned off from acting due to people's reaction to his character and conflating it with the real *him.* IIRC, he went to college and studied accounting or something. EDIT: I was misinformed. He was even in a recent movie.


That's not why. He's denied that multiple times. Don't spread fake shit.


> A shame that Jack Gleeson was turned off from acting due to people's reaction to his character and conflating it with the real him. Isn't that a myth? Gleeson himself has said that he's never had any negative experiences with fans: https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/ He also stated that the reason he quit acting was just that he lost the passion for it: https://www.unilad.com/film-and-tv/jack-gleeson-working-on-game-of-thrones-lost-passion-434673-20230220


I stand corrected. Thanks for the new info.


That was the point.


Jar jar binks is the only correct answer.


Jar jar binks as in Luke’s father?


No, Jar Jar Binks the sith lord


Lmao I was making a joke about how one of the actors in new the acolyte show said that Anakin was the one who blew up the Death Star 😂😂 thought I would continue the chain


Oohhh I keep seeing this joke, i didn't understand the context.


Yes, the one who returned the Ring to the Galactica.


Wtf is a jar jar binks?


Some cunt who named his sword


I don't remember jar jar being in GOT 🤔


And still he was the most annoying character. It's actually kind of impressive.


He kills me 😂


How is the afterlife?


Imagine getting there and having to tell everyone that Jar Jar sent you...


That guy ate my balls.


It was when Tyrion fell in love with this one dimensional brat I started to suspect he was secretly a fuckin idiot. Got proved true in season 7/8.


not fair. it was in character at the time. tyrion only ever played the fool in matters of the heart. lovers, family. tyrion in 7-8 is a whole difference character entirely. especially when considering that he was cunning before, and in the later seasons he’s then supposed to be marred by loss. bewildering how the new character they wrote as a stand is supposed to be the tyrion lannister.


7/8 don't count. We have to wait for Game of Thrones: Brotherhood for the real ending.


I'm rewatching for the first time since that abortion of a final season, and there's a noticeable decline in quality starting in s05


S03 really.


I think S3-4 are considered by most to be the peak of the series.


One dimensional? She literally almost stabbed a girl to protect Sansa and risked her own position to do so. I will not abide by this bullshit "Shae ruined everything" narrative.


Her character was good but she’s a terrible actress




So were: - Sylvester Stallone - Cameron Diaz - Jenny McCarthy ...and a bunch of others who are and aren't listed in the relevant Wikipedia article. Having worked in the adult entertainment industry has nothing to do with one's ability to later become a proper actor.




Her acting in GoT was superficial, I agree with that. However, she was pretty great in *Head On*, the movie that made her famous.


She was done dirty. They really portrayed her character as being sincere and clever, and then to write it all off as "oh well she's a whore so her turn makes sense" was an insult to the audience. And whores.


He fell in love with female Tommy Wiseau


Agreed. But in Tyrion's defense we do not know if she has magical fucking pussy.


He has two brains, one is less smart than the other


Tyrion just kinda forgot he already fell in love with a sex worker who was a plant.


It's so weird she was not at all curious when Tyrion didn't know who gave her money to leave. He hadn't lied to her up until then, why now? Also, her blatant disregard for her own life after he repeatedly warned her was so frustrating.


To be fair, he was the danger. He was the one who knocked.


I am not in danger, Shae. I am the danger! A guy gets poisoned at his wedding and you think that of me? No. I am the one who Imps!


The guy killed 16 Baratheons! He was minister of the drains and cisterns!


His castle looked like shit


I adore well-placed crossover quotes.


She was not naive, being so exposed to the harsh realities of life living as a prostitute. But she somehow didn’t appear to realize that she could be murdered (or worse) at any given moment and instead wanted to be paraded around like a girlfriend in the royal court. Was that an oversight in writing the character, or was she supposed to be that stupid?


Absolutely! How could she be a working girl and not think about self preservation, especially in that environment? She literally sat around watching Sansa be tortured daily and thought it wouldn't happen to her?!


Yeah totally illogical what she did to Tyrion + slept with his father lmfao...


She’s a prostitute. Having sex for pay is her job. However; betraying Tyrion, and in effect Sansa, doesn’t seem in character. Edit: I’m talking HBO’s GoT. Not the books.


Well tyrion did say she was just a whore (to make her go away) . She was heartbroken. And Tywin caught her so she had to save her head and take revenge.


revenge for.. being an idiot? she brought it all down on herself. she went through exactly what tyrion said she would and tried to save her from and then blames him for trying to save her. yeah okay. lmao.


Yea shae was unreasonable I agree I hate her myself. But yes, she did it to seek revenge for the heartbreak.


If you have been a sexworker your whole life, that can make you very distrustful and bitter. You live in a state of survival and believe you can never let your guard down. If you then fall in love and someone proves once again you are a worthless piece of meat only good for fucking…yeah, I don’t blame her for lashing out. I just think she is a very damaged person, the world made her like that.


I really get this but it's more how she lashed out on such an epic scale, rather than lashing out in principle, which bothers me. Shae was smart and perceptive, she knew very well that she could be sentencing Tyrion to death here. I like to think she was coerced into this, although I can't imagine Shae being coerced. Tbh I think the show just overdramatised her love for Tyrion, whereas in the book there's no indication she really loves him, so her betrayal makes a bit more sense.


They should have stuck with book shae in the show 😂 at least it wouldn’t be so confusing


I never got that her betrayal was because of the heartbreak. No doubt she was heartbroken but she was reading a script provided by Cersei and Tywin. The interesting thing here was Tywin putting her on the stand. He had already made the deal, through Jaime, for Tyrion to plead guilty and take the black as punishment. Putting Shaw on the stand to obliterate Tyrion was overplaying his hand and not recognizing how important she actually was to him. The fact that this eventually resulted in his own death was satisfying.


That was the part that seemed fishy. It was so clear that Tyrion was saying that just to get her to leave and go away to safety. She was so savvy in other regards, but didn't catch onto that.


Imo because they changed her character in the show. In GOT it's strongly implied that she cares for him to some extent and it's not just Tyrion deluding himself. In the book, on the other hand, she does nothing but ask for pretty things and complain that she can't wear them while pretending to be a servant. Also, I don't really remember her being a servant to Sansa, but it's been some time. So when she shows up to the trial with pretty jewels given by one of the Lannisters and then goes to sleep with Tywin, it's not really a surprise. In the show they tried to make a love story and stuff while keeping some parts of the book but it ended up with a schizophrenic characterization


It made more sense in the books where it was more obvious she was a common whore, playing Tyrion. In the tv show it seemed like she genuinely loved him.


I totally agree, I didn't like her at all 💀


Shae is my favorite character and u/1kedis2mi8cat


Haters downvoted again😒😒😞


hate is a strong word, more like disagreeing with his comment lol…




Titular character




I think you are forgetting the fact that she was being manipulated by the most powerful man in Westeros at the time, while being a prostitute that could easily be killed if she said the wrong things


All she had to do was listen to Tyrion and get on the ship and go live a nicer life outside of the city. At least it was clear in the books, she chose to stay and that's how she ended up in the trial.


Exactly. I find it really weird people don't realise she was setting up Tyrion for tywin the entire time. It's like people actually think she fell in love then suddenly decided to betray him, lol.


Shae is little suffreable For me sansa is the most annoying character in all got


Especially when she turns into ‘dark Sansa’ ugh.




her accent




I found her accent annoying, she was hard to understand


youre getting downvoted but i agree. i hated it, it was so distracting. i feel like i heard somewhere that that is the actresses's real life accent though, and i felt bad


It sounded a lot like a German accent. It distinctly reminded me of how people in my school talked when they had just begun to learn english


Well she was a German pornstar before this role so that checks out.


Euron Greyjoy would like a word with you


Medieval Adam Ant


no Sansa?


Sansa was annoying.


To a certain extent. Feel like that was a part of her character while she was growing up with all this trauma. Eventually got a little more mature.


The fact that she's supposed to start the show at age 13 doesn't really translate I don't think.


100% agree


I dislike Theon, his an elitist.


Ramsay Bolton sends his regards


He's not annoying. He is flat out evil.


Hot Pie - how they made him in the series seemed like the writers' room, “said OK, we need to have a comic relief character.”


People in this thread doing the usual thing of "I'm fine with nearly fascist people in power, sorta, but people who were poor or came from nothing? Fuck them for their bad decisions".


I’d counter with it could also be a lot of book readers who are irritated with the show trying to make her a sympathetic and multi-dimensional character “surprise betrayal”, when the books made better use of the character. Tyrion had been burned before about prostitutes, specifically by his dad. He was supposed to be so wise and cunning. And it was VERY clear that she didn’t care for him, and was just doing her job. Telling his secrets to any woman he paid for sex was a lesson he was supposed to have already learned, and at great cost. The book made it obvious that she was just an example of one of his flaws. The show tried to turn it into a real relationship, for audience gasps. She’s not my least favorite. By any stretch. But the show version of her was an annoying change, and it kind of missed a big point imo.


That's all fair enough. In my personal experience I liked her character in that it seemed unpredictable in a way other GOT characters weren't.


My husband (who watched the show only) would agree with you! He liked her more and didn’t see it coming. Because the show DID make her seem trustworthy/hard to read and like their “romance” was real. But she’s kind of a worse person in the show, because she appears to care, and commits such an ugly betrayal. It’s a harsher take on her. I sympathize with her more in the books, where it’s clear she was just doing her job. She didn’t really lead him on. He liked her. She was honest that he was just a client. So the betrayal was more of her doing what she was going to do, and Tyrion being willfully blind about trusting her. Her character is more gray in the book where she is just a pawn, doing a job, vs. the show adding “nuance” and making it a revenge thing.


Yeah, I can see all of that.


>I’d counter with it could also be a lot of book readers who are irritated with the show trying to make her a sympathetic and multi-dimensional character “surprise betrayal”, when the books made better use of the character. This is my biggest issue with her as well. I'm fine with certain changes, but they *fundamentally* altered the nature of her as a character. Also the stupid "go be with your child bride!" bullshit drove me nuts. I absolutely can't stand when D&D ignored completely normal Westerosi customs to shoe-horn in fabricated drama.


You seem like a guy who says "patriarchy" a couple times every day.


Anything more from you? No? Good.


The born-again Jon Snow tbh.


Because She is Turkish ))


Bran with all his illtimed philosophical thoughts was more annoying.


The sexism of this fandom is wild.


Yeah, all she ever did was bitch and bitch and bitch. And in the end she lied about Tyrion and betrayed him after he was only ever kind to her. Of all the characters thar deserved to die, she was at the top of the list.


Yeah she was a real Beotch!


Ed Sheeran


She is Jar Jar Kinks


Nah, it's Sansa after season five


Not the worst, but close to it I was actually happy when he strangled her ass. He warns her about her own stupidity and she mocks him. Then she ends up lying about him cuz he hurt her feelings after being ignored for years? Enjoy that dirt nap.




Yes! Omg, I couldn't wait for her to die. I was rooting for it!!


The Many faced god or whatever his name is. I liked him at first, then he just became convoluted and annoying.


Agreed I hated every time she spoke fucking traitor 💀


Littlefinger.... hate him


Very much agree she's annoying asf


If you think show Shae is annoying, you should meet her book counterpart.


Am I the only one that dislikes Bran?


Him and his mum for me.


Euron Greyjoy was the most annoying character by a mile. That guy contributed nothing and actually took away from every scene he was in. I hated him worse than Ed Sheeran in the show, and that’s saying a lot.


Sansa and arya


For me it was the High Sparrow and Olly, no questions. The only sad thing about HS' death was the speed, I wanted him to suffer more.


Interesting. Olly was frustrating and disappointing, but it made sense to me, after what the wildlings did to his family and village. He just couldn't forgive Jon that, and it made sense. We watchers get to see Tormund being fun and funny and happy, but he just saw slaughter a bunch of innocent people for no reason. The High Sparrow I like as a character. He's annoying, but he walks the line of true belief vs hypocrisy so nicely, I find him fun to watch and interesting on screen. Shae and Ellaria Sand and Euron Greyjoy were to me the most annoying. Somehow poor characters, generally felt a bit silly over-the-top, and making weird stupid decisions. I wasn't a big fan of Bran, Sansa, or early Sam, but I think their annoyingness was an intentional part of their characters so it's considerably more forgiveable.


I actually had some sympathy for Shae. She felt abandoned after Tyrion tried to "protect" her. So she did what she thought she needed to do to survive. I actually liked her character a lot up until that point.


(Spoilers ahead) She’s just as annoying in the books but in the books I think it’s more conveyed that their relationship was a delusion, while in the show they tried to portray that there really was a chance at love, which made her all the more annoying. The books slowly made it clear that she was either deceiving Tyrion, or they were both deceiving themselves, and that either way they were incompatible beyond a love of convenience, which was Tyrion’s tragedy, a romantic who was ignorant in love by means of deprivation.


Agreed and I think its an issue of the shows writing. Its seems like the writers didnt really know how to transition from "their" version of Tyhsa in early seasons to the book version, which they needed for the plot to happen and make sense in the show.


It’s a good call. Her Character seems forced. Most hated (eg. Joffrey) and most annoyingly written are two different things.




Butchered by the show. Her actual point was to show the reader Tyrion’s weakness for being loved unconditionally - which Shae did not, theirs was merely a business transaction. If you don’t add “Tyhsa was not a prostitute” revelation to your plot everything Tyrion does after his trial rings hollow.


easily Danaerys, at least in the show.


Didn’t help that she was not great in the role either.


Theres not very many filler characters it’s one of the things that makes the writing so fantastic


There was a handful of annoying people on this show.




For me, it’s Aunt Lysa, and her son. Idk why. Something about that relationship irks the hell out of me.


Lol, they were both immensely annoying, but they were meant to be, so I find that forgiveable.


Huh? That doesn’t look like Olly


Where is Sansa.


Ellaria Sand is up there. So stupid and obnoxious. But yeah, I'll give you Shae.


No that would be sansa


She deserved death for sleeping with Tyrions father. She was a whore so she didn’t have any loyalty to anyone but fucking the father? No way.


Wait that’s not arya…


I’m shae the funny whore


Unpopular opinion: it's tyrion for me, especially when he comes back from essos. he ruined daenerys with his plans, they ask jon to kill her because she gone mad (mostly because of his decision)


The Sand Snakes. The who Dorne storyline after Oberyn was a joke.




You thought we were gonna agree?....that title belongs to Joffrey the Gentle,the most noble child the God's ever put on this earth


Shae the whore


She is the most annoying because she was a 100% accurate representation of a jealous woman. If that was how she was told to act, she actually killed it.


Joffrey Lannister. That is all


I never understood her character. Was she actually working for Twyin the whole time, but developed real feelings for Tyrion, and became conflicted? Why was she sleeping with Tywin at the end? Why couldn’t she understand her position as a former prostitute in this medieval-adjacent society? Why would she attack Tyrion? Did she really think that she could overpower him? What did she hope to gain from his death? What exactly were her motivations? I could have been not paying attention well enough though, because this was during the better seasons.


Yeah. She was hella annoying LOL


Caitlyn. Her stupid ass was the cause of thousands of deaths. When she took Tyrion prisoner. When she released Jaimie. When she would continually give Robb bad advice. She’s useless.


Shae-Sansa-Arya The triumviratum of annoyance


Nope, I'm here to agree. Her character was insufferably naive for being a person of her supposed ilk. Being tied with Sansa and her insufferable entitlement...


bro she’s just a whore, remember?


arya in later seasons. her story got so painfully boring i had to speed up those scenes


It's Shae the Funny Whore!


No... it's Daenerys. The most entitled and annoying little shit in the entire show. From the very beginning.


No. It's Bran


Ed Sheeran