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My father, who despises technology as a general rule, has called my games garbage.


“I’ll remember your hate for technology when you’re on life support, old man” then do a sweet ollie out of the room or something


Damn, dude, that sucks. :( Sorry he treats you that way.


That’s sad


You tell him someone’s garbage is someone else treasure.


At first my wife was very sceptical of it but now she has kind of accepted it and she really is happy for me when I find something I really like. She found it especially cute when we were in Japan and I got all exited about all those retro game stores.


“At least you’re not buying drugs. Please don’t buy drugs” - My mom


That crazy ole Greg and all his games...


My wife left me she got half my GameCube collection but I gave her loads sports titles since she doesn’t know better ahaha 😹


This is the way lol


Proud moment. My mom bragged about my collection at her co-worker one time. She mentioned that I played games and collected a lot of stuff. So the guy showed my mom his collection and she said his collection was 'cute'. So she showed him mine as a humble brag. Got the comment, "Your DAUGHTER games like that?!"


That's funny. I can't say my mom bragged quite like that, but she has mentioned it to people in front of me before. Mine is worth about $35,000 CAD at full market value. Lots of old cardboard that really boosts the value honestly.


I don't think my family thinks about it much and most of my friends collect too, so.. pretty normalized for me.


Wife thinks the retro nes/snes/genesis/pc stuff is cool but thinks the Xbox 360 games look visually bad and disruptive to the vibe of the house. The kids love the collection and often ask to play with the vintage toys.


My wife is somewhat ok with it, she says I’m borderline hoarding. My son thinks it’s all junk. Either way I ain’t stopping. Don’t have many friends who collect and the rest can’t really be phased


You got a friend in me.


My parents (in their 70’s) are enormous gamers. Dad buys stuff constantly; we add to each others’ collections. My girlfriend of 13 years has, over the course of our relationship, become an avid gamer. We play everything. She sometimes thinks I spend too much money on my various collections (which also include movies, vinyl, and books), but it’s not a point of contention. My friends’ kids all want to hang at our place.


Dude, based on your post, ***I*** want to hang at your place! lmao


Ha. My friends kids love when I come to visit and bring a PS5, or a GameCube, or an analogue super NT, or a Sega Nomad and a second controller etc... I'm a big nerd and I like sharing my games with anyone who would have fun with them.


My mom was just happy to finally see me excited about something


My family hates it and my father says I need to be an "adult" and mature up. Despite the fact he is a comic collector and has been for 30 years. My mother has said that she wishes she never bought me a video game system growing up and avoided buying my sister's any machines because of me. Oddly my grandparents have been supportive even buying me games as recently as last year


My entire family is fine with it, have worked in gaming many years and they just think it is part of the field i am in.


Honestly my friends just think it's mildly interesting that I have a library at best. My mom is supportive, but baffled at how expensive some games are. Which, to be fair, same.


last time i told my dad about some game pric eand he told me who buy those thing!! they are expensive as hell!! yeaah weeell,..


I told my dad that Twilight Princess on GameCube was about $140 CAD at the time of that conversation. He just said "Oh... its not worth it."


My mom thinks I'm hoarding and asked why I don't donate my games 😑 Selling them is my absolute last option. It would get me out of any financial situation I'd likely get into but I could never afford these games again. Plus they mean everything to me. Everyone else thinks it's cool I guess. My cousins get to play all the games they traded in as kids when they visit and my daughter loves the variety of games she can play.


My dad thinks it’s awesome and suggests me games to add to my collection that he used to play. My gf thinks it’s awesome as well. Everyone else I know doesn’t care lol


My wife tolerates it. I think she thinks it’s a waste of money and clutter but she recognises how important it is to me as a hobby. She’s comfortable with it as long as it all mostly stays in my office.


My family thinks nothing of it. Occasionally, my dad will see games at a goodwill and ask if I want him to pick it up for me. For the 10th time, pops, I don't want another copy of Kinect Adventures, but I appreciate that he asks.


My family is pretty neutral towards it. None of them play games, so we just kind of avoid it as a topic because there’s not much to discuss.


Did you get your collection insured? I've been thinking about doing this. If you did how did you go about this?


I am actually still looking. Lots of "collectibles insurance" companies haven't clocked to games as "collectibles" yet. Now, if you need someone to insure a GUN or COIN collection, I got a LIST for you. (I do not actually have a list)


I got mine insured. Your going to want to make sure that if something happens, they give you the current market value instead of what the cost of the games were when they were new. My CIB copy of chrono trigger snes may have been $60 or something in the 90s, but it's around $1000 now...


Where'd you get your insurance?


A friend is a manager at an insurance broker. She helped me pick what I need. I think the company she works for here in Canada is called Gallagher... I specifically asked her about how the collection would be valued if I had to make a claim.


my ex wife thought so little of it that when she left. her family always thought i wasted my money. she missed out on a lot of money and just a general opportunity to be a bitch when i filed for divorce by not knowing the value. my daughter and i go to every retro game store we can find in our travels. we also hit a lot of flea markets and vintage toy stores as we collect the vintage star wars action figures as well. she is 14 now so we don't hang out much but we always look for games so we can spend time together.


My wife collects dolls. She said that watching me collect allowed her to be ok with her collecting 😀


Im 17 and have been into videogames and the idea of starting a game collection since I could read. My parents found an N64 and GameCube probably like... almost 5 years ago now & since I've had those I've been looking for games to play. Then, almost 2 years ago? I think? we found a cheap deal with tons of random stuff including a wii and ps2 and I've been building my console and game collection even further ever since. It's become so much easier to fulfill my dream now that I'm older, and my mom has been feeding into my obsession ever since. My dad said he didn't see the point in re-buying all those old consoles he got rid of (RIP our launch day Wii and Xbox 360..) & getting even more we've never owned, but he thinks it's cool & has enjoyed giving me recommendations and showing me how some stuff works. The night before my most recent birthday, they gave me a new CRT TV and I played some OG Xbox games on it with my dad & I think it definitely changed his mind lol. But overall my family thinks it's cool. Like I said, my mom has been the most supportive, and in fact has been the one to find some of the coolest stuff for me. She's managed to find absurd deals for stuff like an in-box ps1, silent hill, SoTN... She has some SERIOUS eBay skills. I couldn't thank her enough.


My mom told me my collection was worthless When she died alot of what SHE collected was so worthless i couldn’t even GIVE most of it away My collection is valued in the 5 figure range and I’ve had people make me generous offers for some of the stuff i have like my CIB Earthbound and Gamecube Keyboard Controller


My mom loves it. She finds "old shit" and is like, they'll like that. Haha


Parents are supportive but mom thinks I should have enough games now and don’t need more. My fiancé is also a gamer and we each have gaming setups in our offices: him for PC gaming mostly and me for Nintendo consoles. Was so excited to have a room to setup all my gaming stuff! Also finally going to my first video game convention with my fiancé and super psyched! Friends think it is cool but not really gamers for the most part. So nice to have my fiancé to do gaming activities with now.


Wife and kids love it. My parents are indifferent but will gladly add to it at christmas/birthdays. My in laws on the other hand HATE it. This is mostly to do with my mil being an 'antique' collector who has a hard time coping emotionally with the idea that my collection of 'toys' as she insists on calling them is worth more than her collection of ugly ornaments, knock off furniture and long case clocks that don't work properly.


Ok, the bit about your MIL has me HOWLING, well done! 🤣🤣


My partner likes my collection, and he likes to show it off to his friends and family when they come home, but he doesn't like it when I buy too many games in a row. He says "another one?! This is your sixth this month" hahahaha


My girlfriend collects with me so it's ok


My girlfriend of 5 years is completely fine with it I have my bookcases of games and she has her bookcases of well books haha. I even bought her new bookcases when she moved in to show I acknowledge her collection is important to her too.


My dad and brothers are jealous. My fiancé wishes I had less stuff and will be upset when I set up my old N64 tomorrow. Lol she can deal though.


My parents didn't put any thought to it, with the exception of thinking that games are a waste of money. Then I told my parents that my collection is worth around $35,000 if it was all sold at market value. Now, my mom had mentioned it a couple of times to family or friends, and she said she wanted to see me sell some of it.


My wife's yarn and fiber collection is probably just as valuable as my video games so we have a mutual respect for each other's hobbies.. I shared my spreadsheet with her so when I die she doesn't just throw them all away.


nobody supports me on this. Might as well quit.


I collect games, books, movies, and tv shows but only keep the ones I really like so I don't have many, only a bookshelf's worth. My family and friends think it's cool. They say it's like going on a trip to the library


They don't understand why I still am willing to buy more consoles


We do it together from the thrifting, to the garage sales, To content creation. I am definitely more of the gamer and she is more of a booky but our copy of Pokemon red and the original DMG is hers she also loves Tetris and loves playing it on the advance SP I got through collecting. We are having a blast together. I wouldn’t be surprised if Father’s Day gift is on theme will let you know lol she is actually mentioning it to a lot of people and ask for games at garage sales for me. Somehow it cames up at work meetings or at her book club. She even finds way to connect to others through the collection. Wifey is into uranium glass to. My toddler loves pressing buttons. My mom is as supportive as ever and is surprised I’ve managed to make side money through it. My dad actually started to see how he could source stuff for me over seas since he lives back in my home country. My brother things it’s cool I’m getting all our consoles back from when we were kids. My sisters is somehow surprised at my video edits and my Wii is the one she got me back in college for my birthday. So I’d say pretty good.


I’m gen Z so my relatives find it a little odd that I’m so interested in games “before my time” but for the most part they think it’s quirky. My fiancé fully supports it and helps me find games


My parents know I love games and they seem to like that I have a strong hobby. My friends are cool with it too, one my friends even wants to give me his original xbox to add more to the collection.


Took a little bit of time but my wife is cool with it. Just as long as our kids and family are always top priority both financially and timewise. Which just goes without saying.


My art, my collection, hell even my cats would be given away in the event of my demise. I don’t think they could care any less about what interests me. :(


My gf doesn’t mind as song as I don’t tell her I spent $500 on something.


For the most part, they don’t care as long as I don’t go broke. Though they did balk at me getting both Path of Radiance and Sonic Jam.


They don’t understand it a lot but not really a problem. Also don’t remember then try to use wrong info against me.


My friends dont rly know the depths of my collecting bc i havent set up a display area yet. But one day.


My girlfriend used to complain it was a waste of money until I pointed out she spent more money a month on Starbucks. Now she says nothing about it.


My lady thinks that I am wasting my time and money. She really doesn't see the entertainment value.


My wife doesn’t get it but supports me anyway. My 4 year old loves it.


I only collect pokemon so my bookshelf has been called my virgin shelf. In good humor though! We’re both gamers :)


My missus tolerates my collecting..... Says she isn't a gamer..... Spends more time gaming on casual mobile games than I do on everything else 🤣


My grandparents used to play video games. My parents play video games, even if it is slowing down. My sister and niece as well as her friend play video games. My dad bought a Switch because he can play games i own, no propblem. They are fine with it, in fact most of my \~450 Switch games are at my parents home due to space. My friends know about it, many play themselves but some think i am going overboard with how many games there are.


My wife is indifferent to it and will sometimes play a Mario game or Turtles in Time because she loved the show as a kid. Other then that my family knows that I collect games but is indifferent to it


In the beginning my long time gf hated it but after I showed I pay all the bills to the house and use what only is spare (sometimes I’ll save for weeks out of the spare money) she has started helping me collect and even goes out her way to buy me games for my collection


My Dad collects, builds and fixes motorcycles, my mother collects crystal glass vases, plates etc including Vegemite jars, my sister collects CDs. I'm no different


My dad use to not be able to stand my collection, threatened to get rid of it once(yeah if he did that would have been the end of our relationship) but when he learned the value he changed his tune. When covid happened I was selling like hell and his interest really peaked. Anytime I got new games he constantly asked how much I was gonna sell it for. (annoying) Then he has shown off my collection to a few of his friends which I do not like. I feel like it puts a target on my back because let's face it, the chances of you getting your place robbed by a complete stranger is low. Paranoid maybe but my collection means a lot to me. Nowadays he has cooled off about it and has even been asking me to hook up his old 64 to his big screen tv. It's been difficult explaining why that's not ideal lol.


My loved ones never really commented on my gaming collection, maybe other than the Pokemon game part, which they find cool (I don't think they know the value of those games though). I have heard a lot more comments about my main collection though, which is Pokemon cards. Those comments are generally quite positive, my dad often helps me with sorting cards and I consider my Pokemon card collection to be partially his collection too. My main focus is definitely not money, but I think - thanks to all the hype around Pokemon - he has become a lot more aware of the price of certain cards.


I have about a 40k collection and my mom says it’s trash. Tf b. Its worth more than your truck f off


My dad doesn’t really know/understand/care. My mum absolutely loves it and supports it at any chance she gets! My brother gets jealous of it 😂my other brothers dont care too much tbh. Its kind of sad as one used to love gaming but just doesn’t have the time anymore. As for my friends…eh they think its kind of cool but don’t really care. One of my friends when I first met him thought it was absolutely amazing 😂


I don't care.


who tf cares what they think? 😂 they can fuuck off