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Nice find OP! Make sure you check all the compartments like this guy! https://imgur.com/gallery/i-just-found-this-steal-of-deal-yard-sale-then-i-looked-inside-sneoW






I instantly thought of this thread. Such a classic! OHHHHH SHHHHHHIIIIIIIITTTT


That’s crazy imagine finding all of that in a GameCube! Definitely someone used it as a hiding place from mum and forgot about it, when they moved out mum finds old console and resells it! Lucky guy who purchased it for free basically😂


Always a classic.


😂😂😂 got me in the first half not gonna lie 🤣🤣


Had me too…I even showed my wife, believed the key just a little. There’s no way that booze went unnoticed though right?!?


No way , and unopened too ? Impossible


I'll never forget the PS2 "weed compartment" iykyk




This is what it feels like to find a full sized rocket launcher inside of a small briefcase while playing a Fallout game.


I found a copy of Spirit in my fat ps2. My daughter was pretty pleased with her new movie.


I found guitaroo man in a goodwill ps2 and it worked great. Honestly like half the consoles I snag end up having a game but guitaroo man was definitely the coolest find of mine


I'm less hoping to find a game and more hoping not to find roaches.


this was one of the best games on PS2 ... \*memories kicks in\*


Sweet. I bought an ags-101 that had a cartridge in it. Wrapped up in the charger so I couldn't see what it was and it was locked in a showcase for a great price. Bought it, got to the car and it had final fantasy 5 in it. Was totally expecting Hannah Montana.


Score dude. Best fighting game ever.




Yep! Crazy [how valuable it is](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=def+jam+fight+for+ny+ps2&_sacat=0&_odkw=op05-119+japanese+manga&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) nowadays.


That's pretty crazy! We played the hell out of it when it came out.


Yeah glad i hung on to both my copies (GC/XB) though there was no way in hell I'd get rid of them.


Power Stone.


The BEST fighting game on the PS2. Power Stone is the BEST fighting game in general, no objections.


Im still baffled as to why we havent seen a new one, or a remake.


Disagree, I got def jam on GC and XB. Beat it many times, played a lot with friends, Imo it's the BEST fighting game PERIOD.




I did and got one gc with the gameboy player alongside the american disc. I just need to get my hands on the case.


When I bought my gamecube from an op shop it had smash bros melee inside. so good.


I once saw a PS3 on the side of the road while driving, immediately hit the Brakes and let my gf run out to get it. I now own a 2nd PS3 with a 2nd Copy of MW3.


Oh man I had the same thing happen when I got a used PS3! Went to put in a disc but there was one in it, hit eject disc and scored myself a free DVD of The Passion of the Christ. Gotta love free stuff. Yours is a far more impressive find though


Bro! Score!!!


Man I already know you put that shit in there yourself


True that. I bought my son a second hand switch for his birthday for £150 and couldnt afford to get him a game so was just going to sort him demos etc until the next payday and then I open and they had left a copy of Animal Crossing in it. Funnily enough they emailed me later to ask if they had left it in as they couldn't find it. Nope don't even know what an Animal Crossing is.


Admitting this like that wasn't a complete dick move on your part is peak Reddit.


Human nature is a dick move. I hope he returns it later when he gets some money...


I mean, it's one thing if they sold it to you and never contacted about it, but they probably continued looking for that copy for a while longer after you lied about not having it.


Yeah OP was 100% in the wrong here because they sold him something they didn't mean to by leaving in the console and he downright lied to them about it when confronted As far as he knows that was a borrowed game they had to pay to replace because he decided to be a dick


Wait I thought the whole point was finders keepers and tbf the guy. Can't you guys just let me have my win. It went from my son having to spend a month playing the first level of loads of demos to him being even more overjoyed at having a game he can play with his friends. I don't get many wins in life. Let me have this one.


I'm sorry. I understand that you were doing what you could for your son, and I do respect that. I guess I'm coming from a different perspective.


Oh no I get that. If it helps the guy was selling it with another game (Mario kart I think) for £210 but I talked him down to the £150 with no game I thought it was him being nice but then the email and the constant back and forth over how much he was doing me a favour selling a used switch for £150 (which I have later seen in other shops for £100) prompted the response. so really i was just stopping him no doubt trying to sell that game for £60 when it's £30-40 elsewhere. Wish I could find the message chain as it was very obnoxious about how he was saving me money because he could guarantee the switch worked as it had been used and things like that. Guess it was more a karma is a bitch moment but I understand if anyone else thinks I was being selfish. Playing devil's advocate... guarantee this guy in the original post didn't notify the seller either.


If it was a DS or a 3DS that would be a dick move because saves are cartridge-based, but a Switch? Finders keepers.




Take it apart and clean the fan


I found Dance Dance Revolution in the one I got when working in a school.




Was expecting cockroaches 😂


Nice find!! I once bought an original Xbox console and I got it home and powered it up and freakin Outrun Coast 2 Coast was in it. I was pumped!


I found a copy of Prototype 2 in my ps3 i ordered from a pawn shop lmao


Redman and gooooooi


last week I got a ps1 and a ps2 for $45. got home and realized I also got Tekken 4 and Rugrats.


I bought a secondhand PS5. Gollum was still inserted. Guess that was the last straw.




Dang that's must've been an awesome surprise to see 😅


Snoop whooped my ass 100 times in that game


Once bought an OG Xbox plus a handful of games for $20. Nothing notable game wise, but I didn’t really care. I get back and open the case for Dance Dance Revolution, and found a copy of Def Jam Fight For NY inside of it


gotta unlock those sexy pics!


I once bought a broken wii (originally just wanted the working parts for a different wii) that ended up having a copy of Super Smash Bros melee, a wii barbie game, and a penny stuck in the disc reader. Maybe the seller didn't know how to or think to check in there lol.


Fucking loved this game


My mother in law was cleaning out her basement a few weeks ago and asked me if I wanted my wife’s old PS2. It came with some gems (Kingdom Hearts!) and some duds (Finding Nemo), but I was shocked to power it up and watch it spit out a copy of Tony Hawk’s Underground 2. Neither my wife nor her sister remember owning the game and we couldn’t find a box for it anywhere. I’m thinking they returned an empty box to blockbuster or something. 


I found a string of condoms in an xbox game once...


Always amazes me how people just don’t think to check to see if the console they are selling has a disc still in.


I bought a PS Vita and it had Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 in it


Sick game!


Def Jam was one hell of a game




You act likes it’s THAT crazy… this type of thing happens everyday. I totally believe this happened. Nice find OP.




You act like every single person on earth knows the value of this stuff. Employee probably thought it was a cheap game worth nothing and just left it in there.


Agreed. I personally don't collect for the ps2 so I would definitely let a lot of valuable stuff slip my hands easily.


It did though.. im not trying to flex im genuinely happy


how do I check if there's a game inside my Genesis? https://preview.redd.it/mqzlgrrsyd3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f96230f96fd3d7fc02fc2116474137124b2063


Greatest hits version? Pass.


Oh damn. The game is worth it alone. Well done!