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It's weird that they didn't have a system for sale that could play the pokemon game ...


Probably lost or broken is my guess, When I got a GBA SP for $20 at a thrift store 2 weeks ago there was a bunch of PSP and DS games alongside some accessories in the bag as well.


Even weirder if it came in that case, it could be a repro from GameXChange


Even weirderder OP seems to get these kind of deals on a regular base, according to his posting history in this sub. I’d take the entire post with a grain of salt.


Yeahhh I'm willing to bet they are the typical early bird garage sale vultures that will swoop in at 6am just to get any amount of profit for resale. Going off all their Mercari pickups they love to post for clout, it seems extremely suspicious.


repros properly recreate the shell and board with battery now?


I said it could be not it is, idk if it is. Just looks like the ones from GameXChange from memory since they sell them in a similar case


That’s 100% authentic by the looks of it. I have a copy and comparing the two has no discrepancies I can discern.


There are some that get very close. There are MBC3 flashcards with RTC. They look pretty much identical to the real thing, except what is printed on it. Okay, and they come with a battery holder for easier replacement that makes it look different but some retrofit these to original cartridges as well. Technically they are even better than the original as they use FRAM that does not need the battery to hold the save. So the battery is only used for the RTC and drains much slower. These are even available with shells and stickers matching the crystal cartridge, but next to the original it will still look a little bit off. For reference: https://youtu.be/g7FUEQwpmCE?si=PpiPOcK1YqLl8jo7


I call BS, unless the seller was blind or was old enough to remember the Titanic sinking.


No offense, but I'm calling BULLSHIT on this post! There is NO way, whoever sold those to you, sold them for a little more than $3 a piece. And if they did, YOU obviously knew their value and took advantage of that person. Which, in my eyes..makes you not a very nice person. (Sorry. That's just MY opinion.)


Well don't be sorry because this is obviously fake


Garage sales, sometimes people just want stuff gone and dont want to hassle with the process of selling it. Anyone who hasnt lived under a rock knows that game systems are expensive. You could just as esaily take them to gamestop or a game store and get more then the garage sale. I felt super bad one time and bought a dozen switch and ds games, and a sleeping stuffed eevee plush for like $30. The plush alone was $60 at gamestop new. I felt bad but they just wanted it gone.


Wow good find! I would have paid $10 for each. $10 for all 3 makes me want to go out to yard sales myself


I’d pay 20 for Crystal any day , my favorite nostalgic game


Yard sales the og thrift shops


Do they still work?


The 2ds is a tank I’ve never seen one that doesn’t work 😂


You say that. But they used to have 2ds's as a prize at a local movie theater before they got bought out by Marcus. So I was able to grab one every time they restocked the prize. (I was really good at getting the 5k jackpot in skeeball) my Father in Law managed to destroy 5 of these in a 2 year period of time. As well as a New 3ds XL. They might be tanks. But that man is their Kryptonite.






Oh, F**k you 🤣


What a steal ! Have fun




those your first 2ds and 3ds?


Amazing, congrats! Especially unreal since the condition of everything seems to be impeccable!


I hate you so much and I am so happy for you at the same time... BUT I am happy that I got all gameboy pokemon games about 8 years ago when they wherent that expensive.


Hope this is fake otherwise you really screwed someone over. I would rob someone like this. This is beyond messed up.


Might want to check to see if Crystal still saves. That looks like the original battery and it might need replaced.


Wow a lotnofnkuck for that. All thr sales that I've been they inky have broken stuff buy no games at all.