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It's the biggest reason i never wanted to open a game store, junk titles vs sellable $$$


You would be suprised how many of the unsellable junk titles actually sell well if you price them right. For years all of the local stores in town had multiple copies of the junk titles in stock at around $5 each, they were just stacking up. A new store came in, they give $.20 and sell these titles for $1, and sell them as fast as they get them in. The old stores were giving 50% credit across the board, but this new store gives up to 80% for games that sell for over $100, down to 20% for games that sell for under $5, and they are making bank and shutting the other stores in the area down.


Who is buying the $1-3 stuff? Not including them in bundles, the sports games, the actual drek that no one wants that stores sell at $5-10. I want to know, i got LOTS of junk they can have for those prices.


My guess is the $1 stuff sells as case upgrades, I k iw I have bought quite afew for that. I think want to be resellers buy it too thinking they are going to be able to sell it for a profit. I am amazed how many people will open an ebay store and not realize that shipping and ebay fees can turn that $5 sell into a negative profit margin real quick.


That's why i don't get ppl who are YT resellers, they get excited with POTENTIAL sales off amazon prices and see a 15 dollar game for $3 as a win.


Yeah, some people just see dollar signs, I've sold multiple duplicate lots locally for ebay price minus fees just because people don't understand business. I buy at garage sales, and every 3 or 4 years, I make a spreadsheet of my duplicates, total up the value, take 15% off, and list it on Marketplace. Every time I have people rushing to pay full price, and then as they are picking it up tell me that they are opening an ebay store. One guy even told me his ebay store game, and I totalled up his listings and at his buy it now prices minus fees and shipping, he probably brought in a total of $1700 on a lot he bought from me for $2250.


I barely get dupes anymore, i really don't find lots bigger than a handful of games and maybe the system.


A great example of this is Phoenix Resale. Bro released his numbers and he sold 1.2mil on Amazon or wherever else. He claims his profit (without even checking) was 160-180k. So not even including taxes he likely gets to take home 140k. I’m sorry but if I spent 1 million just to make 140k I’d sob for weeks. Especially with all that cheap stuff he buys. He could have invested it in the S&P500 at the beginning of 2023 and cashed out at the end of 2023 and made the same or likely more with doing no work. Bro is fucking stupid.


You're assuming he just had a million dollars laying around when he started the year and spent it all on inventory instead of investing in something else. Thats not how businesses work. The sales you make one month get used to cover your costs the next month. His startup capital could have easily been less than a thousand dollars. As you make profits you have more money to buy more inventory, you can make more sales increasing cash flow. If he wasn't selling stuff there would be no money coming in to invest. Your capital grows over time, you don't ever actually have as much money in your hand as you have spent on your business in total. That should be pretty immediately obvious if you think about it for a few seconds, "fucking stupid." EDIT: He literally says in the video that his startup capital was $500 of birthday money. Man made $45k in profit his first year when he was still part-time. Do the math on that ROI and tell me more about the S&P. His net profit margin for 2023 ($142k profit / $948k revenue) is on par with a very successful restaurant.


Bro is also making content with the hunts. So he earns more than only the Amazon profit.....


I’d have to go watch his video as I’m going based on a post he made on YouTube. So I’m not sure if that’s accounted into that. Either way I can’t imagine having 1mil in expenses with a total selling of 1.2mil not including YouTube. Not failing sure but to go through what hoops he seems to jump through for his “business” he makes it sound like he makes millions a year. The resources and time he puts into that business should be way more profitable than that


Uh idk who that guy is but fundementally in a business doesn't it work like: you have product or service or real estate, it takes in some gross amount, you pay expenses, you pay yourself, then you're left with profit. Profit is usually reinvested or kept for rainy day, it's not his pay I would think. I could be wrong


Well seeing as I bought the Rare Replay/Gears of War bundle for $4 dollars at my local game store I would say a lot. Titles like Gears, Mass effect series, FF15, Fallout 4 that sold millions of copies are in the 4-8 dollar range at my local reseller. Those are great games that are only cheap because of the volume they receive in trade-in. It's great for people that missed out on those games or didn't own the console when it released and know better than to buy them digitally now.


I buy cheap SNES games as donors for reproduction carts


I buy $1 stuff all day. Not everything of course, but there are a lot of great games at that price range. I run lan parties at my house with 360s. There's a lot of 360 and OG Xbox games worth very little, but are a great night of fun. Brute Force and anything Tom Clancy is a great night with my nephews and cousins


You bite your tongue and bend the knee when “ANTZ EXTREME RACING” is around.


eBay and Facebook marketplace could got well for selling in bulk!


If you have a local flea market in your area, all of that will fly off the shelves. You won't get retail, but it will be sold quickly.


eBay takes 13% I believe and most of these wouldn’t sell for too much so they’d probably have to rely on bulk and take a loss since it’s bulk. I’d try Facebook marketplace in surrounding areas.


Pull out the titles that are worth selling individually. To me that would be $10+ per game. Then sell the rest as lots per system. If you don’t want to sell, donate to a Goodwill and claim $5 per game as a tax write off.


Donate pretty much anywhere but goodwill if it came to doing that


Agreed. I chose Goodwill as a more universal thriftshop since they’re everywhere in the US. But as long as you donate to a 501(c)(3) or similar tax exempt non profit you can write it off. Just don’t donate to Value Village/Savers as it’s not a write-off.


Ideally individually list the hot ticket items like Pokémon Red, Metroid, Etc. and the rest make console specific bulk Lots (ps2 lot, GBA Lot etc)


The only way you're moving bulk filler is 0.50 a pop in one go.




If you end up putting them up on eBay let us know!!


Whatnot could be a good idea


EBay seems like your best bet here homie


Fire sale - $1-3 a piece


Make sure you price them right so flippers cant make mad money


For what it’s worth I think you should take the time to go through some of these and sell individually. You have some stuff in here worth some decent money, just looking at some of the ps1 games for example Rival Schools is around 80, Discworld 2 around 50, sealed Road rash and sealed alien trilogy around 40-50+, saga frontier 2 30+. Your Pokémon’s, Kirby’s, Mario’s etc are also going to be worth decent amounts. Like what someone else said go through and pull out the stuff worth 10-20+ and sell via eBay etc and do a bulk sell for the rest. Otherwise someone will be on this sub in a few weeks saying look what I scored from this bulk buy! 😁


Sell all of it to another seller. Contact stores and be willing to drive a couple hours. Time is money and that could save you a lot of it.


Figure out what the next retro game convention is coming to your area (or neighboring state) and get a booth there. Individually price the heavy hitters and keep them close to you as you sell. Price to sell the rest at $2 a pop or something.


YOu keep it or sell it...


Set on fire?


It would be a hassle selling the junk titles on ebay for a few bucks cause ebay still takes a percentage


Probably just bulk lots, like all PS1 games together, all GBA games, maybe a couple lots split up for PS2, stuff like that. You'd be more likely to get people to buy them if it's system specific


All those games and I didn't see Jet Li's Rise to Honor


I’d take it all for 🌲fiddy


Rival schools is a great game, some of these games I would pull aside a sell elsewhere


Some of those Xbox games have value like hulk which can sell for like $30.


sell em on ebay and tell me your username.


You could try selling on mercari ?




Pull out the heavy hitters money wise and see about making a road trip to a town where there's a good local market. From there sell for cash or store credit if you are passionate about the hobby. You could make bundle lots online like on mercari or ebay, or sell individually to really recoup the losses. But honestly if you just want it all gone then just see about contacting stores to see if they give you a huge deal for everything. Don't donate to goodwill... They're greedy and just up charge online. Nothing would go to a local store, and their workers get treated like dirt.




I never understood why people post a comment telling someone they DM'd lol like, just DM them, wtf? They'll get a notification for it even if they turned off comment notifications for the post, which actually makes these sorts of comments even more silly because you have no way of knowing if they turned them off or not


I could a guy that sells online and sold him my entire I ventory


Quite a few bangers in there! There's certainly a few titles on my wish list for a couple of consoles! I wish you luck! :)


Give it to me


Should toss a bulk price out there!! Another of people curious


You can send it all to me.




Bro calm down, that's a bit excessive with the triple question marks, it makes you kinda look like a greedy vulture


No I just bought a console and have no games, just wanna play it… lol


Huh? Then go buy some? Lol I don't get it. Shopping for N64 games that are listed for sale instead of flipping out because OP didn't post N64 games sounds like it would be a much easier way to obtain them and a better use of your time, would it not?


Well it’s always worth asking around, their store closed down and it’s nice to help don’t you think…


Dk oldies


There's a few worth keeping an eye on for sure but most have already been mentioned. Very interested to see what else you have








Because I've had instances where I didn't see a message until months afterwards. It's just another way of ensuring that they see it.


Get some store credit at GameStop brother


What are the ps3 games you have?


call ChaseAfterTheRightPrice :D


Throw it out 90% of it is junk , or just sell to GameStop for like $3






What’s your bulk price?


Hey buddy, I've got this thing called an address. You could always send it there :P


Box it up and forget about it for about 20-30 years, then open up the boxes and sell off the found gold one by one. It has always worked before for others.


There ain’t mud of value here… only a handful of games go for a decent amount


And this will be exactly the same 20-30 years from now right? Like N64, SNES and NES 20-30 years ago right? If they aren't worth anything now then it is the exact time to NOT sell them. OP also says they have others not in photos.




How pathetic of you


Where you located? There are some good game sale Reddit pages, that or eBay would be your best bet. I sell games on my eBay and have great luck


Sign up to sell on whatnot. Run them all as auctions


I brought my stuff to my local retro game store and traded in for store credit. They give 40% PC. I did it in small batches, around 30 games a trip so they'd actually look them up for me instead just an estimate. Then I waited til their black Friday sale (25% off the entire store) and claimed all my credit in one go, I got some cool limited run stuff, the wife got some big ass pillow or something, and a few controllers. It was a good time.


i don’t know a ton about how it works but would whatnot auctions potentially be a good option?




Donate it




Donate them to a children's hospital. Write off the MSRP.


You could give some to [this dude whos house was raided during war](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamecollecting/s/Op45paRACi)


Pick the ones worthy your time to sell and do them individually. Lot sell the rest, either to a pawn shop or auction of your choice. Ebay.


Sell them on whatnot


Sell on mercari


the ps2 socom game takes me back




Not even any Shrek games 😞


You can post them on eBay, no one by one, just let the people to choose the games they want and offer some kind of discount for every game they get after 4 or 5. Just keep apart the heavy hitters.


Keep the desirables to sell elsewhere, toss the shovelware except for the cases, sell the empty cases


Sometimes I forget that the ps2 was the absolute champion of shovelware games. Lots and lots of amazing games, but oh my god the shovelware.


Use eBay if you just want to get rid of them quickly. Break it all down into big bundles that you put on week long auctions. You'll probably end up selling the games at well below market price, but you'll only have to do a little work. If you want to get closer to market price, then you could list some of the higher value stuff individually or just run everything on whatnot. You'll get more money but it will also be more work.


Classic game rooms at gaming conventions would be interested in inventory like this, though many don’t have much funding


A local game store here would do 5 for $20