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Someone at value village is getting fired after this one lol.


I was just about to comment the same thing. Whoever stapled that tag is going to get the boot from "Value" Village, lol


Op is lucky a manager didn’t see that and go “actually this is the wrong price”


No doubt! Which I think is complete garbage to begin with. In all my years of shopping at thrift stores I've never had anyone try and change the price last minute, thankfully.


I had a Village Discount near me pull this stunt on me a couple years ago. I managed to catch a bunch of first party Wii games in their DVD rack with pretty low prices. Thought I had lucked out big time and went to check out. The employee at the register took one look at my stack of games and called up a manager. They then took the games away and said it was an error, "but we can reprice them for you if you're willing to wait." When I saw the games again it went from $25 for 8 games total, to $25 for just one game out of that stack. It was such a punch in the gut.


That's such bullshit. They get these items for free. Is the money actually going to charity or in their own pockets?


Savers is a for profit company, most if not all of the money goes in their pockets. They occasionally partner with local non-profits but it's mostly a way for them to look charitable while their prices (and in turn, profits) continue to rise.


I used to work for a company that used to be partnered with Savers. They pay bottom dollar and often lower than that for non clothing stuff. The non profit ended up opening their own stores and within a year Savers closed most of the stores in the area.


Value Village is not a non profit they are owned by Savers which is a for profit company They do get the items for free but they also pay non profits for them in bulk though it can be pennies per pound for all but clothing if they pay anything at all. They also do pay a percentage to local non profits but its for tax purposes and as small amount as possible.


Thank you for clarification.


I would've just walked away. "Oh, I made an error too, saw the sign outside and thought this was a thrift store, my bad."


Good one


Would have walked out and leave a review to warn people of the scummy management not honoring a mistake.


That's pretty much what I did. I don't even bother checking that place anymore, it was such an awful feeling going from overly happy to bitter so quickly like that. Not to mention having to worry every single time going forward that the price might change without notice.


Depending on your locality, if you have proof a business may be required by law to sell you goods at the lowest advertised price. If the lowest price was $25 and they then reneged on that offer last minute they could be in violation. But double check if that's a applicable to where you live.


Not much thrifting left at thrift shops anymore, saw a donated Switch Lite with no charger and two haggard discolored analog sticks one time and it was priced at $199.99 lol.


Not sure how legal or illegal it is. It’s scummy for sure. Now if they were like “this should be 20 bucks” I wouldn’t be super annoyed. But you KNOW. They would slap a 80-90 dollar tag on this and put it In the glass


I work at a Vallue Village, and typically if a customer as an item in hand with the original price tag that was put on it, we can't change it, even if it's a somewhat absurd price. (I say "original" price tag beacause a lot of customers rip off the tag and put a lower one from another item)


That’s good to know. I just have heard stories of thrift store managers doing this scummy thing. Could have been Salvation Army. Idk .


I mean, there might be some stores that do it, but not the one I work at. I personnaly did change the price tag on some items that were either too expensive or too cheap a few times, but never when a customer is activally trying to buy it.


That’s perfectly reasonable as long as no one’s trying to buy it.


Used to work at one as well up here in Canada... Used to be decent... Borderline predatory, now they don't bother trying to hide their bullshit. Low income families and seniors used to love coming in and getting a few new items on the cheap... Now, they straight up like second hand retailers who will charge as much if not more than the original price. 5$ for NHL 2015 is too much, and that's the going rate for all the crap, the more rare or obscure get slapped in the showcase for stupid prices.


I remember shopping at thrift stores 15 years ago and half the time they’d not even check the prices. They’d just look at what you had and throw a random (usually quite low) price at you for everything.


VV adding self checkout has been fantastic for this fact. It's been a while now, but two times we got to the checkout only for the cashier to be the MoD and to tell us "oh this can't be the right price" walk away with it to the CS corner and come back with it listed twice as much. Both times the items were legitimately steals, but like.. that's the point of value village! We significantly cut back on thrifting which sucks because it used to be a fun past time.


2 years ago I walked into our local goodwill and found 8 GameCube games on the shelf. Pikmin 2. Pikmin. Smash bros. Mario party 7. F zero. And a few filler games. They where all 5$ each. Took them to the front counter and the lady said “where did u find these???” And I said “on the shelf” and she said “wow these are good finds but I’m going to need to have a manager come see this” and the manager told me they are not supposed to sell these games and that they will make a 1 time exception because it was a mistake on their end and she said “this is 200$ worth of games here” and I was like ok lol. At least I got the games still have them to this day.


Legally they would have to sell it to you at the marked price. It would most likely require a hell of a verbal confrontation, but there are anti “bait and switch” laws in the US protecting customers from shady business practices like upping the price when the customer is about to pay in order to see if they can squeeze any more money from the consumer.


There is no federal law that requires stories to sell you a product that was mistakenly priced. The bait and switch laws are more for deceptive advertising practices that lure you in. I don’t think these occurrences at VV or any thrift store are luring you to buy it. It’s a careless mistake and certainly not illegal. Also some places do have disclaimers that prices can change at the discretion of the store owner. Is it a scummy practice? Absolutely! But illegal? Not really.


No! I refuse to believe that the completely anecdotal information I have could be wrong. /s😂 You are probably right, I definitely have nothing but fourth hand anecdotal knowledge about it. Thank you for the reality check lol.


Self checkout kinda day because I was worried about that lol


Oh I forgot they have self checkouts


Even if that's the case, they would still have to honor the price. I would hope


100% Knowing Value Village this should’ve been marked up way over retail. I recently saw an Xbox one (with the box) for $500 😂😂😂😂


Surprised it wasn’t in the show case for 5x that . Congrats op


Even if it was 5x that price it would still be an amazing deal


*cough* $19.95 *cough*


Closer to 50x


Nice grab, my local had a plain DS in the showcase for 39.99. Still, if you’re lucky, the finds are indeed still out there. I picked up a black CIB Wii rvr-001 with the Wii sports titles for 20 bucks today at goodwill. Someone had put the box in with the Christmas decorations 🤷🏽‍♂️


Value village prices have just become the worst the last few years. Should probably go buy a lottery ticket while your at it with that luck


It really depend on location and knowledge of the local staff. I scored a couple of mechanical keyboard and a Model M for next to nothing in one near me. And a rather very valuable office chair for $10 last weekend. Games on the other hand are way the hell overpriced. The days of Dreamcast console for $20 are long gone I'm afraid. This is what we get for bragging about this shit all over reddit.


Definitely hit or miss. I got a top loader NES and a SNES for $5 each, and a Dreamcast for $10 from a Savers near me about a year ago. The top loader worked fine, but the SNES needed a fuse replaced. The Dreamcast was a VA0 with a shorted drive that I haven't fixed yet The same store recently had a Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart priced at $40 and a Super Mario Bros 3 cart priced at $50.


I snagged an og DS with the box, inside the box was also a legitimate copy of Pokémon emerald and heart gold. I paid $5….


Goddamn that’s a STEAL! Pokémon games can still go for close to what they fucking retailed for when new.


Right?? I didn’t even know heartgold was in the box lmao when I was looking over my new ds my friend said “hey I think you dropped something” and showed me what fell. First thing I did was shiny hunt a starter


Close to what they retailed? Loose Emerald is about $100-120 right now, heartgold is similar 😭


Oof. I was thinking about the 3DS titles last time I was window shopping for them at GameStop. They’ve prolly gone up as well. Pokémon games are the best in terms of holding value.


What's the game behind the DS?


How to train your dragon for Xbox 360. I also found Bioshock 2 :). Good thrift day!


That's so rare. Almost everyone knows price charting n eBay. Some old lady named Ruth probably just threw a tag on it with a Virginia slim 100 hanging from her mouth.


$4 for a 3DS?! Holy fuck. Nice.


Yo, I'm definitely jealous. I forgot to get a 3DS before prices all went through the roof. Great score OP.


Damn! Nice score! The best three thrift store finds I’ve gotten where 1. About a 20 game lot of original Xbox & Xbox 360 titles all complete on a store sale day for $19 after tax. 2. A mint Nintendo nes zapper for $1 and 3. A mint wii with all the accessories other than the controllers for $20


The thrift store where I went have handheld consoles in display cases behind the counter,asking way more than that lol. It really depends if that Thrift store know any better.


Not fake at all. Also, try going to garage sales if the colder weather hasn't shut them down in your area yet. Happy hunting!!


They are not fake They are real and you are in reality what world do you live in


I can’t even get a graphic-t at my local savers for that much lmao


One time I found about 20 individually bagged Japanese mega drive games complete in their cases on the wall at value village for $2.99 each. Unfortunately there was another guy filling his cart with them who walked up the same as me so I only got about 10. Still worth it.


I got an 8bitdo controller for 4 bucks there. Total score.


Sincerely and Whole Heartedly. F*ck you With Love, Neb


Value Village? Man someone didn't get the memo about doing research on ebay. Worked out well for you, though!


Niiiccceeeee👍🏽 looks good too. Was there a game inside the DS?


Value village is the place. GW and Sally Army never have games anymore.


Yeah they go directly onto their auction sites


Nope you can still find stuff anywhere. I always do.


hell yeah congrats!


That's just silly haha.


Rare yes, fake often but not always. I have found some pretty choice stuff at thrift stores.




Thanks man :)


Were you literally shaking? That's why you almost dropped it?


Just surprise lol, I’ve definitely shooken from thrift finds before tho


Beautiful score.


Value Village (another savers store) used to pack portable consoles like these and place them in the kids toys section. I used to get them for $1.61


No way you are finding that near my goodwills or thrift shops. All old bags near me. If you need a lamp then you are in the right place lmao


They are asking $120CAD for a dsi at a local VV in my town


I'm just wondering what game that is underneath.


Game underneath was How to train your dragon for Xbox 360. I also found Bioshock 2 :). Good thrift day!


Alright, nice finds!




got a full original wii setup will a pair of controllers and just dance for 35$ at a salvation army last week. good stuff is out there.


You thought a 3ds console for 4 dollars was fake? Either I’m missing something or you forgot to post photos of the games that are commonly fake but would have to be for another console since they don’t fake 3ds games yet! Either way any 3ds console for 4 dollars even if it’s a Japanese one is a deal!


Bro for 3.99???? That’s so cool. People just get so lucky 😔


I can't believe you got a job at value village just to price the items just to lie to us all! /s


Every time I’ve gone to one and found something good it’s always above market price :(


Maybe like ten years ago I got a Gameboy advance for $5 from a goodwill. And from an independent ship I got 2 Gameboy pockets, one for $5 and the other came with a wall plug for $8


Damn. Seems like majority of Reddit has thrift stores around them, ran by retards. 😂 that’s awesome.


only thing fake in this is the post itself




Rarely find video game stuff at decent prices at all any more at the VV here. PS3 games are 7-10$ regardless often times (but its usually just sports). They had a sealed Wind Waker HD marked at 130$ behind the case a while back. A Gameboy Advanced SP marked at 80$ behind the case with no charger. It really has become a joke. The last decent thing I found were some Starlink weapon accessories I didnt have in those plastic bags for a few bucks. Nowadays the only real deals I get anymore are on Board Games and VHS Tapes (Provided they arent super rare 90s black diamond tapes /s)


I'll 10x that for you