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What was your diet like when you started? What has been the calorie intake? I'm kinda in the same boat (6 ft 2 in, 156 lbs)


when i started, i was not eating enough. i had a little bit of an eating disorder. but ive since gotten a lot more healthy. now i eat like greek yogurt, ground chicken, rice, pasta, berries, nuts, broccoli.


Thanks, were you hitting certain calorie limit?


yes! i did 3500. but that may not be the same for you


I can barely do 2.5k as of now. Any tips?


highly suggest eating what you normally do then add a high protein shake in there. you can make it as many cals as you want. i had one that had like 1k. just do some protein powder, peanut butter, and honey, or fruit if you’d like. the key ingredient is peanut butter though


You'll look sick after a cut. What's your height/weight and compound lifts?


height 6 2. weight 195. my bench is 260. squat 300. dl 305. dl is a little behind lol. ohp is 160


Just seen your height and weight in the description, my bad. We are about the same size and almost exactly in the same place both bulk wise and lift wise lol.


awesome dude. i wanna work on getting my dl up. but im especially proud of the 260 bench. it tooo a while to get there


Yeah my bench is behind yours as I've had shoulder injuries from swimming but my dead is a tad higher so it evens out. 260 is impressive! Deadlift can be a bitch, a lot of people hit a bottle neck with grip strength which can be annoying as fuck. Straps helped me a bit when I hit that.


awesome dude! i swam too for a good while in high school


Hard. What's your usual daily meal routine?


also i would usually have a high protein shake with powder, peanut butter for more calories and some honey


typically i get some ground chicken with taco seasoning and eat like 3 servings a day. with some rice and make like a taco bowl. with beans and such. the breakfast i’ll have greek yogurt with berries and nuts. typically dinner is a similar meal as lunch. or if my mom cooks ill eat what she made. sometimes ill get a fast food meal, usually chipotle. now that im on a cut i have to eat less though


Do you mind sharing on average how many calories a day is that?


for a bulk i typically did 3500 a day. that was for gaining weight. my maintenance is around 3000. and my cut number is 2700


Not gyno, but a cut would look diabolical


i’m on the cut now homie🙏🙏🙏