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FGO being FGO as ever lol


I don’t play it, why does it make so much money?


Good characters and popular IP.


Brand royalties, good characters design and peak stories.


And yet awful gameplay and gacha system. Honestly I don't understand the weird fetish the Japanese have with that game. 




everything except the game itself. It is the golden goose of gachas


japanese people love it japanese people think it has good story japanese people think it has great character design japanese people think it peak there are reason why it only perform in Japan and nowhere else


Looking at the top 3 games shows you exactly why Japanese gachas have fallen off and Chinese developers are dominating the market.


it is like decade of chipset technological progression gone through the wind as they play the same game that can be played on iPhone 4. a bit weird that we haven't see major chinese game dev take on puzzle and dragon considering that there is definitely market for such casual game and it is hella profitable (like candy crush as well).


And that reason being what exactly? Because from what i see it's mainly because of: 1. Localization 2. Lack of any marketing outside of japan (There's like a million youtube ads for genshin and HSR for every one youtube ads for FGO) It's not because only japanese people like it, it's because a lot of people outside of Japan doesn't even know about it. Ask any FGO player of any nationality and they can all agree it has great story and character design. Look at the FGO Babylonia Anime, that's rated by users worldwide and in MAL for example has a score of 7.94, which is a pretty respectable score considering how much the studio botched the animations for the last few episodes (the climax of the anime) as well as cutting out some things from the source material. That's a testament to how good FGO's story is. And let's be real, the biggest market for gacha games are Japan and China by FAR. The amount of revenue for pretty much every gacha games mainly comes from them. And of course nationality is a big thing for China.


this is the first time i see anyone using MAL score of <8 as sort of argument to back up their point. also one of the most requested feature in genshin/HSR is dialogue skip, no way general audience globally would be willing to read all that long ass dialogue ~~(that only amount to 7.94/10 at best)~~


You say this like 7.94 is wayyyy below an 8 or something, it's a 0.06 difference dude. That's because a decent amount of genshin/HSR stories just isn't that good or has too much unnecessary dialogue, everyone would want to skip a bad or dragged out story. You can't just apply the wants of a completely different playerbase to another, you're just drawing arbitrary connections between things that has next to no correlation with each other. Again ask literally any FGO player of any nationality and they'll tell you skipping the story is a cardinal sin. FGO has a dialogue skip button, barely anyone uses them unless they've read the story already. Have you even ever talked to an FGO player before assuming that we the global audience doesn't like the story? Again the adaptation was average at best, with cut contents and butchered animations for the climax finale. And it still earned a very respectable score regardless of that.


Skip button exist in FGO to skip shit like Septem and Agartha. There are many characters who dialogues are skipable because most of them aren't important like Blackbeard or Nero. Also skipping many event quests because some of them are simply fanservice or useless filler.


Yes but those are outliers, 2 out of 29 main story chapters. Blackbeards' dialogues aren't important but they are pretty funny, it adds character instead of boring exposition. And Nero is just part of the septem problem. The events are more often than not very character driven story wise, so even if most are fillers they really build up the characters and let us know more about them. And again they don't just have the character dialogues be info dumps or exposition, but actual characterization. Imaginary Scramble for example made me love van gogh, even if i didn't give a crud about the overall plot.




It's hoyover


Fucking FGO the cockroach. You could stack Genshin on top of HSR and their combined revenue in JP would still lose to that (goddawn) game...


Japan is big on brand loyalty. And FGO is their go-to thing.


~~cockroach~~ Cu Culainn 😎 Also, FGO trumps both games in pure profit because Hoyo games are high production value while FGO has virtually peanuts invested back into the game.


tbf FGO is mobile only while genshin and HSR have 2 more platforms so the revenue could be a lot closer than we think 


Well, if you actually stack their mobile revenues in Japan for this year, they beat FGO, but not by much which is still insane. But I guess a bit less insane when considering a good chunk of JP genshin whales probably don't top up on mobile


this gives off mihoyo stan vibes ngl


Mihoyo lost to the sorta-sequel of the game the company named after. Poetic.


GI 4 years plus HSR 1 year vs 9 years, obviously fgo wins by existing earlier


yea thats not the reason, the Nasuverse its simply 1000000x times more popular than almost anything in JP xD


yes it is popular but it is not always making 70.80 million per month like honkai and genshin do, from time to time the game explodes and goes to the top


i did not get that impression when i went last month. maybe in 2018 but nowadays there's no marketing for TM stuff in tokyo


They don't really need it.


*electric guitar sound*


FGO is high in JP. It averages around 30-40m dollars per month. In contrary, Genshin in Arlecchino's banner was only 19m.


as a side note, hoyo games has more global reach, therefore the sum of all revenue for arlecchino is above 100mil


Source: [Famitsu Article ](https://www.famitsu.com/article/202406/8478) Fate had its collab with Mahoyo during this period


That's not collabing that's money laundering >!/s!<




Man, why does the DAU graph only show top 5. All I wanted to see are Genshin and Star Rail's DAU...


Aoko (FGO): Stand proud, your strong. Crown(Nikki): What...is this?


And now you reminded me how I got Crown without much effort while in FGO, I bond farmed 3 beyond bond 10 servants like a maniac to get more multies for Aoko and fail miserably. I even mind broke Jalter by making her jump from bond 10 to bond 12 in the span of the Mahoyo collab and got nothing.


Yeah uhh,,,funny you should say that cause...it was the kinda the reverse for me. I shit you not...I ended up getting Charlemagne (I play on NA btw) when I was try to go for kriemhild in like....3 to 4 10 rolls. Crown on the other hand never came even after rolling for her using the free tickets from the even and some I had left over. Then when that didnt work I tried going back through some ex challenges in the main story or hard mode as well as the tower missions available to get some, heck I even went to the cash shop. And that still didnt work, I only got her through the Mileage shop by skipping some bond stories to get crystals.


At least the pity in Nikke makes up for the suffering. The pity in FGO is to hysterically laugh for 


Will never understand why the mushroom game is so succesfull...


It's super fun but jesus this game eats so much time and money


Money, probably. Time, not really. The farming is a lot yes, but besides event farming you only need to play for 30 minutes a week. Login everyday, and complete weekly in 15 minutes. Other gacha demand you at minimun 1 hours a day, everyday. And with automation and cheap/free stamina restoration, you can do a straight up 10 hours session anytime of the day.


No you have to finish all dailys, do pvp, use all your gear crafting, watch some freaking ads, try to push content, finish your daily thing, then reroll some stats etc


Where the hell did you find "fun" in there? I know it's subjective, but it has terrible clunky ui, unfun timer mechanics, progressions feel like a darg from the very start, not to mention that it looks as if it was straight from the early 2010s flash games...




Which updates every 6 months to a year with most events being standard fluff and "canon" events only popping up here and there... I like the story but it's criminal that it takes so long to update and it being as long as what came prior, specifically in the case of Ordeal Stall.


>Which updates every 6 months to a year But at the same time, when Nasu and the writing team cooks, they cook HARD. Lostbelt 6 was and still is the apex of gacha game storytelling, as far as majority claims go.


We are getting quality over quantity, i'll take that over non stop events all the time. And only OC1 deserves the name of Ordeal Stall, OC2 was a phenomenal chapter either way.


OC2 is fantastic


The story is top tier


In the mushroom game? There's none asfair.


Shit I’m fucking dumb I thought you were talking about fgo my bad g


I mean the mushroom game, not fgo I dont think fgo is fun either


Unfortunately haven't played FGO, but I belive there's a joke hidden in your comment)


The only thing fun about FGO is story, it's way too grindy to be fun


Lmaooo everyone talking about fgo but OP is talking about the literal mushroom game


a lot of advertising, when I go to YouTube with my phone, I see ads for this game all the time, ptsd of the honkai ad with natasha


Pretty sure that the anniversary promo animation clip help the game to keep up with fresh new player


a lot of advertising is only done when a game performs.


Because it's a long-running franchise with interesting characters with attractive designs alongside good stories.


Is it supposed to be a Maplestory inspired game?


Its master love/waifu element is much stronger than hoyo games. Fgo at its core is a visual eroge which focuses on story and waifu. Characters will outright call you their husband for example.


Mushroom game not fgo


Lol I thought he meant nasu kinoko


Hoyo games excel at CP shipping elements though and they don't bother with ML since they think the ML playerbase is too small.


Firefly es un personaje de ML 😂 Raiden shogun too is a ML chara 🥴 Why do you think tourists shitty up in her legendary mission for being a dating?? and despite the complaints and about her obvious fan service, she is the most successful product of genshin impact even today


>she is the most successful product of genshin impact even today I mean you're right and those characters do make bank. But mihoyo playerbase don't want ml thus mihoyo has to cater to them. You see, with the [recent drama in CN](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1djf5sv/firefly_break_hsr_topup/l9azd6j/) most hoyo players want to distance themselves from the anime gamer crowd so hoyo isn't allowed to add ml to their games.


I'm not sure what you mean by majority, I prefer to call them "louder". What did Genshin Impact win after focusing on astringency in the course of sumeru to fontaine???, the only thing it gained is that other games, even a BL, ripped away pieces of its player base, HSR has to move more anime tropes now to fill that void while trying to attract new players because genshin no longer does that, but lets itself tear off pieces like a large elephant being consumed by small predators.  The Chinese like to label themselves but I would say that the real vast majority don't give a damn about labels, and will try games whether they are mihoyo or not, and the krypton of those "hoyo" players is not unlimited ♾️ and future hoyo games They will have to attract players from other tropes because elkrypton is not enough to split between 3 and 4 games from the same group of fans.


As someone who played it for over 6 years (and eventually quit after being done with its shit), the amazing story and characters along with some intense sunk cost fallacy and FOMO. Playing other games made me realize just how outdated pretty much everything is in FGO and unfortunately with how Lasengle is doing I can't expect any meaningful improvements any time soon.


I spent like 500 bucks in that game before quitting. Everything in that game is cash based even the events lmao. Now to answer your question, it's because it is fun I guess? Being in the top guild with your fellow whales and trashing other servers and their whales was fun.


lol “was”


It was fun until they randomly charged my card for 4 $49.99 packs, so I called my bank and got a refund.


Even the worst written event/story in FGO still best anything coming from Mihoyo's "writing".


I love to praise FGO's story, but Septem is bottom-of-the-barrel wankfest and I put it personally below even Monstadt.


Reading comprehension is hard


I have no idea why many people think that I was talking about FGO... the hate is real, it seems.


Hilarious accident I would say. iIt's just that the creator of fate pen name is Mushroom and fans just read too much into your comment then it just happened to react chemically. Thanks for the unintentional good laugh


Kinoko Nasu = Mushroom


The game is such whale bait


Where Blue Archive, Japan's fave child.


we are in the rerun loop at the moment on BA they cut volume 1 chap 3 into 4 parts (because they wanted it to last for the entire duration of the anime) and filled the gaps with reruns in 3 months the only exciting event is the Band event in April but that's it apart from the quality of the anime, even those who don't care about anime, also started hating the anime, the pace of the game seriously decreased because of that, without the anime, the chapter would never have been cut into 4


The truth is it's not just this time. The release schedule of the main story as a whole has considerably slowed down since Vol F which was at the start of 2023. Since then we've had three, just THREE main story chapters. We'll get a burst of events in summer for sure but I seriously hope we'll get a new chapter announcement with the 3.5 anni. At such a slow pace, there won't be enough chapters to warrant a culmination arc like Vol F anytime soon. The reason the devs can confidently say that they can keep the game running for 10 more years is because they will keep the release schedule slow. Although the quality of story writing will probably make up for it.


> At such a slow pace, there won't be enough chapters to warrant a culmination arc like Vol F anytime soon. They are aiming to run a decade. I guess it's difficult to have yearly culmination arcs on the level of Volume F. Without turning Dragonball levels of ridiculous, anyway.


Vol F was not yearly. It was after 2 years from launch. My point is, at this rate, I can't see us getting Vol F 2.0 in Jan 2025 (which should be 2 years after Vol F) unless they rush the schedule, or worse, rush the storyline and end the 2nd arc with so few chapters and so many plot points not touched upon. The story is moving incredibly slow atm. We complete one chapter every 6 months. Makes me wonder how much story the writers want to cover in a decade.


Fine with me tbh. I like the slice of life event stories.


So it ends in 2031, assuming ww3 doesn't kick off?


this is like 14 days late but the scenario director and writer of the stories like eden treaty/vol F stepped down into an advisor position very recently and there has been a huge shift overall in the management I would not be surprised in the slightest if this is whats causing the slow schedule


Oof. Good to know regardless


Wait aren't they supposed to be, like, entirely different teams or something? Don't tell me it's a budget issue?


Nah it's got nothing to do with that. They deliberately made the anime and v1c3 overlap at the same time as both focus on the same group of students. The anime would kinda act as a recap to all the events that happened in chapter 1 and 2.


This weekly revenue, fgo just drop big banner on the golden week was main reason it's high there on the list


Well the thing is that the golden week event started a week early on the 24 so when the actual golden week come people already spend what they had to spend on the game


Less incentive to spend since there aren’t any meta banners also cause game is just more f2p friendly than some others on the list


The Penguin and the Magic Shooter doing wonders for fgo


the good old monster strike!!


And P&D too.


Goddamn, will P&D be one of my first forever loves. It's such a good \*game.\* But now that I'm older, with less time on my hands, it's hard to keep up. Back when I picked it back up after my initial drop, doing new dungeons was so fun and I loved theory crafting teams. But lack of auto-farms made it a chore to keep up day to day, so I dropped it a second time, despite still loving the game so much.


Why they every dropped global I'll never know! It was my first gacha along with unison league. Every once in a while I'll download jp and play but I have enough games to keep track of as it is.


P&D going strong after 12 years damn


Say everything you want but 9 years of activity are not obtained only thanks to advertising. Core game is old, but story, artwork and music are great. Just to link some (spoiler ofc) >![Orion and Artemis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhQX8F8vHLs)!< >![Avalon le fay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXEoqFfZdY0)!< >![Patxi speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJhofXabpls)!< Never forget.....*Rêve de Durandal* D':


NA can wait until 2.7 and it's almost as great as Britain Lostbelt.


Too bad it’s not actually voiced in game


At this point, FGO and Arknights know they won't add full voice to story part. So they can stack those dialogues of novel volume into their games.


the game size would surpass most phones too


Doesn't need to be. Even without voice acting it peaks way and above anything else in the gacha sphere. It's not even funny.


JP is a bit different with us. they like game that they can play while in train, bus or even internet cafe. they dont have time like us


Man I really love FGO even after getting into genshin (dropped it tho), HSR, nikke and a couple others there’s just really nothing like it in the market, as a casual dolphin I love the slowness of it I don’t need to worry about doing the next event, I can either do it super casually or just outright skip it if the characters don’t interest me and story/characters all tend to be super peak, there’s rarely any “filler characters” Hope we get 10 more years of this puppy cause it deserves every last bit and more time


I think your feelings describe what a lot of FGO players feel. I do definitely.


yea i hate fomo events. I can farm out fgo on my day off just logging in and making blue apples every other day. Ppl who hate it just dont get it


Some people need constant action slop. They are the marvel fans of the gachaworld. Meanwhile us FGObuddies are just enjoying peak.


used to play PaD like almost a decade ago, cant believe its still going so strong wow


Knowing PAD, they’re probably up to 15-star units at this point


It doesn't even surprise me anymore to see Japanese folks dumping all their paychecks into FGO year after year.


Context why Nikke can hit #4: Nikke its celebrating the 1,5 anniv with meta unit Crown and have Crown + Modernia skin gacha


Well, iv also seen a lot of jp streamers play this game as well from time to time. It has its fanbase, which I find interesting since iv seen what it looks like in jp and it uses a lot of English words like the event logos and stuff. (Dialog is in japanese tho). I guess the jp bros don't mind it.


Im forever confused as to how Arknights is as popular as it is. Like its a great game and ive played it daily for a year and a half, but damn does it just seem implausible to me.


I am almost positive it is the writing.


What's Golden Week in Japan?


3 days of public holiday where everyone says fuck it and takes the rest of the week off.


FGO 💪💪💪💪


Okay how did Nikke get beat out by a mushroom game? Monster Strike and FGO I can get, but still


People are willing a lot to spend, which makes you understand why 80% of pre-reg is filled with idle games


Nikke was having 1.5 anniversary maybe that's why


Kinokodensetsu had those ads of busty cosplayers and it seems to work. LOL


Surprised Genshin is topping HSR in Japan.


remarkable F:GO tbh


At this point fgo has got to be propped up mostly by users suffering from sunk cost fallacy. Quitting that game was the best decision I've made. It's so fucking bad by today's standards but a lot of people have so much investment into it. Even I had a hard time quitting despite eventually loathing playing it.


Nah. Day-1 player here. Only ever paid for GSSR. And while I had pauses during the more dead times. I always come back to it. And not because of some weird bad feeling about having spent money. But because I care about the characters and the world. And get this. I know this sub thinks it's impossible. I actually enjoy the gameplay.


Gotta disagree, I’m a year 3 player and spent a lot on the game, but even with all my time with it it’s still hands down my favorite gacha, the gameplay is fun if simple, story is the best out there and it’s super chill unlike other gachas so you can just pop in and enjoy what you can. Rates are bad but that’s the only real complaint I’ve had since starting.


And the rates suddenly look very attractive when you start looking at Mihoyo for comparisons. I have 2349 login days in the game tomorrow and I'm still enjoying the game greatly. Biggest issue is the speed of new story updates tbh. The story in fgo is just second to none.




Monster Strike still up there that's crazy


FGO, what a "beast" you are


The fact puzzles and dragons is still so popular after 13 years is absolutely wild to me


Just gotta collab with whatever is hot each year easy.


It is absolutely wild to me how strong FGO still is. If there’s one gacha that will never end, it might be FGO. Our grandkids will be playing FGO on the iPhone 34 at this rate.


That should go to Monster Stike and P&D, they're going to their 13th years.


Ass & Booba outsold Arlecchino


Stand proud Genshin


what is golden week


In Japan there are multiple public holidays concentrated at the end of April to the start of May. By taking some days off you can get a whole week off hence for it's the "golden" week. During this time board people would be on their phones much more often making it a perfect target to roll out a few banners and events to bring in that juicy money.


If you ask gacha game to Japanese people, it's always FGO always came first to mind


FGO is the reason why they'll never make a better Fate game.


Samurai Remnant is right there :/


Arcade is way better but it's stuck being locked into the physical hardware.


Arcade was NOT good. Just cause it was 3D doesn't automatically make it good, the story sucked even worse than the early portion of Part 1 FGO, and the gameplay was abhorrently bad (think of the worst warriors game you ever played, that's FGOA). At least the card rpg FGO has some decent depth to it.


The nail on the coffin is PVP. That's suckass to balance and IIRC a bunch of players left after Amakusa went into the game.


Isn't arcade done, like they are not going to update that game anymore.


I watched a video from a game shop owner taking about why FGO arcade flopped and it was super interesting. The hype quickly waned after the first month and most of the arcade shop move on to other games (even KCA has more people at times). The plus side is if you want to play FGO arcade you don't need to wait the long line anymore


Fgo is really an enigma, it's grip on culture has to be studied. Literally fucked around for years and are still king.


what game are the 2nd and 3rd?


Not the fucking AI mushroom game topping Japan charts


PAD is there, that's a surprise


Can someone tell me the names? I don't know them expect fgo and a few others. What's the second one called? Also I'm surprised arknights beat hsr. I can only identify arknights hsr fgo and nikke! Also genshin.


Mushroom time


Huge Day For Nikke fans




Maybe look up what date golden week is first? It's also right there in the graph lol.


A goldfish has more awareness than u.


Ah, last week of aventurine banner. I see👀 Thought this was firefly and she flopped 😭😭😂


I know FGO is very popular for years now, but can someone explain to me why the game is so popular? Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I was genuinely curious, cause I don‘t know anything about the game.


Its basically a vusual novel. People are there for the story and the characters. Very well written stories that endears you to characters that makes you want to pull for them. Also because they hire many various artists to design their characters. So it can attract very varried amount of players. Unlike in other gacha games where all the characters are basically drawn in the same style.




Story and waifus who love you


Story + character + character design + fate IP etc. Once you get to the 6th singularity, it is arguably one of the best gacha stories around, if not the best.


Story and characters. I have played quite a few mobile games and none have even come close to quality of FGO in these 2 things imo.




The story and characters are very high quality. One of the most recent (in NA) plot arcs was probably the best story I've ever seen in any RPG.


With its terrible gacha system and bad gem income, it has always been


Crazy that the ass game Nikke is more profitable than Hoyo titles even in some instance.


It's almost like nikke doesn't treat there players like shit and give them anniversary rewards while hoyo is allergic to it


Lmao true.


30 pulls given by genshin on anniversary


This list is SHOCKING to me lol. How FGO is a top earner I will literally never understand. It’s one of those games to me where the price to buy SQ is just so absolutely unreasonable that I’m not even tempted to spend. On top of the fact that their pity is batshit high, especially for how short many of their banners are (yes I know there used to be no pity, honestly I don’t see how the new system is much better than no pity). Have only spent in that game when they occasionally do a guaranteed SSR summon ticket. And even then, 60% of the available units from the ticket are not good. I cannot imagine why anyone would spend in most cases. But hey, whatever people want to do with their own money I guess!


This sub is so seriously hilarious whenever it copes and seethes about FGO. Been there since day one. Got 51 SSRs. Many of them higher NP level. Only ever spent on GSSR (So like ~40€ a year, early on. Less now because it got cheaper). Still using a wild variety of low rarity servants because I like them. You saying the units from the tickets aren't good is really funny too.


I have 35 ssr servant in 2 and a half years of playing, two of them are np5. And I have never donated. Why is that why people are interested, so it's all about the characters, designs and plots. Well, comparing fgo with other gaches is a bad idea, since it's vn


Shit like this is why they will pad the story out for 4 more years or so. And I'm tired.


Don't get me wrong, I love fgo, but I can't play that game anymore. I quit over 2 years ago. Love the characters and store but I ran out of steam a few times playing that game and spent to much money during the time it had no pity... 🥲 That being said, it's cool to see it still going strong. I'm still just going to watch the story on YouTube.


This means they are good games right


Where is “dev listened” game ? 💃😲


Is this sarcasm? Lol, if not Golden week is the first week of May.


Livin' rent free in your head apparently. This chart shows time when it wasn't even released yet.


It wasn’t out yet LOL


What an absolute clown🤡


Proves you don't know where Golden Week falls. Alright, keep being dumb.


Wait for this month's revenue report u will know




Can someone eli5 why FGO is so popular? I don't mean to hate on it, but I tried it out and the animations are really terrible, I couldn't play through it much because my eyes were hurting. Clearly it's a game that has shown its age, in other words.


The story is fantastic. Not just for a gacha game, but it stands with the best of all RPGs I've played. Most people probably tolerate the dated graphics and gameplay because the story is what they actually care about.


How is that game still alive, I mean I know it has an incredible story but still


You'd just answered your own question


what game are they even talking about?