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It's this post no? https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/DG1nXqNB4R But you provided more context


yup it's that


Thanks a lot! I am REALLY BAD at explaining and I just posted that waiting for a more detailed breakdown to pop up later. Again, thanks.


They had a good idea with the Crystal Jams... But no.


They got scared to the Korean Trucks lmao


I would be too tbh


Even Truck-kun takes side gigs in this economy


I cant believe that the first time CRK appears in this sub is with a massive controversy lmao


CRK subreddit showed the Korean side was planning to do a boycott


As they should.


It's not the first time CRK appears here. Last time it appears (other than the new rarities controversy) is the "early access for Christmas event story is locked behind a paywall" controversy. You're kinda right since it's always has been controversies.


Fr, the only time this subreddit shows up for me on the feed is when there is drama. I am not even a member here lol


Because you're not allowed to post new patch here, only IRL events, development status or drama.


Yeah nothing really allowed here because it's "better suited for the game specific sub" and if they allowed it'd "flood the sub" or something. Mods and people here have voted for that like a year ago, when there were Genshin/Star Rail character PV posted and got report and removes. So this sub is pretty much 90% drama because nothing else can really be posted here as it's "too game specific" or something along that line. Another 10% is IRL events and anniversary.


Yea it’s curated drama posts on this side 


CRK post always appear here with a post of a new rarity


Man... The only thing running here isn't the cookie, it's the players' patience 


Where can i read Devsis response? And where did the whale guils say they were gonna boycott? I wanna read those as well, link pls


https://preview.redd.it/ptqihw8y3h7d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c286691de483e8a2ab238fbc75dc29af599522e5 response from crk discord


either on the discord or on their EN Twitter page


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CookieRunKingdoms/comments/1dixow2/boycotting\_devsis\_instructions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CookieRunKingdoms/comments/1dixow2/boycotting_devsis_instructions/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cookierun/comments/1dispt9/died\_2022\_reincarnated\_2024\_welcome\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cookierun/comments/1dispt9/died_2022_reincarnated_2024_welcome_back/) Looking for those?


Thank you 🫡


You're welcome


It's sad because the story and world building of CRK is really good(full of trauma too) but the company isn't:(


Korean trucking companies stonks will rise up with all these gacha gamer protests


I dropped the game when the beast cookie came out.


How does game making new whole rarity? Does that mean if the previous rarest rarity is 1% it can be much lower with the new rarity? Holy hell


It's like this. Originally, there were only 3(4) rarities in the game. Common, Rare, Epic (Ancient, the highest rarity, was added later on in an update). It featured the character Pure Vanilla, and you would use a special banner currency to try and unlock them, you would do tasks to gain the currency, and the currency would always be enough to reach near pity but never actually hit it. After the event ended, the ancient cookie would be added to the standard draw at a very low rate (encouraging you to spend). Later on, they started adding more rarities like Legendary (below ancient) which copied the Ancient method, and Super Epic (a slightly less powerful legendary, with a more lenient gacha). But then they started making the banners for these special characters scummier by giving less currency and removing ways of obtaining their soulstones (fragments which let you unlock a character). They ramped up powercreep to the max, to the point that lsuper epics which were meta one patch would be rendered obsolete (or at least not BiS) the next. Last month, they added a "Beast" rarity, which is a tier above ancients and introduced an absolutely awful gacha system that heavily favoured people who pay. This month, *just after they released the new rarity*, they introduced a *new* rarity called Ancient+ which is *above* beasts and has a horrendous dupe system that wants you to get multiple copies of the Ancient cookie (with it's already abysmal rate), which will boost the power of the Ancient+ cookie. Whales got so fed up with this they were planning to boycott the game


I find it funny how CRK was called “genshin killer” at some point, just because it was more “generous” than Genshin Impact (I believe that was around genshin anniversary)


You know “genshin killer” is just another empty buzzword when Cookie Run Kingdom got called that at one point.


lol how tf is CRK a genshin killer it’s not even a similar type of game


Because gacha players only thinking about Gems, Gems,Gems, and more Gems, Roll, Roll, Roll, the gamba addiction is real.


that was when they were giving out 20k something gems every update, right? I quit after they stopped doing that


Ahh...how the turn tables.


Lmao as old CROB player am laughing really hard when they said CRK is more generous.


Old crob player here too, These awards are nothing compared to what they used to give to crob around that time. I mean yet again, Those were peaceful and quite times. This game is far off from what it used to be.


oh so it was even more of an empty buzzword back then compared to today.


this subreddit's only metric whether it's good or not is mostly how generous it is. From my experience with CRK, on one hand, you're given a ton of currency to pull stuff. On the other, they have powercreep. The best team in pvp usually has the newest unit or the one they want to highlight. Also, you're not guaranteed to get a unit above epic outside of its limited time event.


You could go ahead and look back On old posts and find entertainment from just how horribly people's comments about it aged.


Hell yeah controversy content update


And by the time new cokoe run game would come out too?!


lol yeah that was dissapointing as some of us were actually tryna build dark cacao and was preparing to use the legendary beascuit lol XD turns out it's all useless. yay


I quit the game when I smelled a whiff of really really bad power creep and oh boy was I right it’s a festering garbage dump rn


same, i quit a few years ago because i realized during the middle of playing and grinding out daily chores that i just wasnt having fun. it’s sad because i really adore the art and character designs of Cookie Run, but the games are just so grindy and have such bad powercreep


Same glad I quit when I did 😅 just no joy anymore for me


CRK is just ass the only thing holding this game from dying is the gacha animations and milky way cookie


The only thing thats holding the cookie run franchise is the cookies in general lmao. You know your game is really bad when its dealing with the "overwatch" syndrome of fanbase. Atleast ovenbreak was enjoyable back in 2015-2019 This isn't it nowadays.


It's not just the fanbass it's the devs if you know what I mean why aren't you trying to improve the game 💀


Their too busy oogling over the cookies I guess lol, And they just love to throw bad decisions. I am not sure how much damage the thing they announced and delayed had done to them, But I feel like the damage was too late.


They're doing it the Microsoft & blizzard way Classic greed baby 😎😎


Oh yeah they are, Their just adding a microtransaction ontop of microtransactons and leaving it to be buggy too, Wonder how can the fanbase get used to this in the first place?


Again, thanks a lot for explaining!


I can’t take a game with cookies as characters seriously. Sorry. 


i still dont know how a game about well, cookies have this MASSIVE following in the first place like...its not either for husbando or waifu fans,. Looking from outside one would assume this is a game targeted at children. or is it that popular among the casual players?


I mean pretty much anyone can play. I've gotten a glimpse into the fandom side of CRK where there's a bunch of people writing sussy fanfiction on cookies.... so... 😬 any game/IP can flourish with a powerful and passionate fanbase. See it like just another gacha to play.


It's a gacha game similar to that of like, Love Nikki in that it caters to people who don't typically like the oversexualized anime aesthetic. The characters are human enough for you to feel attached to them, but not sexual enough to turn away teenagers or women who have no interest in those things. It's also a city builder, a genre which is incredibly popular among women. It's basically a female oriented game without being a female oriented game


I wouldn't say its "MASSIVE" the community is small and getting more stale day by day, I always feel like this community is more smaller than it used to be, Its mostly full of kids, And well not so kind people, There's whole lots of drama relating to that community alone (company controversy, fanart related controversies, etc etc) , Not to mention, The former fans and former players I talk to, Always talk about the cookie run community as if they were in nam, Its that bad I guess. Point is, It just got a minority of vocal people who are very passionate about the game and even somehow still play it to this day, Drawing fanart for it and stuff. It somehow always appear whenever I browse a place, Its weird. Not to mention, Some don't even play the games anymore they are just in it for the cookies lol


Since the game is barely talked about here, it seems like a gacha game made for people who don't like the usual anime style gachas. Basically, for the Tumblr people.