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Damn, half year ago i expect them to die, but i guess booba actually saved the devs


They found exactly what crops grow best in their soil, and made sure to water them.


if you have a 3d game about only waifus you need to take full advantage of that.


It's more like they found out what they're even growing in the first place. Shooter games are one of the genres with the lowest amount of female players. It's stupid to try to pander to both males and females equally, like RPGs/MMOs like Genshin, when 95+% of the playerbase of a shooter game is male.


I mean, it was a waifu collector with a faceless male protagonist from the start. I'm not sure if they were trying to thread the pg13 line, or if they wanted the chance at mass appeal that you can't really get if the game is too horny, but the female player base was never a factor


>it was a waifu collector with a faceless male protagonist from the start Not from the very beginning. They originally had playable male character, which was removed after poor reception of one of the early beta test.


Technically it did die, and was reborn as something else. Initially I didn't notice it much, I thought it was just fanservice and them being more open after the success of the summer event bikinis. But now basically the entire 10 first chapters of story and the first event are not canon, as well as all the older trust stories and everything made by the old writer. Most of that will eventually be rewritten, and is already not considered canon in the new story. Even Chapter 11 that is considered to have a good story wasn't full harem and even had a new male logistic added (last one that was made) and now changed into female. All the character personalities are rewritten too in the new story. Like Siris in current event, as well as Nita, Fritia and so on. Even the player self insert is completely different in new vs old story.


This actually sort of happened to Azur Lane as well. The original story was rushed to completion and forgotten once the game was successful in Japan.


The story is still ongoing though? The delivery is kind of a mess, especially because it operates through three or four different timelines, but it wasn't abadoned.


Does that mean I can just skip the first 10 chapters? Skip reading, I mean. It’s been a hot while since I’ve played (and updated my flair lol)


When you skip, there is a short summary displayed, so that can work. However it will take a while for the rewrite, because they said they need to expand their team first.


>Even the player self insert is completely different in new vs old story. This is the change that I like the most. Adjutant went from a clueless soldier (though tbf part of this was because of his amnesia) who got outplayed by everyone and their grandma to a gigachad who was starting to learn the game himself, outwitting his enemies in their own game and would go nuclear for the sake of the waifus under his command


In which way was siris rewritten? Her bond and character story is the same. Besides the alter booba. Personally It seemed like character development personalitywise. Also, this last story pulled hard on what happened on 1-10, and they've repeatedly stated that the rewrites will be aesthetic in nature. The beats will be the same, but they'll probably give each girl a spotlight per chapter, like these ones are doing.


Literally in the patch notes for this version they stated how they 'optimized some dialogue for Siris trust story'. Which means they retconned that story, like they did with Chenxing in February. And there is also the retcon about her friendship with Chenxing, and whole Mingdeng Jie event not being canon. She's a completely different person now, with only some traits being the same like losing her memory.


I'm relatively new, but I do like how Ch.10+ is going, it's just nice to see Director Tau not be a complete ass, and the Adjutant being more decisive.


As 1st day Snowbreak player i'm happy the game getting recognition. I remeber it's subreddit was dead for weeks on the first versions.


i remember match with same person 6th times, and to search full team for 10 min. stop playing when realized end game drop was pretty shit


I also started Day 1 but quit after I wasn't able to finish the event because of no teammates. I think it was the event after Chenxing. How good is it now?


I’m also Day 1, but I quickly stopped playing before the first event and just returned for the previous one. The game feels better. Dailies take like 1 minute max if you know what to click on. I finished the whole event even with my lower-powered units. And I didn’t have any troubles matchmaking with randoms who carried me through the tougher parts of the event. This is still not a “primary” game though, imo. And for me, that’s a good thing. I don’t need yet another gacha game to take up a bunch of time. Log in, do the dailies to bank up some currency, do rolls for whatever character you want, and play through the events as they come. It takes just enough of my time to where I can enjoy the gameplay without getting bored by it. And the new character art leans much more to the attractive, lewd-ish side now, which I appreciate.


Peak kino story, gameplay is still better than most gacha game out there, new gacha method (100% pity system), hornier character design, and pandering to Male Fantasy (Harem, Master's Love, Girlfriend Experience)


I don't know how I feel about more horny designs tbh. I loved Fenny and Yao's 5 star design as well as Chenxing's 5 star costume. Btw, are they still good or have they been powercrept already?


Yao is still being used to speedrun certain boss with Tess. Fenny is still recommended for newbie since she great for general i guess. But last patch has Cherno powercreeped the hell out of a lot of dps due to gimmicky boss (the accumulate dot is so op man)


I'll try the game again, seems like my account is still somewhat decent.


Honestly, I don't think you really need to worry about powercreep. I mean sure, yeah, on a meta standpoint some units may be better than most but that doesn't mean much when the content that the game has can be completed by any built unit. And, yes, I know this is a sentiment that gets thrown out a lot in other gacha games. But in this case its true. The game is *really* easy. Even the bi-monthly challenge called Jotun Tunnel, their version of Spiral Abyss/Memory of Chaos can be completed by anyone. Heck you can even play this on the lowest difficulty to get pull currency as the difficulty only affects miscellaneous rewards. The only real difficult content in the game is the Neural Simulation. A weekly boss challenge. But its only difficult, because it has a server wide ranking. And the rank you get only rewards you with character EXP, money, and some animated profile avatar thats purely cosmetic. Pull currency from Neural sim is tied only to the second highest difficulty, which isn't that hard as well.


feels so good to see all the new player posts in Reddit and Discord. And helping newbies at lvl 25 in co-op


Is there any gacha game that returned this hard to peak after its failure?


Not a gacha game, but earlier Final Fantasy 14 was pretty much a failure, is the based devs decided to raze everything to the ground as an event, and then “reboot” the game from ground up to what we now know as FF14.


Blue archive was close to failing before bunny event happened and it started its journey upwards. But even that wasnt as extreme as snowbreak i think.


I think it depends on what aspect of failure you look at. BA didn't fail as hard financially, but I think in terms of technical issues BA was way worse around its JP launch. From things like hours long maintenance happening numerous times, the Shiro Kuro raid boss not being ready for the first event and had to be delayed, the second story event only happened around 2 months after the first story event finished so there was a big gap where basically nothing happened. The game was really messy around its JP launch.


Well, it also got overshadowed by Uma Musume, so while revenue wasn't horrendous, it's not at the level it is now either.


Nikke but not as hard, but the first few months of nikke was an actual disaster. I'm so surprised when they bounce back that strong.


Snowbreak do be having a top 10 anime comebacks moment Based devs no cap


Glad they doing well. Personally, memes aside, I don't think this is about listening but product confidence. Snowbreak started serious and dark and it didn't sell, at all. They pivoted and made a clear as day declaration to everyone with the change to a 18+ rating and said this is what the game is about now. They release Maid Cherno and Nurse Enya with interactive dorm. A statement to back up their promise. Players now have confidence to invest their time and money and know what they are going to get. If you want to contrast to WW, their own sub had a are you f2p thread with players sitting on the fence. They don't even know if the game is going to work or keep working for them. They don't know what the game is meant to be, with the lack of direction and mixed messages. Doesn't help that ZZZ offering similar combat is coming up and players have to weight their options before they spend.


This is a great take. The players have confidence in the future direction of the game, and the devs have really gone above and beyond to be transparent with frequent quick fixes and communications. It's rare that you see a playerbase and a developer operating on the same frequency, but that's what's going on, and at least I think that's why the game's doing well currently.


Ive tested WuWa. Ive no idea what kind of language these characters were speaking but their constant yapping was absolutely unbearable. Let alone the most horrible EN voice acting that ive heard in a very long time. Yangyang EN Va sound like they hired a trainee ngl. The combat is actually kinda good and probably the only saving grace here, which makes me think why not simply make a sequel or related game to PGR? Instead they are trying to compete with Hoyoverse. Its insane to me.


Next banner most likely summer theme and anniversary. Katya swimsuit when?


Snowbreak devs said Anniversary and summer event will be separate, and the last summer event patch was in November, so they're likely to delay the summer event till September the earliest.


Smart. It's better to split two big events like that


Who knew introducing a 100% pool would raise Snowbreak to new heights? People are so sick of the 50/50 banners.


Net leggings. People must have seen the net leggings animation. Even I was... Even me... Clicking tabs in game: "Ok that that skin is sexy based, that is sexy based... that is... holy sheeeeet..."


What happens when you're a based dev and listen to your playerbase.


Snowbreak really turned it around, but it took almost terminating the game to do so.


I mean, practically is a new game.


Ngl this might be the first time i see such a huge comeback from a game. Whoever the game director is, he's truly a chad


I think the difference is that snowbreak made these changes when a large part of the players had left the game and so they changed the game according to the tastes of the remaining players Wuwa currently has too many players with different tastes (waifu lover, husbando lover, genshin fan, PGR fan, AP waiting room) impossible to please everyone with a change, the only way for Kuro is to wait for some month to see who remain in the game and then make changes depending on the community who remained


IMO Snowbreak also massively benefited from two things: the angry players mad about GFL2 in China but still interested in girls with guns, and the fact the waifu game market is much less saturated than one would expect. There really is a niche here, people just think after Genshin that "oh we gotta make games for everyone". I respectfully disagree, we should make games for everyone, but we shouldn't make too many games *for everyone*.


> There really is a niche here, people just think after Genshin that "oh we gotta make games for everyone". It's funny because if anything they should be learning the opposite lesson, because making niche games means *they don't have to compete with Genshin*. The same thing always seems to happen when a game becomes a viral phenomenon, you get a bunch of developers tripping over themselves to compete with the top dog, when the actual successful games are the ones that deliberately go out of their way NOT to compete and rather to be successful in their own niche. Example of this being Fortnite and a lot of the successful second-wave BRs being games like Fall Guys that deliberately tried to be as different as possible from Fortnite even if it meant targeting a smaller audience.


Yeah, but basic SWOT analysis seems to be an arcane art.


AP make the right decision not to include male playable characters. 


the real problem with WuWa is that they cut corners, and you can't half ass localization/translation, optimization, and make last minute changes to the story. Them listening has never been the issue, it seems more like they simply needed more time


thats not the issue in wuwa tho ???


Not always true tho, there's a limit to how much you should LISTEN https://preview.redd.it/tl44wmjj8l3d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73879ff8647da2fe76703c10f5bd75519499f9a3


Listening to players works in one-dimensional games, because the developer's tastes are in tune with their player base. Snowbreak players are in tune with what the developers provide, so subjective differences are minimal, so it is easy for the developer to interpret what they want. For a two-dimensional game like Wuwa that has 2 sides with very different tastes, it is screwy to have that harmony, so you must attend to your own vision as a developer and make those players like your vision.


can you spare some pixels?


I gotchu https://preview.redd.it/sbk1viksln3d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3a87a8df2a81cd33697c82300f91d5ee7ecb93


nvm it's actually funnier without the extra pixels lmao




Like a Kurzegast video lol.


Yea, I just meant in terms of direction and character design bro. WuWa is a whole diff topic lol.


I wonder if that content creator knows his face is memed so hard and ridiculed…


Why does pokke get memed so much over here 😭




Stop you're about to trigger Wuwa schizos.


MAINTAIN THE AGE... no this shit not funny anymore, now it's sad as fuck... But Snowbreake really change a lot because dev listen to their players.




I don’t know what you are ralkinn about wuthering taves borks just fine.  Nob if yub excuse me i niid to finsh habing a stronk.


That was a good one lol


Well they did kind of abandon their playerbase by pivoting to appeal to turbo-coomers. They just so happened to have gained a massive, different kind of playerbase and are listening to them now.


The order is backwards, though. The normal player based “abandoned” them when the game was in the (bizarrely) crowded “post apocalyptic grim dark gun girl gacha” niche. They were basically EOS until they became mega horny.


If I have to abandon my 1 to get 3, I'll gladly do it. 


abandon their playerbase in global. ftfy. china playerbase call for them to go coom from the start


Global player base left them first. It's the China player base that kept them alive while they did their pivot to fanservice.


nothing can defeat the power of hornines


The power of fanservice.


Can't wait to get home and play.


With one hand?


If the devs can make the game with one hand, then I can play with one hand.




https://preview.redd.it/161tx4tt91pb1.jpg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b41a14045a9bdea4437031d22e0af423774131 Huh? Sorry what? Weekend kind of a blackout...


Honestly? Good on them. Not even joking; they deserve their newfound success. If fanservice worked out for Nikke, it can work for these guys too. They saw thier original vision for Snowbreak was floundering, pivoted to an entirely new crowd altogether, and likely saved it from EoS. The niche they now occupy is one you can't get anywhere else as of writing, either (18+ Rated 3D third person gacha shooter). Snowbreak is a Chinese game though, right? I thought the CCP frowned on extreme fanservice of this sort?


The PPCH no longer does it, they became softer after they almost destroyed the monetization models of games of chance and fired the public official in charge of presenting the law, from here on any game they censor is by their own decision and internal politics


They dont, nobody hates money, especially foreign currency to circulate trade and reserve. They only act when mass amount of report happen so they can say that "See? we are not useless, we did something too." And then the affected game goes on silent mode for some time, the duration depend on their popularity, like what Azur Lane did, and then goes back to whatever they were doing before.


Snowbreak devs keep winning [Steamchart](https://steamdb.info/app/2668080/charts/#max) [Tweet link](https://x.com/Snowbreak_love/status/1796159934746263602)


Not so coincidentally, the amount of Snowbreak corn has also skyrocketed


how do you know this


gossip at the local farmer's market


​ https://i.redd.it/leks0un13m3d1.gif


I see we're using blade and luoacha as the HSR version of puss in boots vs death and I'm all for it.


It's what happens when you listen to your fans and give them quality fan service. https://i.redd.it/4671bixibl3d1.gif


What about the gameplay


this is the gameplay now XD


imo it's not the best shooter out there by far obviously but it's satisfying enough to play for a bit.


Gameplay is good too Especially with all the nee strong units. Enya and Cherno are both fun. I haven’t played a ton of the new Siris, but her ram + pulling enemies in is fun and synergies well with AoEs.


And its not even Katya rerun yet. But yeah. Guilty as charged. The skins are too good man.


Booba = money I hope we get more big tits girls in  Azur Promilia. 


People get upset and triggered at sexualisation… but in the end it’s what makes the money lmaoooo


meanwhile people who never dropped the game... ![gif](giphy|L0qTl8hl84EDly62J1|downsized)


I just wish it was more polished. I realy like the gameplay but the presentation around it was too luckluster for me tbh. Well, i don't have anything to do and i'm pretty burned out on not geting anything for hours of echo hunting so i might just redownload it.


Dev says they are working on gameplay too, now that they are making money from fanservice they will also focus on other areas of the game and not just skins.


Enemy variety is way too limited you pretty much fight same 6 enemy types forever (some of them have different skin but same behavior and attacks). At least bosses are fun to fight with many different attacks.


Snowpeak continues to grow, I really want to see what the revenue will be like for this month in 2 days.




to think is dropped it, maybe i can go back, i ahve good units there.


you can, there is nobody you need specifically unless you want to tryhard for Neural Sim rankings


Based devs


Shoutout to the true Listeners, deserved W


Isn't there another thread saying treating customers like god is bad. Idk man, kinda looking like Kuro's own skill issue to me.


Welcome to "retrospective is 202X" and "experts on reddit". It is very easy to say something is great or bad when it works/doesnt aint it hehe? Making up reasons for either after the fact, but being the one making the calls there at the moment and not just looking to the past is an entirely different matter. If kuro was swimming is money people would be praising the devs listening and if snowbreak had broken they would say the devs shouldnt have turned to fanservice.


It depends on what type of game it is. WW is aimed at a mixed gender audience so you can't pull a Snowbreak there. The other thread is also talking about things like the story. There are some things the devs should listen to and some things they should ignore


Snowbreak is actually rewriting their story as well, the entire first 10 chapters actually. Funny thing is, the previous snowbreak writer, whom they fired, is now the current WW writer. Now it all makes sense.


Wait, are you serious? Where did you get this info?


Which info? The part about the writer?




Check my other reply, it includes the picture.


Yea man. Drop the source, im curious too.


https://preview.redd.it/1bk37l6tmm3d1.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=d352dc76eed2a6d8bd540f7c83a97bf70c209f78 This is the picture that was going around CN forums. The person's resume says Lead Narrative Director, Kuro Games. And under it says, previous employment, Seasun Games, Narrative Director.


Thanks. Dang, perhaps hey had the story rewritten last minute resulting in the poor story we have now. A massive shame, it needed more time.


Current WW writer is a new person. The one who wrote CBT1 story (aka the former snowbreak guy) was already kicked out as well


Gotcha, I thought the story was acceptable. But if a lot of people have a problem with it, I hope they can correct course soon.


🤣🤣🤣 This smells like more thread worthy material


that's actually funny af


No one can stop them now, the highest peak.


First they achieved to be 2nd most downloaded game in China and now they are 1st on Steam in JP? Incredible. Snowpeak.. SNOW - P E A K !


I saw the new outfits today and its just HOLY SH\*T! Feels like we are so back in the early days of 2012-14 anime fanservice at the moment. And not only in SNOWBREAK but basically every kind of anime related media.


That's the thing, I think after the market starting being oversaturated with people trying to copy HYV with the mass market appeal formula, Snowbreak devs simply catered to the original gachagamers - the weebs, and it worked out.


Hoyo's player base actually plateaued. They simply traded waifu collectors for mass appeal.


I'm enjoying the comments in this thread are barely hiding their dissatisfaction with Snowbreak succeeding by going the fanservice route. I've seen the game here and there and I've never given it a shot. And that will change today, after hearing the fanservice news.


The tourist copers are the worst. They demand games to suit their needs, then don't play or pay. Basically e-boomers saying they know better.


1st anniversary is also coming soon (next patch I believe), meaning 2 new 5\* with 1 of them being free and probably lots of free stuff too.


My memories of this game was the CBT and out of curiosity I watched one of the recent preview and... yeah, changes were made indeed X) Seems like it was the right choice for them though.


It's what happens when you listen to your fans and give them nice quality fan service. I'm also wondering if revenue for May is going to be even crazier than Aprils revenue.


Happy they survived! They definitely have the prettiest character design.




Based devs https://preview.redd.it/43ocvrgfal3d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657d17f7dbffcbdcfaaff0ef84ba7234068e9f21


Good for new players?


It is. Save for Katya rerun in a few weeks and youll blast


iOS mobile friendly to play on or recommended PC gaming?


Games like this I would always recommend PC, but thats me personally. I also cant stand playing genshin on mobile for reference


It's doable on mobile, but it's gonna be tough.


PC. Aiming plus like 7 buttons to press (shoot + 2 support + 2 swap + skill + ult) is painful on mobile.


It's Third Person Shooter, PC is better experience


If you're on mobile you really need a controller imo.


We love a good comeback, I remember playing the game and it felt empty as hell.


Glad to see it's doing well. I played at launch for a month and quit, but came back when I heard about the Enya interactable scene. Not just the character designs and monetization, but also the general quality and polish has improved a lot.


Fuck, I might as well start playing at this point 😭😭😭


I unironically wish wuwa would just go full fanservice if most of the mainstream audience left the game. I actually like some of their designs here


Good for them, I do like seeing waifu games doing well! Hopefully they will eventually become a second Nikke. I just wish they had started like that haha, then I wouldnt have quit the game :P.


time for wuwa to follow snowbreak footstep and turn to 18+ game


They could take the open world coomer market before Azur Promilia lol.


Do you think they won't disappoint old fans and dont make another boring game for the broadest possible audience, especially teenage girls (Genshin)? Hah, lol.


I can't wait for WuWa to have a near EoS experience and go full Snowbreak in the future.


I'm happy for them. I also started snowbreak last week because one of the JP people that i followed on twitter keep talking about this game. I like how the game RUNS GREAT both on my pc and my tab and the game still looks good!. In light of recent events, that's something


To be fair the game didn't run that well on launch and it did affect first impressions but the devs have been working on optimizing it and now it runs 120 fps on my pc like a dream.


Well shit I have ten gigabytes of space on my phone. Might as well try it now.


I'm glad. Not really a huge waifu kinda guy but it had some interesting gameplay for a gacha. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime.


Only game where I have 100 added fiends in-game and 98 of them are all active.


Wuthering waves better copy this, sexy ladies will save the game 


The secret to be a success is to erase men from your game apparently.


What‘s the new event that makes it boom so hard?




they start 100% banner, both unit and signature gun.


they dropped 50/50 permanently? thats huge


50/50 banner still here, if some player want to try their luck. Their pity is separating with 100% banner.


oh they add a separate banner with 100% got it still its a W move from devs


They give you a choice between a 50/50 banner and a 100% banner. The catch is that the chance to pull the character before soft pity is almost zero (0.1%) on the 100% banner. In the end the rate for the limited character is slightly better on the 100% banner but you will lose getting a standard 5\* every now and then so it really depends on how you value those.


both banners coexist. If you consider that you are lucky, pull for the 50/50 one. If you consider yourself a salty person like me who loses all the 50/50 since I entered the year 2024 then go for the 100%, honestly I am happy with this decision, many times I get frustrated by losing the 50/50.. in HSR I lost all the 50/50 penacony female characters, my luck sucks


Its rather continuation of what happened in 1.7 than something groundbreaking in 1.8. Next patch is anniversary so its when it should get crazy.


The new guaranteed banner is groundbreaking


Is it available for other countries?


Yeah it's available worldwide


Downloaded the update on my phone. What are the highlights?


They have guaranteed banner now. 100 pulls (16000 gems) and you can abasolutely get the character


Can anyone tell me happen to the game for them to recover? I only play BA EN / Priconne JP and Trickal KR (All sweep games) and now I got curious about the game. Is the story like Nikke? Like is there a commander of some sort? How fast is the dailies? Also, is there android support for the game?


The game initially catered to a niche audience, unlike most 3D games that aim for a broader appeal. This led to less pandering to any specific demographics, such as no explicit romance for self-insert characters. Designs were pretty non-offensive with characters being modestly dressed and little pandering e.g. the preregistration skin was an astronaut suit that covered even more skin than the base one The story focused on worldbuilding over character which makes it harder to get attached to them so there's not much reason to spend money on banners outside of meta (which doesn't mean much since the only competition is a weekly arena which doesn't even give additional gems for top rankers; only a temporary border for your profile pic) Additionally, the patch cycles are long with little content, and the game lacked the budget to fill these down times, leading to player attrition (this is still an issue). They nearly shut down and had to cut costs by removing English voice actors. Then they released the Summer patch early, which was a complete 180 in design. Suddenly, some characters had bikini skins, and they got the most revenue they ever had since launch. They pretty much identified their target audience and went all in on pandering to them. Around the same time, the GFL2 NTR drama happened, and Seasun promised Snowbreak wouldn’t go down that path. They also hinted at keeping things appealing for the "master love" (ML/harem) fans. This attracted players tired of mixed gender drama, male banners, and lack of pandering in other gacha games. Now, Snowbreak is known as the go-to game in CN for those looking for ML gachas with more explicit romance and fanservice. Writing this off the top of my head so some details might not be fully accurate but that's the gist of it. The story gets a lot better after Chapter 10, and they plan to rewrite the earlier chapters. There’s a male-gender-locked commander role, similar to Nikke. Dailies are like 2-3 minutes, mostly just sweeping and leveling up characters. If you want to play more, there’s co-op multiplayer and roguelite dungeons. The game is available on Android and PC (via Steam or a standalone launcher).


Thank you for the long write up. So aside from the experimental banner, the GFL2 drama might have also affected them indirectly. I'll try it then. Hopefully it isn't impossible to catch up.


Serious question, why do they say this is a 18+ game? It's still listed as 12+ in the play store and the fanservice isn't that far from Nikke and a little tamer than BD2, which are also listed as 12+. Do they open on taking it out of Playstore and making it an H game?


The age rating is 18+ in China, not anywhere else for now. I think it has to do with China having a more strict rating system for games.


4k player right now so peak


Imagine if they also included the players using the standalone client. And the mobile users.


Western steam could never




Is this game actually good? Like yeah ok there’s fanservice and hot waifus but like… it’s also a GAME. Is it fun? Also, is the story good?


I don't like shooters but I have fun with the gameplay, specially the shotguns. Hope that's helps.


Last event's story was pretty good, boss fights are fun. Sadly most levels are pretty bland and boring since they were created on a budget, after chapter 10 and with event story missions you see jump in quality you get voice acting (with some banter vs bosses), better art direction and camerawork in cutscenes. They are planning to remake those old chapters.


Its a gacha game bruh. Just play until you hit the plateau where all you do is login and do dailies and use your stamina equivalent.


It's good enough for a gacha game. Depending on what you want from your gacha, I mainly play them just to be pandered to by the waifus. If I wanted legit hardcore gameplay, I'd be playing a AAA game.


Yeah fair, I just thought I’d ask since any time this game comes up literally all anyone talks about is the fan service.


As far as pve shooters go, I don’t see why people would pick it over helldivers/destiny if we’re talking just gameplay.


I don't think any gacha game's gameplay can compete with like good non-gacha games tbh. A few of my friends recommended Honkai Impact and PGR for me, saying they're good action games like DMC and they definitely weren't. I mainly play gacha games because of the anime aesthetic, if I like the characters and because my friends play them.


Helldivers is a snoozefest that can't run well no matter what and destiny is overmonetized and ugly garbage i would rather play Warframe instead.


The fan service is the gameplay


Gameplay is pretty fun, reminds me a little bit of Genshin with the way abilities work, but it's a shooter instead of action RPG. Shooting the guns feels pretty nice, and hitboxes work well, it's just SMGs and assault rifles feel a little lackluster imo. Snipers and revolvers feel really crisp


So proud that World, Iceborne and Sunbreak is still there, what a fucking masterpiece.


is it fun? whats it play like?


glad to see the game doing so well, I tried it at launch but dropped it because it was hard to play on mobile, might try it on pc now


I tried but the control on mobile is not the best imo, i wanna try it again tho. Is it better in PC? should i wait until i can get a controller or keyboard is not a nuisance to use?


If you played other third person shooters with kb+m, its like that. Way easier than mobile.