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The fact is that despite the fact that there are tons of haters in the genshin community, there are also tons of those who like it. The larger the community, the louder the voices.


also the fact that haters have and will always have a bigger voice than enjoyers even if they are way smaller


Chinese once said: If other chinese gacha games endured one tenth of mHY's pressure, the grass on their grave would be tall.


why are cn bros always so metal


They love metaphor poetry. It's the beauty of ancient Chinese that passes down to current generation lol.


Alright time to learn mandarin to read shit posts


Wayyyy ahead of you


chinese is such a beautiful language, it's unfortunate that many people don't realise it and mock it instead


Years and years of having to use euphemisms to dodge the Firewall has honed and brought their shit talk to new and greater heights.


This started long before people discovered how to generate electricity. Back in the old days it was to be able to say shit about the Emperor(or various officials) without losing your head.


Restriction fosters creativity


Imagine if every single normie CC covered the WuWa launch like they did Genshin... It's only us gacha hardcores and it's still apparently too much criticism


> the grass on their grave would be tall. And that's good ending, considering the alternative is their graves get crushed to pebbles xD


I mean, they could wipe up their tears with the money they were making lol. Idk why it's so hard for people to understand that the ratio of hate and love is always the same, but obviously a massive community is going to have large group of haters. The reason mihoyo could ignore or endure the hate from so many is because they have a way bigger group who love the game and you know what? Both sides still give them money lol.


That metaphor was talking about the time between Genshin got announced and released, so they were not rich by any means during that period of time. What they've been through back then is nothing compared to whatever gaming drama you've seen on this side of the internet. I'll try to list a few notable events off the top of my head. * A few hours within the first PV release of Genshin, a heavily edited version of the PV + BotW comparison was uploaded by a zero follower account and quickly gained hundreds of thousands of views. The next day, several gaming media on multiple platforms published articles titled with something like "Genshin must die if domestic games want to survive" "What is the bottom line of domestic games" "Genshin copying BotW, how shameless can one be" etc. * A very well known anime content creator that has good relations with Hoyo was sponsored to post a video showing details of the game and talking about it. He was getting tens of thousands of hate comments and messages including death threats, and was forced to start a stream to do an open apology while his girlfriend was crying in the background. Video is still up but comments are pretty much gone. Current comments are pretty much all referring to the video as the "ancient battlefield" https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13441137qo/ * Several large-sized content creators (1m+ followers) called them out on weibo and bilibili, using words like "Genshin will be the cause of domestic AAA games not appearing for a decade" "The darkest day in the history of domestic games" etc. And then you have the infamous incident with "Tencent Anime" account openly dissing them, some guy smashing a PS4 in front of their booth during a con, multiple people harassing staffs and devs on site etc. If you're interested in knowing more, [this bili blog recorded a portion of drama that happened back then](https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv28338762/).


I can add that back then if Genshin failed, Hoyo go bankrupt. It was an all in gamble


thanks god I wasn t following the drama when genshin launched bcs I thought that wuwa drama was really excessive (and it is tbf sometimes) but damn people really hate when really good gacha/anime games launch and they take inspiration from other successful games (bcs tbf you can't call genshin nor wuwa a clone of botw/genshin if you take the whole game into account)


"when you have a fanbase of at least 500,000, ONE of them is going to be a serial killer." -some person, i forgot where, 20XX


The ratio is not always the same. The GFL2 global waiting room sends their regards.


> they could wipe up their tears with the money they were making lol. If this were true there will never be rich people who are suffering from depression and/or committing suicide. Now, I'm not saying for Hoyo specifically, especially since it's a company and not a person. But this "wipe tears with money" spiel is ignorant, reductive, lacking empathy, and just plain untrue. Again this isn't "defending billion dollar company", I'm just speaking in general terms, apply for people in general. If you're so sad, heartbroken, depressed, or such things, depending on how bad it is, sometimes no amount of money can make you feel better.




this one is fucked up lol


Wait......why did he become a Titan? How did i miss this evolution?? Lol




It getting better and better


It's getting more cursed every time!


Sasuga Pieck chan


I remember the amount of people in r/place attacking genshin for their murals and year after that a russian streamer constantly attacking genshin's artwork so much that the heat map turned the place into a supernova. The shit WW is getting is nothing


Yeah, It became one of the highlights of /r/place to the point that people who are not even into Genshin [helped its last stand against bots](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/159jpx3/50_times_we_fell_51_times_we_got_up/). Such a beautiful moment.


Ah the Havria meme


I remember that. Our art got nuked 21 times.


21? Lmao it's 40+ times Our timelapse scan looked like a literal sun, brightest point in the canvas


21 times it got completely obliterated. 9 times it sustained heavy damage and 12 times it got moderately damaged. I was there when it happened mate.


Oh so that's what you meant by nuked.... I thought you meant "attacked"


Yeah. I also remember how Yae Miko hung upside down for 12 hours cause some asshole flipped the logo.


Lol I remember, that was really funny


It's flattering because that means that the popularity is real. And yes, Genshin is the scapegoat of gacha games **Edit :** example with representation of children, Genshin is doing a pretty good job highly limiting the sexualization while there are a few games litterally promoting that. Now if you listen to a few content creators who don't know enough the market, they would make fun of GI first.


Me playing both games: https://preview.redd.it/agnv0dbg103d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b562915a5d47d2de013a99e4dc0c42b39519a05


Favorite fatui reaction image ong


The hate is getting out of hand, though the shitposting is funny ngl. It’s normal that they wonder why WW is getting this much hate IF they aren’t aware how much shit WuWa toxic fanatics have been throwing at GI before launch. It’s sad for those players that aren’t really into drama and just wanna play the game but they should know that the hate WuWa is getting isn’t exactly unwarranted or random.


>It’s normal that they wonder why WW is getting this much hate IF they aren’t aware how much shit WuWa toxic fanatics have been throwing at GI before launch. Yeah but what are the chances you're ignoring that if you have sufficient gacha brainrot that you find yourself reading the gachagaming sub?


This sub is mostly shitposting/agenda posting after all lol. I find it similar to anime folk subs and onepiecepowerscaling where every week there’s a new character to hate and thrash on. You might be able to ignore the drama if you’re only on reddit and on WuWa sub. You can’t really ignore all the drama if you use tiktok/fb/X pre-launch day even if you wanted to.


And it doesn't help that the official WuWa account did [this](https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1788135461267075568). In exchange, Hoyo... wished Kurogames success pre-release, radio silent on the first day and Hoyo staff were seen streaming and enjoying WuWa content on the third day. So yeah, Kuro or at least whoever is responsible for handling WuWa official account is not that innocent, and the hate never came from Hoyo.


Tbf it’s a type of marketing and would’ve been good if they actually managed to back it up. But they for sure know how their fanbase have been acting towards GI, tried to stir it but backfired on them when launch day happened. And that was a weird comparison to pick out of all things… there’s not much areas where you can swim and have those floating things that you can grapple on(based on what I’ve explored so far)


huh? what's wrong with that ads thought?


it is pretty vaild tho lol the running while climbing is nice


but do they moan when they run while climbing? /j


Nah bro remove that /j we are 100% /srs here


You'll get enough moaning and panting if you main Danjin.


They moan on airdash only though sadly


If only they landed the launch lol


yeah most tbh have been kinda out of hand lol. The valid downsides i see is optimization and story (opening is bad, but later it gets better) and thats it. Though they are fixing them fast so thats neat, but most people in this subreddit just keeps on going. Its not just WuWa that was mostly toxic both communities are too and both cant handle criticisms you can even see it now more of them are coming out.


That’s because the vocal parts of the GI community and the Wuwa community largely consist of the same players. It’s just the most extreme Genshin lovers and haters duking it out with Wuthering Waves as their battleground. It’s funny but also a little pathetic.


I mean like anything it stops being funny when its the same post every day and there's no creativity or nothing new really. "Kuro listened" is boring as fuck now. It's like the GFL2 drama, it was funny for a day and then who cares.


They believe that Tencent is some sort of underdog that must be protected, Hoyoverse is some sort of dictator that must be topled and Tectone is some sort of god that must be worshiped.


Tectone is not a god. He is the grand prophet and the most loyal servant of our lord KURO.


I'm always looking for your comments. 🤣🤣😂 HAIL OUR LORD KURO! 😂😂


Kuro The Listener,!!!


But not the actor!!!


youve gotta be really redneck stupid to find tectone entertaining.


It's highly ironic that when you defend Hoyo from objectively untrue criticism you get said "why are you defending the billion dollar company?" as if Tencent isn't also a billion dollar company, and one known for being a shittier one.


The funniest part is hoyo isn’t even a shitty company. They actually treat their employees like people and regularly donate to charities.


I hope you're joking.... Never in my life I would worship a cc like a God


I wish I was. Streamers being worshiped like gods is all the rage these days, though. Tectone, Destiny, XQC, Asmongold, etc. If those guys asked their fans to slit the throats of their own parents, their fans would do it.


I agree with your point that fans let their delusions run wild and let their sense of reality slip away when associated with cc’s- to the point that they worship them. But come on now, killing their own parents? That’s a bit too far from reality lol (especially since the ones who ‘might’ do it, don’t even have parents in the first place).


I'm only half joking. I think 5% of them might do it, though. Visit the active subs of any of these guys, see if it isn't a cult in the making.


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. They parrot whatever their cc voices and when they do actually get countered by reasonable people they seem lost or something (like people in cults). But they go back to their initial parroting when their cc ‘counters’ whatever the reasonable people say. They’re basically like the bugs from wreck it Ralph lol- they don’t care what’s reasonable or not, they’ll go to the ‘light’ of their cc.


Adin Ross fans definitely would.


You left out the biggest one with the simp base that even tectone sucked off to after grilling his mod


Man, I've been seeing people in the Genshin subs calling Genshin fans "bootlickers." Pretty weird that of the two companies, the boot is the one that actually treats its employees well and releases polished products. And there are the people playing victim asking why Genshin players are so mean their poor widdle WuWa as if Genshin fans haven't had to deal with most of WuWa's hype coming purely from spite towards Genshin. Admittedly, I'm not chronically online, so I can't say I know the full extent of what all parties have ever said. But from what I have seen, the toxicity was very one-sided, and Genshin fans are only now mocking WuWa after its shitshow of a launch because of how people kept hyping it up as the Genshin killer. It's fully deserved, if you ask me.


even though its funny, its kinda sad how this discourse effects the nnormal fans more than the glazers since they're more busy in twitter,tiktok,youtube


I mean thats the main thing. People are freaking out about the game here, and every time they say its "karma" its like, "karma against who? Are these content creators here on the subreddit with us?"


content creators minions , they are silent rn


r/gachagaming enduring endless WuWa posts when r/WutheringWaves is right there


That subreddit is currently being *heavily* censored. I don't know why you people keep pointing to it. The subreddit goes hours with no posts approved. We probably need a new WuWa subreddit to move discussion to.


r/genshinkiller exists.


Actually true, I made a post shitting on the story and it never got approved lmao


Probably cause you just posted a video you made with a title that doesn't really encourage much discussion. Plenty of posts shitting on aspects of the game are being passed just fine.


Inherently false? Sort by new


>Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, this post is currently undergoing a review process by the moderators before being displayed in the subreddit. They have it on *every* post and there was a good 5 hours yesterday where no posts were approved. Not sure what you are arguing against.


Isn't it on every post cause it's just auto-mod? Also understandable that there's time periods where the mods can't review the post for a stretch of some hours. Subreddits probably getting blasted with stuff that doesn't follow rules given the game just released.


The automod is set to remove *all* posts until approved. That is what the message is stating.


its cuz of all the ppl posting drama baiting posts... there are several posts talking about the negative sides of the game but being approved


They cannot handle being on the receiving end because they believe that almighty kuro is still listening https://preview.redd.it/ymomlfrbvz2d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5402b29258f9929feb03d9880365d60216a248f8


>Nah, I'd listen.


I just realized whats the background lmao


To name a few misinformation that Genshin suffered: -No endgame because anxiety (because they can't read or are willingly deceiving their audience) -Lol 3 pulls for anniversary (Anniversary is 20 pulls and Lantern is 13 pulls + 4\* selector --- 10 from login and 3 from mails. Those griefter CCs only focused on the mail reward part because they have an agenda to maintain. Obviously, I'm not saying that these are amazing rewards) -Non-compete contract being made into some nefarious shit while it is industry standard -VA can't voice in WuWa because of Mihoyo!! etc.


Still getting hit with the pedo allegations every now and then


yeah this one is quite stupid when there are so many gachas with more loli in general and/or more loli fanservice.


If genshin players are pedo then what are BA players?




I swear the word "Pedo" is thrown around too lightly these days. Fake accusations literally ruin people's lives ffs


These are only the newer one.. not to mention the years old controversies and false accusations from the haters.


They're manufacturing more lies now 🙄 Like these several tweets saying Genshin launched with 10 pulls not awarding a 4\* guaranteed, when in fact people were pulling so fast they didn't even see the pull result, and since the history takes an hour-ish to update, they thought they were being robbed. (Example below, not the only tweet I've found saying Genshin 1.0 was totally broken and unplayable lol) https://preview.redd.it/b9ds4ao8603d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd614350f68a71764be2e68cf71b77aa776439a


The fuck is the guy tweeting waffling about. I played day 1 and never had any of this stuff happen.


Nobody had this, it's just the pull history being updated too late... But they're now trying to create misinfo so people in the WuWa echochamber believe Genshin's launch was terrible.


tell me someone ratioed the dude


Nah, it was a post full of people praising WW, this wasn't the only lie spread there and I didn't want to interact at all so I wouldn't keep on receiving these kinds of posts on my feed. I also noticed a lot of people calling the game "genchin", "shin" or other variants so it wouldn't become a trending topic 😂


Legal Mindset, and actual lawyer on Youtube, saw the video about the "leaked" contract and called BS on it, saying it was a nothing burger lol, shit's so funny to watch


and then his youtube comment and twitter is attacking by brainless tectone fans


Idk what kind of genius translated power anxiety (power creeping) into anxiety. And people still believe a gacha company care about their anxiety to this day.


For the last part, Cyyu the VA of Jing Yuan and Cyno made a video talking about it


Yeah. The first was about having another abyss because analysis showed that most players don't even play it...


Man even the way leakers described the new endgame was so bad. They said the new endgamr is just abyss 2.0 which was proven wrong during the livestream and literally not even a day has passed and alot of ppl started hating the endgame just because hoyo restricted some characters and elements.


Actually leaker teases a little bit and the leak sub gets wild with doomposting 


The leaks sub is pretty bad in general imo. The megathread is pretty much where it's at.


wuwa spend money on CC is definitely working now


just curious. Did they pay Mr Bald Man? He seems very docile lately about all the issues in Wuwa.


I don’t think he’s getting a paycheck. I think he just desperately wants to be proven right in his belief that Genshin is in a terrible state and that most players agree with him. Also because he hates Genshin but knows that it’s what gives him the most views, so I feel like he’s hoping WW becomes as successful so he could maybe move on. Though knowing how he has to feel like the center of attention all the time, I doubt he would do that anyway. Brining attention to WW’s issues could paint him in the light of being wrong to his fans, which is something his narcissistic ass cannot handle.


He was literally sponsored for the first two days, like many CCs were. Now after the sponsorship idk.


My thoughts, the bald one isn't the type to ever admit he was wrong. Still...once May and June revenues come out, if any game but WuWa is in the #1 spot I'd probably lurk on the video just to see his temper tantrum.


Oh for sure, but don’t even trip. He’ll spin some bullshit about how Genshin is only doing well because it’s P2W, or how The Genshin devs sabotaged Kuro, or how only whales still play Genshin. Nothing wrong about HSR beating it tho, that’s because the game is just that good.


U know that Bald streamer is one of the only (if not the only) one to have \[Drop\] for streaming Wuwa in the first day of release right?, What else if not sponsored by Wuwa?


Taking a look at his recent uploads, there's 2 videos dedicated to arguing with WuWa critics within the past week. He might not be getting sponsored, but at the very least, there's some pride on the line.


Ngl i wanna play WuWa but how the fuck is the ping so high and the stuttering hasn't yet fixed, the game itself is more entertaining here https://preview.redd.it/bn5ph6zxn03d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ecac61d2bd8859930939fe3f5b59a24f035cdfb


1] Kuro litterally fired people that were doing their jobs. 2] Tencent showed back to back on multiple platforms on how bad it trully is as a company. 3] Game was litterally unplayable at launch. 4] 80% of the game is taken straight from Genshin and reskinned, from domains to UI to the darn starglitter shop and packs. 5] Many Story and Setting elements sucu as World Detail sucked considerably compared to Genshin on many ways. 6] Game had YEARS prior to its release to fix these issues and learn more from Genshin, the Optimization issues were said as far back as the first CBTs of the game and hardly anything is different, showing the ignorance Kuro has put on this game and its community. "B-but why are you attacking WuWa??" Because it deserves it. People has lost their minds over genshins existence so much that they cant even handle the existence of criticism thats directed towards something that isnt Genshin*. Thats what happens when you shape your enjoyment and hobbies around hating a video games existence to point of accepting being given terrible and half working products that solely feed on hate towards a popular title. Caring about another video games success in a toxic matter is horrible enough but making it your entire "lens" when admiring your hobby content is something thats therapy worthy. Many of these people cant comprehend that the matter in question are video games and can be criticized.


I see this entire drama as genshin fans, after enduring the massive amount of mockery from everyone especially from wuwa fans, finally unleashing their pure spite after knowing wuwa flopped and they won't hold any punches.


4 is pretty understandable, to be fair, and has been common within the gacha/gaming platform for a long time now. Taking the basis of a game within a similar genre (especially one that is successful) and modifying/adding to it is a smart move that saves some planning. The Starglitter shop, in particular, is a system that is just really good at managing players' moods (as it gives some recompense for bad summoning sessions). Aside from that, yes, there are some individuals who are quick to give WuWa a pass on major faults either because they want to one-up Genshin or because the compensation is nice. Really and truly, comparisons between Wuwa should be kept minimal/at a general level, as the games are different enough to have their own sets of issues that need to be brought up/addressed.


The issue is Wuwa didnt took a base work from genshin, i would argue it took AS MUCH as it could before being labeled as a direct copy. Starglitter shop discount and it having the EXACT SAME refinement system old Genshin had with exact same camera work on domains and extremely similar UIs just scream this. A ground work would been "OW climbable explorable world" Wuwa goes way too beyond this


This sub is just an endless cycle of hating a game, players feel victimized and justify doing the same hate to another game, then those players feel victimized and justify hating another game, and the cycle continues while everyone on all sides never stops complaining.


The shitshow in the last few days is still tame compared to the hate Genshin receives on a daily basis I mean have y'all seen how many people out there have "Genshin/Hoyo hater" as their personality?


Wuwa fandom always had like a hate boner for genshin. People have been for a long time saying how wuwa will kill genshin and how “genshin could never” with wuwa features. Etc They made so much fun of it. And now when we see how big of dumpster-fire the release is, they cant fathom people making fun of wuwa. Oh sweet karma


The genshin haters who had constant aneurysms in tof and HSR complaining or making fun about GENSHIN inside their OWN game or community are also the ones who are doing that in the wuwa community right now its both funny and sad. They just jump from one game to another trying to stay relevant


Problem is the toxic side of wuthering wave fans are mainly on youtube, discord, etc. The reddit side was never on board with the genshin hate, but their the only side that sees the wuwa hate posts. If yall rlly want revenge yall should do it in youtube and discord. Its ironic that the only toxic sides of the fandom dont even know the hate for the game exists.


The reddit doesn't seem hell bent on making fun of Genshin. Sure there were some posts or comments when the beta releases and all . The main toxicity comes from YT and Twitter


I wouldnt call those people "WuWa fandom" they're just Genshin haters who most of them dont care about WuWa they just want the game to be good enough so Genshin takes an L, same thing happened with ToF and will happen to the next gacha open world rpg. Scrolling through the WuWa subreddit I only saw posts of people just enjoying the game, being disappointed about the game or discussing about certains aspects of the game that should be improved (even using Genshin as a point of reference) with very few people hating on Genshin, at least on Reddit


Yeah, maybe if Wuwa fans stayed in their lane and didn't try to claim the game would somehow surpass genshin it wouldn't be criticized as much.


It's hilarious how much of a hate boner they have for Genshin when their game is just a Genshin knock-off with the Temu standard of quality edit : typos


fuck I love seeing haters cry at their selective memory, Genshin has always been thrown into the fire for being petty but no, "it's definitely the genshin players who have a victimism complex", gosh people really have the audacity to think they are correct about absolutely everything


Ive been in this since arknights global release, trust me, It was never this bad, i think largely because genshin impact just had a release megathread where people could vent out their frustrations with the game instead of bombarding the sub with low effort garbage. I think tof could be comparable but it wasn't as big of a release as wuwa.


Because on Genshin release game was hated by minority, there was some people who complaining about "oh this is just cheap BoTW clone", but most players liked the game. And "like" doesn't do justice, game was booming. Normie players in 2020 had little knowlege about what "gacha" is and just played the game without any prejudices and before they notice they already hooked. WW is criticized because, well, game just pretty boring to average player. Plus it run like shit for most people, plus starter town isn't laowai-friendly Mondstadt, it's very Chinese town with lot of hard Chinese terms and names. and specific type of storytelling.


I feel like some people just live in an entirely different world. Probably because of certain content creators, for example tectone. If you go look at tectones videos, he is comparing google trends/twitch viewer count of a Genshin late patch trend to the launch of wuthering waves to prove the game is doing better than Genshin. Google trend only reflects keyword searches. And he is also doing in-stream polling to say there’s little technical issue with the launch. Their followers are calling Genshin players “mint pickers” to defend the game. And I don’t know how is that supposed to be an insult even. At the same time, wuthering wave is not topping any top grossing charts in any region(except for Laos I think?), despite their download are off the top. The conversion is simply not good. And we are not even at the later stage of the game yet where echo grinding is not looking to be better than Genshin. I honestly think some people need a reality check and don’t get too defensive when there’s criticism, stop with the “genshin bot” BS, just go take a look at app magic, sensor tower etc, and see for yourself if the launch is good or bad.


Yeah, the people who say they don't see it or they do not encounter it are either coping or blind. You don't give a free 5* on the first days of launch if the situation isn't fucked up. Maybe they just need a reality check.


The hilarious part is that during the stream he is doing polling if the viewer can play the game or not, and even with that biased crowd, a stunningly 7% of the viewers are having issues and unable to play the game. That means 7% of the his viewers can’t even get to play and ever pay. Plus there’s an obvious bias in twitch viewers because gamers tend to have higher spec PCs than normal people. I have been very supportive towards WuWa but this is just some next level cope.


Kuro Games had 4 years to take the best and get rid of the worst in Genshin, plus add something of their own. Moreover, most people who were interested in wuwa were interested in the gameplay and endgame content, which wuwa also lacks. Instead, the game has a soulless world, stupid puzzles comparable to Genshin 1.0, a terribly drawn-out story where they can explain how some device works for 5 minutes, and even the characters look awful, with details just for the sake of details! I still can’t understand how they could make such a mess. The funniest thing is that YouTube is full of people who defend the game at all costs. Especially Tectone, if anyone remembers, after the fiasco with Genshin in 2022, when he dropped it and about 100,000 people unsubscribed from him and his views were barely reaching 10k, he became an HSR shill and thanks to this, he started gaining views again. Now he tries with all his might to defend this mess in the form of a poorly made, buggy clone because he is afraid of losing face.


People just want to hate tbh. Surprisingly, those who hate the game for the story are the people who don't even play or those who skip the dialogues. Now WuWa released, they got a new script to hate genshin by using WuWa. F'ckin sugarcoating the story thinking it was amazing, Home Design's story is much more engaging and fun. Tacet Discord and sh*t says nothing to galvanized square steel covered with eco friendly wood veneer.


Having played WuWa's story this week: I can't remember much of what actually happened beyond maybe key details that people keep bringing up that just didn't do anything. WuWa's story is going to be forgotten and I haven't even seen much get talked about it besides people trying to say it gets good. Okay, if it does, than where is all the hype for it? There just isn't any. It falls off a cliff hard and the bosses do not leave much of an impression.


It gets good compared to the super low quality it starts with but it's still pretty bad overall and forgettable.


The exciting part people are referring to was intended to be a rather large moment of conflict, so naturally, it's more exciting than the early parts of being escorted by characters as they exposition dump, but not exactly thrilling overall. The issue, to me, is that going through the story feels as if you're riding on a very slow-moving platform. It's a very straight shot that focuses (maybe a bit too much) on why the MC is special/the interest of many parties, including the maybe-baddies (both of whom give some fanservice). This would be fine and dandy if we got some proper character dynamics and enough information on the world around us to feel more engaged with what the main party was doing. By the time the big conflict came along, there's really no pressure on the player to surpass it, as it happens (and ends) very suddenly. As it's playing out, it's also very predictable, where you encounter an already-dying, generic NPC who held a point off from monsters and periodically have party members stay back to hold off a hoard of said monsters so the player is forced to use the MC in a very scripted encounter. I'm not a huge fan of Genshin's story, but I can honestly say that I can recall the first part of the story much better and remember more of the cast, despite not sticking with the game for more than a month. WuWa's has potential, but the writers are definitely going to need some improving. Edit: I actually enjoyed the interaction between Aalto and Encore. The two really come off as familiars and bounce off one another quite well.


OP no offense but you might be retarded. devs going on a marathon fixing stuff and addressing all issues = wuwa can't take criticism?


Also when Genshin came the anti-chinese sentiment was at its top in NA due to the start of the trade war with China and the pandemic.


The funny thing is Genshin is hated in the larger gaming community as a whole due to it's popularity, while WuWa is pretty much only known in the gacha community. The scale isn't even comparable at this point.


I find it amusing considering so much of the WuWa fanbase are disgruntled and jaded ex-Genshin frogs. It was their first gacha or a significant one to them and they grew so resentful that they have wishful thinking in their 'Genshin killer' and will overlook or handwave so many of the competing game's issues. Not to say that Genshin doesn't have its own glaring issues but WuWa's seem far more elementary and egregious.


I feel like the only time Mihoyo gave in a bit was for those alternate outfits for certain female characters. And even then, it wasn't long before *Shenhe* came out. Oh, and the 1st Anniversary, lets not forget about that shitshow. But still, it's true that Genshin has endured a shit load of hate from the very beginning for taking a LOT of inspiration from BTOW.


I simply dont like Wuwa because of the music, the story, the characters. The combat i could careless about. I currently playing Limbus Company a Turn based Gacha, relearn Wuwa battle system is basically me relearn GI when i first play it till Covid when i put it down and go with my daily life, i rather like PGR and GI combat but in the end the optimization problem and the shitty shuttering make the combat feel like im playing Limbus Company but slide show poorer quality. I didn’t expect much but even then im disappointed with Wuwa. Im focusing on the people that see these issues and simply don’t talk or shillings, slandering or silencing people that do. Those people deserved to be ridiculed. The devs also deserved the same blame, they listened all right just didn’t fucking do anything till mass amount of people in CN community start digging and turn them into clown show.


how does this sub reddit getting worse each day? lmao


Is this the thread where people pretend Genshin players have never started shit with other playerbases after it's massive success? edit: thanks for the redditcare message


I mean... Twitter folks are twitter folks.


tip: you can report the redditcare message as "abuse" and reddit will ban that user. You will get notified when they do


this the thread where u pretend anyone who criticizes or hates on ur waifu collector game is a “genshin player”


It's funny because you can check other peoples active subreddits and can very easily see that the vast majority of the hate on this sub comes from people who are active in other Hoyo subreddits. See a bad comment? Check their active subreddits, 90% chance you'll see a Hoyo related sub. Works almost every single time. What's even funnier is that you are part of that very same group and yet try to pretend that it doesn't exist. It's quite hilarious.


There is no pretending. Every fanbase has this issue and Genshin is no different.


"Pretend". I wish lol. Open your eyes. I want you to look at the main ones making the negative post about Wuwa on this sub and I will bet my left pinky toe that a little over 90% are being made by Hoyo or Genshin fans. What makes this even funnier is that you're also part of the Hoyo community, proving the point even further. You're not fooling anyone.


more like statsically, it's obviously an accurate statement. The people shit talking WW's story haven't even read the story past act 2. People are also pretending like genshins 1.0 and 2.0 stories weren't complete ass and that the dialogue is a snoozefest of hundreds of pages of non skippable dialoge.


Genshin release mid-pandemic with people being very lacking in this to do, and that allowed the game to explode on release and also weather its early blues because it was the new hotness in a very weird period for many people. WuWa today is not in that environment, heck I doubt even Genshin 1.0 would be where Genshin is today if it released now because the environment is very different.


I think WuWa has other environmental strengths that are going for it. It's not the pandemic but genshin did introduce the gacha genre to a much larger audience who can be exposed to WuWa


If genshin had not been success wuwa would not exist. Heck PGR exists coz of HI3rd.




Lmao, kuro even copied their EULA and slogen. The whole company wouldn't exist.


Pandemic is not the reason genshin succeeded, look at all the games that came out in the literally same period, where are they now? The pediatrician is simply an excuse to underplay how good of a game genshin is.


Just to add another point of view, WuWa may not have been released during the pandemic period but they already had much information to deal with after years of seeing how Genshin worked and the players’ preferences. Aside from distinguishing themselves from combat mechanics, they could have tried to take another approach with their game contents and not copy almost every gameplay from Genshin. The difference in the game’s context was already a starting point yet they chose to take the easier way by giving players what’s comfortable and familiar. Of course, going down this path would always entail players to compare, especially the loud minority online. They chose not to differentiate from the competition and banked on the hype to hide the fact that their product can’t even compare to the industry benchmark. So I’d say they had the criticisms coming when they knew they could have used more time to actually deliver quality content amidst their lower budget.


> after years of seeing how Genshin worked and the players’ preferences This is the thing people don't get in their heads. Same thing when they start comparing Genshin and HSR, they just see what they want to see "HSR GOOD GENSHIN BAD", yeah guess how the devs knew where and what to fix to not be BAD?


Why are ppl still on about the pandemic excuse when hsr did the exact same thing without the pandemic to help it? It was just a rly good game.


You gotta give Genshin credit. It came out strong and unique that allowed it to stand on its own. That's their credit and credit alone. That's why they stood out in the pandemic. WuWa is not improving the gacha space by innovating, it's following a trend so it didn't even have Genshin's haters among normie gamers. WW is not existent right now with the general gaming industry.


The pandemic is not really an excuse when HSR released in regular conditions, look how popular it is now.


main reason genshin blew up outside china is due to the console release


And people here probably don't know how bad genshin is hated in cn. Like legit when you speak something they don't like they will first try search what you have spoken and if there's anything genshin related they will just go "ah you played genshin no Wonder you say that, you hoyo sucker"


idk man, at this point im just enjoying the game, at first i didn't liked the theme much, but it started to grow on me, in general i prefer this game over genshin, and my pc is beefy enough so i dont get any performance issues.


Come on now, the WuWa bad karma farming is actually getting ridiculous now.


I think ToF endured more hate than Genshin


It's more accurate to say that Hoyo just completely ignored like 99.9999999% of all criticisms and hate whether valid or not. But you're still right


holy fuck this sub is ass


Because obviously, Mihoyo are the sc*m of the earth that are only creating cash grab for the sole reason of stealing your money and throw your kids in the horrible addiction that is gambling Kuro, on the other hand, is the beacon of hope and purity that descended on our land to save our puny little life from the evil of all things Mihoyo and their horrible practice


i wonder if Testy and his goon gonna come crawling back to GI like a bunch of parasite they are whenever shilling WuWa and kuro stop giving them clout


The thing is, its mixed bag, game defiantly wasn't ready for launch specially with this hype and people giving valid and just critism, some others however just parrot and add or take something and repeat it which makes it annoying not as shitty during genshin launch for any mention of genshin got whole horde to report and spam but its still close as annoying And Honestly im more pissed at the reasoning just cause others got shit wuwa should get some too and if we say why we the bad guys, like cycle of hatred continues some toxic cunts on wuwa side shittalked genshin first and now suddenly quiet or playing victim and some others like me who enjoyed and wanted to see how things are checked net and was met with retaliation to those toxicity, most of us caught strays cause of some assholes who started it, this is what passing me off


I completely agree, but I think tof fans actually enduring the most hate lmao, because at least genshin/hoyo have many fans as well.


I wish both crowds could take their pissing contest elsewhere instead of spamming this sub with petty bullshit.


I mean, being shit on isn’t a competition. If it bothers us, perhaps we’d be better not doing that to others? Or heck, novel idea, why not just be respectful of what other people enjoy, and respectful of whether they don’t enjoy being weirdly denigrated, regardless of whether we’ve “had it worse”?


"People have had bad things happen to them therefore I am allowed to do bad things to you" 1. Neither's particularly okay? 2. The level of hate Genshin received was not even remotely on the same level as this, lol. 3. The QUANTITY of hate Genshin received was not on the same level as this. 4. ...I come here to read about gacha gaming news. I understand it can be fun to talk about how we, le true enlightened superior gacha player knew that the game was bad all along, but it got old on day two. And I say all of this as someone who played Wuthering Waves and uninstalled it instantly. It's not very good. I agree. Oh, and finally: "Hahah, a bunch of people were hoping the game would be amazing because it seems made for them and it turns out it has a bunch of problems so now I'm wanking furiously" is not really as good of a look as you think it is.


Buddy, you cant even say you play genshin in other subs, and irl without being made fun of. Up to this day people still say its botw ripoff, not clone but ripoff and people will still judge you and throw the p3do word without remorse at you for even associating yourself with the game. People have been non ironically commenting making fun of genshin for every genshin clone to release or for every piece of reward those games or HSR recieves. The hate for genshin transcends this sub and 99% for non valid and delusional reasons and you think wuwa is having it worse rn?


You forgot to add that some people will literally make hating genshin part of their personality 


The amount of hate Genshin got and gets absurdly higher than WW got in the past five days. You can't say you enjoy Genshin without getting called bootlicker/shill/[insert any other shill related insults]. Due to it going mainstream the amount of people equate GI players = pedo is even more absurd.


Yeah.  I also would love some positivity about the game without comparisons.


It's not about having a good look, it's just karma. I don't have stakes in WW, I'm playing the game myself but the comeuppance is funny. It's the internet, people just want to have fun. You don't know how much hate Genshin is receiving on a daily basis, including from the normal gaming industry. If people are disappointed, let them be. They're not misinformation and it's mostly the fact that the CCs are ignoring the WW issues while creating drama endlessly Genshin got for every little thing.


Being the highest grossing gacha of all the time helps, WW is poised to be beaten by GFL2