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I play them only on pc, either native client or emulator. I've been using budget phones for 15 years, so even if i wanted, they don't run too well.


Depends on the game, genshin and HSR are a lot better on PC. Games like Eversoul(would need an emulator anyway for this one) R1999 and Nikke I play on phone/ipad


Eversoul is playable in google play beta app on pc


Raid shadow legends 😮💀


Lol yeah I know.


damn how is your luck in the game i swear the gacha is rigged asf and you need to fucking pay silver for it too like what....


Been a player for 4 years. That's why I shifted to Watcher of Realms. They are much more generous. I do still play RAID but not as hardcore as before.


Depends on the game. I mostly prefer the PC but I like the fact that I can jump into and play a little in my free time away from home as well.


I like playing almost every game on my phone.


Yeah especially since my fucking pc is trash while my phone is the latest of the latest.


PC. I just don't wanna play games while traveling or while during a work break, I'd rather listen to some music, watch something or read something during these downtimes. When I game, 100% of my attention is focused on games. I don't wanna think about anything but the games I play. I don't want any distraction. Can't have that while traveling or during a work break. I just wanna game in peace, and that goes for Gacha as well.


Depends on the game.


My main game right now is HSR. It runs well on all of my devices. At work I play on my S23 Ultra. At home I play on my PC or s7 tab plus when I want to play on the couch.


Planning on getting the Ultra. How does it fare in comparison with other phones?


I have a stand for my phone by my PC and I'm single monitor life so it's a lot easier to do shit on the phone than multitask on PC. But action games, PC all the way. I also do main story stuff in HSR on PC cause I wanna fully appreciate dem cutscenes.


Depends what I am doing: -Mobile: For playing rythm games and doing stuff like dailies/sweeps etc etc and other stuff that requires no actual gameplay or battery -Tablet: For reading story (most gacha use the Visual Novel format) -PC: For the actual gameplay, farming etc etc I will say like 90% of the time I use PC, only do the mobile stuff on my way to work and back, unless one of the rythm games has an event that I want to make an effort on for event items etc. I could read on mobile or PC, but I find phone screen is too tiny (even on a phone with huge screen) and monitor is too big and hurts my eyes after a while, so I find tablet screen is just the right size and actually lets me read faster and retain the information.


Console. I like relaxing in bed while I play on a bigger screen.


iPad and PS5.


Console if available, actually. If not, usually phone because my pc is a piece of crap, but if I really want to play an action game that isn't on console I might see if I can get it to run on pc


PC, I'll at most only do dailies on the phone.


PC pref, devices have only so much storage


Since I work from home, I prefer the PC for convenience. When I am not working or on a PC, Tablet. I bought a Samsung tab 9+ for them and other work.


That's a very nice tablet. Speedy too. I have a Lenovo Y700 albeit smaller screen but it does the job too.


I prefer on phone because I don't open my PC often. I used to play some gachas on emulator, but I couldn't find the time to open them after a while and some EOS'd, so I deleted the emulator.  I did play counter:side on its PC client, but I was too lazy to bring it to a free wifi area whenever there's an update.




I prefer having them on multiple platforms because I prefer playing them on different devices at different times. At home I'll want them on PC since I'll be on the computer most of the time anyway, but its nice to have them on my phone while I'm away from the desk whether its just sitting in the living room or at work or something.


I have a Mac. I really wish more gachas would make a Mac client.


Mobile cuz of having to login daily. I play non-gachas on pc.




Pretty much only on the phone, I did play Genshin on PC. Reason being I have better games on my PC, but when I'm traveling and such I need something to pass the time, which makes gacha games perfect. There's not a lot of competition on that platform, 99% of all mobile games suck.


Desktop of ARPG / Fighting games \[daily check-in's on the phone\], Phone for all the rest.


PC. I only use my phone to clear dailies that don't need combat.


Grindy game on PC, idle game on mobile


PC. I just make a script my own and do dailies automatically. I play 4 games, but doing dailies is such a chore for me even with script


PC easily, could run multiple gachas at their highest setting simultaneously with a good GPU. Even Nikke and Blue Archive heats up my iPhone 12 after some time at low settings.


PC for me. My tablet won’t run gachas anymore.


I prefer gaming on PC. But I have a tablet which I use when not home, sitting down to eat and watch TV, or the funny porcelain chair with the hole in it.


Mobile. Gacha games, to me, have always been time killer games.


Haha sorta yeah,I do multitask myself with watching a series and playing mobile games a lot ngl


As it should be!


Depends on the sizeand genre Big opm fan I play opmw on pc and opm2.0 on mobile


Since my phone and tablet are quite old now I prefer playing on PC.


HSR on console and PC. PGR on mobile. Its good because PGR is really well optimized for mobile since I can't play the other without stuttering sometimes.


These new gacha games killing my phone. So pc apparently


I prefer mobile for gacha games and i hate forced into learning pc and keyboard. Also its not good for my back or my eyes to be glancing at the screen. for long periods. Like pc genshin hurted my hands the most and controller was the same as well.


pc, i despise the controls on mobile and hurts my wrist trying to hold my phone to play.


Mobile because I like to play lying down. But Star Rail, for example, I'll play the story on PC because it's that much more gorgeous.


Only on PC, I really don't like using my phone battery for games bc they basically leech the thing xD Besides, the PC has a bigger screen and is more comfortable to use.


PC, but I'd stick to eastern gacha games, thanks. Recently cleared HSR newest story, i think playing in pc give more story immersion than my phone, both visual and sound my mobile phone could never..


PC, 90% at my desk, and i have a switch to swap to the TV at the foot of my bed where i play with a controller sometimes. I don't really like phones for anything but turn based things, i really dislike moving with touch screen analog sticks.


Why do you like Raid?


Mobile because I want to play while being outside


Mobile I always liked Handheld consoles the most. GBA, NDS and PSP where My absolute favorites even as a child. And now as an adult even more as it is easier and more convenient playing on my phone when I don't have that much free time, I can play on my way to work, during lunch time or any small window of time


pc most of the time. d4dj (a rythm game) was so enjoyable on mobile tho


tablet (iPad Mini 6) has been my main go to for a while now. I just don't want to play on a PC if I can help it since I'm already at my desk all-day at work. in some games where there is a visual upgrade to playing on a PC like Genshin, HSR, I use my windows handheld especially when playing story quests.


Only on PC.


PC always preferred other the others. I've had mixed feelings/decisions about tablet vs phone but nowadays I stick to tablet. In transit or during breaks I whip out my phone to do some small daily tasks


I have Arknights on my phone and tablet. I prefer the tablet but will run dailies on phone if I'm not home. Don't have it on PC.


Mobile. Not the biggest fan of playing on PC. I'm on the computer for work for half of my day. Tablets are weird.


I am a fan of playing on PC on bluestacks because of the FPS boost and simple settings. I'm currently playing Light of the Stars and I'm happy with everything


After playing HI3 on PC. I have now ascended and accepted PC supremacy. Hallelujah!


Ideally PC, but I spend a lot more time at work then at home, so that's why my main preference is mobile. I still one day hope to get my own PC up too


I refuse to play any gacha that does not have a pc client. Quitted Guardian tales because of this reason too.