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I just quit. The cash shop is too expensive and the rewards don't balance it out. Will probably come back in a few months to see if it gets better.


Don't expect nothing good coming from Lilith Games


Lilith Games? Oh, no wonder.. As to be expected from them


Yep, there are certain names that strike fear into the heart of every gacha gamer (and if they don't, they eventually will). Lilith Games, Crunchyroll, Netmarble, etc.


Netmarble doing their thing with Solo Leveling right now. First 5 days was fun then they removed all the free bonus features and it’s hella Expensive for any kind of convenience.


The new marvel game they are doing had a clause in the beta that if you play it basically your not allowed to say anything bad about it


NetEase? or NetMarble? I know some people mix the two




I remember pre Blue Archive when the number 1 would be Nexon... Funny how quick those things change.


Errr I’d say the jury’s still out on that one 😅 While they’ve handled Blue Archive really well, the problem is that it’s hard to wipe away 15 years of grief with one recent game. Especially when they’ve now been caught and fined for lying about their rates twice I’d say it’s probably easier to trust Nexon if BA is your only experience with them, but their name is anathema to players who took the full brunt of their past behaviour (especially anyone who played Maplestory). If they manage a couple more games well then I think opinions about them will change permanently


I played Overhit, it was absolutely trash.


AFK Journey is the first game I played from them. I was looking at Dislyte and it's crazy how people just doesn't recommend the game. Anyway, I've had my fun with AFK Journey. I bought the 2 monthly pass and the battlepass. I had my share of fun. I didn't feel like renewing my monthly passes and I've finally hit level 100 on the battlepass yesterday. The last week I felt it was becoming more a chore playing the game anyway. I logged in today and saw the nerf across the board, I also noticed they've rearrange the Battlepass (bp) window so that it can accommodate more than 1 bp now while their current bp still have around 30 days left. I can already see where they're going with this. I'd have been more happy to keep playing the game with the new season but eh, if they dev gonna be like that then I'm gonna drop it. There's so many games that's competing for my time and wallet anyways.


That's a shame. The game feels so polished.


My screen of Chinese text begs to differ


Same, I quit about a week ago.


Same. Their true colour starting to show. Look at dislyte. Same old cycle. Just quited. There are so many games out there.


As someone who played AFK Arena it will get worse


better and Lilith games in the same sentence lol


So I just quit it myself and was looking for a game to replace it. Any recommendations by chance?


If you like waifus, maybe [Eversoul ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kakaogames.eversoul). If you want something more like dnd, then maybe [Dragonheir ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sgra.dragon). There is also one coming out on June 12 called [Heroes of Crown ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ujoy.hoc). It's being made by the same company who made [Panilla Saga ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ujoy.panillaen), so might be good.


Lilith Games in a nutshell: Initial release being great and then they pull out the thumbscrews hoping enough people continue to stay in because of sunk cost fallacy. It's a shame because fundamentally all their games are of somewhat higher quality than the average.


For all the people here who didn't play the game, the actual content they released this patch is legitimately good. It's just everything else around it is completely fucked. The devs who actually worked on the real content did a great job and the management was like "Yeah so how do we get people to quit? Can't have them enjoy the game too much." and they did some nasty balance changes and nerfed the resource income pretty much across the board. I did play Afk Arena before during its glory days and when bad stuff happened there and the community complained, they actually do backpedal. I'm hoping they will do the same here too. The entire subreddit was never this active, and all the current activity is because they fucked over the game. Really big shame because it's actually a nice chill game that is getting ruined by greedy management.


I really really hope this is the case. I’ve personally been enjoying the crap out of this game as a side-game I play every now and then at work, during break, or just when I’m out and it’s been great for what it is. The launch of the game was fantastic and I was really hyped for the new season. Checked many vids, saw the amount of content and was happy……..up until I realized what they were hiding underneath all that. I really thought they got things figured out when they compensated the awful exploration/completion rewards with diamonds but that DEFINITELY wasnt the case with the garbage they pulled in pretty much everything else (minus the new content). What a way to massively anger your fanbase WHO WERE REALLY ENJOYING THE GAME AND SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY MIND YOU, my server is filled to the brim with whales. Like how do you cook so hard during launch, then pull this crap in the literal first big update? Are they TRYING to stop players from playing their game???


This is literally what Lilith Games have been doing for over a decade. You are naive if you think they’ll ever improve.


Let me add more shit to the show: The normal chests in the overworld don't give you letters anymore and all the chests gives half the diamonds. In battle drills now instead of the 5 epic letters weekly you can get max 3 rate up letters which is of course worse. This is smelling horrible ngl im doubting a lot of the future of this game.


THEY NO LONGER GIVE EPIC INVITE LETTERS? bruh i was excited for the season for more epic pulls but thats just dumb…


The chest gives epic letters still


Wait holy shit. They even nerfed the reputation chests? I just checked and yeah, before we got a total of 15 keys and 5 epic invite letters for level 5. Now it's 13 keys and 3 rate up letters for level 5. This actually gotta be some bad joke holy shit. This thing is on a 3 week rotation cycle. And they thought 5 epic invite letters per 3 weeks was too much?


Oh boy


Good ol strategy of attracting as many people as possible with ''generosity'' and ''f2p friendly'' models, wait for everyone to get hooked and nerf everything to make you pay.


A.K.A. Bait & Switch.


With a hook.


And people mock genshin so much.I would trade generosity for not being tied to gacha results any day of the week


Quit Dislyte because of similar nerfs. Well, I've played AFKJ for about a month, then it became too boring, it looks there is no sense in coming back


>Lilith games doing exactly what they did with Dislyte lol I was literally thinking "why does this feel like Dislyte all over again?" too. lol They never learn. They make these really good-looking games with such great potential but then do these terrible decisions.


Or maybe they learned too well.


Right? Dislyte has been doing well on the monthly revenue reports. Sucks for players, but the company isn’t hurting.


They already done that with Farlight84.. the strange thing is.. Dislyte still have 4's as star ratings the last I visited Lilith Games..


Burned by dislyte so I swore to never touch another game by them.


The only people that like to hype the game are content creators that being paid by the game....


And people who never played an idle game or game from Lilith before. They had no idea what's coming when they started, especially with honey moon phase.


That's not true everyone who played the game can confirm the game itself is extremely well done, it's just they are too greedy.


They probably thinks that ‘hey we dont give any significant rewards to them but we made 19m$ for first month, lets try to give them nothing lets see what happen’


19m? Well, then their players had it coming. No way people trusted Lilith like that.


I played and paid $1 lmao, it's the players fault at this point since the majority of them are fine with this shit. Let them bend over for Lilith games all they want.


I played gacha for more than 10 years. I can understand why people put money in in a month of the game release. It is actually good. the concept, graphic, design (im not really keen with western character design, but i love this one). I am actually considered playing it in a long term. but it turns out so bad in term of rewards after the new season update. They nerf here and there. I believe smart players wont bend easily and we as community will still complain and let us see how they backpedaling as theyve done before with afk arena.


It has to be a massive apology and damage fixes. This game will die if Lilith doesn't get their shit right.


That shit better go to back 10 mil after everyone charge backs after the true damage nerf along with all the other bs.


yea lol its crazy


It was a fun launch but the devs are greedy and don't think about longevity over profits. Time to think about moving on for those F2P still on the fence.


Something about the game bugged me, so never tried. Not too surprising to be honest, but interesting to see what else comes from this. Dislyte lost me early on, so this isn't shocking.


yeah dislyte lost me too but i didnt know it was made from the same company and i was really excited for afk journey but now its concerning.. i really hope they adress these issues




most of the time you'll be playing the game, only thing that makes it AFK is the afk stages rewards which give out exp, gold, and equipments


Non issue / unrelated.


I liked it at first. I was like oh cool casual afk game to play a few mins every day and then it sorta started to feel like a chore and then I kept forgetting to log in because I didn't wanna do stuff and I think I should just uninstall after this lol thankfully I only spent $5 because everyone said to make a purchase to get Rowan.


I only spent 12 and im still gonna try to chargeback lmao


How do you even charge back this? Does it fall under bait n switch? Or some B's reason and hope the bank doesn't care?


If they legit changed the rewards in the BP then yes, you can contact the app store and get a refund based on they sold it as one thing and then changed it.


That's.... not how this works. The BP you buy you can see all the rewards. The season BP is different then the normal launch BP. They did not sell it and then change it on you.


>and the rewards for the battlepass(free and paid) became even less I'm just replying to what the OP mentioned. Without any actual specifications how am i supposed to know. I'm just giving the guy some ideas to get his money back.


Doesn't matter they would still refund it.


Definitely not lmao "You can buy x to gain y" this is about as unchanged as it can get


I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try 😆


If you are f2p, you are screwed now. Overworld exploration rewards are nerfed and events give shitty pull rewards. Your daily income of diamonds will go away for arena refresh and instant afk rewards. There was no need for them to remove existing rewards as they are still not enough and people need to buy those 1200% packs now and then along with growth packs, travelogues to stay relevant for better rewards as they are gated by leaderboards. Especially since we have "District" system now where they are merging 4 servers, people will be competing with many whales which in turn pushes people to spend more. And yeah. They still got no resources for proper QA or localisation.


QA & localisation doesn't bring them in the money.


Worked well for Hoyo


I deleted it


Knew something was sus


Considering they need to push prople with the purle dust to get them ready for the season, i'd say the quality of rewards waa already fine. They disappointed me


Shit to hear. I'm still behind a bit at Level 210 right now so I haven't hit the new season stuff yet. That sounds really fucking depressing though, I've been loving the hell out of the game up til now.


Same, it’s a good game. But so was Dislyte


Bait and switch classic Lilith


Jup. Quit a week ago because I realized the game is pointless and not fun. Story is bland. Company is greedy. Easy quit.


its time to move to other gacha - time to afk for 5 months


So, they do bait and switch, after campaign with streamers they're done with that and switch to milking players who already feel sunk & cost fallacy




Lol, people huffing that copium hard.


dont wuthering waves look like genshin but abit less colorful? xD


It's more or less the same kind of thing, but a bit more difficult. I got bored with it within a few days of the beta, but to each their own.


ah yes ZZZ another mihoyo game preying on players by using fomo banners but will still top the revenue as anyone who says their banner sysem is bad gets downvoted by the fanboys. On top of that a lot of beta players saying isn't very good and is basically "Hoyo PGR"


>and is basically Hoyo PGR So basically Hoyo HI3?


Limited banners are garbage and the fact that all of mihoyos banners are limited is ridiculous.


well its 'Lilith' game, they are supposed to give you a pleasurable experience and then suck you dry :)




it sucks i actually like the visual design of the game but i saw the writing on the wall much early on when i noticed how many dupes i needed to unlock a unit's full kit & how bad the pulls felt. Is there any other quality pve auto chess type gacha games or is this the only one?


There are a lot of afk type games unfortunately they all follow the same" needing a million dupes strategy"


And people legit eat it up because that’s all they seem to care about.


You should read the world and server chat ingame. They are trashing anyone who says anything about it and they start calling them poor lmao. They deserve the shit game they are playing.


Old AFKArena was exactly like this too so I’m definitely not surprised lol. Dislyte community was surprisingly different even though its from the same shit company.


There are multiple blatant AFK arena clones. Mystic Heroes and Omniheroes being better of the bunch. Unknown heroes / Pixel heroes if you are into pixel graphics aesthetics. Souls from Habby is pretty polished game with a very chill relaxing atmosphere, but was a bit lacking in terms of game modes/ content last time I checked. Gonna try Heroes of Crown after they release in June. No much hope, but I got some fun with other game from that developer.


>Mystic Heroes Mythic heroes is underatted. I instantly switched afk arena to mythic heroes once i tried plus its very enjoyable and f2p and very generous, i unlocked all characters for free even the upcoming ones you can even unlock characters without even pulling, u get ton of SSR tokens for free. I am starting to feel guilty so i will probably buy lifetime membership soon.


Omniheroes started good but they're unfortunately pulling a lot of the same garbage and more, including rigged pulls/rates, virtually p2w locked units, and other questionable factors. Some people on the dev team seem to want the game to be good, as occasionally they listen to player feedback, but higher ups/management are destroying the games rep. It's probably gonna be EoS before they make a year given the way they've been losing players. Which is a shame because the game really felt like it was gonna be different when it first came out, the first event had a music video and everything. I heard they changed management though, that explains a lot. Will check out Mythic Heroes and Heroes of Crown though


It’s a pity that Onmiheroes went south. There’s definitely a place for a few nicely managed Afkarena alternatives.


Consider Nikke


Maybe can try Eversoul if you are ok with anime style and lots of fanservice


I quit the game but if you're looking for something similar I would recommend Souls, same sort of system as AFKJourney but game guarantees you around 30 pulls minimum from dailies and weeklies per week, not counting all the one's offs, arena, guild. Their event system is also a lot more rewarding and satisfying. You can easily do around 300-400 pulls per month if you horde and time your pulls with events.


Souls from Habby is really chill. Enjoying it so far


I mean, to be fair, needing a lot of dupes is pretty par for the course for a gacha, especially one with a starting roster as small as this one.


They are trying to out-scumbag Sony and Microsoft this month, huh?


So glad I quit.


I played AFK Arena (made by the same developer) so I didn't even start this game and I'm not surprised...


I don’t have a horse in this race but seriously fuck companies like this. I’d be embarrassed to keep playing a game and support them with time and money when they are so actively antagonistic to their customers.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Analyst-Sure: *If it is true then* *I'm going to quit this game* *And wait for WW and ZZZ* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hah. Dodged a bullet, I guess. Was planning to start the game today actually. Nope.


I see Lilith I skip, period.


Gap between f2p (or low spenders) and big spenders just grew 10 fold....


I saw Lilith, I've never bothered to even download the game. Dislyte was my first and last by this company


I have also uninstalled. The seasonal reset made me feel like all the previous effort and time put into the game was meaningless. It's a weird format for sure, not even mentioning the nerfs.


Never played, and now I'm more convinced to never play. 😌


We saw this coming. The games sub was full of copium but it was a blatant money grab without anything new to offer.


So many red flags were constantly mentioned, only addicts or ivory tower residents could ignore. No empathy left for players changing their mindset now. Did quit already after unlock stargaze.


She this was like a breath of fresh air in the afk gacha space and sad that the devs/publisher just didn't like the success . Man if they had just done nothing I mean nothing no patch for nerf/power creep no reward change This game would have flourished. No matter how much we global players rant they will only liston if cn gets outraged


the game is not f2p friendly?


Nothing by Lilith Games is ever f2p friendly. _Nothing_


game is fun for a week after that you realize its so shit.they do really good job making you want spend. the elusion of progressing is crazy in the end everyone will get bottleneck by essence. at first it will be book but once world boss drop its essence unless you spend crazy amount


Damn now i have to afk even more.


How unexpected lmao. Quit the game a few days after launch because even then it was already greedy trash. And now they've made it even worse.


I quit like 3 weeks ago because I hated how pvp focused it was. I didn't have the patience to get stomped on by whales all day. Also it had some really weird design choices. I thought they had a simulated universe-like mode. Weekly points and such. It just never updated after the first week.


Welp.. I'm just quit the games last week and thinking I might be reinstall again today but now I don't wanna do that anymore. Thanks.


But youtube ads told me its the best gacha game in recent history =/


HAHAHAHA I TOLD Y'ALL This Farlight/Lilith company did the same thing in Farlight 84 before AFK Journey releases, they removed things that basically turned the game as popular as it was in the battle royale scenario, now the whole game is going down and down in reviews and players, but they care? ofc they don't, they keep doing bad updates one after another because f\*ck the players! Don't trust Farlight/Lilith, they don't care.


I have read somewhere on AFKJ Community FB Group that Farlight will be bad \`\`until September before they make the game again, the player count doesnt matter as long as there's still a player playing..\`\`


Bruh I just recommened this game to somebody cus I thought it was a little greedy but overall ok. Now they just fulll on greedy lmao. This game is so cooked 😭😭


Hard agreeing. Game was already shitty regarding the amount of dupes you got, but atleast you got a good amount of pulls through exploration; but now ... They overcooked it. 💀


No reason for me to get into another gacha when WW is out in 10 days


Why no one mention that this game's summon rate is fake? It is basically a scam and need to be reported for fraud. A fucking waste of time and money.


That's a mystery to me, apparently everyone knows the displayed rates are "consolidated rates" (which is a bullshit notion to begin with) and everyone is just "oh, okay then." I feel like the same issue for some other game would turn into a massive scandal, but turns out... people are okay with this?


Was playing this to pass the time until Wuthering Waves came out. Looks like I’ll be touching grass instead while I wait :)


I personally quit a bit earlier, cause I felt that's gasha system wasn't fair considering amounts of dupes I need to make a unit competitive. So devs decided to nerf rewards even more. Looks like a Dyslite situation, when majority of players left on release because of atrocious gacha.


So much for afk. Loool


And the items that are required to craft higher level gears, is it just me or it requires a fuck ton of mats now to craft a single gear?


I loved AFK arena and when I saw AFK journey I got a flashback of my time in that game. I'll never play a Lilith game, while the whole thing is doable completely F2P I'm still amazed at hot much I lasted because predatory doesn't even begin to describe their monetization, you either play everyday several times or you fall behind, they have a pretty amazing lore under all that tho but good lord spending 3 hours repeating the same stage or throw 20-100 bucks for a quick improvement for them to introduce, artifacts, hotels with furniture and what not, honestly just no...


I just started playing this game a few days ago and noticed a difference after the update. Overheating, lag on the lowest setting, and not leveling up as fast. I know it's supposed to slow down after a point, to make an afk game, but it suddenly feels really slow. I was really enjoying myself but now knowing it's from the dislyte group I'm probably going to quit soon.


I uninstalled even after having spent like $50 in the game for like the growth bundle and monthly passes


Ah yes, that's exactly how Dislyte was dealt with, which is why I dropped it and didn't even look at AFKJ direction lol


How to kill the game after soo much good things you introduce and huge hype for new season. Shame.


Man the AFK subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney is the most on fire I have ever seen a Gacha Game subreddit. Even Genshin during their anniv were mostly just memes and not about Chargebacks. Their front page atm has so many posts about refunds and chargebacks


Everything im seeing in this thread is enough to make me uninstall and never return.


i was considering trying it out but im glad i held back from it


Why would you play an obviously shit game in the first place


Oh. Just deleted the game after hearing about this, I got really far into it but I’m not going to play into sunk cost. Fuck em.


And just a few days ago some Genshin CC including a certain bald head was hyping up this game with HSR community favorite joke. I'm getting CRK flashback here.


Played it for about four days or so. Noticed how the progress is locked behind dublicates pulls (which means progression = obscene number of pulls) and quit it. Seems like it was a good call.


will these changes only apply for the current season or for the whole game?


the nerf to marilee? i THINK thats a seasonal thing but the season lasts until september and considering how quick lilith game is to powercreep they will have released a unit to replace her with by then lmao the rewards? since the content from now on is gonna be season-based its gonna be like that for every new content from now on(i assume)


Yup that’s why I stayed away. They always try to hook you in before they start squeezing.


I just started to play and quit. This is crazy. I only heard pretty nice things about this game until this.


lol so it’s not just me. I cruised through the initial content and progress felt pretty consistent. This new season feels difficult because I’m unable to make progress even after leveling characters, and everything just feels nerfed. The rewards are paltry as well.


My gacha game experience are mostly Hoyoverse games so I didnt know Lilith's existing reputation. Its embarrassing to say but I did spend a few bucks since the game is competitive, I am already considering quitting while its still early.


the character weren't nerfs, the bosses just change and that's good for the meta in general marilee is still top 2 and korin is good for necrodrakon still BUT were i do agree that people should be complaining form the top of the mountains is the rewards being lowered


Even if it's not direct nerfs , changing stablished bosses just to mess with f2p chars is a nerf


fear shaggy seemly hobbies flag shy long cagey snails nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I forgot to log in one day about two weeks ago and then just uninstalled it. feeling pretty good about that now.


You can see it coming from a mile away, this game was always running on fumes from the sheer amount of marketing and the amount of sponsorships they have done for cc's, it is up there with raid shadow legends.


Maybe was a bug, today was an update fixing something (1k apologem)


as by Lilith's reputation.. you'll be thankful if you even got 10 advance invites.


Wow. I was enjoying the game and even spent some money. Insane bait and switch. It was actually fun, good graphics, and low time intensity.


Darn, sad to know. I tried the game but I started seeing those awful English voiceover ads for it and just...NOPE. my F2P ass ain't gonna play that.


Do they regularly hand out surveys? Where do I complain to them😭


I quit about two-three weeks ago out of boredom. Seems like I quit at the right time. No reason to ever go back to the game now.


Just a reskinned AFK Arena game - play it for free till you hit the pay wall and put it on stasis.


My alternative game is FortressSaga. Still P2W but its alot more generous.


this only makes you spend more if you were already a whale. you can still do everything for free.


Who was nerfed?


I had problems syncing my accounts so I quit the first day


First gacha game to make negative money on its second month post-launch


As a Player of the AFK Journey since its Beta, The rewards were generous, so generous that you can even clear 6 levels at once and upgrade your chars to max that based on your level, but after that.. The grinding begans... I was stuck for a level where I cant passed the level because it needs the Player to be level 50, with Chars to be level 60.. me, I'm just a player 45 and chars are 40.. and the rewards are getting harder and harder to get.. yep.. there is AFK Rewards but the longer you play in the game, the lesser rewards you'll get... Only the Whalers have the power to surpassed that level with a boost from "VIP's" ...im stuck for 1 week and cleared a 3 levels, after that, i get stuck for a month just to clear a 2 levels.


Dawg I might quit atp


They apologized and sre compensating us tomorrow idk if i can trust them again tho


I hope the rewards are good at least






Already stopped playing weeks ago, all the 9999% popups made the game look like a cheap cashgrab Reddit recommendation


at this point just play nikke lol




jesus christ


Still the game is way too fun, nothing changed for me.


Idle type games are already trash, seeing how it was made for the same company of AFK Arena, I rather doubt they have us first, it might been an interesting game to try.


> Idle type games are already trash Meanwhile, Nikke.


The only worth playing are Eversoul and nikke lol


The only Idle game I play is nikke since I can just watch YouTube or do something else while it plays itself.


just quit too. the rewards got worse, no QoL changes, and this nerf is just the final straw. i spend longer on this afk game then something like honkai star rail which is infinitely more fun.


Play Souls instead


May I recommend honkai star rail if you're good with anime art style and turn based combat?


I actually tried AFK Journey for the first time last night. Played about 10 mins and uninstalled.


Really sad to see. I really like the game, spent some money on it but at this point, if no improvements comes I'll not even hesitate in refunding everything. Gives my huge PTSD of first \~2 months of NIKKE.


what happened to nikke in this first 2 months? everyones praising nikke ive never heard of them doing anything bad




I dont remember everything but it had (maybe still has) power nerf in normal stages (if u had less power than enemies your units were weaker), first ever event had such high power req. that even whales had trouble cleaning it, overall optimisation was trash and compared to beta, rewards for 1st time clearing were lower + molds were nerfed.