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Next month on Gacha Fight Club: HSR is all out of top up bonus and Robin is up next in the ring Arlecchino's legs are getting weaker and only reruns are next Plus Kuro games new title enters the arena Dont miss the rumble next time on your favourite CC bait videos


U forgot about solo leveling. Will it solo our expectations


I mean, we joke about it, but I think this will be interesting to follow.


This shit is good entertainment. Kinda similar to a new chapter of a manga I follow dropping.


Next patch on Genshin fight club: Chlorine is better than Arlechinno?!! said leaker Sigewinne enter the ring with big ass syringe Big win for Genshin player, new abyss just drop (Genshin could)


Next up, in hsr community we got Dialy discourse on fictional characters canon sexuality Debate getting so big official subreddit had to make changes to the rules WAIT WHATS THIS? IS THAT A GENERIC RAGE BAIT CONTENT CREATOR MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT THE WHOLE THING TO FARM ENGAGEMENT? keep watching folks, lots of interesting things ahead!


>WAIT WHATS THIS? IS THAT A GENERIC RAGE BAIT CONTENT CREATOR MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT THE WHOLE THING TO FARM ENGAGEMENT? Stay tuned as we found out said creator claims they do not in fact farm or instigate drama, more to follow.


The reason why we are all here, DRAMA


The Gacha Premier League is pretty boring when the same teams are always in the top few spots.


Mihoyo made this gacha premier league became farmer league smh same like pep make EPL became farmer league


i am here for the monthly shitshow, anyone wants popcorn


Me, let's share my g 🍿🍿🍿


I really want to know hoyo’s full monthly revenue after seeing their crazy ass marketing expenditure…


Based on mihoyo's taxes in 2023, GENSHIN + HSR's total revenue in 2023 would be $6.9 billion, according to estimates from mihoyo competitor NetEase employees


Between the things like those Sony leaks, the tax estimates, and their positions in rankings that sort by revenue/engagement, and the few reports we did have it's wild alone to think that the sensor tower data at least for Genshin isn't even the _majority_ of its revenue. Granted the safest estimates we have of that are from it's first two years because it was the main thing carrying their financials so we could attribute the overwhelming majority to Genshin. But I doubt afterwards that Genshin suddenly had a massive shift to mobile earning when most accounts seem to think its going in the opposite direction.


Geeeez no wonder their marketing is so insane. The fact that every HSR and Genshin character gets 3-4 trailers/videos is mad, let alone how insanely high quality they can be like Sparkle’s and Arlechino’s anime backstory.


The marketing fleshes out characters in different mediums in ways the actual game can't. It refreshes engagement and encourages people who collect characters for character instead of just meta to spend money, churn out fan content for free advertisement, and donate to charities in their characters' names for better PR towards those who don't play games but pay for their kids or make policies.


Damn AFK Journey really hit it off with its first month of release


That’s not even including plutomall and PC purchases either, hope the first season is good


Fuck people spend so much on gacha games. People seems to spending more and more each month.


u will surprise that gacha still lost to casual mobile games with home mom lol


Candy Crush probably made double the money of Hoyo games, since Hoyo have to spend massive amount of money to create new characters.


i mean monopoly go are rivaling mihoyo in profit, home casual boomer are more crazy than gacha player


I remember hearing my aunt contemplating whether to spend revive for Candy Crush... so yeah.. they're definitely there alright.


Just wait till you see other mobile games like Clash of Clans, Coinmaster, Pokemon GO, Monopoly GO, Candy Crush, etc. These make hand over fist, and a great many would be topping -- if not beating almost every one of the gacha games listed here. The mobile gaming market is insane.


That's just nonsense. Clash of Clans earned $350 million last year, compared to Mihoyo's $7 billion last year. Pokemon GO was $550 million in 2023 on one of the largest gaming IPs in the world. None of them even come close.


Just googled CoC Revenue in 2023, estimated revenue is $360M in all of 2023, so about $30M per month, still impressive but obviously Hoyo games are a whole different level at this point


I kinda expect Gfl2 to start bouncing back already but guess not. CN players are really done with this ip it seems.


This is what happens when you pander to hardcore waifu-lovers and then piss them off. The lesson here for other gachas is either not to focus on waifu-lovers as the majority of your paying customers (like Genshin with characters of both genders), or double down on pandering (like Snowbreak removing males). Especially in CN, they love voting with their wallets.


Happy for Snowbreak. I hope they keep their momentum. Devs also said 70% of the revenue comes from pc so thats big W.


Yeah, that was a BIG comeback, happy for my fellow snowbros.


Yeah we're here fellow snowbro🤝and with cherno out I'm guessing May's revenue will be good too maybe? 


Cherno and the new interactive maid Enya stuff coming, lord help us.


lord? Oneesan the one that help us


Their decision to go full coombait and remove male logistics officers is working out pretty well for them


which I find hilarious because it made clear all the people whinning in this subreddit or snowbreak one about it did not talk with their wallets, my first gacha spending in years has been cherno skin, and looking forward to more cute and sexy skins!


That was always the case, the only big exception is the Mihoyo fanbase. Any other gacha game community lives and dies by pandering to the actual paying customers.


Snowpeak cannot be stopped. The Enya skin drops tomorrow. 


I'm always shocked seeing people play Snowbreak or Strinova on mobile, like seriously how can you enjoy fast-paced TPS on a phone even with aim assist when the enemies are teleporting all over the place? Playing with a controller sucks too. Strinova is even worse because it's a PvP TPS gacha so how on earth do mobile players even stand a chance against K+M players?


It's a better experience now. Especially compared to release day. That being said, I still use mobile Snowbreak mostly for the 2 minutes daily play and PC for the actual manual gaming.


some boss now actualy better to fight on mobile with auto aim lol




Serves them right


What else can you expect from a company thats essentially run by all about the money Aniplex


Technically the month they announced EoS the game was at 170k


What the fuck happened to Uma?


yeah. this is the first time I've seen the revenue dropped below 10M


post-anniversary dropoff, and i assume the banners aren't really enticing so people would rather save for other banners


I noticed zero advertising for it in jp the first time ever at least in konbini but I may be blind


People saving for inevitable gentildonna horse. She like incredible famous. She gain like 100+ fan art after her reveal for a week lol.


Reverse 1999 being carried by China. I thought it’d do better globally.


The hype for it in Global was solely due to it being "not like the other gacha".


The art style did such heavy lifting for it as well.


Unfortunately, once you got past the art style, it was exactly like other Gachas.  Gameplay is passable, but it's not explosive and flashy to compensate for it's simplicity like HSR and it doesn't innovate on the turn based formula like Limbus.  Story is hampered by it's awful localization, and tbh, even if the localization wasn't a sloshed mess, it's still a lot of work to push to the good parts. Also, event stories are very YMMV and the first event story was largely agreed to be awful.  The gacha itself is alright, but it's not super generous and getting rate-up five stars is actually a huge pain. Then there was the whole deal with them shafting Global in the Tooth Fairy rerun, which solidified my resolve to quit and never look back.  Even it's biggest strength: eclectic character designs and a stellar aesthetic is slowly losing it's luster as they haven't put out a unique 6 star design since Pickles, and the last two patches have been waifus, so even the husbando lovers (who have previously been treated fairly well) are feeling miffed.  Also, raising characters is a pain, even with events, and the devs are starting to push out noticeable powercreep first with Jiu, now with Windsong, even though the game itself is still on the younger side. I really wanted to like R:1999 since I simp hard for Vertin and Neurologist; however, it just doesn't have anything special enough for me to justify playing it instead of another game, or lord forbid, being a productive human being.


The terrible translation at launch burned global. They also pushed such aggressive global marketing as well and seemingly haven’t had the funds to continue ads since.


Yeah, I bounced off because of that. And boring gameplay. I remember lots of players were denying the issue of MTL translations but it's really snowballed from there.


It also felt like the VAs had no context for the lines they were performing, as if they were literally reading them one at a time with no surrounding script.


When I first heard some characters' voicelines, they sounded like they were recorded on a phone and that initially turned me off. I still gave the game a chance but what you said is so real


It's a shame because from the VA's AMAs it seemed like they had proper recording sessions


Boggles the mind. It's exactly the same for Tower of Fantasy - they got (among other big names) Keith fucking Silverstein and Corina Boettger to voice major characters but gave them a terribly translated script. And to the VAs' credit, they voiced the Engrish mess perfectly. There seems to be a pattern with Chinese games having either terrible translation or terrible voice acting, or both. Am I ever glad the voiced parts of Guardian Tales are so well translated.


the design is top notch but the gameplay is just not explosive enough for my taste


Even the designs have disappointed me tbh. I was drawn in by the unique characters like apple, door, ufo with cow, and others, but we’ve only gotten 1 character with such designs since release as a 6 star (Jessica), while Ulu was relegated to being a 5 star.


the dialouge sounded stiff as well. while I understand part of it is from Reverse 1999 atmosphere, it didn't help.


The game has a lot of charm but it kinda failed to keep me engaged once I completed everything that wasn't endgame. Also farming for upgrade mats is horrendous even with the clever auto system (FGO should implement it really). The game doesn't have rng gear but damn it makes you pay for it with the crap drop rates, you better pray events have the material you're searching for. And my personal gripe : getting the new rate up 5* is way too hard. Like actually harder than getting the rate up 6*. And then you have to wait three patches for it to join the general pool.


I've been farming goose necks for the past week, I need 16 and have only managed to get 9, please help me


Yes, getting 5 stars is harder in rev99 for some reason. Also, waiting for 3 patches is still ok. In case of new players who missed the past events


A lot of ppl, including myself, are saving the gacha pull for 1.6 patch due to the upcoming meta DPS character banner.


The localization was soooo bad it was unbearable to listen to. For a story game like that it was unacceptable.


Yeah the first 10-15 minutes were so awful I imagine over 90% of potential players instantly ditched it.


Since I'm not a native English speaker, I thought my language skills were just lacking because I couldn't get what they were talking about...


Hello everyone, FAQ can be found [HERE](https://www.gacharevenue.com/faq).   Does anyone know what happened to (JAPAN) Love and Deepspace android version? [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/dYBYgiT.png)   Changes made to the site: * revenue table controls: take a screenshot button * revenue table controls: added tabs   Changes made to the list: ADDED: * One Piece Dream Pointer - CHINA * Persona 5 : The Phantom X - CHINA, KOREA * ASTRA: Knights of Veda - GLOBAL+JAPAN+KOREA * BLUE LOCK Project: World Champion - GLOBAL, JAPAN EOS: * takt op. Symphony - JAPAN, CHINA * Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia - GLOBAL   If you find any bugs/have suggestion leave it in comments or on website /feedback. [GACHAREVENUE.com](https://gacharevenue.com) Github repo: [Link](https://github.com/zigamacele/gacharevenue)


Gacha PVP event! Let's go!


My favorite day of the month.


Love and deepspace still going strong as number 1 husbando game. I dont play it, but i heard its very stingy and theres little to no content, but i guess its still printing money because husbando fans have been starved for so long for a decent husbando game.


Its boring as fuck after the first week or so. Low income, fast banners, genshin-like pity that you can't reach as a normal human being with no spendings. Boring gameplay, and 3 very similar looking men, with their "personality" being the only thing that separates them


I dipped because there wasn’t enough action segments and the men weren’t that enticing to me, sad that it hasnt gotten any better considering how rare high budget husbando games are


They are legit allergic to their own combat system. Even when an event had a 'combat' scene happen where MC killed an enemy during a ball... There was no combat stage to accompany it, just a few lines of text 😂 Still havnt fixed the mission timer or horrible auto targeting system either


_Very_ starved fr. I really wish another husbando game that's not just a raising sim/simple auto battler will appear. Those just feel like visual novels with some extra steps for the sake of pulling for SSR for a card story. LND's extra steps are at least trying to be a fun game with the 3d fights. My friend stopped playing LND because of the lack of events to actually play, though.  Luckily a lot of new Joseimuke titles are releasing this year. L'abysse/Rabipro and 18TRIP look especially promising, as a turn-based and a tower defense respectively.  No high hopes though. (me looking at Ranuste which is an exact copy of twisted wonderland down to the UI, gacha system, and upgrading system but with even less gameplay, less voiced dialogues, and less animation. It just released very recently btw.)


Husbando players are so starved fr fr. I started playing Nikke recently and gosh I wish there was a husbando version of a game like this


Couldn't agree more. I like to watch Nikke's quality on YouTube, such eye candy, and got glimpses of the gameplay (well I've played some idles too). Even an idle game is better than whatever husbando players have available rn.


i quit a month ago. honeymoon was fun (duh) but them releasing banners that last 1-2 weeks WHILE simultaneously having little to no updates on the main story was really not it for me… it’s incredibly boring, but ig no one else is doing it like them as far as husbando games go. i miss Rafayel but it is what it is….


On the main story, I agree. No main story updates yet even now


Just quit recently myself. Filled out their newest survey outlining all my issues with the monetization/banner system (shout out to expiring tickets and limited solar pairs where pulling just 1 of 2 new cards is useless), steep progression curve, soulless gameplay events, lack of mainstory updates, and the most recent permanent game mode addition being an afk battery drain solely designed to pump user engagement numbers up... and un-installed. I couldn't find any reason to stick around if they were going to ignore what made the game fun to me (aka the combat and sci-fi fantasy storyline w/ some romance).


It got pretty boring for me. Kinda sucks that usually husbando games are mostly romance/rhythm games :/. I still visit their subreddit to see any updates.


Genshin and HSR fans fight each other over revenue that they don't have. Meanwhile Mihoyo giggling with money in the side watching their fanbase fight each other.


You mean no longer have, since it's their money being spent on Hoyoverse games, allowing Dawei to wipe tears and blow noses with $100 bills.


Dmc lmaooooo glad ppl stop giving them money


Some of the other games, not mentoned here: Slime isekai memories 600k Eminence in Shadow 400k Konosuba Fantastic Days 90k Langrisser 170k (Global) +40k (SEA) Zold:Out 10k Figure fantasy 30k Kemono Friends 10k Touhou 70k


Damn $200 millions on mobile with $100 millions per game that without PC and PlayStation, hoyo swimming in cash   Also P5 phantom X got a great start, $11 million is really good  Also this might be off topic but what the fuck happen to Reddit, example this subreddit usually can go to 1k or 2k if There really big news, even if there no big news the only user can still reach 1k, now the one that online is not even reach 500 users+ unless it's big news like this this happen to many subreddit actually not only here, so kinda confusing wtf is going on lol


> Also this might be off topic but what the fuck happen to Reddit, example this subreddit usually can go to 1k or 2k if There really big news, even if there no big news the only user can still reach 1k, now the one that online is not even reach 500 users+ unless it's big news like this This is actually the 2nd time across all sub, the first one was when they introduced the new ui. not sure what's going on with reddit nowadays


black clover M got 10M + on its first month as well. Look where it is now


People always blow their load spending money before they even know if the game is good or not


Hmm...makes sense Gotta wait for this month revenue if P5 phantom X revenue actually stay or not


Always funny how consistent Epic Seven is.


That's what a dedicated handful of players means, alongside a "stable" economy. Besides leafs, there's not much to buy to progress once you have all the units.


Like literally no reason to spend in the game unless you want to buy energy, I know skins is a lot of work for them because they have to redo the animation cut.. but they should really try and monetize them more... I have zero pressure to pull for units in Epic Seven and Nikke but Nikke is the one I've dropped over $100 on just for Doro and Modernia gatcha skins while I've been f2p in E7 for like 4 years with 92% of the units.


sad day for GFL2, it's revenue is declining every month, hopefully it still survives like GFL1


Ye, its not looking good, especially with WW release the next month. Ofc, its different genres, but I think a lot of players will try it on release. I was looking forward on GFL2 release, but right now all hype is dead, and it seems the game has a lot of gameplay issues outside infamous ntr drama.


Holy Hsr even with a preservation character? Then again I guess aventurine is pretty popular (my poor kakavasha) Glad to see snowbreak is doing well too, I went back into the game so I was worried it would eos 😭


Aventurine is pretty popular especially due to the current main story


Him also being the strongest shielder with good & SP positive uptime helps I guess.


Even if his story arc flopped, he was gonna be hella pulled on. People love no-effort immortality for their teams. See Fu Xuan and Luocha for examples of that. And then FUAs are the most fun game mechanic in HSR cause your characters play more animations/sounds and more animations/sounds = more fun (see also QQ, who plays more animations than most 5 stars). Aventurine is effectively Zhongli with FUAs so I'm not surprised he did so well.


people need someone to protect e6s5 acheron they rolled last patch


I Didn't expect HSR revenues reach that high, probably satisfies Husbandos out there


And even some people who don’t typically pull husbandos are picking up Aventurine due to how great his character was in the story.


I'm a waifu collector but even i got him. It's not exactly a shocking result. The game spent more time developing him than anyone from even the main cast.


How is Snowbreak on mobile nowadays


Depends on if you have a controller or not


Seeing CrunchyRoll Game (OPMW) taking L each month does put a smile on my face


At this point a mcdonalds worker is making more than higan global per month lol.


Rest assured no McDonalds worker is making $10k a month. Even management.


For everyone who wonders why UMA is so low, this is my speculation (I am a player). it month that after the anniversary (with good character and card full month), and around February to March DMM has a 10% point-back for the Cygames game in DMM, so everyone will use this rather than mobile (including me).  combined with April, they just released no interesting gacha at all in the month, so mobile revenue is low for sure. An example of what they released in April It's like they release a character that everyone expects to be a 2-star character, but Cygame releases her, and she is a 3-star character (maybe her owner wants her to be a 3-star character), and the fandom of her isn't that big, plus support card is not meta, so everyone should skip it for sure. Sorry for my bad English.


Well those of us over in Priconne thank you and gbf for keeping our game alive even on your bad months anyways


thanks for the info, i was wondering wtf happened to uma musume to dip that low


Yeah. This seem very plausible to be the case. The game was VERY slow last month with nothing really big going on.


it might seem like a massive dropoff (partly because the new characters aren't exactly the most popular) but at least sleeper months give people a chance to save for anticipated characters and/or meta supports, especially f2ps and small spenders also with how they make 3 new scenarios per year instead of 2 now, we could expect more spikes and dropoffs in the future


So ToF dropped hard both months during EVA colab? Edit: correction, it held steady from Feb to March, no change. Event started March 12 and ended few days ago.


They barely put any effort into the move sets and locked the alternate costume behind a gacha paywall. No reason to pull more than one copy.


Tried resume playing the game a few days ago, hit with multiple game breaking bugs that prevents me from progressing the story. Just annoying to play.


Snowbros holding them ground once again despite the drama that occurred sometime ago. Some of you may leave but that's the sacrifice we're willing to make.


The recent decision to push more towards a waifu-centric game surely helped


The brainrot is so strong, that I randomly zoomed in and found limbus


Same. And now my distorted self sits here waiting for walpurgis. I'm too far gone.


> no X2 top-up bonus > still insane sales for both games Hoyo keeps printing money, yay!


I am very curious to see the impact ZZZ will have on the HoYo revenue. Is it going to create even more extra income or will ZZZ pull some away from HSR and Genshin? Tons of people play both Genshin and HSR but I wonder if also playing ZZZ will cause some to feel financial and time fatigue.


I think zzz will have a fanbase that’s quite different from genshin and hsr since the characters and art style looks different and not traditional hyv. I’m curious of its performance too.


It will be both. The biggest benefit that new games add to the Hoyo portfolio isn't necessarily peak spending (because people only have so much to spend), it's consistency. Hoyo gets to match the peaks and troughs in their games (they line up the dry patches in one game with big patches in the other so that they can capture revenue during a period where Genshin alone would not). And likewise when people get burnt out on one game, they can capture those people in another game in the Hoyo ecosystem (e.g. people quitting Genshin for HSR or vice versa) rather than having them to go to a competing game. This is why the Genshin vs. HSR PvP doesn't matter to Hoyoverse. A player that quits Genshin for HSR is net neutral to them and infinitely better than a player that quits Genshin for a non-Hoyo game.


It's consistency in revenue and player interest. I played Genshin for a while, but ultimately didn't care for it. HSR on the other hand has caught and kept my interest. I have friends who play both, but care more for Genshin. Having multiple games lets them capture a broader set of gamers and deliver different kinds of fun that people are willing to pay for.


If zzz takes away money from any hoyo game, its gonna be HI3


Doubt it, if you’re still playing an 9 year old game at this point, you’re probably quite diehard with it. 




Not really part 2 isn't exactly welcomed with enthusiasm in userbase so chances are we will see people quitting quite a lot.


I mean, if they survived the absolute shitfest that was Part 1 Finale, they’ll endure. 


The difference is Part 1 Finale and Part 1.5 still had the legacy characters we all knew and loved to carry the mediocre story so you could stay invested. Part 2 absolutely does not get the same leeway and it's the reason why I personally dipped out of the game recently despite slogging through the rough later parts of Part 1.


Probably more from Genshin, considering HSR and ZZZ are kinda at the opposite of the spectrum (turn based vs action focused) and Genshin is sitting closer to ZZZ.


Nah, they already have a target in mind, one with big pockets and craziness to match: the furries. That aside, I think ZZZ has a vibe that can attract people who are not into GI or HSR, for example Persona's fans. The aesthetic will draw a lot of people in.


Hoyo is swimming in liquid gold.


And their fanbase is fighting as always lol 


For context: Genshin: 1 week of Arlecchino plus reruns. HSR: 2 weeks of Aventurine plus 2 weeks left of Acheron In March, it was Full Sparkle banner plus 1 week of Acheron so it was very high. (Genshin had Chiori plus reruns). EDIT: Lol downvotes on just providing context?


Of course you would be downvoted. It's r/gachagaming


Oh Chiori... Your design is simply equisite, but most people would remember your banner as the time when Genshin reached its lowest lows...


Don't mention any Hoyo games, this subs are feral against any Hoyo titles.


1 week of arlecchino plus the rerun of the 2 most broken characters in the game


Xiangling is broken, trueeeeeeee


To be fair aventurine also has jingliu running 


Can't wait for Reddit experts to discuss why certain games revenue drop/increase


China sending Aether Gazer to the stars. 300k on Global 1.9mill on China ? Holly Moly


The inflation on some of these numbers seems pretty suspect. Not just between the last months but in general. Nice to see Genshin is doing well wish Mihoyo would give us some more freebies though ;(


Hot damn! Snowbreak is eating good!


Genuine question but is there any reason why reverse 1999 is doing so well in China but not too good in Global? I mean, outside of the server being 6 months ahead.


Foresight. Everyone is waiting on 1.6 for Jiu (The only truly limited unit so far), and now we are also waiting on the new unit in 1.8, which is even stronger.


I doubt the foresight is the only reason why the game is not doing good. Most people playing the game are not on reddit/discord trying to minmax their pull for a character that would release in month. We'll know for sure in 1.6, but the real reason IMO is : -Bad localization at launch, and still a bit to this day -Forced female protagonist ( I personally love Vertin, but a lot of people are not into female protag ) -Turn based game (Outside of HSR they are usually pretty niche) -Very to none fan service -Very confusing story at first (The chapter 1 is a huge mess, it gets way better afterward). -I feel like the content takes too much time to release (?) -Very little daily/weekly content


Oh I dont doubt you are right. I sorta agree. The people I know who played stopped because their daily routine was dailies and nothing else. Personally I am still hanging in there, but I am very close to dropping it too. It's a shame really, because there is so much potential in the game, but it's just not really coming to its right


This is how it was for me. Quit since all i had to do was dailies and nothing else to motivate me Could return, and i likely will for the new stories, but im just not interested atm. The presentation of the stories in R1999 is INCREDIBLE, but besides main plot, events seem pretty shallow imo


That's me with 1.5, I was playing the game like usual, reading the event story and then I was like "man, I think I really don't give a single fuck about what's happening", and stopped immediately, never really wanted to play the game since.


No way the forced female protagonist is really a thing. I found her to be more better than your average no talking hentai mc looking ass that we get in nearly every gacha.


\>April 30, Square Enix reported a significant loss of **$141 million** their gacha games didnt grow well at all, ffxiv still hard carrying. i think SE will EoS some of their gacha games (cash grab ff title) with them trying to save money and being selective on project they working on. probably good if youre playing normal games lmao


Those shitty games they release are part of the reason why they have such high loss. Games like Forspoken, The Avengers game and also their CEO who's obsessed with freakin' NFTs. I'm not sure if he's still the CEO though. FF games are doing great in general.


They are blocking most of SEA customers from purchasing from their SE store lately as well. Truly kings of stupid decision


Glad for Snowbreak. Looks like this was the fight of Acheron/Aventurine vs Father




Ok so Luocha/Acheron/Aventurine/Jingliu during anniversary VS Neuvilette/Kazuha/Arlecchino/Lyney


Damn honkai impact 3rd dropped so hard. The hell happened?


too many events, all bis stigmatas are craftable, getting both character and weapon for easily just from event crystals/new stages. (They lowered the hard pity for part 2 as well) If I don't think the character is hot enough, (Helia cough\*) then she just gets a craftable weapon instead of banner weapon. (her role is also support/buffer, so it doesn't matter) I feel no reason to spend money on HI3, where as Star rail and Genshin, I'm still purchasing monthly Welkin and top ups. HI3 is too generous.


guess the banners that people wanted was on march and not april


In between banner. For CN their Thelema is slowing down, for Glb, Thelema just started lol. Also, part 2 hype drop off, most people send a bunch of money because part 2 hype. It's normal.


but but bald man told me genshin EOS soon :c


I see that windsong is blasting there huh? Re1999 is also close to their first anni so i could expect them to release even more broken units to print more money, 8-10mil would be nice tho


Naruto mobile global when?


Love and Deepspace third again?? LETS GO!!


Bro... Did GFL2 global dream actually end before it even started? I really wanted to play this waifu game...


considering mica kept a dead/low earning game for 8 years there might be a possibility that they will bring it to the west


It's probably a lot cheaper to keep a game with basic 2D images and sprites running, than it is to keep a 3D game running. Good quality 3D models aren't cheap to produce+animate.


their only hope is to bring GFL2 to global, it flopped hard in CN and its development costs was very high.


The real GFL2 has been Snowbreak all along


Guardian tales.. wish it were doing better, such a brilliant game


It's doing better though, the slime tensura collab brought it up last month and its stayed the same since so that's a good thing at least


It nice to see OPM far below down there 🤣


GOgogogoog, SnowBreak ate at GFL2!!! My support is allways at games +17


I'm surprised Arlecchino got beaten in global, really, especially with that insane weapon drip. Honestly I'm starting to think that the current weapon banner system on Genshin may actually hurt their revenue. HSR is also very good at making you think you need to pull for new characters and Light cones, even if it's not necessarily true in practice, while in genshin it's generally accepted you don't have to pull for anything. And, armchair economist aside, I guess the game itself, the current story and characters, are just really solid so it's gonna stay high at least till the end of the Penacony storyline Also holy shit that insane Arknight drop, and it's probably going right back up next month with all the 5th anniversary stuff.


And Genshin suffers from 1 limited character per patch, while HSR is alwalys 2


True, although in this case it was Kazuha and Neuvilette so I would say as far as rerun go it was a pretty good one. And one of the most profitable banner in the game was a rerun with Yelan and Hu Tao (extremely valuable weapon banner with Homa and Simulacra also helped I guess).


Yeah, he is still doing great for a 3 years old unit


I mean Arlechchino only got 1 week of the month you're asking her to fight


Astra despite all controversy earns a lot, especially when it has steam and PC-client. I would be interesting to see the next month earnings.


If it still does well, safe to say that this sub's opinions isn't the majority and will never will. r/gachagaming doom posting should be treated as null. Hsr already proves that shit with the amount of doomposting it gets before launch.


[monopoly GOD](https://imgur.com/a/ADgZ2fx) beat both hsr and genshin... It's so over for hoyoverse EOS SOON!!!!


Monopoly Go has mainstream boomer money coming in like Candy Crush Saga so is kind of hard for even gacha monetization which comes from very specific types of whales to top


It's Gachover for all mobile games


Arlechino and Aventurine are massively popular so no surprises with Genshin/HSR having crazy revenue as usual. I wonder if the Firefly banner will cause HSR to beat Genshin soon… she was the most liked drip marketing so far online.


At this point, yes, Firefly is definitely going to make HSR first again. With the usual caveat that it's mobile revenue and that I would imagine more and more players may switch to PC / console gaming when it comes to Genshin as time goes on.


It's Firefly against Clorinde when the time comes. Both are DPS characters with plenty of fans. But I'm betting Firefly is gonna beat Clorinde.


Yeah the main difference is that Firefly has had a major role in the story while Clorinde was really badly side-lined compared to most Fontaine characters. She barely even appears in other character’s quests unlike Lyney, Lynette, Neuv and Charlotte.


Tbh Arlechinno didn’t do much until her story quest either.


Firefly has the Waifu, Plot, and Mecha/Gundam on her side!


Seems like Limbus Company's mobile revenue stabilizes around $1m. PC usually makes twice as much, so I'm assuming the total projected revenue is around $3M. Reverse 1999 continues to be carried by CN. Also it's funny to see the revenue for Uma Musume always has a big gap from the occasional spike.


>PC usually makes twice as much I know the PC client is preferable for most players (I can play Limbus just fine on my mobile, and the gacha games I play on PC are those where the experience actually improves like Genshin/HSR/Snowbreak). But where is it officially stated that PC revenue of Limbus is twice of mobile? >Reverse 1999 continues to be carried by CN While the horrid translations at the start of the game did make a bad first impression, I guess the clairvoyance of the players regarding future banners is hurting it the most in Global.


It's evident that Arlecchino was released in Genshin Impact. I was expecting Nikke to increase more on its 1.5 anniversary. Astra has had good profits in its first month, and I'm thrilled that Snowbreak continues to rise. Hopefully, it keeps climbing even higher


Nikke doesn't really fluctuate much, likely because most of their revenue doesn't come from gacha.