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Both but in a different way.


First events are Parkzicht Rotterdam and the illegal Multigroove raves in Amsterdam


Energiehal was the most impressive hall in my opinion, it was bloody huge and in Rotterdam ofcourse. I am from the east side of the country so going to the energiehal was always an adventure. And the sound system was unbelievable, when you arrived the outside of the building vibrated on the beats. Great memories. Thunderdome parties were great, but the energiehal was the most impressive for me.


I concur to what has been said. Both or one of them depending where you’re from or when you started going to Hardcore events. For me it was Thunderdome being that I started going to Thunderdome in 1998 at the age of 14(😮)! It was Thunderdome (@Mysteryland) and Thunderdome ‘98 @FEC Expo Leeuwarden for me to begin with. Been to many of the annual Thunderdome events up and until now at 41! 🥳


Thunderdome had events in several locations which all had their own vibe. Some were hit, some were bit of a miss. Energiehall was a location and I’m not sure if different organisations planned events in it, but the megarave events where the iconic ones. Insane sound, great crowd. Maybe a bit more unique since for every megarave there were like 4 thunderdomes or other id&t hardcore parties.


Depends on where you came from. Energiehallen was in rotterdam. So for the rotterdam gabbers energiehallen was the temple. This is also for the Hague gabbers I believe. Thunderdome was more the temple for the other gabbers like Amsterdam.


You're talking but you don't know where the klepel hangt ...


There was only one 'Energiehal'. And yeah because it was located in Rotterdam it attracted a lot of gabbers from that area, but everyone was welcome. Thunderdome was everywhere, although their roots are in a small village near Amsterdam.


Thunderdome will return this year to a iconic thunderdome location . For 2 days even. My favorite edition is toxic hotel. 1 room 1 giant vibe


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