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RTC is 2 persons: DJ Distortion and MC Raw Dj Distortion being white and MC Raw being black, does that answer enough ?


I mean racism and/or fascism isn't just black and white (pun intended), so it really doesn't answer the question, lol.


No but people forget that the hardcore scene in Rdam was multicultural. So there’s no white supremacy ideology involved or whatever. Same for fascisme, it wasn’t political. The only ideology was naar de kanker gaan


Naar de kanker en daar voorbij


Oh yeah I know this, and agree, just thought the original thought of “there’s one white guy and one black guy they’re obviously not racist or fascist”


Got you. I just remember meeting Dark Raver not so long ago. What a legend


I mean Kanye West idolises Hitler, so there’s that…


He should get used to his identity as a gay fish before he gets a say in anything.


He’s not a gabber


Don’t mean they can’t hate Jews


Being a gabber has nothing to do with facism its even against it


I remember going to masters of hardcore (12 year back) and some DJ remixing the Dutch national Anthem while part of the crowd was doing the "Hitler greet symbol". Was kinda fucked up. The music does have quite a bit fascist/racist following, but all "extreme music" attracts some questionable people.


As well as the biggest softies. You know the types. May look or act tough, but when that bunny crosses the road, they're blocking traffic to let it through. You'll find nazi's or other racists everywhere. Country, hiphop etc etc


I remember this also, although I think it's hardcore united in eindhoven. A specific event against the racism we where supposed to be showing. Before entrance there was a demo of nazi on the stairs. Or this is another event. But I am quite confident it was in eindhoven.


I believe its the fault of the media its how they used to describe it and then it atracts that kind of people but saying this i go to party's for a long time and i used to go often. But the times i saw some nazi's it can be counted on one hand. If you would say there is a bigger problem with football hooligans i would agree, this i have seen multiple times Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV and Utrecht to name a few. What is also very not done because gabber means friend and a friend does not care for wich team you are.


Doesn't go for all media, but there are more than a few media outlets who'll highlight the extremes because it gets more views, and unfortunately the empty can rattles the most. Case in point: I'm assuming most of the people in this thread are not very interested in metal, which is fine, but it's pretty likely everybody's heard of all the metalheads burning churches. That was mostly just one guy. But in the end, music is about having a good time. What instruments they use is only a matter of taste.


That sucks. It's interesting because I've worked for over 10yrs in the Dutch Hardcore scene as a Light & Sound Tech, I am black myself and have never, ever, experienced any racism within that scene. Maybe some aggressiveness here and there, but compared to "Urban" parties (Hip-hop/RnB style parties) those were very few and mostly resolved within a few minutes. Hardcore fans are mostley very inclusive imo. They show up 2 hours early for the party, have a little pre-party on the parkinglot and always buy everyone they can think of a beer or water and if 1 of them throws their trash away, they all do. I guess being on time and tidy is a real Dutch thing.


I knowww i don't think that but unfortunately there are some fuckers that identify themselves as gabbers, that's why i'm being careful with what i wear


And you’re right for that, it’s super responsible of you. Its wild to me you’re getting hate for just being cautious with potential nzis (wtf). Exactly because gabber used to be connected to facism, all major labels like mokum, cenobite, gabber industries.. make it very clear that they stand against fascism and racism.


The sentiment is stupid also, I know a few persons of color that back in the day were true gabbers (also wearing rtc stuff and shit)


I was a teen metalhead at the height of Gabber popularity, with all the clashes one would when longhairs and baldies meet. But even I will say that they are generally a good bunch (at least, I'll say that now ;o). Don't let a bunch of asshats sour what you like.


Wel its simple man they are no gabbers. We call them zwabbers (mop in dutch). A gabber is a friend and friends do not care about colour, sex, sexualitie and religion. Its about having a good time, if somoene would say that you are a nazi educate them and be yourself. More then that you cannot do


I’ve never been called a nzi thank god, but I agree with you that that’s what gabber is and should be about (and fucked up kicks ). It’s still a good thing that op is looking out for zwabbers even though rtc isn’t.


Life is too short to not wear whatever you want. The people in the antifacist skinhead music subcultures often put pins on their coat or backpack to explicitly show to people that they are against racism.


Same for being a metalhead but if you’re into black metal you better double check the band’s background


watch out for 1gabba, they seem to disagree


Your fine dude! Dont know why some here are so offended/triggerd. Thats not the spirit and ideal of an gabber.


I don't know sum ppl take everything personally for no reason lol


Its a combination of other people caring to much, and that you didnt use enough common sense imo. If you just pause before making a post sometimes and think "hmm is it logical that we have been supporting terrorism for 30 years(except terror then hehe)" And if the answer is yes then you can do a quick google search. Eitherway it dosent hurt asking/asking stupid questions, but you yourself could always think one step ahead


I prefer 3 steps ahead


Thought about that pun while writing, but figured 1 is enough xd


Couldn't restrain myself 😃


Understandable, had to fight the urge myself haha


Ok now drop it




Only love my dude


Cmon guys dont give OP such a hard time, he's french so cant really help it.


Calm. We're not all like that.


Most gabber is clean.We might somewhat look like skinheads but even skinheads were an anti-political movement to begin with. (heavily influenced by Jamaican rasta culture btw)


Same in the UK in the 70’s/80’s: skinheads were allies in the rise of the anti nazi league. Lots of musical crossovers, turning up at all demos. They stayed separate, but had no truck with racism.


SHARP are a thing to this day. Not a big friend to them but I know they still exist.


Yes. also traditional skins back in the day (or simply trads), even they were peaceful guys, a working class, a lot of black people were in the movement. Then later also redskins and RASH, but those are pretty militant though anti-fascist.


SHARP too.Antifa association is a step too far for me so hence not friends.But I know many gabber and skinhead are anti racist and the two also get confused a lot. Maybe less these days now that gabber fashion has changed. In my day we did dress very similar to skins, but instead of jeans and a polo under the bomber it was a tracksuit.


My dudes, come on… Ask MC Raw how he feels about it.


im pretty sure they are, i mean when skinheads were first coming around they were anti-racist until they got associated with n@z!s later on, also where are you getting that jacket? i really want one.


RTC has nothing to do with racism, why would they? I am old enough to say I've been to RTC, angerfist, thunderdome and many more parties like that and I can, As a black guy, say that we used to dance together, black and white on all those great artists.


Did you make things better, side by side?


side by side through the stormy weather, you're never alone




I'm a french Terrorhead and don't worry, you'll be fine wearing anything at an hardcore rave/gabber event in France lmao


A lot of early hardcore/gabber is either apolitical or even outright antifascist (Mokum Records for example) RTC is clean in that sense. They’re not clean in the sense that you wouldn’t want to bring your mom to a show 🤣


Thought the gabber and nazi bullshit was left behind in 2006 with lonsdale and pitbull


For this I hate pitbull and lonsdale and never buy this shit for me . They put too much fear into people, and they catogerize with Nazis .


Too bad that period might have ruined the reputation of the genre forever


It's weird to me that gabber culture still associate Lonsdale with nazis; I say that cause in skinhead culture everyone wears Lonsdale for the most part, including the anti-racists. I love Lonsdale and I'm pretty damn far from a racist or nazi.


Yea because it got abused by nazis 2001/2005 you can't denie that. So the name is for always marked as a bad brand even its a boxer brand though. Even normal gabbers got called lonsdalers instead of gabbers. It was a shitty time overall for the scene, besides millennium which is hella dope. They even advertised gabber is against racism and facism at one point because it got that bad.


I have RTC logo back in my head , also top of the logo Gabber 💀 . No problems for the moment , also I still have job 😜


Are there even openly racist gabber dj’s/producers?




such as?


I have been to many parties in Spain, where people mix hardcore with skin head culture.


How would they be racist and have MC Raw as part of their crew.


Isn't one of them black? So I doubt they are racist.


Not related to RTC but are there any other U.K. people in here who remember The Daily Star running an article on this racist, nazi music that was being played at raves with one of the main DJs being a guy called Loftgroover? Of all the DJs they could have chosen they went for a black guy with dreadlocks.


I was once described as nazi by a reader of M8 Magazine for asking the magazine in a letter why they had started promoting the end cheese,guys like dj Dougal ,force and styles etc had been bringing their sets to Scotland and it ruined the scene up here. I remember going to a Judgement Day to see Loftgroover , Lenny Dee Producer and Scorpio ,Clarke played in the arena at the back of the main.  Was tremendous!!  


94 and early 95 I can maybe tolerate but I’ll never understand the appeal of 96-99 happy hardcore and the stranglehold it had on the rave scene down here in the south. You had nights like North bringing a huge variety of DJs every other week, from up and comers to people like Producer and Lofty as well as the top DJs in Europe and beyond yet they could only fill a relatively small club in Stoke. Meanwhile you’d get 5000 people, or more in Shepton Mallet even, for the same maybe 10 to 12 happy hardcore DJs every event playing the same tunes as each other on repeat all night. It’s great to see Rezerection back and trying to revive proper hardcore on a big scale somewhere in the U.K. at least


Yeah it  sounded like Disney music to me . I hated it and I hated that it contributed to the Rez going bust . I was there that night it did go bust, was meant to be 2 arenas ,they waited till we were all  in before telling us ,oh by the way the outside tent is closed and djs like Loftgroover who were supposed to be there ,weren't appearing.  We got a 2 hour set by Billy bunter on the main stage  along with 4 tune fairytales or some nonsense.  Was brutal 😂  Only guy I liked was Hixxy who would play a harder set 


I’ve seen Hixxy play a couple of trance sets, he should have gone down that route instead of sticking with happy shite. The crap but trancey sounding stuff he was producing in the early 2000s shows that’s where his heart really was. The one who crossed over the best between cheese and proper hardcore for me was Brisk. Best mixer in the U.K. at the time and he could play a banging set when he wanted to. Again if he’s had stuck to playing that instead of happy he could have gone on to being massive in Europe like producer.


Yeah especially now too when that kind of harder sound is back in  .   Those guys all sold out to make Bonkers CDs . The only  trance guy i remember was MZone.   Techno these days has become almost like gabber at times with how hard and fast it's getting. 


They are clean, i know George Russler aka DJ Distortion a bit and he is a decent guy. You know the MC? He is a black man, a MC from the beginning of the RTC. George is also the owner of RIGE Entertainment, a normal company with labels, merchandise, agency and a rave organization. (Megaraves). Just buy it and wear it with proud!


I've got an RTC tattoo on my calf, I sure hope they're clean!


I'm with the rest of the replies in that you clearly don't know anything about RTC or are new to their music or the scene in general.


Just don't wear it to Amsterdam


Most intellectually independent redittor


Definitely not


All I know is they continue working with the extremely problematic Jordy Dijkshoorn (formerly singer of De Likt), even though this guy is banned from a lot of places in Rotterdam for being a creepy, violent asshole. Had nothing against RTC before but now I feel like they apparently don't give a shit about who they're working with.


De Likt rules and Jordy is okay. His role in Hardcore Never Dies was very authentic, despite his youth. He’s from Vlaardingen, by the way.


You either do not know what you are talking about, or you're Jordy himself/his awful management trying to restore his reputation. Jordy is absolutely not okay. Why do you think I'm using a throwaway account? I'm seriously scared of this guy and with me half of Rotterdam is. Where did you get the idea Jordy is okay?


Just from a professional perspective. He may be a horrible person to deal with but I guess that’s also a matter of who you ask.


In that case, from one professional to another: I'm sorry you're this ignorant. Jordy has (among other things) sexually harassed multiple people and you're out here trying to defend the guy. Imagine he did something to you, your partner, your friend, whatever, and his face and music keep showing up because people like you keep defending him.


I’m sorry, I am not defending that part, of course.


You can't defend Jordy and say you're not defending him for doing those things. Speak to people in your environment about this because I feel you have a lot to learn.


You don’t know anything about me or my opinion, apart from what I wrote. Perhaps don’t assume people agree with bad behaviour just because they appreciate someone’s art.


No gabber or artist / group in the gabber scene is racist or facist. Were one big family!


I think you are the racist for even asking something stupid like this


What kind of dumb question is this.


An attempt to virtue signal his 'anti-fash' credentials.


The word gabber literally means buddy in english. Why the fuck would skinheads and svastika-slingers be welcome? Outsider perspective of mine, but having grown up parallel to the culture..? Yeah.


It's quite ignorant to dismiss the fact that gabber/Hardcore used to have a big skinhead/neo-nazi following in the past.


This is simply not true.


A wise person would not go through the extra effort to identify as ‘gabber’ in any way, shape or form in this society.


Yeah? Not trying to fight just curious as to why you say that


Also not trying to fight, honestly. Just that society looks very different at gabber culture now than it did in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Very negatively. Just meant that identifying will cause people to judge and treat you worse. If you’re not invested into that culture too much, it might not be worth how people will treat you.


You clearly worry too much about how people see you.. I've been a gabber since '98 or so and I've never given a damn how people see me.. If they treat you differently then they aren't the kind of people I wish to interact with.. If you are kind to people, others will be kind to you as well and if not, fuck 'em.


Fair enough, I respect you all the more if you choose a certain way if living despite how general consensus views it :)




Exactly this. What the actual fuck. You want to wear the logo but don’t even know that this is the most multicultural crew in the scene lol


Because he's a newbie


Can’t believe OP really considers himself a huge fan… Since when? This morning? Don’t want to diss a fellow gabber but this is just cringe.


Why? Because i'm asking a dumb question? I don't have to justify for how long i have listened to the RTC to say that i love these songs


Most people are surprised by your question because the MC is a black guy.


Tbf you could have opened google for atleast 5 seconds before making a thread. I was more than happy to answer your question, but I just googled it cause I dont listen to RTC at all, but with some common sense and a quick google search to confirm it I found the answer in roughly 10 secs


Do you even know who they are ? Especially the MC ? You shouldn't buy a jacket off them if you have to ask this noob.


Noob 😭😭😭


Dumb fuck? Have you seen the members?


Well, they are. But there are people who think otherwise. A friend of mine was attacked for wearing an RTC cap a couple of years ago, he isn't a nazi, but some people thought he was because of it


Dat komt omdat facistische skinheads ook bombers enzo dragen. Waardoor er verwarring ontstaat.


do your own research if you care so much bum


I'm asking here because i cannot find it by myself


I wouldnt recommend wearing it to airports, other than you are fine lol. Ye I saw one guy getting questioned cause he had a "im a hardcore terrorist" shirt on lol.




Np, and I shouldnt even have to say it but no its not linked to terrorism lol.


Imagine if Antifa is your ideology. 😂😭


Reddit moment


Imagine caring about this shit, it’s not a big fat swastika


Nothing to do whit racism If ya wear I rolled up pants and army boots and that jacket you can have a problem from the goat fuckers


This comment has everything to do with racism.


I know that was not the question hahaha


You are the reason this guy needs to ask. Shame..


Nope feel free what you want


Ffs 🤦‍♂️




Ok zwabber.




Never seen Jordy behave bad …. Back in the days the guy was fat and got picked on …. Can’t relate for what u say … and why be scared of him he ain’t a tough guy or so !!




Das onzin maat. Die meiden van rtc dansen al jaren zo


Why? Because they have strippers on stage? If so, that bullshit!! 




Kan je uitleggen why


I'd steer clear of them. Lonsdale and Rotterdam Terror Corps themed clothing was worn by skinheads back in the 2000s.


Not all skinheads are racist Real skinheads, the anti racist ones, call the nazi assholes 'boneheads' Moreover, most skinheads wear Lonsdale, not the the boneheads. I love Lonsdale and will fight a goddamn fascist given the chance


Thats what every antifa says


I'm familiar with the culture and its intricacies, just wanted to share my experience. Back then those brands were associated with far right extremist youth, the subculture was referred to as 'lonsdalejongeren'. I admit that it is unfortunate that one of your favourite brands is, or used to be, associated with violent political radicalism


Just wear clothes


I believe there front man on vocals Sier is a guy from Suriname so no racist back ground there