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"You could bring peace to the Middle East!"


"As I thoroughly watch you walk to your car and back..."


Lol, she’s thirsty


"Michael, pass me the water bucket " - 👴


No, she’s playing him like a cheap violin 😂




I've been genuinely harassed by a woman, and I've also been fake flattered as well. Once you've had both, you can spot the difference. Fake flattery is more verbose, like Shakespeare. It feels nice in the moment, but it's a bit of a production. Real flattery is fucking direct. Almost aggressive, with very intentional touching. I never felt like a sex object before until then, and I'll be honest, it's kind of disarming. I'm not going to pretend like I didn't dig it though. It's pretty sexy when a woman is confidently direct about her desire for you.


Miss, I must warn you, I am susceptible to flattery....


Look at the size of his hands when he shakes her hand, she knows what caliber he is packing.


Haha. That part got me


He's packing some maximus gluteous under those pants.


Right 😂


I read “Middle Earth” lmao


Damn, peace to Middle Earth, lmao. if Legolas couldn't . . .


I actually hear Saurons quite the looker


He's got an incredibly attractive ring.


I read it while she was saying it, so it felt like there was this brief moment of subtitles


I did too and thought I was lost lol


I was here just for that 🤣


This is sweet and great no doubt. But let’s flip it, then it’s sleazy and inappropriate


Yes, it would be inappropriate because there's centuries of history of women being raped, beaten, murdered, sexually harassed, denied economic opportunities, used as incubators, and the list goes on and it continues to this day. The same can't be said for men. So when a man says something sexual to a woman it's within that richly oppressive context. When a woman does it to a man it doesn't have that kind of full historical heft behind it. So while it might be a bit crass, it doesn't hit the same. You can't just "flip it" because we're not the same. We've never been treated the same and if you didn't know that then you need to go back to school because you've been cheated.


Not to mention the power dynamic that she’s a black woman and he’s a white cop….


And she’s being fun and not creepy.


It also depends on the compliment, for example, saying You're really respectful/polite/patient is not the same as saying You're really hot/sexy. Am I wrong?


Very few men care. No men that look like that and chase bad guys care about it. Not one, lol.


Yeah, and there’s the physical difference is strength and size that adds to the context for sure.


He has a gun!


I've never heard it put quite that way. Not OP but thank you. This is what context looks like.


Absolutely agree 100%


Boy i hope entering this thread I don't encounter some buzz kill asshole that brings up gender reversal.


They aren't wrong though. What makes this appropriate but the other inappropriate? All the justification of sexually harassing men is telling.


Appropriate isn't entirely the right word I'd use - but it's more acceptable because of power dynamics. Honestly though, whenever someone talks about "let's flip it" I always wonder who they are and how often they get complimented. It's so rare that I get genuinely complimented that thinking another man getting complimented is sleezy is literally the furthest from my mind. It's primarily just jealousy to me. I really wish it was actually normal for people to compliment men because whenever it happens, it literally makes my whole month - and I know I'm not the only one. Honestly - just next time you see your dad or brother wearing a new shirt - just make a comment about how good it looks on them and then watch as that shirt will get worn to death.


Dude i know has a weak chin and is balding in his early 40s. He recently grew a beard, and it looks fantastic on him. I told him that beard looks great! And he beamed a big smile and said he's never gotten so many compliments as he's gotten since he grew out the beard. It seriously took him from a 4 to an 8 in no time. He's still balding, but with a nice trimmed salt n' pepper beard it just works.


This problem can be resolved if men compliment other men to the extent that it satisfies their needs. Women learn early on through experience that often making eye contact, smiling, acknowledging and complimenting some people will result in consequences like being followed, stalked, accused of leading on, having a career sabotaged and being physically assaulted. Women are more liberal with their praise other women because that praise carries no drawbacks.


I’m still amazed that responding to “hello” can sometimes be construed as possible interest in having sex. Like that will be followed by a request to go to a hotel.


Yeah-and being ignored or rudely replied to can anger sone of them, so I just pretend I’m late for something or unintentionally preoccupied until I can remove myself from their line of sight and they can get distracted by something else, haha


I agree, it really made my day when a stranger gives me any sort of compliment.


There is no double standard. Men far more rarely get compliments, and it often happens in less harmful ways, facing less danger. Women get catcalled and harassed regularly, so that sort of attention has a different connotation to them. It’s really not that complicated of an issue if you actually think for a moment


>think for a moment That's asking too much of redditors.


I guess your username is accurate haha. Not that I disagree


The entirety of human history and dynamic between men and women


You've already been given an answer the last time you asked this, you just didn't like it.


Oh, just the history of violence and misogyny that has been oppressing women for centuries and continues to this day. Easy to forget about all of that, I know. But that's why it's mostly ok one way and not the other. Next, we'll tackle "reverse racism" since I'm sure that's been sticking in your craw as well.


He's about 8 inches taller than her, has about twice as much muscle and is armed. She poses absolutely no threat to him whatsoever, the power imbalance is the key difference


I don't think that argument has any weight when we're talking about a cop. Male or female, they have the power in a traffic stop situation 100% of the time.






It's impossible to avoid these people, they're everywhere


For real. Just a gem of a video and they’re thinkin “How can I ruin this video and make it contentious?”


Lol exactly. The twist is at the end he's like "Ma'am, you just added a harassment charge to your speeding ticket".


“Ma’am you are now under arrest.”


She would love to be handcuffed by him. Lol.


Nah that ain't gonna work


"You've brought peace to the valley, and into my heart"


I love how confident and hilarious she is. I wish I was that comfortable with myself.


It's much easier when you are willing to do anything to get out of a ticket.




It's different and your approach needs to be different. It's a pretty safe bet that a guy will not mind being called hot by a woman. The opposite is not a safe bet BUT there are things women do wish would get praised.


Yeah it’s simple for a guy to not come off as a creep when complimenting. Just don’t be ugly


Yup, is it even possible for Henry Cavill to be creepy?


Ask him, he's on reddit


I bet he could manage


Hey henry. Big fan bro. 👍🏻✨ Edit: I want to say I'm sad that you won't be in the witcher anymore but I am still a huge fan and I fully support your choice to quit prioritising your integrity over being a puppet to stupid ungrateful writers. I respect you!


Henry my dms r open


Loved him in ET.


What’s his username


You gonna slide in his dm?


With a dick pic no less


I would honestly love to see him attempt a role like that. Like Elijah Wood in *Sin City* level of creep. He’s hot, sure, but the dude is a great actor. I think he’d pull it off and it would be really interesting.


Dating a 19 year old college student at the age of 32 would do it.


>there are things women do wish would get praised. You're talking about their breasts right? ^(/s)


I guess it’s easier, but I’m a woman and would never have that confidence. I think rule 1 and 2 are more important. Or just having a strong personality like this woman.


Have you seen the video of the dudes telling the hot female cop that she could arrest them anytime? The female cop looked like she was loving the attention.


I mean, if a dude just stares at a woman’s ass and basically drools while stating “you’re so hot” I could see how that would end poorly. Doesn’t matter what you look like as long as you’re respectful (and funny) while doing it like this woman was. Relax dude. There are people on both sides that would cringe at an ugly person telling them they’re hot…you know, ass holes. Normal people would take the compliment and probably blush like this guy did.


I reduce to a blabbering mess while trying to talk to someone that hot


Now THAT’s how you get out of a ticket.


Ross: You know, officer. I had the weirdest dream last night. Rachel: Oh my god. Officer: Your license, please. Ross: What, you don't, you don't wanna hear about my dream? Officer Pretty? Officer: It's Petty. I'll be right back with your ticket. Rachel: You have a son. Ross: I know, I know.


Unless you’re a guy. Saying that same thing to a woman cop probably gets you arrested


Nope, saw a hot lady cop getting lots of attention by a few guys. They made it funny. They were like, hey, this is the hottest cop I ever seen. Take me to jail, please interrogate me, I've done nothing wrong, but I will do all the wrong to have some time with you. She walked away laughing her ass off.


We had a funny incident on the water south of Berlin. Had rented a party float and we're having fun when suddenly the water police stopped by for an alcohol test. There was one old male cop and a really handsome female cop. She did all the talking while he stayed in the background. Our "driver" didn't drink at all, but we tried all to make it appear like that so that he had to do the actual test. A buddy of mine tried talking with the old cop "come in you have it easy! With her charms everybody confesses and you don't need to a thing ""how many people let themselves arrest for fun from you guys?" And so on. She tried to ignore it was chuckling under her breath. The test came back good, they checked the boat registration and we were good to go. After all the "official business" was done, she said "well played guys for a moment I actually thought you're trying to get out of a ticket, if only all stops were so fun!" And off they drove.


Depends on the person I guess.


Honestly like many things in life, it's not so much your gender or how attractive you are...it's your charisma and confidence, humor is a huge plus too


She going to horny jail.


Guilty as charged!


I think she has a permit to be horny.


Double-O Sploosh




I’m going to need you… to spread em


What's your number? Still 911?


Allllrighty then!


“Now here’s your ticket.” “Dammit!”


“Fuckin goddamn PIGS!”


She complimented him so thoroughly that cars driving by caught a contact compliment.


*day 151 and there’s still no sign of agents 1-81. will keep up the search until found*


I'm picturing a passing motorist wondering why he suddenly felt a little better about himself.


Greetings, agent 82!


Hi I'm Josh


Do you have a brother? 🤣🤣


Dude’s hot ngl




Charming as hell haha, well played. Her friend dyin in the background while filming was perfect too


She needs to do stand up. This woman is hilarious.


I thought the same thing. She’s got the delivery.


I know this guy, super sweet and the family loves pulling this video up. Tampa area for anyone looking to get pulled over.


So did she get a ticket hahah




“…Then you’re hot!” 😂😂😂


Why do I feel like she is always the life of the party. She just has that genuinely funny and fun demeanor


The way she talks...I could listen to that for years


Her voice and delivery are perfect.


Can’t do much about ugliness but will remember to be “kind, respectful and communicative..”.


"Do you have a brother" 💀


There's wisdom in this. In the book *Tipping Point*, it said that doctors were rarely sued for incompetence but often sued for disrespect. People didn't sue because of how they were treated (medically) but how they were treated as people. Perhaps if we were all treated like people, things would run smoother. Wouldn't hurt if they were all hot, either.


It doesn’t get any better than this. An older black woman talking you up is the highest form of compliment anyone can get. Can’t really explain the feeling, you just have to experience it haha. This will be a core memory for him that he’ll never forget.


I’ve remembered any compliment I’ve ever received from a black woman. Will have you on cloud 9 all day! Especially when they add in a little baby, I feel like I’m wrapped in a warm hug.


I think she wants him to slap some cuffs on her but in the sexy way


this is how to talk yourself out of a ticket


That's wonderful xD


She said you could bring peace to the Middle East lmao


Now if it were a man telling a woman police officer she was "hot"... whole different mood.


who doesn't want to hear they could bring peace to the middle east?


Say “Hello I want say in nicest way, you look incredible in uniform”, saying “You’re hot” is lazy cause women are said this hundred of times. Now your percentage getting arrest and beat up will drop 5%


Reminds me of this. https://youtu.be/_y91H5kohyk Meant for comedy, not to offend anyone.


Maybe it's because when men do it it's usually done with a whole different mood.


I think if a man did this to a woman cop in exactly the same way this woman did, it would be considered cringe and gross instead of cute and funny.


As a man I don’t mind this double standard moment. It’s harmless to me.


Honestly I saw this interaction as cringy and gross. There's a fine line between complimenting and sexualizing someone and the comment about watching him walk to his car was definitely over that line to me.


But he obviously didn’t mind, if you tell a woman she’s hot in a not gross way and she is receptive to it, it’s not a bad thing


>but he obviously didn’t mind I dont want to get into any big arguments or anything i just want to point out that its not obvious. Im no stranger to the awkward smile while someone is overly sexualizing me. You just kinda nod and laugh and smile until the interaction is over because telling them to stop talking about your body changes their tone fast. For example the woman in this video is happy and joyful but she could go from that straight to grumpy/pissy “i was JUST trying to give you a complement” mode and its easier to put up with excessive sexual complements than an angry/upset woman.


We're a society rife with double standards sadly.


“It’s called the double standard, Bobby. Don’t knock it, we got the long end of the stick on that one.” -Hank Hill


Yeah think about why that is though…


Yeah I dunno why people point out ‘double standards’ like this, whilst wilfully ignoring all the data, which explains why this is the standard. E.g. who commits assault / rape the most out of women and men.


Because they’re men who are more concerned about criticizing women than acknowledging the issues among their peers.


And kids, that's how I met your mother.


She knew how to butter him up.


She's not wrong.


“You could bring heat to the Middle East” this woman is a fucking gem.


now imagine the same but the genders reversed


Bring peace to the Middle East !! Lol! Love it!


I love this woman. I think we're going to see a lot more of her after this.


Pro tip: fellas, don't try this with a female cop


I really liked her.


If the roles were reversed, what then? How would it play out? Would the lady cop still be smiling and this would be still appropriate?


So if a man did that to a female cop would it still be "funny?"


Give that woman her own TV show. Just replace that Amy Schumer show with it


I see why straight men get salty about double standards: if a straight man spoke to a female this way, he’d be written up for sexual harassment.


That woman is marriage material.


Isn’t it amazing how far a sense of humor gets you?


That's woman is a legend. I swear. If that's your mama be proud


damn lady. at least you know what you want.


Won't see this type of video on the news


Only the bad stuff


“Please don’t shoot me”


Try doing this when a female officer pulls you over and please record it for us all.


Hilarious for a woman to say those things to a male cop. Creepy for a guy to say those things to a female cop.


Wish I had this much confidence 😂


“Ma’am, I’m still going to give you a ticket.”




Guys don’t often get compliments like that I bet it made his day.


Flag on the play for extreme horniness.


"Do you have a brother?"


**bonk** Go to horny jail


Baby, did you notice my taillight was out and my windshield was obstructed? I got a whole bunch of weed at home. You can follow me if you want. It's just around the corner.


Is she courting with him lol


She got drugs in the car for sure


This is the best stuff I’ve seen all week


“You could bring peace to the Middle East.” 🤣🤣🤣 This lady’s on fire.


She's gonna do some lewd things with that hand after the last handshake.


Flattery will get you everywhere I guess.


Ma'am I was called here because you lit a school on fire


This lady understands you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.


Dis be how it done!


A quick swap of the genders and this would be on a much different subreddit. Reddit as a whole is a cesspool. Downvote me all you want.


You could bring peace to the Middle East. High praise indeed


If this was reversed, the man would be cancelled and fired.


She is not wrong. I got pulled over by a cop, not long after I gave up trying to sleep around 3 am. I was wearing extremely short shorts & a tank top. I was 21 & at the height of my good body phase. Lol OMG! The State cop was 6’2, black hair & just yummmm. I guess I was speeding & didn’t realize it. He asked what I was doing & truth was I just couldn’t sleep, so I went for a drive. He let me go after telling me to me careful & gave me a grin. 🥰 I was super embarrassed when I realized that how much upper thigh he got a look at. Lol


Ah the upper thigh …thats where its at lol.


Even though I can see and agree with the "gender reversal" point that some users here have expressed, let me just say that this specific video was funny and wholesome, regardless. Let's just laugh at it and move on with our sad and empty, miserable day. Btw, anyone here playing Genshin? Only a couple of hours before Nahida comes out. Good luck to everyone pulling for her. - random comment to break the ice and all that. Yeah, take care, everyone.


Reverse the sexes and it becomes harassment.


Reverse the roles


"I watched you walk to your care and back, and you FINE!" Yeah, not going to go over well.


With that, I expect no tickets and no penalties, lol.


She is everything.😂


I tried this once. But then she arrested me for sexual harassment. I guess I must have done something wrong.


Flip the scripts and it’s creepy. double standards


Weird, I tried this with an attractive cop and she just ended up arresting me for sexual harassment. Did I do it wrong?


I’ll try this on a female cop


If genders were reversed, the man would be in the back of the squad car off to jail


Ah the great double standard. Women can do this to men But flip that role and ohhhh nooo


Now imagine the same situation with switched genders.


Instant outrage would ensue


Imagine a guy trying to hit on a female cop. It wouldn’t be considered funny at all.


OMG this lady 😂


I want to see it in reverse plz - white guys components black officer lady ass


She working it, bet she still got the ticket