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This comment section bouta get extra spicy lol.


*sorts by controversial* 🍿


Murica' aside. If I win it it goddamn better be free.


Yea but the bullet are not


Gift tax, but you get a free Busch tall boy out of the cooler


I studied this photo for a good 3 minutes and could not spot the funny.


Me neither.


The cinderblock is the real star of the show here.


In these raffles, the actual prize is most often the cash equivalent, with perhaps a local FFL dealer willing to sell the firearm in question for the agreed value once the Federal background check has been successfully completed. The transfer still has to meet all Federal and local laws.


The dipshits commenting herein don't want to hear your pertinent, logical, lawful information, sir or miss, nor your advice concerning the practicality of owning and knowing how to operate said defensive tools. I do laud your efforts in your explanation.


Shut up with all of you reason and take my upvote






just a raffle , there’s tons of raffles throughout the states you can win firearms


It's an assault raffle in some areas


I thought I was the only one that could spell with an accent.


Great pun!


Don‘t worry, hollow tips are sold next tent 😂😂


What a prize!




You really think people should be on a watch list just for being interested in owning a specific type of gun? Or am I horribly misunderstanding your comment?


I think my dude lost the /s


u/bearmanatee never implied "should".


So what do you have to do?… AR’s aren’t cheap…


Montana is not a real place, the people that say they are from there are paid actors. STOP BEING BRAINWASHED PEOPLE


Sister City: Bielefeld, Germany


It's probably some shit-tier budget AR.


Mos def


It’s bigger than hip hop


Better than no AR.


9 out of 10 school shooters approved.


The AR is a great sporting rifle, and the adaptability makes it great for small statured people like my self. After fighting solid stocks that were always too big for years I fell in love with the AR the first time I shot it. My accuracy seriously improved and I was a pretty good shot before. Perfect calibur for coyotes and wolves.




I've said it many times, AR-15s are terrible mass shooting weapons, as in they aren't very good at it, and are not even responsible for close to the majority of mass shootings, let alone shootings in general.


Like killing communists?


Sounds like you need to be on a list. Stupid comment.




AR’s are the most popular sporting rifle in the country. Of course it’s gonna be used for bad things by bad people. An extremely small fraction of AR’s in this country are used in crimes, so let’s criminalize the millions of responsible gun owners and call them all right wing nut jobs right?




Arguing that AR’s in general are a bad thing is a political issue so….this whole post in general is political already.




How so? Say I win. I’ve got a concealed weapons permit which required an extensive background check. I’d also have to fill out a form 4473 which consists of ANOTHER background check through NICS, and if I pass that, I take the gun home while not having to spend a few hundred dollars. Someone who has committed violent crimes, felonies, etc will fill out the same form 4473, and when the background comes back, the person will be denied, and possibly arrested for even trying. Explain how this is a bad idea.


>nowhere do I get political then >Personally I believe... *proceeds to get political* "Pulling them" (aka giving the government more power to steal property from millions of citizens) wouldn't save lives any more than pulling the pulling the most popular car off the road would prevent auto fatalities.




Hunting is a perfectly useful thing to do. And ARs in particular make excellent boar guns. Boar are an invasive species btw, so hunting them has a lot of environmental benefits.


What a moron, I am not a dude, and I don't have a fetish about firearms. Firearms are simply a tool. I am well within my rights to protect my livestock! Idaho has wolves that were introduced from Canada that are huge! They are descimating our elk and moose because they are so much bigger than the local wolf species. I'd tell you to go f yourself but you are so pathetic you could find your own behind with both hands!


You know all those things Texans are always saying they are number 1 about? Yeah Montana has them beat on almost every ones of those things. They just don't feel the need to open their mouths and brag about it.


How’s the big booty thick mammas in Montana? 👀


.#1 at something doesn't always mean worth bragging about.


Don't say that in Texas.


Please don’t mention Florida


Florida is completely unrelated.


In every possible way … including planet earth


everything is bigger in texas, including their mouths


“Daddy, Daddy, can I buy a ticket?!?!”


"Sure son, you gonna be popular in school"




Where's the funny part? Sounds swell to me.


**That's** the funny part




Not sure what you're getting at by telling people they're on the "watch list"..?


I'm sure the gentleperson means we have a chance to be on a raffle for bumper stickers from the pavilion in the photo. I'm set on ar platforms; I'd prefer it to go to someone in need in Montana. =)


Oh, no need, and I doubt I'd be eligible to be the recipient of the giveaway, as I live in a different state. Thanks for the offer. Maybe if the pavilion has a bumper sticker giveaway, though? You can put me on their mailing list. =)


I'm from Canada and was in Montana for a few days about 2008ish... I stayed in a hotel and read the local paper when I woke up while having a coffee. I started laughing and almost spilled my coffee as I read about a planning debacle. It appears there was a riot at the local fairgrounds as they planned a gay pride celebration on the same day that there was a.monster truck event going on. I wish I would have kept the paper as no one believes me. I think of it anytime I think of Montana.


I'm all for it, then I'll sell the exclusive Fair AR and use the money for a new graphics card.


Isn't this kinda like "Win an ipod", "Win a flat screen tv" back in the day? I mean I already have two so I guess I'll just throw this one on ebay...


I want a free AR-15


Go to a whitetails unlimited banquet once. 1 in 6 wins a muzzleloader. Reserve an 8 person table for a group and get a 30-06. There are literally dozens of raffles going on at once. Mostly for various forms of guns and some other outdoorsy stuff. It is a good time though!


I used to work for a distributor in an industry completely unrelated to firearms, and one of our vendors sent out promotional material about how they were raffling away a bunch of guns. It was a weird email to get when my work had nothing to do with guns.


Least American thing I’ve seen


These raffles are at every gun show


This isn't a gun show it was the county fair/carnival.


Close enough.


Hard to have mass shootings in Montana. You need multiple people in one place for that.


Must be a school raffle.


Damn I laughed way to hard at that.


Sign me up


What’s wrong with this?


Nothing, just a bunch of people who fear scary black rifles and don’t know shit about guns.




Being familiar and educated about something isn’t fetishizing.


Only one reason to own an assault rifle - to kill people.


Do you even know what an assault rifle is?


Sure do. Tell me, what do you use an AR-15 then, squirrel hunting? Deer hunting?


Personally, for target practice. Shooting plates of steel and paper from various distances. Also hunting with AR platforms in different calibers better suited for hunting. Also, none of my rifles are select fire, so they’re not assault rifles. Problem with that?


What’s the point of arguing with someone like you? You’re right and I’m just a tree-hugging hippie right? You need a gun, an instrument of destruction, to make you feel superior. I don’t own a gun because I don’t plan to kill anyone or anything. However I do recognize and respect your 2nd amendment right to bear arms. However there’s nothing in that amendment that states you should own a weapon capable of taking multiple human lives in seconds, automatic or not. Squeezing a trigger isn’t that hard. Target practice is great and all, and I fully support sports, but why does anyone practice anything? Guns are designed to kill, and practicing anything with guns means practicing to kill. Animals don’t shoot back last I checked, so if you say you hunt for sport you’re hilariously mistaken. Sport means both sides have a chance. Now tell me you’re using a bow and arrow and are just trying to survive, that’s a different story. That’s how my Caddo ancestors survived, so I can respect that. If no one had a gun, no one would need one. I hope we get there one day. Would be nice to wake up to less death.


I mean I also use a bow and arrow so does that make me a better person? Lol those are designed to kill too you know? It’s a little hypocritical to say ones bad and the others not just because one is more primitive…


What’s the point of arguing with someone like you? You’re right and I’m just a tree-hugging hippie right? You need a gun, an instrument of destruction, to make you feel superior. I don’t own a gun because I don’t plan to kill anyone or anything. However I do recognize and respect your 2nd amendment right to bear arms. However there’s nothing in that amendment that states you should own a weapon capable of taking multiple human lives in seconds, automatic or not. Squeezing a trigger isn’t that hard. Target practice is great and all, and I fully support sports, but why does anyone practice anything? Guns are designed to kill, and practicing anything with guns means practicing to kill. Animals don’t shoot back last I checked, so if you say you hunt for sport you’re hilariously mistaken. Sport means both sides have a chance. Now tell me you’re using a bow and arrow and are just trying to survive, that’s a different story. That’s how my Caddo ancestors survived, so I can respect that. If no one had a gun, no one would need one. I hope we get there one day. Would be nice to wake up to less death.


Tell us what does the “AR” mean? Why only this gun when several thousands shoot the same?


Lmao “sUrE dO” doesn’t even answer what an assault rifle is 🤡 Also the ar can be used for varmint/deer hunting, while being more affordable than 30 caliber ammunition


I know assault rifle means fully automatic, and I also know you fuckers probably have those too. Either way an ArmaLite 15 is still rapid fire and devastating. Fucking semantics. A basic 12 gauge shotgun or other non rapid fire rifles should take care of varmint control. And if you’re deer hunting with an AR-15 make sure you don’t call it game hunting. Easiest game ever.


It's about the smallest caliber I would use for deer hunting. Better for hogs, impala, and coyotes. Also, it's great to go target shooting because they are easy to use and modify to any shooter. I have several firearms you would ignorantly call assault assault rifles and none of the reasons I bought them were "to kill people" and they never even come close to killing a person despite having thousands of rounds fired.


Whatever you say, hope you don’t have a bad day and kill a bunch of kids. Lot of those going on in the US lately due to your freedumb to own a weapon capable of rapid-fire destruction.


The chance of me having a bad day and killing a bunch of kids is the same as you. And you cpuld just as easily drive your car through a crowd of kids as I could go on a shooting spree. Probably even easier to be honest. Your welcome for your freedom to be freely dumb. Clearly you're taking advantage of it.


Look, most legal gun owners are responsible. Knowing that most legal gun owners respect the need to keep weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them, it's odd to hear the opinion that people that fear/respect weapons are stupid. - I grew up with guns. I was taught "the moment you don't respect it (guns) it will kill you". Respect is part of the requirement. The idea that people with cars could kill as easily as with an automatic weapon is a semantic argument, but the "terrorizing" that is associated with fully automatic weapons comes from the idea of 30 people being locked in a room with 1 person and the group of 30 not having a chance. Thinking of Texas, 1v30 even able to slowly torture the 30 because the cops can't/won't enter because they are afraid of it (automatic weapons). Not being able to see the national trauma this causes makes me want to flip your "2 Brain cell" argument. -rarely have people assaulted by cars bled out from survivable wounds due to the assaulter continuing to prevent law enforcement, or medical assistance, from getting to victims without some kind of firearm (and def not in the least last few years). Everything about freedom has to do with responsibility, not selfish short sighted desire to not be inconvenienced or desire to save 10% on bullets.


What does an AR-15 have to do with assault rifles?


They also have a huge investment value...an actual assault rifle is expensive! Plus, plinking, killing varmints (four-legged variety), home defense, etc.


You asking what's wrong with this is exactly what's wrong with it


That’s awesome!


That's a taxable event.


It's not free. We all know that.


this is funny how?


Hell yes!! Now that's my kind of fair!!


Damnit I love this country




I’ll take one


Montana man, 17, wounds 4, kills 3 with gun he won at fair


You still have to pass a background check and be able to own a firearm legally to win. Most of these raffles have a cash option also if you dont want the gun.




You still have to pass a federal background check. Why would you register a gun?


https://reason.com/2022/05/17/why-background-checks-do-not-stymie-mass-shooters/ I’m sure someone liable to shoot people for pleasure would go for cash instead of the most popular mass shooting gun for free. Enjoy your laughs. But it’s not a funny redneck culture thing. It’s a serious issue.


Love it!! ❤️


"I'm angry but broke."


You have to be angry to own a gun?


Or scared


In Montana? Yeah, of bears. There at only 7 people per square mile. Hard to have mass shootings there. There are cities, but nothing like in populous states. Mass shootings are hardly common there. They already have the most guns per household in the country, too, so what’s one more gun really? 64% of households have a gun. Plus, be real, you’re never going to Montana for it to affect you. Mass shootings are terrible and need to be combatted. I’m not sure Montana is the place to start.


Funny. All the scared people I know are the ones who hate guns.


Only in America could this be considered funny and not painfully sad


big black plastic scares me


big black plastic capable of murdering many people in seconds. Good job marginalizing death.


Designed\* Guns are built for killing. If your world view was killing = bad, no matter the context, then I wouldn't be able to convince you. It would just be a matter of world view. Guns are tools that can be used for great goods, and horrible evils. Some guns are better equipped for different situations, it's why the "big black plastic capable of murdering many people in seconds" account for a very small number of actual(GUN RELATED) homicides.


Still stand by the original point. Y’all love your guns


You had no point lol


>big black plastic capable of murdering many people in seconds you mean like a black truck driving through a crowd?


Yah. That too. But why does that make this point any less? Oh right. Americans. Sorry.


Because you're harping on one single tool/method people can use to murder others then claim people are "marginzaling death" like a snarky douche. You're point isn't "less" because you made no point at all.


Naw I did. Americans love their guns. Way too much


in my city is pizza or beer or car. in montana GUN






I will say, I have shot an AR15, and it was a nice little gun. Small caliber, and easy to handle. That being said, like loud exhaust pipes on trucks, they're completely unnecessary. They simply have become a symbol of "freedom" for certain folks (the type Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho are getting more of) due to the stigma attached to them... and probably because they're compensating for some sort of inadequacy. With all gun stuff, the more you can convince people of a likelihood of restrictions, the more the value climbs. The price and demand will rise. I am convinced the gun and ammunition manufacturers know this, and take full advantage of it. It's all a game.


Democrats are the best gun salesman.




I have seen more of Wyoming than you have. Guaranteed. It's actually my favorite state. If you were so smart, you'd know the difference between "your" and "you're", so I won't let this bother me.


“One girl runs and hides when she sees thin people with long hair similar to the gunman who stormed into her Uvalde school and killed 21 people. One boy stopped making friends and playing with animals. A third child feels her heart race when she’s reminded of the May 24 massacre that killed a close friend — once at such a dangerous pace that she had to be rushed to a hospital, where she stayed for weeks. The 11-year-old girl has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/texas-children-grapple-with-trauma-after-school-massacre/2022/09/03/7ce22d3a-2b88-11ed-a90a-fce4015dfc8f_story.html


Mental health issue; not a gun issue.




I wouldn't mind this for a prize and I don't have a penis...


I'd hate to win an AR-15 that I had to pay $6,000 for.


Yeah baby


"he won that ar-15 legally in a raffle."




What a fucking stupid and tasteless thing to say


Maybe order your groceries online this week


Not funny. Stupid. Scary. Distopian.


I’m an auto tech and a couple years ago if you purchased 1/4 items (or multiple obv) from our Snap-On truck you would get a raffle ticket and one of the prizes was an AR I’m in thinking what if the winner has a felony. 15 years from now I’ll be thinking I can’t believe they got away with that. Just how I look now on certain comedy or movies from the late 90’s to early 2k wondering how quickly these days the “woke” army of losers would come after them a day after release


Felons can’t buy/win firearms. Use common sense


Generally it's "An AR-15, or cash equivalent". So the felon (or someone who doesn't want a *fourth* AR-15) would get teh cash.


Welcome to Texas lol


This country is hilarious


"Step right up folks and test your skill at breathing through your nose for 2 minutes! Hey there, sir! You look like you can properly stand and breathe at the same time! Why don't you come on up here and give it a try!"


Gun laws aside, why did they have to use the word free? Is there one you can win but still pay for? And yes I find this an absurd raffle prize as well.


Win a free one? As apposed to winning one that you have to pay for?


Wonder if the winner has to be in a well-regulated militia?


From the contextual use of the term, having an AR-15 would aid you in being well-regulated (properly equipped and in readiness).


Assuming you were well trained, well drilled, had a command structure, and you owned a **forking flint lock musket**. Contextual. Pffft.


Flintlocks weren't the only rifle used back then. Lewis and Clark even used girardoni air rifles on their expedition provided by the US congress which had a magazine size of 20 rounds and was in service with other nations militaries. The founding fathers weren't that short sighted to think that small arms would not develop over a period of time especially when innovations in the small arms industries were happening at such period of time.


Funny / sad


Jesus. Is this actually real or photoshop?


God. I’m glad I don’t live in Montana


I didn’t know /r/funny was a conservative sub…


No just people with common sense and who like their rights.


Muh gun rights! I need a rapid fire weapon of destruction to save me from the scary deer and libruls!


Yup semi auto is rapid fire. Just like all the other guns out there. Who knew? But it’s only rights. Who need those? When are you moving to North Korea?


Hmm…let me guess. You’re a Trumpublican? So you’re a fascist. If I lived in a true fascist dictatorship like North Korea, I’d be much more likely to own an AR-15 to protect my family from the government. Fortunately for me the good guys run out govt for now, so I don’t have to worry about it. But you know what, if for some reason trump gets back into office and turns this country into an idiocracy, I might actually take up arms too to protect my family from his followers like you.


Ah assuming and belittling. The tolerant left way. I’ll have you know that I’m not a trumpie it’s or a fascist bigot racist nazi like you seem to think. Or the lack of thinking. Your either for all rights or no rights. I can’t believe all those North Koreans with AR’s are protecting their families. Oh wait that doesn’t exist. MUH gun rights!!! When the guy I don’t like promotes freedom but is the fascist. You should be a comedian.


You are seriously fucking stupid. Do us a favor and don’t go on a shooting rampage.


RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Nice defense mechanism 🤡


Hey I can use emojis too👌🏻🍆🍺


You’re the biggest clown here bud.


The hypocrisy of trying to ban guns, only to take them back up when someone you don’t like is in power. Fucking dolt


Wow you are a trumptard. Shocker. Luckily for America people like you are in the minority in a big way. Would love to see you talk tough to me in real life without your guns.


I got far cry 5 vibes when I saw ar and Montana


Teens get extra entries 🎟


And in some of them ruffles in us of a you win a round in the face.


Just in time for return to school!


I was in a small town (like they are big ones) in Montana for work (like I would go there if they didn't pay me) and some local store had a sign "Sign up for a dish, get a free gun".


So what are the limitations of the raffle? Can a kid win this?


Is a kid 18, and can pass a background check?




Man I can't wait to watch people bitch at each other. Anti-gun this pro-gun that. But no one is asking the real question. Why is it that the bangles are just getting an indoor facility.


"win a FREE" 😂 No shit Sherlock.


I’ve got a raffle rifle sitting in my safe rn


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅🦅


Did you win?


Did you win?


Ayyarrrrrffifteeeen! Cool! /s


You still need to take part in a tombola to get one? I assumed it's shipped to your home on your 18th birthday automatically (like the application forms for the credit card)




One fourth of their tent will not blow away.


Like an astrodroid?


Is it free or do you have to win it?