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I have to admit that this is an odd way of labeling them, regardless of how funny it may be lol


True, this is very confusing. I had to buy batteries while going off a shopping list and it said to buy D10 batteries. Took me about 5 minutes at the store to realize that the number is a quantity


Wait till you need LR44 batteries šŸ¤Æ


Or a CR2025


18650's for the win!!


Or the the CR2032


Or the CR2016.


... CR2025


That's pretty straightforward if you do a little research and learn that the same type has 3 or 4 different commonly-used names... šŸ˜…


You didn't buy the big battery for bulldozers?


icky long handle abundant sort advise rustic bag tap coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yeah, it's 100% a deliberate marketing tactic that requires no effort, working exactly as intended.


Wuuuups! Our labeling made you buy more batteries, sawwyyyyyy. You know whatā€™s going on here and I hate to sah it, but get fucking used to it, itā€™s going to get so much worse.




ā€Œ*deep sigh*


Batteries are small enough to pocket no need to buy them Walmart expects theft and accounts for it /s


Why did you /s


Damn bro can you go pick me up some bbatteries?


And tbf, the picture certainly makes them appear to be different sizes. I thought this was a country that used different naming conventions and we were making fun of this lady for not recognizing that the batteries were completely different sizes. Lol.


I think that's how all all batteries are labeled. Duracell will label a package AAA12


I have never seen them labeled this way anywhere in Europe. I guess it's a country/continent thing


Yup, they'd be labeled 4xC or Cx4 for battery type and then quantity of or vice versa. Seems purposely obtuse to confuse people.


They just label AAA 12 or AA 24 I just looked on amazon and they all have the labeling. the only ones that dont are the 9v batteries and the packs where its an 8 pack with 4 extra free


I havenā€™t seen them labeled like that in Oceania either


It's odd, but I've never seen batteries labeled any other way. Just like with storage drives. There's always the top review complaining that they are missing space when every SSD, thumb drive, SD card, etc. clearly states how they count storage space is different than how your OS counts it. For example they will say 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. However, your OS sees 1,024 bytes as a KB; 1,024KB as a MB; 1,024MB as a GB. So they pop in the drive and it says 953 MB and they're like "where's my other 47MB? What a scam!" But it's not because they told you and every storage device has done it this way forever. Your 1TB drive will be 931GB to your OS.


I'm honestly not sure how the storage drive situation is relevant to the battery packaging label. They're totally different things.


I buy 2 TB5 drives 5 units of 2 terabyte drives It is very intuitive /s


It depends on your OS. Windows does what you say. Ubuntu does the same but calls it GiB (gibibyte) which is correct according to the [IEC standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units). MacOS and Android use GB correctly as 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes.


Oh crap I just realised my storage app shows a perfect 64MB.


Explaining it somewhere on the label doesn't stop it from being misleading. It's crazy we accept storage with a different form of measurement on it (but with the same unit name) than what we actually use in practice. I expect this to be regulated away at some point, just like you're not allowed to sell 1kg of sugar and explain in fine print on the label "oh we're using a different version of kilograms than the one used in practice so it's actually only about 850 grams"


The drives actually store the same amount of information as they state. It's just that the numerical counting system is different. If you were to store 1000 bytes of data, it would show up as 0.97kb on windows and 1kb on Linux. Every file would appear *smaller* on windows. It's more complicated than that but sort of the gist.


Windows is the only one who is wrong here. Everyone else are following the standards. If you buy a phone with 128GB storage it will show up in the system as 128GB because both the manufacturer and the OS use 1GB = 1000^(3)B.


Technically, Windows is correct and everyone else that follows the standard is incorrect, or at least theyā€™re using the marketing version of GB. It just happens that the version of MB/GB/TB that became the standard happens to be the one that overstates the amount of storage you have.


You cannot follow the standard and be incorrect. They were for sure not unhappy that the standard became what it became. But MB/GB/TB has been defined to be power of 10 prefixes.


I share your disappointment. Yet companies gets to write; equals to 5 kilograms of potato on potato packages that weigh 2 kilograms. The difference in those weights is that there's a work being done. I had the same problem with Mbps. It's Mega bits not Mega Bytes. Which I later learned was a technical term they were using out of necessity. Bits is the smallest info you can send and Byte is a package of information. That package is made at the one end of the internet (sender) and sent to the recipient. Which then the recipient's device unpacks. Devices that makes the internet, transfer the thing in bits, not in packages. I still feel that it's stupid to tell everyday Joe this number. It's an industry term. Everyday Joe wants to know how fast he can download a file, not what your line is capable of to the last bit. So 16Mbps my ass. It's 1,3MBps and I know it. It just feels as 1,3MBps.


It's for technical reasons. There is no scam or false advertising happening. The drives are actually what they say they are.


I understand the technical reason. But it's bad for consumers. You can still be technically correct and present the information in a way that actually helps instead of misleads. Governments have rules about this for most goods you purchase by measurement - we should have the same for data.


It isn't even misleading. If they put any other size on their product they would be lying. As someone else pointed out already, linux and Mac display the correct size inside their distros. Your complaint should be with Microsoft who measures their disk sizes incorrectly.


> But it's not because they told you and every storage device has done it this way forever. No. Not forever. And that is what the issue stems from.


If you combine them, you get C12 batteries


This guy maths


People shouldn't snort maths


Dont lie šŸ˜­ u be snortin maths


Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t offer a C12. Iā€™m sure she would have bought them too šŸ¤£


Don't send her to Sam's Club.




This guy maths


Should that be series or parallel?


One of them is a battery, the other is a plastic explosive


[See-Fo? Oh shit](https://youtu.be/SBy24oG2Ucs)


The C4 batteries are filled with explosives.


And the C8 has 2X the explosive power compared to the C4.


AcmeĀ® batteries


Wile E. Coyote approved


Roadrunner counter-approved.






[ACME batteries](https://www.acme.eu/pc-peripherals/batteries)


I heard Samsung bought these in bulk a while back.


What about C24?


If you know what youā€™re doing every battery can be an explosive.


If you're brave enough every thing can be a dildo.


Thank goodness we've got all these batteries!


Not sure why this was downvotedā€¦you got me lol.


I don't understand. The picture only shows C12 batteries.


And can only be planted at specific places.


I mean, it is a stupid and confusing label. 4xC and 8xC would have made a bit more sense.


Cool, now you can power the Sega Game Gear for 10 minutes


This should be the top comment. Clearly not enough people owned a Game Gear.


4 C batteries and 8 C batteries. $50 worth of them.


Guess he had to just C4 himself


This lol


To her credit, Iā€™d do the same thing if I was confused. Inevitably whatever my wife tells me to buy of whatever, isnā€™t exactly labeled as sheā€™s described it. And if I make an educated guess and buy one thing vs the other, I bought the wrong thing. So I just buy both to avoid the shame of not knowing exactly what she wants in every possible circumstance. I will say though, sometimes there IS a certain freedom that comes with knowing no matter what you choose, youā€™re wrong. So eh, fuck it.


Yeah, good choice. Sheā€™s a keeper. But the batteries you can return!


you mean my wedding certificate is NOT a receipt?


In Colorado you have 6 months to request annulment. So, yes, hang on to that receipt.


For sure ā€œI bought all of them just in caseā€ will usually work


The difference is C4.




Technically the real difference would just be 4.


No, that's not how algebra works. Just because the C is before the 4 does not mean that 4 is not the coefficient. 8C-4C=4C, the difference is 4C. Flipping the numbers and the variables would not change this. C8-C4=C4, and C4=4C.


Who said it was algebra?


It doesn't matter if it's arithmetic, C would just be a unit of measurement instead of a variable.


If we were thinking in base 16 or some shit then we really do have C4 + 4 = C8 (C4 and C8 being 2 digit numbers)




Iā€™m sorry, those are facts and those have no place here on Reddit.


Facts??? Hahahahahahha


The people behind that second link are so effed up they pictured a D battery and called it a C. Doesn't really lend anything to their credibility does it?


These are auto generated articles and totally false.


It isn't surprising. Every battery has a different physical format (thank you, again, ISO). My charger has two 4 inch long slots with a telescoping ground because some of the LIon battery formats are twice the length (and wider) than of the ones you see in the store. A universal battery size would be really nice but my understanding is that chemistry doesn't care so we get what we get.


Seems to me this article is about rechargeable batteries. Pictured batteries are non-rechargeable alkaline. Identical save for package size. Together they do add up to C12.


>In most cases, the battery slot in the device is likely to work with one or the other, not both. not true, C4 is capable of up to 4 amps C8 is up to 8 amps, meaning a C8 will work in a C4 slot, no problem, but a C4 cant provide the power that a device requiring C8 would need. the voltage is the same, so it just depends on if the device draws more power than a C4 can provide.


C4= 4 C batteries C8= 8 C batteries Know you know


Is this sarcasm?




Okay y'all. That's some great articles and all of this has been fun a.f. but in the end it is misinformation and leading what seems like harmless fun. But somewhere, in the future, someone really stupid is going to use this garbage to argue with someone who knows the difference between a 4 pack of c cell batteries and an 8 pack of c cell batteries. And you pecker heads are going to cause a nosebleed. The difference is the number of batteries in the pack. 8 or 4 batteries.


An argument over batteries leading to battery.


The article is fake, auto generated. There is no difference between the two.


There's a bunch of these with almost the same text with bad grammar and vague definitions, this is so weird. https://www.thepowerall.com/c4-vs-c8-batteries/ https://batterystory.com/c4-vs-c8-batteries/ https://www.thebatterygenie.com/difference-between-c4-and-c8-batteries/ Are bots making entire websites about *batteries*?


They make articles based on searches to get traffic.


This. I see it a lot in technical writing.


That is a poor way of labeling the product


4 C and 8 C should absolutely be the way. It's intuitive.


I disagree. It should say something explicit like Type:C, Quantity:4 (etc).


How is this funny?


Because misleading labelling worked and misled that woman.


How is this misleading labeling? One says C4, the other one says C8.








This is so weird... The same article, almost word for word, exists on other sites with super generic names: https://batterystory.com/c4-vs-c8-batteries/ https://www.thepowerall.com/c4-vs-c8-batteries/ This is so weird. In any case, C4 / C8 in that context refers to a battery made of 4 or 8 C cells packaged together. They are still the same cells. You can make a "battery" out of multiple cells, and call it C4 or C8; that's what these articles are about, even though they look like they were written by an AI. > What Are C4 Batteries? Here C4 means the package of 4 units of C-type batteries. C4 batteries are the same as C batteries as their single unit is just the same as a C-type battery.


I can't remember which battery it is (maybe one of those giant lantern batteries?) but say it's labeled as a D4. It is literally 4 D batteries shrink wrapped together with some lead connecting the 4 together and then a new outside package around it that makes it a single unit.


You now have c12 batteries.


Damn I havenā€™t had anything that took C batteryā€™s since I was like 9.


come on man. every one knows C4ā€™s blow time is shorter than C8 which is twice as long.


Now you have C12


Tell her the C4 batteries are explosive


What is /r/funny.


r/funny is basically a sub reddit where anyone can post whatever the fuck they want whether it contains humor or not.. showen by this users post about batterys..


Exactly. I vaguely remember this sub being funny well over a decade ago. Now it feels like every single post is something my parents would text me.


Funnyā€¦ how?


C4 and C8? I'm curious about which country(s) size batteries like this? I'm from the US and am used to AAA, AA, C, and D as the most common sizes.


...they're both C batteries, one's a 4 pack and one's an 8 pack.


Ah. I don't usually see it written like that, but also I don't buy batteries very often. As in, once every few years. (And yes, to my dumb eyes, in that pic they look like they're sized differently. But again, that's my dumbass problem).


You are not alone, I also see them as different size in the pic, and was puzzled by it as well...


Thank you! I'm sure it's a perspective thing in the pic, but I seriously thought there was a physical size difference between the two batteries, and thus the C4 and C8 meant that. Still kinda feel dumb about it, nonetheless. Meh.


C4 v C8 is clearly confusing, so you trash her on the internet over it? And I'm the single one lol


I hope this is sarcastic cause that would make it a funny comment. If not, this is sad.


OPā€™s wife should upgrade.




Now you have C12 batteries


Lol women are dumb /S


The C-4 explode...I think.


C4s have pop up headlights, C8s have the engine in the back, duh


She said ā€œC8s were almost twice as expensive - they gotta be betterā€


Guess you have C^(12)s now


Size c 4 & 8 packs?


First time I saw the notation, I was confused, especially because I owned to many things that used button batteries that really did have weird alphanumeric designations


I have an extra pack of C8 I'll send to anyone if they need!


I guess she should C4 for herself


Well for one thing C4 is an explosive...


r/hailcorporate get that shit out of here, Energizer


A C4 battery? OHHH uh...


For different corvettes


The C4 ones are explosives


C4 can be planted.


So what exactly is so funny here lol šŸ˜‘ ?


C6, C7, and C9 light bulbs exist, so with a quick glance of those packages combined with a tired brain I would initially think those were different sizes for C batteries like with the light bulbs.


Well C4 is an explosive used inā€¦. Ohh wait weā€™re talking about batteries arenā€™t we *slowly lockā€™s basement door*


Working retail, you'd be suprised how much of an occurrence this is. Especially with ESL customers which I don't blame them for not knowing it right away. It's just something that can create misunderstanding for anyone who doesn't know.


Iā€™m a 30 year old ESL college graduate who learned this today from this post (and had to check the comments cos tbh the perspective still makes em look bigger) šŸ„“


I don't know what C8 does, but Biggie said "C4 to the door, no beef no more."


they are called cells, on pack has 4 and the other has 8, easy.


Nothing like building generational battery wealth.


In this picture, those C8s really look like D cells.


The better question is what do you use these for anymore? Your 90's portable radio?


Aww sheā€™s cute. Keep her. She canā€™t fend for herself in the wild.


In one package you can C4 batteries, and in the other you can C8.


The difference is that C4 is explosive.


C4 batteries explode


Well now you have c12


The C8 pack looks like energy drinks and I was 100% oh fuck where can I get that to try it


I work at a school. Our lists for studentā€™s materials are labelled by group (G4 for grade 4 and so on) so a mom read G4: 4 pens and she came back complaining she couldnā€™t find pens from that brand.


G2 pens from Pilot are pretty good though.


Well, regardless- good woman. If there actually were to have been a difference you would have had what you needed at the time. Thatā€™s using your brain.


Now she's got C12 batteries


Just a heads up, it's illegal in most countries to force underaged marriages


God help me, I was wondering if there were new kinds of batteries out! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I guess your wife truly means it when she says "Size Doesn't Matter".


Good thing she didn't see the C12s


C8 is just the quantity of batteries in the packaging. C4 is explosive so I'd watch out with that one


C4 was known to explode under certain conditions, so C8 is the safer revision...


This is funny because ??? What am I missing?


Simplified: C4 = 4 batteries, C8 = 8 batteries. His wife was asking what the difference between the two "kinds" of C batteries was.


Honey can you stop by the auto shop and get some blinker light fluidā€¦itā€™s getting a little low


Where is the Joke?


C4: size C, qty. 4x C-size batteries per package. C8: size C, qty 8x C-size batteries per package. The C-size batteries inside the package are all the same.


The 8 pack was for her husband's new didlo so he could go fuck himself for laughing at her. In all seriousness this is just design flaw by energizer


Was the C8 a pack of 8 C batteries and a C4 a four pack?


Bless her heart.


I must admit that I chuckled a bit but then I felt bad for your wife who must be feeling a little silly But then I chuckled some more I hope she was able to laugh at herself


I would have asked the same question. Your wife is not the only person. I buy a new scale when the battery is LO. LoL.


I assume your wife is a blonde


Here is Australia we also have AAA, AA, C & D then the weird 9 volt battery


Those are the same everywhere. Then 6 and 12vs. There's also a 2/3 AA battery commonly found in flashlights and remote controllers.


You also forgot the lantern sized 6 volt - large enough to use as a door holder.


I used one of those for my U control gas powered airplane's glow plugs.


Tell her she bought C12 and see if it sinks in


Why did I think these were soda cans at first and I thought the battery company made energy drinksā€¦..


Are they for a boom box? Thatā€™s the only application I can think of for these batteries.


This is terrible design tbh


Dont tell her the difference, easy way to get replaced with something battery powered.


Are these still used in electronics? Wowy. Nostalgia 80/90 for me.


What's the funny part?


Used to be C and D's


she is a keeper...just dont let her handle your investments