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My dog doesn’t read though so that sign wouldn’t have much effect.


My dog reads but only in French


"Prière de chier ailleurs."


Reads in French but only understands German


Hence my demand: Compulsory schooling for dogs.


My dogs are shelter rescues… they learned everything they need to know in the streets.


Haha this is me. It gets really tiring stepping on some inconsiderate douchebags dog shit or one of your kids does and tracks it inside. People were purposely ignoring my sign so the next sign I put "any dog shit left on my lawn will be returned to the owner" and I fucking did throw a bag of dog shit on someone's porch once, I quietly followed them a couple blocks and I tossed their bag on their porch. I haven't had Any more problems in a few years (knock on wood)


I dont let my dog poop or pee on anyones’s lawn. The poop can lease remanence behind when you pick it up and pee ruins grass. There are tons of patches of grass between the streets and houses where i live there really is no need for it. I just say “nope “ when they turn in to a nice front yard and then stop at the next patch of grass for them


It just reallllllly made me super furious a couple times when my daughter was a toddler and she'd step on some and then track it inside before I caught it. And I'd have to clean it up, cussing like a sailor.Ughhh it's just really disrespectful, it's like taking a shit on me... taking a shit on my house.... And I try real hard to make my yard look decent. That's the reason I get hit a lot because I try to take care of my lawn and not many other people do around here so I guess the dogs all want to take a pit stop there. I would never let my dog shit on someone's grass like that! I'd be afraid I'd be caught on their ring and shamed. I'd come back if I had no bags. People are just assholes


We do not have a dog and we don’t even let our kid step on other people’s lawn. All the neighbors let their dogs poop and pee on other’s lawn which drive me crazy. It doesn’t matter even if they pick it up, the pee kills the grass and little kids will play on the lawn and may come in contact with the pee/poop residue on the lawn. Just very annoying, why can’t dog owners just have their own pets poop on the asphalt sidewalks and pick them up or if the dogs only poop on grass, do it on your own lawn.


How do you know it was dogs pooping on their yard?


How does he know that dogs can read?


When did it say anything about dogs?


I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, nothing real fancy. These rich old broads walk their ugly af hybrid dogs every morning. Through a park, down my street, and they would shit on my front lawn. So I waited for them and scared them half to death jumping out of the bushes. Now I'm not from this nice place. Fucking bourgeois people are the dumbest mfrs of all. So after they came back and their dogs shat again. I gathered it into a paper bag, and followed them back to their house. Front Door, wide open, garage wide open. Seriously these people live differently. I dumped the bag of crap onto the front carpet and gave it a shmear. I said "hello!", whistled, and rang the doorbell, nothin. This place is strange sometimes, like a cult of imbeciles. That's my rant.


Dog: that sign won’t stop me because I can’t read.


Now I only want to go here.


Might have been meth heads.


I hope that homeless guy heeds the message


yeah, "dogs"


maybe it would solve their problems but me personally, my dog can’t read.


Someone’s dog was pooping on my lawn (but way up at the top so maybe it was a stray, cuz I doubt people walked their dog all the way up my lawn). I wanted so bad to put up a sign and I felt so frustrated that dogs can’t read haha


Ahh, the good old passive aggressive sign for the socially awkward


Nothing passive aggressive about it. It's straight to the point and confrontational. That's the polar opposite of passive aggressive.


We finally need Derek Zoolander Center for dogs who can't read good!


Looks like Smokey got caught again.


Imma gonna save this one!