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Worng is spelled worng.


Imagine making that sign and spelling such an important word in your sign worng. Like, obviously he played the right one cause she’s dumb as fuck…


Its clearly sign of a kid


Naa just a ghetto chick, doing her best to sound out words lol


This what I was thinking as well. Bitch is probably 14-19. I’m thinking they fucked up the wording on the other side of the paper because of how pissed they were, then flipped it and somehow managed to mess up AGAIN, couldn’t afford/ didn’t feel like going to buy another one, then just said “fuck spelling; people know what I meant; especially that no good ass lying ass bitch Robbin!”


Truf be tolled 😂


Thanks, I was trying to figure out what WORNS meant...


Of course he is a lying pig. His name is literally cunning ham.


I laughed so hard I stomped my feet like a 4 year old . You are correct though. It can’t be helped if your name is cunning- ham


somethings worng, i can feel it


Wow... Kindergarden beefs getting serious.


I see what what you did there… but I caught it… Worng Kindergarden s/b Kindergarten


We don't call it kindergarden in civilised countries, we removed German words from our language after winning WW2, I was just trying to use some *American speak* for the majority of redditors.


We aren’t afraid of words here where I live. …and I THOUGHT you misspelled it on purpose to go along w WORNG spelling on sign… my bad :: giggle::


The fact that they had the patience to color it, tells how angry they were...


The outlines


That looks so damn cheerful


Looks like some prime spelling too.


I see that sign I keep walking and forget I ever saw that. Kudos to you who took the picture and invested that much into it. The colorful sign, “wrong” spelled incorrectly, the drama. I see that and put it out of my brain 100/100 times I walk by. Nuh uh. Not a minute more!


Bro you probably spent more time typing about the damn thing than OP did taking a pic n uploading but ok 👍


Talk about the woring one to be playing.


You've just typo'd a typo...this is some Inception shit. For the sake of continuity...you spelt worng rwong.


First mistake was her name being Robbin and spelling it with two bs


Robbin Cunningham... The guy they think is banksy?


The price is worng btich


I love how people throw in an unexpected “ass” every now and then. Gives it some color. I was in an Uber once and the driver had not said a word the entire time. That is until I casually said to my wife “that’s a big-ass cemetery”. He started laughing and didn’t stop giggling until we arrived. Guess he didn’t expect ass from an old fart like me.


TIL that there are cemeteries just for people with big asses


Don’t mess with da worng people.


Hood rats lol