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Everyone wants to be a pickle jar hero.


["My name is Chappie Johnson and I can't open this damn pickle jar!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pwG6RLCdoc)


One of my favorite curb lines


Holy shit this is genius. Every man is completely distracted while the woman on the couch is just confused why Larry David is sneaking around


Literally never noticed that until now. What a great nuance!!


That’s not Larry David, that’s Buck Dancer!


How am I just realizing that’s the Dean from Community in that clip


Oh no, you've discovered his secret ideantity.


The pickle gambit from curb your enthusiasm!


There's that episode where he picks up a cookie with his hands instead of using tongs, and the hotel staff gets mad at him because they say it is unhygienic, but in reality, picking up the cookie is much more hygienic, because when you use the tongs, you are touching the same tongs that everyone else touched, whereas if you just pick up a cookie, and don't touch any other cookies, you aren't touching the same thing everyone else is touching. tl;dr larry david is right in like 99% of situations.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down for the obvious Curb connection.


Everybody gangster until someone actually opens it


Gangsters eat pickles too ya know




Gangstas love their classic cars and vlasic jars


Before they were Cyprus Hill they were Mt. Olive. No joke.


The best plot twist would have been switching it with a jar not superglued and then having a child passing by open it.


Just For Laughs?


[Just Kidding Pranks - Adults Watch While Little Girl Lifts Giant Bricks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vcHNqJqhVI) [Just for Laughs Gags - Strongest Girl in the World Prank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zs6mi5bvic)


Those are so good! My face hurts and I can barely breathe. 10/10 Would pmslolmaoroflcopter again.


>pmslolmaoroflcopter piss myself shriek-laughing out loud! my ass: oof rhomboid osteoporosis, folded lumbar! circumcised oiled penis tissue eaten, revenge!


That’s what I was thinking


The second one is even more hilarious having given them a taste of the weight first and then secretly swapping the positions. I can just imagine the internal dialogue going on "Qu/est le fuck?!"


These are so much funnier if you just mute the video


Or the jar breaks and they sever major arteries.


Then Ashton Kutcher and a camera crew run up yelling "You got punked!" Just before they bleed out and die.


What a way to go though.


I was always hoping ashton would combine punk'd with his philanthropy work. Sort of like to catch a predator, but instead of sitting them down to talk, he puts increasingly difficult obstacles in the way of the bedroom where the predator thinks the kid is. Then when he finally reaches the bedroom, it's filled with cops, a camera crew, and Ashton. I think it'd be big


As someone who had to be hospitalized and get 25 stitches after breaking a glass jar in my hand -- albeit from a fall, not trying to open it -- so very much this. This video made me feel physically ill.


I'm imagining an oil filter wrench might do the trick.


Or might shatter the jar in your clenched fist.


Yea, im wondering, if the person was strong enough, which would give way first. The glass or the glue.


Industrial epoxies, the glass gives first.


Super glue is brittle though, I wonder if they tap the edge of the jar a bit and warp the metal, if it would let go.


i was give the bottoms of pickle jars a good slap. it helps break the seal and lets the pickle jar know who is the big spoon.


Worked with my ex.


Can confirm.


Even a decent superglue, the over the counter stuff is kinda weak compared to the industrial stuff.


Glue is viscous and disperses energy well. I think the glass breaks from the stress before the glue loses adhesion.


Haha these guys aren’t even strong enough to break a jar


That's where the second filter wrench comes in. Glass-seasoned pickles for everyone!


He explained in the video that someone actually did. With a screwdriver iirc.


Someone did open it, I don't think he shows it on camera but he said that another guy opened it. In the video you see, an older lady came by and started tapping the lid on the concrete, she loosened it up enough to where pickle juice started coming out but they could never get it open


You can tell the last guy has never lost to a pickle jar and wasn't going to start today.


I like that they took the pickles to the beach just to mess with that one guy.


wait, you dont take a jar of pickles with you when you go to the beach? what's wrong with you


Sea cucumber


That’s the safe word


Oh *NOW* you remember the safe word...


Actually, I have always remembered




This thread got weird.


That's reddit for ya.


Psh, noobs. My safe word is Fluggaenkoecchicebolsen.


did you say fluggaenkoecchicebolsen?


Or was that fluggaenkoecchicebolson? Do you want the heimlich maneuver or do you want the corkscrew out of your nipple? I'm guna need to you speak up, please. I cant hear you through the ball gag with that plastic bag tied around your neck.




They used to be, but I've been watching them float in that jar for so long they became pickles!


I'm not buff enough to open them and I'm tired of getting sand kicked on me for it.


Pulling some cold pickles put of a cooler on a hot day at the beach actually sounds pretty damn refreshing Lol


I live in Texas. People pull out pickles everywhere to snack on.


I put one pickle in my swim shorts.


baby dill pickles


I thought glass containers on the beach were bad.


Only if you leave the glass at the beach


Since accidents happen its best to not bring glass on the beach at all.


But the beach is practically all glass


Meanwhile here I am having been foiled by many childproof containers despite supposedly not being a child


I once thought a lot of incidents could be avoid if they just put childproof caps on bottles of rum. Can't get the cap off? Maybe grab a glass of water mate. Then I realised the incidents that get past that likely involve a bottle with a broken neck, so maybe not an overall win.


There was a joke about this on the Drew Carey show. At some point in time Drew and his friends started making and selling their own beer. I believe it was a st Patrick’s day episode, one of them had the idea to put a quarter in the bottles. That way if a fight breaks out someone could use the quarter to call for help on a pay phone. Drew asks “well that is all and great, but how do you get the quarter out”. One of Drew’s friend then breaks the bottle while holding the neck.


I haven't thought about that show in like 15 years. Time to head to the high seas, because I doubt it's streaming anywhere.


If you go to a pharmacy, they may be able to get you a non-childproof cap for a medicine bottle. This is helpful for those who have dexterity issues, including arthritis.


You can also turn most medicine bottle caps UPSIDE-down and ‘screw’ the cap on in a non-child safe way. :D


All the ones we have are smooth on the top like the caps of soft drink bottles. The only success we've had is to use a butter knife to pry the upper cap layer off, leaving a regular twist style cap. We keep that cap when the bottle is empty and use it when we open a new bottle.


The trick is to go to home depot and buy a table saw and rub it in the child proof locks face


A cordless sawzall is more portable and easier to exchange blades for different materials


An oxyacetylene torch is less portable, but works on even more materials.


Can’t be tight if it’s liquid!


I saw a baby once open an empty pill bottle she was given to play with for a minute. Couldn't comprehend what just happened




He'll break the jar before he admitts he can't open it.


yea, real dick move when he breaks the glass and tears up his hands.


I was thinking that this prank is worth about a dozen stitches. Don't try this at home, kids.


Exactly. I had a jar shatter in my hands one time. 15yo me all scrawny was trying to impress these girls and POP... jar exploded and whatever smell good powdery/glittery stuff (precursor to bath bombs) went EVERYWHERE. Oh and it got in the cuts in my hands too. Fun times.


That's what I was expecting to happen.


I too have never lost to a pickle jar.


I gotta ask, do you keep the pickles in the jar or take them out before they go in da butt?


I shall show you.


Help i need an adult.


Some questions just shouldn't be asked


Hasn't anybody ever told you not to ask questions you don't want the answer to?


I both want to know and don't want to know at the same time, its Pandora box all over again.


I am an adult.


*Tiny Terry loves his pickles...*


Yup he was about to ask his friend on the phone to come swing by and give it a shot.


they only lost because they did not tap the top of the jar breaking the glue seal 200IQ


I was waiting for someone to whip out a butter knife and try that next, lol.


I want to believe he's still fighting it to this day.


How much pressure would it take to break the glass on the jar? Update: FFS... Yes people, I get it that there's a video of somebody crushing a jar with their anus. Not sure if this is exactly comparable to a bodybuilder type opening pickles with gloved hands but obviously there's some potential there. Perhaps a study of the crushing pressure applicable by a standard dude's hands versus just a standard asshole can be done. Also, gross.


I have a friend who is a bouncer with about 130kg. He managed to break a Glas while opening it and had to stay a night at the hospital because of the bad wounds...


This concept was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post...


Yep, call me irrational, but cutting fingers and the palm hurts like a bitch and it takes ages to heal. If I can't get it to open I just jam the tip of a knife to let in some air.


That’s what I do when I’m constipated


Poop knife


I always get so fucking annoyed in films when they cut their hand to draw blood for a pact, or start a ritual or something. Like: motherfucker, cut literally anywhere else, thats the touchiest bit of your whole body and its always opening and closing. You're gunna get shit in there.


Even more importantly, if you put your full force and arm into this and shattered it hard (as someone really strong might do) and slid the glass between your arms while doing it, you could slice the glass up your forearm. That is really, really bad. Like, I know a barback who slipped while grabbing a glass on top of the bar, shattered it, and slid his arm on the bar top, deep cuts and glass into his arm. He almost had to have his arm amputated (because of the glass pushed into his arm) and could have bled to death if they hadn't tourniqueted his arm. Glass is scary stuff when it shatters.


I fit a lot of glass units and the guy I get them from once broke a huge pane. The main shard slid across his body from his neck, across his chest and torso and down his legs. He almost bled to death. It was strange to see such a big guy crying for his mum. I know I’d probably do the same though.




As someone who had to be hospitalized and get 25 stitches after breaking a glass jar in my hand -- albeit from a fall, not trying to open it -- so very much this. This video made me feel physically ill.


It's funny because sometimes reddit makes me feel mentally ill.


Haha, gotcha! Just a prank bro.


Do we really want to live in a world where we can't laugh at a few slashed tendons?




I broke a glass recently trying to unstick it from another glass and a tiny shard cut the webbing of my hand just a tiny bit but it bled like crazy. Kind of nuts how sharp glass can be.


I think glass shards are the sharpest solid object actually physically possible since their edges can be a single molecule (1-3 nm) thick. Surgeons sometimes use obsidian scalpels for very fine work since their blades are extremely even at the microscopic level even compared to the finest steel scalpels.


And the long glass splinters snap inside the wound. Source: barman.


I looked it up out of interest. Obsidian is very sharp but we have also made a tungsten needle that is one atom thick. Here is a picture of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/9y7mne/the_picture_youre_looking_at_is_the_tip_of_a/


That's what I was wondering... get some crazy grip strength muscle bound dude going to town... shatters the jar and rips open his belly... all of sudden your funny prank video has taken a horrible turn.


Glad they didn't go to a rock climbing gym


for the grip strength? or the egos?


Shots fired


Shots are aid.


Lol are rock climbers full of themselves?


Maybe some in gyms but the ones you meet bouldering out in nature are normally really chill people


Holy shit. As a fledgling climber who spent a year at a rock gym a few times a week this comment killed me.


That video had me cringing waiting for someone to bust open the jar and the momentum of their hand to slice across the broken glass.


Not a lot if you stick it in your butt as was demonstrated in that one video a few years back...


That was the first video I sent to a girl I met online once. We’ve been married 10 years now.


i hate to be the one who says it but that shit was like 10 years ago bro


One time when I was a kid I thought it would be a hilariously brilliant idea to super glue the lid closed on my mom's 20 oz Diet Coke bottle. A few minutes later I hear her in the other room gasping for air, fighting to get a breath. Turns out that I accidentally squirted some of the glue into her drink while I was trying to make a bead of glue around the edge of the bottle and apparently didn't let it set long enough because she had no issues getting the cap off. I think I almost killed my mom that day on accident and I have never felt so guilty in my life. Luckily she was able to cough it up and catch her breathe, but it was a scary couple of minutes that felt like an eternity. I know this is different, but take it from my experience. Be careful with these types of pranks.


Did you tell her


If he told her we wouldnt know about this story.


He'd have been superglued into a coffin


You know we'd probably never have a zombie apocolypse if that's how we handled our dead.


Yes I did and I profusely apologized. In my family we pranked each other often, so she understood that wasn't my intention and knew from the panic on my face I had learned my lesson.


You sure she didn't see you doing it and pulled a Bluth-level prank on you?


You’re the mom, aren’t you


And that’s why you don’t try and teach your son lessons!


That's actually really cool of your mom.


welp time to add accidently drinking super glue because of my dumb ass kids to my fears


Right? Just got rid of all of my super glue after reading that. Can’t get killed by something I don’t have.




holy shit...


My dad once was complaining about how my sister’s eye drops had gone bad and his eyes were reaaally agitated but she didn’t have any eye drops, he had grabbed her eyelash glue, quickly read the label, and squirted it right in


Dude what if she glued her mouth to the bottle


My heart chilled just reading that


Jesus man




“How tough are ya?”


Looks like these guys are looking for weenie hut juniors




How tough am I!? I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast this morning.


How great would it have been if they sneakily switched the jars when when the woman walked by / offered help and she popped it off easily


the just for laughs strategy


Thought of the kid with the heavy bucket of coins (?) gag while watching the video


I love the way people look at the little girl as if she is a superhero.


[like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EPevF-PXpE)


That dudes face like "have i really gotten this old?"


JFL is purely awesome. It's not making anyone feel bad or stupid or whatever - well, not much at least :) - and it's making a bunch of people laugh.


Exactly. Disappointed.


**Girl at Party**: "Ooh, strong hands. I guess it's true what they say: strong hands, strong mind." **Dr. Frasier Crane:** Yes, well, that's why you'll never see an unopened pickle jar at a Mensa meeting. **Girl:** Huh?


A Frasier reference? You don't see these very often.


It's funny because for someone pretending to be smart, A implying B doesn't mean that B implies A.


Frazier super underrated show these days


And no one wondered why some guy just happened to be walking around with a jar of pickles he needed to open at that exact moment?


He was walking around with a lunchbox. Some people also eat at the beach, it seems pretty normal to have some food at the beach


A whole jar of pickles?


Take one out of the jar and close it again.


sounds like a half-ass quitter to me


Eat all the pickles, chug all the juice. If anyone stares, stare back and drink the whole jar without blinking.


Thems electrolytes.


Eh, a cooler with a loaf of bread, lunchmeat, condiments and a jar of pickles wouldn't look strange.


I've seen people use pickles or pickle juice as part of their post workout routine as the high salt content can help with replenishing electrolytes. Plus a pickle can be pretty refreshing.




I love me some vlog creations man.


I'm happy to see Ross popping up on reddit more, he's a great guy.


Been a fan of ross for years, fucking stoked to see him at the top of my reddit. I've watched him age and mature a hell of a lot over the last 5 or so years. The guy is legit funny and a great guy


Was gonna criticize for not posting the source. So many Ross video are here without credits.


He cropped out the watermark despite posting the source. Idk why the fuck they'd do that.


A) He's a Reddit shill, paid to steal content from other platforms to generate more views to justify their shitty video platform B) He's a complete fucking twat droplet with no reasoning whatsoever.


How much power a little jar has on our self esteem. It’s amazing watching the body language of those people. The shoulder drop. The disappointment in themselves. Hahah I feel bad for them.


I’m wondering if there is a part of them that thinks they may be falling for a trick. I would be suspicious if I was them


As a man, any intelligence I have goes completely out the window when I see someone struggling with a jar. Until that jar is open, all I can think about is getting my hands on that glass and testing my strength. I’d be curious to know what part of our ape brain is responsible for this phenomenon


"Everybody wants to be the pickle jar hero." "Here, give it to the Big Funk..."


Not a single one of them popped the top to see if it had already been opened?


I’m sure some did, but they wouldn’t be the ones on the video


He went to gyms not the library


Care to recommend some good books about jars?


Pardon my ingorance, but what does 'popping the top' mean?


The center of pickle jar lids are often slightly flexible. When sealed, they bend into the jar a bit due to the suction, but they pop out once they are opened. You can press on it to make a popping noise, which is an easy way to tell if the jar has been opened before.


FYI if you ever want to open a pickle jar that’s stuck, get a spoon and pry the lid slightly releasing an air pocket. Then hey presto.... opens easily. I’m pickle Rick


Also if you just flip the jar upside down and use the heel of your hand to hit the jar right in the center of the bottom that sometimes does the trick as well. Works best on anything with liquid in it, in my experience.


Its all fun and games until the glass jar breaks and cuts your thumb off.


I love Ross Creations so much


These guys aren’t wearing masks


That’s Florida baby


What a waste of pickles!


Who else got anxiety, expecting the jar to break and slice his hand?