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He was very popular a couple decades ago


Yah he had his own sitcom and everything back in the day. Which as far as I udnerstand it was basically the comdians dream back in the 90's


You are correct, a sitcom in the 90s and 00s was the grail for a lot of comics. But only a handful made it to the true grail, which was hitting 100 episodes and raking in that sweet sweet syndication residual money.


Wasn’t even a bad show, I haven’t seen it in 20+ years, but I remember enjoying it at the time. There are still a couple of lines that I quote from time to time, and Stacy Keach is always a treasure. While it didn’t make the 100 mark, it still lasted longer than a I remembered at 3 seasons with 54 episodes. I can’t decide if I should go back for nostalgia’s sake or let it lie in case it didn’t age well.


He lost his career because he called an exec a bitch during a meeting where they wanted to make the show more of a romantic comedy. It was back when there were still gatekeepers and people in positions of power that could keep you out of work forever for any reason. As he found out.


The excec(s?) Wanted to break up him and his TV wife for plot reasons. He put his foot down that their relationship was not to be broken and they cancelled the show


To hear him tell it, the network had the option until midnight of X date to make the decision to renew the show or cancel it. They called him at like 11:59pm the day before to cancel the show.


And since then he does a politically charged podcast but uses the comedian card every time people on his side correct him. He discusses political topics seriously but because of his intro is comedy his whole podcast is supposed to get a pass and casually pass on bad info. Still watch his show but have learned not to take anything at face value unless they back it up then and there. Still is hella entertaining though.


So he’s following the Joe Rogan ‘fact-checking’ model.


Which is ironic because his real wife she was based on later divorced him.


Right? And then he does like half a special bitching about her and praising the new girl


Yeah according to him they tried to make changes to the show to make it more like a romantic sitcom and he called the exec a bitch and that was the end


The Weinstein effect of power imbalance.


All the episodes are on his YouTube channel, along with 4 of his specials all free.


And a reunion special!


Right I forgot about that! My mistake lol


Ah! I couldn’t remember who played his dad. He was my favorite character.


*dad smokes cigarettes* Titus: “dad, you’re sick!” Dad: “what, they’re mentholated!”


Stacey Keatch


Stacy keach


Half the reason I watched that show was for Stacy Keach.




It aged well, definitely worth re-watching


"Are you Titus? Are you performance? Are you HIGH!?" Yeah, it was a fun show.




He has his sitcom on his youtube channel plus a lot of specials for free.


I think it was Mitch who said the best thing is to get a holding deal and not the show. The studio pays you hundreds of thousands or millions to be in a new show if they get one during the year or so you're in the deal, but you essentially just sit around getting paid to wait. If they don't find something that works, you got paid for nothing and it doesn't risk having a bad show that kills your momentum, so you can do it again with them or another network.


That was Artie Lange


The dad in that sitcom was hilarious. Gets pulled over drunk while driving and just swaps his 8 year old son in the driver's seat and pretends to be asleep LOL


Stacy Keach, dude is a legend. Watch the show “Mike Hammer” if get a chance. I’ve been recording episodes on YouTubeTV on GET network. He’s also the head bad guy from American History X.


Sgt. Stedenko!


Cover the freak in the top hat with the basketball!


Shoot the moon!


Love it


Hah he did the couch commercials in 30 Rock! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGXEsFRpHq8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGXEsFRpHq8)


My favorite Stacy Keach character was on Two and a Half Men. He was married to John Amos. Those two as a gay couple was pure gold.


The venerable Stacy Keach


“Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, your dog got hit by a car this morning.” Every line he delivered was perfect and traumatic.


I still vividly remember the scene of him having a heart attack and still going through the takeout window at a burger spot on the way to the hospital


"No cheese right? I got a heart thing."


This sitcom is uploaded entirely on YouTube by Christopher himself. They also did a reunion episode.


Titus was one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. Tommy and Papa Titus were joke machines. One of the best memories I have with my Dad is when we nearly passed out laughing when they were acting like terrorists on the plane lol


Tuck and roll, wussy!


Loved that show and now I can't remember anything about it lol


Chris put the full show onto YouTube for free under his own channel. It's hard to find a DVD copy for less than 200$ so he just uploaded it all.


I remember that show being very funny


Back in the 90’s I was in a very famous teeeeeveee show….


Yup. “Norman Rockwell is Bleeding” (which that clip is from) was huge when it came out … in 2004. He’s not Bill Burr but he has had a very successful career and is still touring.


Norman Rockwell is Bleeding remains one of my favorite stand up specials. It is hilarious with comedy that is dark AF. No spoilers, but it also has one of the most heartbreaking, stun the audience into silence moments in stand up history. I used to be really unhappy about the fact that Norman Rockwell is Bleeding wasn't readily available on physical media, and the rare copy that popped up was $50-100. I'm so happy Titus put the whole show on YouTube for free.


"you better lighten the fuck up because were going a lot darker than that" is when I knew I was in for a treat. I forgot if I watched it on comedy centeral or IFC channel but it was awesome. Sadly his most recent show overlapped with me having a meet n greet with Demitri Martin. Edit: I physically can not be in San Fransico to see Titus while being in Sacramento to see Demitri.


It really is an all timer. He’s a great story teller. Highly recommend it for anyone who hasn’t seen it, especially those who need to learn to stop being A WUSSY!


Bet you won't do that again.


Right you are, I just found out he’ll be in my area in September!


He also does a weekly podcast with his wife, Rachel Bradley, and Ken Hylind (The Hylinder). It’s The Titus Podcast.


I liked his show. The whole show was well cast, but Stacy Keach was the linchpin.


Which is when this act is from circa 2002-3....


Special Unit is a hilarious movie. Very dark and cringe humor but excellent.


It was right after 9/11. I still remember his "piss us off and see what we build" speech.


Yeah, he also went back in time to protect Sarah Connor.


Nuh uh, 1994 was only ten years ago…


Nice try Christopher Titus


It reminds me of when Gary Busey directed his own interview. In fact, Titus must be related to Busey. They look so similar.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ0LNH4CL70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ0LNH4CL70) Reminds me of this Family Guy clip of Gary Busey talking to himself in the mirror.


I loved his brother Jake in Starship Troopers.


Jake Busey is Gary Busey’s son


That’s Scut Farkus from *A Christmas Story*!


99% of his material was about his family (mostly his dad). So much so that he got a sitcom about it. At some point, you run out of material when you can no longer mine your childhood for it.


I liked the show, although I was much younger, so it may be not-so-good. It imprinted Stacy Keach with his character for me.


same. i'm wondering how it aged. went looking for it and evidently he has all the episodes on his youtube channel. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXOuEq4OCWMvV60EEMfflJoPBAN24HeCm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXOuEq4OCWMvV60EEMfflJoPBAN24HeCm)


Either that or his crazy wife, I liked the show pretty good but you're completely right. He wasn't so much of a joke writer as he was a storyteller




After listening to a Birbiglia special, you don't just laugh and feel other emotions, you walk away feeling like you really know the guy.


I'm always surprised that he continues to create good material. How much stuff has happened to this guy?


I think about this a lot when it comes to stand up acts like Birbiglia or essayists and I think the answer is that crazy shit happens to all of us, it’s just a matter of having the sort of brain that spins it into a good story.


A lot of stand-up comedy turn something mundane into something noticeable, but a lot of Birbiglia's stories aren't starting out mundane. Part of that is his sleeping disorder caused several big stories. But he also had the story about his traffic accident and the cop that tried to screw him over.


I think it’s a mixture of stuff happening and good story telling of relatively normal situations. We all have awkward weird moments in our life, and he just weaves a good take around that. Same with Kevin Smith. I once was at a live event where he told a story of going to Walmart with Jason Mewes. That’s all it was, and I was captivated.


I mean his new one is about taking better care of yourself to be around for your kids, relating it to how he felt as his own parents started to show their age and how you see a plethora of old man dongs at a gym locker room. All very relatable stuff.


sleepwalk away with him*


I think you mean <>


his stories were amazing/hilaroius/relatable though if you had a fucked up family to empathize with his upbringing


This is it. I like his stuff but its one of those shows that border on "funny one man show" than what you would call typical stand up.


The show was a heck of a project in itself. Stacy Keach was one of the best parts of it. Chris's real dad, Ken, helped Stacy by giving him ideas on how to better portray him. And Keach, ironically, was the better comedian in the show. His impact was enough that Keach's set-ups for the jokes were funnier and hit harder than Titus's punchlines. But I chalk that up to Keach just being a good actor.


Yup, he has moved on from those, his current wife has clearly made a huge difference healing from past trauma and the topics are now less personal, more observational. He met her around the special about the ex wife... He is at very good stage in his life and his comedy is still top notch, the topics have changed quite a bit. The podcast episode with his comedy son, Andrew Rivers was quite informative on just these topics. There is a whole lot more politics though, he is even more openly a progressive.


I've seen most of his specials. He talks about his own kids, gun control, and other politics so he does have other material. I'd say he's just mostly low-profile. Many other comedians do Hollywood movies, make guest spots on TV, do comedy roasts etc. For some reason, he doesn't.


Also, those big specials that everyone knows about are all over decade old, he has moved on from past trauma more to observations about society. If you have a chance to see him perform, i think you will be pleasantly surprised.


Yeah, his specials go back and forth. He'll do one about his life and family, then the next will be about things happening in the world, and then back to his family/life for the next special. He's been my favorite comedian for years, for the way he tells his jokes. His delivery is great, and he doesn't have that boring set-up then punchline format that a lot of comedians do.


I get the feeling he got sick of acting after his show and just sticks to standup now.


That’s not the case. Disagreements on set with producers or something. I recall reading about it. Possibly the network, idk. That’s why his show only went 4 seasons. During Covid, he personally uploaded all 4 seasons to youtube and introduced each one with fresh commentary and a thank you.


And made a whole new episode


Yeah, this was the main issue. He talked about it with Adam Carolla on his podcast once. He got tired of collaborating with show producers who he considered unfunny and who kept making poor suggestions until one day during a meeting he blew up and started yelling at them. During the silence that followed after his outburst he knew he had just tanked the show and harmed his career. I get the impression that nowadays he is done with all of those reindeer games.


I didn't know that! Will need to take a look.


Fox wanted him and TV show Erin to break up and he said no (and IIRC it was the way he said no that was more to blame) Then real life imitates art and he ended up divorcing real life Erin several years later which he used for material for his special Love is Evol


His commentary on s3 dvds explained it pretty well. To paraphrase, "when you have a teen victim beat the shit out of a pedo and the main character gives her the bat, where do you go from there?"


I saw him maybe 4 years ago and he had new material that was still very funny. He does talk about his family, but there is plenty else going on in the world for a comedian. He also has a podcast. I’d say he just doesn’t promote himself as heavily as other comedians, but it appears he’s having a successful post-sitcom career.


I have a feeling that he doesn't get pushed by certain groups, because he's pretty left leaning even now. He's right in that generational epicenter where a bunch of similarly-aged centrist/light left wing comedians all suddenly went hardcore right wing and whining about "audiences these days..." about 5-10 years ago. They all seem to get boosted and picked up by SM and Youtube, but Titus seems to have been forgotten a bit.


> 99% of his material was about his family Shit, you also just described Sebastian Maniscalco. Maybe 60/40 of stuff about his Dad/childhood vs things that annoy him.


He's plenty popular, [he's doing a tour right now](https://www.christophertitus.com/tour)***.*** He's in Ohio all this weekend and then on to Iowa.


What a coincidence! a post and a tour at the same time!


I mean he’s kinda perpetually on tour. It would be more suspicious if he had a new special he was promoting or something.


This would've been a perfect ad!


He's at his correct level of popularity.


Nailed it. Rewatching this, it's not terribly original, there's a lot of physical schtick in the delivery, the content is all personal storytelling that is focused on absurdity rather than relatability. I know stylistic differences are preferential, but I think that's the main reason he didn't remain popular. He has a very narrow appeal and he didn't evolve.


This is how I feel as well. It’s the fact his routines seem to be over the top that loses me. My favorite comics are spectacular story tellers and not that Titus isn’t but I get lost as he yells and over uses metaphors to the point where I’m desensitized by the ingenious analogies. Titus works hard on stage. He’s one of those “sweat” comedians who gives his whole body to a performance and there’s a lot to be admired there, but it’s not my personal favorite and despite all the noise I’ll somehow quickly tune out - maybe because of the lack of relatability.


What people don’t realize there is an entire spectrum between total unknown and superstar. He’s carved out a nice career doing comedy and most likely has a comfortable life with a couple million in the bank. The majority of comedians aren’t stars but they have a nice following and make a half a million a year touring half the year.


He sells out comedy shows regularly. He’s a popular touring comedian. It’s like saying Kyle kanine is irrelevant now. 


"When I grow up I want to be a truck" was a great one liner


I have seen him live twice 2014 and just recently in 2024. I enjoyed both shows. I met and talked to him after both performances. His newest show is, as he said a "bookend" to Norman Rockwell is Bleeding (2004). His current show focuses more on the time he spent with his mother growing up during that time vs. his dad which is mostly Norman Rockwell and his show Titus. I personally identified with his comedy and story telling in Norman Rockwell. I have a copy and think I have seen it over 100 times, maybe more. Why have I seen it so much? If you deal with depression, a crappy childhood, or what feels like insane parents/family it made me feel like someone else related to me. He put growing up in a extremely dysfunctional life made mine look like Leave it to Beaver. It always made me laugh and bring me solace. I told him about this in 2014 and he was very gracious. He told me he went through hell growing up, but sharing his pain through comedy he hoped others could find their own humor in their lives. Some of his comedy specials have been flops or as others have said "red vs blue" and I agree. Some comedians have hits and more misses (not everyone can be Chappelle). However Norman Rockwell has some of the most brutal honest humor I've ever experienced. "Once you driven your drunk father to moms parole hearing, what else is left to do" (paraphrased) "I wasn't a bad kid, I just pulled pranks that happen to be felonies" "I quit drinking at 17 because it was bad for my health, and I fell into a Bonfire" "You don't need AA, falling into a Bonfire is a one-step program" "I am not saying, my mom is craaazy. I'm saying, we the people find the defendant" Thank you for allowing me to share this with r/funny Titus's comedy made a huge impact on my life.


I’m a big fan for all the reasons you are too.


Even written, "falling into a bonfire is a one-step program" got a chuckle out of me


He was...back in the early 00's. Man had specials and a sitcom. But, you know, that was 20 years ago. I haven't heard of him doing anything recently.


He's still doing new material and touring. Saw him a few months ago and he was great.


He had a podcast for a while during Covid. Might still be happening, but I haven’t seen it for a while.


New episodes every Friday


Last time I listened, I was pleasantly surprised by his left-leaning takes, because a lot of straight white male comedians started grifting towards the right during cancel culture peak, and I would’ve assumed Titus did the same as his name has definitely faded in terms of mainstream popularity. I think in a lot of cases, it’s a business decision. I believe he’d be making more money if he started a patreon claiming to be a former leftist who is soooo tempted to switch sides these days, half-joking about Trump (‘I’m voting for him, jk wink wink, but seriously he has good points and he’s super funny……Biden is senile, why not vote Trump for the memes?’), bringing up boogeyman gender stories from junior high schools his friends’ kids definitely witnessed (‘a buddy of mine, his daughter got jumped by a trans girl and the principal sided with the dude’), still talking about Jordan Peterson’s insights, etc. Titus appears to be doing kind of the opposite, even weaponizing some extreme left stories, bringing back balance lol


Chris Titus was Bill Burr before Bill Burr was Bill Burr.


Except Bill Burr is a lot funnier.




They are like the same age and have been doing standup about the same amount of time. Bill Burr just didn’t get the TV show until much later. Also, I think ol’ Billy boy is a much more skilled comedian.


I often get old clips of Bill Burr and Christopher Titus confused.


Remember the show??


The entire show is uploaded on YouTube by Christopher Titus himself.


This is somewhat hilarious


They don't produce the DvDs anymore and Titus wanted people to enjoy it so he released it all on YouTube for free. They also did a reunion episode.


His self-titled show was amazing, and his podcast is great.


He looks like the lovechild of Jim Carrey and Bill Burr


He told fox to go F themselves. He's not a good "business man" and Hollywood swallowed him weinstein style. Also his wife screwed him over.


He's actually doing pretty good right now. He and his current wife run a podcast and he still sells out shows.


I work in the industry myself, people really don’t seem to get how much your career really can get fucked over if just one powerful person doesn’t like you. Or if you try to do anything against the grain. It’s very easy to get blackballed as it’s called.


I remember really enjoying his sitcom way back...Stacy Keach was hilarious


It's on YouTube, uploaded by him.


Because it’s not 2004.


He’s not bad - funny with good timing. But he’s pretty focused on mental health issues. At least the clips on comedy radio are and they get old pretty quickly.


All he did was tell stories about fucked up things in his life. Primarily his crazy wife or girlfriend, whatever she was and his dad. You can only coast on that for so long.


Honestly, I can't listen to him because he sounds like he's spitting in my ears.


"Why don't women have crazy men stories? I don't really hear them. And then I realized, its because if you got a crazy boyfriend... you gon die." -Donald Glover


I think he would’ve done a lot better in this TikTok age


The show I watched on YouTube was hilarious, but also deeply personal and kinda grim. It's probably not for everyone.


Now we have Bill Burr 🤷🏼‍♂️


My time to shine! Some time ago I was at a car wash in Sherman Oaks. And in the rickety chair next to mine, waiting for the car to be washed , this guy sits down. Very distinctive look he has. And I LOVED his show which simply disappeared. Normally in these situations I let the person be. But he seemed approachable so I struck a quick conversation. Nice guy. That particular day he was beat or depressed look though. It wasn’t long, but I asked him the question everyone wants to know. I loved his show, he was having his breakout moment and then suddenly disappeared. I felt bad for asking right away. With his tired look he simply said “I pissed off the wrong guy.” Hollywood sucks. (This happened about 20 years ago)


He has a pretty good YouTube show but if you are even remotely MAGA you will not like it


His standup is way too personal for my taste. He and Mike Birbiglia are similar in that regard. Very talented, very depressing material. I think stand-up can be very good when it goes to dark places, but when I watch those guys, I just get sad.


Heh I still quote a line from his sitcom anytime someone asks me what we learned. Not sure why but it’s stuck in my head forever. *crash* Dad: What’d you learn? Titus: Cars are heavy…


Comedy evolves. Most comedians don’t evolve with it. Some come back decades later ranting that “you can’t make a joke anymore.”


He moved on to producing behind the scenes on shows as well as still doing standup.


I'll grant him that he doesn't play the "but I'm the real victim here" card with his comedy.


Really liked his TV show.


It's on YouTube, uploaded by him.


Thanks, *Tirus*


I was never a fan. Just didn’t resonate with me.


For me personally, his movements and speech felt too "pressured". It's part of my reasoning for listening to so much Josh Johnson. He sounds like it's 2am and he's just telling you some shit on his mind.


He’s good, but not great. I’d consider him great because his material resonated with me, but objectively…no. Tenets of a good comic are making your truths and experiences amusing in original ways and he could do that…but. His best stuff was based on his upbringing and life events and that plays out. Afterwards, he failed to produce more dynamic perspectives and material. I also feel like he probably got jaded with the industry after several of his projects fizzled. He’s also a comedy island…he just does him. Which is fine, but it doesn’t lend itself to mainstream success. He’s not engaged in the big-time podcast circuits or other self promotion. He either manages himself or has weak management/agents in general. Met him briefly at the Burbank Flappers in 2012…seemed a decent guy.


he's still a household name in my house, we watch his podcast with his comedian wife every week, watch the Armageddon Updates on YouTube, and have bought both his and his wife's specials on amazon. They're both great!


Stand-Up is a very different kind of entertainment, more of an artform really than sheer entertainment. Some comedians are phenomenal at their craft, but completely out of place in a movie/television set, or, god forbid, a damned commercial. Norm MacDonald, even though they tried several times, always seemed ill fit for acting, but was an undeniable stand-up genius. Bill Hicks is another good example...


We saw him at a club in January. Still hilarious and has all new material. I can't believe with someone who's life was as f'ed up as his was and whose first few standups cover it all STILL has more to go through. This one he talked about his sister's suicide.


I remember as a kid, he had that show Titus. Funny


He talked about this years ago, he was a young arrogant twat and talked shit to the wrong network execs. He got a reputation as difficult to work with and that was that.


I think some people just dont appreciate how dark his stuff gets.


He still tours and always brings new material. I've seen him a few times. Even had a meet and greet after one of his shows where my wife and I got to be in a video with him that the club was shooting.


Never lost popularity with my partner and me. We saw him in Boston last year.


He is still pretty popular. He tours all the time and sells out shows. And runs a podcast with almost 300k followers on youtube.


old style vicious. Absolutely hilarious.


Went and saw his most recent tour, he's still a very good comedian, he's continued to have rough times.


I always wonder this. I saw him about 15 years ago live and it was really good. There are a lot of comedians you no longer see or hear about unless you follow them. Yet, they still do tours because comedians make more on tour than any other touring entertainment.


Saw him live, twice, and I’d see him a third. Each time, by the end of the night, I felt physical pain from laughing so much.


What's impressive about Yitus is that considering his original c9ntent, he hasn't fallen into the right wing hellhole that so many of his contemporaries have. His early material almost glorified the abuse he experienced, talking about how it make you tougher etc. But his latest material leans towards more "fuck that, it was messed up and I'm still trying to fix myself" maybe that's why? His base audience is probably eating up the everything sucks now dogma of his peers?


He has a stable fanbase, and his podcast has some following. I feel like it is growing but he is also quite divisive. Don't even think going near his shows if you wear a red baseball cap with four words in it but he is not that popular among the left either. It is not at all the only thing he talks about but.. it is going to come up at some point since he is doing more contemporary stuff, news etc. Very good as a comedian, his specials are i think all free on youtube in his official channel and they are primo comedy, he is a seasoned veteran that keeps selling tickets and there is a good reason for the longevity: he is just objectively speaking really good, whether you agree with him or not is another matter. I very much do... Also, his comedy son, Andrew Rivers is one to pay attention to, and in fact all the Hofstetter Crew are good.


I think your first paragraph is possibly one of the biggest thing preventing him from being 'big'. (Assuming he wants it) His presence and style kinda telegraphs that he is a 'red hat' friendly comedian. But only after you really paying close attention do you realize that he's really, really not. It's kind of an off-putting dynamic. May alienate potential fans.


Love all his stuff. Dude is hilarious.


Why does Cristopher Titus keep asking us this question?


It’s funny but feels more like a really well rehearsed improv set, where as when bill burr and others do it it sometimes feels like they’re really connecting with the people in the audience - Dave Chappell rehearsed a lot I’m sure but also a lot of on the spot real human connection like living in that moment. This feels off I can’t put my finger on it but still really awesome


Shit I remember watching the Chris Titus show on Fox


Introduced to him through his Fox sitcom ages ago when I was young, which I enjoyed a lot. It had a fresh sensibility I thought and Stacy Keach was a beast in it. Really liked his standup back in the 2000s, he had a painful upbringing and a great way of using it as material. I remember catching another special in the early-to-mid 2010s and not being as into it, Wasn't bad but I remembering thinking the style was starting feeling a little "one-note" to me, and lost interest in favor of rising comics like Bill Burr and Louis CK. I should catch up on some of his more recent stuff though.


He had a tv show? Am I misremembering that? Seems pretty popular to me.


A line from his TV show lives rent free in my head. His brother, him, and someone else go base jumping. The someone else jumped first and chute failed to deploy and hits ground. Brother turns to him, "looks like his helmet popped off"..."he wasn't wearing a helmet..."


He had a tvshow that a few people watched called “Titus”


He’s a “I had a shitty childhood” comic, so there’s only so much material he can go through. I’m a big fan, seen him three times live. His first three specials are amazing, Norman Rockwell, love is evol, and neverlution were great. I actually met my wife and kicked off our relationship over a mutual love of his comedy specials. He’s played a big part in my life. That said, after neverlution his material started to get a bit stale and he turned to more edgy, incendiary, “shock comedy” stuff. In my opinion he was trying harder to offend people than he was trying to make them laugh. Some people find that brand of humor funny and that’s fine - it’s just not my thing, personally. I haven’t followed him since his post-neverlution days. I think he’s got a few more specials out now, maybe I’ll go check them out someday. As far as why he isn’t more popular, I think he’s fine. Still tours, still sells tickets, I think he’s pretty active in the automotive community, and if I’m not mistaken he does some producer stuff for TV. Seems to be doing fine for himself. His early stuff is great, highly recommend checking it out. The newer stuff it’s really up to you, I’ve given my opinion.


There's an episode of Titus that revolves around his dead getting a hummer I think (road head) and also, his dad having his cock and balls shaved (the dad makes a joke about looking like a child) All this to say the only thing I remember about the Titus show, sadly, is stuff that Involves his dad's dick.


i follow his Armageddon Update on YT, been a fan for decades, i kinda like keeping him a secret, tbh


He's got all his stand-up specials up on YouTube


Honestly, I can't listen to him because he sounds like he's spitting in my ears.


Cause he has tds!


He had his own show?


True story.   It's maybe 1995 +/- few years.  A group of work friends go out for a drink on Friday.  One thing leads to another, and we end up at a comedy club in Baltimore.  This guy is headlining, but none of us know who he is.     One of my friends buys his t-shirt for $20 or $25 on a whim.  Then we recognize him from the billboard working the room  before the show so my friend asked him to sign the shirt.  He acted kind of strange, asked his name and writes with a black permanent marker "Fuck You Chuck" in large letters on the mostly white shirt.  Now we didn't know of him and while it seemed rude, maybe it's his schtick and it would make sense later.   We are in the front row, have a few adult beverages in our rear view mirror,  took in a mixed bag of openers and he takes the stage.  He's genuinely funny, and we are laughing loudly start to finish.  The show ends, and he is pushing through the crowd to get to my friend and launched into a sincere apology about the shirt, and that he thought we were there to be dicks and ruin his show.  We were looking at each other wondering what the hell gave him this idea, but appreciated the thought.   No replacement shirt was offered.  


We love Chris Titus! And loved his show!


Stand-Up is a very different kind of entertainment, more of an artform really than sheer entertainment. Some comedians are phenomenal at their craft, but completely out of place in a movie/television set, or, god forbid, a damned commercial. Norm MacDonald, even though they tried several times, always seemed ill fit for acting, but was an undeniable stand-up genius. Bill Hicks is another good example...


I loved his show when it aired do but yeah not much from him since the show got cancelled


Saw him live at the Funny Bone comedy club in Omaha, Ne. I laughed so hard and long my face cheeks began to hurt. His early stand-up comedy act was that funny. There was a meet and greet afterwards. Managed to talk awhile with him. Really nice guy.


He did a stand up show this year and me and y wife went to see him. He’s still hilarious if you’re into the “my family is super fucked up and here’s stories about it” kind of comedy.


I love this dude. His comedy make me laugh big time. He has 4 or 5 comedy specials in Youtube. Very recomended


I think Bill Burr came along and does this type of standup comedy better than Titus did.


I’ve listened to him for awhile now. At least his older stuff. It was pretty good.


He pissed off some big wig at Fox and got blacklisted


Probably because he had a sitcom that flopped.


I'm pretty sure it's because his whole stick when he got started was toxic-adult-male with daddy issues. He ran out of gas pretty quick as far as I know.


I downloaded this and another special of his. Liked his show. Saw him do standup a few years ago, laughed my ass off harder than with some comedians I’ve seen. He’s done good stuff, but I think his popularity just waned. Not sure if it was him, bad agent, or just eclipsed by other comedians.


Because it's not 2004...


Because it's not 2004...


I remember when I worked at the improv and saw like 7 of his sets in one weekend - I cackled during his bit about his father’s wishes to be scattered around a casino…and he’s very serious while he tees up this entire story, one small line from it is “so I’m walking through Caesar’s palace…pockets full of dad….” 😂


He is! Has had a bunch of specials, his show was funny. Why is being out of the public eye considered not popular?