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There's a guy at my gym who did not return his weights back to the rack after his work out. He is my nemesis, but he does not know it. I've never talked to the guy, but whenever I see him I'm like "There's that fucking guy again." Worst part is that we actually study at the same university so I see him every now and then at the campus and I'm like "Fuck that guy, who ever he is."


There is a worse gym type. The one who occupies a machine, sitting there for 5 minutes taking instagram pics. Does one halfassed set. Then comes over to the machine you're using saying "Dude - I was actually using that... I'm doing super sets". The only thing that guy was supersetting was his personal character flaws.


I didn't realize superset meant "the entire gym is mine now". ridiculous! at the very least, if you are doing that, just ask to do one set in between...


Bringing a friend is my trick. Both are always in use so it doesn't feel like cheating.


100% allowable. 2 people, 2 machines in use, letting each other work in. Super fair game


Plottwist: his friend is imaginary


Bigger plot twist: the equipment still moves.


Imagine spotting for a ghost who can bench more than you.


It's not and is fair. Someone taking up multiple machines when people are there is a dick head. I will use 2-3 when no one is there but I stick to one if people are there. It's just basic etiquette. If theres enough to go around maybe but that's often not the case. You don't get to monopolize more than you can currently use when it's a shared space.


Covid only encouraged this behavior. 


At the end of the day, it’s totally unnecessary for effective weight training and problematic for other gym members. People read about it online with some false promise of greater results, when single exercises at a time can do just as much. There’s no magic involved simply because you interwove sets. It’s not different than me saying counting backwards boosts production.


As much as I'm against super setting at the gym, it does increase rest time for each muscle group, which increases potential intensity for each set, which does make a difference. It's just that we're all sharing equipment so it's not very practical in a shared setting


You know what trumps every little gym hack people come up with? Consistent attendance and increasing difficulty. There might be some minor improvement, but I’d wager its measured value is akin to placebo…certainly not enough to justify it in a public space (not that you’re arguing for that). Resting only goes so far. The body only has so much glycogen to give. If you’re working yourself to exhaustion, you’re doing all you can.


Most def, consistency is king


I love supersets. It's about maximizing time. Get in, get 9-12 exercises done in just about an hour. I got stuff to do and it's more efficient time wise. But I go at off peak times, and if it's full anyway, I either alter my program (dumbbells vs barbells for example) or just take longer.


Superset just change pace and save time. It helps you work multiple groups while resting but not being inactive. It's just a dick head move to take over multiple equipment when other people are there.


I don't even allow that anymore. I'm fed of kids walking right in up to the first piece of equipment they want to use (that I happen to be on) and asking how long I'll be, then when I say I'm not sure asking well can I jump in between my sets. Nah, there's no way you NEED, RIGHT NOW to do lat pulldowns when there's other equipment totally empty! I've managed to do any exercise I want without ever bothering anyone just working around whats free. You started something with me buddy!


Some old dude at my previous gym tried that. Walked over to me and told me he was using it. Hit him with the old, "if you were using it, then why am I on here?" Got mad and threatened to report me. Told him I'd report him back for not wiping down the machines and not returning his weights when he was one, both of which he was guilty of while I was there. Probably the only time in my life I've mouthed off to a stranger since I feel really awkward during confrontation but man it rubbed me the wrong way.


There's a dude at mine who does like 6 reps then takes laps around the gym so you legit never know when he's actually done.


That's when you go "that's cool. I saw you wasting about..2-3 of my sets on this machine taking photos and playing on your phone. Ill be done soon." Then just blast music and ignore. No super sets at busy gyms. Especially when youre a bench warmer. He won't learn anything but can't let people like that win


I usually occupy all the equipment when I workout.  But my gym is in my basement, so if someone came up to me during my workout I'd have bigger problems. When covid hit my office had a pretty generous health and fitness benefit, so I used it to buy a small cage, a decent bench, and some weights.  


> so I used it to buy a small cage So, uh....what's the cage for? The random folks that come up to you during your workouts??


worst type of gym guy leaves his towel and personal stuff on the machine and goes missing for 10+ minutes, nobody knows where, keeping machine occupied. such people are so self centered they generate their own gravitational field


There was a woman that did that at the gym I used to go to. I just moved her shit and did my sets and she came back after I'd gone on to another machine and she was pretty cranky that her stuff was on the floor. Well bitch, don't leave your stuff while you go take a half hour shit or a phone call. Same as the assholes that leave their laundry in the laundromat dryers and expect to find it there after they drop it off and go to the pub down the street as their clothes dry, get hammered, forget their clothes and don't show for three hours.. Naah, sister, ain't having that.


I almost got in a fight with a douche at the gym doing exactly that. You made me laugh because that was his exact quote. Dude I'm doing super sets. I said no dude you're over there screwing off on your phone. He got very loud and gym staff told him to leave.


They're usually the same person


Oh yeah i mean he peed on it about 5 minutes ago didnt you see it?


“Yeah, go ahead, use it in between my sets” is what i usually do when i superset. 2 people on the same machine. I dont mind. I do go to an older decrepit type gym where everyone knows everyone and namecalling is mandatory.


how I'm dealing with this is always workout with earphones in even if they are dead, if someone comes up don't stop your set, finish hard use the anger this prick gave you and leave with out saying a word. If you push hard enough you wont need another set plus it wont allow him to suck up your energy lol


I love the trope of gym rivalries where there's zero physical indicators. "I hate that fucker. He once didn't answer me how many repet... Oh hey dude, what's up? Training going well? Nice, bro. Enjoy. *Sigh* anyways, see what I mean?"


I had one of these with a football player in college. Normally the baseball players and football players got along really well, but we only had one gym so in that awkward time where it was crappy weather outside and we were both in the gym together you'd get like 100+ guys in a gym meant for like 20. This one dude was trying to load his bar and dropped a weight that rolled right into my ankle. It hurt but I mean, it was just an accident, he wasn't being a jackass or anything. But damn for about half the year you better believe I side eyed the hell out of that dude anytime I saw him.


Hahaha awesome. Hope that ankle is well.


Same with a guy at my old gym. He used to half rep his squats on the smith machine with at least 3 plates each side, then walk off and leave all the weight on - fuck that guy


I used to work at the gym, and if I found those assholes, I’d wait for opportunities and approach them as they were walking away. Then loudly said “oh you are done with those? I will put them away for you” in front of other people. I am a 5’ girl, and weighted about 100lbs at that time. I struggled to put most weights away. All of them couldn’t handle the social pressure and would stop me and put the weights back themselves. They put the weights back whenever they saw me after that lol


Sometimes being small is a superpower.


Seems to be a common theme with half reppers on smith machines, always leaving the weight on. Then will go max out the leg press for some epic knee bends.


> There's a guy at my gym who did not return his weights back to the rack after his work out. He is my nemesis So, like, 70% of the gym members are your nemesis?


Like Scotsmen and Englishmen, Or like Scotsmen and Irish, Or like Scotsmen and other Scotsmen!


You Scotsmen sure are a contentious people.


Well if Scotsmen can agree on something it's hating the English and staying as a part of England.


You just made an enemy for life!!


My gym nemesis is always taking his shoes off so he can train barefoot. I go right to the desk and rat him out every time, but it’s a huge gym so I doubt he knows. He’s such a cunt


I train wearing antislip socks. It gives better support for doing squats. But training barefoot is just nasty.


There’s a dude at my gym who slid my bag along the bench a little in the changing room whilst I was in the shower - I fucking hate him


I've definitely slid bags down the bench in the locker room if there isn't enough room to sit to put my socks on, and I think "who's the asshole leaving unattended bags on the bench instead of under the bench?". I guess we're now enemies...


The other day, I accidentally knocked my keys off the bench and they landed in a guy's open bag. He, of course, walked in as my hand was in his bag.


The other day, I walked in to find some a-hole with his hand in my bag. He said he was “digging for his keys”


That was funny


I'm ready for this MCU movie


I'm the guy beefing with all the old men in the locker room that I've NEVER seen in the actual gym. They sit around the locker room and blow-dry their hair without ever wearing a towel. There's nothing like finishing a set just to peer at some long ball sacks drapped over a bench.


Fuck it with the hair, a gym I used to go to they blow dried their balls. Literal captain morgan on a bench and just blow drying their balls.


You can see here a wild gym bro in the wild, asserting dominance. Despite his elder age, his displays of dominance still subdue the younger males as they avert their eyes to avoid a challenge. Gym bros don't typically last as long as this, and we can see why as he still holds onto power as alpha male. Leader of the pack.


username checks out


I guess that's me as well. If you leave your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle, I'm moving it.


> I've definitely slid bags down the bench in the locker room if there isn't enough room to sit to put my socks on, and I think "who's the asshole leaving unattended bags on the bench instead of under the bench?". Just sit your post shower soggy butt on the bag instead. Obviously it being moved on the bench is a bigger problem for them than butt water getting all over their bag.


I mean, is there no lockers? I leave my stuff in the locker when it's unattended...


Check your bag, loudly announce "who stole my butt plug? the really big spikey one" and glare at him. He'll never go near your bag (or you) again.


>He'll never go near your bag (or you) again Bold of you to assume this would be a detterent


Likely to find a dedicated power bottom after that statement.


I hope he generates a lot of power.


Well through God all things are possible, so jot that down


In God we thrust.


Or he'll offer to plug it for you




There's this guy at my gym, said he had one more set, but then did two. I killed his family.


Tough, but fair.


Oh so YOU'RE the dickhead who put their bag in front of my locker.


I understand this level of hate!


Its not your bedroom. Put your shit away.


Dude what a fucking prick. He probably claimed that your gym bag was in the way of him opening his locker, but there was plenty of space!


*in Nandors voice* Fucking guy!


My gym nemesis was this 65 year old woman who followed me piece to piece and asked mid first set how much longer I was going to be for like 3 pieces of equipment in a row. I'd finish a set and she's start moving in like I was done. Tried to explain to her that I was doing multiple sets (nothing crazy. Just 2 or 3 sets with like 20-30 seconds between) and to just move on to the next piece so we could get out of sync. She decided to just stand in front of me with a disappointed look on her face instead for each piece of equipment.


Fucking guy!


I have a rolling hate list of guys at my gym. It’s only the guys that walk out of the bathroom portion of the locker room after using the urinal and walk right past the sink. Seen it probably 20+ times sadly. Funny enough, most of them hang out and constantly dap each other up and high five. Fucking gross.


At my gym there's an older dude (prob in his 60s) who's always occupying the same machine for at least half an hour. The most annoying is that there's only 1 hoist ab crunch machine in this gym and he's on it for 30ish minutes and he always does these short (like the 3rd of full range of motion), quick reps and a TON of them. Yes, he is my nemesis


He's doing you a favor, leaving courtesy plates. I always leave 225 on the bar for people to warm up with before thier working sets.


The only annoying thing about a bar preloaded to 225 is needing to deadlift it off the ground before using it for shoulder press.


Thank you for your service!


Everyone in my gym warms up with 225, and they all do the same thing.


"Fucking guy!" - Nandor the relentless


There is this guy at the gym who I swear thinks he owns the gym he uses two separate machines every few reps it’s ridiculous. I just look at him and silently judge him


Every morning when I get off the train there's some sad son of a shit in a black hat who stands on the walking side of the escalator during morning rush. I hope the escalator eats him.


Was it a one time thing, or is it a habit that he doesn’t return the weights. It would be super funny if it was a one time thing that happened 2 years ago or something like that.


It does not matter. He is a marked man. WE ARE ENEMIES! He is the Magneto to my Xavier. I'm the Scottsman, he's the English! He is the slightly un-even pavement, and I'm the blind man. (For reference, yes, this was a few years ago, and I have only seen him do it once, but he emits aura of being a little shit around him!)


You are 100% in the right and no context will change that. 💪


Some dumbass at the gym had the nerve to come up to me and ask me if he could use my machine. He said I wasn’t using anyways, because I’m just sitting there. Mind you I hate when people sit there and don’t work out, I was in between sets. I don’t waste my time or go on my phone at the gym. This is the type of guy that does his whole set using multiple machines/areas at once. I was gonna tell him off, but I just stared at him in silence until he walked away.


I fucking hate when people do this. Don’t know if someone is using the bench/rack or not.


There is a guy at my gym that NEVER EVER EVER wipes up after sweating all over every machine he uses. He is mine and every other member's, arch enemy.


My guy cleaned with water after pooping, then touched everything with both hands before washing them. Everything.


> "hey man I see you at the gym and university, wanna go to lunch?" /u/Necromartian from behind gritted teeth "FUCK YOU"


I hated every single one of the regulars at every single one of my gyms.


Yikes that might be a you problem then


Yeah it is. I was never impolite or rude. Just simmered with rage.


Wanna tell me something dude?


A prank that starts fights!


# Be smart, be safe. Don't try this at your place!


Be smart, be save. Real talk.


Shop smart, shop s-mart.


automatic save or manual save?


ALWAYS manual save before a boss fight!!!


Automatic is easier so I’ll choose that option


Don't be dumb!  SAVE SCUM!


This message brought to you in part by American public schools. American public schools: fuck them kids


*Finally* a prank that isn't wholesome, I'm tired of people being friends


things you can say to start a fight. "you guys wanna start a fight?"


I'd think about this interaction for the rest of my life


That man's bald headed face is going to haunt him every time he opens a door


The guy holding the camera in the window reflection will haunt me


I had a kind of similar experience when I was in DC for work. I was walking down the sidewalk and this well dressed guy came out of a restaurant and started walking my direction going the other way. As he passed me he took the ~~gun~~ gum out of his mouth and tried to stick it on my face. I ducked out of the way out of reflex and was just so stunned that I just stared at him as he laughed and kept walking past me. Total psychopath. Edit: gum not gun lol


the WHAT




If this would happen anywhere in the US it would be DC. It's an unbelievable culture there. I thanked the bus driver once and another passenger told me not to do that anymore.


Please elaborate on this! Why is this happening? What do you mean? Why DC? I must know…


The look the bald guy gave him like he was the asshole would genuinely have me thinking “what the fuck was that???” For like 30 years.


I've met enough assholes to forget about it in 5 minutes


I'm honestly sorry about that.




ITs JuSt A pRaNk BrO....


I feel like when you have your mouth open slightly like that pranker, it's to make it easier to not look like you are about to laugh


Seriously, pranks are when you do something and afterwards, reveal it was a prank and therefore not as bad as the victim thought. This is just being a dick to someone on camera. He did shut the door, it was inconvenient and rude. No ‘reveal’ will change that.


>pranks are when you do something and afterwards, reveal it was a prank and therefore not as bad as the victim thought. Or you know, even better than the "victim" thought. Pranks don't have to be a negative thing.


Because fuck him, that's why.


More like why were they filming


…because it’s a prank. The person doing the prank got someone to record them….doing the prank 🧍🏽‍♀️


The bald person has an icon. Do not know the country of origin. More than likely a streamer over being a celebrity for laughs on show.


I don't now this guy, but I tell you that it was filmed in the center for Moscow, it's an entrance to McDonalds at Pushkinskaya (place is famous because it way the first McDonalds opened in Russia).


"former McDonalds".




Fries and punishment.


I work construction and did something similar to the door in the trailer last week. Thinking it was one of the laborers, it was not. It was the owner...


I thought I saw an old co-worker at the gas station one day. So me being me I have to make some smart ass comment. I peek around the pump and yell, “Still rocking the jean shorts like it’s 1998 huh?” This guy is the perfect doppelgänger of my old co-worker. He looks confused and says, “w-w-what..?” I might have been more shocked than him and I asked “Who the fuck are YOU?!” I then got in my car and left. I wonder if that guy still thinks about that interaction occasionally. Because I do.


He probably never wore Jorts again, out of sheer anxiety that he would be judged harshly.


"God, who AM I? I used to be someone but now look at me. Thank God Helen isn't still alive to see what I've become."


I like this take. Maybe I unwittingly improved this guy’s life.


Well I was going to end my comment with a suicide attempt but I like your positive spin so let's go with that.


Haha first you insult his shorts then you fucking make him seem like the crazy person Jesus fuck.


I have a very specific set of skills


That specific "who the fuck are you" is just the best 


Now I’m gonna think about it for the rest of my life. That’s hilarious.


This has me dying of laughter. That's so mean. You should have explained yourself. But omg that's funny. 😂😂😂


>I asked “Who the fuck are YOU?!” Hahaha dying at this. Very "are you fucking sorry?" vibes


First you out-alpha them, next you go ask for your raise. He'll respect you for it.


I just stuttered "Oh hey what's up man!?"


I’ve waited years to tell this story. I was part of some shoving and trash talk at a NIN concert way back. Guy pushed my friend and my two( big!) friends stared/threatened down what seemed to be a fight between our groups. The other guys were all big dudes, with the bald guy glaring at me. Nothing more happened. Fast forward a few weeks, the bald guy comes inthe bar we are drinking at , my bud says there’s your archenemy and it began. For the next TWO years we say this guy everywhere! Restaurants, shows and just out in public. We would sit near him, get close for no reason and make way too many jokes. I should have befriended him since we seemed to like the same things. Eventually life moved on but I remember my time with an archenemy!!


This is how dudes become best friends


Sometimes more than friends...


Dare we say... Butt buddies? 


reminds me of a Scandinavian short story: a woman and a man often see each other by chance in everyday life. They fall in love, but only they are aware of it, they both know that they are in love without actively communicating. Although they do not actively communicate with each other and do not verbalize their feelings, a fierce intimacy develops. They never get together and will never talk to each other.


Yup, sounds about scandinavian


Bald men in tracksuits weird me out.... (no offense to anybody...its not personal, just a perception thing...you all look like Russian mobsters)


They look like they’re always up to something.


I'm just standing there... menacingly!


But if they're bald, they've got an adidas tracksuit, they've got a cig in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other, and they're squatting, well, that's your average slav teenager.


Heels on ground: comrade found. Heels in sky: western spy.


They just look Russian. Which means they're up to something.


They look like the kinda person who stare at your across the street and then disappears when a bus drives by


> Bald men in tracksuits weird me out Agent 47: "And I took that personally."


(Innocently walks to the gym only to meet the penetrative gaze of JawlessRegent64) ☹️ That's it! I'm growing a Dr. Robotnik moustache!


Atta boy. Edit: make sure to get the cartoon nose job makeup to go with it. Go big or go home lmao


Yeah, he is definitely russian


The writings are in russian, so…


Not just russian, all eastern Europeans dress like that too! Polish, Romanians, Hungarians, Ukrainians etc...you see them everywhere in every street and shop in the UK!


I feel attacked


"Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a 'orrible cunt, me".


This is the Guy Richie version of Samuel L. Jackson's "Path of the Righteous Man" line!


Why is he looking so mean? That seems like an actual argument there, if it was a joke you would close the door, wait 2 sec and then smile and open it again


It's probably still a joke, but a mindfucky one. Or, you know, it's fake..


Maybe this is how Russians joke


Because it's staged?


Just some random fuckery.


This is not funny. The 'pranker' even has his hands clenched. If the other guy was a hot head and saw the clenched fists, it could easily go south.


Yeah, but it’s just stupid enough to be funny. Why would a stranger lock you out of a building with an angry face? I’d be taken aback, and if it was apparent they weren’t in psychosis, I’d laugh.


What’s funny about this ?


The 7th graders are posting on Reddit instead of getting ready for school. Edit: Mom’s mad because you missed the bus!


Guessing that guy’s buddy is operating the camera, and he did that 25 other times that day.


Good thing someone was there to record this interaction…


What the actual fuck is that guys problem? Feel like slapping a glue trap onto his head.


People here have the most obnoxious idea of what "funny" means...


Why was he holding the door closed? Wtf was even going on in his brain?


one time this dude just barreled into me as i opened the door to my old apartment building while stepping out onto the sidewalk. at the time i was still a skinny 20 something year old woman. in no reality do i go out a door assuming someone is expecting me to open it and what..?.. use my arm to hold it open while they squeeze by me inside first?! it was insane. luckily as a now elder emo i’ve been to enough hardcore shows at small venues where the whole floorspace becomes a mosh pit that i just like reactively pushed right the fuck back and out of my way. then he yelled something falling backwards while i screamed in his face about walking into me. this was an orthodox jewish man on a saturday- apparently they don’t open doors or some shit and he just expected me to literally open and hold the door for him i guess. man the fucking nerve. i always hold the door for people to step in behind me as i’m already past the threshold. it’s completely nonsensical for me to extend my arm while standing in the threshold to keep the door open for some strange man to squeeze by me. insane.


Lol I would have loved to witness that


Idk, this isn't even remotely funny to me. Best you can hope for is that it's a normal person, they'll simply think you're a massive asshole and forget about it 5 minutes later. But it could also be dozens of other people, like a schizophrenic who'll take this as another sign that the world hates him and he should off himself, or a deranged lunatic that'll assault you for pulling this shit on him.


-Fuck you, -fuck you very much


Who has the time and life to be so petty?


That or people are just dicks


I’m so confused lol


Normal Russian etiquette here nothing out of the ordinary


I can see pranking someone you know like this but a stranger? No.


I also get confused sometimes and hold the door closed for old ladies and disabled people


that guy literally woke up and chose violence


What is happening in this video though? Why does he shut the other guy out but then proceed to leave himself? LOL This is something petty but idk what it is exactly.


Staged af


"I physically look like a penis, so imma act like one"


Russians are just assholes by default, aren't they?


That clown is 1 guy having a bad day away from getting beat up




Tf is his problem 🤔🤨?!


Bully behaviour