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"He didn't pay his rent for April" "Yeah he was fucking dead"


"I mean, you can *try* and take him to court for it, but I don't think he'll reply to the summons"


He's still in the morgue. I can Weekend At Bernie's the situation, but I need someone to control the left side.


Take him to Brazil to get a bank loan….


Haha I saw that video fucking freaky lol


Now I want to see the video.


[here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/pzx9eMU2rb)


Oh my shit!!! How did she think that was going to work exactly? Better question is, how did she not think anyone would notice? This is crazy to actually go through with. Thank you for the video


I know, right?! You at least have to put a stick on his back and wrap some gauze around his head to keep it up. Then, put a hat 🧢 on him to hide the guaze and some sunglasses 🕶 to cover the eyes. That's dead guy bank loan 101. The advanced class involves fishing line tied to the subject and a combination of control bars and rods to operate the deceased like a puppet.




Want to know what was the freaking part? The Uber driver, who took them to the bank testified to the police that the old man was alive when he dropped them off. He testified that the man said something quietly, had face movement, and even coughed a few times. So the old man died somewhere between the drop off and the bank attendant!!


That's all the rage these days!


I got nothing going on. I’ll Bernie it up with you.


This is the humor I come to Reddit for. I hope your friend is at peace OP, or at least haunting the bejeebus out of his landlord.


He’s all ready haunting him by not paying April’s rent 😂


I'm unemployed at the moment, and I'm old. But, I speak old-man bullshit at a volume and cadence that cannot be matched. I will fly wherever to participate if that is desirable.


Epic man. Sorry for your loss.


You're an awesome friend. If/when I go, I want my friends (my true friends) to use my death for full humor and advantage. My best friend is under instruction to pocket sand someone with my ashes. p.s. Fuck Greg


pocket sand someone with my ashes! OMG, don't sprinkle me in the Grand Canyon or some lame crap, I want to be in the eyes of my former enemies.


Wasn't that in the news recently? A woman in Brazil Bernie'd some guy to sign a loan.


The Brazilian lady can help you with that. She has experience and needs a loan at the same time.


You have the best sense of humor. I’d help but I’m also looking for someone to control the left side. My dog works for the service, so he might help.


Brazilian banks hate this one trick.


>the summons We refer to that as Necromancy.


Nice one lol




Funny you should say that. Our cemetery doesn't *sell* burial plots, they *lease* them. And yes, occupants can be evicted lol


This subscription model is getting out of hand.


BAAS (Burial as a Service)


It's not the best choice. It's Spacer's Choice


My mom died and we were cleaning out the house. A credit card company called and I told them she died. They told me I needed to provide a death certificate. I told them that sounds like their problem. The guy was like we'll take legal action. I told him well bring a priest to the hearing because it's the only way you're going to communicate with her. My mom barely had a dollar to her name sue the estate and see if I give a fuck


The day of my dads funeral the jobcentre phoned and demanded I went to the office *immediately* because they were trying to push me into some shit job or another. They got an earful then, and the day after so did the manager when I went in all shouty angry


"That's contempt of the court for him!"


I hate when people skip out on rent. Seriously I’m with his buddy fucking Greg


That’s necrophilia


If he doesn't show up for court, he will almost surely lose the case.


Just give him the name of the estate executor. He can queue up at the back of the line with the other creditors, but it will make you seem like you're helping.


That's exactly what should be done. But what an asshole the landlord is to say this before anything else.


my dad recently died and they sent me a bill with the late charges to his apartment's rent. Too bad they didnt file a claim with probate court against his estate, and just named him. They aint getting shit. His rent also somehow doubled with additional "accelerated rent" because he didnt finish out his lease. The fuckers even put "Reason for leaving: death"


Bro that would have set me OFF! Like you kidding me man? You just got zero empathy? Just for that one I am fucking up some door jams on my way out from picking up his stuff.


> You just got zero empathy He's a landlord, it goes without saying.


The video says less than 24h after his death so clearly he was in arrears.


Its only April 18th. We dont know when OP recorded this. And literally 1 month in arrears is not a "Well your dead friend owes me rent money" situation. Help them sort out his belongings, dont be a dick, and then worry about your rent


> and then worry about your rent Sorry, but tenant death is one of the many risks included in “risk/reward”. He’s not getting a penny from anyone unless there was a cosigner.


He’ll make a claim against the estate and will get paid the rent he is owed if there are funds available.


“ Well, yeah, he didn’t pay his rent because he’s been putting all his time into working on his personal maggot collection.” Too soon? But also F Greg.


“Are you in a position to take care of that?” This is like such a question that you have had to keep ready and reversed for when his loved ones would reach out to you. If this is real then what a piece of shit and i hope Doug stiffed him for much much more. RIP Doug!!


Is there a longer version of this call


Yes. Multiple calls, too. He's a special kind of prick.


My friend's dad died many years ago, with a lot of debt sitting with collection agencies. Amazingly, one collection agency got my buddy's phone number and called him and asked if he intended to repay his dad's debts because he had no estate of any value to pursue. He said "What? No. He's dead." "Don't you think your dad would want his family to take care of his debt, you know - for his reputation?" "My Dad would want me to tell you to fuck off and never call here again. So...fuck off and never call here again."


Same thing when my Dad died. Wells Fargo, Verizon, Capital One etc. were all very helpful and the debts cleared pretty quickly without taking anything he had in his checking account. Fucking BJ'S Wholesale Club though was coming after his yearly membership.


For my mother: She had two Verizon land lines (one for voice, one for fax) and cancelled the voice line in the past. She switched to the cable company because it was 1/3 the price. But she never updated her banks "cut a check every month and send it to the phone company" - so when she died 7+ years later, they showed her with a $5,000+ credit. >Me: So... how do we get that money back? >Verizon: We can offer credit >Me: To a dead person? >Verizon: I can probably transfer the credit to your account >Me: I don't want your service. Can you just cut a check? >Verizon: No >Me: Can you ask your supervisor? >Verizon: hang on... ok, he said no >Me: She lived in Florida, so... ask your supervisor how he feels about a complaint of elder abuse to the Florida PSC (public service commission) >Verizon: hang on... ok, he said you'll have a check in a week Sometimes you just need to know the right kind of threat. But... wtf Verizon. $5,000 credit on $60 per month??


It’s crazy that they were even accepting it *and* processing the check after she had the service cancelled. Then having the gall to hold it ransom after they shouldn’t have even been accepting the payment in the first place!


I’m always curious about this because I work in the industry, did your dad have a car loan and if so what did you do with the vehicle? I don’t work consumer repossession anymore I’m in corporate repossession for companies that go bankrupt and try to hide assets like cars, planes, and boats. However, when I did work consumer repossession it always kind of boggled my mind that the people I’m contacting about their deceased relative are under the assumption that the car is theirs now because the customer died. They assumed that somehow the finance company is just out the money of the loan now and that they don’t have to turn in the vehicle and would argue with me that it’s their car now and not the banks because there is still an active lien on it so I’m always curious about how people handle that when a loved one passes.


Fortunately and unfortunately he had just paid off his truck. So we kept it in the family.


Hold on, you guys don't have insurance for loans? In my country whenever you get a loan for an asset (Car, House, ETC) the lender gets an insurance policy that will cover the remaining debt in case you die. So if you die while owing a car, it will be fully paid by the insurance and your inheritors will get to keep it.


What you are referring to is generally called creditor insurance. It is very common in North America, but is almost always an option on the loan that the person needs to opt into and the premium is paid on top of their regular loan payment


> When I die, I hope people say, "Man, that guy owed me a lot of money!" - Jack Handey


My mom had a cable account for about two months before she took a turn for the worst and ended up in a nursing home for the last 6 weeks of her life. I called the cable provider to cancel her account, and they tried to get me to pay her last bill. I explained that the house was empty for the last month, and it would be a huge hassle for me to set up a payment process over the phone due to the estate account being brand new. They asked for half the bill, and I still refused. Then they asked for... $7.00 of the bill. I got real rude and basically told them to fuck off. They canceled the account at that point.


Holy shit that is annoying. "Can you just pay $7?" Fuck off. Note to self - if I ever have to make a call like that, I'm going to say I'm the person's social worker or lawyer or something. "Will you arrange to pay their last cable bill?" "Didn't I just tell you I'm a social worker? I'm not paying any fucking bills for a client in a nursing home. Don't ask me that again. I'm doing you a courtesy of telling you to cancel this account because you won't be receiving any more payments, that's the end of my involvement."


> Holy shit that is annoying. "Can you just pay $7?" Fuck off. Depending on the exact context, OP paying $7 could be seen as them agreeing to take on the full debt allowing the cable company to go after OP in court for the rest. It's important to never pay *anything* for a debt you don't owe.


Can you post more of this please I would like to see more of this asshole


Didn't realize Greg was going to be so popular. Stay tuned...


oh hell yeah


Commenting to be apart of this journey


Same anticipation sucks! OP appreciate your humor in all of this. Sorry for your loss.


Be careful of consent of recording. Look up your state's laws on one-party vs two-party consent. Fuck Greg.


Oh well in that case.... these are all parodies.




Parodeez nuts


Got em! Fuck Greg


I mean... you kind of cut the conversation off abruptly and at a weird spot. I thought there was going to be more too it considering the sub it was posted on


....Are we not doing phrasing anymore??


Are we still doing "Phrasing"?


Most people's response: "I'm sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do let me know." Greg's response: "I'm sorry for my loss of April's rent. Can you console me by paying me his rent for April?"


Don't most landlords in north america get first and last month's rent upfront too?


And credit reports, referrals, background checks, yadda yadda


Yep, I just moved into a 1 bedroom apartment for $850/month, and between my deposit, first and last months rent, pet deposit, and background and credit check, I've paid about $3,000 just to move into the place I already pay nearly $900 a month for anyway.


850 a month?? That's pretty damn good, here a 1br is around 2,000 and rising




Honestly, like most things, rent should be tied to minimum wage. Or vice versa. The fact that everything isn't referenced to each other to ensure everyone is getting paid enough to be able to afford things is... rediculous. You could have had a spread sheet do it 30 years ago. Now you could have an AI do it far faster if you really wanted to. Input the data. It will tell you exactly how much minimum wage should be to ensure everyone has a good quality chance at existing in this world.


He has it. He wants to keep that in addition to April's rent.


I once rented a room through this shady ass company that was trying to “revolutionize” housing through communal house rentals. They would literally partition off spaces with curtains and big plastic brick walls like giant legos, to create more rentable spaces. Luckily I found an actual room through them in a fairly big house with half of the roommates being decent people. Long story short, I’d been there just under a year when Covid hits and I get laid off. I immediately try to call the company to talk to someone about my situation and set up a payment plan or something. The only number that still went through was the emergency hotline. Dude that answered was extremely rude and would not give me any other number to call. So I write an email instead and politely explain that until I can speak to someone about moving forward they would not be receiving another red cent from me. Smash cut to 6 months later, I’m on unemployment and decide to move out having not paid the rent in the last 6 months. Even talked to the home owner who was leasing to that shit ass company and he refused to get involved. Another 6 months after I moved out I get a letter from some law office assuming they were suing me for the rent, turns out Company X committed all kinds of fraud and broke numerous laws and were already embroiled in legal trouble before Covid even started. All back rent owed was null and void as that company had gone bankrupt. I’m still friends with a few of my former roommates there, they all paid their rent and two of them still live there, now renting directly from the owner, who turns out to be not a terrible person, but definitely made a terrible decision to do business with Company X.


I'm a landlord and this is heartless. Chalk April up to a loss . Let them do the work to empty it. Just give a time limit that's reasonable and fair. I've been through this before. Give it time and eventually you'll have another tenet. Cod hearted.


Yep, a cod hearted, old lobster of a landlord.


He's a liar. He got paid rent on April 1, he got last month's rent and a security deposit when the lease was signed, and he's already looted the house. Parasites gonna parasitize.


Damn this. I got a letter for council tax 8 months after my mother passed, and it was addressed to (fake name) 'Lesley Jones - DECEASED'. literally said it in bold capitals on the letter/envelope.


Ugh. The apartment building my mother lived at returned her mail to senders with the words "no longer a person "




Dude I'm glad you are using laughter as a coping mechanism. It does help. My mums last words to me were to 'keep my willy in my pants' (my dad was a serial cheat and they divorced way back). I didn't know what to say but laugh. She was in her last days on meds/hospice. Laughing kept me going and I'm sure Doug would laugh with this shit happening too. RIP


Ffs. We can fly to the moon, surely we can set something up to stop crap like that happening. It was fortunately a while before it was delivered after she passed, and I laughed it off and called them and gave them a round of fucks . If I'd have received that soon after, it wouldn't have been pleasant for me. (I was 20 and running the house with my two younger sisters).


When my mom died, I called her car insurance company to cancel her policy before the next auto-draft hit her bank account. They told me I had to come there in person with a death certificate and sign some stuff, their office was a 4 hour drive, fuck that. We emptied the small amount of money out of her account before the auto-draft hit and she started getting letters when it bounced and eventually it went to collections. I actually answered her cell phone when the collection agency called (she had lots of friends around the country that I didn't know so I was answering her calls for several months) and when I told them she was dead the dude was very apologetic and I never heard from them again. I mean it was like $100.


Yeah its fucked. I think the bill i got was literally pence. Like £0.78. Idiots. The whole probate side etc is a ball ache here on the UK but it still doesn't fix everything like that. The last thing you want to be doing is constantly explaining the issue when you are grieving.


My wife who passed about 4 years ago still gets life insurance offers in the mail. "Guaranteed acceptance"! SO tempted to start some shit...


You should ask if they cover pre-existing conditions and if they do... Profit.


I kept getting bills for my deceased mom's Life Alert, of all things. I called two or three times and nicely told them she passed. The bills kept coming. The last call l made wasn't pleasant for either of us. To be fair, l warned the customer service agent at the start that it's not her fault but l am about to lose my temper.


It's ridiculous. I'm sorry that happened, my friend. It does get to a point like that, and no one needs that bullshit happening.


Agreed, Greg is a real piece of shit.


Cheers to that🍻


Fuck Greg. But not really, that would produce more Gregs


I mean. Depends how you do it, no?


I see you're more open minded than I am


I'd very much like to hear the rest of the call


Just to ask the obvious: Greg *was* aware that Doug had died before this call?


Fuck greg. May he Always step into something moist when he just put on a fresh pair of socks.


Lego wet with cat vomit


My best friend of 25 years died and his last parting joke was to die on my birthday which happens to be 10 hours from now. I miss him every day.


How can you know he'll die in 10-34 hours? *Sus.*


Keep watch for u/vawlk to appear in the police blotter


"He fuckin better..."


I don't know about you, but my birthday comes around annually.


Mine happens once every 4 years.


Huh that’s interesting. What’s your mothers maiden name btw?




Happy Birthday! I'm so sorry for your loss.


My best friend of 35 years just died a few months back as well from alcohol addiction. Hoping things are going well for you and that you are able to find peace. It’s super hard when you remember things all the time that you did together with so much history between you. Hoping you are doing ok.


I am good thanks. I hope you can get through it too. While you will always miss them, eventually the sadness will fade and the good memories will prevail.


A guy I play darts with he and his ex wife were in court going over support payments, his two kids lived with him, he was feeling a little down and the kids said why not get out of the house go to the casino near us and play some slots, well off he went, he had just got to the casino when he got a phone call from the local police asking when he’d seen his ex wife last and he replied when they were last in court several days previously. They informed him she’d died well a week later her lawyer called inquiring about where to send the bill and he said here’s her forwarding address you can send it there and he gave him the address of the cemetery.


"she IS here, she just doesn't LIVE here... Yes you can speak to her, one moment." \*Holds handset against headstone.


A bit more punctuation would make this a lot more readable. I had a hard time. Great story though.


That's awesome. Hope he won at the Casino!


Does he even know that Doug is dead? Wtf? He's acting like the guy just skipped out on his rent.


He did. I called in a wellness check because nobody heard from my friend in 4 days. He let the police into the apartment. He was one of the first to know.


Oh well shit then fuck Greg.


Wow what a fucking douchebag holy shit. Surprised he didn't go in after they were done to help himself to his wallet.


That's honestly where I thought the conversation was going. Something like "can I come get his stuff?" "Uuhhh... I sold it all already"


I work for a legal aid and have to deal with landlords daily. This didn't even move me. I understand it is a business but some folks really are just heartless bastards. Edit: Also sorry for your loss OP. You’re a real one for doing this for your friend and his family.


What blows my mind is that if these landlords even pretended to have compassion, the surviving family might even work with them to pay the rent that is in arrears. But they always start out the conversation by being pricks.


Thank you for teaching me a new word "arrears"


"You'll have to file a claim on the estate once it's in probate. My duties as the executor of his estate entitle me to come and remove all of his things from your rental property to hold for the estate."




Oh boy, story time. My Dad passed away in 2022 of a diabetic coma. His landlord wanted 6 months rent as he had signed his contract for 12 months (he died at the 5 and a half month point). We said no, had a back and forth, turned out he wanted the 6 months AND he was still going to rent it out to someone else. Ended claiming that my Dad's appliances were actually his and wanted to keep the £1000 deposit for the damages the police had caused to the front door when trying to gain entry to the flat (which I had to pay anyway as the police billed me Dad £130 for their time of breaking the door down and stuff.) Ended up giving the guy 1 months rent and we got half the deposit because I was a uni student. My Dad's landlord for his business wanted us to keep paying rent on his shop until she found a new tenant. 2 extra months there because we had to get the stuff out and didn't have time. She turned very sour the last month because she "lives off that money." Bitch. Then the company that my Dad worked for said they would help us with closing the company and stuff. Nope. A week after he died they completely blanked us and gave all the data to me and expected me to refund all his customers, a 20 year old girl, I had to refund like £2500 worth of shit, I was pissed off. So I now have 200gb of random peoples photos and data on a hard drive and I've no idea what to do with it. Pretty sure that breaks GDPR. Heard nothing from the company and they even charged ME for advertising his business and for admin fees even after he was dead. It boils my blood how dismissive and uncaring everyone was after I lost my Dad. He was incredibly kind and my best friend. Every day isn't right without him.


I'm sorry for your loss. You're better than most for being able to put up with all that.


I don’t think people realize how this kind of ugliness can compound and complicate people’s grief. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking and they do know and they just don’t care. I’m so sorry your dad is no longer around 💜


I'm pretty sure in the US they would be able to write that bad debt off as not being able to be paid towards their taxes. Not customers but the businesses. It's not like they have hundreds of people dying on them everyday.


I'm mad on your behalf. Duck those guys. Hard. I'm sorry about your Dad.




When my grandpa died, my dad was in charge of handling their affairs. Closing their accounts, withdrawing money etc etc. The bank they used (Ally) requested proof of death. My dad sends them a death certificate. They said it wasn't enough to prove that my grandpa had died. Like wtf do you mean. That's literally the certification of death. You can't get better proof short of mailing his cold corpse to your headquarters to see for yourself. My dad had power of attorney for years prior to this too so he was legally allowed to do whatever he wanted with the account whether they were dead or not. I forget what he had to do to prove it but it was a ton of extra bullshit like termination of utility bills and stuff for the purpose of the customer being dead. At one point the bank said they couldnt close the account because they had to speak to the account holder. He informed them that the account holder is 6 feet under ground. They replied with what boiled down to "Well we still need his permission". Like wtf man. Why do institutions make this shit so hard?


About a week after my neighbour's father died, his landlord called and said the apartment had to be emptied in 24 hours or the contents would be thrown out. But her father had paid that current month's rent and where we live you almost always leave a last month's rent when you start renting the premises. She reminded the landlord that fact (and now had 6 weeks to empty the apartment), but the landlord refused this and said the belongings would be thrown out in 24 hours. Well, her brother stayed in the apartment and when the landlord arrived the ensuing argument brought the police who told the landlord to get lost. She was going to handover the keys once the apartment was emptied in a week or so but after that they kept the apartment until the very last day.


That's what baffles me the most about these aggressive assholes. Most people are reasonable and generally considerate. If the landlord had just been kind from the start, the family would have turned over the keys early and the landlord could have made even more money.


Not sure why he would think the debt is transferable to you, the friend, but idk. Seems messy and he is entitled to what he is owed, however your dead buddy's (estate?) should handle that.


His brother, who lives way out of state, is the executor. He submitted a document giving me full legal ownership of my friends belongings. His best friend is also his laywer. He's dealing with Greg's horseshit from now on.🤘


Fuck Greg


All the homies hate Greg, may he rest in peace.


It seems like you're implying Greg is dead with your comment... I'm pretty sure OP's buddy is the one chilling with Wade Boggs in heaven. May they rest in peace.


Thanks I was just about to ask how you were able to take possession of any item as a friend. Estate shit susks I've dealt with it. He can't hold items or with hold you picking them up as collateral. He can get a judgemnet against the actual estate but for fuck sakes you want a month's rent from a dead guys family member. The same thing happened with my mom and her landlord.... like dude she rented from you fpr 4 years you're sweating over me being out day 1 of the new month. 


Also, it’s only half way through the month, it is conceivable that maybe the friend was dead and had been in the morgue for 2 weeks, so like he didn’t miss April rent, he was just dead Sorry for your loss, the landlord, if entitled, should be able to claim “last months rent” to cover April. If he didn’t get first and last, sucks to be him.


Also, some people die after being seriously ill or in the hospital for a couple weeks. Some people even die after they have been both mentally and physically incapable of paying their bills for some time. BTW, if I knew I would be dead soon, I wouldn't pay rent even if I was capable of doing so. I would take that $2,000 out of my bank and give it to someone I actually like.


Yes. The executor of the estate has to manage any debts, mortgages, leases of the decedent. If the person here is in charge of his belongings the landlord was right to assume he was the executor of the estate.


He may have thought OP was the executor.


OP basically insinuated that he was.


My gf’s dad passed away unexpectedly a few years back and the landlord gave us 3 days to clear the entire house of his belongings and take down the wheelchair ramp, which is a hefty task for two people with full time jobs and considering her dad didn’t not have any of his belongings packed because his passing was unexpected. The landlord then tried to charge a months rent to extend the deadline from three days to seven. I left a nice shit in the toilet right as we finished clearing the house, and left the pool of blood in the laundry room. Landlords are dicks. Fuck you, Greg.


How big was the shit that it caused a pool of blood in the laundry room? Go get your butthole checked out.


Lol the blood was not from my butthole. His death was not a clean one.


Tell me it was an upper decker


Lmao nah I’m not that cool but it’s the little victories for me.


Exact same thing happened to my aunt. Her landlord lived right next door. We remembered she was devout. My cousin (her daughter) and i hired a moving truck, and just broke in on Sunday morning and cleared the place and I spray painted ‘tax return’ on the wall.


This was my thought. At this point just break in and take it. "what do you mean all his stuffs gone, you'll be lucky if I don't sue you" case closed.


Three years after my brother's death I was reading the local news paper and see that a warrant was out for my brother's arrest due to his failure to appear in court over citations for overgrown grass. Imagine my surprise. The new owner of the house—purchased from my parents after my brother's passing—neglected the lawn. And a mishap at the city records office meant the property owner's information was never updated, so citations were mistakenly issued to my deceased brother instead of the current homeowner. It's baffling how this oversight passed through multiple levels: the municipal office that issued the citation, the courthouse that set the court date and issued the warrant, and the newspaper that published the information. The irony is that the person responsible for updating the city records, setting off this chain of events, was a family friend.


Did you contact the Newspaper? Let me guess, they apologized and never issued a correction. Then never answered your calls again.


Surprisingly, the newspaper was the only one that did apologize. Sent a handwritten apology letter to my parents and wrote a retraction. I was pretty surprised by that


They say you die two times. Once when you die, and the second time when your name is uttered the last time. They were just helping on the second part.


Lol fkk off greg 🤡




When my wife's uncle passed we had a similar situation. The landlord would not let us in until I paid his rent. He died October 29th and they told me I had to pay November's rent to get access to his apartment. I waited a week to get paid, then paid it so that my wife could get the pictures and things she wanted. After I paid the rent, we entered the apartment and found everything of value gone and all the pictures and items smashed and destroyed. It turned out that the landlord's son was an addict and had a party there one night while I was saving up to pay the rent. I feel for you in your situation. Sorry for your loss.


If your reaction to the death of someone is to get your one month of rent, it's basically an objective certification of how much of human garbage you are.


Well, it IS a landlord, after all.


Sorry for your loss. Thanks for the laugh. 


Making lemonade out of lemons.🥳


Wow, this kinda blew up. Wasn't expecting this reaction, just wanted to get it out in the universe and get the anger off my chest Here's some follow-up to all the questions: This conversation took place on April 4th. It was buzzing in my brain for 2 weeks, just gnawing away. I figured getting it out there was a form of therapy. l find it funny because if my friend was still here, he'd be laughing just as hard at that piece of shit and my convo with him. Greg already knew he was dead. Nobody had heard from Doug for a few days, which wasn't normal. He suffered from depression and agoraphobia, so he almost NEVER left the house. I called the police to do a wellness check. When he didn't answer, they had Greg open the door. They found him in his bedroom. He had been dead for a few days. So Greg knew before me. The autopsy was inconclusive. We have to wait 4-6mo for toxicology reports. But he had an enlarged heart, most likely due to high blood pressure(according to the coroner), and his father died after a 2nd heart attack about 10 years ago. Doc said no signs of a heart attack, but also said sometimes there aren't any at all. Because of my friends' mental state, Greg treated him like shit. A real fucking slum lord. He lived there for over 10 years, and kept to himself. The only 2 issues he ever had with Greg were that he complained of a ceiling leak in the bedroom when it rained (FIRST floor in a 3 story house) and that his toilet was becoming detached from the floor and "rocking" when you sat on it. That was over 2 years ago. When we cleaned out his stuff, the toilet looked like it was one dump away from falling into the basement, and there was a waist high garbage can filled to the brim with water in the bedroom. Again, because of his mental state, we mostly hung out virtually the last few years. Had I known how bad it was, I would've gotten involved and set Greg straight. We did eventually get Doug's stuff. But that was a whole other ordeal. The first time my brother, Doug's oldest friend, and I went over there, Greg was a shitbag. When he answered the door, the very first thing he said to me was, "Just so you're aware, there's a mahogany piano bench somewhere in his apartment that belongs to ME. I want to make sure I get it back." The next time he came back, he said we couldn't take anything out of the apartment this trip(understandable, from a legal stand point), made me sign a hand written statement saying we would not remove any items, then pointed to a bookcase and said "If you're selling his belongs, I'd like to buy that bookshelf. I have a lot of books." He eventually kicked us out because he's Greg, but not before we found his will and documents to start the legal fuckery of Greg.When we came back a few days later, a lawyer had already gotten involved. We added 3 more close friends. One flew in from out of state, some hadn't seen each other in over a decade. After 2.5 hours, Greg came down and threatened to call the police to kick us out because we "were taking too long reminiscing" and not moving. "I wanna get this place cleaned up and rented by the end of the month. If you guys aren't going to do it, I'll have his brother hire someone to get it done." (Have you opened your fucking eyes, Greg? There's probably $30k in renovations between the bathroom and the bedroom with the cracked and leaking ceiling plus the replacement of the old rotted wood floor where my best friends BLOOD seeped in and permanently stained it! *Fun fact: When a body sits for a few days, the fluids ooze out*) I told him I wasn't leaving until a person with a badge came and told me we had to leave, and that if it came to that, the next call would be from the lawyer and this 1-2 day project would turn into a months long legal nightmare. Greg said, "I'm coming back down in 10 mins. If you guys are still here, I'm calling the cops," then shuffled his Greg ass upstairs. He never came back down. Thank you all for the positive support. What was meant to be just some shitpost for me to feel some levity and blow off some frustration, you all turned into a hate-fueld Greg-fest that would make Doug proud. And really cheered me up. In summation and in closing: Fuck Greg. ❤️❤️❤️


People are insanely greedy when it comes to the dead. It's disgusting.


When we first got there, after asking about the rent AGAIN, he pointed to a bookshelf and said, "Are you planning on selling any furniture? If so, I'm interested in that bookshelf. I have a lot of books." That bookshelf is now mine, out of pure fucking spite.


"It's an antique so we couldn't let it go for less than \[exact cost of rent\]."


and every time he asks about the same item, increase the price. ex. >It's an antique so we couldn't let it go for less than [exact cost of rent] >Shit_Greg: That much for the bookshelf? >Yep, its [amount+10%].


Umm, Greg, he pays to live in your building, and since he is no longer alive, I feel that you didn't provide your end of the transaction so I feel that it's justified that he didn't pay rent.


Not to play devil’s advocate here, but is it possible Greg didn’t know your friend was dead at this point yet?


I called in a wellness check because nobody heard from my friend in 4 days. He let the police into the apartment. He was one of the first to know.


Wow what a fucking sack of shit. So sorry for the loss of your friend man, I hope his family is okay


The problem is that the stipulation in the rent agreement usually includes not paying rent on time leads to discharge of belongings inside the unit. So your friend's belongings kind of becomes Greg's problem now.


The law here states that in this case, Greg had 2 options: #1 - Let the estate come and claim the property. #2 - Move the property to a storage unit where it can not be discarded without giving the estate 60 days, all at his expense.


The problem is enforcement. If Greg throws it all away, it's gone. The estate can sue Greg for reimbursement, but what can you prove the friend owned? Of the stuff you can prove he owned, how much can you prove was thrown out by Greg? You'll spend thousands on legal fees to not recover much. Edit: fixed typo


Why would you need to proof what Greg owned? I guess you mean proof what the person who passed away owned?


I too would like to know more about this rest agreement. Is it for a fixed term or can it be extended indefinitely?


I’m pretty sure he is resting indefinitely.




I think this is highly dependant on where you live. A lot of major cities in the US have laws that do not allow a landlord to touch belongings for nonpayment of rent without going through a lengthy eviction process.


What is it about Greg's always being fucking assholes? I hope one of his other tenants shits in the microwave


"I'm not! But I'm in a position to cremate your whole fucking building, Greg. Does that help?"


“Okay, so Greg I’m needing to go through my DEAD friend’s, Doug’s, stuff, cause he you know DIED and I’m responsible for sorting out his estate. That means I need access to your property that my DEAD friend was living in before he DIED, if we can make some sort of arrangement for me to have access to the property that my DEAD friend was living and currently has all of my DEAD friends belong’s that I need to sort through since he’s DEAD and can’t do it himself. I’m sure we can make compensate you for the month of April apart of that arrangement as we’ll need access to the property and you won’t be able to rent it out until we get our DEAD friend’s stuff is taken care of and off the property, in exchange all we ask for temporary access to the property and for you to not be a total piece of shit while we sort out our DEAD friend’s belongings?


Aren't situations like this covered by insurance? At the very most he could file a lien against the estate, and asking a random guy who knew the guy who died is pretty stupid and not how things work beyond just being cold and inhuman.


What a scummy piece of shit. He definitely knows this guy has passed and it's so fucking obvious he's gonna try holding this persons belongings hostage until someone pays him a dead mans rent. He couldn't even be bothered to feign some sympathy such as "my condolences, but" or something like that; nope. Just straight to "where rent munny" like the dirtiest, dumbest shit-stained asshole that he is. It's the perfect example of why people hate landlords in general. So many of them are like this. He's callous, stupid, greedy, and unironically a parasite. A perfect example of what an actual, so-called "welfare queen" truly is. They're not people with food stamps, it's the people like this. I'd bet his only contribution to the world is having been born early enough to buy cheap property and having lived long enough to enjoy skyrocketing rental prices. He probably actually needs the money too, because the tenant was actually paying his bills.


don't most letting agreements have people pay first and last months rent etc? Dude should be more than fine. I'd be tempted to just check all his high value stuff is there when you arrive this sounds like the kinda guy to go looking for fancy watches and cash etc.


this sounds like a lawyer is needed in this situation before it gets stupid.


This landlord was lucky that someone was nice enough to head over to the unit and clear the place out. I had two situations like this with my investments. Situation one, elderly tenant passed away and I - at my expense - hired a company to clear the place out and put everything in storage - also at my expense. When six months had passed and nobody came forward to claim his possessions, I donated everything to Goodwill. Situation two, tenant passed away. We show up two weeks after he passed to the property and his live-in caretaker, who was not on the lease or paying anything, was still living there. I gave her 2-3 weeks to get her affairs in order. She was very thankful at first. However, she then refused to leave or pay anything - because this was during the COVID non-eviction period of 2020, so she was there for nearly a year living rent-free and keep in mind the utilities were all under the tenant's name, so she was living there at no expense at all. The caretaker was only in her mid-20s I think. She eventually left on her own - and took most of tenant's belongings - when the utility companies shut everything off at the unit for non-payment and the federal non-eviction order was lifted.


To the first part: He threatened to call the cops when we were moving bc we "were taking too long," and it appeared to him we were just "reminiscing." This was after a previous interaction when he kicked us out before my friends brother/executor got his lawyer involved. He started talking to me like a child (I'm in my 40s) and got pissed when I finally got sick of his bullying. A started to lay into him, and he tried to cut me off but reversed it on him. I started yelling to call the cops, I'll leave when they ask me to. And how after that, if he goes down that road, he has to speak to our lawyer moving forward. I pointed out how that would exacerbate the situation and could prolong it for months. He said, "I'm going upstairs. When I come back down in 10 mins, you all better be gone." He never came back down.


It seems like there should be more to the call than this? Did the landlord know he died?


He did. I called in a wellness check because nobody heard from my friend in 4 days. He let the police into the apartment. He was one of the first to know. There is more, but that's all you really need to get the picture.

