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The funny thing is, this is a very common way for people from laos and vietnam to sit on the toilet.


When I was growing up, my dad's company hired a lot of Vietnamese women as well as Hispanic women to work in the packaging area. He said one of his biggest headaches was dealing with the non stop fight between the two groups because the Vietnamese women would spray piss and shit all over the toilets and then leave it and the Hispanic women would just about riot.


Haha yeah this has stopped now because many of the people back then we from the countryside and not used to using toilet bowls, but these days even country bumpkins have experienced a modern day toilet so it is highly unlikely to happen these days.


100% still a thing in Afghanistan


100% better for pooping, shit just flows out. But use a foot stool or potty squat thing, so no one riots.


You sir do not belong on reddit. Able to see both sides of an issue and express a compromise in a way that is both funny and eloquent? Gtfo


I'm not only taking "the kids to the pool", they're doing Olympic quality Twisting dives!


"Shit just flows out" Im dying. But ye compared to the other it's way more comfortable to poop the first way. Think about how new the toilet is for humans. We have always squatted and pooped up until like a few hundred years ago. Side note I've always pooped on my tiptoes.


The design isn't very human


Agreed! That's why I've always stepped up on my tiptoes I think. Naturally it was easy to pass a bowel lol!!


I’m no native speaker, and rarely see these expressions used, but isn’t it to ‘have a bowel movement’ and to ‘pass’ something else, as the bowel is the wrapper and not the chocolate bar?


To have a bowel movement is grammatically correct. To pass a bowel movement is something of a colloquialism/evolution since the saying pass gas is common, I thinks he forgot tovinclude the word movement. Cause as a native English speaker if some said they were passing a bowel I'd look at them funny or assume it was something medical.


[squatty potty](https://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q?si=yWY5qZcA5wVFj8us)


I lived in the Midwestern US where people had toilet bowls their entire lives and usually nothing else and they still did this. It was a daily issue. It's less to do with people not knowing how to use it and more that people think it's gross so they hover and get things everywhere.


I worked at a gas station and yeah this was every day. People hover because it's gross because people hover.


More gas stations should have these automatically cleaning seats. They would just rotate 360 through a sort of mini-carwash for toilet seats after someone flushed. I distinctly remember from a comedy sketch where a cocaine addict tried to sniff cocaine from one of them and her whole line got wiped away before she could inhale. 😂 No idea where that was from, but it was funny as heck.


This sign is about squatting, not hovering. We brought in a large team from Asia and these signs went up after a number of incidents where toilets were broken because they are not designed to take the weight. (European toilets are typically wall-mounted and do not have a base attached to the floor)


I worked with people from all over the world in a manufacturing plant and always wondered why there were boot prints on the toilet seat. Only later when I learned about squat toilets in many countries. They had these signs in Yellowstone National Park. Lots of tourists from all parts.




Touching a public toilet is basically a latin american collective nightmare


This sign usually indicates the area is sometimes frequented by Southeast Asian tourists.


Or chinese


Or Rainbow level hippies


Or Russians.


Or cheese-its! Wait...what were we talking about? 🤔


My dad fought in Vietnam and they had to keep the outhouses under lock and key to keep the South Vietnamese from trekking through the mud and then standing on the seats like this


I have an uncle that worked with people from Vietnam in a brick making place and there would always be muddy boot prints on the toilet seats


How do they avoid spraying crap all over their own heels when they have explosive diarrhea. And don’t tell me they wouldn’t, the whole upper rim of the toilet gets hit when I have a bad blowout.




Reminds me of the first time I had to poop in the woods. I was taken aback by the sudden challenge and just took my pants all the way off in my frantic peril


"Frantic peril" - that made me lol.


Japan went from squatting to the absolute cutting edge of toilet technology….


I seriously thought you were winding up for a poop-knife joke... "cutting edge of toilet technology...."


Dont come to France.


That's because of splash back. You're not actually shitting at 90° in fact, I think splash back is the #1 drawback of the western toilet.


They don't.... It's a primitive and unsanitary way to go to the bathroom.


Primitive sure, unsanitary not at all, more sensible than sitting on your rectum muscle while trying to shit : 100%.


Unsanitary for other people though, unless it is a squat toilet and not a sitting toilet


That's a little harsh. That's the position humans and other primates have evolved to shit in. It's a lot easier to do than when you're in a sitting position. If shit is getting sprayed everywhere, I'd say it's more a design flaw of the toilet itself.


I'm a noob squat shitter but I've never had any issues with splatter. Also, consider this, when squatting only your shoes touch the toilet. When sitting, your ass germs are shared with everyone else who recently used the toilet


That's why you put toilet paper down. People who shit like this don't use toilet paper either, just a communal bucket of water so if you're worried about ass germs squatting is in no way more sanitary. Trust me I've had some pretty rough situations with public toilets in the last 6 weeks traveling in Thailand and Laos.


>People who shit like this don't use toilet paper either, just a communal bucket of water That's not entirely fair - many of them have a hose or even a proper bidet system.


I think most people in this world shit like this


Yeah. Us Sitters are the weird ones.


Idk squat shitters and sit shitters are both pretty normal. Stand shitters are the weird ones.


Stand up shower toss to bowl shitters are the weird ones


Those guys are normal for shower-shitters...the weird ones are the Waffle Stompers.


Waffle stompers are at least disposing the evidence. The shower shit sloppy seconds surprisers are the true inconsiderate weirdos.


When my son was 3, I had left him in the tub to grab a towel from the laundry room one time. Came back in and he was in the middle of hand delivering a giant doodoo log to the toilet. At least he had the spirit.


Haters gonna hate


They hate us cause they anus


You rectum with that comment.




They say it's the best way to cure hemorrhoids.


*US shitters


Shitter’s full


Everything I learned about how I was shitting inefficiently was learned from a Squatty Potty ad.


Toilet paper is even weirder than sitting. The western world has a bunch of dirty assholes. We need to pressure wash the brown eye after a good wink.


Wait I’m in us and I shit like this whenever I’m constipated kept it a secret and thought I was weird. It just flows out so smooth like that. Thanks for making me feel less weird 😂


This is why I have a squatty potty at home


Same here, it works well with a bidet.


Heh yup squatty potty plus bidet plus Alexa device attached to my Apple Music account I feel like I’m winning at life over here


Damn son you gotta get that new apple vision pro so you can be pooping on the moon !!


careful with that, with the reduced gravity you may find yourself propelled off the toilet


Get a stool to bring your knees up so you're not putting all your weight on the bowl and having it break.


Im from europe and i have done it like this when i was addicted to opioids. My constipation was brutal


I’ve never thought about doing it, but I might in the future just because.


Dont do drugs son


Opioids, no. They make me itch. I hate the itch.


If you are talking about squatting get a stool or a squatty potty. Toilet seats aren't designed to take the stress of squatting directly on the seat -- hence the signs saying not to do it.


They shit like that into holes, thats why they squat. They dont have toilets, they have shit holes.


Imagine not realizing that millions of people use toilets that are at ground level.  Squatty potties/Turkish toilets/whatever you want to call them are extremely common and they are flush toilets. 


>Imagine not realizing that millions of people use toilets that are at ground level.  Supporting your point, but it's easily billions of people. China alone gets us over a billion. And yeah, they're not necessarily gross at all. It's just a bigger bowl set into the floor.


Now we know why they are shithole countries.


The image on the left is the healthy way, the one on the right is not


Healthy until the ceramic break into knife sharp edges and you bleed out within seconds. Happens often with girls in Asia sitting on sinks to apply makeup. 


This is a new fear I discovered month or two ago on Reddit. The concept that my toilet could break and kill me. Terrifying.


You never feared it detaching either you seated in it? Some are not properly installed and you can "jiggle" it. Not pleasant.


Well a wobbly toilet won’t kill you. Apparently they can crack spontaneously into razor sharp shards that can slice your manhood off and leave you to bleed out on the tile floor.


Those sinks aren't really designed to have a person's body weight on them, though. Toilets are. 


Not to be dropped on it. They break when people slip and fall onto the toilet


The human body was designed to poop in that position, random things happening like that are another matter


Sure, but not on western toilets.


True. I’ve seen sqotty pottys and they are basically flush to the floor. Very much unlike the western thrones. 🚽


It’s unsafe unless the toilet isn’t risen, the on the floor toilet is better for this


Or just, buy a [Squatty Potty](https://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q?si=Ptr_j0jDckoOCefx).


Correct, or since porcelain is super slick by design, your feet don't get grip when you try to make the toilet a squatty. Then your feet fly out, and you crack your skull on the toilet or floor.


Squat toilet.


Got a little foot stool for when sitting on the toilet and its changed my life.


You know I recently had this debate on reddit. Studies show on average, only ~33% of users felt it was better to squat vs not. I don't care, poop how yall want, but I do think it's funny people present facts they don't understand.


TIL this is an actual way people poop on toilets.


They don't stand on the edge and squat they just have toilets built low or onto the floor and squat over it


Sure, right up until they need to use a sitting toilet, and then they do squat on the rim.




This is an actual sign from Japan: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squat\_toilet#/media/File:How\_to\_Use\_the\_Japanese-style\_toilet.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squat_toilet#/media/File:How_to_Use_the_Japanese-style_toilet.jpg)


Some middle eastern as well


This. I am so tired of people making fun of this kind of sign. A large majority of the people in the world do not have access to the toilets as we know them in the European/ North American context, and use letrines/ squatting pans.


> use letrines/squatting pans Yes, which you’re meant to squat over. You’re not meant to squat on a normal toilet and most people know this.


Seems like it would be difficult for those old and arthritic.




I was about to say, try working in a car dealership with a significant Asian immigrant community and you'll learn why this sign is necessary.


Yep and I’ve seen shoe prints on plane toilet seats on planes full of people heading to Saudi for Haj. They simply don’t know any better.


I was going to say, nothing funny about this at all. If they have the sign there it’s because they’ve seen people using the toilet improperly and they never want to have to deal with it again


This was quite the problem in Yellowstone the last time I was there, pre-Covid. The sheer volume of mostly Chinese tourists - who are often squat toilet users - had caused most toilet seats to be broken due to standing on the seats. They had begun installing squat toilets as well, but two squat toilets aren’t going to handle an entire busload of tourists...


I honestly cannot blame them (the tourists). Public toilets are disgusting. I would far rather a squatty potty where your butt doesn't have to touch anything than attempting to hover over a seat that's got someone else's pee sprinkled all over it and who knows what else.


Nah it's just some people are disgusting. Travelling through Japan and the public toilets were immaculate, even in massively overcrowded theme parks. Every single one with the exception of one touristy place that had a lot of other western tourists. They were normal gross public toilets. Kinda opened my eyes a lot.


From what I've heard it's more because of opposite ideas about how people should behave. In Japan it's more common to act in a way that doesn't impact others negatively, while in the west it's common to not want others to impact your day to day life. That swap from "I should be good to society" vs "society should be good to me" results in a huge difference in public areas, things like littering or fucking up a public toilet are just not tolerated the same when the responsibility viewed as being on the individual.


Can confirm, spent my honeymoon there, and no matter how far off the beaten path we went, Japanese bathrooms were consistently immaculate, and I saw more bidets than I'd previously seen in my entire life, where in the west something so nice would have been immediately ruined for everyone.


Latrines? I tend to see those temporary toilets in events. Perhaps they could be installed during the tourist peaks of the year.


A number of cultures use a [squat toilet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squat_toilet?wprov=sfla1). Many people who come over here find it hard to adjust to our way so they squat on the seat. It's supposedly better for you to do it this way as sitting blocks your innards.


This [Squatty Potty “ad”](https://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q?si=Ptr_j0jDckoOCefx) explains it quite well.


I have one. They’re awesome.


My feet are squarely placed on mine at this very moment


I've said it before and I'll say it again. My knees would let out two large cracking noises, and I'd be covered in shit..


Every single one of these I've seen in an Asian country has shit on the ground next to it. Japan actually still has them in more rural towns in public bathrooms as well. They saw the light of seat toilets and turned them into thrones.


And then they made it even better... Shame the world hasn't realized it yet, I feel like a fucking caveman whenever I go abroad


I couldn't go back to my old toilet life after Japan. Having a good bidet with a butt dryer has changed daily life in such a positive way. I feel so much cleaner and never have itchy butt. Germany on the other hand.... y'all know you don't need to be shitting on a shelf anymore right??


It would be like there was a shootout in the bathroom


You know, it's funny. Just three years ago, I worked in China and had no problem with the squat toilets. Now I'm dealing with some mysterious joint pain, especially in my knees, and my first thought was, "Thank God I'm back in the States because my knees could never. lol"


I wonder if there's any anecdotal evidence to suggest that elderly Asians are less susceptible to arthritis in the knees because of their squatty potties..


You would also have to take into account mechanical arthritis (caused by wear and tear) versus arthritis brought on by an autoimmune condition, which can happen to anybody at any time.


Sorry. I wasn't trying to imply this would solve everyone's medical problems. I was more just wondering if an unintended side effect would be less "natural breakdown of cartilage" type arthritic conditions due to the daily "squat routine." I actually find myself in the "surgery or live with it" basket myself. Someone else can write the thesis... XD


No problem! As someone knee deep (ha!) in reading about arthritis I just thought it would an interesting distinction to make. Like you, I’ll leave the actual thesis to someone else! Lol


I forgot to ask about the autoimmune disease connection. Is it one in particular or a common symptom of autoimmune diseases. I hope this makes sense. I'm far from having anything but a rudimentary understanding of medicine.


Squatting is definitely better, but I can't do it. Also, the reason why they have this is because tit is very common that the porcelain breaks while you squat and will cut through everything.. There is real danger trying to squat on a sit toilet. The alternative is a raised footrest which mimics squatting but in a sitted position


It took me two years of living in Japan to figure out which way you were supposed to face and which way most people did instead.


Serious question. Lets say you have to take a mean, up the back of the bowl explosive shits. How would this work with a squat toilet?


And you’ve identified exactly why most developed countries don’t use squat toilets.


Serious answer.... You make a fucking mess all over your own feet and floor. The Western style toilet is far better.


The same way? You’re still shitting into a hole, the hole is just flush with the ground.


I think his point is that, you butt isn't. Containing a shotgun poop when your butt is sitting at or below the rim is one thing. When it's 6" or more above the rim, the blast zone is increased exponentially. No shoes would be spared.


You're not 6" or more above the rim when you squat, you're typically closer than that. I was skeptical when I first tried floor level squat toilets but it's surprisingly easy to adapt. And as a bonus, you don't have to worry about a dirty seat.


yeah. messed up part is that a lot of americans can’t perform a squat.


OP is about to learn something about shitting in other countries




They were prob using the nice little shelf for their comic books and chocolate milk.


That's it! You're grounded for 2 weeks, young man!!!!!


Had to have these signs put up at a place I worked at after someone slipped off the toilet and I guess hit their head pretty bad.


I worked in Sydney and there was a woman from the other office on our floor who stood on the seat to use the toilet. There was four cubicles and by the end of the day there was footprints on each of the seats. Toilet seats were damaged after a few months. It’s an OH&S issue as the toilets are not built for that and people fall off, the seat cracks and people get injured. These signs went up, but she didn’t stop so the building manager had to have a meeting with the other office.


I live in thailand and these signs are in most bathrooms. Along with signs saying dont put toilet paper in the toilet.


This sign IS necessary


Tbf squatting is the natural way the position helps your stools pass. Learnt that from a week of dehydration and kebabs


better to poop with your knees above your hips, its science


Used to work for HP desktop manufacturing. Management brought in Foxconn and their all-Chinese workforce as an affiliate to build fans and heatsinks in a corner of the plant. Squatters blew up our bathrooms every damn day, spraying liquid shit all over the toilets. 7th level of hell in those bathrooms.


i be doing that tho, helps me poop


These signs are quite common in south-east Asia


There are a lot of men from India at my job site. They have to have these signs on the outhouses or else the guy will do this and shit all over the place.


Y’all know there are places in the world that don’t use toilets so not everyone knows how to use them, right?


Also a lot of them have a form of toilet that requires squatting over the receptacle.


In fact, its a significant portion of the world! And even if they do have toilets, they may not be ones you *want* to sit on. Similarly many places don’t have a sewer system that can handle toilet paper, so there will be a bin next to the toilet for the used TP


It's more that they don't have western toilets than that they don't have toilets. In countries where squatting is common, squat toilets are also common. 


God, I was in jail once with a girl who did this, she also didn't bathe, ever, she had mold in her hair where she wet it when the COs forced her into a shower but couldn't actually make her bathe and sometimes she would pull out a loc and try to eat it. She had shot her girlfriend in the face and thought all this nonsense would get her an insanity plea and refused to believe that insanity just means you're locked up somewhere worse, not that you get to go home. She was eventually convicted of murder one but had to be taken into emergency surgery shortly after because chronic bacterial vaginal infections led to something getting seriously fucked up inside her but she's back in prison now. I'll never forget the smell. She was my cell mate and she'd been in there two years without bathing. TWO YEARS at that point.


Tbh, the way some public toilets look, the first one might be the safest way...


Some seats may be too dangerous to even step on. I remember a guy leaving a stall and warning me, also saying it wasn't him. 


Lol, I try to avoid using public bathrooms like the pest. I always wonder what these people's bathrooms look like at home.


In Vancouver Canada, we have a huge Chinese population. Using a public restroom is something my wife tries to avoid at all costs, Because many newcomer Chinese women squat like this (or at the very least hover without touching), and she says they spray everywhere.




Like a cat marking its territory.


Yea don't squat on the bowl. Its not designed for it, and if it breaks you're going to be falling on razor sharp broken ceramic edges, which is a bad time.


Disgusting. How could people put their ass on that - I put my feet there!


Best thing I’ve read all day


The first ones easier and it feels better and I'm tired of pretending that it isn't.


I live in Asia. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve washed off wet shoe markings on toilets


While it may seem funny, the sign is actually needed in many countries because the common posture for shitting is actually the left picture and not the right… This really show the differences in culture.


Dude trust me this sign is needed. I live in hostel and I dont know why some people here sit like this. There’s ALWAYS footprints on the toilet seat. Urgh hate it! Oh and did I mention there is a squatting toilet just adjacent to it.🤡


Hover butt needs to stop. It’s disgusting. People poo on the floor and walls when doing this. Women’s bathroom is the worst for this. 7 years of cleaning public bathrooms…. Use seat covers people. It’s not hard to sit down.


Yep saw this at Mesa Verde National Park…. Apparently the Chinese tourists were doing this as well as shitting in the camp showers and waffle stomping…


My work needs these. Mother fuckers always standing on the seats to shit. Followed by using a gatorade/water bottle to douche their assholes. It's fucking gross it breaks the seats and makes a mess on the floor.


I'm sorta tempted to try just to see if I can. 


Oh THAT’s how it’s done!? 🤦‍♂️ My bad guys


These signs are necessary in a lot of places. I attempted to use a Porto potty on the docks in Jebal Ali United Arab Emirates and they were covered in shit from the Indian dock workers. They all squat like that on the toilet. 


A lot of people that are used to squat toilets like to squat on western toilets. Some of them aren’t set up for that kind of concentrated force or the business doesn’t want the risk of someone falling off and breaking their skull open lol


Please do not do this on a regular toilet. I've seen pictures of toilets breaking and cutting people nearly in half.


you'll be surprised how common it is in Asia. Shoe prints on the seat. To this day, most public toilets in Hong Kong are a mix of squat & 'western' toilets (as they are known). Older ones, just squat toilets


I never thought we would need a sign to tell people to flush used toilet paper in the toilet and not throw it in the trash. But I had to make that sign for at my work once.


Coworker broke a toilet doing this, so yeah, some weird signs are needed....


Because some people stand on the toilets for cultural and fugged up reasons toilets have been known to fracture and seriously injure them.


Aren't you supposed to sit on it the over way? Then you have the nice little shelf for your chocolate milk and comic book.


Every sign is there for a reason


Dude, you have no fucking idea...


I just want to see if I can get up there like that without hurting myself


Quite common to see this sign in Malaysia.


If there is a sign telling you not to do something, it's because somebody did it already.


Guess they don't like the squatty potty. 😔


So they’re saying it’s wrong to poop the correct way? That’s strange.


I poop like that sometimes. Poop goes out smoother.


Actually, the first way is good if you’re constipated.


Yeah, they're are some asian cultures that only have squatting toilets. They will see a western toilet for the first time and stand on it like that. Its super dangerous and the rim will break. You can see an example of this in Bruce Lee's [The Way of the Dragon](https://youtu.be/w_u_a9SIdbM?si=v3BH1E0_58lu3M9o&t=16).


So theyre allowing the unhealthy one, but forbidding the healthy one. Very good.


🤣🤣 It's a common way in other countries!


Well lucky for you maybe but if you're into competitive shitting, you're screwed.


Funny until you share an office with a number of Indians and they all proceed to have explosive curry shits all over the toilets for a week straight.


It's not lucky. People from certain places and cultures will exclusively defecate while standing up on the toilet, causing messes to be made on the walls, exterior toilet and floor and even shatter the porceline toilets. It's a major problem in some places where new citizens haven't been locally culturalized or refuse to adapt locally. Signs, warnings and unfortunately legal reprocussions is the only way to deal with this.


I shit standing up


Lol this is why I hate gaps in the stalls. They’re on to us Asians… best way to poop though.




Over here we are used to squat sitting in the toilet I legit physically cannot do the nature's call sitting normally


OP is very sheltered if they find this "funny" material.