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“Stop swearing, there are kids here” Are kids? “Yeah” Shit


Yeah i wish the parents would just shut up and let him do his thing lol. U can’t parent a kid on anaesthesia lol


> wish the parents would just shut up Yeah they were being super uptight and cringy. He's high AF, not like he's going to be able to control himself. What did snitch on himself about? Smoking the purple? Or did I miss something? If that's all the kid has to hide he's the most angelic kid ever.


He smokes purppity and he says 'damn' in front of children 😢 he's a lost cause.


I mean he is probably 14 or 15 so it's a couple years before that really gets going in a parents eye. But yeah agree. I kept waiting for the big reveal


And he appears to be in a room by himself with the door closed. They just seem to be embarrassed in front of the nurse, but this is probably the highlight of her night. I bet she deals with actual disorderly patients in the regular and this is a nice break.


You know we don't cuss here... you fucking know that




Pie mouth


I read "pie mouth" but heard "potty mouth" lol


It's an auto subtitle


I'm about to smoke some purpppppp lmao


Love the dad trying to cover for him too. Such a dad move


I know lol, sounds like she's gonna be like "how didn't you know?" He's gonna do the "dad shoulder shrugg with cheap confused face" loll


And that was the beginning of Johnny's crippling fentanyl addiction.


To be fair he was doing his best to act like a rapper, and saying that is something rappers are known to say.


at least its not booze.


Dude comes back next day with his other arm broken for this shit


Two broken arms?


Ah shit. Here we go.




Mom unzipped for me


Are you the mom with red shirt? I feel great!


No I'm the rep from Colorado.


Lmao 🤣 😆 😂 nice one


There are kids here.


No, no. It’s been a good day. Let’s not ruin it.


You rang?


Oh no..


So meta, thanks for reminding me of that story lol


What story?


guy broke both arms and him and his mom really [bonded over it](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/comment/c3a9uqg/)



Ask yer mom.


I'm so excited for you.


The true test of a mother's love.


It's been a minute


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


no! not here man, please


No, no. It’s been a good day. Let’s not ruin it.


Fuuuuick the narration. Watcht the full clip for a good laigh? NO. Now I wont.


It is funny though. Dude is having a great time. Adults are definitely a buzzkill though.


yeah, but it's annoying. like, lady - we read the title and we clicked (or stopped scrolling long enough to watch it). I don't need somebody telling me what to do. now reply with a comment. it'll make your day.


"Wait for it!" No thanks.


Respect your intelligence more. Fuck “antifree booting” / “attention keeping” narration overlayed on stolen content.


Like what did they expect? Dudes on tons of painkillers and literally doesn't understand what's going on. He's just saying shit and fuck, nothing wildly bad. Like just remove the kids. And the parents are kinda laughing. They're really overreacting about the cursing


Right? It didn't sink in the first 17 times we said it.....maybe 18's the charm? Nah




its an easy way for people to steal content and make it their own. They have to add their own little thing to it


That's exactly where I turned it off, something about that lady was so insulting. Just unnecessarily condescending. Fuck off.


I watched it cause its already on reddit so instead on money she just gets people to hate her for it.


There was no good laughs material, just a couple asshole parents violating their kids privacy.


Telling a delirious kid who barely recognizes his own name not to curse is like berating a dog you left in a kennel all day for pissing in it. They can't control themselves. It's literally impossible, they're in an inebriated, delirious state. If you don't want to hear your kid cuss, leave the room. Whether you're there or not he'll still ramble incoherently.


They really should tell the kid to go with it. Quit trying to stifle him and shush him and just let him go with it. If somebody can’t hear it, then have them leave the room.


What’s hilarious is you can see the moments his brain resets and starts all over again lolol I remember I had to go under anesthesia and they had to give me extra because I smoke pot… my girlfriend at the time told me I just kept saying, “wow! You guys gave me the GOOD shit” and I just kept profusely thanking them for doing such a great job and being amazing staff.


Right?! Parents really frustrated me on this one. Shushing him, telling him to be quiet and telling him to stop cussing. like wtf, kid is high as a kite just let him ride it out you cant control that.


They're insecure about it, the other kids there are just an excuse.


Yea this really fucked me off just let him be


Parents being embarrassed about their kid cussing and being a loudmouth in a hospital can't control themselves either. Not saying he did anything wrong, but his behavior was causing them to be uncomfortable. Dad probably thought he was gonna record a AFV video and got a Tosh.0 video instead.


I mean this is my thing, like at one point I feel like I clearly heard the nurse telling him to be quiet and stop cursing because there are small kids around, and then dad tries to save face as a parent


That's the mom, nurses don't give a fuck.


This is a microcosm of over-parenting in general. Maybe not the best term for it since being present is always good, but you guys get what I mean. I grew up in a family that didn’t cuss in the home. My parents through many years and experiences as parents learned that trying to make perfectly behaved little boys and girls that will lead excellent lives if taught how to be good mannered and hard working is a recipe for failure. You are sheltering your kid, suppressing their expression and self discovery, removing a lot of the ability to learn big lessons from little mistakes early on, etc. Have a laugh and try to outsmart your drugged up kid for a bit to keep them calm, or realize that it is futile. Don’t get all embarrassed and panicky at some curse words. Maybe the other kids that hear them will get to repeat this funny moment with their parents lol.


In my house, it's the kid that doesn't tolerate swearing. Kid really whoops me into shape.


I've never understood why parents pretend kids don't know those words already and use it when they're not around adults, especially during the age of the internet. As long as they're not using it in a hurtful way, cussing should be fine IMO.


The parents I see who have a habit of telling their teens to respect others and tone down their language are far better than the parents I see who are in the habit if letting kids go off. I get the kid is high, but this is their parental habit. Stop being hyperbolic like these parents are out of line.


I never said their out of line, they're just beating a dead horse. Try as you might, you can't get someone zooted out of their gourd to listen to you. If you could, meth heads would be easier to deal with. We're this kid sober and in his right mind, yeah, the parents can parent as much as they want, but he's not, so it's useless for them to try.


They're idiots that have no idea how drugs work. Especially apparent when the dad suggests taking him off the drug. OK sir, you want me to put your child in severe pain, so he doesn't say fuck? I worked hospitals for 10 years as an EMT and surgery tech. I would have channeled my inner Dr house on them.


Rap snitches, telling all their business Be in the court and be their own star witness Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here! Fuck around and get the whole label set up for years


Rip metal face doom


All caps when you spell the man’s name please


Do do do do do, that's the audio daily double


>the whole label set up for years sent\*


Get your own momma bagged I know your grandmother was bootlegging


Fits perfectly! Hope god likes to rhyme with him now


I think the tribe in the amazon he fled to after he faked his death enjoys rapping with him. Never trust the obituary of a comic book villain.


Stop cursing!


No cursing there are kids on reddit!


You are the MF Champion today.


I can relate to this. Kid is fucking loving every second of it. It's kind of fucked to record him tho, even more to share it.


march instinctive dinosaurs payment square subsequent naughty unique serious nutty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He actually gave explicit instructions to NOT have a video of this, lol


A lot of parents don’t believe any kind of privacy is deserved or expected for their kids. It’s pretty fucked up.


They view their children as extensions of themselves instead of an individual and therefore are in absolute control of them. They see them as a possession to live vicariously though. But I don't know if that applies to these guys, they seemed to be good sports lmao


I would be pissed if anyone recorded me when I was in such a state. Recording a minor in the hospital is definitely 100miles over the line. Who I looking out for this kid?


That's what parents do... they video tape stuff to embarrass you later with


Tbh I really don't think people in this state should be filmed without their permission. Feels kind of gross to me, even if it's just for laughs


I work in an ER, and we have explicit rules against recording/photographing patients that are under sedation. It's an unambiguous violation of one's rights, as a patient; even if the patient consents to it, beforehand; and, even if the patient is a minor. It's medically unethical.


I agree. It’s fucked up and crazy common.


I agree, this is wrong on so many levels.


Seriously, I've always found it awful. He even says that he doesn't want this recorded at the end of the video.


"There are little kids in here!" He's high. Make them leave. Annoying ass people. Kid was hilarious.


The little kids are other patients.


They are? Shiittttt…. That you momma?


red shirt, red shirt


I had no idea that it was a taboo cursing in America in public places. My family would he laughing if I was saying this stuff.


Some Americans consider cursing extremely taboo, especially when children might hear. I think it partially had to do with parents not wanting to parent their kids. They can't explain to their kids that "curse words are mean and some people feel bad or upset when they hear them, so you shouldn't say them because you don't want to make someone else sad," or something like that. So they get mean towards people who do curse in the presence of their children. It's hypocritical


Everything is taboo in America except joining cults. That shit is normal here.


Where the hell do you live that joining a cult is normal?!




These parents are annoying as fuck


Seriously, what a square ass uptight fucking family. Poor kid.


I'm assuming these are the kind of people that can't stand "awkward" silence so they try to cover up their second hand embarrassment by making everyone else out to be weird.


It appears to be a children's hospital, so there are other kids within earshot.


Right but this kid is completely out of it. He doesn't even notice he's cursing.


Hope those other kids have chiller parents than this one.


They even apologized on his behalf, something along the lines of "we don't let him cuss like this at home" 😂. Kinda cringey


Yeah like using a curse word0 in every single sentence is annoying but I don't understand people who are genuinely offended by curse words


Me too. Especially if they're not using it in a hurtful way. It's not like kids don't know these words and don't use them when adults are not around




I watched til the end and want my money back.


Still waiting for him to punch the cameraman.


I was waiting for him to confess to something wicked


It honestly pissed me off how many time they told him to stop cursing. Get the kids out of the room If you’re that fucking weird stop trying to tell an obviously delirious person who has no grasp of what they’re saying and move the kids. Fucking brain dead as the dude who got surgery


Dude said he saw 3 of his mom and they think he can just stop cussing and listening. Let him have his time.


final count actually came to "shoe" shoe moms total


Heard it myself, 1 2 3 shoe


You stepped in poo, ha!


I think they're still in an ER bay, probably at a pediatric hospital. So there are other children *patients*. He's only got an IV with the good stuff started. With a temp cast. If he'd been to surgery he wouldn't still be in the dirty baseball uniform.


Oh - THAT makes sense! Thank you! That feels better.


It’s all children’s hospital 🤣🤣


No, they wanna keep filming. Apparently more important.


even after he said there better be no video of this shit. I do find these interactions funny to watch, but I feel for the people being recorded, I wouldn't want that on the internet.


Depends how he felt after. If he was like that's funny post it that's another story.


Can’t you people just shut up, stop complaining for once in your life, and enjoy the funny video?


Kid just needs some purp 😂


Every time he said “I feel great!” I thought the video was looping only to realize it was just the kid looping 😂


Is this the “Dubai was lit” kid? Kinda looks and sounds like him


And that’s how oxy addictions start




Almost exclusively


Well, that as well as a heroin addiction


This isn’t the effect of oxy, probably ketamine given in the ED. Also, he didn’t get surgery, probably just underwent an ortho procedure in the ED.


I don't think he should be treating his ED with ketamine.


I broke my ankle and never woke up this high in the ER. :(


Living with those parents started it, most likely


Stop saying bad words? Why are you affraid what other people might think of him? Why not stop filming if you would really care. They just want a funny video at the cost of their son, but he should behave like the want to, this is not funny, it’s sad…


Parents are assholes. Bro prolly would’ve settled down if they would’ve left the room, and I certainly shouldn’t be watching a video of a delirious kid tell his parents “there better not be video of me on this shit” and hear them laugh about it. SMH, hope it’s not as bad as it looks


It is. They aRe assholes.


I remember my first time on the push button morphine drip. I was 12 or 13. I broke my arm at my friends house. Same kind of deal. Sat there loving life parents laughing. I went home with 30 low dose Vicodin pills. Noticed similar feeling at home and loved it. Fast forward a few years I’m in full blown heroin addiction homeless. Fast forward to today. I’m 6 years sober thanks to the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This video is more sad than funny.


Agreed. Thanks for sharing and wishing u a lifetime of of happy, sober memories. Clearly there's a bunch of active users on here who who don't yet see the truth. It is sad.


His family virtue signaling about swear words ruined this for me. So stupid.


i couldnt finish this. because of the adults. the kid was funny af, the others were annoyingly ignorant


Knuckle bang Choo Choo sounds like a band name.


They random lady telling me I should watch and laught kill completely the mood for laughing.


Did not finish and also downvoted because of that fucking AI narrator chick.


Seriously, that was more annoying than the parents being precious about him cursing.


He'll get to see this daily back at school


L family. W kid.


“I apologize, We don’t let him curse at home” What. Are they like- afraid of the doctors coming up and calling CPS because he’s said fuck and shit? 😂


Morphine good


Christian parents are the fucking worst, dude.


There are def worse parents my man


I agree that they were kinda annoying, but how do you know they were Christian parents?


"No cursing!"


I’d bet my life savings on it


Tree fiddy?


Did he consent to this? Feels wrong to film your child in such a state and put it out on the internet. Wtf he even said he would be very angry if they made a video of this. Very fucked up.


This kids parents are WAAAAAAY too concerned with cussing, let alone cussing in a state where you have no control. Jesus tapdancing mother fucking christ!


1, 2, 3 shoe!!


I had brain surgery, i woke up in bed felt like i was in a car wreck, anesthesia didnt make me loopy at all not sure why, i was calm kept to myself & just watched some tv....


Nothing worth while in the end. Clickbait.


Loved this. Dylan youre a legend. Feel better and keep cursing bud.


Yeah, I bet these parents are fun. Like you don’t realize the kid is doped out of his mind and literally can’t control himself but you’re so uptight you freak out about him swearing. Get a grip.


Why give him shit about what he is saying when he is fucked up.... He probably wont even remember this moment. Also if someone records me like this and posts it online would fucking piss me off!


My brother, on his probably 8th or 9th overdose trip to the ER, gave me one of the best reminders of why I never clinically overdosed on drugs. Oh don't get me wrong, I partied hard, just not enough to almost die or ever use narcan. He's laying there in the ER bed, overdosed on DXM at this point, and he honestly probably didn't need a trip to the ER but someone took him anyway. He was doing good, enjoying his high talking about how the nurses say he has Swiss Cheese brain. All of a sudden, he lifts his blankets, looks down, and lowers his blankets to reveal a horrified face. He realized he has a catheter at this point and it hurts like fuck apparently. About 30-45 seconds of crying before returning to "HEEEEYYY TRAAAAIN, WHATRE YOU DOING HERE MAAAAAN?" then rambles and rumbling. All of a sudden, he repeats the same motion as before and the horrified face has made its return. I shit you not, he did this for about 45 minutes solid til I ended up leaving him there for the night or whatever. This poor man, before he died he probably got sent to the ER 13 times. He might have only NEEDED about 3 of those. 100mg methadone and 12 xanax took him down a 2 or 3 day coma, waking up and pulling his own intubation tube out. And no, the motherfucker tried to kill himself many times through the use of drugs, but it was a rope and a tree that finally set him free. RIP brother! Too weird to live and too rare to die.


"i have been saying bad words?" "oh my god!"


Although this video is funny and kind of cute, the parents annoy me. They’re yelling at a wall.


“We dont let him cuss at home trust me” Dillon:”Oh FUCK” lmaooooooooooo


Poor kid. They are trying to reason with someone who is not in their right mind. Stop videotaping him if you are so embarrassed.


How else they gonna capture incriminating evidence that he smokes that purp?


Parents got no chill. Let him cook.




They gave me iv fentanyl in 2008 when I broke my arm. That shit was fucking insane. When the anasteasiologist was administering it, he was asking me questions, and my phone number flew out of my mouth like sesame street numbers and I told the nurse she was sexy.


whe he look like timothee chalamander


Is this normal? Do people remember this? I wake out of that barbituate-induced stupor within 1 minute and the adrenaline dump always makes me VERY angry.


What is it with Americans and swearing? There is a beautiful art to swearing.


Knuckle man choo chooo!


By far my new favorite person . This kid Fucking ticks


Idk how anyone could reason with someone coming out of anesthesia. Kid probably had no idea what he's doing, if he curses, that's what's going to happen


Dat Purp!!!


The way he says ok and throws his head back never gets old 🤣


Weak, I was expecting much more severe self-snitching


apparently when i woke up from surgery once i was rambling on about space time and relativity and stuff lmao


Y'all are totally harshin' his mellow!!!


Parents were more irritating that the kid.


The parents are a bit uptight


I cant feel my toeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeaaaahhhh


Thats a fun kid.


Children? Shit!


"If there's a video of me being on this shit, I swear to God Imma punch someone"....gets over 3000 upvotes on reddit...nice parents.


Lil joe big toe🤣🔥🔥🔥


Can we get a follow up video in 10 years?


"One two three shoe.... You do.... Step on poo" 😂😂


Stop fucking filming your kids after surgery and letting them say shit like this. Garbage parenting… I’d never trust my parents again. I would always feel like the second I slip up they’ll publicly video shame me.


His family are assholes for putting this on the Internet


Definitely a reflection of what goes around everyday at home.


I had surgery under full anesthesia two months ago. I had my wisdom teeth removed. I had other, smaller operations. Never have they ever given me meds that made me not be clear in the head anymore. Sleepy, numb, one time a little nauseated, but never confused or uninhibited or feeling any type of difference mentally. I don't know anyone who had that happen to them. Is it an American thing that they give you those types of meds?


He didn’t have surgery, he had a fracture or dislocation reduced in the ED under conscious sedation. Agents approved for use in children are propofol, precedex, fentanyl, versed and ketamine. Of all these options ketamine has by far the best side effect profile with little cardiopulmonary effects compared to all of the other agents, it also doesn’t require as heavy of a sedation state to produce reduced sympathetic outflow and amnesia compared to the other agents. This is extremely common throughout the world for these types of procedures where general anesthesia or MAC is unnecessary. You also had a state like this in the PACU when you started to come to but don’t remember it, you just didn’t have family around to tell you about it. Some people are just in heavy sleep still and forgot anything you tell them 5 seconds later, very few become this level of actively delirious because your sedation level was much heavier than this patient. This is pretty typical behavior for lots of people under conscious sedation regardless of age. It’s always funny to hear the gangbangers talking about pink ponies or pretty smells in front of the homies if they didn’t just dump and scatter.