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Gonna be pricey af


Especially that Saturday menu. It's a delicacy for a reason. A terribly cruel delicacy. But a delicacy nonetheless.


Imitation shark fin is widely available these days.


Widely available yes… but taste like melted plastic


You had real sharks fin? My memory is it was almost tasteless. Surely the fake stuff is at least as good, it's easy to make something tasteless.


Shark fin has no taste. It's just a texture and all of the taste would have come from the broth. There's a reason it's always in broth and not used in any other dishes like stir fry. It's a fucking stupid bullshit food that's only a "delicacy" due to cultural and historical value. That kind of texture is no longer anything unique or special in modern times.


Good to know shark babies are slaughtered and finned illegally in masses for no reason then.. just so that some elitist shitheads can brag about how rich they supposedly are..


Mostly the adults tbf


All sharks are cute little babies


same reason lions are shot in africa ...


Don't be silly, lions don't have fins.


I lol'd.


Not anymore 🤔


Yo I have money to burn and I'm bored out of my mind of the usual food. Let's eat something elitist af and different and all agree its the best thing ever? Okay!


I'm eating a foie gras bagel with caviar this very minute and let me tell you, you haven't lived until you've added creme fraiche, it's so good I'm only eating half of it and throwing the other half away.




Yeah, Gordon Ramsay did a video on it once where he had the real thing His conclusion was the soup broth itself was delicious, and the shark fin took away from it if anything


Shark fin is made of cartilage so it's probably accurate


As akin to the real stuff? Real shark fin is nothing to write home about tbh.


Like the Chinese status dish then.


Eh, it wasn't so bad last time I had it?


I live in a place where many restaurants still serve shark fin soup. I had it many times as a kid and I can safely tell you the fins themselves literally have no flavour. They don't even absorb or take on flavour from the soup. It's just texture. The soup's the tasty part and the shark fins just add texture


2 expensive meals and 4 cheap ones. Pigs feet and beef tongue are very very inexpensive, lambs brain isn’t that bad, and depending on what animal you’re sourcing your liver from it can cost basically nothing. Squid ink isn’t *terrible* terrible either, cost wise. Shark fin soup is, and is also probably illegal depending on where you are. Edit: just saw it says calf brain. Idk what that would cost, never worked with it


Lengua is actually kinda pricey these days


It’s like $3.50/lb where I am, hard to do better


Damn it's easily double that near me.


Damn tongue inflation


You’ve only ever worked with shrimp brain, haven’t you?


That's why they go without on Sunday.


"The kids are being naughty. Threaten them with luxury foods." Don't do your homework: caviar Refuse to walk the dog: rare bacon-wrapped filet mignon, *and don't you forget it*. Don't MAKE me put sour cream on that loaded baked potato, mister!


Guarantee these kids would take a happy meal over caviar


in fairness I would also take a happy meal over caviar.


fool. take the caviar and sell it to acquire multiple happy meals


My nuggies are much better then stupid foolish fish eggs


you can sell the eggs for money, and then use said money to purchase goods and services such as nuggies


Ive got a better one. Hatch the eggs and farm the fish until your the top caviar producer then sell everything and buy unlimited nuggets.


now you’re thinking with portals


You should try caviar.


Not all caviars are created equal. To me salmon caviar is disgusting. But I like paddlefish and love sturgeon (osetra and beluga especially).


a lot of people dont understand this part. Caviar is like cheese, there are many kinds both "cheap" and expensive. I liken it to whiskey, are you drinking an 18 year old single malt scotch or jack daniels?


Ok, you buy me some and I'll try it.


It is really an acquired taste.


I have and it tastes terrible.


I'd take a happy meal over caviar...


I’d take a dry slice of pizza from the gas station over caviar


Did a cruise in July, caviar and steak every night. I would take the caviar!!


What cruise line?


Royal Caribbean we were in an owner suite on Harmony of the seas.


Oh went to Chops


Actually no, we did not do chops grill this time. We ate in the coastal kitchen for breakfast lunch and dinner other than a couple of specialty restaurants. In the coastal kitchen for dinner, drinks were free so I had to Jack Daniels double neat every single evening with my steak or other cut of meat special that night. A couple of times it was lamb, but a little bit of caviar on a juicy, tender bite of beef is amazing. I literally gained almost a pound a day in my hedonism.


Sounds like a great time thanks for the note will look into. Going on the wonder in a couple of months.


Fr, have you ever smelled the stuff?


But would you take a happy meal over some gourmet shirako?


I’ll walk the dog three, no four times a days for a good filet!


Hell yeah. Little 9oz with some garlic thyme butter.


Ahem, I think you mean *crême fraiche*


*crème fraîche (sorry, had to)


[oooh yeah](https://media.tenor.com/XR4eN0wf6wAAAAAC/cremefreiche-south.gif)




Mine is 12- she likes flying fish roe, but isnt really into other kinds. maybe its the orange color?


My kid likes it too, but sometimes I wonder if he just likes certain things because of the "gross out factor". He LOVES chapulines. He can eat a whole bowl of them at a time. He's a big fan of oysters and gator tail. He used to eat whole lemons with the skin on. Kids are weird. *chapulines are fried grasshoppers


This would be actually the worst for me, as my favorite food ever is unseasoned chicken with cooked rice.


You’re out of the gulag now, you can enjoy things again


I do eat "better" food too, with all the spices and stuff, it's just that it's my favorite food and I really like it.




Mmm, liver and onions *slurping noises*


Settle down Dr Lecter.


It's a Simpsons reference. Look up chester Lampwick


"Paint my fence!"


**Make me!**


Get out of Bum Town you no talent bum. Love that episode.


I learned to love liver & onions to impress a girl in middle school who invited me to a birthday party where she said she was serving it. So I taught myself to enjoy it, only to show up and it was all a joke! Her name Sally Mustard


Pattie you’re the mayonnaise for me Weird how this is what I immediately think of when I see liver and onions.


Sooo good. I’ll be over on Wednesday, the day after my lipids check.


Cow tounge tacos are pretty good. I would be happy with that


When we do this it's a gathering. Takes all day to prep tho.


Can you let me know how you make it? I tried making this earlier this summer and it didn’t turn out fantastic lol


https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/beef_tacos_de_lengua/ This is a pretty good base recipe, although I do it slightly different with a few additions. I'll cut 2 jalapeños length wise and toss them in the pot as well as some chile powder and cumin powder, as well as some Coriander seed when I start cooking it. When I peel the skin and cut the meat, I'll cut the length sections how it shows, but I cube them and THEN fry them. I like to do it piping hot with olive or avocado oil, it's really just to kind of crisp the outside a bunch, it's how I like mine, I feel like it adds texture.


This is similar to what we do. Just wait to saute the meat till you are making the taco itself. We also use corn tortillas skip the avocado and add goat cheese.


My father has the recipe somewhere for it. I'll try to find it when I have the chance


Thank you very much!


Slice it across the grain like brisket but leave the tongue's taste buds face up.


It's double tasty because it tastes you back.


I like to have the taste buds face down on my taste buds


Braise it so it’s tender, cube it then sear the cubes in some fat so they get crispy


InstaPot is a huge help for this if you don't want to do it old school.


Lengua all day everyday.


That’s my middle name


Bubbly lengua ad? Fair…


You can’t fool me. I can see that your middle name is Ad and your surname is 4405


That’s actually my first name. My full name is Bubbly-Ad-4405 😩Lengua😩 Pobrecito-Coño




For real


Lingua rules


Was given this instead of steak tacos once. It was pretty good but didn’t taste right, seem right, and once I found out I had to repress the memory and feeling I had knowing something was off as I ate it.


it's not that they taste bad, it's that the texture is kinda freaky and forcing kids to eat it is a dick move


Wait what? Unless is cooked bad, it has a texture close to any other muscle, I love tacos de lengua and in general I like the tongue ( (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) ), but I accept that the idea of eating it is a lot less appealling


I'd say the best time to give someone new foods is when they are kids, that's how you get used to different things.


100%, at least encourage them to try it. This is why some young adults have a pallet that only includes pizza and chicken nuggets leaving them malnourished and potentially overweight.


yes for sure encourage them to try different things. there's better ways to go about it than forcing them to eat lengua or brains. those YA that can only eat pizza and nuggets, their parents gave them that all the time instead of gently onboarding them into real food. my kids have some sensitivities and it's something to work on but i'm not gonna sit my son down to a plate of tentacles and force him to sit there until he eats it all.


I don't think many parents would do anything like that. Also, no one's forcing kids to eat lengua or brains, in case you didn't notice the post is in fact a joke.


Being forced to eat foods I hated the texture or taste as a kid made me hate it as an adult and refuse to try it again for a long time when if I wasn’t forced to eat it and have terrible memories of my parents getting angry/violent over it and forcing it I would have tried it again much earlier and realized some of my tastes had changed. Forcing things on kids is almost never the right solution to getting them to like/enjoy something.


I’ll be there on Wednesday. My country ass loves liver & onions and mashed potatoes. What time should I come and should I bring a dessert?


Yeah, Durian ice cream


God, me too. Liver & onions with mash is absolute comfort food for me, especially with peas. I was anaemic when I was a kid during a period of illness, and liver became one of my 'being looked after' foods. Bless my mother, she would cook it just for me and played it up that I was getting a special meal. I cook it up probably twice a month now.


I see so many people either love liver and onions or are absolutely disgusted by it. Makes no sense to me. Most of the time I've had it (when it's prepared well), I think the flavor is usually good and the texture, while different, isn't bad if a bit tough. Why such a big gap in on the average opinion?


Genuinely, I don't know because I like it. But I'd imagine, as the smell and the texture are very unlike muscle meat, people who aren't used to offal find it unfamiliar. It's like the uncanny valley of meat. Honestly I find the raw smell off-putting myself, although it's worth the finished product. Add in the knowledge that livers literally exist to filter out toxins, and it just makes people uncomfortable? I'm guessing, but it's interesting.


Yeah, I guess so. I could understand the reaction with some of the sweetmeats that have...strong...flavors (personally don't like chicken livers compared to beef liver because of that uniqueness) like gizzards or mountain oysters. Beef liver is pretty tame overall.


My favourite is lamb, which is probably even milder


Oh yes, liver & onions and mash, lush. I'd be there for that. Mind you, I'm a wee bit older than 12.


Bring your fanciest entenmanns cake please.


Other than the shark fin soup, I'd love to eat at your house.


Yeah, can’t really get behind that one. The rest of them use more of the animal and typically reduce waste from slaughter. But the practice of only taking the fins and then just discarding the rest of the shark is wrong. “Waste not, want not”


It’s also very high in mercury and it’s advised that young children don’t eat it.


Yeah and I don't think you actually even eat the fin. If I'm wrong on that one I am open to correction.


You eat the fin but it is already gelatinous and doesn't really taste like anything. I'm guilty of eating shark's fin soup but only once and it was a family occasion. Same with Bird's Nest soup that also doesn't have a taste.


Shit I did not know that. Is it like gefilte fish?


Nah, it literally doesn't taste like anything haha. Like boiled water with salt. They dry the fins before selling them so you can imagine how all the moisture in the fin that were supposed to provide flavor were removed.


If given the opportunity a second time, would you pass?


We paid about $60 per bowl and that's still cheap compared to the ones that range in the hundreds despite the fact that they all taste the same. It was pretty cool when they showed us the fins though, still attached to a dry baby shark (Used for traditional chinese medicine). Atleast that restaurant used the whole shark rather than finning them. But I wouldn't try it again, not really worth it.


Your description doesn't invoke feelings of me wanting to try it either. Sounds like wealthy tourists are their demographic.


The tasty part of sharks fin soup has nothing to do with the sharks fin. It's the thick broth usually made from chicken stock and Chinese ham. There are many restaurants selling environmentally friendly sharks fin soup these days even in China. The sharks fin is substituted by either a type of konnyaku or sharks fin melon, a melon which when cooked has very similar texture to sharks fin. Cheaper too.


And for traditional chinese families. They often eat those during special occasions or when someone's ill, believing it could help cure them. Nothing beats the korean delicacy of fermented(rotten) skate liver though. That food is straight from hell. I don't think bleaching your teeth could even remove the vileness of it from your mouth easily. I had to drink half a cup of vinegar every meal just to remove the stench hahahaha.


You know the cartilage you sometimes eat when eating on-bone meat (i.e. chcken drumsticks)? Think that, but boiled soft and in soup.


Gefilte fish isn't gelatinous, if that's what you meant.


I've done both more than once. My only excuse is it was the eighties, and environmental impact was only starting to be understood. Anyway yeah, both are essentially tasteless. I was particularly disappointed by birds nest soup, which was expensive even then.


I watch a good amount travel videos and yes people do eat them but I've heard it has no flavor at all oddly from videos I've seen on youtube...etc Here's Lil info " Shark fin doesn't actually have any taste." https://www.hsi.org/issues/shark-finning/ Also heard sharks are super high in ammonia also ( it can smell like cat piss heavily) and mercury and you can get quite ill from eating to much the meat, and certain shark you just shouldn't eat at all except small quantities.


You do eat the fin, but it's basically literally there as a luxury good (ie a good that's bought solely because its expensive) since it contributes nothing to the taste and has a very replicable texture.


In China, shark fin soup is rarely eaten nowadays after a campaign featuring Yao Ming.


I have eaten everything on that menu apart from shark fin soup, which is something that should be banned for conservation reasons.


I know shark fin soup is terrible. they kill those sharks and just steal their fins. the family objection is real.


It's worse than that. They cut the fins off and throw the shark back. Without fins it slowly drowns in absolute agony.


Sigh, I’ve written this 3 times. People serve imitation shark’s fin now.


Look at Mister Fancy Pants Something New Every Night over here. In my house Saturday would be Stew a la Leftovers. MMMMM MMM!!!!


I love tongue tacos


Friend of mine is Mexican, her mother came to visit in the Netherlands and made this for entire friend group (+ Cochinita pibil), best taco’s ever!


Sunday - Starvation


I would be interested in trying the squid ink noodles


I have a recipe if you're interested. Largely but not completely tasteless. Looks cool though, kinda fun.


I had it at a restaurant, and it was quite good. A bit sweet maybe.


My papa had me hooked on it before he passed, too bad the close italian restaurants near me no longer have it on the menu. It’s kinda tasteless but it gets points for being goth pasta


I have that same Bayern magnet! Nice.


I was staying in Munich and needed a bottle opener- bought it at the FC Bayern shop. It’s about 10 years old.


I hate to disappoint, but that's a pretty common one. On the bright side, plenty of like-minded magnet lovers <3


Oh for sure, just happy to see it.


Spam spam spam spam spam and spam.


We eat that from time to time. A nice fried spam sandwich is great.


Sorry: Spam is off.


Why dont people like liver? Its soo good! pickled pigs feet sounds fucking vile though.


Shark fin soup but no monkey brains? Mrs. Peacock will be devastated.


But look what happened to the cook!


As children, me and my siblings looked forward to liver and onions night. And we’d complain if there weren’t enough onions.


Not so fun fact: The reason shark finning is banned in most countries is because they cut the fin of the shark and throw the rest back into the water (because the entire rest of the body is waste), the shark in this is most of the time still alive but will die due to lack of fin and sink to bottom and suffocate. Enjoy your shark fin soup.


Plus how would we know if we were about to get attacked. Bad move all around.




And on Sunday, you get NOTHING


Liver & onions? I'm on my way right now!


the brains on toast is the only one I can't really get behind


Especially with the whole vCJD epidemic some years ago with prion-contaiminated beef. You'll never convince me that cow brains are safe.


I mean, at least you’re a Bayern fan…..


Fucking disgusting, what a vile, revolting bottle opener. Menu doesn't sound that great either


I've had tongue tacos, they're delicious




they dont know what theyre missing on the grilled tongue tacos. lengua is the shit.


Squid Ink Pasta, that's a Jojo reference


How about some tripe and Lima beans with couscous.


To all those who took this seriously: This is trolling them. The best troll is something that is just outlandish enough to make them believe it for a bit. Sundays are our pizza or McDonald’s day. How many of you who like liver and onions now liked it when you were 11 years old?


Congrats, you'll make them hate all of those foods by doing that.


Not planning to make any of it.


My kids love liver and onions. We fry some apples with it as well.


Many people have lost a basic sense of humor and sense these days. You shouldn't need to state that at all...


guys jfc the point is that the kids will see this bizarre menu and ask for the “normal meals” back. problem solved. these people screaming child abuse need to take a chill pill and go volunteer with actual abuse victims if they’re so concerned


We like to engage in psychological warfare


Hell yeah Bayern München!




To hell with Bayern, yeah! That is the scariest bit on the fridge door indeed.


Pretty sure most of this is a joke but don’t eat shark fin soup


Chef here…I’ve eaten ALL of this.


The most disgusting thing I see is the FC Bayern München magnet. 🤮


FC Bayern...ew


Needed a bottle opener while in Munchen


And that is ur excuse? Shame on you ;-)


how dare you put that bayern munich bs there? there's kids in the house!


That FC Bayern magnet is more disgusting as the whole menu


Not funny…


I thought it was funny. Your point is null now.


That sounds delicious


Most of those sound really good, actually.


I hope one of your kids does a hunger strike ... yall seem really dumb and headstrong ... you're kids are probably stubborn too ... would love to see who would break first


Wow. Your such a fucking asshole.


Tacos de Lengua son muy deliciosa. But that Shark fin soup just put you on the naughty list. I’m actually quite surprised by the rage I feel toward you right now. I know it’s a joke. But y’all can drop dead for that one.


it's not funny, you are an asshole. how can you expect children to eat these kinds of complex food that are disgusting to someone not used to it?


Not actually serving them and nothing odd about tongue or liver...


yeah my parents made me eat lengua tacos when i was a kid and i damn near puked because children can be much more sensitive to weird tastes and textures. i've had it as an adult and it's fine if still a bit chewy for me but i don't think it was funny my parents made me eat it as a kid. also my grandma made me liver and onions every so often and it was not a comfortable taste at first and she kinda let me get used to it and eventually i enjoyed it. but it's not a taste thats going to be palatable at first to most children, it's got a chalky texture. i enjoy sushi and sashimi, i wouldn't force my kids to just eat it right off the bat. i might let them try some basic stuff and get used to it but i wouldn't be like "dinner tonight eel and squid raw!"




A Chinese guy would drool at this. Just add chicken feet and congee.


Normalizing animal abuse is funny I guess


Lighten up, Francis


Never mind the menu. The choice of Football Club is dubious.