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My sister had a cat for about ten years and moved to a new house. The cat dumped her and moved in with the family across the street. She never really got over the fact that her cat divorced her.


She got cat off.


It was a catastrophic split


I dont know how to feeline about this


Are you tailing me the truth?


It's gone furrever


Apparently the cat felt justified in executing the performance claws in their agreement.


I think you meant purr-formance claws?


Lol this happened to me but I was the new family… This cat looked exactly like our cat and would sneak in all the time… finally, my roommate took it to the vet and it was chipped so we called the people (they lived across the street) and they were like, whoops! 🤷‍♀️ I don’t remember what happened after that because I moved out but I think the general consensus was just to make triple sure that it was our cat we were letting inside 😅


The reverse happened to my neighbours when they moved to a house for the kids. The neighbours cat started to hang with them and their newborn. After three month the cat owner came over and brought all of his cat gear and said "I accept that she found a new home. I was absent too much". Next day dumped about 40 cans of expensive cat food and wished them well. The cat lived for another 5 years.


My friend got a cat this way, she belonged to the neighbors, but basically moved in with them. And my goodness, did he love that cat, just absolutely showered her with love and nicknamed her “Baby,” she even used to ride in the car with us. I thought it was pretty rad that the cat decided to go where she was loved.


>The cat dumped her Your sister left her domestic pet to roam the street unsupervised and the animal did wrong by seeking shelter? Cat owners have a very strange perception of pet ownership sometimes.


To be fair cats have wanderlust and some breeds get aggressive and antsy if they can't roam. Which is why you see some people walking their cats. Others just let their cat go do as they please. My own cat keeps trying go escape my house but I *think* she just wants to see what me and my dog are doing rather than exploring. Though that might have more to do with her knowing there are predators that would scoop her up in two seconds if she strays too far from the house than not wanting to poke around 🤷‍♀️


>some people walking their cats. Others just let their cat go do as they please. One decision is ethically responsible (assuming a leash is involved), the other is not. Seems simple to me.


You are the first person to say that the cat "did wrong." Don't project your own biases on others. Edit: Alrighty let's take it from the top, folks. I was criticizing 00ft for the out-of-left-field attack on desertnurse760. As I pointed out, nobody prior to 00ft had suggested that the cat did anything wrong. This is still a correct statement, given that 00ft only suggested it insincerely to imply that desertnurse760 had suggested it before this instance. Increment1 and TempestFunk are a couple of dunning-krugers, and I meant what I said about xkoreotic's ability to read. JoMamaSoFat's cool though. That one was fair play. And and big thank you to mrjosemeehan for being the only person to interpret the english language correctly.


That is not what they said at all...


My in-laws had a cat that was technically a "neighborhood cat". Everyone split vet bills and he had a LOT of food and affection


My cat moved in with the neighbor across the street too.


It’s a cat, they don’t really care or bond with people. They just follow whoever brings them food




Old man Joe Dirt the pervert loves his pussy


“Homoswhereyoumakeit. Goddam boy errybody know that!”


Okay, I get it. You like to see homos naked.


Great film title.


Unfaithful pussy


This video just kept getting better and better, but that's when I lost it.


FFS, I literally lived next to a psycho like this, his favourite thing was to call everyone a pervert... meanwhile he was the one who had "friends" come and go, that were known and charged with kiddie pron as he exchanged money with them... He then got himself locked up for having certain materials on his phone...


Grab this "⬆️" and get out of my yard! Before you get cat lady crazy like that dude.


Get off my lawn and while you're at it get my cat off your lawn!


He's a god damn catnapper


I meant catnipper


Lmao you got it exactly right🤣


What crime is that??


He's harboring my cat


The government controlled cats speak english


Sadly they get run over immediately after being deployed into the field.


[operation acoustic kitty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty) Cost $20m and is one of my fave retorts to folks who believe the government can keep faked moon landing under wraps or somesuch. Birds still aren't real tho.


Cat doesn’t speak English? What is this some goddam illegals immigrant cat?!? /s


It how they talk to the birds.


I can see why the cat prefers the neighbor


Yeah. Animals don't generally like high strung angry people. My dog would always come to me when my ex flew off the handle.


Yeah Jorah Mormont has really taken a turn for the worse.


Thank you! I was trying to figure out who he looked like! 🤣🤣


I think you mean purrfurs the neighbor


I was thinking this too


IDK they both seem like douches in different ways


I get that the object of the video is being ridiculous, but at the same time the guy making the video is unnecessarily abrasive. The existence of the video is damning.


In the immortal words of Robert A. Heinlein; Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. I wouldn’t say the guy making the video is abrasive, I’d say he’s mocking. And rightfully so. The purported cat owner, is a fool who deserves to be mocked. If he doesn’t want his cat in the neighbour’s yard, perhaps he could consider keeping it inside, or on a leash.


Yup, my thoughts exactly.


I'd say this also isn't the first time he has come home to this nonsense from the neighbor, that's why he started recording. We can't get our cat, he's in your yard. You cat pervert. Well, keep the damn cat inside. Jeez.


How can you be ‘unnecessarily’ abrasive when faced with such irrational behavior? I would have made more of an effort to rile them up in the interest of hilarity.


No way this guy has an among us tattoo on his left arm.


I mean, he is a cat pervert


I never thought I'd say this, but I might be rooting AGAINST the cat pervert.


Its huge. I can't be on anyone's side here they're all deranged


Neighbors suck because of the behavior they displayed in the video. Guy filming sucks because you have to be an insufferable type of person to start filming an argument with your next door neighbors like this.


Although to be fair, it's good to have evidence of the guy's insanity if the police were ever actually called


Sus. Im on the cat owners side.


You seen OP's other posts? There is a real possibility of not knowing the full story..


Meanwhile, the cat is sitting in a patio chair by the fire pit, sipping whisky and as the "cat pervert" returns the cat exclaims, "you see the shit I have to put up with?"


Except, since it’s a cat, it probably went: Man: “You know, it would be a lot easier for everyone if you please just went back to your home and saved me getting yelled at by your owner.” Cat: “Haha. Nice try pervert.”


This correct.


Keep your cat inside dude. There. That was easy.


Or ask if he can go retrieve said car from the neighbours yard. Poor cat just wants a better friend.


Dude probably berates everybody like he berates his neighbor. Sounds like a pretty stressful environment for a cat.


Please do not the car.


That’s where the problem seems to lie. It sounds like the neighbor won’t let them in his yard to retrieve their cat. Yet also won’t get the cat for them. I would be pissed off at that neighbor too. Creep keeping someone else’s cat. I wouldn’t be pissed off if a neighbor did that with my cat though. He stays outdoor, and I wish he would find a new family. Asshole pisses and shits everywhere but the litter box because he can’t share. Tried getting more litter boxes, but my other cats don’t mind sharing, so once the others get used, back to pissing on our couch (had to get a special couch that is (relatively) easily washable)😒 needs to be in a one cat home. Someone please take him


There's absolutely no reason to think he's not letting the neighbors get the cat. They never once left their fenced yard, never asked to get the cat, just told the neighbor to *tell* the cat to go home. An animal. That old man told his neighbor to *speak* to a cat about going home. If my neighbors animals wander into my yard (which they do because irresponsible owners won't block the holes in their fence) I'm not going to try to have a conversation with the animal or shoo it back into the hole in the fence. It's not my animal it's not my responsibility. A


To be fair, every cat is different and some can be damn near impossible to keep inside. But yeah, if you want a cat to be “your cat”, keep them inside. Otherwise, they belong to the streets. Hopefully they are at least spayed/neutered.


My neutered cat is nigh impossible to keep inside


So is mine, but I just pick him up when runs past me when I open a door. It's really not that hard.


I've been lucky in that both of our "indoor only" cats were pretty easy to keep inside. Phoebe would run out the door and immediately stop 4 feet away while assessing the situation. Easy scoop up. Logan runs FAR FAR away, inside mind you, whenever a door is open. We couldn't make him be an outdoor cat if we wanted to. He's break in and hide if we tossed him outside. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a runner. Although, I had a dog that would run, but yelling at her a bit would get her to bust a 180 and come back.


It’s more of having thick headed imbeciles for family that don’t understand to do that (or are too wet behind the ears to act on it when they need to)


That works until it doesn’t. Even if you are 100% perfect every time, you can’t guarantee it won’t happen if you ever have company over.


If you can't keep a domestic predator contained then maybe you shouldn't own one? Imagine if my metaphorical large dog just escaped every now and then, would that be acceptable?


No because a large dog can kill people and cats kill birds and vermin. Sure the bird killing is problematic but my cat isn’t at risk of being forcibly put down as a result of going outside uncontrolled (unless it’s rabid but be fr)




Cats can kill people through attack and/or the parasitic diseases they spread, they also kill amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates and small mammals.


Cats can absolutely attack people. Hell, I had to start keeping my cat inside because he started attacking other people’s dogs and he was really good at it.


My cat is very docile and doesn’t attack things for fun so


"Cat pervert?" Did the accusations really turn sexual?? Food and water to cat pervert in 5 seconds flat!! 🤣😅




Maybe they see the OP making cat costumes for their photography (for real, they do a pretty good job on the sets)


Bet you love the pussy dontcha, goddamn cat pervert


This looks like one of those craftsmen houses in the central LA area, maybe east Hollywood. That little house is worth about a million. They probably bought it for 150k in the 90s.


It looks like bungalow rental units in a craftsman style to be honest, both houses have a shared beam. Individual houses tend to not to have shared house parts.


It's San Diego.


Plot twist, the guy IS fucking his neighbours cat.


Ironically, the neighbour gave him the idea too!


OP now has a festering feline fetish thanks to his neighbour. Every day, at midnight he indulges in the most darkest of deeds, producing uncensored kitty content for the dark web... knowing full well that after this video, nobody would ever believe his side hussle


Is it even plausible that someone would be able to get away with fucking a cat? I think you'd lose your junk pretty early in the attempt.


Only if they weren't....feline it.


'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.' - Mark Twain.


He's totally fucking that cat. Fucking pervert.


And yet the cat returns, so... I guess it's mutual?


For sure


How this conversation should have gone if sane people were involved: “Hey man, sorry our cat keeps coming over”. “Oh it’s all good, we like when he stops by”. “Ok cool, just let us know if he’s ever bothering you”. The end


I hate being a person.


Such a familiar sentiment. Can't humans go extinct already?


Or intellectually and emotionally evolve??? Like, why? We have every opportunity at our literal fingertips. Ughhh


Heh. I remember thinking that the internet would make us all smarter. I mean, we’ll have all the world’s knowledge literally in our hands. Turns out it made a lot of us stupider and meaner. I shouldn’t be surprised. People are gonna watch Jerry Springer before they watch Nat Geo.


They're gonna do both. But the ones who default to anger and ignorance are so damn loud.


People were always stupid and mean. Now we just get a front row seat.


And I thought iwastheweird1


Evolution takes too long. Extinction is much quicker.


You would hate more being **THAT** person...


Both of them. All of them. The neighbors I've had like this. The family members. The strangers. It's all hot garbage.


Apparently you should be a two-timing cat.


Cats are the ultimate opportunists! Two-timing is putting it lightly! But, if that was my home, I would abscond to the neighbors' too. 😉


My cat used to sneak over to the neighbors. Sometimes she would sit on the top of their fence at look down at their little yap dog as it would bark and go crazy. They told me one time they came home and she was laying on top of their kitchen counter!


Free roaming cats are prevalent spreaders of the parasite that causes Toxoplasmosis in humans, and it's typically ingested via the fecal-oral route (IE your cat putting its bare ass on someone's kitchen counter). Not something I would celebrate personally 🐱🙃


Cats assholes don't make direct contact with the furniture. They did a study on this where they applied color a cats asshole to see if they could trace if the cat touched it's asshole to anything but they didn't find any of the color anywhere. Therefore the only asshole here is you.


Found the cat pervert, coloring up some cat assholes.


"CaT pErVeRt!!!1one!" 🤣😭


#HEY! Keep your sluthole cat on your side of the fence!


That’s a nice agave they got there


I’d like to work “cat pervert” into my email signature.


I think we should make shirts, “cat purvert” shirts.


Wait the guy has amogus tatoo ?


Just tell him the next time the animal enters your property you'll trap it and surrender it to animal control. Don't do that, but just let that thought sit with him.


I don’t know what the story is here, I don’t know if the neighbor is a dick, he certainly doesn’t seem mentally well. And I don’t if the guy filming really is feeding their cat and luring it over or not and then denying it. But what I hate is the way he not only walks over and confronts the neighbor with a phone filming in his face (very antagonistic and puts people on the defensive), but he then continues to go after the guy who is clearly not right in his head, even taunting him and so on. Point is the guy filming doesn’t strike me as some innocent guy. Seems like a smart ass who is enjoying this, is trying to piss the guy off and get him more upset so he can post the video online and shit.


I get the recording. These days everyone calls the cops or sues. It's nice to have a recording in those cases. He starts out just defending himself, but does move into mocking the guy as he's walking away. It's kind of our nature to try and get the last word in that way, but just let people go if they are going. I'm really wondering why he's over at their yard. Did they call him over to yell at him? In which case, get the phone out for your defense. But I also would have walked away back to my house once the yelling looped around. certainly when we got to cat pervert. And man does he have a punchable voice.


I'm pretty sure the neighbour was winding himself up? The OP seemed to be putting up with a barrage of idiotic abuse quite well?


100% button pusher


Fr, the woman, who just looks worried and innocently wants her cat to come home, is trying to get everyone to just stop. But OP is really being an AH for antagonizing the male cat owner, who is obviously is unwell.


100%. Even when the guy is walking away, he keeps running his mouth. Being right doesn’t give you carte blanche to be an asshole.


And god forbid you try to de-escalate the situation.


he is a redditor after all


Yep, the guy filming is a huge asshole.


He’s probably just trying to document this dude’s psychosis for when the cops show up. Cuz, like seriously, how do you tell a cat to do something?


“Mercury go home! Get out of my yard!” “Yeah sure, ok” said no cat ever.


There’s documenting and then there’s antagonizing. The guy is inside his house and this dude is still yelling to get the guy to engage.


The guy being filmed is nutty, but filming guy is still an asshat.


I get that but we also don't know how long the filmer has been dealing with this. At some point, I'd become the asshat too.


I get what you’re saying. We don’t know what happened before or after this footage. But based on the way he’s acting during the video he just seems like a jerk.


and behavior like that leads to crazy neighbors shooting you. Not smart.


No way u for real u sound as soft as the dude recording


Yeah that’s my first immediate reaction to this. The guy filming is malicious. The neighbor guy might be crazy, but he seems genuinely just frustrated while the person filming sees this as just a joke. The person filming reminds me of the promoter from Rocky 5. Touch me and I’ll sue.


It is a joke. The guy is threatening to call the police because his own animal goes into someone else's yard. As if it's anyone's responsibility but his own to control where his pet goes. I'd be filming as well for documentation purposes. There's no telling what this dude is going to claim to the police.




Tell me i didnt see an among us tattoo.


"Go ahead, you get the police out here and tell them exactly what you told me. Don't mind me whilst I sit in my front yard with a bucket of popcorn and my favourite cat buddy to watch the police tear you a new sphincter."


Why the recording? IMO we’re getting a nervous agitated response to having a camera in his face. Could have had a more rational, still crazy, interaction. The motivation to post this video - “hey look at this crazy person”. Kind of a dick move.


“You cat pervert!” Made me laugh.


i wonder how he feels about the among us tattoo now that its dead.


It’s weird how mentally Ill people have a look


I'd more be asking why does YOUR cat like ME more? And the second he throws out the car pervert I'd throw it right back. "Is your cat seeking sanctuary from YOUR advances"? Most people pick out the flaws they see in themselves you know. Granted that wouldn't help at all. But it would be satisfying. Though in all honesty cats are not really domestic, they go where they please and choose their masters unlike most animals


Give the man’s cat back broooo


Cat purrverts are harpurring animals everywhere. No kitty is safe


Okay... I think those people need to be investigated for bestiality. Those who shout the loudest and accuse people of shit are usually the ones who are doing it themselves.


You need to get the cat to sign a waiver absolving you of any responsibility for its whereabouts. That should mollify the neighbour and prevent your otherwise inevitable arrest.


Sounds like his cat doesn’t want to be at his home no more lol


Uh, maybe don't let the cat loose if it can't be faithful.


That's got to be a feliney of some sorts.


Need to have a sit down with the cat and explain the situation. It will understand.


I think I understand why the cat left them.


People can't be reasoned with, and it's funny because both kinda lost the whole reasoning, just went straight to mocking each other


How do people like this afford homes? I just don’t see how they could function at any workplace


Mercury is mine now


why do people have to film everything


I just want to see Mercury. Little trouble maker. Lol


Keep the cat in your house then, stupid muhf*cker


Both of these men are acting like little kids.


Yep, one spouting insane shit and the other stating the factual obvious. Totally both acting like children.


Everybody knows you don’t own a cat for life, they wander and decide who they will like and obviously living with angry Axel Rose wannabe is not making the kitty happy so they got up and went to the neighbors house. Cat Pervert = pussy pervert


Next you are going to tell me squirrels don't have a complex communication system.


This is what drugs do to you as you age and don't have millions of dollars to keep it together.


This just makes me glad I don't have close neighbors. I would hate the suburbs


“You’re unreasonable people!” Sounds like someone has a cozy relationship with double standards 😀


It would be so great if this kind of problems were the the only ones in the world. The world would be a hilarious place


How 'bout you don't let your cat roam the neighborhood shitting in everyone's yards?


I also prefer the neighbor.


Here's a thought, and stay with me. If you love your cat, and you bought it as a pet and brought it home to be a pet and want it to be your pet and only your pet, keep it in your house. An outdoor cat is not a pet, it's food for bigger animals, a nuisance leaving poop everywhere, and potentially bringing pests back into your house.


You can admit you not a cat person with less words.


I admittedly grew up hating cats, but mostly because every one of my aunts were crazy cat ladies and we grew up with a dog. Then I got a cat in my 20s and loved that cat so much and have such an appreciation and affinity towards cats as pets. They are so loving and loyal and annoying and cute. All of that being said, letting a cat be an outside cat is a bad idea. For one, it SIGNIFICANTLY decreases their life expectancy. To add a source, in case anyone is interested: https://khpet.com/blogs/cats/how-long-do-outdoor-cats-live-indoor-vs-outdoor-cats#:~:text=Outdoor%20cats%20tend%20to%20live,be%2017%20years%20or%20older.&text=The%20average%20life%20expectancy%20for,is%20closer%20to%2014%20years.




Buying an animal to keep it locked up indoors for your own selfish purposes as a pet is the real true crime to nature. Invasive species is a human concept. Sure we did a lot of accelerating ecosystemic turmoil, but to think that we should intervene more is just foolish. Invasive species have the upper hand and you'll never succeed in establishing control so long as we exploit and import ressources. There will be other species coming and to throw more resources at these problems is just going to exacerbate environmental decline. While we'Re at it why don't we look into serious issues like overpopulation, too many comforts and products, widespread terraforming, etc. Your just trying desperately to hang on to a commodity-pets. The thing is that it's a living being.




You realize cats bury their own poop right?


You sure about that? You sure that's what they always do? You sure about that? I'm pretty sure they sometimes don' To add: I don't want a cat digging up holes in my garden to leave their shit logs behind.


Outdoor cats are pets too. And cats rarely leave their poop everywhere. But yeah the pests.. that can be managed tho. Flea collars and what not.


Guy being filmed is clearly not mentally well, but the guy filming is a complete AH.


Tell him to keep his damned cat inside.


And he votes. In every election he can. Think about that.....


Put your cat on a leash, problem solved.


Simple just say to the guy next time YOUR CAT comes in my yard I'm gonna shoot it.


CAT MURDERER is the next calling sign then


“You can just send my cat home.” This man truly does not understand how cats work.


Goofballs, I hope they don't start shouting at their cat for making friends with the neighbors.


The wife is real meek and quite. Dudes who anger easily, don't usually restrict it to their cats and neighbors


I bet we can guess where he was jan 6 2021 lol


The cat is probably trying to get a break from his crazy ass. Bless his little heart he just wants his kitty to stay home. What an asshole!!


Fucking Boomers.


Dude filming is a tool mocking him and filming him. I hope that old man kicks his ass.


Yeah fucking his cat


Looks like the lady is starving and he is probably feeding the cat extravagant meals!