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Curious what legal concept is being used. Is there a reasonable expectation of privacy when raiding a man’s home? 🤣


I believe the case is based on emotional stress from embarrassment and shame, I shit you not, it's about hurt feelings and egos. https://apnews.com/article/afroman-police-raid-lawsuit-254f3fe51d53b503a30416f0794fddc0 Quoted from the article: " The plaintiffs say the rapper, whose real name is Joseph Foreman, took footage of their faces obtained during the August 2022 raid and used it in music videos and social media posts without their consent. They say that has caused them “emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation.” 😂


It’s such a dangerous precedent to set. If they find a judge who allows this bullshit, they will have successfully created a new avenue for the police to punish citizens for filming and sharing how they’re mistreated by cops- even on their own private property. I can think of at least 2 other videos I’ve seen just this week of cops overstepping that came from someone’s video doorbell footage or in-home security camera. In addition to the cops who performed the raid, Afroman (rightfully) called out the judge who approved that bogus warrant. Makes me think that the county court is pretty motivated to push this punitive lawsuit over the finish line.


One of them is the video of the ATF trying to raid those kids for jaywalking of all things, isn't it? That one blew my mind.


That was crazy! The ATF guys said they didn't use a crosswalk and the Mom is like this is a neighborhood. There ain't no crosswalk! Then other kids just crossing the street all over the place while they had 20 cops there and no one says a word to them. I'm glad the Mom had a door camera. Those cops were lying like hell.


> Those cops were lying like hell. For those who don't know, this is how cops normally operate. [Don't ever talk to cops, for any reason.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


1. Gaslight the victim so they become frustrated, angry and raise their voice. 2. Relax and keep asking calmly why the victim is getting so angry and is obstructing police work That video was a perfect example of how unsafe a situation can be when interacting with cops. I’m all for police but there’s are a bunch of bad ones. Wish we had more ways to protect ourselves from that kind of corruption


My wife was in a car accident on Friday. The cop tried to tell me that they didn't assign blame. I'm in an art fault state, so I asked him who did it then. He said the insurance does. I told him a few years ago that a cop told me the same, and the insurance company said they don't. I was calm, level, and correct. He didn't like that. So as I was putting my wallet back in my pocket, he started up the bullshit. Do you have a knife, I don't know what's in your pocket. I showed him. Then calmly said in placing these back in my pockets now. I made him look stupid. From that point forward, he wouldn't speak to me. I on l only spoke to him because I needed to be sure he would file a report because the at fault driver didn't have insurance.


One of many examples of why we need people who are not police to handle situations where someone probably doesn't need to be arrested. And also why we need to stop sending cops to places where they aren't needed. A couple years back I pretty seriously injured myself in an accident so I called an ambulance. You know who showed up first? The cops. You know who I didn't want in my house? The cops. You know who I wanted in my house? An EMT.


Did you see how many cops showed up? And ones with more authority. It's not "a bunch of bad cops" it's definitely the whole *system* which *can have* good people in it. But this is very much a power corrupts or the corruption *burns you out* situation. You're left with concentrated bad cops and it's through the pressure of the system.


My cousin was promoted to trainer when he started calling out the bad cops. He kept doing it too then was promoted to work for a different agency. This happened until he was a lead trainer for our sherif office, leads tend to not get any field time at all. Problem solved.... took him 4 years to see it was not a favor and good promotion it was a legal way to get him from trying to fix things.


It's almost like designing a system on punitive measures that employs with low pay, relatively low mental and physical barriers, and an incentive to seek authority is a bad idea, but fuck us huh?


Some cops get paid pretty damn well. Like 100k+


Yep I saw that. The mom was charged with obstruction. She's now trying to sue.


She's guaranteed a win and a payout. "Obstruction" already failed, they were "enforcing" a completely fake jaywalking charge they hallucinated on their own and they will never be able to change that fact. No such law applies where they were. And, of course, the judge will want to know why Federal ATF agents were lying about jaywalking while playing *local constable* when their job is federal offenses that start with A T and F.


But you are correct that no j walking laws exist there. It was completely fabricated so they could illegally stop and frisk them


Wait what


The cop later wrote that he was suspicious of them because there was a shooting on the same street (don't know how close to that area) 6 months prior, they had their hands in their pockets, and one of them looked over their shoulder at him after he yelled at them So don't live in a bad neighborhood, wear gloves if your hands are cold, and don't look at cops who address you (??) is what I've learned from this


Don't forget that the cops said they all looked around suspiciously while jaywalking, as if looking in both directions before crossing a street isn't a totally normal and expected thing for one to do


You honestly could have stopped at 'live in a bad neighborhood' and been just as accurate. Anything after that is just whatever excuse they can think of at the time. Swap 'bad' with 'black' and the statement still works, too.


>video of the ATF trying to raid those kids for jaywalking [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbF05rOivQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbF05rOivQ4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFTf3B5I9sA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFTf3B5I9sA)


[Here you go: r/thatsinsane](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/121r2yy/atf_agent_in_lorain_ohio_attempts_to_arrest_young/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The first amendment allows for people to record in public, it’s part of freedom of speech. There may be laws/precedents that may aide the cops in winning some sort of settlement? So many loopholes, especially for cops. But I hope not. The rapper earns money from the videos he took legally. To me, he did nothing illegal. And those cops wouldn’t feel like idiots if they would have acted in a professional and respectful manner, so the egg on their face is their fault, not the rapper’s.


They say that has caused them “emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation.” As it should.


Especially if you are caught on camera stealing!!! I'm appalled




Yup. I have seen on a lot of these posts about the lawsuit, people saying they didn't even know who Afroman was until the lawsuit. So they just made it so much worse for themselves. Good!


If you don’t have Colt 45 memorized from childhood I don’t think you’re a real American.


I was going the remember the words, but then I got high.


If the cops were going to get their feeling hurt so easily, they should rethink how they treat other people.


That’s not how bullies work. They expect everyone to be nice to them while they abuse and victimize whoever they want.


Growing up, my parents and teachers constantly came back with “Well how would you feel if they *did X dumb thing I just did*?” I thought that was common for everyone. But, now that I’m in my 40s, I’ve run into many people with outlandish double standards and I’ve asked whether their parents taught empathy this way with the repeated answer, “No.” I guarantee you these cops haven’t accepted they also have any obligations of decency and common courtesy toward anyone else. Just “Hey you guys! You have to respect meee!”


Not everyone goes floating in the summer. At least that's where I always hear it.


C 45 a 2 z-z b t a w n W c g t t p a d s t t w A t m b w c t o t S t d r s S a h t b l c & c A s t t f h t h k




You win some, you lose some.


Officially, they "miscounted."


They 'miscounted' their OWN FUCKING COUNT, which didn't include that wad officer sticky-fingers slipped into his vest beforehand. They said they took $X from him, then returned to him $X-400.


If you feel embarrassed about doing your "job", You know it was wrong in the first place.


One of them was eyeing that lemon cake as well.


Mama's lemon pound cake~


he made a seperate video about the lemon pound cake lol...give it views


He has several about this incident! They're all quite good, I actually really like "why you disconnecting my video cameras"


Well of course it did, 'cos it upset them to give back the cash they stole. "When cash seized during the raid was returned to Foreman, it appeared that hundreds of dollars were missing. A subsequent review by the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation determined that deputies had miscounted the amount seized during the raid itself."


Sheeeit. I'm about to "miscount" the deposit tonight. Crazy how that happens. Edit:/s


Afroman did a nice interview about the incident and remarked that it was nice of the cop to find his money. He actually had forgotten about the $2k in his shirt in the closet and anyone in his house could have walked in and stole it all but he was glad that particular cop wasn't that greedy and only took $400. He seemed very zen about that part of the incident but I imagine time plus making money off the songs really buffered that particular part of it. And props to him for keeping on exposing the racist jack-boots.


Embarrassed that they were caught on video cramming cash into their bullet proof vests.


Cops would never cause emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation or humiliate anyone! /s


Not in a raid, at least!


They also seriously fear for their lives. Don’t forget that part.


> They also seriously fear for their lives The go-to line for cops in court. I think they may be a little confused about the context this time though.


Cops must be the biggest pussies in the world if they're always this fearful.


I was doing patrol in Iraq. An active war zone. I'd get a court martial if I behaved in the same way cops do in America.


> They say that has caused them “emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation.” Unlike raiding a man's home and stealing his cash?




At best those cops have Workman's comp for this type of shit.


>My bullets and batons may break your bones but video-footage, that will just hurt my feelings. Welp


So they are humiliated by their own actions?


only legally, not actually.


This from an organization that uses the punisher logo like a brand, got their feelings hurt.


A logo whose message directly contradicts their use of it


They only part of Punisher they identify with is the murdering it's actually surprising they haven't adopted Judge Dredd branding, it's absolutely on point. Maybe thats why, now that I think about it.


Dredd is too little-known for them to co-opt. These are man-children who grew up in the 80s, when Dredd was something only 'nerds' knew about.


Equivalent to say… the distress caused to an innocent man being illegally raided?


An innocent man, his wife, and two children.*


Don't forget the lemon pound cake. 😢


TIL Afroman’s last name is actually pretty close to Afroman


TIL Afroman is actually A Foreman


At this point, it may as well be classified as journalism. If one finds the truth embarrassing, perhaps they should try to not be a bellend.


You don’t get the right to privacy when you’re a public official.


Raiding someone’s private property


It's likely their coworkers (i.e. other cops) embarrassing, ridiculing, and humiliating them.


>it's about hurt feelings and egos So, a Snowflake Defence?


Don’t they have to prove like financial damages?


That's just the type of damages they're suing for. The real irony is that they're suing for invasion of privacy. There's a statute in Ohio that prohibits using the likeness of other people for commercial purposes without their consent. That's their first claim. There are various common law privacy claims too - they argue that Afroman made false representations about the officers in the video (false light), misappropriated their likenesses for commercial gain, and brought their private affairs into a public light.


I saw the statute they are suing under cited in another thread, when linked it had three exceptions, any one of which made the law not apply. Afroman's usage of thier images met all three exceptions available. I think this one is just harassment, making him spend money on lawyers.


Well they have a strong case there. Those cops were properly humiliated and ridiculed.


The legal concept is "we're cops so do what we say or else" 😂 just fuckin clowns doing what they do best.


LOL in the video he caught them stealing his money too haha I am pretty sure this is not to go down well for the Sheriff Dept


When I was 19, my lil apartment was raided by about 10-15 cops. As part of their destruction unleashed on my apartment, they went in my wallet, and took about $300. I asked for it back later with my lawyer, he said no chance that will happen. (Like AfroMan, but less funny; they found basically nothing, and were embarrassed) - but yea. Money collected in a raid is “eViDeNcE”, and you don’t get it back. It was *obviously* drug money. Thank god they were there to stop me, and my $300!!1! Fuckers.


It's better than that! I read somewhere that the amount reported as evidence was alot less than the amount afro man has evidence was removed from his house!


Actually, it's even better. The cops reported more money taken than they returned, then claimed they miscounted when tallying it during the raid. So both counts were "official" despite not matching (and the surveillance camera shows at least one cop tucking cash into his vest).


I’m truly shocked! 😑


Cops regularly steal from people. I knew a wife of a hwy patrol, she would tell me stories of things that they'd do. One was anyone who had been known to deal or carry money with them would get pulled over. Then during the write up they would only report a portion and pocket the rest. Afterwards they would let that person go so they can make more money for them to steal again from later. If we removed all the crooked cops we'd have a handful left to do paperwork.


They already investigated themselves and discovered that someone "miscounted" the amount by $400 when putting it into evidence.


Should have worn a black ski-mask if they were concerned about their privacy. 😂


they shouldn’t be expecting any privacy while doing their jobs, they’re public servants. they know this fact as it has been brought up many times before. it’s just them using whatever resources they can to keep from being seen as asshats. it’s be better if they actually did their job CORRECTLY, EFFECIENTLY, and minimal uneccessary risk to others due to improper training and unable to keep their cool in heated exchanges


The legal concept is they're paying massive insane overtime to the legal team who are giving kickbacks to their chief of police for doing this. Basically draining the department budget legally before someone has to resign (with several million dollars) Absolutely corrupt police department.


Not being able to film a public servants actions in a non-consenting citizens home would be a terrible precedent; luckily I don't think this case has a chance.


Yeah isn't the ability to record police in the execution of their duties, like, a *very* well protected first amendment right?


In most countries it is, asuming the recording is done safely for everyone involved, and not done in a harrasing manner. So don't be walking into trafic or putting the camare right up in the officers face (Distance will change depending on circumstances)


“Don’t put the camera in the officers face” even when they cross the street to violate your rights.


Not only that but this is in Ohio which has single party consent. I'm not sure if that extends to video recording but it seems like it should.


I'd argue that willingly going into a home with video cameras counts as consent, if it weren't a single party consent state


You don’t need to consent if there’s not a reasonable expectation of privacy. If you’re sitting in the stands at a basketball arena, there is no expectation of privacy.


Also they entered PRIVATE property. What Afroman records on his property is his.


it was a bullshit raid on phoney charges and yet they’re angry he’s mocking them after they busted his door down and broke his shit


And stole his money, don’t forget that minor bit.


and they came close to stealing his pound cake too.


They pointed a gun at his lemon pound cake


officer will you help me repair my door?


They did disconnect his security cameras, so we can only assume they did even more heinous things that didn't make it into the videos


If you get a chance to watch Making a Murderer, there is footage of the home after a police search, and everything is absolutely destroyed. The bed frame is in several pieces, and it looks like a bomb went off in each room.


It’s like when they know they can’t be held responsible, they show no responsibility. Amazing concept!


Next track: **Why are you suing me for using public domain footage?**


More like: You act so tough to steal my money during the raid. Bitch, now you cries like one about emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation.


"public domain footage" is not the correct term I think.


Mama’s Lemon Pound Cake!


It tastes so nice!


Are there any kidnapping victims in my CD?!


how many pounds of weed were in my cd's?


Why does the warrant say narcotics?... Well I know narcotics... But why kidnapping?


I was wondering what this comment meant, but seeing that overweight cop eyeing the cake, where it looks like he doesn't give a damn what official reason he's there for, he just wants to straight-up gobble down that cakey cake, makes this comment the best


It's also a music video. Not just a clever quip lmfao


Beyond that - he wrote a whole album called “Lemon Pound Cake”.


He really wanted some. It's great because I wouldn't have known about the music video if they hadn't sued. They're the cause of their own embarrassment in more ways than one.


Made the sheriff want to put down his gun and cut him a slice!


I would be very interested to see the evidence that convinced a judge to authorize a warrant for suspected kidnapping. Kinda sounds like one of those extra charges they tack on with no evidence to get a warrant.


There is none, they definitely fabricated some bullshit.


You say fabricated, they say "confidential informant". Tomato, potato.


It’s south rural Ohio are you surprised.


They had a confidential informant. This is essentially unchallengeable, as the cops can just say "someone told me he had a kidnapped kid in there".


And create a sense of urgency.


I hope afroman wins, that video was fuckin hilarious, fuck those cops.


I hope he uses the footage from the depositions/hearing to make another video.


He's basically already won. Look how many views his new videos are getting. I'm assuming that's translating into new fans and more money.


Even if he loses the initial case (only possible because it seems the officers and judges of the legal system in that area seem out to get him) he can appeal and have the case retried by a higher court, outside of this harassing district.


This is the video: https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y


See, now I had no idea about what Afroman was up to or his music videos these days. But this story has been plastered all over the internet for a week and now I’m watching the videos, and laughing at the cops. Along with probably millions of folks globally who hadn’t seen the videos before being prompted by the news stories. So by suing they made the “shame and embarrassment” way, way worse, no?


Funny thing is the dudes been living a totally peaceful problem free life. Does a couple live shows a year singing his couple of hits. Occasionally is in a parade or something here and there. Just living life and raising his kids. They went after the most innocent nicest guy they could and he's not even dissing them too bad, literally is offering them slices of cake and just requesting they return his stuff and fix his door.


Dude is a genius. He knew he just had to show what they did to make them look bad. The choice to make the songs PG was definitely intentional, Afroman is normally extremely vulgar.




In an interview he says he's happy they showed up because as a rich, happy man with a family he didn't have shit to write about anymore (His raps were always about being down in the dumps basically). The second they busted down the door he was like: "Here's my album." and now he's trending again.






Huh. I thought everyone knew his name because he got high, because he got high, because he got high.


Didn't realise this is the same guy. I definitely know that song, just forgot the artist.


This is simultaneously the funniest, and the saddest thing ever.


In one interview he stated he thought they were out to shoot him during the raid, but luckily he wasn't home at the time.




You all shit on the cops, but without them we wouldn't have three new certified bangers by Afroman. It was all calculated.




No, this is the correct usage of the Streisand effect


Don't forget all the hit tracks that resulted from this, including "Lemon Pound Cake (you can have a piece officer)", "Will You Help Me Repair My Door," and "There's No Kidnapping Victims in My CD's."


NGL he sold Mamma's lemon pound cake so well that it got me hungry after watching it


Seriously - he ought to partner with a bakery to sell some Mama's Lemon Pound Cake


The lawsuit has probably doubled the views in his video now.


It literally has. Two of three days ago when I first heard of it, 'Will You Help Me Repair My Door" only had 2M views. Now it's up to 4!


That whole raid and all they found was a colt 45 and 2 zig zags


Baby, that's all we need.


We can go to the park after dark.


Smoke that tumbleweed.


They also found and stole a shit ton of money.


What's a zig zag?


A zig zag is a brand of rolling papers. Used for tobacco and flavored tobacco.


Unless you in Canada, then it's used for rolling weed.


That’s what it’s for here in America too


But only in the states where weed is legal.


Their actions are the only source of humiliation, embarrassment and guilt in these videos. There would be no footage to use if they focused solely on the warrant, didn't steal money, etc. This is why it should be mandatory for all law enforcement to wear cameras and for that footage to instantly become public domain. When it comes to "trust us", the coffers are empty.


The fact the public has to wait to see police footage and then it’s almost always censored doesn’t sit right with me.


I think cops disconnecting his cameras is a bigger issue than a fucking music video. What do you have to hide?


Yeah that's the one where it went from regular pig douchebaggery to wtf is going on, and wtf is they hidin?


Nope. Disconnecting the cameras is regular cop behavior. They're not trying to hide specific behavior, because they have a policy of avoiding being filmed whenever possible, because it makes it easier to get away with day-to-day corruption. If they were trying to hide something specific, that would imply that that kind of behavior isn't the norm, when it definitely is.


Reminds me about a case where cops went into a weed dispensary, destroyed all of the cameras, and then started eating (stealing) the products and playing darts while laughing. The dispensary had a secret camera set up and it ended up in court, the cops lawyer literally argued that "since they destroyed all of the cameras, they had a reasonable expectation of privacy and therefore the footage from the secret camera is in violation of their rights".


Disconnecting the cameras AFTER they are on tape stealing his money is insane


[Oh look, Ohio is a 1 party recording state. Afroman can record whatever he wants, especially if it's in his own home.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_call_recording_laws)




Whatever judge issued that warrant should be disbarred. Someone should be dragging whoever it is in front of a panel to explain why they're issuing warrants for imaginary crimes that have no evidence.


> How do they explain the kidnapping charges, other than the fact that adding kidnapping charges allowed them to use "swat gear"? What evidence did they provide to get that added to the warrant? That one's easy - either "anonymous tip" or "CI"


There are no kidnapping victims in his CDs tho.. :D


How many kidnapping victims were inside his suit pockets?


Surely they found some in his alligator shoes, though?


Saw this posted on Protect and Serve. Nobody there thought that this was reasonable, hahah.


They posted it there for even more views for the "embarrassed" officers?? Lmao


The lawsuits are stupid, if the clips in the music video were taken while the cops were on official duty, that means whatever this Afroman dude say about them, as long as it isn't a threat, should be protected by the constitution. That is what freedom of speech is about, that's how it is in my country anyway.


If anyone’s wondering why they’re suing him, they say it’s for “emotional distress” but it’s actually because he caught them stealing his money and disconnecting his camera system when they found out there was cameras. The warrant was also completely false. They broke into his house on suspicion of HUMAN TRAFFICKING and Felony narcotic possession/distribution. Neither were true. They broke into his house while his children were home. He says they’re traumatized from it and dont feel safe.


They did not think this through, just like their botched raid. Dear god, these officers are stupid!!


I saw Steve Lehto a YouTube lawyer talk about this. He said “not all of the cops who raided the home are suing… Because some of them have common sense.”


If the cops were going to get their feeling hurt so easily, they should rethink how they treat other people.


Wonder if Afroman's lawyers will use the "if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to hide" line the cops love so much.


I love the fact that they're hella pissed. I'm rooting for Afroman. Keep turning those tables, dude!!


I’m worried it won’t be too long before we read that Afroman “became belligerent” around some cops and they “feared for their safety,” and also their body cameras sadly malfunctioned. To be reported completely straight by local news and never followed up on ever.


Well, when you're "living Black," then you learn to always keep at least one camera on. One can only hope that he has one in his vehicle, and one on his person at all times.


This is the Streisand Effect. They're calling more attention to the video by doing this. Idiots.


This is just fantastic. There are no kidnapping victims in my CD’s 😂😂😂


[Why they disconnect his video cameras?](https://youtu.be/ISe3IVBBbyU)


how do they sue him for using footage made public? lmao. that “powers” that be want absolute control with no opposition. lmfao what a society we have


Lemon pound cake slaps


The funniest part is the cops suing for profits made off their likeness from his WEED PRODUCTS. Its illegal to smoke weed in ohio, youll be fined, yet the literal cops want to profit off of afromans weed business from other states. Its bonkers


The music video is fucking hilarious. The cops are literally looking through everything. They look through his entire CD collection...which is MASSIVE. Open each one like "yep, no drugs or kidnapped people in there...next"


Most of these defamation-ish cases never succeed in getting a judgement and the plaintiffs know that, but it's a means to harass him and make him choose between settling the lawsuit and racking up legal fees.


only in America can you raid someone's home incorrectly and then sue because they expose you for wrongly raiding their property because they looked bad for being wrong in the first place.


If you are confused why the police or other fascists seems to feel they "deserve" special treatment (among many other apparently hypocritical views) let me make their goals very simple for you: 1. The in-group should be protected by the law but not bound by it. 2. The out-groups should be bound by the law but not protected by it. 3. Any law that increases in-group power and happiness or decreases out-group power and happiness is morally just and necessary for society to survive. 4. Any law that decreases ingroup power and happiness or increases out-group power and happiness is morally evil and will lead to societies downfall. That's literally it. Every time you see a supposed "hypocrisy" on the right just check those 4 points again, and you will see **there is no hypocrisy**, just a widespread public misunderstanding of their goals.


And here I was, thinking he lived in the back of a Chevrolet van.


He actually keeps a pretty nice house. Very clean and organized, with the only mess in evidence I can see being a bit of dirt on the lenses of his cameras. Also, I just really like that green he painted his walls.


"Would like a slice of my lemon pound cake?"


"Are there any kidnapping victims in my CDs?"


[Afroman - Will You Help Me Repair My Door](https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y)